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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 400x295, pokemon-gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8315443 No.8315443 [Reply] [Original]

/vp/ is an absolute shitshow right now, so fuck it, post any good memories you have with the /vr/ pokemon games

A few weeks ago I finished pic related and it was a fun experience overall. Kanto felt a bit too empty but Johto had enough content to compensate it

>> No.8315507

>/vp/ is an absolute shitshow right now
Right now? It's always nothing but coomers and complainers.

But I guess you mean since they're going apeshit over the fact that the remakes of Diamond and Pearl are coming out at the end of next week.

>> No.8315579

this is a dumb question but do you have to keep pokemon once you catch it for it to count toward your total? my boxes are filling up with shitty bug pokemon and id love to get rid of them

>> No.8315602

No, once you've caught it you can release it and it will still count as one you've caught.
>playing Gold age 8 or 9
>don't know about roaming Pokemon
>just get out of Rock Tunnel
>Wild Suicune appeared
>try and catch it
>it breaks out and runs away
Stopped playing after that, thought I'd missed my one and only chance

>> No.8315643

im playing crystal right now, and at the battle where you fight suicine in the tower, i was curious if he could actually be caught, i got his health down to almost zero and kept using all kinds of pokeballs but i guess its scripted so it cant be caught lol

>> No.8315656
File: 95 KB, 400x343, pokemonmac (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon is a kinda meh autistic fixation for me. Prefer Dragon Ball. I've had Pokemon as a part of me basically so long I've been able to have memories
Being a Pokemon autist means I have to eventually engage with so much of the franchise for no reason other than because it's there but honestly the last couple years I've been feeling pretty down on the series. The games went downhill-ier, the TCG went downhill in a big way, etc.
The only thing that really brings me back is to play Gen 1 or 2, they're the purest expression of Pokemon as a concept and both can easily be more fun to replay than any later Gen. Got to engage both while I was trying to run through both Stadium games a couple years back, fun-ish experience but Stadium can be a real fucking bitch.
I present to you the video that will trigger anyone who had Pokemon VHS as a kid: https://youtu.be/52_1zxTUpHU

>> No.8316063

>shitty bug pokemon
You better watch you mouth.

>> No.8316107

I've been playing the second trading card game for the gameboy color and having a BLAST.
Game has too much soul.

>> No.8316140

He can be caught but the catch rate is painfully low. When I was a kid I reached that point and threw my entire inventory at him not wanting to use my master ball. I hadn't saved for a few hours so I decided to hell with it and used it. I caught Entei and Raikou after that and they didn't give me nearly as much trouble.

>> No.8316145

I've been thinking of replaying crystal but I'm not sure if I should go vanilla or a rom-hack. Is Polished Crystal really as good as people say it is?

>> No.8316147

Peak Soul, Pokemon was on the decline and died with SwShit.

>> No.8316151

Overall SWSH is terrible. But I liked the Wild Area. It felt like a genuine step forward. A whole game like that would be great.

>> No.8316152
File: 1.07 MB, 1197x1197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you caught a PINECO
wow what originality

>> No.8316154

i mean i started with gold back in 2001 and when i found out crystal was an updated version i got that rom to play it instead a few weeks ago. vanilla is fun but i use the 2x speed which is the only way to play most of this game. of course it fucks with your total play time but who cares.

>> No.8316182
File: 105 KB, 1192x670, forretress_by_dannymybrother-dam17wc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a kick ass Forretress.

>> No.8316207

Everything past Black and White 2 was trash. Thankfully the series had a good sendoff with B/W/2/HG and SS.

>> No.8316226

Playing crystal on my 3DS. Not even left the first town yet and started a few months ago. Only play when watching a movie or tv. Want all 3 starters shiny before I start, never had a proper shiny on my original cart, egg and red garados were free. Just chikorita left to get.

>> No.8316235
File: 260 KB, 1416x864, poketecrys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like G2 but I still prefer G1....and now that I think of it, I might prefer G3 to G2 as well.

>> No.8316272

People talk about muh balance but I will say Gen1 was far more entertaining with how all out attacking it was. With moves like Amnesia and powerful Pokémon it was like DBZ in RPG form.

>> No.8316278
File: 71 KB, 484x1269, Forretress Generation II learnset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Ledian and Ariados are garbage compared to Butterfree and Beedrill.
>But Heracross!
Yeah yeah and the average person wont know how to get him super early so they stick with their mega trash early game bug pokemon
>But Fortress!
Trash outside of competative. Fucker learns self destruct TWICE

>> No.8316287

Eh GameFreak was always utterly retarded at balancing the pokemon even back in the classic days. This is why romhacks are superior.

