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8317627 No.8317627 [Reply] [Original]

when was the point of no return? when you give up on them?

>> No.8317628 [DELETED] 


>> No.8317631

N64 was bad but SNES wasn't much better. NES and Gameboy were the only really good products they ever released.

>> No.8317634

after the snes. they literally didn't do anything right past that. sony fucked the sense out of them.

>> No.8317636

Twilight Princess.

>> No.8317642

They can make their fans buy anything. They're EA tier in terms of having braindead fans buying their shit every year.

>> No.8317650

Never. They have been consistently making the best consoles and games for nearly 40 years. The only console that was somewhat weak was the Gamecube, and even then it easily beat the competition.

>> No.8317664

This. See >>8317650

>> No.8317669

I didn't. They still make good games. Don't know why people are obsessed with this narrative that Nintendo must have had some great fall from grace at some point.
Your perception of them changes as you age, and you realise they're just a company, and not Willy Wonka's dream factory, and that's about it. It'd be more disconcerting if you never hit on that realisation, which I guess is how we end up with adult Valve fanboys.

>> No.8317670

TP was better than OoT tho

>> No.8317673

When I never bought a switch.
I still want to play some games on it though

>> No.8317696

>when you give up on them?
When the N64 happened. Everyone felt like they needed to do 3D because they finally could, and it just sucked. The games looked like shit, and I had zero interest in the company going forward.

>> No.8317702

I would say N64, but I think SNES is when Nintendo started to shit its pants when they actually had to deal with competition.

>> No.8317706

i didn't. i'd like to say they've been shittier after the wii/ds era, and to some extent they probably have, but realistically i just grew up after that and realized they're just a regular company same as microsoft and sony and windows.

>> No.8317714


>> No.8317719


>> No.8317730

They've been getting better since the Wii. Mario Galaxy aside, that was a bit of a slump for Nintendo.
>Zelda and Metroid games released on the Wii are just okay, Smash decided to cripple itself with slow gameplay and tripping, Kirby and Donkey Kong were pretty good, but have had much better entries since

>> No.8317760

The Wii U. It was their last good console. The ports are nice though. Hardware quality has taken a nosedive since and they don't seem to be able to pump up production on game development even though they merged their handheld and console teams.

>> No.8317776

Their fans hated Other M, Wind Waker, and Mario Sunshine. Why are Sony trannies like this?? It's like they are so fucked up and miserable with their "lifestyle" choices and try to escape that by being obsessed with other game companies instead of playing and enjoying games.

>> No.8317779

Its still the best gaming company hands down

>> No.8317782

I'd say the Gamecube but I actually kinda like the Wii. Wii U and Switch can suck a dick though.

>> No.8317783

TP is a good game. It is just also where they gave up on trying to be creative for a while.

>> No.8317814

Gamecube was the last good Nintendo console.

>> No.8318046

Haven't yet. They're still making good games and consoles.
They do seemingly questionable stuff a lot, but half of that ends up paying off huge for them, so you can't blame them.
I don't pay them for stuff I don't agree with like the switch online expansion and I do pay them for stuff I like like a new 2D Metroid game.

>> No.8318051

People who hate Wind Waker are delusional. There are missteps but by and large the game is a delight to play.

>> No.8318063

Wii U. Of the mind that one should earn extras/unlockables through hard gaming graft, not through DLC purchase. Dropped Nintendo when they started to churn out incomplete games.

>> No.8318074

>People who hate Wind Waker are delusional.
honestly if you like Wind Waker that's a problem you have to fix within yourself

>> No.8318076

*Twilight Princess

>> No.8318083

I wanted Gran Turismo, not dumb kart. Nowdays I like a lot of what they do more than Sony or Xbox.
Now Gran Turismo is dumb arcade for casuals.

>> No.8318089

Nintendo is like Metallica
1980s with all that classic shit
early 1990s snes era like black album era going strong and succesful
late 1990s n64 era like load era
2000s gamecube era like st anger era underappreciated cool and chill era i'd say also the last wild genuine pure era
then you get the wii like death magnetic which extend to early 2010s or so
theyìre back on their own thing at this point
finally you have the switch like hardwired

>> No.8318130

wii u

>> No.8318132

> They still make good games

>> No.8318162

They do. Or more precisely, their second party studios do.
Metroid Dread is the best new release I've played this decade.

>> No.8318170


>> No.8318178

ill give up on them when they stop making good games :^)

>> No.8318195

yuzu works pretty well

>> No.8318227

When I realised I spent just as much (if not more) time playing games on my friends' Playstations than I did playing my own N64.

>> No.8318230

Right on. Nintendies are literally so fucking braindead that even obvious cashgrabs like Super Mario 3D All-Stars sold more than 9 mil copies.
Imagine that for a second. Shitty ports of 20+ year old games were a best-seller. You can literally get an infinitely better experience with an emulator and that will cost you nothing.

I fucking hate nintendrones.

>> No.8318240

I haven't yet, but of course I can't speak for the future. Nintendo is still by and far the best company in the industry. I especially appreciate that they are primarily focused on single player experiences and local multiplayer as opposed to online gaming. Online gaming is ok but it really doesn't appeal to me. And nintendo is still making high quality games. If the things that make Nintendo so great change in the future, like if they turned into EA/Activision/Ubisoft etc then I would give up on them but currently I am very happy with Nintendo.

I hate Nintendo fans though. They are some of the most entitled, retarded incels I have ever interacted with in my entire life.

>> No.8318242

First party too.

>> No.8318251

When they launched the switch. Hoped they’d learn their lesson from the Wii U and was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt and then they whipped out the switch which was another underpowered gimmicky console and I just gave up on them. I hoped everyone else would realise they’re leagues behind every other company after that but no, the switch sold like hot shit. Ever since then it’s just been a downward spiral where they keep pulling more and more stupid shit that alienates their audience

>> No.8318253

Shut up you fucking retard. We’re talking about how Nintendo literally sells people pieces of cardboard and they sell like hot cakes

>> No.8318254

that's not really an achievement

>> No.8318256

Literally every 3D game made today borrows elements from OoT and SM64.

>> No.8318258
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>Their fans hated Other M, Wind Waker, and Mario Sunshine
and yet WW and Sunshine are among the best selling gamecube games, 3rd and 4th place. You're just proving his point, they always buy the new mario and zelda even if it's shit.
>It's like they are so fucked up and miserable with their "lifestyle" choices
cope seethe etc.
I don't even care about sony btw

>> No.8318272

After SNES.

>> No.8318279

They've never made an above average product in my honest opinion. NES games have always bored me, they're bland and sterile. I poured countless hours on Castle Wolfenstein, Times of Lore, Turrican 2, Bad Blood, and more on the C64, but not as much on mario 3, metroid, or zelda. Their SNES lineup weren't much better, super metroid and a link to the past had some crisp graphics but the gameplay really bored me. Even as a 12 year old I thought they could've done better. I wouldn't trade those for the excellent Cannon Fodder, Keys to Maramon, MegaTraveller and many others for the DOS and amiga. N64 was a joke, simple as. I feel bad for those growing up with n64 bingbingwahoos instead of causing havok in carmageddon or grand theft auto 1 on PC. Never played the gaycube but I'm sure it'd disappoint me.


>> No.8318283
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, fuckingnormiesree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smash melee and literally NOTHING else
>Meanwhile the PS2 was peak jarpig + fighting games
>Melee tourneyfag throughout the entire console's life
>Wii comes out
>Crazily await for Brawl
>It has rubberband mechanics so it's automatically utter unplayable shit
>Every game on the Wii makes you wiggle that little shit stick to make moves that would be perfectly used by the A or B buttons
>Console aimed at people who don't even play vidya
>Hey look everyone, BOWLING! DANCING! Party with your non-gamer girlfriends!

