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File: 2.46 MB, 2880x1980, E320A963-3FAB-4EC4-9895-C5183EC651BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8270864 No.8270864 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best retro controller? That D-Pad is absolutely perfect.

>> No.8270883


>> No.8270890
File: 37 KB, 800x480, GCE-Vectrex-Controller-BR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8270898

How does that stick feel? I always thought it looked a bit stiff and uncomfortable to use, especially since it’s so small

>> No.8270907

I have tiny manlet hands so it feels cool with a pointer-thumb pinch grip

>> No.8270913

bit small to move but really smooth action and extremely solid build. The keys too feel really nice.

>> No.8270918

It's too mushy.

>> No.8270920

never tried one of those sega roller dpads, worth switching over?

>> No.8270931

Absolutely. Playing a fighting game on it is buttery smooth, it feels almost as good as an arcade stick. Even platformers feel amazing on it. Compare playing something like Pandamonium! On PlayStation against using the Saturn D-Pad. It’s like night and day and it’s so comfy

>> No.8270937
File: 264 KB, 1000x1000, 4E0189D1-6B6D-4263-83F4-A15744313C7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, but no. This is the true king.

>> No.8270941

The only single point of interest for that controller is that it was the first controller to use a nipple as an input device.

>> No.8270945

I kneel

>> No.8270960

Apparently they still make these? I can only ever find the dumb usb ones. Where can i find a plug in one?

>> No.8271018

Of course not. There were superior 3rd party versions of that exact controller. The dpad can't possibly be perfect because it doesn't use a microstick.

>> No.8271053

surprisingly comfortable

>> No.8272924

Saturnfags only think they have the best dpad because the original psx controllers had absolute shit dpads. It's just nostalgic wishful thinking. The dpad on a Saturn controller is no better than on a Genesis controller.

>> No.8272935

The D-pad is the best I've ever used, but the shoulder and face buttons kind of suck. I also would much rather have 4 triggers and 4 face buttons than 2 + 6.

>> No.8272954

the 6-button genesis controller is also one of the best controllers ever and had a better d-pad than the 3-button one.

>> No.8272956

>saturnfags only think they have the best dpad because the competition had terrible dpads
0 iq post

>> No.8272968

You seem to be confused by difference between HAVE and HAD. It was a Genesis dpad, which was a really good dpad though.

>> No.8273014
File: 3.96 MB, 4050x2850, Neo-Geo-CD-Controller-FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, bro.

>> No.8273018

SEGA dpad supremacy. Perfect for platformers, shooters and fighting games. and bomberman, of course.

>> No.8273154

Did the rolly-ball style “stick” only never catch on because SEGA lost that gen? It’s so fucking comfy, I’m not sure why no one else has aped it other than out of fear of doing things differently.

>> No.8273284

Yeah, I was immensely disappointed going from the Saturn 3D pad to the Dreamcast controller. How could they fuck it up so hard?

>> No.8273303

only flaw is no select button

>> No.8273310


How do you personally map SNES controls to this? Do you do Z=X, C=A, X=Select? Or do you need accurate button names, so you end up with something like A=A, B=B, C=Select, Z=A secondary?

>> No.8273313

This but with six buttons. It would be perfect. Why 4 buttons became the standard instead of six buttons?

>> No.8273775

Not really, it’s a good dpad, the N64 dpad was also really good but it was barely used in most games

>> No.8273781

Because it’s a neogeo?
The microswitch here is cool in concept but it’s kinda shitty to actually use

>> No.8273808

this but see-through blue one (official USB one)

>> No.8273842 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 2000x2000, FAOEc4VX0AE5eHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Due to various factors such as manufacturing shortages such as IC chips, we've had to delay the release of the #SEGA #Dreamcast and Saturn Analog controllers. Rest assured, we are continuing to develop these in hopes of meeting everyone's expectations.
holy shit they finally said something

>> No.8273964

I wish I knew. Dreamcast controller looks great but feels like shit. The upcoming 6-button DC pad coming out from Retro-Bit seems like it will fix a lot of its issues, but it's still kind of like putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.8273976

>The dpad on a Saturn controller is no better than on a Genesis controller

I just use the four outer-most buttons personally, but you could set them up inverted-T style too, going Y=A, B=B, A=C, X=Y

>> No.8273990
File: 3.14 MB, 3920x2360, Neo-Geo-Advanced-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own the original one, coming from the original PS1 and Saturn controller it sucks. Pic related on the other hand gave me years of fond childhood memories.

