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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 40 KB, 752x408, images (98).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8296448 No.8296448[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The n64 doesn't have shit graphics, Nintendo kept fucking up, forcing everyone to do more than they were capable. Perfect Dark, DK64 are great examples of this.

>> No.8296451

Why do you let N64 live in your head rent-free, tranny? Only sub-20 IQ newfags don't realize that this is a falseflag gay ops thread, like the other 40,000 ones you spammed.

>> No.8296458

Or, if SEGA made games for N64 like Virtua Cop you would understand my point zoomboy.

>> No.8296464
File: 148 KB, 703x872, work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus the consolewaring has come full circle.

>> No.8296516
File: 1.18 MB, 2056x1176, bobby4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the N64's graphics style almost definitely just because it was the first console I owned as a kid.

>> No.8296527

n64 looked a billion times better than psx
playstation 1 games were fucking eye cancer with their wobbly texture crap
god i hated the way playstation games looked

>> No.8296538

I bought s video cables for it and I can't tell the difference, looks just as bad as composite. Doesn't even have composite plugs on the cable so I know it's not inputting them wrong

>> No.8296557

N64 specifically and gen5 in general had some games that made good use of the limitations. There is something to be said for bright colors, simplicity, and earnestness. There aren't a ton of games that get remembered that don't have at least a little feeling that the games' creators gave a crap.

>> No.8296569
File: 83 KB, 1200x600, 210520-twitter-verified-cs-70cdee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot take

>> No.8296616

I've always loved the smooth n64 look

>> No.8296629

>n64 looked a billion times better than psx
MGS looks better than Mission Impossible, Goldeneye and any other realistic looking n64 game by a long shot.

>> No.8296630

Here's where the thread officially devolves into console war faggotry from nineteen nintety fucking nine
Don't bother reading past this post

>> No.8296648

Thread is about n64 being able to look good had it not tried to stretch itself so far. Time Crisis could look good on N64 but they went for all this massive ambitious nonsense that exposed the system.

>> No.8296696

lol no it didnt. it looked like puke like all wobbly texture eye cancer psx games. looking at a playstation game is like simulating a fucking migraine. trash console for losers with zero friends that jerk off over jrpgs.

>> No.8296712

And that's the game you use? Vomit 64?

>> No.8296721

Okay Australia kun.

>> No.8296738

>hot take


>> No.8296803

You aren't the culture anymore, anon. You're going to only get older and more irrelevant. Sorry to break it to you.

>> No.8296806
File: 476 KB, 640x480, pdbad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a checkerboard pattern like pic related ?

>> No.8296846

What does this comment even mean?
How does it relate to N64 graphics?

>> No.8296848

>old and irrelevant

Where do you think we are dum dum?

>> No.8296876

This. So much this.

>> No.8296924

How? I want the gay console warring to stop so that we can discuss games again.

>> No.8297019

You're out of touch. You just lost a gubernatorial race, today, Brandon.

>> No.8297087

I collect N64 games and there's honestly something charming about the developers from around that time trying to figure out 3D. I'm not saying it's the best console ever, but i think it is a very interesting console to go back and play.

>> No.8297121

N64 was ahead in 3d technology. PSX and Saturn 3d look janky as fuck

>> No.8297137

Kirby 64 is one of the best looking games on the N64

>> No.8297228

N64 graphics are great... when you use emulators to turn off the filtering.

>> No.8297272

It's a lot more fun to play n64 games in emulators because of the count register hack. You get like sub 15 fps in games on a real n64. Plus the fact that there's no coverage emulation so it doesn't look really blurry with using HLE graphics. Basically the n64 games on a real system look like shit. It's not the fault of the hardware though, nintendo had to cheap out to make it affordable at the time

>> No.8297289

ive always been a huge Nintendo apologist and love the n64 but the only thing it has over the ps1 is a lack a texture wobble and a bigger draw distance. which are nice things, but most ps1 games still looked better and played better.

>> No.8297316

This is pure, distilled, unadulterated cope/delusion. Didn't expect anything else from a Nintentard