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File: 24 KB, 385x325, 51UZgLGumwL._SX385_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8262051 No.8262051 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most kino game of all time. Not the 3D version remake though, that kinda sucks even though it's ok.

>> No.8262058
File: 1.11 MB, 2560x2048, Legend_of_Zelda_Links_Awakening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Born in 91' and my older brother picked up the 93' version.
It was the first game I ever played, either that or Tetris for the Gameboy.
So the original black and green does it for me.

But DX is also flat out awesome since it came out when I was in 2nd grade or so.
I'll say this, emulating it just isn't the same.

>> No.8262064

It's a shame no sequel got made. The land of Koholint is beautifully made, and has beautiful music to go along with it. The 3D version is dogshit and looks like it's made for 5 year olds.

>> No.8262074

Awesome game and it's cool that the source leaked last year.

>> No.8262081

What does that mean?
What does that mean for me?
Can I legally do anything with said leaked material?

>> No.8262087

Just don't tell anyone heh.

>> No.8262089

The original LA's story is the best in the franchise in my opinion.
It's pretty simple but it's executed well, and it doesn't have the same old Zelda staples.
Tezuka and Koizumi were the best things to happen to Zelda, Aonuma is a hack and Fujibayashi is a mixed bag.

>> No.8262095

The last halfway decent LoZ was Twilight Princess, which also sucks ass.

>> No.8262112

Big agree. Video games made after 2000 are generally crappy shit.

>> No.8262231

what is this game?

>> No.8262240

It's too bad trannies copted this game because of the pink eyg.

>> No.8262243

what's that? explain what you mean

>> No.8262246

>The original LA's story is the best in the franchise in my opinion.
pretty much every zelda has a shit story so it's not saying much, but yeah this one is actually good

>> No.8262247

Tezuka has lost his touch since if the New Super Mario Bros. games are any evidence.
Koizumi, though? I pray for the day he returns to Zelda.

>> No.8262249

Kino map. I've always had a fascination of maps ever since having the LttP map pinned up on my bedroom wall at 4 years old

>> No.8262254

>The original LA's story
Did they change it in the remake?

>> No.8262258

Bullshit. Many of the games have a pretty good story. None of them are masterpieces, but they tend to be pretty decent.

>> No.8262290

Take ocarina of dimes. It's just a boring medieval fable about the devil. It's a weak af story. Nothing good.

>> No.8262293

pretty sure you mean ocarina of time? I love the story in that game.

>> No.8262294

I love the remake. It fits an HDTV perfectly and plays like a wonderful classic Zelda game.
But the OG still takes the cake(DX included).
It's the perfect portable game. You can actually blow away hundreds of miles in the back seat of your dad's caplaying it. I know first hand. And the ending is superb. PEAK of the series? I wouldn't argue.

>> No.8262301

no offence but I find the remake to be pretty repulsive.

Is it well done? Yes. For an original LoZ it would be great, but it's so much worse than the original. The original feels mythical and timeless. The remake looks like Sesame Street.

>> No.8262309

By far my fav LoZ title ever made. Too bad it was on a smallscreen and not on the SNES. Would have been rad.

>> No.8262346

This. Every Zelda story is just full of old tropes, but LA has good execution. It manages to suck you in and have soulful characters with the little dialogue there is.

>> No.8262356

I love DX but it still baffles me why they removed QoL from the OG...
They're patches to revert back the QoL for DX on romhacking.net but still

>> No.8262365

if you like Links Awakening DX I'm sure you'll like the Oracle of Seasons/Ages games too, they're solid af

>> No.8262369

Based and blessed thread

>> No.8262395

>This. Every Zelda story is just full of old tropes, but LA has good execution. It manages to suck you in and have
Never heard it put better than this.

>> No.8263781

It's kind of the first Zelda to actually have character arcs in it.

>> No.8263848
File: 72 KB, 195x242, Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 12.02.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished it for the first time a few months ago.
Wandering the map switching itms scanning for the next thing to do via obstacle/item gatekeeping was pretty tedious. 8/10 game overall though.

