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File: 92 KB, 1170x655, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8311976 No.8311976 [Reply] [Original]

What 2.5 to 3.5 drive bay adapter will fit in the ps2 expansion bay? I keep seeing adapters on amazon that reviews say suck. I just want to get the best one.

>> No.8311979

Just put an SSD there and let it me. SSDs are lightweight enough that it doesn't make any difference.

>> No.8311983

I would still rather secure it in place.

>> No.8311986

i put bubble wrap underneath the 2.5 drive

>> No.8311993

why? you carry it around a lot?
I've been running such setup for 2 years now with 0 problems.

>> No.8311997

I want to

>> No.8311998

just get some expanding spray foam to secure it in place

>> No.8312001


>> No.8312003

Im not putting that shit in my ps3 I just want someone to recommend me a bracket that will fit

>> No.8312005


>> No.8312024

yeah I ment ps2

>> No.8312031


>> No.8312042

Would this be safe to put in a ps2? I imagine airflow does not matter that much for the hard drive so being made of plastic makes no difference

>> No.8312060

I got one off Aliexpress with a 64 MB memory card (with freeboot already loaded) and it works fine.

>> No.8312062

You don't need that shit. SSDs are so light they can just float inside the HDD bay just fine.

>> No.8312070

If you're so bored you want to waste money donate to charity.

Otherwise, stick some bubble wrap in there.

>> No.8312071

but would it be safe?

>> No.8312076
File: 67 KB, 1123x956, 61rHWvvj2pL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought picrel on amazon years ago

>> No.8312081


>> No.8312083

Are you poor or 12 years old or something? It's a fucking SSD

>> No.8312084
File: 508 KB, 2534x1266, imadumbass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also interested.
I bought a cheap one off aliexpress, and I think it was intended as a 2.5" -> 3.5" IDE adapter, because if you look at it (the one on the left, although I didn't notice until it arrived) it clearly doesn't fucking fit.

Bought the style on the right last night, and here's hoping I don't embarass myself a second time.

>> No.8312089

get a sd to sata adapter op

>> No.8312091

order a SATA one
order a CF card

>> No.8312092

The amazon reviews said the plastic might be a heat issue. I just wanted to make sure lol.

>> No.8312096
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x1411, s-l1600.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reason being was I bought it to plug into one of these (IDE > SD card adapter) but when it turned up I noticed the soldering was shockingly bad.
Kinda scared to plug it in, but I absolutely wont even attempt it before touching up the shoddiest joints and reflowing the rest.

I have an original Sony Network adapter. I've heard about people frying their PS2 using the SATA bootlegs, but honestly my setup isn't much better.

>> No.8312098


This is the exact device I bought and it works great. Just get it, buy an SSD and have a great time :)

>> No.8312103

Thank you!

>> No.8312109

I have this and I can confirm it works flawlessly.
I prefer this chink tho https://bitfunx.aliexpress.com/store/1406602 since he usually provides more up to date software versions.

>> No.8312112


>> No.8312118

>search for the most up to date version of Free McBoot
>this chink always come son top
chink is a chink is a chink
it makes no difference but better get the latest version anyway

>> No.8312124

>I just want to get the best one.
It would be much easier to just take your meds and wait for them to kick in and suppress your autistic impulses. Then you can just buy any fucking thing and it will work fine.

>> No.8312125

ok boomer

>> No.8312127


>> No.8312130

>I like to buy stuff and then have to update it
zoomer logic at it's finest
no wonder you are all commies

>> No.8312256

You could use an IDE to SATA with an external power cord (i.e Startech) and an mSATA converter/SSD

>> No.8312401

Do they sell the mounting rails for these adapters? Having the HDD floating in there makes me wary of moving the PS2 around.

>> No.8312430

fucking hell have you zoomers never touched an SSD before?


>> No.8312437

I used to stash my drugs in there so my parents wouldn't find them

>> No.8312440

I'm using a 1TB drive. It only cost me like $30.

