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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 320x200, 940476-wizardry-crusaders-of-the-dark-savant-dos-screenshot-cutscenes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8281790 No.8281790 [Reply] [Original]

Wizardry VII had enemy parties that would race the player for main quest items. Their behavior was dynamic and rendered in real time.

>> No.8281812
File: 77 KB, 820x960, dark-sun-shattered-lands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best CRPG ever made.

>> No.8281824
File: 322 KB, 1026x794, grim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Grimoire: Heralds of the Winged Exemplar. You are one of the few who would appreciate it,

>> No.8281826

It was very cool but inconsequential since they didn't actually do anything with the items and you still had to clear the dungeons.

Truly based.

>> No.8281829
File: 217 KB, 800x1024, 43692-fate-gates-of-dawn-amiga-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shattered Lands was ahead of its time, but I don't see how it's ahead of our time. Another example would be Fate: Gates of Dawn:
>The player can control up to 4 parties, 28 characters in total. Some quests are thereby only solvable by teamwork. Characters are not created by the player but have to be invited to join the group. There are hundreds of NPCs with own personality and AI. The game has 32 character-classes, 11 races and over 200 magic spells and potions. It features a realistic environment including day and night cycles and weather which affects the characters.

>> No.8281839

This sounds rad. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8281847

Unfortunately it's too ambitious for its own good. It can take around 300 hours to beat the game, and simply traveling from one end of the map to the other can take several hours.

>> No.8281852

I am posting in support of this thread and I wish to hear of more of these games.

I sometimes hear various Ultimas, most often IV, talked of like this. Does it count?

>> No.8281872

Memes aside, this is a very solid Wiz7 style game. Its a shame it wasn't released back in the late 90s when it was originally suppose to ship. Sure, it would have been called "dated" even then, but I think it still would have done well enough IMO.

>> No.8281874
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I'd argue that Ultima VII is ahead of our time. You have spiritual successors like TES, Gothic, and Divinity that capture certain aspects of it very well and even improve upon them, but they all fall short in certain areas.

>> No.8281875

Would you say it's worth checking out? You made it sound like the Battlecruiser 3000AD of RPGs but I don't mind unwieldy if it's not broken and the ideas are good.

Ultima made giant steps in interactivity and non-combat content in RPGs. Ultima 4 in particular can't be beat without taking your time to learn how to act a certain way while dealing with NPCs. And Ultima 7 is one of the most detailed and interactive open worlds to this day, it was unbelievably ahead of the curve in 1992.

>> No.8281882

It's worth checking out and may even give you a few dozen hours of entertainment, but finishing the game is not worth it.

>> No.8281883

With a cover like that I figured that was some euro trash Specy game on cassette. Sounds kind of cool though. I'll give it a stab this weekend since I've got nothing better to do. Any tips/recommendations with it?

>> No.8281906

Cleve spurred the memes on his own accord though. The real reason for the delays was so boring it got lost among his own trolling and fake release dates.

>> No.8281945

What about the likes of The Hobbit and its real time elements?

>> No.8281946

Can you eaborate?

>> No.8281991
File: 208 KB, 1600x900, NotBad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8282069

It's a text adventure but if you don't get it together enough to advance events will occur in the game weather you are there or not.

It also had a text-based physics system where every object and character had a certain size and weight which was key for certain puzzles, iirc.

>> No.8282078
File: 47 KB, 474x358, 1537895404-253280039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few adventure games like that. The most famous is The Last Express.

>> No.8282082
File: 69 KB, 800x500, lb1_021-2560x1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another is Laura Bow: The Colonel's Bequest. Good game.

>> No.8282085

I'm not sure if I'd call The Last Express famous. Sierra did that stuff much earlier in QFG and Laura Bow, but the Hobbit precedes these games as well.

>> No.8282113

Overall, I don't think I was right in suggesting The Hobbit. I think its time did come.

>> No.8282118

I love how your men caution you about overcooking it. Now that is some soul!

>> No.8282121

I appreciate that you did anyways. For a game from 1982, it's still impressive.

>> No.8282146

Absolute classic. I love this game and played it so much as a kid. It's a shame that it only ever got one sequel, when KQ got so many.

>> No.8282208

Dagger of Amon Ra was so disappointing that they might have as well started over with a new franchise. I think Roberta Williams was getting ready to retire too.

>> No.8282442

Roberta had nothing to do with Dagger of Amon Ra, they just slapped her name on the box for brand recognition because she worked on the first game.

>> No.8282457

>Game is 80% HUD

>> No.8282691

What's the story with this game? It turns out I bought it already.

>> No.8282763

The CRPG Addict (crpgaddict.blogspot.com) says to pretend it's called "Fate: Quest of the Cavetrain" and only play until you've solved the Cavetrain quest, i.e. the first 60 hours.

>Up to that point, it's a great game. Different NPCs create a very different experience in combat and exploration, as in the beginning each one only has one or two spellbooks. You get to explore a large city, a large wilderness around it, a smaller sister city, and a large, complex, 7-level dungeon with a variety of navigational puzzles. Leveling is relatively swift and rewarding, and the economy still holds some value. Hints are plentiful, and the main quest is adequate. Seriously, play it this way. Don't read the backstory. Some mage has cut the city of Larvin, enclosed by mountains, from the outside world. Winwood is the son of a tavernkeeper whose family was murdered by marauders looking for supplies, since no goods are coming in from the outside world. Your only quest is to restore the function of the train. You'd have a 60-hour RPG with decent mechanics, and you'd walk away happy.