>> No.8316304

>Ariados are garbage

>> No.8316351
File: 8 KB, 160x144, pol crys box wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The improved box system in polished crystal is great.

>> No.8316369

His only offensive move early game is leech life which it learns at level TWENTY FIVE around the time you're going to replace those early bug types with something better. In Gen4 with the remakes he gets bugbite which is way better but in gen2 hes unusable. Beedrill still sucks but is at least usable with fury attack and twin needle

>> No.8316373

If there's one memory I'll never forget, it's the music. So many classic tunes are burned into my brain forever. I especially like Vermilion City.
Other bangers include Route 3 and Route 11.


>> No.8316380

My only gripe with Polished Crystal is the creator replaced some of the original dex with cross gen evolutions. I hate it when romhacks do that.

>> No.8316389

It's only temporary. They are working on a 9bit version to allow them to expand the dex.

>> No.8316407
File: 13 KB, 300x200, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was lookin for a really challenging hack, and since like 75% of my experience has been with gen 1, i was lookin at blue kaizo
but ive heard that its is a really REALLY challenging hack

anyone have experience with this one?
or know of a better, slightly more forgiving gen 1 hack?

>> No.8316446

Azalea town is my favorite. You're right though. I still whistle tons of these tunes to this day.


>> No.8316479

For some reason the National Park theme always stuck with me.

>> No.8316489

I've been playing clover and it's not bad. I wish some of the fakemon were better designed and not mostly based around shit and jizz. I'm in /fit/ town now a kike is trying to get me to invest in some scheme.

>> No.8316520

Was Clover ever finished? Kinda want to buy a repro cart of it for shits and giggles.

>> No.8316542

The version I got was 1.2 so I think it is done.
Here is the rom you need to patch

>> No.8316549

A Pokémon literally just being a pinecone is hilarious, especially when the point is that it's an exploding pinecone. It's also cute with an interesting color.
It also evolves into Forretress, which is a certified bamf-mon and one of the first and earliest Steel-types you can get access to.

>> No.8316557

so youre telling me after i beat the game with my lvl 100 party i have to go back to my box and evolve every single lvl 5 pokemon to complete the dex?

>> No.8316575

You don't have to, it's just a completionist goal. Also when you beat the game your party will likely only be lvl 60s.

>> No.8316610

Diamond leaked yesterday

>> No.8316613

Thanks bro.

>> No.8316618

>phys/spec split
>replaced old mons with new mons
>fairy type
No thanks.

>> No.8316619

I'm not deep enough into the mechanics to get why this matters or not. What's wrong with the phys/spec split and adding fairy type?

>> No.8316623

How recent is this? The version I downloaded a few months ago didn't have this.

>> No.8316626

If you want nupokemon, then play nupokemon. I really don't understand the appeal of playing Crystal if you make it completely unlike Gen 2

>> No.8316649

Pokemon's mechanics and features have improved up until X&Y, and it's really cool seeing it implemented in a gameboy game.
The main appeal of Gen 2 is the aesthetics. If you're a purist then you wouldn't touch hacks in the first place.

>> No.8316652

>Pokemon's mechanics and features have improved up until X&Y

>> No.8316657

>if you don't play games exactly like how i play them then you're a purist
how about fuck you retard

>> No.8316673

>I really don't understand the appeal of playing Crystal if you make it completely unlike Gen 2
How is this not a purist statement? Literally any change will be unlike gen 2.

>> No.8317290

The physical/special split isn't that bad (even if there aren't moves for both in the game so they have to add them which feels weird) but adding entirely new Pokemon and an entirely new type is fucking cringe. I even like Sylveon and I don't want that shit in Crystal
Also apparently there still hasn't been a hack made to remove the retarded OCs

>> No.8317607

Polished Crystal had OCs? I thought that was just Crystal Clear

>> No.8317626

You guys know Polished Crystal is open source right? You can just take it and change the stuff you don't like about it.

>> No.8317635

I started a playthrough of Clear Crystal, chose Elekid as my starter, I'm having fun.

>> No.8317638

Crystal Clear, I meant

>> No.8317657

Maybe I'm just crazy but I don't see the point in Polished Crystal in a world where HGSS exists. There's a reason those 2 games are held up as not only the best way to remake a pokemon game, but arguably the best pokemon games period. At least Crystal Clear turns gen 2 into an open-world game so that's something completely different.

