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/vr/ - Retro Games

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>> No.8295049
File: 15 KB, 516x426, sidestryker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8295052
File: 28 KB, 651x392, dn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8295063
File: 268 KB, 1274x396, bmenace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ant in Gate World was lifted from Bio Menace and redrawn.

>> No.8295071


Totally not Spybreak guys, do not sue!

>> No.8295082

Was it determined that those graphics were from some sort of generic art pack?

>> No.8295107

Given that Duke Nukem 2 also ripped graphics from Turrican and Savage I doubt that.

>> No.8295319

Those films are seminal in inspiring FF/Chrono/zelda as well as numerous others. I see all kinds of tips of the hat. Especially in Laputa/Nausicaa. Its even in the music as you said.

>> No.8295754
File: 432 KB, 1000x563, chrono-trigger-capa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Chrono Trigger one


>> No.8295820

This probably just barely counts as retro but it’s so funny I feel the need to bring it up. The composer may have been a rampant plagiarist but he sure has good taste

>> No.8295927
File: 118 KB, 438x600, frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Castlevania cover doesn't outright plagiarize Frazetta's art, but it's creatively steals from several sources. Simon's Quest background is outright from D&D Ravenloft art though.

>> No.8295959
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>> No.8295994

Funky Mario Underground

>> No.8296006

Which is plagiarized to begin with.

>> No.8296074


Dude, joe hisaishi and Ghibli work reverberates utterly and completely through the culture. it is hard to understate how much, too.

about the only one that didn't take from them at some point is probably friggin Sugiyama, (maaaybe you could say a couple tracks from EVO). Even Nobuo dipped into that well a couple times.

>> No.8296090

damn, what a banger. thanks for posting

>> No.8296096

It's a sick tune. Someone made a Famicom style cover of it, which is neat.

>> No.8296135


lee ritenour's whole catalog is worth attention

>> No.8296145

>tfw nintendo did not hire that man... just ripped off his work

>> No.8296157

>tfw you realise all the programmers of the japanese games and system from 3rd gen were all esoteric jazz and enka music fanboys/girls

>tfw you realise most western developers were prog rock/metal fanboys

>> No.8296163


This is a lift from a Miles song

>> No.8296235

And that's why I directly quoted the op, as he posted this song.

>> No.8296301

Which was also plagiarised

>> No.8296303

Always nice to see Miles appear in the most unlikely of places

>> No.8296885
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>> No.8296893

>literally has a map called DM_Morpheus

>> No.8296896
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>> No.8296907
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Chris said "I just playing a lot of Ys at the time haha".

>> No.8296915
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>> No.8296923
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>Original Character
>Do Not Steal

>> No.8297013

Which has three high-rise buildings extending well into the stratosphere. And name of the music track playing in it? Save Me. Pretty clever Matrix reference right there. The Matrix was hot shit back then so they had to make several references, even bordering on plagiarism (Botpack #10).

>(...) Michiel wrote something that sounded SO MUCH like the Propellerhead
song that people laughed and said “BOY are we gonna get sued!”.

>> No.8297094


>> No.8297132

I'm sure this one is well-known, but I was devastated when I learned the Stage 1 theme from Bayou Billy wasn't original

>> No.8297143

Almost certain that Simon himself is traced from something else. Someone just needs to find it. Hunt around D&D art and fantasy books. The original guy is probably holding a sword or something.

>> No.8297192

Even the Ravenloft logo.
Steal from the best, I guess lol

>> No.8297301

Sorry man, I never really check out more than two youtube links in a single post. Bad habit perhaps, but a reactionary one I've defaulted to because of youtube link spamers during music threads, that is the more links one posts the less likely I'm going to check them out.

>> No.8297338
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>> No.8297381


>> No.8297443
File: 177 KB, 586x708, KenjiYamamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what level of plagiarism are you guys on
>>"oh I dunno... our songs sound similar to some obscure european band from the 60s if you listen to the refrain at half speed or something"
>you are like tiny babies. Watch this

>> No.8297506

yet its still an accomplishment to get that much funk out of an NES. also:>>8296157

>> No.8297975
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>> No.8298154
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>> No.8298210

I've literally never made this connection all these years despite Metroid obviously having countless alien references/settings grabbed.

