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8260064 No.8260064 [Reply] [Original]

This board is for the discussion of Mega Man-related topics.
Yes, I like Mega Man.

>> No.8260067

I have never played ZX and ZX Advent

>> No.8260074

I haven’t played Legends or Legends 2. People say those games are really good.

>> No.8260075

Megaman 8 is a good game.

>> No.8260085

MM2 is great and I'll not let contrarians filtered by Boobeam Trap tell me otherwise.

>> No.8260086

I’ve tried to complete the game once, but Wily’s stages are hella hard (never got past Wily Stage 1)
Also, Mega Man 7 is heavily underrated. Like, people even say Mega Man 2 is way better than 7

>> No.8260092

Controversial opinion

>> No.8260094

I'm trying to play through the series in order right now and the first game is kicking my ass. I'm playing the Rockman Complete Works version.

>> No.8260104

Make sure you use boss weaknesses or some of them like Elec Man will relentlessly eat your ass. Also get the magnet beam as soon as possible, the enemy platforms in Ice Man's stage are broken as fuck and will drop you into a pit randomly and one of Wily's stages is literally impossible to finish without it.

>> No.8260113

Aha, yeah, Elec Man is exactly who got me to end my last session. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.8260120

Have you played Maverick Hunter X?

>> No.8260126

I like Mega Man lore, its autistically fascinating.

>> No.8260128

Sure it is!
I mean, Mega Man lore is far more complex than Sonic or Super Mario lore.

>> No.8260130

They’re very solid and a natural progression from the Zero series. Well worth your time

>> No.8260135

I don't like that the armor parts are shuffled around and the graphics are kinda ugly but vile mode is sick

>> No.8260136

I have. Very fun remake, it’s nice that they gave the Mavericks extra character and even swapped some item locations around. The screen is a bit zoomed in though which isn’t amazing but it’s one flaw against a lot of positives

>> No.8260139

It totally throws me off that dash is now a leg weapon. Also I swear to god in the options menu they switched around Arm cannon and shoulder part. So you equip the arm cannon to square like every other MM game but Vile fires his shoulder canon, and when you press triangle fires his arm cannon. Like I swear they’re mislabelled.

>> No.8260143

They're retarded and waste way too much of your time. If Z was the death of uninterrupted gameplay, then ZX was Capcom shitting in its corpse and throwing it in a river

>> No.8260149

Classic MM is solid can’t think of a mainline one I dislike. Was a shame Battle and Chase didn’t get. US release think that game is a pretty good side one.
MMX is very inconsistent but has some low lows.
Like Zero not a fan of having the elves there but act as a detriment locking out abilities if used; does incentivize getting good think just makes the feature ass backwards.
ZX was alright would have liked to see one more leading to Legends.
I like everything about Legends outside the actual games, not terrible but not what I would call great either.
Battle Network is great overall even with missteps like 4.
Not big on StarForce step back from BN in many ways.

>> No.8260157

You can press select or start to skip cutscenes, Mike.

>> No.8260159

Doesn't make it any less egregious

>> No.8260160

Every game by that era were getting more plot added in-game rather than in a manual as cart storage got better. RPGs are all about plot. I don't get why this is only an issue when Mega Man did it.

>> No.8260161

This is because it was seen as unacceptable at the time to release games that are only an hour long. Even action games. Everything had to be either a collectathon, a metroidvania, or both; no matter how little it fits with the game's chore gameplay; because you need stuff hours into every game somehow as "play time" was a main scoring point for all reviewers.

Even these days people still had a hard time with MM11's length; which is honestly pretty spot on as far as that type of game is concerned.

>> No.8260165

>Talk about problems Mega Man games have in a Mega Man thread
>"It's not like it's just a Mega Man thing"
Fucking dipshit, of course it's not just a Mega Man thing, nobody said otherwise

>> No.8260168

> it was seen as unacceptable at the time
As if it's any different now. Every game is so bloated I hate it. I hate collectibles in video games in general, especially if they lock you off from playing additional levels and stuff like that

>> No.8260176

same, I just finished ZX and ZXA for the first time in a decade but I just don't have the willpower to go into Legends

>> No.8260179

Because this complaint is always brought up only when Mega Man is concerned as if it was constant interruptions like X5 when it happens only between missions unless there's a sudden change on topography or mission objective (like the missile in Z3 or the brainwashed resistance soldiers in Z2)

>> No.8260181

Yeah, of course the complaint is brought up when people talk about Mega Man.
Fucking Castlevania, Mario, etc. didn't pull the same bullshit, but Mega Man did.
>Between missions unless there's a sudden change on topography or a mission objective
Still too much. X4 had a good mix. It had an involved story but it was still "gameplay first"

>> No.8260194

IGAvanias have constant plot too in-between areas when you find a major encounter, it's not really different from ZX (barring the fact ZX's map design sucks, unlik Castlevania's)

X4's own issue is that the plot was so poorly executed in-game it needed outside sources (like the books or the Japanese homepage) to make any sense of it.

>> No.8260201

In Igavanias the plot might as well not exist half the time. Conversations certainly ruin the flow much much less frequently in those. They still get the job done just fine with minimal cutscenes.
It's just incompetent storytelling on Capcoms part

>> No.8260215

Very very good games

>> No.8260217

Then how would you solve it? There's scenes that require reaction from Zero like when Harpuia beats the shit out of Elpizo and goes "btw we're dropping a nuke on your base hurry up" or, on the topic of nukes, when Omega and Weil launched the ICBM on a residential area. Adding an arcade mode to play the game plotless like RosenkreuzStilette did?

>> No.8260257

>implying that's MM2's only problem

>> No.8260275

Even if Keiji Inafune said Zero didn’t kill the Mega Man family, I refuse to think he didn’t.