>> No.8263863

I started replaing Link's Awakening, non-DX version. One thing that I never see brought up is that the game has quite a bit of lag, and I don't remember the DX version having any lag at all

>> No.8263865

>Halfway decent
>sucks ass

And this is why I disregard literally every person on this website.

>> No.8263869
File: 121 KB, 1024x1024, sgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could always use pic related.
Someone also made a remake in the Solarus engine using largely LttP graphics if you ever wonder what Link's Awakening might have looked like on the SNES.

>> No.8263871

Looking at this, I realize I confuse content from this and both of the Ages games quite a bit. I think I'm due for a replay of all of them.

>> No.8263876

>comes to a site where he disregards literally every person
what did anon mean by this?

>> No.8263885
File: 1.50 MB, 3024x4032, DSC_0204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og version master race.
the dx version makes an easy game even easier.

>> No.8263895

not him but i have a question. Super Gameboy doesnt work with GBC, right? I wanna play Links Awakening on a TV, would i miss out by not playing the DX version?

>> No.8263912

I believe LADX is one of the few backwards compatible carts like Pokemon Gold and Silver so it should work, but you won't get proper GBC colors. Otherwise the Gameboy Player for the Gamecube will work with GBC games.

>> No.8263915

correct. super gameboy only does gb mono.
but ladx is an hybrid cartridge, so you can play it on a regular gameboy.
you'll lose the color dungeon though, since that is color exclusive.

>> No.8263916

Too similar to ALTTP and the remake is better

>> No.8263921

>Link Between Worlds is apparently bad now

>> No.8263927

thanks for the info

>> No.8264078

This game was the first to give me a think. I cried when I learned no one was real. I was like seven

>> No.8264136

>give me a think
you have to go back

>> No.8264161

I'm already here so do me a heckin' dick suck

>> No.8264189

People here tend to hate the Switch remake, which is understandable because the original is literally perfect, but I think the remake’s art style is literally the best attempt I’ve seen at turning a 2D game 3D. Its gorgeous and adequately maintains the perspective and sizing that is appropriate to the original vision. I wish all 2D games being remastered would look like that

>> No.8264207

No, they just expanded pretty much every minigame and made Feather, Gloves, and Pegasus Boots passive abilities.

>> No.8264335

I was overly excited to hear about a remake of LA.
But when I saw the graphics I knew it was too good to be true.
Its too soft and play-doh looking.

I do think however that Nintendo is heading in the right direction with the graphics/gaming software tools.

>> No.8264638

it's a true masterpiece.

>> No.8264641

is a horrible game, it's overrated and has awful graphics.

>> No.8264715

Every time some midwit says alttlp is bad, their argument is never good.

>> No.8264742

Link has pink hair in ALTTP for fuck's sake. It's just bad overall. The music is overdone. The graphics had promise but are too jarring and childish. ALTTP was mishandled and could have been a masterpiece like Link's Awakening. Alas.

>> No.8264751

They're both masterpieces and they should've given him pink hair in another game by now. Begone

>> No.8264756

>music is overdone
Nonsensical statement
>graphics were jarring and childish

>> No.8264763

whoa, moneybags.

>> No.8264765

The pink hair is stupid looking and looks like a tranny reference to modern people. The game is garbage.

The music being overdone is indisputable. It's overly symphonic and has to nuance. The graphics are trying to pack too much into it all at once. ALTTP lacks the usual simplicity and focus of other LoZ classics. It should never have been created.

>> No.8264786

Anon gets it. Link to the past is pure garbage.

>> No.8264879

>link has pink hair
Literally no one cared about this shit until recently.
He has brown/goldenrod hair in the artwork and manual, and that's what we all saw when playing.
Fuck off.

>> No.8264918

Aol, Alto, ooc, mm, mc, ww, tp, all way better

>> No.8264923

>Le edgy reddit transphobia
So how's middle school going?

>> No.8264948

Hopefully this means they can map more buttons to it so you're not constantly pausing to switch items. Nothing else needs changing

>> No.8264952

Not really, it's not as good the gbc Zeldas but still decent

Link's hair was colored without any sjw propaganda behind it, it's innocent at the time.