>> No.8312523

I have an original NA. Can I buy any IDE to SATA adapter? Is there any advantage in using an SSD or the NA will bottle neck the speed anyways? Is the no need for padding the only advantage? I have some HDD from old laptops around that would need padding. For me, it's only worth it to buy an SSD if the speed is better.

>> No.8312559

just buy a nvme, are you poor or something?

>> No.8312607

An SSD won't magically make the NA faster but it will potentially let you use it at maximum speed if that's what you want. But you really should do your homework first because you obviously don't understand all the issues/factors. But there are definitely many advantages to using an SSD.


>> No.8313008
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, 61AUmf8tq1L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- I still have one of these that I bought a few months ago and have yet to get around to installing it with an SSD.
Apparently there's a better design that fits in the adapter like that, but it's not being made anymore.
I thought about using an IDE-to-SATA adapter that I had, but the IDE plug went the wrong way, it wasn't straight out like the one in your pic.
>unironically wanting to use a 44-pin IDE drive
I mean I guess if you have one from a 2005-era junker laptop, but not me.

>> No.8314410

The only thing I see as a good thing for SSDs on such a slow bus is the reliability (no moving parts means fewer points of failure - that's why I eventually went with an SSD for the Wii after having multiple HDDs die while attached to the Wii).

>> No.8315110
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x1200, 1439796798016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic, isn't turning your PS2 into a catridge-based console with an IDE to SD adapter like this dude >>8312096 the best possible setup? if you use an SD card extender and mount the plug outside the console, you would never even need to remove the network drive again.

>> No.8315119

>he tosses his HDD around like a spastic

>> No.8315284

This is what I did. Technically SDs aren't the best for long term storage, but they're insanely cheap and so fucking easy to repopulate with an external mounting solution that it doesn't even matter. They max out the controller anyway, so there's no point putting an SSD in, and the 5 bucks you spend on adapters is nothing compared to the ease of use. I don't have to unplug shit, I just pull out the SD card and put it in my PC to add a new game.

>> No.8315457
File: 3.38 MB, 3456x3456, IMG_1042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh neat, I took this pic years ago.

I wanna do a CF setup. using a SATA2 or SATA3 SSD is technically overkill, but compact flash uses a subset of the IDE command set so a CF card is essentially a solid state IDE drive.

I've got a CF to IDE adapter but it's too tall to fit in the PS2's expansion bay, I need to get an IDE extension ribbon and a molex to 4-pin floppy cable.

>> No.8315467

>I wanna do a CF setup.
Is there any reason to do that?
CF media is waaaaaaay more expensive than SD or HDD in terms of GB/$.

>> No.8315514

So, are chink HDD adapters with SATA support and 2,5” format a good choice nowdays?
A decade ago I remember being burned by one HDD adapter with SATA I got from aliexpress. I could never get it to work right. I got the official HDD/network adapter used and a 500gb IDE harddrive and never looked back

>> No.8316931

There's no practical benefit, and doing a traditional HDD or SSD with a SATA adapter is cheaper and easier, and really a better idea in general. But I noticed CF was an option, and I kinda like how much work and cost is involved. First you need a pricey CF card, then a CF to IDE adapter, an IDE extension ribbon, and a molex to 3.25 floppy power adapter. I think it's neat to try to use basically a solid state IDE drive, since the PS2 reads at IDE speeds only. And you get to keep the original network adapter with all the working ports instead of taking a risk with an aliexpress that may not work or fries your console, according to the anons above. I'll probably stick with a low-storage card and only download games too expensive to buy.

>> No.8316940

I don't understand why you'd do that instead of using microSD. A basic adapter isn't going to fry your console.

>> No.8316987

Oh yeah sorry I was exagerating, I know lots of people have no problems with their SATA adapters. And you're right using a microSD would be way cheaper and easier, and more convenient for regular swapping. Nobody should prefer to use a CF card, I just want to because I like the challenge and there's something I appreciate about staying within the IDE standard.

>> No.8318112

>and I kinda like how much work and cost is involved
sus, are you into findom too?