>> No.8298220

If being influenced by Frazetta is plagiarism then 90% of fantasy high art is plagiarism. The dudes the goat.

>> No.8298228
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>> No.8298248

This is kind of a stupid comparison. A lot of songs sound similar.

>> No.8298284

Not exactly plagiarism, but a very large portion of Uematsu's catalog (ie the Final Fantasy OSTs) is riffing on prog rock from the 70s.

>> No.8298314
File: 124 KB, 600x582, 1628567223782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realise most western developers were prog rock/metal fanboys
So were Japanese composers, Nobuo Uematsu and Koji Kondo were both big ELP fans.

>> No.8298336



>> No.8298365

Frazetta was endlessly plagiarized. Yeah, I agree that he's the GOAT. It's kind of great though seeing two of my fave things mix like that. Frazetta and Castlevania.

>> No.8298376
File: 133 KB, 938x743, 11079032804_e6434bfeae_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chair alien is ripped off from Planet of the Vampires 1965

>> No.8298378
File: 88 KB, 750x531, image7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go deeper...

>> No.8298480

Extra points for the Giger style ribbed platform in the Turrican screen

>> No.8298506

As far as I'm concerned virtually every JRPG dev/composer ever claims to be a fan of Ghibli

>> No.8298640
File: 158 KB, 2362x718, bitches love a scenic view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8298670

How about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X1VXbIjZqE

>> No.8298680

No joke. First time I listened to Tarkus, I was able to imagine a multi-tiered final battle. Speaking of which, there are hints of FF6's final battle in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veSKgz9VMuk

>> No.8298695

I hope not. Their taste can’t be that shit

>> No.8298707

Not even mad at him. Guy has good taste

>> No.8298771

Uncle Jesse zone. Funnily enough Janet Jackson would use this same melody almost to the T on one of her songs

>> No.8298798

Damn, the guy crashed and burned hard, too. They tapped him for the Dragon Ball Kai soundtrack, and he just couldn't help himself. He'd been able to fly under the radar until then because it was just video games, but once you start plagiarizing music in a major worldwide anime release, well, you done fucked up.

>> No.8298806
File: 70 KB, 1777x962, 0afef12bad7f8fea415f209496dbcfa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prometheus \s is almost a remake of Planet of the Vampires

>> No.8298858

okay mu

>> No.8298946

The thing is, he’d been doing major composing work for DBZ before Kai and not just for games. He did the entire soundtracks for half of the movies plus History of Trunks, and he was still plagerising like a madman even then. The ending theme to Super Android 13 is so obviously ripped off from Immigrant Song by Loop Zoop that it’s not even funny

I think it’s worth noting that what likely got him fired wasn’t the Stratovarius knock offs but the fact he ripped off tracks from Avatar and the Terminator. Having Journey’s lawyers getting pissy at you probably wasn’t a big concern for Toei but having James Cameron, Skydance and the long dick of 20th Century Fox ready to strike was probably why they balked

>> No.8298949

I’m sorry, I like prog music and their first two albums are absolutely great. But everything after that is painfully overwrought and pretentious I can’t take them seriously or even enjoy them whatsoever. 22 minute prog suites are one thing. Double albums full of 20 minute piano sonatas and experimental medievil jazz is another

>> No.8298963
File: 1.52 MB, 435x250, DefinitelyNotZeldaReference.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8299015

You fell for a 40 year old meme spread by faggots like Bangs and Christgau.

>> No.8299026

Even then, I think, he might've gotten away with the Dragon Ball Kai shit were it not for the fact that, unlike when DBZ originally airing in Japan, DBZ was now huge in burgerland, and it was the age of the internet and Youtube, so not only were far more people going to notice, but it was far more likely that the companies involved would notice. Had DBKai aired in the early 90's with the same plagiarized soundtracks, I highly doubt they would have noticed at the time (maybe later, once the internet became widespread).

>> No.8299041

No one noticed until the last episode was about to air. He almost got away with it.

>> No.8299669





>> No.8299674

koji kondo bros.....

