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File: 22 KB, 698x411, snes-yellowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8286683 No.8286683 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me that "Retrobright" (or whatever the hell they call it now) is a necessity in life.

>> No.8286686

It isn't. You've done the community a favor that pointing out some hardware fags are autistic.

>> No.8286687

Color of the console is meaningless.

>> No.8286727

By the way, isn't retrobright a waste of time (seems like it fades away after 1 year) and hardware (weakens the plastic)? Could someone explain better?

>> No.8286734

>you see, thing is actually good
>dilate goodtranny, ywnbaw
>seethe badzoomer
>cope goodfag
>guys GUYS I did not take the vaccine
there you go anons, saved you clowns the trouble of reading the posts that will appear after this

>> No.8286739

Enjoy your brittle plastic.

>> No.8286740

>nooo the console itself needs to be super tough and durable!
why, it's sitting on a shelf or desk or entertainment center cubby 99.9% of the time

>> No.8286745
File: 46 KB, 760x403, 1635643331423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you're right, there's no need for the SNES to be durable.

>> No.8286772

>convince me
Why? Fuck you.

>> No.8286776

The same image posted for the past decade.

>> No.8286786

The same cope too.

>> No.8286789

What do you mean? It's an image from some guy's repair blog of Super System arcade boards.

>> No.8286816

it isn't and the process to brighten a yellowed console will jst do further damage to it. It may not be appealing but there's nothing wrong with a yellow SNES as long as it still plays games. Instead of spending the money and time on Retrobright use the money to buy more games and the time to play then.

>> No.8286886
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>convince an angry attention whore zoomer of [insert random strawman here]

>> No.8287660

Mine's all yellow but I'm gonna give my top shell a custom paint job

>> No.8287680
File: 307 KB, 750x920, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep all my consoles yellowed. I've just ordered an extremely yellowed Dreamcast and I'm not going to restore that one either.

>> No.8287683

I loved the results after I RB'ed my Famicom, but a few years later and it looks like ass. Yeah, the results can be great, but probably not worth the hassle to redo every year or two. Not sure on the brittleness.

Best bet is to find used consoles which aren't already yellowed and buy those. I have a 1-chip Super Famicom which has practically no yellowing as far as I can tell, so at least for that system they are out there. The original Famicom is probably the worst given the pale plastic on some of them seems to turn a horrific piss-yellow that is far worse than the beige color acquired by my other yellowed consoles and PCs.

>> No.8287686
File: 69 KB, 1200x900, twotone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of said dreamcast

>> No.8287689

That looks awful. I'd wager that's at least in part nicotine staining and not just the usual plastic yellowing.

>> No.8287691

>nicotine staining
urban legend

>> No.8287706

I don't have a piss fetish so I prefer my consoles to not be piss colored. Pretty simple.

>> No.8287774

Too much of a hassle. My main concern is streaking from uneven thickness of the retrobright lotion. The only alternative would be total submersion in higher-strength hydrogen peroxide, but that gets expensive because you're wasting bottles of the shit just to submerge the case.

I know that the yellowing chemical reaction causes the plastic to become brittle, and I have yellowed cases that have started to chip at the corners. What I'm still not sure about though is whether retrobrighting actually reverses the changes the to structure integrity of the plastic to make it less brittle and chip-prone.

>> No.8287796

>less brittle and chip-prone
no, it can't do that

>> No.8287798

You don't even need retrobrite, it takes longer but you can get the same result by simply leaving it out in the sun.

>> No.8287806
File: 51 KB, 380x390, mite b cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The yellowing is actually accumulation of soul over time.

>> No.8287808

wont it melt? or distort?

>> No.8287846

Basically this. It's comparable to the yellowed pages of an old book, it adds to its history and soul.
Anyway, my SNES didn't got yellow, but even if it did, I'd leave it like that.

>> No.8287850

>yellowed Dreamcast
literally how

>> No.8287865

dumb question but could you possibly vacuum seal the outside plastic? or put some kind of clear coating on it so oxygen can't get to it?

>> No.8287867

Another thing Sega did what Nintendidn't, make their consoles black to this shit wouldn't happen.

>> No.8287868
File: 49 KB, 500x500, Plastic-Cover-For-Couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could you vacuum seal electronics that heat up and use air to vent and cool
OK Grandma

>> No.8287870

I didn't think this through but the idea sounded good in my head.