Transphobia is normal and healthy, and I'm tired pretending its not.

>> No.8264954

Same goes for Mario Land games which had Mario explore new lands etc

>> No.8264965

new=bad anon

>> No.8264971

The remake is literally what you saw on the gameboy but colored and 3D.
The art made by some westcuck who literally didn't even see the game is not an indication of what LA was actually like.

>> No.8265259

>Incel is a fan of joker
Big surprise there

>> No.8265271

I like the remake, but the new soundtrack and graphics make parts of the game seem much less sinister than they did on gameboy.
Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda game, though I'm not a huge fan of the series in general.

>> No.8265337
File: 11 KB, 1280x576, LinksAwakeningtitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, original is always what I'll love, starting with the beautiful starkness of the title screen.

>> No.8265350
File: 84 KB, 640x655, 67649-Legend_of_Zelda_The_-_Oracle_of_Ages_USA-1452550340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you like Links Awakening DX I'm sure you'll like the Oracle of Seasons/Ages games too, they're solid af
of course based Capcom knows how to do good gameplay. I beat Seasons not long ago and am going through Ages now

he's right though, men have never turned into women and never will. it's all a farce

>> No.8265461

>performance issues still not fixed in the remake

>> No.8265534

Having played it myself and seeing these complaints, I have to ask, what issues? I've seen stuff described but it's not even that noticeable. A slight frame-rate drop isn't a big deal. People are so spoiled these days.
Did none of these asshats have an NES or SNES when they were kids? Even BLAST PROCESSING dropped out at times. It happens.

>> No.8265543

Minish-cap and other toon link games are better. Although wind waker is a dumpster fire, the handheld Troon link games are good and underrated

>> No.8265701

I heard they toned down / removed stuff between the original and DX other than the censorship and dungeon layouts, is that true?

Something funny about the Switch remake is that they made the color dungeon no longer rely on colors in the name of "accessibility".

>Oracle of Seasons/Ages
Capcom's 3 Zeldas are kino in every respect except for the minigames, those are trash

>a farce
a demonic religion

>> No.8265724

For all the aspects you could praise this game, story is the strangest one. It is like two-three bubbles of dialogue. I might feel like this because I read books tho. But even zelda3 feels more packed.

>> No.8265732


>stutter kills you

Are you serious man? That's terrible. and was developed by nintendo itself.

>> No.8265736

The color dungeon was just as tough IMO.
lolNO. Don't give them that much praise, actual devilry is far more extreme and badass. They just have a fetish+insanity. Basic sex-induced psychosis.

>> No.8265739
File: 3.53 MB, 368x368, 1597550346496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means anon thinks you're a dumbfuck.

>> No.8265742

Stutter doesn't kill me though. This isn't a competition fighter or FPS game, it's a chill exploration game.

>> No.8265753

>I heard they toned down / removed stuff between the original and DX other than the censorship and dungeon layouts, is that true?

Not really. pretty much all of the censoring and fixes were already done before DX in various revisions of the original game.
There is one change is that the boss of the 2nd dungeon (the genie) was made a bit easier, but frankly out of all 8(+1) dungeons, the first two bosses and the genie specifically are the hardest, probably due to there being so little HP; I don't mind that it was made slightly easier myself

Then a couple of dungeons were given more clues, with the beak given out that clues replacing some of the rupees you can find in chests. In a way that makes the game easier but also harder since you'll have money for the bow and other stuff later than you should unless you grind.

>> No.8265760

Basically instead of listening to people spout nonsense because they mix up everything, check TCRF, the version differences are pretty detailed there.

>> No.8265771

> In collaboration with Nintendo, Capcom designed Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Four Swords, and The Minish Cap.
oh shit I didn't know Capcom did those

>> No.8265789

What's that GB Light? Cool shit

>> No.8265791

Color dungeon is piss-easy in both versions except for the two minibosses.
While it retains the same color scheme, they removed the question about the gatekeepers' color and added a round/square pattern to the blocks you need to change to the same color... or shape in the Switch version.

