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File: 26 KB, 1036x961, Screenshot_20211018-150728~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8248404 No.8248404 [Reply] [Original]

There is just something about DQ2 that makes me always come back to it, and I'm not sure what it is, the game is very grind intensive and hard as balls especially close to the end.
But what are your guys thoughts on the old school DQ games that you always end up going back to? Any specific "good moment" that comes up to your mind?

>> No.8248474

I just started playing DQ2 and 3 (GBC) and both are really cool so far

>> No.8248484

DQ wasn't my favorite rpg series, I was an Ultima kid (and later Final Fantasy), but they always seemed pretty comfy. I had some large fold-out sheets that came in nintendo power strategy guides that showed illustrations of all the equipment items in the game and those were really cool.

>> No.8248516
File: 33 KB, 804x701, Screenshot_20211018-155515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with your adventure mate DQ2 is great if not a bit rough around the edges, but DQ3 is an absolute masterpiece in my opinion, hope you have fun with them.
DQ has always been a classic simple JRPG, it always stuck to its roots and because of that the gameplay is extremely similar in all DQ games, but they always add a few things to make combat a bit more interesting, and the family stories in these games have always been fantastic for me, DQ5 being the best story in the series in my opinion, with 11 coming close second.

>> No.8248524

How grindy are the original DQ games compared to say, the nes version of FF?

>> No.8248574
File: 141 KB, 250x256, Zap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends, DQ1 and 2 for the NES are quite a bit grindy, with 2 being the most obvious one, from 3 onwards they reduced the grind considerably, and from all SNES games and all games after that they got even less grindy, so if you want to avoind grind i would recommend to play SNES DQ games onward, with DQ8 and 11 being the best balanced aspect of grind gameplay, but over all it's just DQ1 and 2 for the NES that can be a bit anoying on the grind department.

>> No.8248580

1 is infinitely moreso
2 is more
3 is probably equal
4 is less

>> No.8248591
File: 619 KB, 706x575, Rendarak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On DQ2 you will know that you got into the heavyest grind part of the game when you reach this part (Pic Related)

>> No.8248676

I don't like coming back to/replaying long games but I reminisce about 1,4 and 8 the most. Also is 8 old school? It's now allowed on /vr/ but it's 3D

>> No.8248689
File: 77 KB, 400x563, Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 8 is for the PS2 originally and launched in 2004, so... i guess?

>> No.8248710
File: 111 KB, 400x341, DQ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the biggest fan of 4, the character design was on point tho, the separeted chapters was the big thing that i didn't like, other than that it's a solid game.

>> No.8249106
File: 260 KB, 822x1200, d07a36c87d93ed17c6007506ecbbf2c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going into 4 I didn't think I'd like the chapter system at first but I ended up loving the game a lot, especially when it gets to chapter 5 and the game plays out a lot closer to 3.
I've been playing 5 recently and so far I'm liking it less than 4, but it's still good.

>> No.8249207

In DQ1, grinding basically *is* the game. All of it.

The only game that I think is almost completely devoid of grinding is 11. 2-4 require moderate amounts fairly regularly, 5 is mostly brisk, 6 and 7 require occasional class grinding, 8 is generally brisk aside from a couple of spots (grinding to level 30 to get HealUs for a certain boss), 9 I don't remember.

>> No.8249367
File: 637 KB, 580x648, fce6bff9b3e8af64ddcb7b042dc4513bd5ab068c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta love dq3 snes. custom party can always make it a new experience and the adventure is fantastic

also dq 1&2 snes had fixes recently to remove the old bugs

>> No.8250040

The pacing of the SNES version is absolutely fantastic, in terms of grind. It just feels good. Started 3 SNES today.

>> No.8250659
File: 36 KB, 256x224, Dragon Quest I & II (English v2.0 DQ) [Fix v.1.052rtm]-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started playing these games after hearing news of the composer's death. I gotta say, I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying it in spite of how primitive the first one is. Beat the first last week and I think I'm a good ways through the second. At a bit of a loss for what to do in this place.

