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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 451 KB, 1112x1600, 597baa80-08d0-4c43-af14-221a9e3e0598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8301212 No.8301212 [Reply] [Original]

*solves SHMUPs*

>> No.8301235

Based and bestshootemuppilled
Also it has the best soundtrack of this console generation

>> No.8301273
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>> No.8301328

Compile shmups deserve more attention

>> No.8301526
File: 54 KB, 500x500, touhou_koumakyou_the_embodiment_of_scarlet_devil_4427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*solves shmups*

>> No.8301529

>shmups on Nintendon't consoles

>> No.8301608

Trannies' Seal of Approval

>> No.8301614

why are Sega fans always seething when anyone ever mentions Nintendo being good at something? how can you be so butthurt about console wars from 30 years ago?

>> No.8301631

This. The only Touhou material real men will ever touch is the futa porn

>> No.8301789
File: 202 KB, 640x878, MushaJPCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compile shmups are better

>> No.8301795

how so?

>> No.8303550

At least Toehoes are kinda fun even if extremely overrated due to the sexiness of the girls, compile shmups are just a drudge

>> No.8303557

>t. bullet hell tranny who got filtered by fast bullets

>> No.8303561

Actually I prefer Psikyo shmups most of all so I'm pretty well acquainted with fast bullets, pal.

>> No.8303571

>sexiness of the girls
the ingame portraits are so gross that it's a massive turn off

>> No.8303629

that's a 1st attempt blind 1cc shmup

>> No.8303663

anon, that's a good thing. not every STG has to appeal to 1cc autists fapping to their scores. some are just made to be fun for everyone.

>> No.8303672

>some are just made to be fun for everyone.
agree! Gun Nac is the jrpg of shmups.

>> No.8303682

thread ruined.

>> No.8303730

>Gun Nac is the jrpg of shmups.
>Not The Guardian Legend

>> No.8303741

The best shmup is Tyrian

>> No.8303747

Aleste games are goddamn tedious

>> No.8303917

I honestly don't get the appeal. I watched the youtube video, but then I played the game and it just kept repeating levels. No quirky dialogue, no progression. Fuck?

>> No.8303931

Did you lay it in story mode?

>> No.8303950

Ironically the NES is better at doing shmups than the Sufami. There's no way the SNES could handle RECCA without any co processor, yet the programmers managed to make it work on a legacy console. Granted it's a vertical shmup but that was to avoid hitting the scanline sprite limit.

>> No.8303984

Played that game for the first time yesterday on my ps1 famiclone. Pretty fun, I'm gonna try it again today

>> No.8304183

Tyrian fans all sound like Americans who want their claim to fame for producing exactly 1 STG in 1995 that wasn't bargain bin shit. there's nothing about it that wasn't done by the japs 5-10 years before it. its only outstanding qualities seem to be that it was 1) made in America 2) made for PC. saying "Tyrian is the best shmup" is just American PC boomers giving each other pats on the back.

>> No.8304271

>playing japanese video games
No thank you

>> No.8304351

>sexiness of the girls
Touhou fans have such garbage taste in women and games, goddamn.

>> No.8304368

Tyrian is completely different in style and execution to every Japanese shmup so saying the Japs did it 5 years before is just retarded.

>> No.8304374

>Tyrian is completely different in style and execution to every Japanese shmup
how so

>> No.8304452
File: 28 KB, 300x300, ps1_jumping_flash_2_p_548osx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the fucking rabbit from Jumping Flash?

>> No.8306454

The only Sega fans that are tranny autistic console warriors like this are diehard Saturn fans that have never moved on, or just your typical Sonyfag trying to stir shit up because they've made that their personal identity instead of playing and enjoying games. Most chads played the Genesis growing up and got an N64 and Dreamcast as their next home consoles, and that has nothing to do with hating on the Saturn or PlayStation or thinking they're bad consoles (neither are), it's just the truth.

>> No.8306608

not really. many vocal genesisfags tend to be exactly like this. muh blast processing, muh sound chip, screeching about snes slowdown, posting autistic diagrams and tech specs to prove Genesis was more powerful than SNES, etc. many such cases.

>> No.8307163

you must be fuckign joking, im not in either gay camp but nintendo fans are jihad tier, subverted from youth by marketing and wont suport or hear a single word for anything non nintendo or criticism of, theyre the most retarded fucks of all otaku

>> No.8307850

Really weird, then. The only time I can remember "hating Nintendo" in the 90s was when I went to Hollywood Video and found out that "the sequel" to Link's Awakening, A Link to the Past, wasn't on Sega so I couldn't play it. Other than that, I always liked them equally even though I never had a Nintendo home console until 1996-1997. Where did all the ever-warring salty fags come from?

>> No.8307854

They're called "shooters", Zoomer.

>> No.8308387
File: 312 KB, 1600x1169, snes_space_megaforce_p_wpbhih.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Compilebros. for me it's Super Aleste/Space Megaforce.

>> No.8308401

>sexiness of the girls
they are children anon

>> No.8308409

you are on 4chan anon
there are only two possible responses that a 4chan user could make to a post like this
1. "that just makes it better"
2. "they are not children, they are fictional characters"
you can't win

>> No.8308423
File: 926 KB, 1317x738, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that just makes it better
This but unironically. Redditors can go the fuck back.

>> No.8308429


>> No.8309249

>caring about what plebbit thinks

>> No.8309343

It's not Sega fans, it's modern /v/ kids who transport their modern console warring onto /vr/.
That, or auster, who also isn't a Sega fan.

>> No.8310395

The opening cut scene looked very interesting

gonna play it soon

>> No.8310493

is this the sequel to zanac? is zanac good too?

>> No.8310535

It's Zanac's Parodius.

>> No.8310636

Ok turns out it's like MUSHA

i died on level 3 and gave up

also i don't know what the stuff i was collecting did

>> No.8310712
File: 188 KB, 640x900, 31283_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow this game is pretty good
the 8 way aiming option is neat

>> No.8310862

Zanac's a lot harder

>> No.8311020

Don't argue; they're all bad

>> No.8311097
File: 804 KB, 728x414, 1606053188904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude M2 are the best and you should support everything they release
>oh, ew it's something that's not a CAVE shmup nevermind 6/10
I want to beat this dumb faggot within an inch of his life.

>> No.8311142

>you should support everything they release
yeah, maybe I would if they released their ports on fucking PC

>> No.8311159


>> No.8311171

I use MAME of course, but it would be nice to have the online leaderboards and stuff like practice mode (save states are a thing, but practice mode is more convenient if done well)

>> No.8312648

You have a shitty lifebar, and it feels super floaty to paly.

>> No.8313364

What's wrong with console releases? And even if you don't like them you can just emulate the Switch pretty easily so long as your rig isn't shit.

>> No.8314274
File: 319 KB, 842x1191, Mars Matrix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play Mars Matrix...

>> No.8315340

I did and it sucks

>> No.8315345


>> No.8315346

The west is so desperate for attention.

>> No.8317415 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nu-thread, get your shmup skills in here >>>359416048

the GG Aleste collection on switch is great

>> No.8317416

theres' a shmup general if ya'll don't konw

the GG Aleste collection on switch is great

>> No.8317418

What a pleb

>> No.8318790

Xir says while saying "yikes" and then also fag-spacing his next sentence.