Those are the victims given a false diagnostic and groomed into a suicide cult, and not the ones you should be mad at (or heed any credit) but the ringleaders of that cult.

I went a step further and checked the actual disassembly.

>> No.8265847

Nobody fucking cares about what some tranny's are up to apart from you

>> No.8265865
File: 118 KB, 849x523, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's too bad trannies copted this game because of the pink eyg.
it's not pink in DX
it's natural and healthy, the opposite of them

>> No.8265913

It's not that kino, but it's ludo as fuck. There's a distinction, don't use film terms here. Video game is a separate art.

>> No.8265915

Having this game on the original game boy was incredibly special back then. It's kinda pathetic how two decades later, Nintendo can't do anything but bring a GB experience on their latest system. The Oracle games completely lacked the magic.

>> No.8265935
File: 289 KB, 2240x1792, Labrynna (Present).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GBC games are so fucking kino
how do you explain this?

>> No.8265937

Technical limitations breed strong art directions

>> No.8265951


>buy a gbc at the time
>can't see anything

I was disappointed when I saw a gameboy for the first time. I couldn't see anything.

>> No.8265959

might be a vision problem, i had a regular gameboy growing up and played the shit out of Pokemon Red, tetris and kirby

>> No.8265965

>pink hair

is that andrew dobson? who else cares about links hair color?

>> No.8265967

actually I always thought the pink hair was retarded even back in the 90s, made no sense, terrible color choice

>> No.8265970

he means he is a loser that can't find people to hang out with 'on his level'. lol how pathetic.

>> No.8265974

>uses red dit sexist slur
>pretends red dit isn't full of butthurt libtards

post nose skaven boi

>> No.8266091
File: 3 KB, 160x144, bgb00293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2nd dungeon map
>it's a jar

mind = blown

>> No.8266135

/thread (unless those limitations are forced, like in tryhard faggot indie crap)

>> No.8266136

>Satanist tranny thinks color dungeon is hard/good

>> No.8266142
File: 1.63 MB, 320x240, 1633627178313.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I heard they toned down / removed stuff between the original and DX other than the censorship and dungeon layouts, is that true?
In DX, they made the menus slower and more tedious and made the bosses easier. They also replaced the Stone Slab with a forced Owl cameo in every dungeon, which in practice is very tryhard and cringe. Also the bonus "photo artwork" looks kind of shit and they removed glitches, but that's more a matter of personal taste. All this is not unexpected considering DX was literally a rushed tie-in for Ocarina of Time's launch window.

>> No.8266173
File: 3 KB, 160x144, bgb00294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dungeon 3 "Key Cavern"
>it's in the shape of 2 keys

mind = blown

>> No.8266230
File: 4 KB, 160x144, bgb00299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the new cutscenes in DX aren't soulful

>> No.8266236

GBC zeldas are definitive trinity of zeldas, and im tired pretending they aren't

>> No.8266610
File: 3 KB, 160x144, bgb00300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing both the original game and DX in a row, I can confirm that the original is prone to lag but not DX.

I've found half a dozen situations in the original that are prone to lag, basically any situation where you have more than 3 enemies/projectiles at once. Those situations are fine in DX thanks to the use of the GBC's higher clock rate

>> No.8266937
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, DSC_0227-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly I had to ips mod it.
the og screen got cancer twice (got a second one after the first kicked the bucket).
I reshelled it while I was at it.
at least the kit I installed allows me to save 36 different color palettes, so I can do some fake super gameboy stuff.

>> No.8266956

That's pretty tight. How long have you owned this thing? I've never caught the Famitsu one for sale online before

>> No.8267023
File: 123 KB, 220x278, 220px-Kaerubox2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this game compare?

>> No.8267042
File: 1.99 MB, 4032x2268, DSC_0229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thanks to the use of the GBC's higher clock rate
I thought dx didn't use double speed since it is a backward compatible game.