>> No.8250696

I love Dragon Warrior Monsters 1 and 2 for gameboy. They are incredibly comfy.

>> No.8250743

i don't know if it's because I played it on gbc or because of all the horror stories I'd heard, but this wasn't so horrible for me. I beat the game with the main character at level 31, the guy at 25ish and the girl at around 23.

>> No.8250745

Started this the other day. During first attempt at breeding I put together a dragon and the tiger boss thing I had just gotten.....turns out they both disappear once they breed. What the fuck. I also saved afterwards before realizing they were gone and now they're gone for good.

>> No.8251798
File: 188 KB, 675x506, DQII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They def fixed many issues with the games difficulty in all subsequent releases of DQ2, the NES version was rushed to meet a deadline if I'm not wrong.

>> No.8251902

Koichi Sugiyama looked a LOT younger in pictures from when DQ1 first came out (he was 55) than the 86 year old from when DQ11 was released.

>> No.8251981

No shit?

>> No.8252308

I don't know what to tell you man, i guess aging exists

>> No.8252342

Is DQ3 on GBC the best bet?

>> No.8252346

Dragon Trash was never good.


People even today confuse final fantasy with dragon trash. Final Fantasy that despite being crude was charming. Unlike the mess that is dragon trash. who only succeeded because of Akira toriyama and Toei

>> No.8252554

I played the SNES remakes (fan translation).

It's extremely comfy. The platonic JRPG.
I watched the last leg of the game on YouTube. Kind of soured me on it.
If I had played this when it was new, I know it would have been one of my favorite games ever. It's still very fun, memorable, and insanely clever for the time.

>> No.8252567
File: 164 KB, 562x612, dq5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played DQ5 a bit on the NDS but it seems to have a great story and characters. You can get a patch that adds party chat into the DS version, which is really cool

I'm enjoying it on the GBC, but if you want fancier sprites and visuals just go with SNES.

Seethe & Dilate

>> No.8252913

Yeah, 2 was my first DQ, hearing a lonely youth is still pretty nostalgic. Good moment would be once you get the ship in the game, I had no idea when I was younger where to go and what to do and the sense of adventure was through the roof.

>> No.8253045

1 - 2: skip.
3: first good game
4: first great game
5: best game
6: hard to follow 5 but pretty good
7: good
8 and on: not retro

>> No.8253657
File: 561 KB, 400x583, DQV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DQ5 was my first one, the story and gameplay got me hooked instantly and it became one of my favorite games ever, it trully feels like a very long story because of how it is structured.
Yeah DQ2 is a fun game, had some great OST in it for sure, the 2 over world themes are some of the best in the series, the way that it starts with A lonely Youth showing how the world can be dangerous and unforgiving is great, but when you get all the party members and it changes to Traveling With Friends, a song that is very upbeat showing you that with the right people on your side you can defeat the mightiest of foes, DQ2 had some great moments in it for sure.

>> No.8253665

The best version of DQ3 is def the SNES version, the GBC version has 1 extra dungeon and monster medals to collect but i don't think this is enough to surpass the SNES version, it is still a good bet tho.

>> No.8253928

>1 - 2: skip.

>> No.8253958

>on point tho
You aren't black.

>> No.8254001

it's hard even if you grind many levels, you have to use tools available to you wisely and don't forget about "parry" command

>> No.8254010

retarded bait, kill yourself tranny

>> No.8254019

>DQ3 remake
too bad english fan translation sucks and has annoying bugs in it

>> No.8254048
File: 59 KB, 500x375, a64d9020d5d8450b38cde36435a902de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DQ5 was my first one, the story and gameplay got me hooked instantly and it became one of my favorite games ever, it trully feels like a very long story because of how it is structured.
I just started DQ5 DS version today, I saved Saber and am at the Faerie town atm and really liking it. the game is oozing with charm, combat is fast, writing is good and the exploration feels satisfying (so far)

>> No.8254049

The fan translation in not too bad, it does the job just fine, in regards to bugs well, idk i never experienced anything as far is ik that is.

