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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8288040 No.8288040 [Reply] [Original]

i'm in love with the resident evil franchise
its lore, its ambient, its setting, its monsters, its creatures - its everything

it's so damm fascinating. especially the classic titles with their beautiful haunting music

silent hill btfo'd real hard lmao

>> No.8288052

>silent hill btfo'd real hard
Nah, not the first three titles.
But Resident Evil is great, heck, I'd rank RE2 among the three Silent Hills in a top 5 of the genre.

>> No.8288072

i was thinking the other day, that the reason why i never cared or bothered at all for silent hill, even if both my brother and friend have played it, is that:
the story fucking sucks

it's fucking cringe. the "muh psychological interpretations" and shit that leads to theories, conspirations, etc - fucknig cringe
i prefer resident evil a lot more in the story apartment because the horrors and monsters are real, outside the characters' minds
it's tragic, it's devastasting, it's apocalyptic and depressing at one point ("when will all the shit end!?")
and that's just the story

but really, silent hill story is cringe af, that's the kind of shit you find in boring internet creepypastas
plus satanic shit is cringe too

>> No.8288095


I noticed now that the plot of the second game is even more contrivied than the first one. In the first one you are looking for your partners and you are still trying to get out of the mansion. in the second, things happen without any logic. RE3 tries to fix this mess

>> No.8288130

Silent Hill is honestly the midwit option. It sells itself on being the "deeper" Resident Evil, when it's actually just a worse game.

>> No.8288134

You must be 18 to post here, come back in four years after lurking properly.

>> No.8288231

reddit hill

>> No.8288268

You dropped this

>> No.8288274

I love both RE and SH. It must suck being such a god damn fucking retard that you can't enjoy both because your mind has been warped by this website and the shit flinging.

>> No.8288280

I've genuinely tried to enjoy Silent Hill. That's the thing. I want to like it.

>> No.8288340

Your IQ is likely too low to comprehend it.

>> No.8288376

This is a prime of example of how this website destroys minds.

>> No.8288393

The gameplay is less complex than Resident Evil, just more obnoxious.

>> No.8288398

The first RE game has a genuinely original take on zombies as living people infected with a virus that gradually changes them over a long period of time. It was hugely influential on the horror genre as a whole and the "zombie virus" plot point is so common now that a lot of people don't realize where it originated from.
Of course, starting with the second game onwards when they hired some hack Super Sentai writer, all the original stuff went out the window and it became a generic zombie infestation where the dead literally rise from the grave and people turn whenever it's convenient for the plot.

>> No.8288402

>hack Super Sentai
Fuck you, super sentai is amazing.

>> No.8288404

I don't know if they ever explicitly say there's a virus in the Romero movies, but it's kind of implied.

>> No.8288408


>original take

You face decomposed bodies, snakes and spiders. There's nothing original or realistic about it. nostalgia is the worst drug

>> No.8288410

It was radiation or something else from space a returning satellite carried that kicked it off in the Romero movies. The closest thing to the T Virus was Trioxin in Return of the Living Dead, but that revived every dead thing it came into contact with.

>> No.8288412

The Movie is about a Klan of zombies who want to eat the flesh of white women

>> No.8288420

one of the lowest iq posts I've ever seen on this board.

>> No.8288428
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We knew you were a low IQ underage mutt from the start, but this just confirms it

>> No.8288431

>It was hugely influential on the horror genre
George Romero himself said RE (and House of the Dead) are what brought zombies back into the mainstream. Alex Garland and Simon Pegg have said the same thing too.

>> No.8288454

Did they ever really go away? Romero's Day of the Dead was the mid-80's, Return of the living dead movies kept coming out throughout the late 80s and early 90's, Zombies were pretty regular enemies in games like Doom or Blood, and then Resident Evil and House of the Dead came out in 96.
Were zombies even that big of a deal in the 70's and 80's? I know the Italian exploitation film industry cranked out loads of zombie movies because they were so cheap to produce, but I feel like back then people's idea of horror icons were Dracula and Frankenstein, and the zombie has only become more of a cultural icon over time.