I bought the first gb light late 2017, since it shipped from japan it took a while to arrive, around febraury or march 2018 I believe.
it lasted a couple years until the screen lost a few lines, tried to repair it but just made it worse.
the second one was in mid 2019, it arrived on august and it lasted like a year I think.
since I had 2 gameboy light laying around and ips screens are everywhere I gave it a shot and even though is not the same as the og screen, it's still pretty good. that was in september this year.
before installing the ips screen I went and bought a biverted dmg so I still can have my fix of og screen ghosting.

and in which world are you living that you can't find a famitsu gb light?
ebay is swarming with those. at least the clear one, the transparent yellow is very rare and if you see a white one with famitsu lens (like mine), it's fake.

>> No.8267853

It's the pinnacle of 2D Zelda

>> No.8267982

>and in which world are you living that you can't find a famitsu gb light?
huh, yeah my bad. I just haven't really been looking that hard for them for a while I guess; last time I looked several years ago I didn't see many. I was skeptical of those IPS mods on DMG but it looks nice

>> No.8269165

DX also has a better special ending for beating the game without losing a life

>> No.8269192

is that without losing a heart or dying/losing all hearts?

>> No.8269195 [SPOILER] 
File: 775 B, 160x144, 1635166328816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

without dying/reaching a game over screen

in the original you only get pic related, this sprite flying around the screen

>> No.8269198 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 160x144, 1635166390745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in DX you get an animation of a seagull turning back&forth between this face + a thank you message from the devs

>> No.8269219

the oracle games are prolly better games overall, but LA is still my favorite because of the secrets behind the doghouse
my favorite 2D zelda in general desu. its paced perfectly

>> No.8269225

what is it? i dont speak gook

>> No.8269281
File: 30 KB, 324x292, 97121F93-06B3-493C-B55E-FA49D697C58B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls). Made by Nintendo and predates Link’s Awakening by a little bit. The engine in this game was either modified for use on LA or they based it off it. Either way it’s a top down adventure game with very similar design and gameplay to LA. Both even have 2D side scrolling segments

>> No.8269306

>The engine in this game was either modified for use on LA or they based it off it
Not really


It's a fantastic game though

>> No.8269325

That doesn't really mean anything. 8-16 bit games don't really have such things as an "engine" by modern standards.
People would think Mega Man 4-5-6 are "on the same engine" but knowing about how they work internally, haven't "looked at the code" like this guy puts it and read documentation, I can tell you they each have completely different systems. However, despite being completely different, when you really start to dig you start to see the similarties and it's obvious this or that piece of code in MM5 is heavily inspired by similar things in MM4, but rewritten for the new system and sometimes improved.

So yes the "code" is completely different but it's still based on previous code. When you want to achieve the same thing as what's already been done, it would be dumb not to look at that pre existing material use it when you have access to it for free. It's time, effort and money saved and everybody did this at the time. At Konami, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is basically Getsu Fuma Den; and The Lone Ranger is basically Getsu Fuma Den + Castlevania. At Natsume, Choujin Sentai Jetman is basically Shatterhand; but the code system is completely different each time. If you looked at the Oracle games I bet the code would also look completely different from LA.

>> No.8269374

Koholint doesn't exist though

>> No.8269387

>So yes the "code" is completely different but it's still based on previous code
That doesn't make any sense. If it's based on earlier code, it should at least be somewhat similar to it, even if it's been changed or improved.

Although LA was released almost a year later, development times have to be considered as well. It started as a one-man after hours experiment to port ALttP and the game had a very long development cycle for a GB game (~1.5 years once the project officially started).

That man was Kazuaki Morita by the way, which has nothing to do with Nintendo R&D1 or Intelligent Systems (KnTnKwN's developers).

Finally, there's no trace of Kaeru no Tame ni in Link's Awakening's code, which we have thanks the Gigaleak.

TL;DR there's nothing that points to this being true.

>> No.8269389

W- what secrets?

>> No.8269420

>That doesn't make any sense. If it's based on earlier code, it should at least be somewhat similar to it, even if it's been changed or improved.