>> No.8260290

They got decommissioned and scrapped the by the glowies which is infinitely worse. Rock, Roll and all our favorite niggas just gone like nothing.

>> No.8260295

And Keiji Inafune was like:
"haha megaman family after (insert last mega man game here) go brrrrrrrr"

>> No.8260324

Capcom's best platformer series, even something unplayable like mmx7 has superior platforming than games like viewtifull joe.

>> No.8260353
File: 135 KB, 424x464, Mega Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to keep thinking it's canon, then you must accept that Dr. Cossack built his own robot named "Ran" with an infinite body generator, with the bodies ceasing to function at even the most mild of stressors.

You must also accept that a turqoise-gray blonde Mega Man and a Black\Gray Proto Man, with heaven and hell powers respectively, also exist.

Also that Mega Man is a dumbass who fumbles his way into victory.

The smart people will know you're considering a defunct webcomic as canon.

>> No.8260375

Ran was built by Kalinka.
Do you even B&G?

>> No.8260384

Please feel free to visit /mmg/ Mega Man General + /inti/ IntiCreates General

>> No.8260386

for me it's mega man 8 and mega man 64

>> No.8260387




>> No.8260391

Even with outside sources X4's plot was a mess.

>> No.8260395

And also that Dr. Wily took over the Heineken company and turned it into Wily Beer, which ended up being so good that they let him keep it.

>> No.8260398

> storytelling

If you mean modern games it's true. the old games were plotless dungeon crawlers

>> No.8260424

it's the best game

>> No.8260491

>even something unplayable like mmx7
Hey Mega Man X7 is playable and enjoyable (if you’re nuts or if you’re a hardcore megaman fan)

>> No.8260495

please take a moment of silence for me, the kid whose first exposure to mega man was a rental of X7

>> No.8260532

>if you’re a hardcore megaman fan
I don't know if I can call myself a hardcore MM fan but I love this series A LOT. That being said X7 is one of the worst games I've ever played
The fact that you even bothered with other Mega Man games after that is respectable to say the least. My first exposure to Mega Man was the official PC port of X8. I fucking loved that game

>> No.8260542

mmx7 is fucking battle network tier i can't stand it, i've tried playing it so many times and i always find something better to do by the time i get to tornado onion or whatever the fuck

>> No.8260558

>mmx7 is fucking battle network tier
Finally someone spoke up against this boring ass series. For some reason BN became a sacred cow. Literally everyone pretends to like it and I've never heard anyone say a bad thing about it

>> No.8260571

Tornado Tunion is the funniest thing to ever come out of this series. When I first fought him I nearly did a wicked dump in my pants

>> No.8260579

I am deeply in love with Iris.

>> No.8260642

>The fact that you even bothered with other Mega Man games after that is respectable to say the least.
It helps that I started playing emulated games not long after that on a modded Xbox and got to play the other X games. I think I rented the Anniversary Collection released around then a few times, too

>> No.8260648
File: 228 KB, 720x540, OVA1_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mega Man 3 and 4 was the peak of classic Mega Man.

Not even sure if 1 should even count due to growing pains. 2 is overrated normie schlock, and 6 was whatever. But my god, 5 is definitely the lowest point in the series. What the fuck was Inafune thinking?

>Loses a stage technically due to turning one into a shitty water ski autoscroller section for 90% of the level
>Retarded plot where Proto Man is le evil bad guy all of a sudden but wait whoops Wily is back haha! This totally wasn't the breaking point for THAT plot retread!
>Every single weapon sucks dick. They're either useless, too niche or aren't fun to use at all.
>Probably some of the dumbest and most uninspired Robot Masters to date (A fucking choo choo train???)
>Music is complete ass, unmemorable. Cannot remember a single one besides.maybe Gyro Man's stage?
>A Mega Man OVA uses 5 as part of its intro and hilariously animat3s it to make it look so BADASS AND EPIC despite how trash the actual game is for further added insult to injury

If any of you have 5 as your favorite, you have severe issues.

>> No.8260654

Legends has the best lore nobody gives a shit about
Nobody cares to figure out the names of half the Reaverbots and there's practically zero fanart of anyone or anything that isn't specifically Tron and sometimes Roll

>> No.8260660
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That's what happens when a series isn't as popular as it's made out to be.

>> No.8260668

>You must also accept that a turqoise-gray blonde Mega Man and a Black\Gray Proto Man, with heaven and hell powers respectively, also exist.

>> No.8260708

I don't know why you're phrasing this like Bob and George's storyline is generally considered canon to the overall classic Mega Man series (it isn't at all) but whatever, okay excuse to talk about that series.
I think Bob and George holds up pretty well. It's interesting to read as being basically the beginning of a whole genre. I don't think people who grew up not too much later than me will really know how big sprite comics were in their heyday and just how many Bob and George wannabes there were (Sonic and Pals springs to mind). Looking back, Bob and George had some funny stuff, some memorable characters and some interesting concepts. It even had the gall to end things in a kind of interesting way.

>> No.8260718

The robot masters and reploids are what I like most about Mega Man. My favorites are Cut Man, Bubble Man, Spark Man, Ring Man, Stone Man, Blizzard Man, and Launch Octopus

>> No.8260724

Man, I just realized that kids probably (definitely) don't make their own sprite comics anymore.

>> No.8260727

>If Z was the death of uninterrupted gameplay
the X games and even mega man 8 had indulgent cutscenes. why single out zero of all games

>> No.8260742

thank god most of the cringey sprite comics i made as a kid are gone from the internet

>> No.8260743

>he doesn’t think the gravity crush is the best weapon in the entire series

How sad

>> No.8260747
File: 3 KB, 128x80, MMX4_Colonel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I phrase it like it's somehow canon because "Zero killed the original cast" is something that originates, and was pulled directly from Bob and George. If you think Zero killed the cast, you may as well go all the way and assume the rest of the BnG universe is canon.