>> No.8254051

I've beat them, they're just boring games. There's no reason to play them.

>> No.8254056
File: 736 KB, 781x900, Hero_and_Saber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dude nice! Hope you enjoy from beggining to end, it really is a fantastic game!

>> No.8254207

There really is nothing to DQ1. You can make an argument for 2, but 1 seriously is a barren game. Any worth that game has is purely historical.

>> No.8254269

Based. I'm all for people playing 1 and 2, I think 2 is a better game overall as well, but they're best to play after you've already played one of the more advanced games in the series, so you can see its roots. People who insist on playing the series in order will most likely get burnt out after 2 and will give up before the series really gets good.

>> No.8254275
File: 3.33 MB, 1713x1151, Hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is true, DQ1 is mostly just for people who are curious about how it all started, there is no way you can say the game aged well no matter the version of it, it isn't bad but it is very bare bones, i still manage to have fun tho, and it is a great game for speedrunning.

>> No.8254761
File: 149 KB, 1006x677, 1605197028482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breeding is the point of the game. You are going to be breeding monsters like they are items. Those monsters that are gone now are worse than the one you created, and can be easily reobtained. Don't let it put you off the game.

>> No.8254846
File: 16 KB, 768x576, graveyard-duck-guadia-quest-retro-game-challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best one

>> No.8254931
File: 202 KB, 556x599, 1474610391641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started DQ3 since I have some extra time now on SNES tonight, went with a valiant Hero. Blog alert: Was just laid off after 7 years at a place with a 1 year old kid, peanuts for severance. Don't be a company man, they're never on your side.

>> No.8254937

fuck yes

>> No.8254967

exquisite taste.

>> No.8255048


>> No.8255670

Now that I think about it, damn. He really did look younger 30 something years ago

>> No.8256679

hey DQ dudes I'm playing DQ5 and wondering who should I invest my seeds into? I have quite a few in my bag, should I give them to the main hero? my monster companions or ?

>> No.8256684

well now you have time to enjoy some comfy gaming ;]

>> No.8256721

You're probably gonna get the most return investing them in your hero. You're gonna end up replacing most of your monster buddies towards the end when you have a massive human party.

>> No.8256749
File: 57 KB, 509x338, Invisible Bridge in Abovitall Tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what I thought, thanks

>> No.8256779

>apple bro
I love that little dude

>> No.8256784

First time I see a game of this series that doesn't look disgusting. Is it worth playing any of these games for the ps1?

>> No.8256791

That's the DS remake, using a modified version of the VII engine. If you like that look, DQVII is on the PS1. IV-VI were also remade on the DS using that engine.

>> No.8256823

DQ5 has a PS2 version that looks great.

>> No.8256946

Is there any translation of these games that isn't confusing? I don't really get the zam whack cracko stuff. It's cute but at the end of the day I need a chart to play

>> No.8256970

1-3 on GBC
4-6 on DS
7 on 3DS
8 on PS2 or 3DS
9-10 not sure
11 PC Definitive version

>> No.8257017

The princess from DQ2 is the sluttiest girl in the series, bar none.

>> No.8257024

They read somewhere that some of the spells names are derived from Japanese onomatopoeia so they thought it would be a great idea to use baby speech as an approximation. It's retarded and inconsistent.
Just stick to Japanese.

>> No.8257029

Modern Dragon Quest localizations in general, 11 aside, are beyond atrocious.

>> No.8257056
File: 148 KB, 1698x700, puff puff sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she just seduce a little kid, lmao

>> No.8257065

How stupid do you have to be to not understand such an incredibly easy and intuitive naming system, especially when any game which would use the modern system would also have spell descriptions?

The modern localizations are great and much better than the incorrectly localized games we had gotten previously which were full of grammatical errors and inconsistent archaicisms.

>> No.8257076

>oi bruv yoo wot railly loike rayden th'ole loimey anglish do ya

>> No.8257101

Modern English Dragon Quest: Almost every character in the game, NPC and major character alike, has a pun for a name. Every town name is a pun. Every dungeon name is a pun. Every monster name is a pun. Almost every single line of dialogue has a cheesy joke. The games never take themselves remotely seriously to any degree whatsoever, even during scenes that were originally very serious. There's one mode and one mode only: off-the-wall wacky Looney Tunes zaniness.