Yes, it does. There is basically no such thing as an "engine" for 8-16 bit games, at least in the modern sense. Plus everything is interconnected, the code will be different depending on how you organize your ROM and RAM maps, depending on the hardware differences like various cartridge extensions, etc Even if one piece of code is directly taken from another game, it's going to look completely different in another; and then each programmer will alter things one way or another because he looked at the intial code and thought of a way to achieve the same thing while saving 2 CPU cycles and/or make it a few bytes shorter. You're not going to find any "Mega Man 4" in "Mega Man 5" yet at the same time it's obvious so many things from 5 were based on 4 (which as I said also makes sense on a business point of view). But in order to realize that you need to have spent a considerable amount of time knowing how both game systems work and start thinking like a programmer.

So yes, it is true that both games do not share the same "engine", because there is no such as that in the sense people mean it. Yes it's true you're not going to find the same code. But no that doesn't necesarilly means the later didn't borrow from the first. Because also yes, games based on each others will also work completely differently internally even when they achieve the same thing

>> No.8269538

Just stop.

>> No.8269567

The DX ending is only if you're playing on a Game Boy Color (or better). If you play it on anything older, you'll get the original version's bonus ending.

>> No.8269630
File: 29 KB, 480x360, doghouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the secrets of everything
how it works is you push in at a specific angle on the right-ish side of the back of the doghouse. youll clip through the wall and enter the doghouse loading zone from the back. this warps you inside of missingno. you can change which missingno you go to depending on how many enemies youve killed since reset (up to 255 obv). so long as you dont get trapped falling into water forever, or stuck inside invisible blocks (both very common) and can exit the corrupted dungeon monstrosity, youll warp back to the real world. doingthis you can getalot ofitems really early and warp to places you shouldnt be. its pretty cool

>> No.8269718

Yeah it does. Hence two central characters are shown after Link exits it.

>> No.8269741

the tranny-obsessor has logged on

>> No.8269760

To be fair, this website is chock full of chuds.

>> No.8269854
File: 146 KB, 1618x2100, 1632800901838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops meant chads*

>> No.8269898

Please, you stop.

>> No.8269927

For what it's worth, Kaeru no Tame Ni has a completely different engine for the text and graphical assets loading.
Oh no, normal human beings, the horror.

>> No.8269938

the original had better sequence breaking that I could do as a child by just tapping select as I exited a screen.

>> No.8270035

You just repeated your original point, which again, is not correct.

If you include code from a different game in yours, the result won't be a 1:1 match - offsets change (obviously) and other changes are expected, but that doesn't matter as you would be able to tell if data is structured in a specific way or if a specific set of routines are called for similar purposes.

Also the GB CPU only has so many instructions you can use in order to optimize a routine, so it's not like you can have infinite variations of the same thing.

Anyway, my point is that if they shared any code it would be noticeable for someone that knows the console. Also I made other points you just ignored.

>> No.8270046

Even after I beat both games I went back to the original just to fuck around with the select screen warp cause it was damn fun just to see what you could do with it.
I just remember lighting everything on fire with the wand at a very early point.

>> No.8270059

You can fuck up the way the game load shit into it's ram with this glitch too and you can get some funny results that way. Try doing the glitch from the village you start in to get out. I think if you jump from the telephone house to the screen below it it loads some of the village NPCs in the area in the spot where the game loads enemies so you end up with wacky screens like the enemy being replaced with the lady sweeping sprite and when it shoots they use the sprite of the little boy from the village instead of the bullet.

>> No.8270305

>disrespecting the doghouse
also iirc the doghouse glitch is in both versions

>> No.8270759

I didn't know this, gonna try fucking about with the doghouse in my old version now.

>> No.8270821

I like how it doesn't break the bit set up in the original that only the waking world is depicted with a normal artstyle and all the added cutscenes are in a super deformed artstyle that evokes the sprites directly.
Helps keep it as a super deformed cartoony dream world

>> No.8272241

They're not.

Same thing at least with Dungeon 2 (shape of a bottle), which I just found out today (after going throuh this game countless times over the past 23 years), coincidentally.

>> No.8272243

>Helps keep it as a super deformed
Same shit reasoning/"design" was behind the Switch remakes aethestics.

>> No.8272646

I like that it makes the dream world feel even more dreamy when the dream looks like toys and the real world looks like anime
I'm glad the remake respected that artistic direction