>> No.8299858 [DELETED] 

They were both in development at the same time for years. A rare situation where it was actually just coincidence, unless Miyamoto had corporate spies in Hollywood

>> No.8299884

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPOHX3tJKsQ This WHOLE game is just filled with plagiarism

>> No.8299914

what do you mean? isnt it Peter Pan?

>> No.8299918

that man has a great ass

>> No.8299935

I assume everyone already knows these but



among others

>> No.8299951


eh, standard discobeat is all they have in common. Tekken is a drum machine, too. Nah, dont buy it.


Rhythm section completely different. And many things share this chord progression. Nah...

>> No.8299974

More Mario


>> No.8299990

Every other Nobuo Uematsu battle/boss theme is basically this song: https://youtu.be/SPIK9wUXogo

>> No.8300052



>> No.8300076

speaking of Journey rip offs

>> No.8300112
File: 157 KB, 1327x935, GradiusII-Famicom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Giger and 20th Century Fox are easy mode but I think it's funny that this stage is literally ALIEN complete with facehuggers.

>> No.8300137

Wow that song and album art is godtier. Wtf

>> No.8300170


>> No.8300196

Check out this one:

>> No.8300335
File: 83 KB, 648x508, Zerda&Lunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Pan
>Robin Hood
Lots of Dickensian hero trope inspirations.
but most importantly
Most of the big visual points look like they're lifted directly from this.
>They were both in development at the same time for years
Legend was an international release with a shit ton of set pictures and promotional material.
There is no fucking way someone working on swords & sorcery fantasy entertainment was unaware of Legend at the time.

This site looks like it has a bunch of the materials, this is just the American stuff from closer to release:

>> No.8300341

This one is a stretch. Bell sounds in a 3/4 time, super original idea.

>> No.8300354
File: 119 KB, 200x285, image_2021-11-04_104711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see the eternal Jewry has fully penetrated the minds of ordinary people. Yes yes it's all plagiarism, no one can be influenced by anything and you should all litigate to get money out of anyone you can.

>> No.8300425

I don't see how Zelda looks like Legend though. Feels like some guy's forced meme on here.

>> No.8300447

The vast majority on here are forced memes apart from the Dragon Ball Z guy who was very bad at hiding it, copying full soundtracks wholesale.

>> No.8300885
File: 335 KB, 1379x1600, eccoplagiarism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im willing to bet most of this game's graphics were made from scanning images and converting them to low res. It really shows with how poorly all enemies are animated despite looking phenomenal when static

>> No.8300894

I wouldn't say plagiarism, most of the things are are references.

>> No.8301326


>> No.8301432
File: 10 KB, 224x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's dangerous to go alone

>> No.8301437
File: 63 KB, 739x314, tumblr_ou0er6wslx1qj6sk2o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take this

>> No.8301440
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>> No.8301446
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just another coincidence
at least she isn't a little ball of light...

>> No.8301456
File: 50 KB, 309x450, William-Hjortsberg-Films-Legend-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so i says to her
>i says
>i'm gonna kidnap ya princess
>yous gonna use ya unique powas to corrupt magic
>to make me stronga
>and yous gonna like it
>it's gonna be frickin legendary sweet

>> No.8301465
File: 2.99 MB, 1152x2894, Falcom tracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8301596 [DELETED] 

Oh no! Unrelated media contains some of the same genre tropes present across all fantasy! This is what mental illness looks like, assuming it's not just weak bait

>> No.8301696

>Unrelated media
In the art industry they're called "references."
The source MEDIUM is irrelevant.
The question of plagiarism arises when the reference and final product (here, a movie and video game) share very close similarities, sometimes 1:1 copying.
Homages and parodies fall under a different category, as both purposely use the reference source to create something new without trying to pass off it off as completely original work.
And I already addressed genre tropes.

You are what fanboying dumbasses look like when they can't keep their dick strippers off the keyboard.

>> No.8301712 [DELETED] 

>In the art industry
Ok so it's just weak bait

>> No.8301719
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>> No.8301758

But none of that is 1:1 copying. Legend didn't invent old people, fairies, swords, white people, or pig monsters.

>> No.8301792

You present a very strong case... for restructuring adolescent education.

