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8299516 No.8299516 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.8299524

For the N64 they prioritized soul

>> No.8299528

Nothing, they pulled off an amazing feat by downgrading the game in such a way that it could fit on a cartridge.

>> No.8299538

Why try if it looks like shit? Furthermore, the port was two years late. Dreamcast and PC versions were already available by then.

>> No.8299548

And your tired console war bait thread is 20 years too late.

>> No.8299554
File: 98 KB, 510x327, GXPfPGf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean soap?

>> No.8299569

>Why try if it looks like shit?

But it doesn't, yeah they had to cut corners here and there. but the end result is still very nice looking and playable.
Its not like Street Fighter II on Gameboy, now that's one where I ask "why?" but the answer would be the same as with RE64, because the demand was there.

But yeah, its a good port and I hope some day the source leaks so we can copy them and port RE3 to the N64.

>> No.8299586

yeah ps1 suck compared to n64

>> No.8299626


>> No.8299738

>Dreamcast and PC versions were already available by then.
> PlayStation Original
NA: January 21, 1998
JP: January 29, 1998
PAL: April 29, 1998
> DualShock ver.
JP: August 6, 1998
NA: November 11, 1998
> Windows 9x PC port (Port of the Dual Shock ver.):
JP: February 19, 1999
NA: February 28, 1999
PAL: April 1999
> N64 version (Port of the original with some added N64 features)
NA: October 31, 1999
JP: January 28, 2000
PAL: February 9, 2000
> Dreamcast version (Port of the Windows version?)
JP: December 22, 1999
PAL: April 28, 2000
NA: December 6, 2000
> GameCube Version (possibly another PC port?)
NA: January 14, 2003
JP: January 23, 2003
PAL: May 30, 2003

>> No.8299742

Claire’s looking a little thin

>> No.8299751

I have to give them credit. How they managed to fit the entire game into a single cart is an absolute marvel of technology, but the idea of playing Resident Evil with the N64 controller makes me sick to my stomach

>> No.8299762

>I have to give them credit. How they managed to fit the entire game into a single cart is an absolute marvel of technology, but the idea of playing Resident Evil with the N64 controller makes me sick to my stomach


The N64 port was the first resident Evil game that I played from start to finish,I didn't play the PS1 version until later. I was impressed with how much the N64 retained from the PS1 version. Maybe a couple seconds of missing FMV, character model textures reduced in quality, compressed FMV and audio too. The N64 port still had the entire game intact. It was an impressive port.

>> No.8299797

The backgrounds are also very blurry and compressed in the N64 version

>> No.8300219

I kinda hate this meme, and usually it's just people repeating shit they heard without really knowing the game.

It's not that fucking amazing to fit the game on the cartridge when they butchered everything to make it fit. If the game had retained its content & quality sure, otherwise of course you're going to succeed in reducing the size of the files if you literally reduce the quality of everything and even delete stuff. Random example but it's like everyone saying "holy this this is amazing" never even realized how much space you can see by converting a bmp into a jpg while cropping it in the process; or by reducing the quality and framerate of a video by 2.

>> GameCube Version (possibly another PC port?)

GC version are hybrid, based at the same time on the PC and PSX versions. The GC version of RE3 even has a couple of fixed backgrounds that aren't in any other version (that's not to say it is is the best version, it also does a bunch of stuff that makes it worse than others; its a pros & cons situation with no real ultimate version)

>> No.8300259
File: 15 KB, 3840x1605, Final-Fight-ZX-Spectrum-Metro-City-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you guys give N64 a free pass then shit on ZX Spectrum games for running/looking like dogshit compared to originals?

>> No.8300274

>How they managed to fit the entire game into a single cart is an absolute marvel of technology
No it isn't. PS1 games rarely took more space than an average N64 cartridge. For example, Tekken 3 without the cinematics is about 12mb. With cinematics it's about 300mb, which wouldn't--and didn't--fit on a cartridge. No marvels of technology happened: they just stripped the big stuff (mainly FMVs and voices) and left in the tiny stuff like the games themselves.

>> No.8300283

What's strange with RE2 on N64 is that even polygon count of character models is reduced. Isn't N64 more powerful than PS1 in pushing polygon numbers?

>> No.8300293

Less storage, you fucking dipshit. It's a miracle they managed to port it to the N64 without cutting out anything.

