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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8300424 No.8300424 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bootleg Dirty Pair? Also let's have a thread about Famicom exclusive games. What are your favorites from pre-1987 era?

>> No.8300457
File: 244 KB, 1600x1200, 17092532063[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battlemania was also off brand Dirty Pair.

>> No.8301879

In all honesty 83-87 was kind of rough for the famicom. A lot of notable titles fro. before 87 were arcade ports which, by today's standards, are too inaccurate to go back to. Even then a lot of the original games sort of go untalked about since later games of their genre would blow them out of the water. Why talk about the many early shumps of the systen when Gradius 2 and Twinbee 3 exist?

That said here are some notable games that come to mind, not 10/10 games but at least worth a look
>Mach Rider
>Star Force
>Lunar Pool
>Zunou Senkan Galg
>Mighty Bomb Jack
>Ganbare Goemon
>King Kong 2
>Wing of Madoola

>> No.8302024
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>> No.8302154

I was just thinking about playing Sweet Home just to say that I played the first surival horror game or whatever it's supposed to be. What am I in for?

>> No.8302240

Battlemania just makes me wish we got an actual good Dirty Pair game and not the trash they put out for the Famicom. More classic anime deserve video games, I think a Lupin one could be really good. Slayers and Sailor Moon are the only ones I can think of that had games with any quality to them at all

>> No.8302412
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>> No.8302417

what is this meme

>> No.8302447

Watch the show

>> No.8302465

Go watch Dirty Pair

>> No.8302527
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>> No.8302703

Their official call-sign is "Lovely Angels" but everyone calls them "the dirty pair" because of the collateral damage they do.

>> No.8303578
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I prefer the Flash version of Kei. Since that's the prequel, damn, she becomes old and busted fast in that image.

>> No.8303638

Based picture

>> No.8303840

Flash isn't a prequel, it's completely unrelated to the original series, and Kei and Yuri are 19 in the original stuff

>> No.8304148
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>> No.8304150

Kei > Yuri

>> No.8304171

is Dirty Pair the most /vr/ anime? basically the most '80s anime and a classic from "before it was popular" era of DBZ etc. a choice of a refined weeb and a sophisticated coomer

>> No.8304192

inventory management

>> No.8304208

>sophisticated coomer

>> No.8304210

Good taste

>> No.8304213

t. sophisticated coomer

>> No.8304217

Dirty Pair isn't really a coomer anime honestly, and there's hardly any porn of it let alone good stuff. I've drawn a few pieces myself but they're all older and need a lot of touching up

>> No.8304356

>Dirty Pair isn't really a coomer anime
yes i know. i just meant that it was one of the earlier animes to feature 2 main characters clearly designed to have some waifu appeal

>> No.8304409

Fair enough. Their designs are a lot more attractive than most modern stuff too, so I get what you mean

>> No.8304463
File: 102 KB, 800x450, Contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bootleg Alien vs Rambo & Commando?

>> No.8304465

Have you ever played Resident Evil 0?

>> No.8304528

What are you talking about, there's a fucking ton of Dirty Pair porn. I'm seeing ten pages of results on the panda and that's with my settings filtering out translations.

>> No.8304536

Have not, but I assume they're related in some way if you're asking

>> No.8304591
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>> No.8304783

>it's ma'am

>> No.8304807

Pre 1987 is rough. the NES/FAMICOM is my favourite console and yet I hardly ever play anything pre 87, it's true that it's an effective cut off date. Is that when mappers started becoming the norm?

>> No.8304821

It's just that it took a couple of years after launch to get past the "arcade ports" stage of the system, which was when it actually started selling and attracted original products from third parties.

>> No.8304847

I guess, but apparently I was also spot on, 1987 does seem to be the cut off date when mappers started bieng the norm


>> No.8304901

No, because the tie-in game is atrocious. Besides, the most /vr/ game is Zillion which Tatsunoko owns but Sega still helped with.

