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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 320x200, Lionheart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8280434 No.8280434 [Reply] [Original]

Amiga developers were like "let's cram as many colors as possible"

>> No.8280452

Looks great, now I want to play it

>> No.8280457

Sheeit, if you had hardware capable of that many simultaneous colors in that day and age, wouldn't YOU go hogwild with it?

>> No.8280502

It's actually very tastefully done, you should have posted Zool or that Troll Doll game

>> No.8280503


>> No.8281334

The system had 4096 colors but without cheap tricks like that you were limited to 32 on the screen at once. If used well it can be very effective. The same principal was used on quite a few 2600 games. Even without the copper it's still pretty cheap as you're drawing the whole screen piece by piece anyway.

>> No.8281434

That pink purple colour gradient always reminds me of amiga games, so many used it. Very comforting.

>> No.8281620

this looks good though, there are better examples of "rainbow vomit"-looking games

>> No.8281625

Love the look of early euro jank games but they okay so poorly

>> No.8281628

>colours are bad

Is this what happens when you're brought up on brown & bloom ?

>> No.8281658
File: 1.41 MB, 530x1347, bongs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8281668

This ain't too bad, proper shitty Amiga games almost always had a toy level of some sorts and would give you an epilepsy attack with their colors whether you liked it or not.

>that Troll Doll game
This anon knows. I'd add Oscar to the list too.

>> No.8281672

Lol man, Rob was a mad lad

>> No.8281676

Kinda looks like he didn't even play the game proper and had to review it first thing in the morning on the shitter before the editorial office's meeting.

>> No.8281696

Why are these edgy retarded old magazine reviews ALWAYS British?

>> No.8281701

british way of life is miserable

>> No.8281753

Oscar and Trolls got some attention in the obscure games thread we had a few days ago. Zool was the most sickening of that lot of technicolor product placement games though, people hated it even at a time the esthetic was still generally accepted.

>> No.8281754

Ah, Rob the reviewer... He's now retired and lives a comfortable life here in /vr/, still thinking his opinions are facts. Or maybe it isn't him, and there just many low IQ posters here... Nah, it's probably Rob.

>> No.8283804

To be fair, this is a British magazine, and they only have clear skies about five times a year, so anything that isn't drab and overcast is probably to bright for their eyes.

>> No.8283824

They really liked slopes and uneven terrain for some reason, even though it sucked for platforming.

>> No.8284052

I don't know about the gameplay, but that screenshot is soulful as fuck.

>> No.8284079
File: 137 KB, 567x404, B4j7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep in mind this game was made for a stock Amiga 500, aka 1987 hardware, and maybe you can appreciate it more.

>> No.8284146

Journalism was never good.

>> No.8284187

amiga's copper and blitter are fucking amazing.
this is fact. all that rain, grey skies, immigrants..

>> No.8284194
File: 91 KB, 1152x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh colors
faggots, all of you. Rainbow levels are awesome.

>> No.8284205

>washed out, desaturated SNES colours
Why was the SNES so outclassed by every other piece of hardware? Lionheart looks leagues better.

>> No.8284241

Brits are the 2nd worst contrarians on the planet. If it's trying to be good that means it sucks.
If it's twee and silly and low-budget they like it.

>> No.8284248

Based retard.

>> No.8284302

So hard to believe that's OCS. That has to be the best looking actual game on that hardware, right?

>> No.8284308

actually really 1985 hw but whatever

>> No.8284315

Compared with 16-bit consoles Amiga graphics could look a little more organic and not as blocky since they're bitmaps rather than tiles.

>> No.8284348

They spent so much time making fun colors that they forgot to make fun games.

>> No.8284375

>he has the dark blue suit

>The man was so angry at color that he sat there kicking the dog for 15 minutes for his moral level to drop that low

Or he was so desperate for a dark color that he was willing to kick a dog for it

Either way you slice it this dude probably kicked the dog in mega man legends
For shame

>> No.8284460
File: 403 KB, 1224x1745, Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) 74 November 1998_0107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People like this

>> No.8284470

>Cindy Crawford

zoomers don't even KNOW

>> No.8284485
File: 111 KB, 643x256, Morph 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Morph.