>> No.8300308

>and left in the tiny stuff like the games themselves.

Oh but even the "tiny" stuff got its quality reduced.

>> No.8300347
File: 85 KB, 503x439, snin-street-fighter-alpha-2-jeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watered down and downgraded port

>> No.8300351

You're on a spectrum, britbong

>> No.8300352

because the n64 delivered and the spectrum delivered eye cancer

>> No.8300359

>all ports are the same quality
The sacrifices aren't anywhere near that extreme for RE2 you pedantic nerds

>> No.8300373

They ARE extreme though

>> No.8300392

and for what financial reason? anyone who cares already had hacked ps1 with all games bootlegged and ready to be played. meanwhile n64 never was cracked. who in their right mind would pick this version over cheap ps1 one? unless all you had was n64 of course

>> No.8300395

>unless all you had was n64 of course
I swear this is the reason why shit like Goldeneye 007 got big

>> No.8300404

When you play on CRT, texture size doesn't really matter, they could be even tinier and it'd still look good.
Also, textures on N64 are solid and don't shuffle around.
By the way, N64 version of RE2 has unique features, unique costumes for the characters, etc. PS1 version is as vanilla as it gets and offers nothing unique, I'd rather play on Dreamcast or Gamecube.

>> No.8300428

>When you play on CRT
Exactly why PS1 version is good. The backgrounds are optimized for 240p. N64 ones are too fucking blurry. Dreamcast and GC versions run at 480i iirc, which looks less than ideal.

>> No.8300479

nobody gives a fuck about zx spectrum that shit released in 1982 i'm not playing any speccy games fuck you you are on the spectrum

>> No.8300485

Nobody gives a fuck about your system of choice

>> No.8300487
File: 32 KB, 256x280, keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could kill someone for making a shitty 4chan post, I'd make the world better

>> No.8300490

>I swear this is the reason why shit like Goldeneye 007 got big
Is there any reason to pretend Goldeneye wasn't a good game with understandable impact and popularity unless you just blindly hate Nintendo or the N64? Any at all?

>> No.8300514

Has it aged as well as Doom or Quake?

>> No.8300516

That's a fine post tho. N64 underdelivered.

>> No.8300517

Go play the original versions of both and tell me

>> No.8300550

Both play better than 007 for sure

>> No.8300882

Not everyone had a Dreamcast or a PC that could play it. Some people only had a Nintendo 64, no Playstation, and wanted to play the game.

>> No.8300889

Having N64 but no PS1 in mid to late 90's is fucking sad.

>> No.8300895
File: 141 KB, 800x777, 234506-san-francisco-rush-extreme-racing-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.8301014

>When you play on CRT, texture size doesn't really matter, they could be even tinier and it'd still look good.
>Also, textures on N64 are solid and don't shuffle around.

The N64 has perspective correction, and hardware filtering. The devs could get away with lower resolution textures because they could just 'blur' them with the hardware.

>By the way, N64 version of RE2 has unique features, unique costumes for the characters, etc. PS1 version is as vanilla as it gets and offers nothing unique, I'd rather play on Dreamcast or Gamecube.

One of the bigger upgrades that the N64 version has over all other versions is that it supports Dolby surround via the Factor 5 audio engine. It is noticeable in-game too, as noises do get louder or quiter in relation to the camera . The devs said that the Factor 5 audio engine took like 10MB's of storage in the N64 ROM.

>> No.8301031

Now check audio quality on N64 vs PS1 version, especially speech.

>> No.8301095

>Now check audio quality on N64 vs PS1 version, especially speech.

I'm not talking about sample quality. N64 version does have some compressed audio. The engine does enable 3D audio effect that you won't find in any other version of RE2.

>> No.8301146


the Nintendo 64 "gpu" in most cases has to bind a texture to is "texture cache" to draw a surface. This buffer is just 4096 bytes long (4kb)

(a technical description of that)

given the options of texture formats, most textures will be 64x64 or smaller, and HALF of that if you want to use mipmaps. (encouraged by Nintendo to avoid aliasing)

They really didnt reduced the textures of the main character "to save space", the way the models are designed they reduced "just to be compatible" with the hardware aspects.

your main character will be on screen 99% of the time, wouldn't it made a LOT of sense to invest a few more kilobytes in textures for it? the same way most games draw objects closer to the camera with more detail? the reason they didn't is to avoid having to redesign a lot of models/textures in the game.