>tfw if I didn't blow off all of my buds from HS I'd buy this in a heartbeat and play KOF98 with them

It also reminds me that I am a POS.

>> No.8273993

>The dpad on a Saturn controller is no better than on a Genesis controller.
there's 4 different genesis d-pads, one of them is identical to the saturn's

>> No.8274246
File: 919 KB, 1051x1025, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related and it holds up well.
all of the buttons but LT/RT are microswitches, so it's very noisy but satisfying to use.

>> No.8274269


>> No.8274302

I also kneel.

>> No.8274304

My point exactly. They all had solid dpads, but they were far from perfect when it comes to precision inputs
T. 500+ hours of Mortal Kombat as a child

>> No.8274324
File: 460 KB, 1836x2448, neogeo pad usb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This but with six buttons.
It exists. Good luck finding one, though.

>> No.8274371

I can't imagine why you need six buttons. I have a few six button controllers, you only use three of them.

>> No.8274450
File: 363 KB, 2304x1296, panther3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, bro
Why not have the best of both worlds?
Thanks for the hot take, zoomie-who's-never-used-one

>> No.8274464

I love it when ignorant people parade around their wrong opinions without knowing how dumb they look

>> No.8274485

wow, that looks pretty cool anon.
it even has a batman logo on the stick.

>> No.8274560

I'm sorry, I just don't play games that use all 6. Sometimes you rarely use even 3, just A and B. The shoulder buttons are used more often than the XYZ buttons in my experience, or sometimes XYZ is just a remapping of either ABC or LRC. I've owned a Saturn which is my main experience with the 6 button scheme for years.

>> No.8274884
File: 75 KB, 1200x696, Bacardi_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask me how I know you're not old enough to drink

>> No.8275010

don't hit those diags on accident mate

>> No.8275046

>don't hit those diags on accident mate
Literally one of the best features of a microstick zoom zoom

>> No.8275841

>intoxicating yourself
I'm old enough to do it, but I don't drink.
only occasionally when it's expected from me to act like a normie and that is few and far between.

>> No.8276550

I'm 35 and never played with a saturn pad.

>> No.8276603

It's expensive and VERY prone to failure.

>> No.8276619

It’s very comfortable. I recommend it

>> No.8276653

zoomie here, I have a third party one, someone said that mine's dpad is a little worse but still feels like a saturn dpad, looked kinda clumsy at first but it feels way better than the dualshock 2 and 3 controllers

>> No.8276676

Best d-pad. Hate the 6 face buttons though. A B C were used as the three main buttons so moving your thumb from A to C took too long.

>> No.8276742

I hear you, the only problem I have had with saturn stuff is that it never got cheap like sony/nintendo stuff did.

>> No.8277791

Because the only way anyone would know about the bat device is from necking bottles of 151 amirite!

They're a good shape, size, layout, etc. Solid with almost enough buttons. Don't let the fact that hipsters constantly suck heir cock put you off. They're actually decent controllers.

It did, you just missed it. I have a buttload and never paid more than ¥500. I have boxes of sealed games I dug out of dumpsters behind shops when they made space for PS3 shit.

>> No.8277972

5000% better than the dreamcast controller. like, how did they fuck it up when they got so much right the first time?

>> No.8278389

Anyone tried the 8bitdo one? How is it? I'm thinking about buying the Genesis one along with the SNES. They both have great reviews and combined are only $55 so

>> No.8278431
File: 148 KB, 371x353, 1613736745975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8278881

The noises that stick makes are music to my ears.

>> No.8278994


>> No.8279018
File: 88 KB, 1120x512, sega-genesis-controllers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dpad on a Saturn controller is no better than on a Genesis controller
How many could you have used if you make that statement? You can grab any two Genesis controllers and the dpads will probably feel different.


The Saturn dpad is the same as the 6-button controller's dpad, but not the original Genesis controller. When's the last time you guys actually used a 3-button? The dpad is much stiffer.

>Why 4 buttons became the standard instead of six buttons?
It's certainly one of the great tragedies in gaming.

>> No.8279035
File: 98 KB, 1500x1500, 8bitdo M30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the 8bitdo pad hate on /vr./ This is my absolute favorite controller for 2D gaming. I use it to play anything 8-bit and 16-bit that I don't have hardware for, as well as PlayStation 2D and fightan games. It could be better if it were as wide as the original Genesis 3-button pad but besides that it's a 9/10.
I wouldn't bother buying the SNES one unless you want it for nostalgia since you can easily map its buttons onto this, and Sega-style dpad > all.