It was at that point I swore I'd never put another dime on a Nintendo product ever again, and this I did

>> No.8318290

>Zelda went from 2d to 3d
>Metroid went from 2d sidescroller to FPS
>Mario went from 2d sidescroller to FPS
They just simply changed IPs genres completely. You can spot the pattern. GB/GBA was cool though.

>> No.8318302

>Nintendo is still by and far the best company in the industry
Their games look really bad for AAA standards and have boring and derrivative awful gameplay for indie standards. Sure nintendo are *probably and arguably* not as bad as EA, but they sure are below average. You're glossing over their focus on single player games while there are many AA and indie studios who do just so.

>> No.8318306

Tomb Raider and Quake you mean?

>> No.8318313

When rising development costs and competition from mobile gaming stifled their creativity, just like every other developer.

>> No.8318319

>rising development costs
No fucking way, their games look and play like kickstarter indieshit.

>> No.8318340

>Competition from mobile gaming
Nah bro, in 2006 people barely had smartphones yet, plus mobile gaming is still to this day lightyears behind hardcore PC and console games (think competitive, not kiddy shit or AAA shooters with a checkpoint every three steps)
Nintendo's formula of introducing a new gimmick on every console just got way out of hand
>Here's your dpad and pause button
Here's your shoulder buttons
>Here's your analog stick and trigger button
>Same shit as N64
>Here's a stick you wave at the screen
>Here's your touchscreen
>Here's your tablet for gaming sessions meant to last for 15 minutes a day, I mean you're old, right?

>> No.8318349


>> No.8318352

In your opinion, sure. But your opinion sucks so I don't care.

>> No.8318412

Wind Waker was when Shitendo sold out to pander to it's children and manchildren audience

>> No.8318414

The wii

>> No.8318475

These, Gamecube still had good games even if they had to be split into two discs.

With the Wii, they went in the complete opposite direction of the industry at the same time as promoting their gimmick gamepad "remote" thing. It was their response to the Xbox kinect, but most people don't really want to stand in the middle of the room and flail their arms around when playing a game.

>> No.8318551
File: 83 KB, 671x554, 457838C8-1016-4076-A07A-781C2C6E801F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most people don't really want to stand in the middle of the room and flail their arms around when playing a game

>> No.8318557

Ironic post.

>> No.8318558

How many people total play video games?

>> No.8318719

Not retro.

>> No.8318752

They started to fuck up hard around the n64 era, but they were still alright through the GameCube era before they began to rely on dumb gimmicky shit to sell their consoles. Although I will say the wii had some pretty good light gun games on it. I popped in link's crossbow training as a joke when a friend was over and we stayed up until like 4 in the morning playing that.

>> No.8318760

I was too edgy for Gamecube

>> No.8318780

This. Never bought another Nintendo product after this.
First is what's the GC and the lack of function in its controller compared to the competition. Then it was the release with no Mario game. Then it was the Mario game, SMS. By far the worst and at the time the only disappointing main entry in the series. Then there was Wind Waker which was an embarrassment and half-assed. My last hope was TP. It was almost as bad as WW. Didn't fix most of the problems and was just average at best. Zelda should never be average! It should be the best.

It was a shame because the GC had some of the best games ever from Nintendo. SSBM, MP and MP2 come to mind.

>> No.8318925


>his childhood was spend playing Gta 1 on a fucking toaster instead of Mario kart and street fighters with friends

This is just sad

>> No.8318929

As soon as I got a Genesis.

>> No.8318942
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Mostly this. They were in clear sailing with the SNES then started to become more toy grade than usual and less consumer electronics. Bizarre decisions like cartridges and an alien controller. They never really seemed the same semi-professional company to me.

>> No.8318960
File: 119 KB, 850x850, best zelda (girl, not the game).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly there are so many worse companies that out of all of them i wouldn't talk about Nintendo's downfall.
Not that i'm trying to defend them, their business practice and shady copyright tactics have been things i've been constantly criticizing. And i never really liked how some of their games and peripherals are intentionally rigged to maximize income (one save file per Pokemon cardridge, controllers working only for one specific game, pro Controllers sould seperately while the main console features a god awful device, etc).
But their video game quality have always been good at worse. Lots of casual shit too that have better and more skillful alternatives in the market, but they always knew what made games to games. Playing and having some sort of interaction was always their top priority. That's something you can barely say about the others in the market.

>> No.8318968

Eh, they aren't putting out the /vr/ tier hits anymore but they still make some of the best games. Not a high bar anymore, but there you go.

>> No.8318971

Same. They started phoning in the games during the Wii era. On the GameCube they also put in the least amount of effort possible (Luigi's Mansion being 3 hours long, filler in Sunshine and Wind Waker, etc.) but at least it was still fun. Super Mario galaxy was a way to not have to build set pieces, so you just had cubes and spheres floating in a background.

>> No.8318991

The SNES was my last Nintendo console. I watched a longplay of Mario Odyssey though and thought it looked imaginative and fun.

>> No.8319038
File: 118 KB, 800x789, 781700A9-B525-4FEF-AF2B-05E8C910E383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these threads because they really make the neckbeards come out in droves. Any sane person would say that Nintendo has consistently made good products that the market has rewarded. There were major missteps, but Nintendo always corrected them in the next generation. However you neckbeards always say the same things. NINTENDO IS FOR KIDDIES! I ONLY PLAY HARDCORE GAMES WITH BLOOD AND GORE! JRPGS AND FIGHTERS ARE THE ONLY GENRE FOR REAL MEN. lmao get over yourselves. All bideo games are childrens toys, even the ones you like.

>> No.8319067

you sound like a groggy deppresed piece of shit who thinks melee conpetitive scene is based.. I mean gc wasn't part of gods perfect plan but it wasn't that bad or medioce either. Also your hot take on the joystick is crap, that thing still feel so good at my hands even today.

>> No.8319085

> but Nintendo always corrected them in the next generation.

>> No.8319090

N64 but I came back for the 3DS and then treehouse made me drop them.

>> No.8319094

I don't really think it's too far off to say Nintendo is doing simpler games compared to it's competitors. In the end of the day they sell better because your average normie doesn't like investing time into one single game, but seriously can't deny a clear difference of skill level between an SMT and Pokemon.
Or between Crash Team Racing and Mario Kart.
Or (and don't laugh, but) PS All-Stars and Smash (All-Stars partly failed because people expected it to be a family friendly brawler like Smash and not a super strict just-frame motion cancel combo orgy).
Saying all games are childrens toys is doing lots of interesting detailed systems a disservice.

>> No.8319109

Nintendo isn't doing simpler games. They're doing games with a cartoon aesthetic and it tricks retards into thinking the barely interactive movies or horribly derivative shooters they're playing are superior to what Nintendo produces.
Nintendo has always focused on controls and mechanics and trying to innovate there and they have my respect for that.

>> No.8319112

>It was their response to the Xbox kinect

Other way around, chief.

>> No.8319115
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I only buy Nintendo games and Nintendo accesories these days. They are the only company that cares about good vidya.

>> No.8319117

WW and Sunshine sold because they weren't shit and word of mouth got out that they weren't shit despite boomers desperately wanting them to be shit.

>> No.8319120

I disagree

>> No.8319126 [DELETED] 


>> No.8319127


>> No.8319128

having patrician tastes isn't "a problem you have to fix within yourself", you fucking pleb.

>> No.8319142

i think you didn't understand the post you were replying to

>> No.8319159

tryhard tranny

>> No.8319165

for such a profitable company, it's surprising how much they don't suffer from being high on sniffing their own farts (or maybe they learn from sniffing their own farts better than others, maybe because they make hardware as well as software)

>> No.8319169

The guy just really loved Nintendo's Hanafuda cards and wasn't happy when video games became their main focus.

>> No.8319173

When Iwata took over, before they had games for all audiences, then with Iwata is when the cute garbage was too much and now it's all gimmick manchild games.
Where's Wave Race? Metroid Prime 4? F-Zero? A Mario game without manchild gimmicks? A Yoshi game without baby graphics and music?