>> No.8301156


the developer of this port, "city games interactive" never developed anything before and also never since.

midway probably gave a quarter of a fuck to the port or someone sucked someones dick bellow the desk for the contract.

i brought a n64 primarily for sf rush, already had a psx and steering wheel before that.

>> No.8301217

you can start by killing yourself, then.

>> No.8301230

Just play the remake ok?

>> No.8301418

>The engine does enable 3D audio effect that you won't find in any other version of RE2.

For example:
PS1 version:
N64 version:

Listen to the footsteps in the N64 game. They actually fade out when Claire is running away from the screen. On the PS1 version (and every other version) , the sound doesn't fade. This effects all the sounds in the game, as monsters do sound further away in the N64 game. It is using this custom audio made by Factor 5, who used it in games like Shadow of the Empire and Star Wars: Rouge Squadron.

>> No.8301458


>> No.8301474

I'm pretty sure Midway never actually developed any of the console ports of their own games, even when they started self-publishing them, except maybe the N64 version of Mortal Kombat Trilogy, which was an original project (the PS version was outsourced though).

>> No.8302649

Like this actually matters when you have badly compressed audio anyway. PS1 version sounds significally better.

>> No.8302889


It's an amazing port considering the constraints of the cartridge.

>> No.8302904

BASED. BASED. Because SO.Ytendo prioritizes laziness and kiddies gurgling on their cocks and brand name over actual quality.

>> No.8302914

I actually like this version of Alpha 2 a lot. I don’t really know why but I just usually find myself reaching for it if I want to play it.

>> No.8302935

I has the charm

>> No.8302980

Nothing went wrong, it's just concessions that had to be made for the port. The port is a technical achievement at all for the N64.

You're about as smart as asking why Street Fighter III couldn't be on the PS1 because it was 2D.

>> No.8303157

>Like this actually matters when you have badly compressed audio anyway. PS1 version sounds significally better.

They are more compressed, for sure. But I did play Resident Evil 2 on a real N64 with a crappy pair of headphones plugged into an old 13inch RCA CRT monitor. I wasn't using a doubly surround set up. But the 3D audio is really noticeable. Playing the PS1 game, the audio is generally played at the same volume. it doesn't matter where you are in relation. But the N64 game, Zombies do sound further away. Or closer, I would like to see some modded version of the N64 ROM with higher quality audio/ video/ textures.

I had a friend back in the day with a surround set-up and an N64, and we were playing Majoras Mask on it with doubly surround. That game sounded great. Like you could hear monsters that appear behind link from the rear speakers, or the ones in front of link, from the front speakers. Etc.

>> No.8303183

Honestly having 3D audio like this sounds like a pretty shitty thing when your camera angles change all the time

>> No.8303517

its funny to finish that the dreamcast version was probably so easy and cheap to port while with the n64 then spent months and a million $, that could have been a unique original game on n64 for that much money.

>> No.8303541

I know this is bait but I’ll bite. Resident Evil 2 specifically leverages hardware features of PS1 that are lacking on N64, because back then consoles had quite different hardware from each other.

Now go ahead and port Majora’s Mask to PS1 with no sacrifices.

>> No.8303593

That's because Capcom was planning to re-use the work. If you look at RE0 N64 videos it's identical to RE2 N64 in too many ways to be pure coincidence.

>> No.8303857

You use the left handle with the D pad.

>> No.8303885

>its funny to finish that the dreamcast version was probably so easy and cheap to port while with the n64 then spent months and a million $, that could have been a unique original game on n64 for that much money.

The Dreamcast port uses Windows CE development tools, I suspect it is a direct port of the PC game. It probably took them a couple months if that was the case. Also, Capcom outsourced the port to a Sega owned company called Next Tech. Next Tech did the Resident Evil 1 port for the Saturn. They were also contracted to do the Saturn port of Resident Evil 2. But they had issues porting the game, and RE2 became Code Veronica on the Dreamcast instead. Next Tech made the Code Veronica engine for Capcom. They also did the ports of Resident Evil 2 and 3, as well as Dino Crisis for Capcom. And ported Code Veronica X to the PS2 and GameCube.