>> No.8288458

>REddit Evil
>better than Silent Hill
pick one
the first four SH games are peak survival horror nothing comes to their level except RE4 the only scary game in REddit Evil series

>> No.8288462

Just admit you're a braindead retard who likes retard action games

>> No.8288464

It was Danny Boyle, resident evil movie, Dawn Remake, and Shaun Of The Dead that brought the genre back. mainly Danny Boyle movie with the running Zombies

>> No.8288467

muh super very deep psychological game

>> No.8288473

See, this is what I was talking about. There's a perception that Silent Hill is "the smart series", which is why people like it. Not because it's actually better designed than Resident Evil.
>dude I love corridors, and thinly veiled rip offs of Jacob's Ladder and Steven King plots so much
>there was a cockroach on the wall and that represents a cockroach in my soul. You don't get it

>> No.8288475

What the fuck is up with the quality of posts in /vr/ lately? This shit is worse than /v/.

>> No.8288478

only Redditt Hill 2 is a muh psychological horror meme and it was the worst one out of the first four games
the superior SH1, 3 and 4 had psychological horror too but they were mostly focusing on very deep occult horror which is far better than Muh sexual frustration manifesting into monsters nonsense in Reddit Hill 2 or the cheesy B movie cringe zombie shit from REddit Evil

>> No.8288481

This is kafka. how come you didn't get it?

>> No.8288482

It's not about being smart, people play these games for the survival-horror aspect you fucking retard. Only RE1 is survival-horror, the rest are action games for ADHD dumbfuck like yourself.

>> No.8288486

>"the smart series"
not him but fuck off you faggot, SH is superior because it's scarier creepier and has a better atmosphere than RE and that's what really matters for survival horror genre, the action gameplay RE excels at is secondary

>> No.8288487

It's funny that you rarely ever see SH fags mention how the entire setting of a spooky deserted town littered with random scenes of violence and a siren going off to signal that shit is about to get really weird is ripped off wholesale from Dean Koontz's Phantoms.

>> No.8288491


>fight giant spider and snake
>survival horror

Are you sure this is not an action game?

>> No.8288492

Silent Hill is poorly designed survival horror. They have bad map design, and give you too much leeway with things like melee attacks, which takes away the tension.

>> No.8288494

Play longbox, it is definitely survival-horror. Everything else is not

>> No.8288498

>and give you too much leeway with things like melee attacks, which takes away the tension.
faggots like you are why horror genre is dead today
you want horror games to be walking simulators where you can't fight back like 99% of the trash horror games on thee market nowadays
well guess what SH Shattered Memories is exactly that so go and play it faggot

>> No.8288501
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>>there was a cockroach on the wall and that represents a cockroach in my soul. You don't get it
Silent Hill fans
>Here's my single spaced 10 page essay on the deep meaning behind the puking zombie monster
Silent Hill creature designer
>¯\_( ´•ᴗ•)_/¯

>> No.8288506

These days there is even competitive survival-horror. have you ever seen dead by daylight?

>> No.8288507

Resident Evil is "scary" because every encounter comes with a cost. You can use your shotgun to take out a zombie, but then you might not have enough ammo to face something that comes later, and that creates tension. The genre doesn't work when you break that balance.

>> No.8288513

It's impossible for any competent person to run out of ammo in RE2 and onwards. You have to be 5 years old to run out of ammo. RE3 practically gives you infinite ammo

>> No.8288514

He doesn't know English.

>> No.8288516

Even then, the perception that it might happen is what makes it scary.

>> No.8288519

>impossible to run out of bullets
>still scary
Maybe if you're a 5 year old

>> No.8288521


>Enter the gun shop
>You can't get anything inside the store

I love resident evil 2

>> No.8288524

>have you ever seen dead by daylight?
literally a MMO, into the trash it goes
Code Shitonica (worst RE game ever) is the one one where the player is forced to economize the use of bullets and use that shitty knife instead
in games like 3 and 4 you can go full rampage mode and you will still be left with tons of ammo

>> No.8288526

my deep inner demons are so scary

>> No.8288529

>Code Shitonica
>use that shitty knife instead

i never used a single knife in code veronica (sans wesker)
git gud

>> No.8288530

It's horror. It's all about the psychological games that it plays in your head. Resident Evil feels like a game where you could run out of ammo and be screwed. Silent Hill feels like a game where you can just stab everything to death if need be. Silent Hill isn't scary.

>> No.8288535


Verdugo, cockroach, las plagas
and the Regenerator are scarier than the enemies of classic games.

>> No.8288536

The first SH turns into a comedy once you get the giant Donkey Kong hammer. I remember chasing down monsters just to beat them to death with that thing.