Japanese Dragon Quest: Lighthearted adventures with a healthy sense of humor, but still well-rounded stories. There's the occasional pun, but in much more moderation. Towns have normal names. Dungeons have normal names. Characters have normal names (exceptions apply). Monsters generally have normal names (exceptions apply). NPCs speak in normal dialogue like regular human beings. Serious scenes, whether sentimental or exciting or dramatic, are played straight.

I have no issue with people going "I like the English version I'm presented with and don't care about faithfulness to the source," but I wish people that disagreed weren't portrayed as crusty old curmudgeons. The localizations change near everything about the source material, to the point of feeling like grafitti.

>> No.8257106

Yes. The accents are pure soul. Only ESL and weebs who will break down and cry if an honorific isn't translated perfectly hate it.

>> No.8257114

Accents with voiced dialogue: Soul

Accents without voiced dialogue: Pain in the ass to read

>> No.8257142

>The games never take themselves remotely seriously to any degree whatsoever, even during scenes that were originally very serious. There's one mode and one mode only: off-the-wall wacky Looney Tunes zaniness.
I just don't agree with this. I think there actually is a good balance between the seriousness of the plot and scenarios with the light hearted humor of a good pun, and I would say the humor is well written as well. I don't believe for instance that the serious nature of the plot involving V is compromised because there's an enemy named Wax Murderer or there's an NPC in a town you talk to no more than two times whose name is a pun.

Fan translations that people promote over the localizations also have their slew of problems. I've been replaying the fan translation of VI and there are so many obvious instances of sarcasm that are translated purely straight, and which would take two or three readings to even read in a sarcastic tone. So, there's an NPC in Reidock who looks at the hero and says "you want to be a soldier? I hope you'll be alright." The joke is supposed to be that the hero doesn't look like a soldier. "I hope you'll be alright" is supposed to be a sarcastic quip saying "I don't think you're going to get the job" or "well I hope you don't screw up" but it comes across as though he's merely wishing the hero success. And I could go through hundreds of these lines for examples.

>but I wish people that disagreed weren't portrayed as crusty old curmudgeons.
I mean, it kind of feels that way. You acknowledge the original has humor, but it isn't as much as the localization. So the localization just amplifies something that was in the original to make it more thematically consistent across the board within the game and the series as a whole. You're fine to think it's oversaturated, but at the end of the day, it's not gonna kill you to laugh at a joke. A pun doesn't take away from the story. It really does come off as humorlessness.

>> No.8257156

> So, there's an NPC in Reidock who looks at the hero and says "you want to be a soldier? I hope you'll be alright."

Yeah, overly wooden dialogue is also a problem.

Otherwise, uh, yeah. I'm not getting into this. This post has made it abundantly obvious that you're not someone I want to waste my time talking to.

>> No.8257160

>They read somewhere that some of the spells names are derived from Japanese onomatopoeia
most of them are> so they thought it would be a great idea to use baby speech as an approximation.
they're using english onomatopoeia

>> No.8257164

As much as I like DQ11's localization overall, I think "Snap, Crackle, and Pop" is a definite example of overlocalizing. A thousand apologies to that other anon if that makes me humorless.

>> No.8257183

Apologies if I insulted you but I don't believe I've made any strongly contentious points. I just don't believe that the localizations fail to balance humor and seriousness, I think the balance is good, the serious parts are well written as are the jokes.

Those are established onomotapoiea in the English language. What exactly would you propose? Fire, Ice, and Lightning are "wooden" as you would say.

>> No.8257198

>I just don't believe that the localizations fail to balance humor and seriousness

Which is an incredibly confusing viewpoints since titles like the DQ9 or DQ7 remake localizations are almost never ever serious, sincere, or anything at all besides goofy and zany.

>Those are established onomotapoiea in the English language.