>> No.8302106

That's an average ass if you get up out of your chair for more than a few minutes a day. I recommend squats.

>> No.8303147

most of the art stuff itt is inspiration, this is objectively plagiarism

>> No.8303160

It's not a forced meme on here, I remember looking for the movie back in like 2002 because everyone in the Zelda community back then talked about how Ocarina of Time copied it.

It's such an old idea you even got gannon-banned for perpetuating it.

>> No.8303259

These threads are usually just full of fags that say “gotcha”
Of course there are clearly ones that are absolutely plagiarism like >>8301465

>> No.8303402 [DELETED] 

Oh I know. If they wanted to make a halfway decent claim of Zelda "plagiarism" all they'd have to do is mention Hydlide but these zoomies don't actually know shit about games

>> No.8303498

I remember there was an article about this a while back, the paleoartist or someone knew people working on the game and let them scan their work or something?

>> No.8303839

legally you cant plagiarize gameplay

>> No.8304782

>there are clearly ones that are absolutely plagiarism like
I swear to fuck you spergs can't connect the dots unless you're presented with the simplest of infographics.
>legally you cant plagiarize gameplay
Laws don't necessarily have to be broken for unethical behavior to occur.

>> No.8304976 [DELETED] 

No one is taking your bait. Try Hydlide next time

>> No.8304983

What’s wrong, your “gotcha” posts are mostly bullshit
But have fun with your circle jerking

>> No.8305642

>everything i don't like is bait
go tell your tard wrangler you're done with unsupervised screen time
I have no idea how a sperg can become so fucking hyper-defensive that anything close to what I posted could be considered "gotcha." Just pure psychosis.
At least you could be less of a newfag and call it "bait" like the other Nintendies fanboy.

>> No.8305646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8305670

how to spot someone that's mentally ill
nowhere was there mentioned anything about a company

>> No.8305695

>nowhere was there mentioned anything about a company
What game do you think is being discussed?
>zoomer memes

>> No.8305708

>What game do you think is being discussed?
a bunch of games, but I see you are so mentally ill you think it's just Nintendo

>> No.8305716

>a bunch of games
literally retarded

>> No.8306164

there's literally nothing wrong with borrowing gameplay elements(and hopefully improve on them)

>> No.8306212
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>> No.8306249
File: 313 KB, 1598x819, ninja-vanish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a thing
>just flip it, guys

>> No.8306341

could be literally anything, probably flash gordan with a space pistol or some shit

>> No.8306346

>noooo you can't just model your character off an archetypal welsh hero!!!

>> No.8306348

oh man nobody show this guy Contra...

>> No.8306351

>hero saves a princess from a demon
I can guarantee you none of the figures mentioned in this thread were the origin of this particular little nugget.

>> No.8306353

>the hero encounters the fae on his quest
this shit is literally thosuands of years old you undereducated clod

>> No.8306383

>When the publisher of one such clone, Xanadu, approached ORIGIN about distributing that game in the U.S., the Garriotts flew to Japan to discuss the idea. They were also looking for someone to convert the text in Ultima IV into Japanese as well as convert the program for the new breed of Japanese computers so it would reach a bigger audience in that nation. Xanadu turned out to be a top-down view, tile-graphics game closely resembling an Ultima, but Garriott didn't consider it close enough to be a copyright infringement. That is until halfway through a presentation of Xanadu, when a familiar scene filled the screen, a high-resolution picture showing the interior of a shop. The illustration was a direct copy of one of Denis Loubet's pictures in the Ultima III manual, and looked as if the designers had literally digitized Loubet's original art and added color. The president of the company put his hand over the monitor and laughed nervously, but found it pointless to continue the demonstration after stumbling into yet another shop illustrated with ORIGIN artwork. These weren't the only such examples of Loubet's work that had been diverted to Xaruuiu, and the Japanese company wound up settling out of court with them, paying a large settlement and changing the art in the game.

>> No.8306447

not to mention this wasn't a thing until OoT

>> No.8306597

Except Gradius II FC wasn’t released outside of Japan so I thought I’d show you something new.

>> No.8307567



>> No.8307604

Grasping at straws, big time.