>> No.8319174

around 2017 when nintendo combined the worst aspects of console gaming with the worst aspects of handheld gaming and somehow made such a succesful platform out of it that they just don't have to try whatsoever. I can't use the Switch without a third party controller and the only Switch exclusives that don't make me want to kill myself looking at them are Mario Odyssey and Metroid Dread (BotW is a WiiU game and a holdover from when they had a delusional hope that putting effort into a WiiU exclusive Could turn the system around)

>> No.8319179

The Wii

>> No.8319180
File: 138 KB, 1200x800, WiiU_YWW_E32015_SCRN_02.0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being an adult and playing this.

>> No.8319183
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And then this.

>> No.8319191

Video games are meant for children. There is not such thing as a mature game because no real man plays games. Games marketed as mature as still targeted towards teenagers, who are the overwhelming paying consumers.

Less embarrassing then playing DOOM or whatever you think its acceptable for an adult male to play.

>> No.8319214
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, super-mario-3d-world-course-clear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Games are for everyone, manchild games like the ones Nintendo makes now and are only for that specific audience.
SMW is a game for everyone.
Doom is a game for people that prefer more realistic visuals.
SM3DWorld is a game for manchilds.
Iwata went overboard with the cuteness thing. The playmobil Zelda games, it's all on him.

>> No.8319241

There is no logic to what you are saying. You are so obsessed with the colorful aesthetic seeming childish to you that you can’t see anything else.

>> No.8319260

When they started getting litigious, especially regarding fan projects.

>> No.8319264

They also are okay with Amiibos which are are microtransactions in nintendo style funko pop form. As if Nintendo isn't loaded enough already they charge you for the most miniscule shit with funko pops, things that should have been in the game for free.

>> No.8319267

I mostly agree but cannot deny there's a non-trivial number of numale game journo types who look exactly like your picture and consistently over-praise Nintendo products.

>> No.8319268 [DELETED] 

This guy gets it.

>> No.8319269

Hey same here

>> No.8319275


>> No.8319279

Yet fans still buy their shit. It's insane how much people especially redditors love licking corporate cock, Nintendo, EA, Activision, Blizzard, etc. It's why they all get away with shitting on their customers regularly, and their customers lap that shit with a big grin. But Nintendo has the craziest fans of them all. The others are just braindead zoomer consumers, Nintendo? You get Twitter/Reddit/Tumblr/Discord defense forces, grown adults, worshipping and defending their actions. Mindlessly eating it all up, and go into a catatonic rage without it. Animal Crossing/Pokemon consumers are the biggest example of this.

>> No.8319291

>A Mario game without manchild gimmicks?
What does this mean?
Super Mario Odyssey seems to me exactly like the kind of all-ages game that anyone can take turns playing the morning after Christmas when everyone is on vacation, it's snowing outside, and no one has anything else to do but sit around eating and playing videogames in the family room. I remember my Boomer dad playing SMB3 when I was a kid. It was funny the way he'd lurch his whole body sideways when urgently pressing the D-pad to change directions.

>> No.8319325

>You can literally get an infinitely better experience with an emulator
Nothing beats the comfort and simplicity of console gaming. Nothing. I've built desktops. I've tried all kinds of operating systems, emulators, keyboards, controllers, and other peripherals. Turns out some people prefer playing games to fucking around with tech. It's easier to hurl insults than to appreciate that most people simply do not agree with you. I feel strongly enough about this that when my desktop died I didn't buy a new one. I replaced it with a Raspberry Pi. It's a weird concept, but I would rather play a game than waste another minute fucking around in settings.

>> No.8319328

How's the D-pad on your Pro controller working for you anon?

>> No.8319348
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, wind-waker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dummy, there's a difference with colorful, cartoon visuals such as TWW and then the baby toys visuals that manchilds like you like.

>> No.8319351

I mean Super Mario 64 2.

>> No.8319414

Namco and Sega had experience with "3d" arcade hardware, but they couldn't budget for home consoles. Ken Kutaragi and Sony could, but they were unproven. This was 1994. Had Nintendo stayed with Sony, they would be a completely different company today. That's not to say the SGI partnership was a mistake. They couldn't use that tech and have optical drives in 1996. There was no budget left for it. That SGI team was spun off as ArtX who were bought out by ATI to combat 3dfx who released their Voodoo in 1996 as well. They were late to the party, but too ahead of their time.

>> No.8319432

you spend half the game just aimed in a straight line, brainlessly going forward in a boat. you can argue that that's not boring to you, but sorry, it's boring to most people.

>> No.8319550

I waste zero time fucking with emulator settings. I just open up the emulator, open the game I want, and play. Takes less time than fucking with av cables and making sure the TV is on the right channel.

>> No.8319587

It feels good but it doesn't have the function of the other two controllers. Look at the Twin Snakes for example.

They could have added another Z button, pressure sensitive face buttons, clicks on the analog sticks and a bigger d-pad. Pure laziness, greed and incompetence. If they did these things it would have been the greatest controller ever.

>> No.8319596

The Wii. Biggest waste of $200 I ever spent. Shit couldn't play its own games correctly, let alone Gamecube ones. And here we are 15 years later and the Switch can't even run Disgaea 6 correctly.

>> No.8319618 [DELETED] 

approximately 3 billion people.

>There were 2.69 billion video game players worldwide in 2020. The figure will rise to 3.07 billion in 2023 based on a 5.6% year-on-year growth forecast. The global games market had $159.3 billion in revenues for 2020, almost half of which came from the Asia Pacific market.

>> No.8319637

played the NES at my aunt's, grew up with a genesis, never played a snes until i was over 20, got a n64 because zelda, highly enjoyed it and other games on the console, got a gamecube cheap to play RE4, and hated basically everything on it and i haven't played a single nintendo game since.
Nintendo games are competently made, but nothing special. unless you're like 8 years old i don't see why you would care about any of them. past your first time playing something in any of the series. they don't innovate and haven't since the n64, they're not challenging, they don't have good plots or writing, they're just bland generic games.

>> No.8319671

when the n64 came out and the SNES was put out to pasture

>> No.8319684

>Pressure sensitive buttons
Hate these

>> No.8320303

I don't think so, their internal political struggle (between handheld and console divisions) caused the Virtual Boy fiasco and losing a big name who would then create their main handheld competitor before getting assassinated, then another conflict between US and Japan divisions caused the 64DD delays and redeveloping the same game three times (Mario Paint)

Then you have third party American publishers picked by NoA for deals and then bailed on (Argonauts with Croc/Star Fox 2, LucasArts with Metal Warriors, and many N64 devs who would then form Rockstar and other major Sony licensees, and who could forget Rare?) and it wasn't any better on the Japanese front, where HAL Studio, Jupiter, Game Freaks, and even Intelligent Studios were considering supporting the WonderSwan and PS1 instead.

Iwata doesn't get enough credit for getting Nintendo out of that clusterfuck, at least to a semi-dysfunctional megacorporation that's only occasionally sabotaged by its american branch that sometimes decides to do software droughts to kill the momentum of one of the best selling consoles/handhelds for no real good reason.

>> No.8320323

my disappointment was immeasurable when they announced they weren't releasing Mother 3. and then when Lucas was included in Brawl I felt antagonized, because a huge fanbase had been built around the series precisely because of Ness in the previous game. it just left a bad taste in my mouth and really felt like they ultimately didn't understand what their consumers liked or appreciated. maybe it was the smarter financial decision not to localize a dialogue-heavy RPG at the end of a console's lifespan, but it pissed me off all the same and I never was much of a fan of Nintendo after that point.

>> No.8320328

>because a huge fanbase had been built around the series precisely because of Ness in the previous game
Literally no one knew about that Earthbound weeb crap. You were literally the only person who felt that strongly over nothing.

>> No.8320340

I'm still sad about this

>> No.8320345

that's why there was a huge petition to have it localized with thousands of signatures sent to Nintendo and its fan translation is one of the most well known and has its own wikipedia page, right?