>> No.8288539

and that's not even mentioning re1 remake, where you can't just kill zombies in peace without worrying they'll get up tougher and stronger. you have to decide carefully who to "kill", who to burn, etc
the handgun is useless there if you don't have the means to burn the corpses

>> No.8288543

either you're a lying faggot or used cheats/save scumming
how did you beat that fucking mutant zombie boss in the plane? or maybe you played that turd multiple times you memorized everything about it, i myself only finished it once and deleted immediately due to how an awful experience it was

>> No.8288546

I never had a problem with ammo on RE1. the game always gives you ammo and halfway through the game you are john rambo with a grenade launcher, machine gun and a magnum. And you can even face giant snakes with knives only.

>> No.8288551

yes this is why i said her >>8288458 RE4 is the scariest game in the series and am tired of classic fags denouncing it as a survival horror game

>> No.8288561

>brainlet thinks action schlock is horror
kek what a pussy

>> No.8288563

You think Silent Hill isn't action schlock. That's where you're confused.

>> No.8288567
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>especially the classic titles with their beautiful haunting music

>> No.8288568

It's true, RE4 is genuinely one of the scariest games ever, while also being a campy action thrill ride, and people don't seem to know how to deal with that.

>> No.8288570

>UwuuU I might run out of 9MM, Shotgun Shells, SubMachine gun ammo, Flame/Acid/HE grenades, and Magnum rounds!!!
>OOOOH SCAWWWWY!!! I might have to use my brain!!!
fuckin really?

>> No.8288572

>fucking mutant zombie boss in the plane
through hard work and strong will. i'm the type of kind who already expects shit to go to shit in resident evil games, therefore i try to play perfect and use anmo in the most posible economic way. which means, reloading the game if i did a wrong move. when i reached that part, i was "ready" (not saying that i knew he would appear, i'm just saying i'm too paranoid and know exactly the tension and fear of resident evil >>8288507 >>8288530
you probably thought you were playing shit hill and hammer'ed eveything in your way kek

only played 15 years ago as a kid (failed to defeat the final boss), and now played it again last year for the first time in 15 years. the only thing i remembered/was expecting was the monster with the long arms in a square surrounded by snow

seriously, knife? kek
git. gud.
go play easier silent hill instead lol

>> No.8288573

It's more "I might ruin my save file and have to start again", which is as close as a video game gets to a threat of real danger.

>> No.8288574

>type of kind
type of person*

i forgot to say how i beat him
through legal means (explosive arrow, shotgun, etc - big firepower)

>> No.8288578

>therefore i try to play perfect and use anmo in the most posible economic way
oh i see you played like a bitch running away from any zombie you encounter, i was under the assumption you somehow managed to beat the entire game with guns without using a knife but that's impossible

>> No.8288581


>> No.8288583

>oh i see you played like a bitch running away from any zombie you encounter
That's how you're supposed to play Resident Evil games. The zombies are there to be obstacles, and whittle down your ammo count, not for you to hunt them for sport.

>> No.8288586

the only thing i ran away were the dogs at the early beginning

funny part was i ended up the game with extra anmo and items and ribbons (does shit hill have limited saving system??) even . i think i exaggerated a little in the paranoia

TRUE tense experience. peak survival horror

>> No.8288590

>That's how you're supposed to play Resident Evil games
only Code Shitonica
in the rest of the series you can easily kill every enemy you encounter

>> No.8288593


have you even played resident evil?

>> No.8288597

>only run away from monsters in the early beginning
>end up with extra ammo, items and ink ribbons for the rest of the game
>true tense experience
fuck off
>limited saving system
the worst gameplay mechanic from REddit Evil thank god 4 removed that shit
in horror games i want to take my time looking around inspect search and experience different stuff all of that is hard to do with the awful limited saving system

>> No.8288603

>in survival horror games i want things to be easy and save my game as many times as i want. i killed a reature? heh, let's save! i killed a tough as nails creature?? no problem! saved! there is nothing to worry about, if i die, i can just restart after i killed the creature. true'st survival experience xd
fixed it for you

>> No.8288604

I distinctly remember the first time I played Resident Evil, I tried to kill every zombie, and before long I had no ammo, and had to start again.