Doesn't help that for years, there was virtually nothing to counter it other than Inafune's quote: "Zero is not such a person--it is not in his profile." Which, at the time it was said, was easily defeated by looking at two scenes from X4 that showed pre-X1 Zero being psychotic, the bad ending of X5, Bass's ending from Power Fighters, and Omega's personality from Zero 3 plus the whole "original body" thing, and declare that Inafune must be wrong.

Yeah, we know better NOW but Cataclysm theory originates from well before any OCW books made it to the US, and in the absence of any other source of information... There you go.

>> No.8260750
File: 146 KB, 1200x735, roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll's va in mm8 is underrated
this is her best ever design btw, any incarnation

>> No.8260770

For what it's worth I think Ran, much as he is an inherently ironic character, would be fun if he were canon

>> No.8261106

You gotta admit Inafune's response was stupid given all the counter arguments you listed. Not that I expect anyone at Capcom gives a fuck about Megaman Lore outside Inafune's unhealthy obsession for shoving Legends in everything possible. I would just think given the Zero favoritism fucker seemed to have he'd at least know the character they fucking had a hand in making.

>> No.8261160
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At the time, it was a stupid response to make. I wonder how he reacted to those questions of whether or not Zero killed the original family, and whether or not Dr. Weil was Wily.

Nowadays we know that each one of those reasons has it's own explanation in lore.
- Pre-X1 Zero being crazy was cognitive flaw which was repaired by either Dr. Light, or Cain, or Zero got infected by a virus and it caused an overflow of his evil meter.
- Bad route of X5 suggests that it is the result of a specially made virus to "complete" Zero.
0 Bass's ending from Power Fighters was, considering Duo was an ad for Mega Man 8, a teaser for the then unannounced X4.
- Finally, Omega was the one in control of Zero's original body.

Though, I'm not gonna make any defense of whether or not Inafune was fully aware of Rockman lore when he made that statement. As far as Inafune's Capcom tenure was concerned, Kamiya put it best when taken literally: "He's a businessman, not a creator."

>> No.8261275

>Though, I'm not gonna make any defense of whether or not Inafune was fully aware of Rockman lore when he made that statement.
Let us not forget mistranslated statements are too common in this fucking industry (like the time Metroid fans went apeshit thinking Sakamoto said Prime wasn't canon because the translator fucked up and i reality said that Prime trilogy was a second story that took place within the larger Mother Brain saga), it's possible he meant Zero'd behavior doesn't fit the classic series' Saturday morning cartoon tone.

>> No.8261294

Give it to me straight, no bullshit, no company/console bias: Saturn or PS1 version of 8? Never played it before.

>> No.8261319

Though, the recommended experience is to not play it at all. It's not very good

>> No.8261324

Saturn has the better music with proper looping and 2 hidden Robot Masters as bosses.

PS1 has proper transparency and not dithering for underwater

>> No.8261350
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>Bob and George
I want to go back so bad.

>> No.8261381

PSX: proper transparency effects in places
Saturn: two bonus boss fights against Cut Man and Wood Man, a new BGM for Tengu Man’s stage and proper loops for the music instead of awkwardly cutting off/segueing

If you’re emulating, go for the Saturn version. If you’re buying, PS1. The US Saturn version is one of the rarest games for the console and copies regularly crack $600+. The version on the legacy collection is the PSX version.

>> No.8261412
File: 480 KB, 770x768, 1507348004576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zero literally didn't fucking come out of his pod until Sigma found him - well after X had woken up, reploids had become a normal thing in daily life, and the Maverick Hunters had been established. Sigma was the only one who ever saw Zero being evil until years later during the canon ending of X5.

That's literally it.

>> No.8261423

MM8/MMX4 songs have great intros and outros. At least the PS1 version lets you listen to them more than once.

>> No.8261435

Based. Caskett normalfags on suicide watch

>> No.8261685

zero series is early 2000's egde and i hate ppl have stuck to it like glue i nsuch an autistic way

>> No.8261705

Title screen, Dark Man, Napalm Man, Crystal Man, Castle themes, nigga mm5 has good music

>> No.8261706


>> No.8261707

Anybody remember Insonicnia?

>> No.8261710

Man I wish I could still have access to all of my cringey sprite comics

>> No.8261714

Early 2000's edge? That's called "soul", kid.

>> No.8261716

>Caskett normalfags
The sin of not being a pedestrian

>> No.8261720

da fuck are you talking about

>> No.8261724

absolute anger

>> No.8261725

sprite comic bros... the nostalgia is hitting hard

>> No.8261735

wait what

>> No.8261742

I still think the reason Mega Man isn't as relevant today is because during the fifth gen, they made Legends rather than Classic or X's first foray into 3D.

>> No.8261763

Is it true that Yoko Shimomura composed the MM5 Wily stage music as her only contribution to the series? I've heard it get passed about, but that might just be a mixed-up rumor.

>> No.8261787


>> No.8261803

Don't know who that is

>> No.8261805

>Though, the recommended experience is to not play it at all. It's not very good
I might as well. I've played 1-7, R&F, 9, 10, and the GB titles.

>> No.8261810

>It's not very good

>> No.8261812

Mire like aftee Gamma's unit accidentally woke him up after the government tracked the recent wave of reploids going Maverick were caused by a virus being transmitted from an ancient computer in the same area in the US where X was found, but that's just me being a pedantic lorefag

>> No.8261816

Former Capcom composer, did the OST for Street Fighter II and New Challengers, left Capcom to work at Squaresoft, composes the Kingdom Hearts OSTs nowadays.
Deep Jungle is an awesome track.