>> No.8317658
File: 4 KB, 160x144, 5B79C050-83DF-4AE7-B756-F09E0AFF2652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pokemon Factory Adventure is a fun romhack and you should try it

>> No.8317659

>zoomer zoom zoom
HGSS aren’t retro

>> No.8317663

For a second I was going to say "isn't it?" but after googling no, 2009. Could've sworn it was like 2005 or something.
Also fuck you, I'm 34.

>> No.8317710

GSC has a God tier art direction that HGSS doesn't.

>> No.8317720

On the other hand the Gen4 mechanics are a lot better. I was so mad as a kid when the Special split nerfed a bunch of my favorites like Gyarados.

>> No.8317731

You didn’t need to look up the year. The NDS is not retro. HGSS was a good remake, but its not retro. Plus its really ugly in comparison to gen 2 graphics

>> No.8317737
File: 38 KB, 852x480, Sadoldman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW the DS is considered retro to zoomers

>> No.8317775

i mean it's not but according to this board's rules consoles like the xbox and gamecube are retro, ds was only like 5 years later, so can't really blame em desu
t. zoomer

>> No.8317792

Teach me how to modify crystal's disassembly

>> No.8317801

>got caught by the word filter
>thinks reading the rules before posting is too hard because he can’t differentiate between was is and isn’t retry
Sad! Many such cases. The NDS isn’t even close to retro, it just came out not that long ago.

>> No.8317835

what are you even talking about? i said i was a zoomer
and yea ik it's by years i just said 5 years wasn't a long time

>> No.8317990

Is that an unused Mewtwo asset? An old sprite before they decided to make it look less like Mew, and give it's face some more mutant looking muscle?

>> No.8318005

No, it's just a fanmade Mewthree sprite.

>> No.8318103

>Maybe I'm just crazy but I don't see the point in Polished Crystal in a world where HGSS exists.
Because people want to have new experiences in Gen 2 because Gen 2 is fucking based and comfy

>> No.8318125

More like zoomers want to play pixel games because they're trendy, but don't actually want to play real retro games because they're retards

>> No.8318141

Is this projection or obsession, you pick

>> No.8318143

This is seethe and cope

>> No.8318197


It is extremely easy

>> No.8318250
File: 535 KB, 1536x2048, F3997560-85BC-4D4B-80FF-8505A476D73C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do 25 year olds count as zoomers? I'm 25 and this is my collection.

>> No.8318252
File: 424 KB, 1536x2048, CAB70E73-7C95-4558-AB97-E1EBAB7A221C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wooden drawers have Famicom, Mega Drive and PC Engine games.

>> No.8318264

>Do 25 year olds count as zoomers?
If not then the youngest millenial possible

>> No.8318350

I would much rather be a zoomer than a millennial. I fucking hate millennials. Then again.... I hate zoomers too.

>> No.8318365

I prefer millenials
Source: am a millenial

>> No.8318901

Came out in 2004 lol. Lose track of time old man?

>> No.8318965

Anyone ever replace one of the save batteries in the GBC games? I've soldered before but need to buy the security bit and the battery itself. How long would the new battery last? I wouldn't want to replace it then have to go back a year later to do it again.

>> No.8319121

Does that anon modding emerald also visit /vg/.
Also, I really wanna get the OST for gens 1-3to listen to it on the go but I can only fine 3. Why are gens 1/2 so hard to find?

>> No.8319130

Just make sure you get a battery that's been pre-soldered

>> No.8319307

Well first off, both Crystal and HGSS are pixel games so that's a dumb argument to make, one is just more low-tech. Secondly, Polished Crystal in many ways just turns Crystal into a Gen 2 version of HGSS which means the person doesn't even want the original retro gameplay, they just want the original looks in music (which admittedly in some areas the old art was superior, but not the music because that shit was compressed to hell and back to fit Kanto).

>> No.8319312

Yes. It's not worth it in the end, just emulate the damn thing.

>> No.8319329

Woke up early to go to a Pokemon tourney where we got free Mews, bodied the first kid's entire team with my first Pokemon (teams of 3) and told my brother who was standing in line next to the play area how easy he was right in front of that kid's face.
I miss being a kid who had absolutely zero filter, even if my life is shit right now, I can cling onto some enjoyable memories when I was younger.