>> No.8320370

>thousands of signatures
A rounding error when it comes to the volume of Nintendo sales
>trannyhack has its own trannypedia page
Only takes 1 autist to makes it happen

>> No.8320398

>A rounding error when it comes to the volume of Nintendo sales
still a little bit more than "literally no one"
>Only takes 1 autist to makes it happen
yet out of thousands of fan translations over the past couple of decades, it's the only one where it actually did happen. there absolutely was an enormous number of overseas fans of the series hoping for a localization.

>> No.8320406
File: 39 KB, 281x167, pstriple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup beaches.
wii and ds. Stupid casual sellout shit. I only recently bought a wii from a thrift store for $10 because its a decent emulation machine. However the stupid wii remote forced motion controls is gay and looks like a dildo. Also it eats AA batteries worse than the game gear. switch looks like a cheap piece of chinese shite so I wont be paying $300 for that shit any time soon.

>> No.8320408

I didn't.
They still make awesome games.
They also make shit games, but they have always done that. Highest batting average of any company though.
I'd just like to say before anyone thinks I'm a fanfag, they fucked up TERRIBLY with this N64 shit.
They need to hurry the fuck up and sort the N64 problem out and stop being greedy stubborn faggots. NO EXCUSE for releasing a product/service that fucked up. NONE. If you're a mult-trillion yen japanese company, the shit you put out on the market had better be near-flawless. No excuses.

>> No.8320498

Wii wasn't that great save for a few wario games

The mario's are still fun too though so I didn't really give up on it

>> No.8320502

It bores me for some reason idk why

It looks ok it just isn't fun to play too childish

>> No.8320510

How is it any more childish than any other zelda game?
Nothing besides the visuals could be cited.

>> No.8320517

The Mother 3 fan translation was done by a professional translator who was a super fan of the series with help from a hacker.
It is of professional quality, which is very rare in the world of fan translations.
You are a dismissive cunt and I wish you would be as dismissive about your own life and end it.

>> No.8320521

wdym. I rarely need to change the settings and if I do it's usually not for more than 30 seconds. Only double-digit monkeys take hours to get the right settings.

emulation nowadays is very easy to set up. you're making this a bigger problem than it actually is.

>> No.8320524

>nintendo style funko pop form
at least they're aware of their main target demographic. props to them for that.

>> No.8320540

>when you give up on them?
when I bought a Wii U

>> No.8320543

wojak posted; opinion disregarded

>> No.8320569

dumb tendie with zero source, or brain cells for that matter
>another conflict between US and Japan divisions caused the 64DD delays and redeveloping the same game three times (Mario Paint)
Source on US division causing 64DD delay? As of 1997, they didn't even have a prototype shown yet. Sounds like it was a huge mistake on the japanese part who actually developed the device. It was their idea in the first place to use the unreliable ultrafloppy format instead of a normal CD like everyone else.
>Then you have third party American publishers picked by NoA for deals and then bailed on
You mean they left to work with another company? It's perfectly normal for companies to port their games to multiple systems. Studios should be allowed to choose which system is the best for their tech requirements and budget. N64 was too expensive to publish games for, and 64DD's death didn't help. Fuck exclusivity deals.
Or you mean cancelling their games? It's usually the main company's fault for not approving the games they've made or demanding them to do something beyond their capacity. NoA had very little to do with this.
>Argonauts with Croc/Star Fox 2
Argonauts is British. They also worked very closely with NoJ instead of NoA. Starfox 2 took too long to develop because NoJ thought the SFX2 chip the game needed was too expensive be mass produced. NoA literally had nothing to do with the cancellation.
>LucasArts with Metal Warriors
The developer left lucasarts, it's got nothing to do with nintendo. They moved to playstation because it was the better console for them.
>many N64 devs who would then form Rockstar and other major Sony licensees
Rockstar (then still named DMA design, still working with psygnosis )left because NoJ treated them like crap during Body Harvest's development. Sony and sega were more welcoming of their ideas. Also publishing games for playstation was simply cheaper and more profitable.
>and who could forget Rare?
NoJ literally abandoned them.

>> No.8320585

i'm still surprised they released 1 after all these years desu.

>> No.8320589

>Iwata doesn't get enough credit for getting Nintendo out of that clusterfuck, at least to a semi-dysfunctional megacorporation that's only occasionally sabotaged by its american branch that sometimes decides to do software droughts to kill the momentum of one of the best selling consoles/handhelds for no real good reason.
Nogaems64 and gaycube were far from the best selling consoles. Gameboys were, and they had zero software drought. It's not NoA's fault developers didn't want to make games for shit systems that didn't even sell well. Iwata fixed Nintendo by solely making use of his experience of working on designing electronics and games. He was a computer engineer while the guy he replaced was a retarded law school graduate who became nintendo's president for 50 years thanks to favouritism (his family built nintendo). Yamauchi was notoriously an uncompromising cutthroat imperialistic boomer despite his lack of knowledge in video games. Nintendo haven't had a president with tech expertise since Iwata. Nintendo's downfall is absolutely NoJ's fault.

>> No.8320595

yeah bro i'm a real adult gamer, instead of doing something productive with my life like getting a hobby, starting a business, or fighting for what i believe in, i consume entertainment products produced by other people. hell yeah borther

>> No.8320669

all of their pure 2D games are excellent and 3D stuff is garbage and will always be

>> No.8321113

Imagine not playing with your kids.

>> No.8321187

in the trash it goes

>> No.8321196 [DELETED] 

imagine turning your son gay

>> No.8321201

imagine intentionally turning your son gay

>> No.8321275

>angry at people for not worshipping the company that sells fucking cardboard for $60
>projects angry basedjak image on people with actual lives

>> No.8321292


>> No.8321295


>> No.8321310

Nigga the deal fell through in 1991 and the add on was going to be like the Sega CD, the PS1 we all know an love started development in 1993 after the success of Virtua Fighter.

>> No.8321315

What i am saying is that if Nintendo went through the deal, the PlayStation would have been nothing more than a shitty add on for the SNES.

>> No.8321323

/v/ tier thread

>> No.8321395
File: 101 KB, 1024x576, press x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they dropped the wii u.
they left their wii u owners to die in favor of a new home console with wii kind of appeal. it was the switch.
but they repeated the same hardware mistakes as in the past, weak hardware that just centers on one gimmick.
not soon after they also shifted the focus and now it isn't a home console that you can take with you, but a portable system that you can play on tv, eating into the still active at the time 3ds playerbase.
and they pretend the wii u never happened, reselling all its exclusives at full price, worse thing is people actually believe those are new games or that the extra non-content is worth full price.

I'm never buying a switch (and if I do, it'll be an already hacked or hackable used one so I don't give money to nintendo) and with yuzu I can still enjoy the 3 games that interest me and haven't played already on wii u and make nintendies seethe at the same time.

>> No.8321468
File: 25 KB, 640x480, yellow-snes-plastic-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've never been good, it has just taken some longer to realise than others.
Take, for example, the SNES, which runs at a mere 1/3 the speed compared to ALL it's competitors, including not only the 2 years older Mega Drive, but even including the 3 years older PC Engine, and 5 years older Amiga.

>> No.8321601

good point but bad argument
nah, that's not it.
they said once that they never intended to release a super nes to begin with, they were forced to in order to stay in the market or else the genesis and pc engine would have stolen all of the playerbase.

>> No.8321607

>He fell for the blast processing meme
Completely irrelevant if the games are good, which they are.

>> No.8321612 [DELETED] 

Guys. We solved GameStop. We have A LOT of evidence. I am being shadow banned,

Reddit Calls For Aid.

I'm creating a Streisand effect so that this can't just be brushed under the rug.

I'm protecting my safety and well being by creating the Streisand effect.

I have presented this DD in a 116 page PDF, in a 3 hour long podcast like structure, and is still open to publicly view, by anyone, by checking my early post history.