>> No.8261819

She also did music for the Mario & Luigi RPGs.

>> No.8261824

Why would X and Zero be in the same place? Wily had labs all over the world and Light's lab was so secret that no one found it until 30 years after he died.

>> No.8261831

Not in the same place, more but the same area. The Forbidden Area is a mountain range wasteland somewhere in Midwest US that was closed off by the Human Government after something really bad happened between classic and X leading to the robot ban. We don't know exactly the size of the region but if inferred to be a massive area, like Block E where the Eurasia('s massive remains) crashed. Dr. Cain had to get special government approval to enter with mechanilods after he got readings of fossilized plant life.

If we assume it's the same lab as Mega Man 8's map screen, we can infer X was possibly found around Denver but this is just guessing from my autism from what we know thanks to the Japanese books.

>> No.8261843

All of the Mega Man NES games are worth playing.

>> No.8261848

>something really bad happened between classic and X leading to the robot ban
It sure as fuck wasn't Zero killing everyone because the only one who can stop Zero when he functions the way Wily intended is X, and he wouldn't let something like that be memoryholed.
It was probably Evil Energy infecting actual people through Wily's robots.

>> No.8261854

We don't know what happened. Some believe Mega Man works under a stable time loop and Rock is doomed to become Quint and be sent to the past to be destroyed by himself while oldass Wily gets carte blanche to do anything. It's pure theory though, but it fits quite nicely.

All we know is that Wily never fixed Zero's cognitive program because he died before doing that.

>> No.8261885

Based. The whole "4-6 aren't good" is bullshit revision, not helped by mmhp.net (which rated BN4 higher than the rest of the series, so why people take Mandhi Paugh's word seriously?)

In it's heyday the latter games were liked just fine by people still playing NES, and compare how Mega Man controls in 1 and 2 to 4-6, he skids like he's on permanent ice physics

>> No.8261906

I remember that Paugh was a lot more verbal on what utter nonsense the Legends storyline was, especially MML2. Looks like she erased most of it from her reviews, but she kept the last bit on Legends 2 saying that Legends 3 would have to devote two hours to cleaning up its narrative mess.

>> No.8261918

I will give her the benefit of the doubt on that one because, just like X2, Legends suffers of horrid localization that either renamed or outright removed old terminology from the X series (e.g. "Irregular Hunter", "going Irregular", "Purge Officer") that would've actually made the narrative really shocking and engaging to even detractors back in the day. Especially those who hated Legends because "it had nothing to do with Mega Man".

>> No.8261928

Most of her complaints that I remember were centered on how, in her words, "Nobody knows what a robot is anymore". I think she would have still hated it even if she did know the intended terms.

>> No.8261936

I actually thought Teisel was a robot for a solid while until I realized his armor is just his battle gear. I wish they had more diggers running around with similar suits, or had shops dedicated to them or something.

>> No.8261949

Thing is, Carbons are artificial humans, the last step on reploid evolution that mimic humanity perfectly but are still able to interface with technology.
2 or 3 years ago, an anon asked Hideki Ishikawa questions when he opened his blog, posting replies on Twitter. He said to carbons, Surgery and Machine Repairing have the same meaning (hence the girl's quick recovery in Legends 1 after you buy a machine for her legs) and alluded to nano-sized Reaverbots acting as cells for Carbons and the whole world.
He also mentioned their purpose was to preserve human culture and repair the planet until humanity was ready to be cloned back. Hence their Japanese name, Decoys.

>> No.8261959

Paugh is thinking in western terms of scifi where it's always presented in a semi plausible way, while Mega Man works under bullshit tokusatsu magitek like Hurricane Polymar, Getter Robo or Kamen Rider Black.

>> No.8261985

I still think she wouldn't go for it and just dismiss the whole thing as crappy writing on Capcom's part. Besides this >>8261959 , she's clearly a Classic purist and has only shown more and more contempt for the Reploid storyline with each new X/Zero/ZX game.

>> No.8261998

They have their niche. ZX feels strightforward in gameplay but convoluted in the metroidvania structure; while ZX advent feels kind of convoluted in content, with straightforward levels.

>> No.8262003

I still remember when I tried to beat it with only one C. bomber bar... I couldn't, and I cried too.

>> No.8262009

Rock using the Double Gear system defeated Zero

>> No.8262030

There is nothing fun here, only gacha discussion, fan lore born out of constant circlejerk, and Roll flavored pedobait. You aren't even playing megaman games on telemelt anymore.

>> No.8262063

Zero was never active when Rock was out, outside of failed obedience tests.

>> No.8262069

Of course she'd be a classicfag who dismisses everything else, she's a boomer.
She didn't even do the BN games' post games, they're usually the best part, BN2 and 3 being the most memorable.

>> No.8262076

Is she a milf

>> No.8262080

I don't think she's ever posted pictures of herself, or much about her outside of her name being Miranda Paugh, all she's mentioned or alluded to is working for the gaming industry

>> No.8262093

>That site gives MM1 71% and MM2 91%
MM2 is not that much better than 1.

>> No.8262101

Rose tinted glasses and muh Wily Stage 1 theme are one hell of a drug.
Somehow to her Mega Man 3 was "the last Mega Man game to feel solid" when the game is an incomplete shitshow with developer debug tools still enabled

>> No.8262130

>Anons talking about Bob and George
For fuck's sake, please take me back.

>> No.8262252
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1064, Mega Man 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it last thread, I'll say it again, now that people are talking about the lore.
Why is Mega Man lore so autistically fascinating? It's clear the story changed hands too many times, but with the proper context it's interesting. Dr. Light and Dr. Wily forced to go underground and work on X and Zero on their own is a very sad conclusion to the classic series.

