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8276907 No.8276907 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the Gex games sell well back then? Gex never shuts the fuck up and the games are very dated with their cringy pop culture references

>> No.8276912

>oppions of an embryo

>> No.8276924
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>back then
>games are very dated

>> No.8276960


>> No.8276965

gex 3 is the most generic straightforward 3D collectathon ever
and 3D collectathons were bigger than jesus at the time so of course it did well

>> No.8276974

Because Gex is based and funny and his games are good fuck you end thread

>> No.8276979

Came here to post this but with no pepe

>> No.8276983

I beat the game back then but never bought or rented it. It's one of those games that somehow mysteriously ends up in your possession one day and you know it's shitty but you play it out of boredom and lack of other games to try. Many such cases

>> No.8277074

Because he cute lizard

>> No.8277090

The first GEX game is one of best games available on PSX. Hilarious, cool powerups, interesting maps and bosses. Didn’t play the second one but the third game was just like the first game but 3D, superb. Fuck off ignorant child OP.

>> No.8277102
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>> No.8277135

I freaking love Gax!

>> No.8277145

Have gex, incel.

>> No.8277262
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I've never had chex

>> No.8278120


>> No.8278125

The back of Gex 64 claims there are "125 slick gecko moves"

But are there really that many? I think they lied.

>> No.8278153

Oh there is totally that many

>> No.8278192

>he doesn't know the secret page

>> No.8278197
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at least he's still around and has some thing to his name.

>> No.8278236

Mario died a very long time ago, fren.

>> No.8278776

Gex was bigger than Banjo and sold way more. Somehow no one asked for Gex in Smash.

The second game is like the third but bad.

>> No.8278909

I don't think anyone ever liked Gex for the character himself.

>> No.8279151

you mean the third game is like the second one but bad

>> No.8279616

you mean other way around, 3rd went overboard with collectibles where even collectfag like myself hates it. second game was way more forgiving on collectibles and checkpoints

>> No.8279625

Gex was for the kids who already touched boobies. Once you do that you don't care about mario zelda bing bing etc.

>> No.8279635

Who really died back then and who came back?

>> No.8279659

The only good Gex is on 3DO.

>> No.8279691

There are no girls on the Internet.

>> No.8280132

But Gex is a timeless legend, not a saturated dragged out bing bing wahoo toddler franchise.

>> No.8280135

So timeless he died and never returned

>> No.8280139

Gex is proto-Family Guy humor

>> No.8280179

More like he knew when to bow out gracefully.

>> No.8280564

based chex quest enjoyer. what did you think of 3?

>> No.8280641

A couple with children were trying out a new babysitter. About an hour after they left for a night on the town, they realized they had forgotten to give her their cell phone number, so one of them called her.

After she wrote down the number, the babysitter asked if she could watch satellite TV in their bedroom. She had just put the children to bed and wanted to watch a particular show. (The parents didn’t want their children watching too much garbage, so the living room TV did not have satellite channels.)

Well of course she could watch TV in their room, they replied. The babysitter had one other request: could she put a sheet or blanket over the Gex statue that was in the bedroom? It kind of made her nervous.
Take the children and go to the neighbors, said whichever parent was talking to her. We’ll call the police. We don’t have a Gex statue.

The police caught Gex as he was running through the neighborhood.

>> No.8281271

Don't make me take my tongue out

>> No.8281301

>why did a competently executed 3D collectathon platformer sell well at a time when that was the hottest genre on the market?

Gee I wonder.

Basically anyone who made a good entry in that genre between 1996 and 1998 made tens of millions off it.

>> No.8282915

>e-celeb salad of words
Go back to /v/

>> No.8284514

Based Gex bros

>> No.8285985
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Because they're good games.
>Gex never shuts the fuck up
You can turn his speech off in the options.

>> No.8286073

>You can turn his speech off in the options
Why would anyone want to do this?

>> No.8286076

It saves time in speedruns

>> No.8286416


>> No.8286419

t. Boy George's pants

>> No.8286750
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>> No.8286768

Turning off the voice is for the weak

>> No.8286893

this was pokemon snap for me.

Where the fuck did it come from? It even had a blockbuster sticker on it even though our town never had one.

Some little shit must have left it at our house during a sleep over, but I wouldn't know who.

>> No.8286998

If the voice is too annoying, get the U.K. version which replaces all over Dana Gould’s dialogue with the same lines read by Leslie Philips. So now all the pop culture references and bizarre one liners are read by a man who has a voice of liquid gold and sounds like James Bond

>> No.8287003

UK sense of humor is so weird. Why would they want those cheesy lines read straight?

>> No.8287018
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The N64 version is unfortunately cut down, the soulful FMV, the hilarious credits tour of the crystal dynamics office where they have tons of injokes about the staff. All replaced with a camera dolly through a handful of stages and comic sans credits.

>> No.8287020

They aren’t read straight really, the whole thing still has a snarky, sarcastic tone. Since Gex 3D has the whole secret agent shit going on, they likely made the connection and got a man who is known for his incredibly posh voice and for being an irl Casanova. Plus the joke is obviously that he’s a lizard making pop culture references and fart jokes but he’s got an incredibly sophisticated sounding voice

>> No.8287023
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Just look at all that soul.

>> No.8287024

They also removed the bonus levels that the bonus stages unlock which makes the golden remotes useless except for completion (fag rights)

>> No.8287028

Did they? I don't know anyone who ever had a Gex game.

>> No.8287031
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A true shame. The Gex games aren't amazing by any stretch, but they are fun in small doses. The PS1 version will do wonders bringing people back to a simpler time

>> No.8287036

Is that a Street Fighter poster in the back? Or fatal fury?

>> No.8287040

looks like street fighter with ryu and ken back to back.

>> No.8287045

Me in the trenchcoat

>> No.8287869

>nothing personnel, kid

>> No.8288285


>> No.8288343

3D platformers were a new and exciting at the time so that surely helped. Edgy cartoon mascots were popular in the 90s. Enter the Gecko was also just pretty great.

>> No.8288361

I miss that mascots thing

>> No.8288364 [SPOILER] 
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Fuck off bring back gex