>> No.8287872

also to add to that, Oxygen isn't the issue
it's UV rays that cause yellowing

>> No.8287885
File: 1.72 MB, 2264x4760, gameboydeyellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is to leave the console in the sun. Retrobright isn't required. In fact, consider you need to leave the console in the sun after using retrobright, it makes one wonder if it even works.

>> No.8287887

Basically just make sure it's direct sunlight and you don't have a glass roof or a window

sunlight -> window -> console = yellowing
sunlight -> console = de-yellowing

>> No.8287891


>> No.8287908

I know, it's very hard to swallow for people like you who fell for the retrobright meme and actually paid to damage their consoles.

If OP doesn't believe me he can do some research. Those pics were my experiment after I saw a YouTube video about it and I checked myself whether it really worked. It's been 15 months now and the game boy still looks like on the bottom pic, while with retrobright the yellowing comes back after a while.

>> No.8287912
File: 974 KB, 1698x2048, Screenshot_20211101-005220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8287918

the reason plastic yellows is because the plastic contains bromine which seeps to the surface over time
the UV light will yellow it and eventually brown it, you are tying to lead people into purposefully yellowing their consoles

>> No.8287921

It will if you leave it in a desert for hours. Most SNES owners don't live in a desert.

It is quicker with chemicals.

>> No.8287932
File: 8 KB, 225x225, The_8-Bit_Cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, you're seething because of all the money you spent on women's hair products.

>> No.8288998

No idea but it was 500 yen and I’m a filthy Jew :^)

>> No.8289072

retrobright is not worth the effort. It will sorta clean up your console, but you'll end up with a slightly different gray compared to the original. And after a year or so (depending on environmental conditions such as temperature and moisture), you'll end up with a yellow console again.

>> No.8289080

What a retard

>> No.8289089

The sun is what's yellowed it in the first place. Dont believe me? Put a white toy/figure on your windowsill for 2 weeks. THEN tell me if I'm wrong

>> No.8289093

Doesnt mean shit. Left near glass with sun = yellowed.
Left outside in direct sunlight = yellowed

If anyone is falling for a meme here its u lying through your yellowed gook teeth

>> No.8289107

>looks like a toilet seat covered in piss
pure SOVL

>> No.8289128

i mean the discoloration is surface level, so to clean it youd have to etch the outermost layer somewhat
im sure its not much, but no doubt if you did it a dozen times it would weaken the plastic

frankly i think its autistic
so what if your SNES smokes cigs?
its from the 90s. it was still cool to smoke then

>> No.8289136

>nicotine staining
>urban legend
zoomer never smoked filterless
that shit will stain you fingers in like a day
your damn right itll stain some shitty plastic

>> No.8289264

That's because it is not direct sunlight. Put a yellowed old toy out on a desk straight in the sunlight for a few days and watch the magic that's free and not the fag option.

>> No.8289270


>> No.8290189

>human skin and plastic have a pretty similar chemical composition. If one yellows, then the other one HAS to.
big brain take anon

>> No.8290195

Just spray paint it

>> No.8290201

Sunlight bleaches, who could have thought

>> No.8290736

dude cigs stain absolutely everything
walls, couches, skin, lungs. you bet itll stain some cheap fucking plastic

>> No.8290745

Why would you remove the soulful patina? You guys are like those women that buy antique chairs and slap chalk paint on them

>> No.8290750

On stuff from my childhood my dad insisted on spraying every plastic thing that came into out house with this stuff called 303 aerospace. It's like uv protection for plastic on cars. All the consoles that got treated have absolutely no yellowing. For anything I get now I retro bright and then seal with the same 303. Works for me

>> No.8290830

Likes like it was boiled in the piss of chinese school children.

>> No.8290884

Lol thanks anon, this should be an auto reply when someone creates a post from now on

>> No.8290889

It definitely stains ceilings and lighting rigs in old community clubs

>> No.8290947

>ceilings are made of ABS
get a load of this retard

>> No.8291106

>direct sunlight only
>gameboy shell on top of a paper towel in all pics
what did he mean by this

>> No.8291138

The problem is, only certain parts of cartridges/consoles are absorbing that soul (at least in my case)
I'm okay if my stuff yellowed entirely. What i'm not okay with is random piss yellow stains all over my stuff.

>> No.8291221

Clear nail polish or some sort of varnish will have a similar effect. Would look awful though (even though you should be looking at the tv screen and not the console)

>> No.8291226

Fucking hell are you really that stupid and just assume that is what the anon is thinking? If you had been alive for a long enough amount of time and aware of your surroundings you would know that tobacco smoke stains things....

