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File: 118 KB, 500x693, DOAX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8309873 No.8309873 [Reply] [Original]

It's a fun volleyball game

>> No.8309876

They don't call it the SEXbox for nothing.

>> No.8309878

in a world where people are not atomized a game like that would have no demand to satisfy

>> No.8309912

can this already be emulated?

>> No.8309917

Yes, but it's pretty buggy.

>> No.8309960

Do any of these games ever show nudity? I always figured that would be an unlockable but I was too young to rent it. Same with Leisure Suite Larry

>> No.8309973
File: 83 KB, 640x908, gc_beach_spikers_p_dta419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks ur path

>> No.8309986

>he doesn't know about the full nude mod

>> No.8310219
File: 274 KB, 652x878, 71C99EE5-508C-4B36-9AEA-1A259B525473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, sorry buddy. But I like men!

>> No.8310223

I wish the DOA games were backwards compatible on the Xbone

>> No.8310292

patrician taste

>> No.8310294

Umm pics???

>> No.8310304

I played this with my friend a few months ago. He found his old xbox and asked me to bring some of my favorite games. This was one of them and we played it for a few hours one of the days, there's just something addicting about the simplicity of the volleyball game. I've tried playing the 360 version and the volleyball doesn't have the same fluidity and the other minigames weren't fun at all. But the first is honestly really fun and maybe the only good volleyball game.

>> No.8310309
File: 54 KB, 474x597, guygame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also had this on it

>> No.8310314

I thought this was exclusive to PS2.

I'm assuming it's also on PC.

>> No.8310318

there was recent a rumor 3 and 2u were coming i think

>> No.8310331

Is this, dare I say it, THE guy game?

>> No.8310405

It actually is

>> No.8310975

I blame this game and the second one for turning me into the pervert I am today.

>> No.8311263

We had this same conversation like a month ago. The nude mods for it aren’t great.

>> No.8311282

Is there even a real-life girl like Hitomi?

>> No.8311326

Got this game as a teenager and jerked off to it a bunch, don't even care. The volleyball game is pretty solid, the mini games are a nice diversion and it has a nice casino suite as well. All-around decent game honestly.

>> No.8311330

Wasn't there a shitstorm over this game because apparently one of the girls shown topless was underaged and lied.

>> No.8311334

Yes she was 17 and the game had to be pulled from shelves. I think they all signed releases saying that they were adults so nobody got in trouble but, it had to be pulled from shelves obviously. Being that back then you couldn't simply patch a game, it hit the shelves and that was it.

>> No.8311387
File: 499 KB, 720x660, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8311402


>> No.8311441

Is the volleyball better than in DOAX3 because that was passable but so simple it became boring almost immediately

>> No.8311463

Why the last one couldn't have been just that?

>> No.8311485

DOAX2 is better
DOAX3 is worse

>> No.8311534

I still can't believe Team Ninja couldn't even add back in the jet ski game from X2 in 3.

>> No.8311551

DOAX3 is the only one I've played and it makes me mad because I can see bits of what could have been a really great game in there but it feels like a fucking alpha used to get approval to work on the actual full game.

The girls look incredible, mind you. But why can't I like walk around the island? Why didn't they model the girls for the casino so we could see them in evening gowns and cocktail dresses?

>> No.8311587

Never played it but the pole dances were my go-to fap material when I discovered them on youtube.

>> No.8312727

Who wouldn't Hitomi?
All things considered, it's quite possible. She'd probably wouldn't check all the marks, but she has a pretty realistic face and karate isn't out of reach for wimin.

>> No.8312763

I don't even ask for karate, as to avoid being picky. I just want to know if there's the possibility of the same physical beauty.

>> No.8312794

I strongly believe there is.

>> No.8312936

It was just meant as a goofy spinoff for the OG Xbox, whats weird is how the games are already stagnant despite the better hardware of the PS4.

>> No.8312960

Yeah I find the DoA characters always look like soulless mannequins to me. There's something missing but I'm not sure what it is. Other games don't have this (lack of) effect on me.

>> No.8312967

they seem to be modeled after barbie dolls. The skin, the faces

>> No.8312974

>There's something missing
Personality. Try actually playing the games instead of commenting pictures and discarding the games from that.

>> No.8313035

Pls help I don’t know what this means

>> No.8313058

replace atomized with isolated, pretty much the same thing

>> No.8313074
File: 178 KB, 150x244, 1564262439937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played DoA5 and still feel the same way. There's no personality in their animation either. The story content is bland at best. I wouldn't say story is worse than other fighting games but it sure is not enough to make up for the sameface/samebody of all the characters.

>> No.8313108

It's the faces, they never change expression, that said I do think they have personality but it's more nuanced

>> No.8313142

That reminds me: now that i have a good gaming Laptop i can actually emulate this.
Any other good XBox games /vr/o's?

>> No.8313152

Play Gun Valkyrie
Watch the attract mode (when you don’t hit anything on the title screen) first or you won’t undertake how to play

>> No.8313157

I love the DoA girls, bro, but I won't argue here. You're totally right.

>> No.8313158

That’s the weirdest fucking typo I’ve ever made.

>> No.8313164

I think it's also that the expression itself is so neutral and bland. And it seems to me the models themselves don't have a lot of shape variation other than maybe breast size.
>that said I do think they have personality but it's more nuanced
True I am exaggerating somewhat. They aren't completely awful or anything, but there's a big difference between what I want or expect based on how others act about the franchise, and what I actually see (both in pictures and in game).