>> No.8307632
File: 273 KB, 397x298, image_2021-11-06_210515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmmmm suspicious

>> No.8307643

arent there people who say metroid is the precursor to dark souls?

>> No.8307674

you have never created anything

>> No.8308209

it is. dark souls is basically a 3d metroidvania

>> No.8308440

Policenauts and Snatcher borderline on plagiarism

>> No.8308452

nah they are straight up copies
doesn't make them any less enjoyable

>> No.8308460

Speaking of Chrono Trigger:



>> No.8308470


>> No.8308471

jesus christ one of the greatest jrpgs of all time is nothing but a bunch of stolen content thrown together

>> No.8308474

the drumbeat isn't even the same tempo, how does this even sound the same to you?

>> No.8308480

you must be deaf, get dem ears checked

>> No.8308482

and you must be tone deaf, keep practicing in that shower, maybe you'll hit on key eventually

>> No.8308519
File: 47 KB, 320x240, cnin0887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God primitive tribal cave women in animal skin grass skirts makes me hard like rock ug.

>> No.8308603
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>> No.8308606
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>> No.8308608
File: 144 KB, 591x380, 2021.11.07 11-19-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8308609

Pillbugs are a real life thing that exist, dude.

>> No.8308625
File: 142 KB, 258x242, hesalreadydead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jagi/"Wolfkid" also has a blink and you miss it, poorly done exploding animation, that nobody else in the game has
They weren't even trying to be subtle with it

>> No.8308627

Truly beauty is in the eye of the cacodemon.

>> No.8308650

nintentards out in full force itt

>> No.8308659
File: 269 KB, 1032x1256, rw1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frazetta was basically a "student" of Howard Pyle, same way most modern fantasy artists are "students" of Frazetta. Doesn't change the fact that he was naturally talented.

>> No.8308660
File: 1.92 MB, 1275x1850, pyle_mermaid_4_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8308707


>> No.8308710


I always thought it was a copy of this song to be honest.

>> No.8309079

I wish Jerry or someone from the show would comment on this.

>> No.8309104 [DELETED] 

Black people ruined this great nation.

>> No.8309183

I'm not sure this is plagiarism, if anything it gives classical music a wider audience. Games have been doing it for decades because it's copyright free.


>> No.8309193

Really I think the whole point of this thread is less about actual plagiarism and more about spotting similarities or inspirations.
I always enjoy finding classical music stuff in vidya.

>> No.8309243

Looking at this thread it seems like you’re only one of the few that feels that way

>> No.8310092

Since so many people seem to have a poor grasp of the definition:

Essential Meaning of plagiarize
>to use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas
Full Definition of plagiarize
>transitive verb
>to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source
>intransitive verb
>to commit literary theft : present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

"Plagiarism" is not just producing a 1:1 copying of another's work. The legality of the concept isn't even an issue until monetization comes into play.
The reason most of these posts are from 80s Nintendo is because they did not give a fuck and vidya then was generally considered a temporary novelty.
But make a game today with a jumping plumber or green tunic elf or electric mouse and find out how much Nintendo tolerates plagiarism. Fuck it, don't even make a game, flip that shit back on them and make movies.

>> No.8310109
File: 299 KB, 774x288, barkleyshutupandjam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8310145

Guessing someone beat me to it but I can't be bothered to dig through all the links.

>> No.8310280


>> No.8310296

Miyazaki fans are like that
>watch someone sing praises of Megaman Legends in a youtube video
>constant refer back Miyazaki as an obvious influence on it
>not a peep about Yatterman and Time Bokan

>> No.8310297

That's a fangame, bunghole.

>> No.8310342
File: 3.02 MB, 448x320, shiggy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music by Kazunori Maruyama

>> No.8310361

At what point does plagiarism become an homage?
Like mother 3 is very intentionally ripping off the batman theme with the bat fights theme, but does that make it okay because they did it in good faith?
Theres no line for any of this.

>> No.8310376

I fucking can’t stand Miyazaki and I hate ghiblitards just as much. Motherfuckers probably haven’t even seen Castle of Cagliostro

>> No.8310738

>keep thinking about this song, figure it must be from some one hit wonder
>these guys also did 'manic monday', another song I thought was another one hit wonder
>they had several hits as a matter of fact

Huh, are The Bangles one of those bands that you think are one hit wonders but actually aren't?