>> No.8319729

HGSS isn’t retro. Doesnt have pixels either. Only zoomers would want to play a modern 3D game like that when Crystal exists

>> No.8319809
File: 4 KB, 160x144, 6319titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of any good hacks that reimagine gen 1 games. Last time I tried to run through the gen 1 I ended up quiting around Misty because I realized I had played the games so many times that I've every Pokemon you can catch in the beginning.

I noticed this rom hack got added a few days ago and it changes some movements removes some of the useless movies for better ones and most importantly redistributes Pokemon locations to provide more variety. Anyone give it a try yet?

>> No.8319832

i think this is exactly why they left in the replication/pokemon clone glitch.
I forgot how to do it now. but it was like give a pokemon a master ball
then do some box switching fuckery and turn it off.
then you'd have the same pokemon again and another master ball

>> No.8319854

>stat changes
No thanks

>> No.8319869

idk bro get a gyrados with 300 plus attack, ice fang. its over for most pokemon after that or water tail

>> No.8319897

Play the Kaizo version. It makes it a tad more difficult.

>> No.8319908

Pokemon Factory Adventure
Polemom Brown

>> No.8319915

Just played through that recently too. One of the best gaming experiences I've had in years. Would love to have fuck you money and commission a room hack for the next two or three sets of cards.

>> No.8319917
File: 238 KB, 1600x800, SI_WiiUVC_PokemonMysteryDungeonBlueRescueTeam_enGB_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team is the best pokemon game. Fight me

>> No.8319974

>Doesnt have pixels either.
What? Yes it does, the sprites are in 96x96 pixels.
>3D game
Are you confusing it with ORAS? Gens 4 and 5 were 2.5D, if you look up the shit nothing in the game is actually a 3D model, they just used tricks to make buildings look like they have depth.

>> No.8319986

>just emulate
>not playing Stadium 2kino with your real cartridge

>> No.8319989
File: 681 KB, 1168x651, EFrZCgu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but that's only sorta true. The flat plain everything is sitting on is actually a 3D model, but everything on that plain is a series of 2-dimensional sprites that change depending on the angle by which your screen is looking at it.

>> No.8319996

Last DS game released was in 2014. Gigazoomer games like Fortnite was released 3 years later. DS had a long life expectancy.

>> No.8320040

>Last DS game released was in 2014.
I mean the last officially released SNES game was in the year 2000 which was also 10 years after the system came out

>> No.8320043

Those SuFami cases... anon... I COOOOOOM

>> No.8320050

Why didn't Nintendo make FE Thracia 776 for the N64?

>> No.8320070

It was a side project with a low budget
None of the FE games besides 3 were really that big of a deal in Japan until Awakening
I kind of think of it like Mega Man & Bass, just no practical reason for it to exist besides it unironically being a passion project mostly made for the fans

>> No.8320189

MM&B was more of a "well kids might not have a playstation yet so let's throw them a bone here"

>> No.8320205

Quite frankly I'm amazed that Fire Emblem lasted until Awakening because outside of Mystery of the Emblem, Blazing Blade, and Sacred Stones, it was just flop after flop. PoR and RD fucking crashed and burned compared to how much it cost to make those games, I was lucky to get copies of each when they were new and not jacked up in price.

>> No.8321716

Look into Shin Pokemon Red/Blue/Green.
The epitome of Gen 1 QoL hacks.

>> No.8321790

> I realized I had played the games so many times that I've every Pokemon you can catch in the beginning.

This is you why you make your own team, your own starters

>breed and hatch eggs in gen2
>trade them to BRY when you get to the first town

You can trade with yourself with BGB emulator.
I gave myself 3 Evees last time I replayed Yellow, which works great in Yellow since the line's moveset was made to be like starters considering the rival uses them.

Atlernatively (or in combination with the above) I recommend to play the romhack recreation of Japanese-Blue. It's an inferior experience but interesting nonetheless if only because you can catch wild Jynx and get NPC traded Genger/Golem

>> No.8321979

The fact that a Lite version exists makes this probably the best Pokemon romhack that exists. Fuck those who shoehorn and force modern mechanics and mons into old games. I just want to play Gen 1/2 with a little bit of qol

>> No.8322023

We need something like this for gen 2

>> No.8322217

Sounds like /vr/

>> No.8322407

I keep trying to find a nice wooden draw at my goodwill, but they always seem too big.

>> No.8322431

it's called crystal.