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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8273342 No.8273342 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best retro pinball games

>> No.8273383 [DELETED] 

Devil's Crush
Kyuutenkai FP
Pinball of the Dead

Video pinball sucks compared to real pinball though, it must be said.

>> No.8273391

Kirby's Pinball World is pretty fun

>> No.8273428

you might like Pokemin Pinball then, it uses the same engine
I just got into pinball recently, I'll have to try a real machine sometime

>> No.8273453
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How to find pinball and pinball tournaments in your area:
US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Finland, London

Depending on where you live, there may be a facebook group for players in your area.
You can also find tournaments near you here:

Pinball Simulators that will give you a free virtual pin or two as a sample:
Pinball Fx 3 (Sorcerer's Lair, Fish Tales)
Zaccaria (Time Machine)
Pinball Arcade (Mary Shelley's Frankenstein)
Stern Pinball Arcade (Also Frankenstein)
There's also Visual Pinball, which is a freeware pinball simulator.

How to become Good at Pinball (wholly optional):
https://www.deadflip.com/tutorials/ (techniques in gif form)

>> No.8273481

Digital Pinball: The Necronomicon for Sega Saturn. It’s Japan only but the whole thing is in English and the voices are in English. Weird as fuck pinball game themed around satan and shit. The guitarist for Dream Theatre did some music for it.

>> No.8273497

Sonic Spinball is the only video pinball game I've ever enjoyed.

>> No.8273510
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Bought this at a dollar store back when I was like 6. Shit was pretty cash

>> No.8273579

I actually own one of these (along with two other Williams and a Stern). Fast fucking game with a surprising amount of depth for such a seemingly simple layout. Your butthole will clench like it's never been clenched before if you have to fix that fucking hand, though.

Come to think of it, I'm surprised nobody's made a a guide on here for playing/buying pinball.

>> No.8273583

Devil crash for me

>> No.8274131

Sweet there's a bar/pinball arcade in my town

>> No.8274843

>you might like Pokemin Pinball then, it uses the same engine
Is there any evidence of that whatsoever? HAL's name is on both games but they were released six years apart and Pokémon Pinball was primarily developed by Jupiter.

>> No.8274868

Time Cruise.

>> No.8274872

3D Space Cadet Pinball

>> No.8274959

I'd like to make a pinball machine that explores serious themes. Like the way political polarization makes people who have almost everything in common hate each other.

>> No.8275109

I'm in the actually in the hobby and own a couple games. That being said, this sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Pinball is pretty much the last hobby untouched by this shit.

>> No.8275242

>Your butthole will clench like it's never been clenched before if you have to fix that fucking hand, though.

Is it harder to fix than, let's say, TZ (all gadgets included)?

>> No.8275436

This, but I'll double down. Story is detrimental to most pins and is almost always the first thing a player gets bored of. The other thing is sound design.

>> No.8275554

>How to become Good at Pinball (wholly optional)
I'm sure there are people who can very deliberately do all these moves and have reasons for doing them, but so many just seem like different ways the ball moves when you try and hop it from one flipper to another.

>> No.8275560

The only good digital pinball are ones that emulate old tables like Pinball FX and The Pinball Arcade.

>> No.8275572

Well, yeah, pinball is physics based and skill heavy.

>> No.8275578
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Pinball Fantasies

>> No.8275628

But looking at a Nudge Pass and a Loop Pass and a Dead Flip I don't see why you would specify using one of those over the other. For the first two especially the only difference seems to be where the ball lands on the flipper.

Is there a pinball game that let's you practice tricks like this in a tutorial?

>> No.8275706

I'm not sure how this would work but I think it would be far better as a fantasy pinball video game than an actual machine.

>> No.8275713
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Red field was always harder to me but but blue field was fun

>> No.8275745

Butt-clenching engineering frankly sounds like any attempt to fix a pinball machine.

>> No.8275751

Pinball's physics are kinda borked but fuck it is soulful in my book. Kinda wish it had more boards but filling the PokeDex adds a weird element to the game that inspires you to keep playing and to take shitty runs as a win because well hey you got to Beedrill this time, that's something.
I had it as a kid and I fucking loved Pokemon so I am biased.

>> No.8275752

Blue Field is childhood.
Red Field is adulthood.

>> No.8275884

I can't say as I've never personally owned TZ. People who have have told me that the clock is is the only really fickle part of that game; the power field and gumball machine pretty much run like tanks.

>> No.8275967

Only if your parents are fucking

>> No.8276110

>Only if your parents are fucking
Post it

>> No.8276112

When was the last time this board had a real pinball thread and not some terrible video pinball thread. I bet it was before the rule change. I don't see how Halo 2 and 70s pinball can co-exist on the same board.

>> No.8276115

Metroid Prime Pinball

>DS is not retro

Yes it is

>> No.8276140

Visual pinball owns them both

>> No.8276350

'kay. I'm pretty interested in JM, is it worth getting one?
I wish I could find a Shadow for a non-retarded price near me, too :(

>> No.8276363

It doesn't have to be retro if it's pinball becusse ALL pinball is allowed on VR

The best video pinball is Pinball FX 2/3.

>> No.8276473

I stopped making those threads with the rule change.
They would be archived in a day or so.

>> No.8276558

all three of those techniques would be used in different situations. Well, sometimes there are situations where you might be able to loop pass or dead flip.

Nudge pass saves the ball from going down the center. You're (typically) not going to nudge the machine for any other reason except to save the ball from going down the center or going down the outlanes. The ball's going down the middle, so you nudge the machine to the right to catch the ball on your left flipper. Because you're moving the machine around the ball.
Loop pass is when the ball is returning from an orbit, typically. Making an acute angle with the inactive flipper, if you can picture that. Dead flip is when the ball is returning from a less-acute angle, or an angle that's not acute at all.

>> No.8276628

Good. Pinniggers need to fuck off to /toy/ where they belong or we might as well have skeetball generals.

>> No.8276631

> BA START: This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball)

>> No.8276637

>rules are good when it's not bad to my faggy threads
I accept your concession.

>> No.8276641

This is the only part of the rules that has never changed

>> No.8276645
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>taking the bait again

>> No.8276738

I enjoy mine, so I'd say it is! Just be sure to put it into test mode and run the hand diagnostics when you go to look at it. That being said, I always put every newer (DMD or LCD) game I go to buy into test before buying.

Fuck it, I'm probably gonna make a guide for this.

>> No.8276794

I like your enthusiasm, anon.

>> No.8276838
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>> No.8278439
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>mfw there's a World Cup Soccer for 1500$ near me and I don't have the money right now

>> No.8280598
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The ones made by KaZe are pretty good.

>> No.8280659

>skeetball generals
That's actually a good idea.