If someone is posting about this, without specifically stating what is in the report, then they are a bad actor.

My argument is that Kenneth Griffin and Steven Cohen are using the stock, art, and collectors trade markets to set the value of their own assets, allowing them to increase their net worth both on paper and through liquid spending cash in the form of loans. I present specific examples of artworks and businesses this occurs on.

I have actively stated I'm against violence.

I'm not saying I'm going to commit crimes. I'm saying I already committed them, in a metaphorical sense, in my game. (I, legally, have, metaphorically, turned myself into a cartoon!)

Ken, and to anyone else involved, this is not something to get revenge after. This is a turning point in the human species. It is proof that we have room to grow. It's okay to make mistakes, I'm not naive to the fact that we grew up in different worlds, with different morals. But it's not okay to keep making them once someone points them out, and shows you how those mistakes affect the world. We can all do better, together, and that is what I am trying to do.

If you want to keep the derivative markets, switch it to a currency that isn't tied to the U.S. Dollar. Make a luxury coin that you only trade with your like minded friends. Then, everyone wins.

They shouldn't have messed with video gamers. They shouldn't have messed with art.




Please, feel free to share my art.

>> No.8321631

fpbp and /thread

>> No.8321643

Good games don't suffer from constant crippling slowdowns.

>> No.8321649

the switch is a complete return to form for them. people who swore Nintendo off forever between the gamecube and wii u eras are still buying switch games today

>> No.8321660

Well it's good that the good games on SNES don't suffer from crippling slowdown, then.

>> No.8321663

zoomer alert weeoo weeoo

>> No.8321668


>> No.8321673

GameCube was last good system. I finally got a switch and I feel meh about it

>> No.8321683

>has never even had sex
nice cope

>> No.8321723

Nintendo has always been a shit company that makes mostly good games. If you insult their games I'll fight you. If you defend their business practices I'll give you a noogie and steal your lunch money.

>> No.8321725


>> No.8321808 [DELETED] 

The NES was their only actually good system, mostly thanks to the 3rd-party support. It's been a downward spiral ever since then. Also the Super Nintendo is extremely overrated.

>> No.8322867
File: 42 KB, 615x456, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was 17 in 2006
>all my friends grew out of Nintendo the instant the Wii came out
>"Nintendo has lost their touch"
>"The N64 was the last good Nintendo console"

>now am a 32 year old old-ass man
>currently in college because I made poor life choices
>overhear some kids in the library talking
>they start talking about Nintendo games
>"Yeah, I'm not really a fan of Nintendo anymore. They've gone downhill ever since the Switch came out."
>"The Wii and DS was the best era of Nintendo, bro."
Is this just something that every generation goes through?

>> No.8322902

Wii era. More specifically 2008. Nintendo had just left the gamecube era, and despite mediocre sales, nintendo had good 3rd party support during that time and also cranked out a ton of high quality games. Then, at least financially, they knock it out of the mark with the Wii selling assloads. Young naive me is thinking "cool, with all that money nintendo is totally going to set up more studios and deliver even more/better games than last gen!"
LOLNO. They just use their newfound success to get fat and complacent, with massive dry spells where there were fuck-all games to play whatsoever. E3 2008 was the coup de grace where it finally smacked me over the head that nintendo was perfectly fine shitting all over its previous userbase in favor of chasing transient casuals. That was the point where I gave up them and started saving up to build my first PC, and I've never bought a nintendo console since.

>> No.8322967

Sadly this, was über hyped for the game killer art style in the trailers. Very lacklustre game, sadly. Although the wii was the final nail for me. I did buy one but like 8year later as emulation station.

>> No.8322969

N64. Because sufami was ok.

>> No.8323002

Honestly this. While I still liked Nintendo consoles up until the Switch, they have been far undeserving if their praise since the super nintendo. Not a single game by them has lived up to, let alone exceeded, their predecessors on the Super Nintendo.

>> No.8323010

I'd argue the Gamecube was their pinnacle for 3D games in the same way that SNES was their pinnacle for 2D games. Can't really compare them to each other though since it's apples to oranges.

I also think both examples show how Nintendo only gets off their asses and puts out quality content when they have to struggle. With the SNES it was their first time receiving serious competition in the form of the MD, and likewise GC was their worst performing console (at least until Wii U). Likewise I'm not that big a fan of the Wii U, but at least they pumped out solid games for the thing. Then they strike big with the Switch and it's nothing but ports

>> No.8323117

this. and it hasn't gotten any better. now instead of pandering to 2006 normies who just want to pretend to play sports, they pander to 2021 normies who just want to play ubisoft "open" (empty) world games (botw and odyssey come to mind). and as far as dry spell management they've gotten even worse by offering you less paid emulated games and at a higher price

>> No.8323130

Modern Nintendo "fans" hopped on during Switch for BOTW, Animal Crossing (a game made for 3 years olds) and Pokemon (really half baked product for a 81 bil franchise)

Now Nintendo sees how retarded their consumer base is, they can continue to be more lazy. Just like all AAA corporations do (EA, Bethesda, Activision, Blizzard, Ubisoft).

Why are people so retarded?

>> No.8323161

Bethesda stays consistent. 76 isn't their most broken game.

>> No.8323226

>Sony boogeyman

>> No.8323227

this anon gets it, took the words right out of my mouth

also BTW a good and easy way to know where nintendo is headed is to pay attention to their leading flagship IP, which is the bing bing wahoo man. 2008 is definitely the most widely accepted cut off point

>> No.8323230
File: 3.78 MB, 3624x3556, ecb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic

but yeah, 2008 onwards is no mans land. Genuinely wondering if /vr/ will even ever include gens in the future past that. Its just such a blatant brain drain gap

>> No.8323240

Contrarian or not, this is why when things get too popular, the devs take a nosedive in quality and effort. I guess normie appeal is good for company greed, but bad for actual game quality.

>> No.8323272

Yup. With gamecube they put out quality, trying to genuinely entice gamers. Then with the Wii they struck gold early on before the adoption of smartphones for casual shovelware, but they failed to capitalize on it while also scorning actual gamers.
With the overall failure of the Wii U and subsequent popularity of the Switch, they've finally got things down to a formula to keep them going indefinitely. Just release ports and may-as-well-be-ports of mario, animal crossing, and pokemon ad infinitum no different than ubishit with asscreed and farcry. They'll eat it up no matter what, so no point bothering with anything more than that.

>> No.8323281

Interesting. I first realized something was wrong when I bought NSMB (the first one), whenever that came out. I grew up on the original NES mario games and SMW in 1991 was the last time we got a new traditional 2D sidescrolling game (don't give a fuck about the gameboy shit). I was ecstatic when NSMB was released, thinking I was going to get more of that goodness from SMB3 and SMW. Except no, not at all. It was soulless garbage with ZERO personality or creativity. The same generic bland shit with absolutely nothing new. not to mention that awful BAH, BAH soundtrack, good god.

>> No.8323343

I think you might be mentally underdeveloped m8

>> No.8323514

my theory about why ninty's so insistent about this is because they blame the lack of strong gamecube sells ON the experimentation and not the reality that gaming culture was vapid as fuck in the gamecube era and most gamers just wanted "more realism" etc so the gamecube was seen as inherently less appealing than the ps2/xbox

>> No.8323518

ww was the real start of this if you ask me. scenes like this are so up their own ass over how cute they are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19EnAeLHpGs always made me cringe even as a kid

not to mention the game itself is half-baked and riddled with filler so its (successfully) used its artstyle to distract gamers from its lack of substance

>> No.8323542

So anon, you like your games like your music ?
TRASH (metal) ? Kek

>> No.8323564


>> No.8323583

The only best selling realism focused game was gran turismo. Fun sandbox games like gta and multiplayer coop games like halo were all the hots, and nintranny had none of those. Cope.