>> No.8288605

you talking about REtrash? original RE was better hell even the DS version is better than REtrash
and yes i did finish it and i killed those crimson fags or whatever they called with a shotgun shot to the head

>> No.8288787

You guys are all retarded. Don't you get tired of arguing about RE vs SH? They're both great series. I feel bad for anyone who can't enjoy them both.

>> No.8288792

This is peak mental illness/schizophrenic delusion induced by memes.

>> No.8289142

REtrash is is inferior to the OG
you can post jornos and e-celebs creaming their panties over it and claiming it's the best RE game let alone the best horror game ever lol, but it won't change the fact it's as the name says a trash

>> No.8289508

This whole thread is peak schizo. I have no idea how anyone is responding seriously to these retards.

>> No.8289542

>cringe af
You must be 18 or older to post.

>> No.8289563

I adore SH, and I respect RE. I just think fan wars are fun.

>> No.8289728

>starts a shit flinging war between RE fans and SH fans.
>I'm over here sipping my Fatal Frame juice comfortably not giving a shit.

>> No.8290016
File: 27 KB, 1200x630, dunce_hat_diy_custom_party_hats-rc433b54dacfd4e1f964ca6e27f002be3_6w0a4_630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped this king

>> No.8290031

Coomer Frame should had stayed dead like SH
loot at it's pathetic state right now reduced into a typical Tecmo coomer baiting trash, 90%of the attention the latest post of FF5 got was from Muh coomer swimsuits and Muh censorship drama

>> No.8290047

You talk like a complete retard but this
>resident evil a lot more in the story apartment because the horrors and monsters are real, outside the characters' minds
is spot on.

>> No.8290119

What is so fucking outstanding about its lore? Please, explain. Really, do it, I want to hear you qualify why it's so amazing.

>> No.8290141

Not him but there's something cool about your special force protagonists being sent into a death trap with the purpose of testing on the battle field the next generation bio-organic weapons being developed by the most powerful pharmaceutical company and funded by the most powerful government of the world. Plus said pharmaceutical company is attempting to birth the next evolutionary organism to replace humanity and that is what you'll be fighting at the end of your journey if you want to successfully survive that horror.

>> No.8290146

Sounds like retarded manchild shit.

>> No.8290175

Satanist shit is more your speed edgelord?

>> No.8290208

>boo hoo where's my daughter spooky imaginary flesh monster

>> No.8290226

Shut the fuck up

>> No.8290261

SH's themes of mental issues must be very relatable to a tranny like you.

>> No.8290273

Resident Evil plot is bad.

>> No.8290350

REddit Evil literally had a cross dressing tranny in one of it's games

>> No.8290395

This has just turned into a shit flinging competition starring children. They are both video games, and different ones, no need to foam at the mouth because people like what you don't like. I think they are both great. Fatal frame is cool too

>> No.8290724

And the main character calls them a crossdressing freak,your point ?

>> No.8290772

And your point is?

>> No.8290780

>let me spread random shit I made up on halloween of all days
Wow, got me to reply 2/10

>> No.8291164
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>> No.8291348

Resident Evil and Silent Hill are both corny horror series with paper thin plots and characters with lousy voice acting. Which is fine because both are pretty fun. It's laughable when SH fanboys try to pretend they're these deep Lynchian, Kafkaesque, blah, blah, blah masterpieces when they really aren't though. For fuck's sake, it's a series where you beat up zombies, zombie dogs, and dinosaurs. The first 3 games end with you blasting the devil, your dead wife, and God (female) in the face with a shotgun. It's every bit as silly as anything found in Resident Evil.

>> No.8291406

silent hil??? *yawn*
this is what i am talking about

>> No.8291957

Unironically agree with anon, Resident Evil is also scarier because of narrow hallways where you can't avoid enemies as easily (at least for the first game.)

>> No.8292763

Silent Hill fags' tears are the best

>> No.8292794
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You got a call...

>> No.8292860

I like RE and SH for different reasons.

>> No.8294564

I've never seen a fanbase get butthurt so easily. It's hilarious.

>> No.8294581
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>> No.8294685
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>> No.8296020

Finally, someone in /vr/ has a brain-

>> No.8298231

silent hill more like reddit hill lmao

>> No.8298358

Alfred’s not a tranny.

>> No.8298393

man the board quality sure has suffered since the zoomer tranny changed the sticky

>> No.8298897

It's funny, this could've been a good thread but you threw in that bait at the very end

>> No.8299247

Shaun of the Dead was just an expansion of the Spaced zombie episode which was entirely inspired by Resident Evil.