>> No.8310747

and that, is why i love battle garegga.

missing the point of the thread.

deaf as a post



>> No.8311298

every single scifi game is in some shape or form derivative of Alien. prove me wrong

>> No.8311428
File: 253 KB, 1500x1500, 71HdpbxaX6L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove me wrong
Check out this sci-fi game that has no resemblance to Alien whatsoever.

>> No.8312167

It gets worse. The player characters in this and in the arcade version look like staff from the old 1960s star trek show. If you have ever seen the arcade original of this, there's a lot of background stuff that's basically green version of Aliens.

>> No.8312209
File: 26 KB, 250x307, Time_Bandit_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8312263

was og samus meant to look like nausicaa?

>> No.8312286

came here to post this

>> No.8312345

you can't deny they took inpsiration from the poisoned forest.

>> No.8312348

I'm pretty sure that mechanical spider thing in ninja gaiden 3 stage 1 is identical to the lower part of the mechanical flying things in shadow of the ninja's stage 2

>> No.8312369

Liking the creative liberties on the ladies.

>> No.8312375


>> No.8312389
File: 1.01 MB, 903x928, PROMOTIONS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it count if it's a 'new' game copying a retro game?
Gears 1 boss fight is heavily inspired by the Crocomire boss fight, down to it's death.
Super Metroid

>> No.8312469
File: 337 KB, 850x1190, Baraduke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me.

Pic related as well, Toby "Kissy" Masuyo predates Samus Aran by more than a year.

>> No.8312481
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, Shadow of the Comet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shadow of the Comet sure has an all star cast of characters...

>> No.8312624
File: 18 KB, 512x224, shadow_of_the_ninja_gaiden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot, my memory is really failing me

>> No.8312631

This is more inspiration

>> No.8314196

they were "inspired" to put all the major features in the exact same positions with similar coloring
even included the diamond crease on the upper lip
truly inspired

>> No.8314327

More video games should cover house tunes

>> No.8314353

Yeah no, this one was definitely plagiarised but meh
I love me a cacodemon

>> No.8314364
File: 1.07 MB, 512x320, image_2902198_20211004_ob_a5bc67_smb3tinytoonspeedcomparisonbig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8314365
File: 555 KB, 512x238, 3CDF0DC8837E48EDBA9C0A7783D8317D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8314367

There's a very clear "joke" here and you're intended to immediately realize that they're referencing the Batman theme, which makes it a homage.

>> No.8314529
File: 17 KB, 500x375, tumblr_oukviliFTf1t8xya8o6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not outright plagiarism, but I definitely get some vibes. Akira Yamaoka has said that he was into Portishead as well.


>> No.8314598
File: 53 KB, 419x480, cruisecruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw capsule obtain

>> No.8314691
File: 230 KB, 1066x1124, Flashback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8314729

I like how it had a happy ending. The original composer of Turrican put out an album, but he knew that whoever plagiarized the TF music for the Commodore 64 port made that an iconic piece of history for the franchise. So he reached to the original composer of the Transformers music and got him to perform a whole new track for the soundtrack.


>> No.8315773

Panzer Dragoon ripped off Dune, Moebius and Nausicaa

>> No.8315947

Reverse example:
The brilliant theme from Agony
Was fully plagiarized:

Summary: The theme, by Tim Wright, was stolen by the keyboardist of Dimmu Borgir, Stian Aarstad, and passed off as his own. The rest of the band had no idea until Wright contacted them himself.

>> No.8316134

Did someone say yet another example from Chrono Trigger???



I really like both these songs too. I don't really care about this kind of "plagiarism" if the music is good.

>> No.8316203
File: 680 KB, 1200x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8316221
File: 704 KB, 1912x1173, HumansInTubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more you dig into the original matrix the more you realize literally the entire thing is a mix of dozens of different plagiarized sources. This is why the sequels sucked, they didn't have a decade of material to plagiarize after the first one

>> No.8316270

This is fucking retarded.

>> No.8316346
File: 81 KB, 494x600, panzerdragoon_orta_conceptart_mgglH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also ripped music straight from shenmue saturn. Im glad they used the music.