>> No.8323589

the fuck? gta and halo are exactly the kind of games i'm talking about. i don't mean simulation games

>> No.8323593

Got an anti nintendo phase during my angst teenage days, then got out of it when I got my first gf

>> No.8323660

GTA and Halo were no more realistic than Metroid.

>> No.8323661

How was your vasectomy?

>> No.8323685
File: 8 KB, 214x211, 1632992527807_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck man, you got too real dude

>> No.8323690

They literally have their fans buying the same game on nearly every platform they sold.
Virtual consoles are like crack to nintendumbs

>> No.8323702

And after they got sick of bowling they stopped playing it.

>> No.8323704

Pretty sure the Switch was hackable on day one.
The Nvidia tegra chip already had a n exploit that wasn't fixed.

>> No.8323705

i meant "realism" as in more detailed and textured. that's what realism meant in the sixth gen. thinking it means literal simulations of reality is just autism-brained

>> No.8323720

>getting a hobby
you mean like gaming
>starting a business
polishing brass on the titanic. your cute little nootropics shop would be part of a walmart parking lot in no time
>fighting for what i believe in
the fuck lol you hate the gaming you do and yet clearly get your aspirations from action game protagonists

>> No.8323796

>more detailed and textured
And how are they any different from what ocarina of time tried to achieve in the previous gen?

>> No.8323805

what does that have to do with my original post autismo?

>> No.8323826

No, he's right. During the early/mid 2000s everything needed to be 'grimdark n edgy' or else it was kiddie shit. It was the proverbial adolescent years of gaming and kids couldn't be seen playing cartoon games like sunshine and wind waker. Had to be mature games for mature gamers such as myself. Same as the superificial problem with the gamecube looking like a purple lunchbox with a cartoony colorful controller. Can't have that.

>> No.8323869

okay american

>> No.8323972 [DELETED] 

Consuming entertainment products isn't a hobby. You didn't create anything, you didn't cause social change, you didn't even explore your senses, you watched a pretty lightshow that somebody else made. Calling media consumption a hobby is like calling a McDonald's cheeseburger "gourmet". Actually, it is more like calling yourself a gourmet chef for placing an order for a McDonald's cheeseburger.
I enjoy video games, they are a fun indulgence in one's free time; I'm not saying to become a monk. What I am saying is that vidya is not the meaning of life. How demoralised can one be that concepts of willpower or values are cheesy one-liners from action heroes? These are ordinary things every non-urbanite holds true.

>> No.8324010

N64 sacrificed framerate for more polygons. I think Halo is a natural progression from OoT, that 12 fps garbage.

>> No.8324014

Instead of realistic, I would say "envisagable". Goldeneye is more realistic than Ratchet and Clank but the latter is much more envisagable.

>> No.8324030
File: 1.25 MB, 842x1168, top5gamesninsystems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I realized that my top five per system was filling up with rehashes and sequels. Star Fox Zero was the last straw.

>> No.8324034

You forgot to mention that Gunpei Yokoi and Cliff Burton both died in traffic accidents.

>> No.8324163
File: 2.49 MB, 1814x3596, Jak_from_TPL_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so dark and le edgy

>> No.8324168

compared to ps1 platformers, or even comparing Jak 2/3 to the original, yeah.

>> No.8324182

Kids like ReVolt and fighting games, they don't like Nintendo's manbaby games with wool doll textures.

>> No.8324192
File: 1.78 MB, 500x625, 1569016426498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do all these zoomer guides start in the 2000s?

>> No.8324271

>Is this just something that every generation goes through?
Yes, because they make games for children and as most people grow up they develop socially and mentally to the point where things intended for children no longer appeal to them.
Every Nintendo console and game is targeted directly at children. They're brightly colored, they have no difficulty, they have extremely basic stories with barely any reading required to understand what's going on, and the characters themselves are extremely simplistic generic good and bad guys. Everything Nintendo makes is deliberately targeted at an audience between the ages of 3-10 year olds.
People try to cope that they're manchildren by saying they make games "for everyone" or some other bullshit like that, but it's demonstrably false. In fact all the games usually derided by these manchildren as "mature games for mature gamers" are actually games that appeal to everyone. You will never hear a 35 year old blue collar worker excited to come home and play fucking Splatoon, but you will for CoD, and he will kill some little squeeker 12 year old who also wants to play CoD because the game actually does have broad appeal.
Nintendo is a game company for children, not even for the young teens that annoy you online, but actual fucking still wears power ranger pjs, has imaginary best friends, and thinks pro wrestling is real children.

>> No.8324294

Sorry. Not allowed to talk about it because anything newer than the PS2 will get me another warning that I will be banned for discussing topics relevant to this discussion even though I'm older than most of the zoomer anons posting here.

>> No.8324479

hahaahaha Dread is fucking garbage

>> No.8324897


>> No.8325047

Jokes aside, I once considered it, before the onions meme and all that even existed, back in the mid 2000s when I was fucking random whores every weekend and thought it'd be dangerous if one of them got pregnant.
I'm glad I never did it, even though it seems it's possible to revert the process, but fuck it.
My current girlfriend wants a baby anyway so who knows... maybe if she convinces me that she's "the one", so far I'm not fully in love, heh.

>> No.8325068


When DS didn't even have the basic texture filtering that N64 used. But WiiU made me feel reassured that I wasn't missing out on anything good

>> No.8325107

probably some time in 2009

>> No.8325109

here's a semi-unrelated and non-controversial opinion no one asked for: Spyro 1 is better than Twilight Princess

>> No.8325113 [DELETED] 

do you drink ultra onions?

>> No.8325115

>doesn't include the best Mario games since the nes and snes, 3d land and world

>> No.8325116

I counted the posts and nineteen doesn't begin with f!

>> No.8325123

that sounds like a personal problem, bucko

>> No.8325127 [DELETED] 

changing onions in my post to say onions is honestly the most onions thing I've seen and you have lost a dedicated poster on your board you ultra faggot

>> No.8325174 [DELETED] 

ok larper. putting a ship in a bottle like the grandpas you aspire to be also involved a ship and a bottle made by another person. doesn't mean its not a hobby. i feel like you're just bloviating cause wojak meemees have conditioned you to be ashamed of gaming in particular

>> No.8325180

that filter exists because of you

>> No.8325203

lol kill yourself drama queen

>> No.8325215

that's probably more accurate but point is gamers back then constantly referred to it as realism even if it did involve plasma swords and goofy aliens

>> No.8325429 [DELETED] 

>buying a tangible object to use as a tool in constructing something is the same as sitting down and playing an eroge
I'm not ashamed of gaming like I said I love video games, but it's not the meaning of life. Nothing is accomplished when I play a video game, the same cannot be said of drawing, making music, exercising, starting a small business, writing a book, etc. Hobbies are jobs you love so much you would do it for free

>> No.8325501
File: 7 KB, 225x224, descarga (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo by virtue of making non low effort quality games that tries to be games and not some movie or multiplayer garbage or some mobile microtransactions garbage or any other scam, they're usually the only quality company left simply because the other companies are usually shit tier, mediocre or just grifters.

>> No.8325537 [DELETED] 

Hobbies give us skills we can use in the real world. There is a reason employers want to see your hobbies on your resume. Video games are not a hobby, and that's okay. You can still enjoy them, just don't pretend it's something you should dedicate your life to, nor pretend that it makes you a mature adult.

>> No.8325543 [DELETED] 

How is it any less a hobby than golf?

>> No.8325560 [DELETED] 

Golf is applied physics, you need to understand the ball as well as your swings. An uncoordinated clumsy autist could use golf, even if I would call it a lesser hobby compared to cooking

>> No.8325603 [DELETED] 

Not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.8325614 [DELETED] 

>There is a reason employers want to see your hobbies on your resume.

>> No.8325620 [DELETED] 

Yes, they want to see if you're meticulous, if you're naturally a risktaker, your confidence, how dirty you're willing to get your hands, etc. They don't want to see your K/D on Fortnite.

