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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8281972 No.8281972 [Reply] [Original]

Which series was better?

>> No.8281978

Crash 2 > Spyro 1 > Spyro 3 > Crash 1 > Spyro 2 = Crash 3

>> No.8281981

Crash for me, especially the first game since it's very much an extension of classic hard as balls platformers but in 3D.

>> No.8281982

For me, it's Bubsy

>> No.8281994

I don't remember the Spyro games well enough to compare them to Crash, but your placement of Crash games is on-point.
Crash 2>Crash 1>>>>>>>>>>Crash 3

>> No.8281998


>> No.8282001

Spyro. The art direction and soundtrack capture my imagination even as an adult.

>> No.8282002

Overall, probably Spyro. Crash was a tough series with a pretty fun overall premise, although some of the crystals and gems were beyond fucking cryptic. I can 100% see why people love the series; while I still enjoy the games a bit just playing casually and not getting every box, it's almost too much work to get 100%.

Spyro was probably the same to overall quality throughout the series, even when 3 introduced some fan-divided things. I'm super biased because I fucking love Spyro, so take my rankings with a grain of salt lel.

S2 > S3 > C2 > S1 > C3 > C1

>> No.8282419

Always thought Crash was mediocre compared to Mario and Sonic. I don't know how well Spyro holds up today, but it was more groundbreaking at the time.

>> No.8282429

Sonic Adventure

>> No.8282439

I only played the original Sypro, and I think it’s better than Crash 1

>> No.8282443

The first Spyro and Lego Island games made me realize how I much I didn't care for Crash as a kid. I still wish I could scratch that itch for ambient gaming experiences, hard to come by nowadays.

>> No.8282448

>3 Crash games
>3 Spyro games
>2 Sonic games
Fucking Shitga am I right? LOL XD

>> No.8282575

i prefer crash because it's mostly pure platforming whereas spyro is a lot of wandering around doing chores for dickheads
can't really compare them, though. they have very different goals.

>> No.8282586

Spyro 1 > Crash 3 > Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Spyro 2 > Spyro 3

>> No.8282606

Both have equivalent highs and lows

>a simplistic, dated first game
>a balanced second game that hits the sweet spot
>an excessive, overblown, gimmick-heavy third game

>> No.8283137

Spyro is just not fun to me.

>> No.8283265

Insomniac has always been the superior dev

>> No.8283569

Crash is a tighter, more dense and focused gameplay, and it can be because it's not made for open exploration. I think if you value the 'obstacle course' part of platforming games, that's Crash to a T, whereas Spyro is closer to exploration platforming. IMO Spyro ran into more limits than Crash because of its open areas, altering what they could actually include, whereas Crash's subgenre is purpose-built so he can achieve exactly what his type of game can be, so it's never failing to meet its own demands or scope.

If I were picking open platformers to play, Spyro clearly can't do everything it wants to, it has to close off rooms and sparsely place enemies - I might pick a more technologically advanced game in his subgenre. If I were picking obstacle course platformers to play, Crash is already doing everything his subgenre's about.

>> No.8283645

>Spyro is just not fun to me.

Like, I have to admit it's really impressive and probably the biggest 3D game on the PlayStation. But the gameplay just isn't that intersting. But it's also ideal for kids. As a little girl would love just running around as a dragon.

>> No.8284050

why in the world does yuros' covers look more like american covers than the american covers

>> No.8284060

Unfortunately both franchises have now been raped to death by Activision. Sad!

>> No.8284167

Only played the first two Spyro games, Spyro 1 is a really fun and charming game, one of the best PS1 games for sure. Spyro 2 on the other hand just wasn't nearly as charming and got bogged down by stupid fucking minigames. Crash is definitely better.

>> No.8284227
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They're completely different types of games so it's unfair to say one is better then the other because that's completely subjective.
Crash is a linear platformer while Spyro is an open world collect-a-thon platformer. All comes down to taste.

>> No.8284256

Crash worked all of its kinks out by the second game and so did Spyro. I'd say both are really good games series.

>> No.8284261


You pedantic nob. They're still 3D platformers regardless. That was what was "in" at the time.

>> No.8284264

Spyro is significantly better.

Crash is barely even a 3d platformer.

>> No.8284279

Yes, that's precisely what makes Crash so good. It singlehandedly avoided one of the major pitfalls that early 3D platformers like SM64 would often fall victim to: Enemies are no longer obstacles when you can just walk around them.

>> No.8284292

>Yes, that's precisely what makes Crash so good.
no, it's what makes it mediocre. it doesn't do 2d or 3d platforming well.

>> No.8284568

Crash because Spyro gave me motion sickness. I haven't figured out a way around that yet.

>> No.8284610

Both of them have shallow gameplay but I enjoyed Spyro a lot more because it nailed the atmosphere and has a reason to exist as a 3D platformer. Crash is okay but there are only so many ways you can walk and jump down a hallway before it becomes stale.

>> No.8286232

Playing Spyro remastered was unironically the best gaming experience I've had in a long long time.

>> No.8286241

I disagree slightly about the gameplay
there are some neat puzzles even in the first game. It is mostly very simple but sometimes you do actually have to use your brain if you're going for 100% completion.

>> No.8286252

Not sure why you're replying to someone who's complimenting the art direction of the original with a compliment towards the remake considering it absolutely raped the art direction.

>> No.8286304

>it doesn't do 2d or 3d platforming well.
But that's wrong. Crash 1 and 2 work fine as platformers, also 3D platformers are total garbage 99% of the time and i'm glad that the first CB games were not like that.

>> No.8286307

>But that's wrong.
No, Crash is the definition of mediocrity. None of its 2d or 3d elements come close to the best in either genre.

>> No.8286357

>if this game doesn't do everything better than the best games on the genre then it's mediocre
Yeah right.. what's are the "best games on the genre" for you anyway? You better not say it's fucking SM64.

>> No.8286364
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>Spyro remastered

>> No.8286454

Spyro's music and artstyle was phenomenal, but Crash gameplay was better. CTR was the best Crash game btw.

>> No.8286854

>I disagree slightly about the gameplay

It's a very laid back go at your own pace explore the world almost impossible to fail game. It's great and even ideal for kids.