>> No.8262479

>Anybody remember Insonicnia?
Fuck yeah I do. I had some Metal Trio background from the website as my desktop for months.

>> No.8262543

Mega Man Soccer, everyone

>> No.8262570

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo Number 5

>> No.8262910

why wouldnt one at least roll your eyes to that mess that ...unless oyu people are fanboys unable to admit critique....oh wait forgot this is 4chan

>> No.8262917

mmhp now thats a name i havent heard in years

>> No.8262921

where is the lie

>> No.8262927

getter robo makes more sense, i know i read the whole series, is kino , mm failed to imitate only making into a asspull the series

>> No.8262935

and there is inti pedo bait, someone send nakayama to jail

>> No.8262948

never knew that can have more context?

>> No.8263003

Plug in a second controller and you can do wild shit with it like slowing down animations, jumping super high and disabling explosions. Plus the game is very clearly unfinished in spots. The wily stages are pathetically easy, short and shower you with E-Tanks and ammo. There’s obvious filler with the Doc Robot stages. Some levels feel extremely barren and empty (Hard Man especially), there’s dozens of cut animations, sprites and level geometry hidden in the files. In Gemini Man’s stage there’s a massive planet in the background that takes up a good chunk of the rom data but because of a programming error, it’s not visible. There’s an animation in the game files of Break Man unequipping his mask and revealing he’s Proto Man but it’s never used, so it sort of implies he was meant to wear the mask through all his appearances but they either decided against it or forgot to program it in. Some items pop up in stages and then never again, or very rarely (for example the ? capsules only appear in Snake Man’s stage and then much later on in Wily castle). It’s still arguably the best classic game in the series but it’s a very clearly unfinished product

>> No.8263047

i see, played 3 so long ago i only remember the ending

>> No.8263094

It’s worth playing again. Despite its flaws it’s still one of the best games on the NES and debatably the best classic game (though I personally prefer 9 and 7)

>> No.8263172

Rock couldn't even survive Evil Energy without Duo around to save him.

>> No.8263208

I personally wouldn't mind a good MM3 hack that makes the game more substantial without going into Kaizo territory like most hacks often do. Any suggestions?

>> No.8263254

I'm surprised at sll the zoomers denouncing loli unaware of what kind of site they're in. Or the normalfags denouncing it in the anime fandom. This is what happens when you fail to gatekeep.

>> No.8263260

>unaware of what kind of site they're in
yeah bro because 4chan was founded as a pedestrian safe haven
Dysgenic retard
>when you fail to gatekeep
the horror of letting people who aren't paedophiles into our community, OH GOD! how do you avoid killing yourself you probably live in a fuckin townhouse or apartment

>> No.8263261
File: 135 KB, 800x1476, gelbooru.com 6125167 animal_ears blood blue_background boots bunny_ears bunny_tail capcom drink green_eyes sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like the based Roll filter is working.

>> No.8263265

>Doesn't know of /l/

>> No.8263270

Oh I know of /l/ and guess what it was neither one of the founding boards nor did it exist for more than 12 months

>> No.8263275

>Oh I know of /l/
You don't.

>> No.8263280

Then why bitch about it? For better or worse it's part of the fandom (both Mega Man and the anime in general) and it's just a bunch of drawing. I don't understand why normalfags waste so much effort on complaining about drawings. Complain rightfully when it's 3DPD.

>> No.8263292

> it was neither one of the founding boards nor did it exist for more than 12 months
If I don't know about /l/ then what else am I describing here? Retard. Now you're just making shit up, this is what the pedestrian does to feel a sense of community.
The zoomer accusation is totally meaningless when everybody on this board is an insecure zoomer LARP'ing as a millennial. I could easily accuse you of being a zoomer for being wrong about /l/ and still insisting.
>it's a part of the fandom
I never seen this shit until I went on Mega Man generals on /vg/. For all my life us non-dysgenic cunts knew what was up with Iris, Alia, Layer, etc. How pathetic is this shit, "it's a part of the fandom" ffs

>> No.8263303

>pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian pedestrian
Why yes, I do use the streets

>> No.8263312

>Then why bitch about it
everybody else is talking about Mega Man but then you retards come in out of nowhere trying to prove that TRUE AND HONEST Mega Man fans and oldfags are paedophiles
>discussion takes place
>introduce a stupid and retarded irrelevant opinion
>"you are a retard"
Gatekeeping is good because it bullies 5ft chinlets like yourself

>> No.8263319

>I never saw this until the general
Holy fuck a lot of web 1.0 and early 2.0 Mega Man sites had porn. Not all, of course, but the ones on stuff like Angel Fire did, either drawn by the webmaster (with various degrees of quality, there was a south American guy doing his own doujinshi with respectable quality) or reposts from Japanese artists.
Fuck, there used to be a megamanxxx.com

>> No.8263325

Why blame me when the other anon was the one going "inti pedo bait, put nakayama in jail", as if that's any relevant to this thread

>> No.8263327
File: 718 KB, 1200x1703, forever kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was one of the few doujins back in the day with decent art, the evolution of hentai artwork is one of the great technological feats of our time. How the fuck did the whack it to crude drawings

>> No.8263332
File: 310 KB, 528x396, new vs old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously an innocent drawing today is sexier than the actual smut 20 years ago

>> No.8263334

Finding Mega Man Zero doujins is dificult, Battle Network was clearly more popular. Has anyone translated this one? The only one I recall seeing in English was Miss Meanie hates the Sea God