>> No.8325625 [DELETED] 

America sounds like a capitalist hellscape

>> No.8325635 [DELETED] 

And they're proud of it.

>> No.8325636 [DELETED] 

I'm not American, nevermind that a communist glutton like yourself is genuinely suggesting that applying yourself in any way is a human rights abuse. Go get a job or start your own business.

>> No.8325639

>non low effort
>not some multiplayer garbage
>not some microtransactions garbage (amiboo)
>not scamming people over and over
"quarity" games

>> No.8325640 [DELETED] 

>being a slave to the dollar is applying yourself
No thanks, I'd rather live a meaningful life doing work that I love

>> No.8325648 [DELETED] 

You're not doing anything meaningful sitting in front of a screen watching somebody else's lightshow. Meaningful is proving you exist, moving things to and within communities, getting ideas going, showing your skills and passions to the world. America is a capitalist dystopia, but not because your father told you to get a job. I seriously don't see how starting your own business and saving up for a nice rural house to tend to with your spouse and children is "slavery".

>> No.8325872

Nothing against them in particular but I knew their and my priorities with video games had become different when the Wii came out.

>> No.8325876

The Switch. First actual soulless console they made.

>> No.8325879

>the only quality company left
Sad but true.

>> No.8325880

Wii, which pretended to innovate but really, all it did was follow the pattern of its competitors: shit-awful shovelware made for casuals who don't play videogames.

>> No.8325893 [DELETED] 

honestly one of the worst threads I've seen in months. the 16 year old larping as a 1950s trad WASP really puts it over the top

>> No.8325965 [DELETED] 

t. seppo urbanite projecting

>> No.8326034

after supernintendo

>> No.8326260

How was the SNES worse than the NES?

>> No.8326268

This. You can't say video games in general are only for a specific age or only for boys and men as opposed to girls and women.

It completely depends on the game. I also agree that Super Mario 3D Land and World had shitty aesthetics that went too out of their way to be kiddy.

>> No.8326293 [DELETED] 

>but it's not the meaning of life
wow nobody implied that but you
>Hobbies are jobs you love so much you would do it for free
game testing is a job if we're gonna go there
>b-but /v/ will say i eat a bean extract if i play games without being butthurt about it!!

>> No.8326307 [DELETED] 

he's coping that he's got mussolini for a boss. reasonable management doesn't do this shit

>> No.8326318 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 960x684, 960x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go get a job cattle!

>> No.8326327 [DELETED] 

also wtf like so many people nowadays make a living off streaming video games
>b-but that's not le real job because [pure ideology]

>> No.8326331 [DELETED] 

wow i'm so jealous of your kangaroo wrangling profession i can't believe i've wasted my life having fun

>> No.8326350

that has nothing to do with what is writen there.

>> No.8326383

It was great and you're a faggot.

>> No.8326467 [DELETED] 

The platformers, RPGs, and shmups became casualized to appeal to a wider audience.

>> No.8326468

What a retarded ass post. Sure Nintendo was appealing to adults before WW with the SNES and N64, very well known for being adult focused consoles.

>> No.8326491

When the waggleshit started

>> No.8326509

Wii era when they started prioritizing dumb gimmicks over hardware. To this day they're still essentially using buffed up Gamecube hardware

>> No.8326925

NES barely had any RPGs in the first place. But yes, otherwise a big problem people have with SNES (compared to the NES) was casualization.
But I think the main issue is just that there were more popular genres on the SNES in the first place, leading to less emphasis on platformers, shooters, and beat-em-ups in particular. So if you were a fan of those genres, you probably found the 16-bit era somewhat disappointing (outside a handful of exceptions). During the NES era, platformers were an extremely popular genre (possibly the most popular). During the 16-bit era you had RPGs (including ARPGs), Fighting Games, Racing Games, various simulation genres, and so on.

Overall I'd personally say that SNES was better because it had so much variety. But I do get where people are coming from when they say they like NES better. It's usually people who are really into scrolling action games.

>> No.8326951

i will never give up on nintendo long as they own the patent to the original d-pad

>> No.8326984

i got some bad news for you, chief

>> No.8326996

Is the news antiquated heresay?


four button swivel joint on a contact pad. There is simply no better mechanism for a directional pad. The same d-pad on the game and watches, by the by, and those are genuinely the single most and over engineered d-pads Nintendo has ever made. Seriously look at a tear down

>> No.8327051
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, wiiiiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the wii, that is the console that truly killed nintendo and destroyed their image.
in retrospect, going the "we are the casual family console route" was the smartest business decision possible as the competition for the "serious" gaming crowd was tough.
i think for anyone that grew up with at least the n64, the wii/ds is observably where the largest divergence happened.

>> No.8327060

Nintendo's patent expired in 2005

>> No.8327065

N64. Where are the games?

>> No.8327127

Metroid Prime isn't an FPS though, it's an FPA. Adventure and exploration still takes priority, shooting isn't the focus, just your means of defense like in 2D games.

And what do you mean Mario going FPS? Mario has never been first person, or a shooter. At best, all he got, was that X-Com copy by Ubisoft.

>> No.8327134

Kinect came out years after the Wii, and it was created in response of the Wii's success.

>> No.8327138

NES had literally a bigger audience than the SNES.
Shoot em ups, few that there are, on the SNES, are quite hard, some of them infuriatingly so.

>> No.8327345

who the fuck saythat, the proyection hurts

>> No.8327354

it explains why they are all fedora atheists, a patethic flimsy cover to their need to be zealots

>> No.8327369

just as your smug "im better than you" why waste time on 4chan if you already comfortable with your option?, to brag like everyone else

>> No.8327401

is funny boomers grow with church so thye defend it with autism, their sons grew with vidya and it becames their religion...of autism

>> No.8328438

did he hurt your wittle feefels for making a wittle joke about company?

>> No.8328467

why is this board so obsessed with nintendo? no other company or entity gets nearly this amount of discussion, even the fucking memecast

>> No.8328484

Because they were the most financially successful game company in the retro era even with their deep flaws? Punching up makes more sense than punching down.

>> No.8328661 [DELETED] 

Because this board is mostly 20 to 30-year-old amerimutts who've played nothing but nintendo consoles their entire lives and are too ignorant to branch out beyond muh neentinduh.

>> No.8328864

Your kids will grow up to hate whatever you play because kids are contrarian by their very nature.
Also this. Kids like GTA, not Nintendo shit.

>> No.8328879 [DELETED] 

This. Those septics will never know the joy of booting up a ZX Spectrum or Amiga for the first time, or playing classics like Jet Set Willy and Turrican. However they will continue to go gaga over muh Mary-o. It's sad to see such lack of culture over in the States.

>> No.8329312

wii motion gimmicks being shoved into every single game. especially when theres a gamecube controller slot built into the wii theres no excuse for every game to have demanded motion control.

>> No.8329558


>> No.8331019

Wii U

>> No.8331230

Joycon Drift.

>> No.8331231

>Tendies will argue to the grave saying a grown ass man playing a game with this artstyle isn't the most pathetic thing in the world

>> No.8331240

>Nintendo is the only quality company left

Not anymore, anon.

>> No.8331330
File: 86 KB, 850x400, quote-when-i-was-ten-i-read-fairy-tales-in-secret-and-would-have-been-ashamed-if-i-had-been-c-s-lewis-38-9-0983[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8331410

Faery tales are highbrow compared to tendie toddler shit.

>> No.8331420

Way to miss his point.

>> No.8331451

Disagree, and you are a homosexual

>> No.8331454

Can't remember the specific nail in the coffin but
- Amiibos
- E3 2015
- Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Post-game

>> No.8331457

>has never played Gradius 3

>> No.8331462

Aren't there SOME games on any console that have serious slowdown issues?

>> No.8331471

There was nothing as infantile and effeminate as nintrando shit in the 19th century.

>> No.8331473

Didn’t play the Gen 3 remakes. What happened with the post game stuff?