>> No.8291229

The retard, that has pointed out a fact that nicotine stains ceilings? I ink you may have misread that post

>> No.8291231

When did I say that in my previous post?

>> No.8291319

wtf is this real

>> No.8291330
File: 553 KB, 628x628, hombre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my SNES didn't got yellow

>> No.8291760

I know nicotine stains things restard. I'm pointing out that using skin staining as evidence that it stains plastic as well is retard logic. Blue pen ink stains skin but would wash off plastic pretty easily.

>> No.8292191

Some people had success submerging their stuff in 12% hydrogen peroxide, then blasting it with UV light (for example from a LED strip) for a couple hours.
I wonder if that actually damages the plastic.

>> No.8292217

Pretty sure all UV light damages plastic to some degree

>> No.8293127
File: 8 KB, 246x246, 44584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disassemble, wipe down with alcohol and a light coat of pic related >>>> Retromeming

>> No.8293258

The solution isn't necessary. Leaving the console out in the sun has the same effect. Retrobright just speeds up the process and further weakens the plastic.

>> No.8293289
File: 1.15 MB, 4032x1960, 78ri1ar9z8o21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you purpose dealing with the console logos? using paint is just going to remove any logos on the console, and taping it will just look ugly.

>> No.8293367

My PS1 from my childhood was sitting in a box in my closet for more than a decade, completely gray when I put it in. I took it out last month while cleaning everything out and the top was a dark yellow. I don't even smoke.

>> No.8293374
File: 255 KB, 813x1179, Musashi_ts_pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brightness returns
to my decaying to plastic
childhood doesn't

>> No.8293908

>light coat of pic related
does that block UV?

>> No.8294083
File: 46 KB, 500x349, 1612690526926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I've researched about it a lot because I wanted to restore some LEGO.

NO MATTER what you do, you are ONLY bleaching the plastic. You are NOT restoring it into it's original chemical composition.

The plastics break with time due to heat, UV, usage, oxydation and so on. There's only one way to restore it, and that would be to heat it to its glass transition state, but that basically means that the plastic will deform. It only works with thermoplastics.

It won't further damage the plastic, it'll just bleach the outer layer, if it becomes "brittle" it just means that the damage was already done. It'll only bleach the surface. You should use a controlled heat instead of sun to do it. After the process is done you should coat it with an UV blocker, since it's exposed.

This guy made a lot of experiment, everything is explained there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPl356YKcVs

Yes, it's a bleaching process, it's not restoring the original molecular structure of the plastic.

Everyone really should watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPl356YKcVs

After watch it I basically gave up restoring plastic.

>> No.8294101

I had this set as a child. Fun times.

>> No.8294120

Sadly most of the new LEGO sets are licensed or based on real life. They are barely doing original stuff. (Nexus Knights, Elvens and Friends are actually licensed, even though they are original).

>> No.8294940

i'm glad there are like minded people out there. licenses were the death of lego for me

>> No.8296664

did you read your image dipshit?

>> No.8296796

would you really prefer if lego star wars wasn't a thing?

>> No.8296995

based harbinger of chaos

>> No.8296998

My SNES is yellow as fuck and smells like cigarettes and cat piss. And that's a good thing.

>> No.8298409
File: 49 KB, 600x452, 600px-HPIM1490_Sony_Hit_Bit_HB-75D_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your retro gear is black and doesn't need retrobright

>> No.8298415


But how many billion yen did it cost to ship from overseas?

>> No.8299684

Yes. However, in certain circumstances, it can be beneficial. My childhood SNES is yellow. I don't feel the need to correct that though.

>> No.8299767

This is why I love Sega, Nintendfags busy trying to restore original colors, I just play the genesis all day

>> No.8300821
File: 31 KB, 250x234, console-japonaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8301950


The real question is whether dark-colored plastics are still degrading but we just can't tell, similar to how it's easier to see stains on a white shirt compared to a black shirt.

My real concern isn't even necessarily the ugly yellowed look. It's the degradation of the plastics. The old consoles I have with yellowing going on have small chips in the corners of the plastic due to the structure becoming more brittle.

>> No.8302331
File: 273 KB, 1363x1012, EE38EA7C-F74B-44FE-9DA2-A206FC8AA4C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8302640

You should use UV protectant even on black consoles.
I think that's about all you can do, short of putting them in vacuum-sealed bags.

>> No.8302764
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