>> No.8316420

This is the same for Star Wars

>> No.8316428

Based plagiarists making mockery of the notion that you can "own" an idea.

>> No.8316450


Good artists copy, great artists steal. Everything is a remix, baby.


>> No.8316458
File: 190 KB, 530x520, panzerdragoonbig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least they had the decency of getting Moebius to do cover art for them.

>> No.8316509

Youre mistaking plagiarism for influence. Lots of people itt are

>> No.8316527

this for example is plagiarism:
original: https://youtu.be/tESPxv7VHOQ?t=39

>> No.8316562
File: 409 KB, 1608x564, Giana-Mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody posted this yet?

>> No.8316641

Go home, you're drunk

>> No.8316872

like 80% of the clips don't even match up with whats going on with the matrix version lol.
>Someone cracks their neck in one movie
>All movies after that must be copying that one!
Really bad video

>> No.8317024


>> No.8317039

hey, the nazis took the swastika and change its meaning.

>> No.8317064
File: 22 KB, 280x280, 22845588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, maybe I did steal songs. So what? Music is built on plagiarism. If it weren't for someone plagiarizing the Beatles we wouldn't have the Monkees. If someone hadn't ripped off Nirvana, there'd be no Weezer. Oasis, Blur, Pulp? Hah! Alice Cooper, Black Sabbat, Van Halen. Your honor, you take away our right to steal ideas, where are they gonna come from?

>> No.8317374

soul vs soulless

>> No.8317496

While it is plagiarism to copy a 400 year old song, it's also impossible to be sued over it because it predates even the grandfathering in of copyright law

>> No.8317665

I wish we could go back to when games ripped off good music instead of the generishit movie ambient tracks we have now.

>> No.8317839

so many reaches itt

>> No.8317848

I can't believe Hitler ripped off Nintendo

>> No.8318582

take your meds

>> No.8319606

Yeah, that's a thing he tended to do. Also poorly tracing Disney posters.

>> No.8319983

plagiarize my ass

>> No.8321289

so much cringe itt

>> No.8321825

45 seconds on it plays the Zelda Luliby perfectly. I thought it sounded like some electronic remix of it.

>> No.8321830

That's clearly something meant to not be noticed because of the system. That's why they added the over the shoulder camera on the 2nd playthrough so you can spot details and read signs and paper.

>> No.8322572

nintendo musicians are hacks

>> No.8322619

The funny thing is is that Xanadu plays nothing like Ultima

>> No.8323643

Falcom was trying to improve on the formula rather than just copy it. And at the time no one knew how tabletop rpg combat would translate into a video game, so you got several interpretations of it. It was only later that the "j-rpg" formula was settled - either Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy which they then copied for like 30 years later. The genre was originally dynamic with lots of ideas and many fo them using some variation of real time combat. It became stagnant and formulaic much later.

I think the 16-32 bit eras is when they should have major improvements, but all they did was make the graphics prettier and leave the combat alone.

>> No.8323656

Speaking as a classically trained musician, I can confirm that, unlike OP, you are grasping at straws and generally full of shit. There are almost no similarities beyond the extremely superficial between the two tracks.

>> No.8323665

Insects and spore-bearing plants and fungi have all been staples of Western sci-fi paintings from waaaaaaay before Nausicaa, you absolute retard.

>> No.8324542

what journey song

>> No.8324560

metroid uses a really common clock chime



>> No.8324561


>> No.8325287
File: 224 KB, 1080x608, x-men_animated_series_0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Related, but the famous X-Men The Animated Series opening music is claimed to be stolen from a 1984 Hungarian action show. I can totally see an American composer ripping off an obscure foreign show in 1992 given that almost no one would have heard of it in America.



>> No.8325294

>metroid uses a really common clock chime

Not considered plagurism if it is something that's public domain. In fact using public domain in your works is something that's encouraged since that's how the system works. Plagurism carries with it the idea of theft and you can't steal from something that belongs to all of us.

>> No.8325304
File: 72 KB, 673x993, alien+white+3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, why did I not see it? Metroid makes way more sense now if it's an Alien inspired video game. That's why the original space suit looks so bulky and that's why Samus is a woman. Samus being female was so random originally.