>> No.8279054

>I don't understand the 8bitdo pad hate on /vr./
Let's see:
>terrible wireless latency
>cancerous internal battery on their cheaper offerings, will eventually die and third party batteries are notoriously garbage and expensive
>poor designs
>crappy D-pads
>awful QC, plenty of reports of sticking buttons
And last, but by no means least:
>more expensive than just buying the real controllers they're clones of

>> No.8279070

This is a particularly autistic pet peeve but I really dislike the font they went with for the ABC/XYZ buttons. It's so ugly and out of place in comparison to >>8279018

>> No.8279094

>t. 8bitdo

>> No.8279097
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x2539, IMG_9849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are all of these claims incorrect, but playing wired eliminates half of your would-be problems.

>commenting on cost
It's $27 on Amazon right now. Fucks sake man get a job.
There is no Sega Controller that has a Select button (the minus), or the other two buttons that can be mapped to do whatever you want. You're not getting a Saturn controller from whoever your preferred manufacturer is for under $23, and again, it doesn't have as many buttons.

I get the feeling that you're just parroting what you've read on forums and don't actually own one of these.
Over 1,500 ratings with 4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon. But sure, go ahead and try to discredit everyone's experiences lol.

>> No.8279102


>> No.8279129

theyre cheap
thats the best and the worst thing i can say about em
the plastic nub that attaches the dpad to the controller is weak and will break long before any real genny controller would
course its $20 so no shit
superglue that shit back on or go hit the ATM

tl;dr theyd be a lot better if chinese """people""" werent so fucking chinese

>> No.8279169
File: 17 KB, 500x308, 412vpHNByzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It certainly is among the best gamepads, but you'll need to shell out for a Sanwa if you want to play with the pros

>> No.8279602

WHAT? loads of top players use saturn pads, queermo

>> No.8279702

>>terrible wireless latency
the 2.4 ghz versions are actually extremely low latency and wired is even lower. Literally 1ms input lag, which is pretty much the lowest on the market. You could not be more wrong on this point, considering both their wired and 2.4ghz are unrivaled when it comes to low latency. Reminder that actual NES controllers only had a 60Hz polling rate.
>>cancerous internal battery on their cheaper offerings, will eventually die and third party batteries are notoriously garbage and expensive
Either use it wired or buy a replacement battery in the rare event the battery dies. Rechargeable is much better than disposable batteries...
>>poor designs
>>crappy D-pads
They are near identical to the original controller and some of the best on the market.
>>awful QC, plenty of reports of sticking buttons
Literally every controller in existence has ""reports"" of issues. Look at the reviews on Amazon and forums and it's universal praise
>>more expensive than just buying the real controllers they're clones of
first of all, where the fuck are you finding new OEM controllers for $30? There is not a chance in hell. And secondly 8bitdo have lower latency and full compatibility without needing an adapter that adds additional lag (even ones like the Brooks which are quite expensive)

These complaints are actually just such complete nonsense and you're an absolute dumbfuck.

>> No.8279709

nah the saturn dpad is more than enough to compete

>> No.8279710


>> No.8279714

Have you ever stuck one of Sanwa's balls up your ass?

>> No.8279725

I have one and I don't think it's that great. When ever I see one of those I think of the smell of Nights into Dreams when I unwrapped it.

>> No.8279729

I have the PS3 version. It's usable. I wouldn't say it's great.

>> No.8279739

I have 2 Three button Genesis controllers with good D-pads. All the others have shitty stiff d-pads. The good 3 Button controllers are neat. They're super comfortable to hold and when the Dpad is like that of the six button controller it just feels right.

>> No.8279748

I have a M30.g
I like it. I think it's annoying I have to replug the receiver every time I power on my "console", but I think that's the USB hub I'm using.

>> No.8279789

Nice, I'm jealous. My 3-button controllers both have the stiff dpad.
Last Saturday I tried to relive my childhood and use one to play Sonic & Knuckles but I only lasted through the opening act before I opted for a 6-button with the comfy dpad.

>> No.8280940

I think most of the hate if for underage faggots shilling it. Without that there'd be little to no discussion about it here as everyone would just ignore it because it's shit.

>> No.8280948
