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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 327 KB, 1280x1265, Crash-bandicoot_1_ps1_poster_ntsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8292731 No.8292731 [Reply] [Original]

I need retard tier game recommendations.
My little sister asked me to let her play on my emulation station recently and she has never touched a proper game before. I downloaded pic related for her since its the easiest thing i know but i want to know if you guys have anything on the same level mechanics wise.

>> No.8292737

Crash is just a copy of Hugo, play Hugo instead.

>> No.8292739

>Crash 1
Terrible fucking idea since not only it's the hardest game in the entire franchise but you're also sent a few levels back on a game over unless you find all the bonus icons AND finish the bonus level. Get the third game instead since it's by far the easiest.

>> No.8292742

Include obvious ones like Mega Man, maybe Castlevania, etc. Give her a variety of difficulties from easy (Crash, Mario 3) to moderately tough (Street Fighter, Castlevania).
Be sure to include stuff like Donkey Kong, Mario 64, and stuff like that. Make sure there's a lot of variety in the genres so she can find one she likes more than others.
No Jarpigs though. Don't subject her to that

>> No.8292745 [DELETED] 

does your station have a ui that displays the game covers? best way to do it is let her look at the covers and decide what's interesting.

>> No.8292757

This game is fucking hard.

>> No.8292764

I didnt know this, i had the games on my radar but havent played them yet. She fucks up during the bonus levels but seems to be getting the hang of the levels, i'll switch them if she asks for something easier.
I played the first 5, they'd kick her ass hard. But castlevania might work if its the past og trilogy entries
Thanks bros

>> No.8292765

probably the best setup would be to download a full rom set and then have a ui that displays the covers, let her stumble into what looks interesting.

>> No.8292769

How old is your little sister?

>> No.8292773

You should absolutely play some fighting games with her. Saturday Night Slam Masters or Killer Instinct were the ones I played when I was younger and I thought they were kickass.
As for Mega Man, MM5 is the easiest, so if she's going to be playing a Mega Man game, make it be 5 first.
As for Castlevania, SC4 is a good starting point. It's fluid and pretty easy, but not SotN easy.
Doing what >>8292765 and >>8292745
recommend isn't a bad bet either

>> No.8292784

Include a wide array of scotformers, you can't go wrong with Mario for normies

>> No.8292790

sonic 2

>> No.8292793
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>> No.8292795

I don't think little girls are physically ready for the tail time

>> No.8292804

Crash 3 starts off easy and gets easier every level with the addition otf game-breaking powerups, it's a game for babies

>> No.8292809

Absolutely soulless.
When my 6 year old niece came over to my place I downloaded Putt Putt Joins The Parade. We had a blast playing together and she completely forgot about her DS and learned valuable lessons about the superiority of the PC master race.

>> No.8292817

8 years old, this is the first time she grabs a controller.
I played sotn and she would get lost from not giving a shit about the story or map design, but sc4 might be a good start, something linear and with as little text and menus as possible.

>> No.8292819

I don’t think humanity was considering he hasn’t seen a game since the late 90s. C’est la vie

>> No.8292824
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Weed out the weakness in her

>> No.8292829

I'm surprised no one has recommended any Kirby games yet. Kirby Super Star is a great choice. The controls are very simple and you guys can play together at the same time.

Super Mario World, Spyro, Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros. are some other fun games that are immediately coming to mind.

>> No.8292834
File: 63 KB, 378x263, 6FE9A426-5A2E-449F-91DC-D4A575190196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby is gay as fuck but 64 is simple, very easy and colourful enough to keep her attention

>> No.8292839

Great minds think alike

>> No.8292847

Putt-Putt is the best suggestion. That Monkey Island crew knows how to make an entertaining game for All-Ages.

>> No.8292850

depending on how old she is this is not a bad choice really, watching my brothers play silent hill and mgs2 as a kid were probably my favorite vidya memories even though they scared the shit out of me.

>> No.8292864

I will, believe me. But there's no point in giving her a hard game if she isnt familiar with the controls yet.
Mario world requires her to have a basic sense of platforming already, i had her try it already and it filtered her. Kirby games might be a good start for 2d platforming, i'll have her try the super star one later.
She has dyslexia so she hates text with passion, sadly. Graphic adventures are a no-go

>> No.8292872

How young we talking?