>> No.8325310

fucken whore

>> No.8325316

wow it's literally the same song

makes me wonder how many things I love have actually been stolen wholesale

>> No.8325326

Ridley is literally named Ridley after Ridley Scott

>> No.8325329

Yes, exactly. Like "why is there a dragon called Ridley?". It all fits with Alien = Metroid.

>> No.8325332

It's cheating a bit because that's a metal cover of the theme, albeit one that is not trying to sound like the X-Men theme at all. The original is a bit more of a folksy sound, and the X-men version is synths trying to sound like a guitar so it's not 1-1 copy. But it's very common for composers especially in this era to just sift through records until they found a sound they liked and then just copied it or only tweaked it slightly so it's slightly different.


>> No.8325335

thats still fucking identical

>> No.8325339

>tomboy short haired karate girl fights niggas in a half life action half cartoon series
this looks absolutely based

>> No.8325341

English doc?!

>> No.8325367

No, it's a hungarian fiction series.

>> No.8325438
File: 1.91 MB, 2251x2983, Frazetta-noreseman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about that one, but the cover of the first castlevania is based on a Frazetta painting.

>> No.8325441
File: 51 KB, 474x458, castlevania1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison.

>> No.8325487

every single one of these games ripped off the Bible

>> No.8325509

the Bible ripped off greek mythology

>> No.8325784


i was going to say, nah its just a phrase in a key change, but then the rising run made me go, 'Ok'


I think its been established that the things that have the mark of Joe Hisaishi are numerous enough for their own thread.

>> No.8326098

wow, it's actually a better version too, but it's also not vidya

>> No.8326102

>Damn, why did I not see it?
it's well known fact that each metroid game loosely follows the Alien series stories
I'm still waiting for the Prometheus and AvP games

>> No.8326115

Imagine waiting for ripoffs of shitty movies

next level stuff

>> No.8326118

>Imagine waiting for ripoffs of shitty movies

>> No.8326924

I'll excuse it because of all the artistry in the rest of the painting. unless they ripped it of something else too

>> No.8327589
File: 342 KB, 680x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be me being a chad schizo so that i hear what i want to hear but i feel like sunsoft based fester's quest sewer theme on part of camel by camel (aka the ankha song)


>> No.8328551

My time has come.



>> No.8329724

it's an homage. everyone knows frazetta its not like they were taking from something obscure

>> No.8329771

that's actually pretty cool, never knew this

>> No.8329781

that picture pose looks familiar, can't put my finger on it

>> No.8329798

Matrix feels like it's actually ripping off of many things. A lot of the times, other properties is just heavy inspiration, or evolved ideas from original, but not matrix, it's copypasting while trying to pass off as OC donut

>> No.8329821
File: 1.89 MB, 500x320, nero rocking out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this an original song or plagiarized as well?
this was always my favorite track from all these DB games.

>> No.8329848
File: 440 KB, 850x1197, capcom-vs-snk1-arcade-promo-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.8331323


>> No.8331337

DOS Megaman gives me PTSD

>> No.8331349

So thats why the player physics always felt so good in that game, its literally ripped from SMB3.

>> No.8331983

No. Samus was inspired by Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley, but her appearance was modeled after Kim Basinger.

>> No.8332024

Jojo sounds more like Toto's Georgy Porgy than anything

>> No.8332026

Kino box art. I never understood why CvS1 is never brought up as it's still has the best looking stages in any fighter ever made.

>> No.8333524

Also, her name was inspired by Pele, no joke.

>> No.8333530

That's sampling, not the same as ripping melodies or basslines. Nice find eitherway.

>> No.8334069
File: 494 KB, 680x642, meme music.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Bobby Prince

>> No.8334081

And someone named Seamus

>> No.8334095

Glory of the World by Stratovarius

>> No.8334103

Man, at least when Macross 7 created its in-universe band Fire Bomber that was basically discount Journey, they didn't actually rip off Journey songs, they just made original songs that sound like something Journey could've composed.

>> No.8334108

>If someone hadn't ripped off Nirvana, there'd be no Weezer
I mean he's not wrong.