>> No.8263338

i swear there was an english translation on e-hentai. Still waiting for ZX stuff

>> No.8263362

There’s a one called Mega Man 3 Refined which, among other things, reinstates cut graphics, completely redesigns the Wily stages to be more difficult, adds new screens and segments into levels, makes Protoman use his Break Man sprite through the entire game, except one segment, to make the plot work better and even adds an intro cutscene. It even retweaks weapons so you can switch weapons when using Spark Shot, Top Spin uses a set amount of Ammo and Hard Knuckle is faster. All slowdown is gone too, so some levels are much more playable and Gemini Laser doesn’t bring the game to a crawl. There’s some minor bugs, like the graphics on the boss screen twitching but other than that it’s a great hack and a fun new look at the game

>> No.8263365

I think it depends on the artist. Doujins drawn by Jouji Manabe even in the 90's are still gorgeous to look at.
But enough about that, let's talk about me, Johnny Bravo Mega Man

>> No.8263368

if it gets rid of doc robo it's golden

>> No.8263373

Hard filtered.

>> No.8263375

It doesn’t, unfortunately, but the levels have been tweaked to look slightly different (Spark Man’s level gets a new coat of paint for example), some geometry is tweaked to make things more bearable (the wall in Gemini Man’s stage that soft locks the game if you don’t have any Rush coil or jet ammo is gone) and they’re generally easier so you can get through them faster

>> No.8263380

any codes for his 90's stuff?

>> No.8263383

No one likes doc robot, don’t lie

>> No.8263392

I find it funny how people nowadays hate the Doc Robot stages while back in the old days, in old forums, people mentioned the Doc Robots as a pro, calling it more bang for your buck and lamenting you couldn't fight past bosses with different weapons in other entries.
The Weapons Archive from 10 doesn't compare.

>> No.8263402

Sorry I don't have any right now, but looking Manave Jouji C55, C56 and/or C57 up to like 63 should give you results on e-hentai

>> No.8263404

Golden shit.
Doc Robots are the best part of any classic Mega Man game, you are a tasteless pleb if you think otherwise.

>> No.8263408

I'm stupid.

>> No.8263435

nah looks shit, the sfw panels are more titillating

>> No.8263441

tfw no Nyanmer gf

>> No.8263447

I wish they could've done more with the concept on following games, having to fight the previous game's bosses using a different arsenal whose weaknesses aren't clear this time around leads to fun experimentation

>> No.8263452

Fuck. My first webcomic. Its end is closer to its beginning than to today by a wide margin. Fuck. I want to wake up for school and check my webcomics.

>> No.8263461

I feel ya anon.
I remember some autists hating it because Mega Man was written as an idiot but it added so much charm seeing him just casually eating ice cream and get into shenanigans that you wouldn't usually see him in.
I liked how he turned smart when fighting Robot Masters though

>> No.8263919

I only played Mega Man X and I loved it, then I played The Wily Wars and I hated it.

>> No.8263925

Play Mega Man X2

>> No.8264124
File: 26 KB, 68x78, zero disco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BN is good until 2. Used to love 3 back in the day but it's just a huge grind to do anything in. Each entry reducing your chips to zilch and acting like you never played the series before is also a criminal shame.

>> No.8264129

Unfortunately, BN just did everything right in Japan to be a smash hit and becoming the most relevant the series had ever been. It's really disheartening seeing the Japanese Rockman fandom say BN was genuinely good and a phenomenon burnt too quick while calling X "just a fad from the mid 90's"

>> No.8264134

>it's just a huge grind to do anything in.
the very very late postgame is a grind, but anything up until then? what the shit are you on about?

>Each entry reducing your chips to zilch and acting like you never played the series before is also a criminal shame.
It's almost as if they're new RPG entries and each one has to have different viruses and chips available to keep some kind of progression going?

>> No.8264139

The show was fun but the games look pretty boring.

>> No.8264269
File: 198 KB, 450x477, mega man 04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the shit are you on about?
Styles. The increase in Changes from 2 should have seen a similar decrease in the amount of battles needed for each, but it didn't. Personally I felt that only seeing one or two types in a playthrough was a bit of a grind, but that's just me. Regardless,
>It's almost as if they're new RPG entries and each one has to have different viruses and chips available to keep some kind of progression going?
Progression to me is not zeroing out the player's "end state" from the last number, it's taking that as a baseline for the new game and going from there. Different viruses is largely agreeable both in gameplay and setting, but there's no reason aside from that expectation of incompetence why you couldn't skip the tutorials in each entry past 1, have .EXE start hardier, or keep a rolling collection of old chips that wasn't just Cannon ABC, Recovery10 * or Sword S.

>> No.8264293

They could have definitely had a tutorial skip, I believe that Star Force 2/3 did and I don't know why it took that long. I can't think of many RPGs that let you carry over all your progress from the last one and with how MMBN largely focuses on a lack of traditional EXP with chips being the primary way you get stronger, the system would more or less fall apart.

You should have said that in the first place, that's a hugely different point than "anything". I agree that Style changes should have come about a lot faster or have some way to force a change with an item, but you never need a specific style until the very ass-end of the postgame which is part of why I said that was indeed a grind. Bit of a shame they got rid of them entirely after 3 instead of simply fixing the system up, even if Souls/Crosses are cool.

>> No.8264391


The cataclysm fan-theory predates Bob and George.

But regardless it couldn't have happened because we know Megaman becomes Quint then gets killed by himself lmao

>> No.8264486

The cataclysm was even named by Dave, that theory wasn't even considered prior to BnG in the old forums

>> No.8264720
File: 161 KB, 1940x1321, bn styles and souls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good points
>carry over all your progress from the last one
True, and I'd say it's more a rarity to see carry over, let alone a complete transfer, in any genre if at all. But it's a pet peeve of mine, especially for the series I hold in high esteem. At least X allowed for unlocking the "complete" armors at start in subsequent numbers.
>Bit of a shame they got rid of them entirely after 3 instead of simply fixing the system up, even if Souls/Crosses are cool.
Agreed, and considering our discussion so far, it would have been even cooler to see Styles, Souls and Crosses together in one game, each with its own use case.
Regardless, BN is still a fun series (just a little much to play back to back).