>> No.8299262

And the "Danny Boyle movie" (28 Days Later) was written by Alex Garland, who had this to say:
>Sometimes 28 Days Later is credited with reviving the zombie genre in some respect, but actually, I think it was Resident Evil that did it because I remember playing Resident Evil, having not really encountered zombies for quite a while, and thinking: oh, my god, I love zombies! I'd forgotten how much I love zombies. These are awesome!

>> No.8299584

reddit hill a game made for theorists whatpadd fanfic shit kids

>> No.8301734

I'm really surprised at the amount of hate Silent Hill gets here

>> No.8301790

That whole characters mind shit is only in Silent Hill 2. 1 and 3 is evil cult shit, and everyone experiences the horrors.

>> No.8301801

You only hear about it because there are loud retards who only think in memes, and the memes told them that Silent Hill is a reddit series and they screech about it in every thread. Before the rule change Silent Hill 1 was discussed regularly, and there was a little talk about SH2 and SH3 in the threads, and no one ever called it "Reddit Hill". I have been on this board for years now, and I have only seen Reddit Hill emerge in the past year. Surely it's just a coincidence that the post quality of the board went to shit when the tranny mods opened the floodgates though.

>> No.8301838

>everyone experiences the horrors
Way back when I first played SH1, I thought some kind of rift opened and all the monsters and fog poured out (like in the Mist) and everyone got dragged into the Hell dimension at the same time. I figured all the corpses you see around the Otherworld were the missing townspeople. I don't know, I still think that would have been cooler than the Fog World being a separate dimension or whatever.

>> No.8302091

This thread is a perfect example of why 6th gen should be banned.

>> No.8302116

Everything Japanese is a deriverative work though.
>Hurr it's inspired/based/takes elements from this thing
Yes, and? You think Biohazard is original?

>> No.8302145

>You think Biohazard is original?
The zombie virus plot point that's so commonplace today originated with RE1, so I'm gonna go with "yes."

>> No.8302175
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It's Predator in a spooky house with zombies, and no, the virus plot existed beforehand. Biohazrd didn't make it up.

>> No.8302183
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And before you argue 'No, it's not that exactly', neither is Silent Hill. Bubblegum Crisis isn't LITERALLY Streets of Fire mixed with Terminator mixed with Blade Runner but it sure as hell took a lot of influence from all three and more.

>> No.8302184
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>> No.8302213

I mean for what it's worth none of this is set in stone. That's the way I take it and it's honestly better that way. The "lore" is fake and I guarantee you the guys who worked on it didn't give a fuck about explaining what was happening because its better that way.

Also silent hill 4 is based. I don't like resident evil, zombies have always been like a goofy thing to me. I think of like, stubbs the zombie and green monsters with their heads falling off. I liked the 3ds resident evil because it had some weird silent hill bdsm skin monsters in it but everything else is always like, boogerman looking stuff.

>> No.8302597

only SH2 is called Reddit Hill 2 because it's an overrated piece of shit
and funny how you left out mentioning SH4 being discussed here, you are one of those ''only 3 games are good because jornos and e-celebs said 4 is bad!!!'' type of fags

>> No.8304072


>> No.8304109

SH4 is cool. I think it would have been interesting and fit the whole dream logic thing it had going on if you were jumping into Jasper, Cynthia, etc. when you went down the hole and they all had different abilities/items/whatever. That way it wouldn't have been such a drag when you go back through the same environments as Henry since you'd have a different perspective on things.

>> No.8304121

What lore? Basic bitch zombie virus outbreak. And a bunch of Redfield bloodlines going extinct.

>> No.8304130

my super deep and original pyschologic satanic cult lore made for grown-ups

>> No.8304237

I left out SH4 because I have not played it yet. I dont watch ecelebs, nor do I read articles by game "journalists". I probably will never play SH4 unless the gog version is worth playing.

>> No.8305649
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>> No.8305651
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>> No.8306061
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>> No.8306063

Quality of RE games dipped significantly after/during 3

>> No.8306605

>I probably will never play SH4 unless the gog version is worth playing.
>he is too lazy to uses a patch on the original PC version and enjoy SH4
>but he's not lazy to mod Reddit Hill 2 with the enhanced edition mods after his favorite e-celeb shilled it