>> No.8319480
File: 92 KB, 179x239, ONION1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the place for retards to ask retard questions- if I use Free McBoot and install a harddrive to my PAL PS2, will it play NTSC ISOs? I don't understand the rules behind region locking but it'd be great to know before I download a ton of ISOs I can't boot up. Thanks.

>> No.8319891

just fill the gaps with cardboard, thats what i do.

>> No.8319902


>> No.8319903

yes, it will, OPL do all the magic, if you are still skeptical load some games on a pendrive before loading the big HDD.

>> No.8319939

>But you really should do your homework first because you obviously don't understand all the issues/factors.
What do you mean?
>ssd is faster than hdd
>ssd lifetime is based on writing (not an issue in this case)
>sata is the standard in the 21th century
>not worth to go after an ide hdd
>ssd has no moving parts
What else do I need to know? I already have an original NA and a 20gb IDE HDD. I want to upgrade both the capacity and the way to copy files.

>> No.8320534

Thanks for putting my mind at ease lad

>> No.8320678

>told to do his homework
>doesn't do his homework
>struts his ignornace
>asks others to do his homework
Yup. That'd a be a zoomie.

>> No.8320815

i just use burned dvd
if the hdd fails or corrupts nice job
you lost all ur games lamo

>> No.8320831

>burning out your laser instead of relying on the most replaceable part of the PS2

pretty based actually not gonna lie

>> No.8320850

What the fuck is an NA?

>> No.8320915

something that's not a JP?

>> No.8321049

>if I use Free McBoot and install a harddrive to my PAL PS2, will it play NTSC ISOs?

but with using FMCB to start OPL you can.

>> No.8321134

A naturally aspirated engine, also known as a normally aspirated engine or NA, is an internal combustion engine in which air intake depends solely on atmospheric pressure and does not have forced induction through a turbocharger or a supercharger.
It's also in this instance referring to a network adaptor.

>> No.8321209

Honest to God I hope a proper ode is made for the ps2, opl is janky and its hardly ever just drag and drop like xstation is for example

>> No.8323087
File: 54 KB, 395x388, 1624242361493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual lurker here. just bought a ps2 for 30 bucks on CL. what mods should I do to have a better experience? sounds like adding an ssd instead of using good ole memory cards? or memory cards with micro sd storage? i am also autistic, al most forgot to mention. type 2.

>> No.8323091

This thread pains me
Why the fuck are you using a 2.5 drive in a fucking ps2 it barely gets any benefit from a modern hdd never mind ssd
Just get one of the sata adapters and stick a cheapass hdd in there

>> No.8323095

This whole thread is filled with retards. Why are you morons just interchanging the terms SSD and 2.5"... those aren't the same thing. You can have a 3.5" SSD and a 2.5" HDD. Secondly, don't listen to any of the tech-illiterate hillbillies telling you to just "connect the SSD and let it float in the bay". Just no... I'm glad it worked for some of you idiots. Enjoy your broken hard drive ports on the PS2 from gravity pulling down the hard drive over time. Lastly... there is no benefit of using an SSD in a modded PS2 versus using a normal mechanical HDD. Just buy a 3.5" HDD you sperg.

>> No.8323162

>Honest to God I have terminal stage 9001 assburgers

>> No.8323209

Bought a "GAMESTAR" adapter from aliexpress a couple of years ago for 20, i never had a single problem and if i ever had it was the hard drive's fault and not the adapter.

>> No.8323339

>stop doing things differently than I do
also, 2.5" tend to need less power than a 3.5", prick.

>> No.8323569

They're lighter too. A PS2 with a hard drive in it is unbalanced as fuck when you try to pick it up. And an SSD doesn't give a fuck if you drop it.
I'm still going with a SATA adapter because they aren't exactly making more IDE drives. I still have a NOS 500GB IDE drive in the closet, but I would rather save it for an OGXB.
I have a couple of 500GB and 1TB 3.5" SATA drives lying around, so I'll probably make my PS2 be a boat anchor anyhow.

>> No.8323579

you saving that much money on your electric bill switching to a 2.5" drive?

>> No.8323636

Yes, we all do. Where do you think you are?

>> No.8324525

less power = less heat