>Instead, the game continues for another 200 hours, with senseless plot developments, character development that becomes less and less important (my characters ended the game with dozens of improvement slots), and combat that becomes either mindlessly easy (outdoors) or absurdly deadly (indoors). Equipment upgrades slow and then stop, the economy spins out of control, and the player spends dozens of hours just getting from one place to another.

>Fate: Quest of the Cavetrain is a solid 54-point game, 9th-highest on my blog so far, better than everything except titles that offer extensive side-quests and more detailed role-playing options, and an obvious candidate for 1991's "Game of the Year." Don't cheat yourself out of this excellent game. Just don't worry about where the Cavetrain leads.

>> No.8282772

Doom, still better than modern shooters

>> No.8282789

wizardry/ might & magic super autist spent decades making the game of his dreams, then released it and will probably have to spend decades more making it palatable
play it

>> No.8282798
File: 130 KB, 1797x454, cleve tunnels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was made by a batshit dude who worked on Wizardry and released after 15+ years of bants, tantrums and procrastination. It's actually good though. Surprisingly so.

>> No.8282803

Incredible. A work of genius so profound everyone turns on it for they fear what they cannot understand.

Incredible. A work of genius so profound that I will play it for maybe ten minutes before turning on it for I fear what I don't understand.

>> No.8282807

Absolutely amazing. I rescind my earlier declaration of turning on it and will embrace it earnestly.

>> No.8282858
File: 588 KB, 1270x696, cleve super autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8282886

That man turely is a master of shitposting.
I do truely awe at some of his posts on RPGCodex

>> No.8283058
File: 20 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPJ540kINP4

>> No.8283154

based text adventure aficionado
i remember hobbit and the novelty of real time events, but i think i didn't like it for some reason, it was probably too hard for me at the time.

>> No.8283179

Captain Blood.

>> No.8283191
File: 17 KB, 320x200, 88529-captain-blood-amiga-screenshot-croolis-ulv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still nothing like that.

>> No.8283482

That sounds awesome
That reminds me of the crazy shit you could do in HellMOO with objects

>> No.8283498


>> No.8284363

this dude is a shitposter superhero

>> No.8284391

So if the enemy parties get the quest items first, you track them down elsewhere to take them?

>> No.8284394

Your best bet is to kill all of them as soon as you meet or you will keep running into them. The worst have a lengthy introduction and will extort 10% of your money each time you encounter them, even when that encounter happened a few minutes earlier.

>> No.8285025

They could also whack each other over loot. In my last playthrough I left them alone and they thinned out until there were 3 parties hording a ton of stuff.

>> No.8285047

How often have you played it? I can't imagine doing it more than once.

>> No.8285051

I would like to give Wizardry IV special mention for having thieves who would steal things and have you hunt them down. Also for having enemy parties made from ones players themselves used and sent in. The downside is no one vetted them for quality and most of thier names are insane random crap that people who don't care about fantasy input when asked to name anything.
Actually, the devs are at fault for all thier self-inserting and stupis in-jokes and references to shit like computer magazines they read that you MUST GET AND UNDERSTAND to get the advanced endings. You also have to be into the same new age bullshit they are.

>> No.8285067

Honestly I like the idea, unintentional as it is, that the game just completely implodes and the world descends into absolute chaos. Adds this sort of anarchistic feel to it. Plus the German version has uncensored tits and vag, so that’s cool

>> No.8285101
File: 124 KB, 800x599, ABD2C7FF-BE15-4C7B-9CBD-9C18C4A4D30A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some digging on this one and found out that the main dev was sort of planning Fate 2, which he only ever distributed in demo form to friends and fans. Development lasted what could be nearly 20 years and featured artwork heavily inspired by his growing taste in anime. Apparently there was reportedly sex mini games and it was some insane CRPG/visual novel/eroge hybrid with no real plot or goal. Most of the art was either stolen from other assets or drawn by the dude himself (not entirely sure though). The source code was destroyed as per his will when he died in the early 10s. This is one of the screenshots I found on some weird German only geocities looking fan page. Surf’s up, Shinji-kun

>> No.8285107
File: 131 KB, 800x599, 9FEFF578-0AEC-42FF-9F4D-AEA6DFE5EEE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More screenshots. I swear I recognise that horse character

>> No.8285108
File: 131 KB, 800x599, F1B0DE0F-7888-4D57-917E-62E499229C29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cafe au Lait is a pretty cool name all things considered. Note the ‘SEX’ strat

>> No.8285118
File: 231 KB, 1063x1500, D3PnOEOUYAAK7RS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a character from NG Knight Lamune&40.

>> No.8285156
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8285165

26 out of 17 sex stat, holy shit what a babe

>> No.8285168

My god.

>> No.8285224

Holy shit, that’s it. What the fuck is that from anyway?
A stack overflow of pussy

>> No.8285272

Word's Worth.
Originally a turn based dungeon crawler for the PC98, then remade for the Saturn as a real time game with 3D but due to problems with Sega it was only released for Windows.
Later butchered into an anime adaption.

>> No.8285297

Original character do not steal

>> No.8285387

I've done it twice. I probably wouldn't have replayed it if I didn't want to see the alternate starting states in Wizardry 8 though.

>> No.8286450

I never knew I wanted this till now

>> No.8286824

Suppose you could just fire up RPG maker and import those crusty JPEGs of your fave anime characters and go apeshit from there. Don’t know if you can do dungeon crawling first person stuff in that engine though

>> No.8287341
File: 3.54 MB, 249x311, 1618680474365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when people think collaborate means the same thing as corroborate

>> No.8288432

I think it was originally a 640*480 game.

>> No.8289105

Why is that dog's food submerged in water?

>> No.8289306

Softens up dry food, helps with digestion too. Also, some dogs just prefer it that way.

>> No.8289335

this is the greatest thing I've ever seen.