>> No.8331476

Of course, but the SNES is notorious for it

>> No.8331482

...CS Lewis lived almost all of his life in the 20th century.

>> No.8331485

A blind squirrel still finds a nut every once in a while so I’ve never 100% given up on them. There have been games on every one of their consoles I’ve enjoyed, even the Wii and Wii U. That said I think skyward sword was the tipping point for me into prioritizing PlayStation over them. Twilight princess wasn’t great but I thought it was just a swing and a miss with good intentions. Skyward sword was when it became 100% evident that they were cool with putting no effort into flagship games. Every once in a while something like Odyssey or pikmin 3 will come out and be extremely fun, but for the most part anymore I don’t buy Nintendo games at release, it’s too likely they suck.

>> No.8331486

Yeah I haven't played it because I don't like that genre.
Genres I like such as JRPGs and platformers have some of their best examples on the SNES.
Also, can't some blame be put on the developer for not optimizing their code efficiently enough for the system they were developing for?

>> No.8331635

When he was 10, it was 1908, and most fairy tales he read would have been written in the 19th century or older. Anyway, nowhere in history anything as infantile as nintendo games had ever existed.

>> No.8333680

Ooh that's a hot branding iron of a take, unironically

>> No.8333949

Sorry, I got carried with my rippin' verbage and used wrong terms. I was trying to say that's a good take, not a scandalous one.

>> No.8334114

Not him, but I still remember people on the IGN forums saying shit like that, I distinctly remember one user saying upon Wind Waker's release that Zelda needed to be more mature and "have the blood of monsters stain your sword permanently for the rest of the game".

>> No.8334148

I got a Wii at the end of 2007. Was hyped for Mario Galaxy with Smash Bros and Mario Kart to come in 2008.

Anyway, E3 2008 rolled round and I was hyped to see what games would come next. F-Zero? Starfox maybe?

And then E3 happened and I realised Nintendo weren't interested in catering to their actual fans any more.

>> No.8334159


Forgot to add, the point where they lost me completely was the unveiling of the Wii U.

It was last gen's specs (again) with a pointless gimmick (again) except this time the gimmick appealed to literally no one. Casuals who bought the Wii had long since moved on, and everyone else already played on PC, 360 or PS3. Who the hell did Nintendo think was actually going to buy this thing?
PS4 and Xbone were on the horizon. Did they really think they could appeal to the "hardcore" crowd with some ports of multiplat PS3/360 games that everyone had already played?

I ended up buying a Wii U in 2014 basically just for Tropical Freeze, but christ... that gamepad was so pointless.

>> No.8334492

The Wii is greatest family entertainment video game system they ever built. Too bad they dropped it for the Wii U garbage. Wii HD could have been incredible.

>> No.8334505

Your last two rows should probably be identical with all the ports.

>> No.8334529

You underestimate the sheer mawkishness of Victorian children's literature.

>> No.8334556

The Wii U games I loved are now available on another console. That's the silver lining. It's still a raw deal.

>> No.8334570

After the DS

>> No.8334580

>Video games are meant for children.
why are you here, then? shouldn't you be out doing something manly like chopping wood or knocking up your wife?

be the change you want to see in the world.

>> No.8334584
File: 402 KB, 541x518, t78r8k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love prime, played it, but the cube is when they started making toys for babies, not kids.

>> No.8334684

That's just outright wrong. There was a very conscious effort to age up their brand with the GC vs the N64. they didn't really achieve this in the eyes of "gamers", but they tried.

>> No.8334695

The Wii. I was a lifer at that point, NES-gameboy-SNES-N64-Gamecube. After the gamecube generation I could no longer justify to myself how much I was missing out on by choosing nintendo, so I moved to Sony.

>> No.8335064
File: 342 KB, 1296x730, yoshis_island_ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being mawkish is at least a coherent expression of an emotional state. Tendieshits are pastel colored bingbing wahoo 1up shit without any consistent narrative or human emotion to tie everything together, they're the equivalent of peekaboos or teletubbies for literal toddlers in the very early stages of brain development with absolutely zero emotional maturity.

>> No.8335073

Did they? I don't think they had the child's console reputation in the 64 era. 1st party titles maybe.

>> No.8335095

Not even kidding, as soon as they announced the "controller" for the Wii. I liked the Gamecube a lot and was looking forward to the Nintendo Revolution.

>> No.8335106

Paper Mario: Sticker Star on 3DS

>> No.8335128

They removed the battle frontier and gym leader rematchs

>> No.8335135

Quoted from Game Revolution's review publication in 1998.
>Length, however, does not equal depth. At first the ZELDA seems too much like a child’s game. Things are cute, cartoony and simple. ZELDA is definitely geared for a younger audience than Final Fantasy VII, for example. As you play, it does show quite a bit more depth than you’d guess from first impressions, but never gets very complex. This is really a flaw with the cartridge format. Without a CD, you just have much less potential data to work with.
>Of course, this is great news for younger gamers or parents worried about giving their kids games that are too mature. For us older gamers though, ZELDA still tastes a bit like baby food at times.

Even a jarpig kiddie thought it's too childish for them.

>> No.8335209

When I played NSMB Wii right after emulating Mario World and could immediately tell something was off.

>> No.8335219

The 3DS, pure stagnation from that point on.

>> No.8335224

For the record the Zelda remakes are not forgivable

>> No.8335580

they should have just had it come with a gamecube-esque regular controller and the remote which just could've been a multimedia pointing stick without motion control so they could focus budget on hardware that could compete with the 360

>> No.8335628

>Wii U
what were they thinking?

>> No.8335756

imagine if the next console were named Wii U Hee

>> No.8335835

Iwata was thinking it was too cute *laughs*.

>> No.8335874

Damn this thread is still going on? Imagine seething so hard at Nintendo that you constantly waste you time posting about them on a chinese cartoon forum.

The Wii U and NEW 3DS naming schemes were a mistake, and shows how powerless NOA is in the face of NOJ decisions. Any white man would tell you that those names are completely fucking stupid, will cause market confusion, and tank sales. But no, sacred Iwata can do no wrong. NOA golems complied because they had no choice. That being said, I loved the Wii U. Best console since the ground breaking Gamecube. The Wii U is still the best way to play N64 games (aka the only good 5th gen games).

>> No.8335880

Any "white man" who's not a retarded amerishit has no trouble distinguishing between "Wii" and "Wii U"

>> No.8335884

80% of Nintendo sales are via dumb moms buying there kid the “newest nintendo”. The Wii U, uh don’t we have the Wii at home? Is it just a tablet because we already have an ipad?

>> No.8335920

I already said first party titles could arguably be considered that. But the N64 had Quake, Doom, Duke nuken, Hexen, Goldeneye, etc. The FPS and arcade racing games were some of the best selling titles for older audiences. I don't really remember people calling the N64 a child's console back then, magazines were always hyping up the more mature titles. Also, that review doesn't seem to be the normal consensus even then.

>> No.8335925

but the n64 didn’t have JRPGs and fighters so no real man would ever waste their money on it

>> No.8335926

Tons of fighters for the n64. The genre died in that era though because nobody plays that shit.

>> No.8335973

We're talking about manchilds and soccer moms here.

>> No.8336061


>> No.8336083

literally the moment i booted up wii sports. we waited in line for almost 24 hours to get a wii, got home, hooked everything up, got super excited to play the revolutionary new motion control gaming that will shape the future forever....and..........

>> No.8336607

Really? I sure couldn't beat it as a grade schooler.

>> No.8336615

NTA but not an argument. A true statement made in broken English does not become false.

>> No.8336631

A lot of people besides jocks have boycotted EA. Bethesda is arguably more western Nintendo as they make dumb decisions, but people still buy their shit regardless, then complain about it after giving them their money.

>> No.8337008
File: 42 KB, 640x427, 1507569861612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was their response to the Xbox kinect
why do some people insist on inserting themselves into conversations on topics they know nothing about?