>Spyro (ps1)
>Super Mario World
>Mario 64
>Dr. Slump (PS1)
>Crash Team Racing

>Mega Man, maybe Castlevania

Too hard man.

>> No.8292879
File: 1.89 MB, 462x427, huh l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you people doing recommending Megaman, Castlevania, Fighting games and the like? Might as well throw in shit like Ninja Gaiden and Wizardry 4 while you're at it. This is a little girl we're talking about. The obvious answer is SNES era Nintendo stuff and above at the very earliest.

These are great suggestions, Kirby was built from the ground up to be easy, entry level platformers. Smash Bros is fine as long as you play with her on a team and fight against CPUs.

>> No.8292887 [DELETED] 

>the hardest game in the entire franchise
>implying this is a bad thing

>> No.8292890

When I was a kid with Sega Channel my bitchmom didn't want me to play it so she made my dad lock me out with a 4 digit code. But the way the code worked was it locked you to below a certain ESRB rating and you couldn't go lower than EC so all the preschool games like barney and stuff were available to me. Among these was the game Crystal's Pony Tale. My sister would play this one game endlessly, day in and day out, over and over, on easy mode. It was made to appeal to girls. The difficulty on hard mode is retard tier and easy mode is terri schiavo tier. If you don't mind your brain melting you could give that a go.

>> No.8292892
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They're actually trying to look tough with le gamer cred by recommending unsuitable games, and failing terribly at it.

>> No.8292893
File: 159 KB, 256x350, Kirby's_Adventure_NES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is a good place to start. my son would play this and duck hunt non stop when he first started playing games at 5, but kinda hard unless you happen to have a nes+gun+old crt tv laying around

>> No.8292901

There's nothing wrong with a kid playing hard games. There needs to be a variety, so they can play the easy stuff, and give the hard stuff a go occasionally.
When I was a little baby, I played shit like Castlevania, Ninja Gaiden, etc. They were hard, and I got my shit pushed in, but I still enjoyed them.
You don't give kids enough credit, they should be allowed to play hard stuff, but still be able to also play super easy stuff.
And hell, with fighting games, if he plays with her, he can go easy until she gets better and better.

>> No.8292918

literally who

>> No.8292935

One of the strangest things I've ever seen was when my ex-girlfriend played and beat Crystal's Pony Tale in front of me in one sitting. She hadn't touched the game since she was probably six or seven years old but she speedran that shit. Looked unfun and obtuse

>> No.8292940

Hey man I just recommend RE3 cause I thought it would be funny

>> No.8292950

Play Bomberman with her

>> No.8292952

You seem a bit confused, anon. OP wanted the games recommended to be retard tier, not the recommendations themselves

>> No.8292960

Putt Putt has little if any text

>> No.8292974

>Terrible fucking idea since not only it's the hardest game in the entire franchise
not if you use save states.

>> No.8292995 [DELETED] 

this is almost as bad as early HRT

>> No.8292998 [DELETED] 

I assume late HRT isn't as bad as early HRT because that's already the sweet release of death?

>> No.8293031 [DELETED] 

No I'm saying subjecting this poor little girl to using save states at such a young age would ruin her life almost as badly as giving her involuntary HRT

>> No.8293089 [DELETED] 

go to bed mike.

>> No.8293162 [DELETED] 

Only on this fucking board can someone ask for game recommendations for his sister and have the thread derail into talk about trannies and HRT. You people are fucking obsessed

>> No.8293230


>> No.8293248
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I think it'd be better for her to clear games on her own merit before i teach her the magic arts of savescumming.
Update: i got her crash 3 to learn the basics like the other bros said and she had a blast and called it quits on the fifth level because it was midnight. I'll get her cv4 and kirby super star later and maybe a basic racing game if she gets tired of crash, amazingly she was surprised when i told her i could get her multiple games to play.
Thanks for the recommendations bros, i'll tell her about the internet schizophrenics that decided her start on gaming once she's old enough.

>> No.8293386 [DELETED] 

>Only on this fucking board
I wish.