>> No.8265051

Did anyone order the Wily Wars physical cartridge from retrobit? Apparantly they're supposed to be shipping Q4 but I think its fucked for this year

>> No.8265406
File: 123 KB, 1077x948, the cataclysm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking about Bob and George (whose characters he's referencing). It was a Megaman sprite comic in the early 2000s that popularized the "Cataclysm" theory: the idea that the reason why none of the cast of the Classic Megaman games show up in the X series is because Zero activated early (either by mistake or on purpose) and wiped everyone out.

>> No.8265412
File: 20 KB, 600x450, 1319520013745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8265431

If Zero had activated before X, the whole MMX plot would've been wildly different. There wouldn't even be reploids, just X and Zero fighting to the death.

>> No.8265474

What counts as controversial nowadays? Calling MM3 shit? Hating on the MMZ series?

>> No.8265476

Saying 4-6 are good games.

>> No.8265478

>What counts as controversial nowadays? Calling MM3 shit?
I'm kinda surprised everyone just sort of is okay with the Doc Robot levels when they're all shit and unnecessary bloat to the game that adds nothing. Also Wily's Castle is weak as fuck

>> No.8265483

Back in the day in old BBSs and phpBB boards, they usually were liked as giving you more bang for your buck

>> No.8265513

I lold. Thanks anon

>> No.8266334

Wily Wars is garbage. The physics and mechanics are wrong and it has slowdown that is not present in the originals.

>> No.8266380

Mega Man himself was largely a non entity in Bob and George with all the interesting character stuff saved for OCs
It's okay though because they get "did it first" immunity. No other webcomic afterwards was able to get away with having an Author character like that

>> No.8267784

Yeah; I can't ever remember anyone giving a real explanation for how he ends up back in the capsule in time for Sigma to find him a century latter.

>> No.8267789

Zero would also have memories of the bullshit he did if he woke up early, and so would X and everyone else.

>> No.8267797

This. I remember people talking about how MM# was the "biggest" game because you had 25 Robot Master fights.

Obviously, they wanted you to have a surprise fight against the RMs from MM2 (since they're Wily's original robots and it fits into to the whole "Protoman was the first of these robots" thing) AND a rematch with the MM3 RMs, but they had to majorly crunch everything. Honestly, there wouldn't have been a good way to have done it.

>> No.8267807
File: 198 KB, 900x700, 1261888079419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weird thing is that X never wakes up in any of the Cataclysm theories. It's always:

1.) Zero wakes up
2.) Zero kills everyone
3.) ?????
4.) Zero is found by Sigma 100 years later.

At the end of the day, Cataclysm was more Zero-wanking than anything. I know people act like they dislike Zero nowadays because he was Inafune's favorite, but Zero was wildly popular in the 2000s.

>> No.8267814

Step 3 was always some hasty patch like "Proto Man had to seal him away" or "Reggae retrieved him".

>> No.8267818

Even in the 2000s I thought it was retarded.
>Zero kills all the good guys but he also becomes one of the good guys!
It's that typical anti-everything shield bullshit kids pull when playing pretend guns.

>> No.8267903

I got the Famicom versions of Megaman 2, 3 and 4 the other day and I'm enjoying them. 3 pissed me off a bit since it was loading into a green screen, but I just had to clean the connectors.

>> No.8268075
File: 127 KB, 1000x407, X vs Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one robot be so EDGY? It's like he's a fanfiction mary sue but he's canon. He literally cucked X out of his own series and then kills him in Zero 1.

>> No.8268228

IIRC, Inafune didn't think that Classic Megaman would fit in a grimmer setting about free will and the meaning for fighting, so he created Zero's design for the X. Capcom then told him that X needed to look like a more serious version of Megaman and Zero got relegated to being second banana plot wise. Not wanting to let Zero go, Inafune then made the entire plot of the next game about rebuilding Zero and then letting Zero be the Easy Mode character in X3 to show how badass he is.

>> No.8270102

What exactly gets people so riled up about the cataclysm bob and George shit anyway? By now it’s been proven wrong but even before that outside of obvious disagreements don’t quite get the vitriol.

>> No.8270140

X1 is all about character upgrades and the story shows you zero so you have an end goal to strive toward. the game ends with zero dying and X getting a super duper upgrade from it, informing the player that they are finally stronger than zero*
kids didn't get this though and they just thought zero is better than X period. thus zero gets brought back in every game and is increasingly pushed into the spotlight to please the fans
in the end, though, the mega man zero series is awesome so i can't complain
*technically you can get that upgrade beforehand but i assume the intention is for you to get it from zero

>> No.8270168
File: 104 KB, 600x600, 1201827103816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason why there are Pokemon fans who ABSOLUTELY believe that there was a super awful nuclear war that killed all the adults in Gen 1 or the "Venomoth is the real Butterfree" thing. It's dumb fan-lore thing that they cling onto because it was the first thing that added "depth" to the story. Zero only being evil for one boss battle at the end of X5 wasn't enough; he has to be SO badass that he could kill everyone from the Classic series singlehandedly. Its the reason why there's never a concrete answer to how he ended up back in the capsule; that would mean that someone had to beat him, and that doesn't gel well with him being an unstoppable badass.

>> No.8270335

What I find hilarious is the B&G connection, the general idea of theory had prevalence for reasons other than that webcomic back when but it's much easier to try to make fun of a logical enough assumption based on what westerners knew from the games at the time if you blame it all on a sprite comic now that it's the modern day.