>> No.8313183

i appreciate your post even with the typo. Thanks, i will check it out

>> No.8313254

That's something I don't understand. If one of your main selling points is the cute girls, why do they all have basically the same proportions with a bit of leeway in the chest area? I wish Mila was shredded and Marie was a twig in comparison and Honoka was fat, and that the blonde american girls were generally taller and more muscular all around. I'm not asking for SFV-tier exagerration, but at least make them look visually unique.

>> No.8313678
File: 2.04 MB, 2016x1512, Want_to_correct_misspelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reviewed alright in its day:

>> No.8313703

>If one of your main selling points is the cute girls, why do they all have basically the same proportions with a bit of leeway in the chest area?
The man that created these games has autism. He basically made a waifu simulator. What you're seeing is obvious. They're all the same girl. Just with different hair, eye color, tits, and clothing. He just wanted a nice waifu simulator. The volleyball and fighting are just an excuse to make the tits bounce.

Dude is my hero. He's smug as fuck in every interview. He can't believe they gave him the money.

>> No.8314808

>He basically made a waifu simulator.
The intro agrees

>> No.8314868
File: 141 KB, 600x298, XJKTVxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itagaki is based as fuck.

>> No.8315512

The way Itagaki that vidya way too serious... Why doesn't he post here? Someone should invite him, it's not like he's particularly busy nowadays.

>> No.8315580

What's the point, why not just watch porn

>> No.8315608

Probably too ashamed to show his pancake after devil's third.

>> No.8315649

People fucking hated this game for no good reason

>> No.8315657

t. coomer

>> No.8315660

Yes, and?

>> No.8315691

The intro and strip dances were prime coomer bait but beyond that it’s harmless.

>> No.8315732

People who say this must not have a dick. This is the most tired, braindead take ever.

>> No.8315734

coomer whataboutism, next level

>> No.8315739


>> No.8315747

This and NG/B were peak Team Ninja, all downhill from here.

>> No.8315750

90% of the game is cute and fun chilling out on an island and playing dress up with your waifu/avatar
People like you would probably appreciate it if it involved killing people in gory ways with complicated inputs

>> No.8315754

>People like you would probably
the projection begins

>> No.8315762

So put up a counterargument rather than just being a retard contrarian.

>> No.8315781

and the ad-hominems

boy we really struck a nerve here

>> No.8315784

So nothing then? Good talk.

>> No.8315790

the coomer forfeits, a wise decision

>> No.8315794

>le troll face

>> No.8315885

>Why would a man ever want to see a sexy woman in any context when he could just spend all day jacking off?
This is you

>> No.8316357


>> No.8317589

Everybody knows why somebody is playing this game and especially why somebody is installing a nude mod

>> No.8317593

To have fun watching hot women in bikinis while you play a game

>> No.8317605

you can't play the game one-handed
are you masturbating constantly when you see nudity in HBO shows?

>> No.8317692

Why aren't you playing a real game like ninja gaiden

>> No.8317697

too hard, hate that shit

>> No.8318389

Id say so, the volley ball gets less intense with each game since they focus on the extra modes more. Its still fun just doesnt engage me personally as much as the first game.

>> No.8319912

Ryu's body is too stiff. He will never be a woman.

>> No.8320282

I do that too. It also has sexy women, but not as many

>> No.8320431

Beach Spikers is a great game, similar in some aspects to Virtua Tennis but for Volleyball. DOAXVB has better graphics and presentation but Beach Spikers has an actual good game at its core.

>> No.8320492
File: 18 KB, 482x384, fac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did they fuck up Hitomi so bad?

>> No.8320931

She's basically the girl next door type. I totally would Hitomi.

>> No.8322510

he'd probably sperg out if one anon made fun of Devil's Third. Probably become unbearable after that

>> No.8322514

The first Dead or Alive Xtreme is a very solid game. The sequels failed to properly expand on the formula

>> No.8322808

They fucked up Tina, too. Both still look great, but realism sucks.

>> No.8324249

When I was very young, I remember visiting my Eurotrash cousin in Italy who only had three games for his Xbox. FIFA, PGR, and DOAX. I vividly remember playing the latter, and feeling kinda funny seeing girls with big jiggling tits in swimsuits playing volleyball.

>> No.8324576

if you want to see him sperg out, just insult DOA. That's what namco did.

XBN: Do you consider it normal practice to slag off your competitors?

Itagaki: Okay, let me tell you the real story with that. Back when the original DOA came out, Namco aired a radio commercial insulting the series. As the father of DOA, I will never forget an insult to my family. I will get them back with nuclear missiles more than 100 times for that. I will never forget it.


>> No.8324628

Pancake sounds like a bro. It's clear he genuinely cares.
But that's why I don't understand how devil's third turned out like that, I understand scrapping half the content, but why scrap features that were present in the teasers like wall running?
It should have been ninja gaiden with guns and instead we got call of duty with lead pipes.

>> No.8324797

Such sperging is fit for /vr/. Summon Itagaki here and let he unleash his fury.

>> No.8324820

My guess is because the last minute jump from the Darksiders 2 engine to UE3 resulted in a ton of things getting cut. I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire game was reworked from the ground up as a result of that, especially because of the jump to the Wii U.

>> No.8325227

The white girls are much taller than the Asian girls, it's pretty obvious when you play the game

>> No.8325245

I remember downloading and burning it to a disk as a kid, only to find out the iso I got had a nude mod. I was disappointed, because I thought it was hotter to try and get increasingly tinier bikinis for the girls instead of them being just straight up naked from the get go.

>> No.8325248

The game deadass went through three engines, four publishers, and the WiiU really does not like UE3.