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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 306x423, ffffffridaynightmuddafugga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8283906 No.8283906 [Reply] [Original]

The last /vr/ story thread was pretty comfy. Come hang out with us while you stay up late playing vidya.

>Late 90s
>Go to a daycare every day after school until mom gets off of work
>Pretty cool setup with 2 TVs, a snes, a gameboy, and a kid's sized pool table
>The gameboy only has one game, Kirby's Dreamland, and I think I'm the only one that ever plays it. I can make it past the Tree boss, but not much further.
>Wish I could play DK Country on the snes like the older kids, but that sonuvabitch Steven with the thick glasses is always playing when I'm there.
>It's okay, they say he's going to be blind by the time he's 12
>He sits about 10" away from the tv, and still has to lean forward to play, so I guess I should let him enjoy it while he can.
>His older sister lets me beat her at pool because she thinks I'm cute.
>Jason is the daycare lady's son and when he's home, Trevor and I will sneak into his room and he lets us play Turok on his 64.
>It's the first FPS I ever played and I always felt like a badass when I had the chance to play.
>But his sister, Janice is a cunt and always boots us back to the daycare area when she sees us back there
>She doesn't like me, because I pissed all over the toilet seat once.
>I saw her last year manning the self-checkout at a Wal-Mart. I let out a WAF right next to her as I was leaving.
>Fuck you, Janice.

>> No.8284701
File: 471 KB, 1278x1771, Nintendo Magazine (UK) 61 October 1997_0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8284703
File: 489 KB, 1295x1771, Nintendo Magazine (UK) 61 October 1997_0030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a record in this magazine for the fastest lap time on pirate lagoon.

>> No.8284706
File: 449 KB, 1275x1771, Nintendo Magazine (UK) 61 October 1997_0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had the one oh, and the Magikarp jump in Pokemon stadium.

>> No.8284708
File: 132 KB, 640x796, N64_Magazine_Issue_003_1997-06_Future_Publishing_GB_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good memories of KIgold. Me and my friends used to try to steal coins from the arcade coin games/vending machines in the 90's/00's. Good times.

>> No.8284710
File: 121 KB, 640x796, N64_Magazine_Issue_003_1997-06_Future_Publishing_GB_0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Character roster, who did you use the most?

>> No.8284714
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page 3

>> No.8284717

>very early 2000's
>mom cleans houses during the day
>hard to find childcare so would take me with sometimes
>one house had an N64
>would play original super smash bros
>tried to get as far as I could in Ocarina of Time
>was not allowed to save anything
I was always frustrated at not being allowed to save but I realized later in life that my mom didn't want to get in trouble for bringing her son over and playing with the game console, and didn't want me to leave behind any proof.
I totally did though because I definitely remember unlocking Captain Falcon, but as far as I know, and I've asked my mom about it, nothing came of it.

>> No.8284785

>Early 90s
>first day of kindergarten
>only have one friend and he doesn't go to my school and is still in preschool
>parents come to pick us up, chubby kid in class with me apparently lives up the street from me, so my mom and me ride in kids mom van back home
>ask kid on ride if he wants to be friends
>says ok, go to his house
>shows me him and his 2 brothers super Nintendo. First time i ever saw it, only play games on pc and lcd handhelds and cousins only had nes and genesis.
>shows me jurassic park, power rangers, alladin, mario paint, super gameboy and donkey kong country- my mind is blown, especially with dkc
>stayed good friends with him and his bros up through highschool graduation, many fond memories of going over and playing snes, n64, dreamcast and gamecube, pokemon battles on gameboy and playing Magic the gathering.

Havent talked to him since hs, think he married his cousin or some shit and has a kid. Bought all his snes stuff when he was selling it for an n64 and still have it all.

>> No.8284798

Thunder was always my favorite. For no other reason than the badass way the first game said his name. I still randomly try to mimic that voice when i'm alone.

>> No.8286213

>friends from kindergarten all the way through high school
I had one of those too, we still talk from time to time though.

>> No.8287662

One time I played Moon Patrol and I didn't get very far, but I had fun.

>> No.8288720

>me, brother, and 4 cousins all have Gold or Silver
>play "togepi wars" on Stadium 2 where we just battle our togepis against each other tournament style
>eventually everyone's evolves
>mine is last to evolve and I feel like I'm a bad trainer :(

>> No.8289083

the other friend who I didnt go to school with, me and him have been friends since we were essentially infants and both of us are in our mid 30s now and both still complete fucking losers.

>> No.8289114

>go to blockbuster with my 2 weed skater friends
>pretend to check out boxes
>friend standing on both sides to cover visibility
>grab banjo tooie
>open box
>remove cart
>put in pocket
>walk out with friends
>run to mcdonalds and lol about successful heist while eating burger

turned out to be a shitty game but oh well. also used to grab shitty game boy games from the bargain bin at walmart back when it was an actual bin completely unprotected with a bunch loose carts thrown inside with $2.99 price tags on them

>> No.8289275


If anything you were doing Walmart a favor.

>> No.8289460
File: 50 KB, 400x767, 1634098107907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to Microplay
>Dad says I can pick out a game
>mind already set on X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
>have it in hand, guy at the cash about to ring it through
>I see a huge TV showing off Donkey Kong Country
>mind blown by the colorful prerendered graphics
>cashier says it has almost 100 levels (lie) and is a big seller
>tell dad I want that game instead
>buy DKC
>the only game me and my family played for months
>ended up beating it almost 2 years later
>it was the morning of my first day in grade 2 before I catch the bus
>the macarena was very popular at the time

>> No.8289486

my very close friend group is like that. Me and 4 friends have known each other for almost 30 years. Since kindergarten and grade school. We still hang out from time to time and play retro games over some beers, or play PC games online. Newer console games confuse some of my friends.
that fucking sucks dude, hope you find success bro.