>> No.8284495

>All original boxes, mint condish bitch.

How we scoffed...

>> No.8284510

what a lad

>> No.8284679

>the chad brutal expressionist purple-red skies


>the bingbing wahoo cotton candy bouncy funland tranny flag skies

Why are the japs like this?

>> No.8284883

>abd this is our sons room, he's quite the retro gamer

>> No.8285216
File: 4 KB, 320x256, hudson_hawk_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could be swingin' on a star

>> No.8285254

>’true lies is definitely the best Schwarzenegger movie’


>> No.8285262

BASED BEYOND BELIEF. So sick of this revisionist history that MML is a good game.

>> No.8285291

Not the biggest MML fan but fuck that limey idiot's thought process and taste, and him as a person.

>> No.8285296

I've never seen or played an Amiga in my life. I've had a friend referencing it when the Mega Drive and SNES were at peak in my country, that's all.

>> No.8285307

>but they okay so poorly
I see?

>> No.8285319

>Tries to shit on the Amiga
>posts a screenshot that looks beautiful

You did this wrong, OP.

>> No.8285337
File: 67 KB, 1200x673, n2w9srzon7431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Importing an American TV
Good call, you need those 60 frames per-
>Exclusively plays N64

>> No.8285358
File: 217 KB, 1280x720, ruff n tumble amiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colourful games are awesome, but japanese devs have a really childish and girly taste in colour composition. Really annoying and lame. Amiga games are colourful in a tasteful way.

>> No.8285543

Eat a dick, Nigel.

>> No.8286314

Brits still mad about the Japs taking Singapore I see.

>> No.8286321

The stupidity of this post gets top honors. Probably the dumbest thing I've read all week.

>> No.8286462


Phone posting

>> No.8286590

Imagine coping this hard.

>> No.8286596

Megaman Legends isn't even a colorful game, it's got as many colors as other PS1 games, only more pastel colored and garish.

>> No.8286609

Actually well noted, anon.

>> No.8286635

“Ruff n Tumble” sounds like a eurojank meme title but the game is actually pretty good

>> No.8287297

The Amiga version of R-Type was impressive. Not great, but impressive.

Did they actually recreate it by observing the arcade game like most other ports?

>> No.8289020

>Implying this is a bad thing.

>> No.8289030

You could have said the colors are bad. Was it some youtuber who said that shit?

>> No.8289037
File: 148 KB, 960x631, 52d467140c58df8e8c63ced9ed73d587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To think such beauty actually exists in this world..

>> No.8289042


>> No.8289043

>pity empire's no good apart from the hoth level
what a horrible opinion

>> No.8289347

It's great how many British developers tried to get away with having a mascot character that was just a circle with eyes, there must be hundreds of these fucks.

>> No.8290643

what about Stuart Campbell?

>> No.8290850

We nuked the wrong island empire.

>> No.8291189

a lot of British game design from this period comes from punk rock aesthetics

>> No.8291278

non sequitur of the year

>> No.8291351
File: 170 KB, 590x759, 1622917238435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we don't give a fuck, deal with it nerd

>> No.8291942

amiga was pure kino. sadly, most games were really poor compared to the likes of the snes. many switched sides back them, i was one of them. and then commodore died anyway.

>> No.8292235 [DELETED] 

Genesis > Genesis > SNES

>> No.8292238

Genesis > Amiga > SNES

>> No.8292343

I had an Amiga, never switched really until about 95 when the first proper 3D consoles came out.

>> No.8292512

ironically there's this game. only DOS version uses pink gradient sky.

>> No.8293063

Nobody who owned an amiga ever switched to consoles until the next gen. Some people bought a snes to play a few popular games like street fighter, but nobody ditched their amiga, and most of the games they owned were on the amiga.

>> No.8293067

Dope gradients in the skylines.

>> No.8293071

Amerifat who's never even touched an amiga detected.

>> No.8293090
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever played Elf? It was one of the first games I ever played. Not sure if it was good, but I like it at the time.

>> No.8293237
File: 18 KB, 640x418, 65471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]