>> No.8271253

I don't think people think it COMES from B&G; just that it popularized it to a much wider audience.

>> No.8271263

Does anyone else hate how Rush upgrades don't turn Megaman red in later games? I like the visual queue.

>> No.8271278

>Bob and George
Fuck. That hit like a sword to the gut. It's been near decades since I've heard it last. Was way more of a fan of 8bit Theatre but those were some incredibly innocent times on the internet...

>> No.8271314

My favored Cataclysm theory from back in the day was from Erico's fanfics.

>> No.8271480
File: 564 KB, 1024x568, gunku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you now remember your sprite comics phase and all the cringey ones you made
i ____ want to go back

>> No.8271492

>tfw you find your sprite comics on photobucket and cringe into a crater seeing characters say PWNED
It was a different time

>> No.8271707

What's the formula that makes someone like the Megaman franchise as a whole? Like you'd think there would be a lot more in-fighting but there's plenty of people who like most of the subseries despite the changes in gameplay, characters, and style. I just find it weird because I couldn't tell you why I love the franchise itself instead of just one series.

>> No.8271712

have each sub series have at least one really, really good game
only real divide i think is with people who would rather consider star force an extension of battle network

>> No.8271716
File: 73 KB, 1200x630, gundalf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already poked around the spriter's resource again since reading this thread

>> No.8271720

>the spriter's resource
This just unlocked a memory in my head of being too retarded to into transparencies or downloading a decent image editing software, so I'd just copy paste parts from sprite sheets with a transparency checkerboard background into my comics in MS Paint and just be fine with that
I still don't know how to use any image editing software besides MS Paint

>> No.8271962

How do I beat the NES mega man games? It seems hopeless

>> No.8272737

Because people can accept that X, Classic, BN, etc are all their own thing and they make so many of your subseries that you don't have time to be mad if another is made in another one. Part of the reason for in-fighting in franchises is that latter gameplay styles replace the old one. Take Sonic fans for example. There wouldn't be so much in-fighting between 2D and 3D if 2D Sonic had continued on. But 3D sonic replaced 2D sonic. And that's going to piss people off.

>> No.8272940

Who isn't

>> No.8272947

I really liked the credits song in MM5. The earlier part where the Robot Masters are being shown off, not the credit scroll.

>> No.8272965

It's all reaction and memorization, experiment with your weapons too.

>> No.8272969

It's weird how the planner of Mega Man 5 became the planner of Mega Man X, huh?

>> No.8272970

Mega Man 8 is based in every way except JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE.
That is all.

>> No.8272995


>> No.8273006

That explains so fucking much. Every time I play MM5, it feels like proto-MMX to me. There are more levels that favor combat over platforming like X levels.

>> No.8273024
File: 201 KB, 1041x935, Mega Man Maker is pretty fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loses a stage to autoscroll section
Retarded take. By this logic, Mega Man 8 loses several stages, as well as X4 and X5.
>Retarded plot with fakeout
MM6 did this as well, but the real concern is why you care about the plot in a game that has always fashioned itself as cartoonish
>Every weapon sucks dick
Congratulations, this is your only criticism that makes sense.
>Uninspired Robot Masters, a fucking choo choo train?
Reminder that this is the same series that began with a "Timber Felling" Robot that had an ordinary pair of scissors on his head, and later entries would have a fucking race car and motorcycle themed bosses.
>Music is ass
Objectively wrong
>Megaman OVA features MM5 in it's intro
Completely unrelated to the enjoyment of the game itself

I do agree that 3&4 are the best, and that 5 is a weaker entry, but you're really padding your list of grievances.

>> No.8273157

My biggest issue with 3 is the weapon select screen is awful.
At least it has proper physics, I can't stand playing 1 or 2 where every level is an ice level.

>> No.8273597
File: 2.29 MB, 1080x720, 1629221780339.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8273625

Precise gameplay, strategic combat without making you feeling like an ant poking enemies.

>> No.8273631

I forgot how cool the Gaea Armor is.

>> No.8273657

It usually gets passed as the worst armor from X5 because the lack of speed (dashes slower, can't use parts, can't air dash) and how you get it more late (usually) than Falcon. But it still is the most offensive armor whose combat abilities and nothing but an improvement from regular X. It's stronger instant charge shot with shot eraser properties can completely defend X from many different attacks and do extreme damage in sequence.

>> No.8273875

They're all just genuinely good games mostly made by people who are legitimately passionate about the series.

>> No.8273927

I love how the X series has been building up to the X vs Zero battle for three games at that point, and in the official canon version of the events of X5, they get into a fight because Zero is too stubborn to get a virus check

>> No.8273935
File: 72 KB, 212x164, 1612421609084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too stubborn to get a virus check

>> No.8273948

What did Capcom have against you playing as Proto Man on the NES/SNES?

>> No.8273949

>Zero thinks the cybercoof isn't real while everyone is dying and a space colony is falling on top of their heads
Oh yeah I forgot about that.

>> No.8273951

Holy kek.

>> No.8273989

I fucking love that armor, I used it 100% of the time after getting it and I wish the next couple games had their own equivalent of it.

>> No.8273992

If you've already played through the original NES versions, I think the Wily War remakes are kind of a neat change. I definitely don't prefer them though and I would not recommend them for newcomers.

>> No.8273996

Cartridge limitations/laziness/wanting to keep him a mystical figure

>> No.8274000
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>> No.8274775
File: 16 KB, 322x405, 8bitmegaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spriter's resource
>not sprite inc
Fake fans; the lot of you.

>> No.8274880

Did you mean: Heat Man's Home Page?