>> No.8304919

>No, because the tie-in game is atrocious.
if your anime didn't have an atrocious tie-in game then it isn't true anime

>> No.8304945

Lies, Vampire Hunter D game is bretty gud

>> No.8305067

The Lupin III game on PS2 is just like a worse MGS2. It's not terrible

>> No.8305072

Is the Ghost Sweeper Mikami game any good?

>> No.8305107
File: 101 KB, 836x1000, Mikami (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished watching Zillion last night. Great anime!
Yes, and the anime is even better.

>> No.8306101

Never played it before. Looks sick.

>> No.8306604

The sequel is even better.

>> No.8308415
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>> No.8308557

So Kei is responsible for 7 million accumulated casualties and Yuri is responsible for only 600K? I don't recognize this shot or know the context

>> No.8308568
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They really deserved a better game.

>> No.8308569

It's a running tally. That's only one case/planet.

>> No.8308571

And a better movie

>> No.8308864


I liked the game more than anime. Anime is just a really cheesy 90's comedy with one-sided characters. Mikami is always greedy for money, Tadashima is always horny, Okinu... Okinu is cute. She's a good girl. I like her.

>> No.8308760

Glad someone agrees. Project Eden has great animation and one of the best opening and ending themes I've ever heard, but the movie itself has none of what made the main series special. The OVAs were decent at least, but nothing really tops the original TV series

>> No.8308773

One of the best console enhanced "ports" ever made, Warpman.

>> No.8308914

Yeah, I started it last week and it's just alright. Was hoping for something I'd like as much as Lupin III or Dirty Pair, but it's exactly like you said. Tadashima gets too much screen time for how much of it is just him being horny

>> No.8309261
File: 148 KB, 894x894, lovelyangels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burning Angels on the PC Engine was another one that came close.

>> No.8309307

Well why of course it's your traditional vertical spaceship STG, unlike Battle Mania which is of the "flying human" kind or as I say - Forgotten Worlds-style.

>> No.8309325

Project Eden is the best part of the franchise. The tv show is more than a little forgettable.

>> No.8309331


>> No.8309332

Go back to bed, Carson D Carson.

>> No.8309951
File: 7 KB, 256x222, 80164-slayers-snes-screenshot-cut-scene.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is Dirty Pair the most /vr/ anime?

>> No.8309963

dirty pair is the NES era weebcore
slayers is SNES-PS1 era

>> No.8310031
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>> No.8310069

Project Eden was a blast imo. But it is admittedly kinda basic

Brainlet take

>> No.8310691


I don't know anything about these characters except what I see in this thread, but I fully and strongly agree

>> No.8310820


>> No.8310824
File: 329 KB, 732x547, Okinu (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, it's in my top 5 animes for sure. My GSM collection is actually pretty disgusting. Also Okinu is my wife ^^

>> No.8310838

One of the greatest dub OPs though


>> No.8310843

On-chip memory mapping in some way existed even way back in 1985 (City Connection, Ninja Jajamaru-kun, Hyper Olympic Genteiban) and the plain NROM games pretty much stopped being released after Spring 1986. First big mapper games were released around that time: GeGeGe no Kitarou (US Ninja Kid), Makaimura (Ghosts 'n Goblins), first Ganbare Goemon game. Most games in 1986-87 were CNROM and UNROM which meant simple memory mapping and April 1987 saw the first game on the esteemed MMC1 board - Morita Shogi.

>> No.8310913

Maybe I'll have to go back and watch it. I saw it hot off the heels of binging the rest of the series so the fact that it was so different from everything else kinda turned me off. I didn't really care for Kei's weird forced romance with Carson D Carson, either, considering there was next to no substance there. I know they both fall head over heels for guys constantly but something about this instance felt off

>> No.8310920

I've only seen a handful of episodes so far. Planning on sticking with it though, I'm interested in seeing where it goes
Not bad, but I prefer the original. I feel the same about a lot of dub intros that people love though, Dominion Tank Police comes to mind. That original Japanese OP was phenomenal. Even Yu Yu Hakusho, despite how nearly identical they are

>> No.8310984

>Dominion Tank Police