Yeah, but it's most likely a reference to Rice Krispies, hence the idea that it's overlocalized. It's one of my few nitpicks with the DQ11 localization, which I think strikes a good balance between being 'colorful' while still having perfectly sincere, well-rounded writing.

>> No.8257201

Snap, Crackle and Poof?
it's kind of a bad name because crackle and poof already mean something
the japanese name キラキラポーン (Sparkle Sparkle Pong) is also pretty stupid though

>> No.8257236

>slime knight
bro tier, he was in my final party

>> No.8257240

I haven't played 9 but I've played both versions of 7, as well as the localizations for 4-8. I'm not really sure what you're referring to, I thought 7 was played very straight. The scene with the robot still serving its dead master a thousand years into the future literally made me cry. What exactly is it that ruins the scene and scenes like that for you? Because there are no jokes during the serious scenes, and the puns in the background regarding town names don't have any effect on the scene for me personally. If it's the accents, I'd say that's unfortunate because I feel they add a lot of depth to the world building. I'd also say the party chat is severely improved in the remake and talking to Maribel and Gabo feels so much more fleshed out especially with the more conversational tone in the translation.

Yeah that original name strikes me as some type of reference as well.

>> No.8257258

>Yeah that original name strikes me as some type of reference as well.

If it is, criticism withdrawn.

>Because there are no jokes during the serious scenes

Maybe you'll understand what I'm talking about if you play 9, which is a lot worse than the 7 remake (which I honestly don't remember all too clearly, my bad on that). 9 is kind of the epitome of new age Dragon Quest translations.

>> No.8257307

Only some of the spells and the names aren't Japanese onomatopoeia, they are simply based on them.
The example that constantly gets brought up is the spell メラ but the onomatopoeia is メラメラ. Other spells have completely different origins but they all blend together to form a coherent system while the English translations are all over the place

>> No.8257352

Thanks I will try these. DQ9 may not be solvable unless someone does an undub and DQM remake sorely needs a fix. I don't know what half the stats even are.

Yeah it's funny cause if they left them that way and just compromise with romaji for translation sake, I'd have no problem. But they should've just used words. Like Mera can just be "Burn" instead of sizzle or whatever they used. I don't even know if that's a real example. But I guess that's part of a deeper problem where they actually use text to convey various English accents which I don't enjoy. Partly because I can't imagine that being the intended tone of the game and how I was meant to actually feel while playing.

>> No.8257368

Damn this is actually a pretty good and funny impression of people who act like this

>> No.8257387

I don't get the impression Dub-kun is trolling

>> No.8257398

>Fan translations that people promote over the localizations also have their slew of problems.
Who actually recommends the fan translation? DQ is a series best played in Japanese.

>> No.8257413
File: 332 KB, 800x600, _P1030118s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we can talk about DQlikes, I love Guadia Quest but have problems with Saga. It feels just a bit more player hostile, even though it adds lots of qol features. Like the Sun Guadia constantly runs away at a point in the tower when I can't imagine having a solution to this. You can't save at ALL on the arena floor, not just while competing, even after you win. You also don't get heal spells until way later on each char. So the early game balance is way off and feels tedious. There's also a real lack of decent equip upgrades early despite so many equips, where GQ had only one or two but they were good. The fountain equips aren't even that great when you get them. I just entered the underworld though so maybe that changes.

The early Guadia have some pretty useless abilities like the money throwing one but as soon as you leave the Heavens Tower, you get Green Guadia which has HP and MP absorb so it swings wildly from tediously difficult to trivial. Minor complaint but I wish the damages for each symbol were listed since the Sky Guadia (dragon) can upgrade each symbol you roll by 1 rank, but if a weapon doesn't have Star or Target, it's just a mystery what that does and makes it a craps shoot when deciding between a new weapon (that is not usually much better, so replacing it is not always the way to go). Anyone feel me?

>> No.8257460

Well, if you can read Japanese of course. For a while, 5 and 6 were only playable in English through fan translation, and every now and then I see people recommending the earlier translations just because they dislike the localizations so much. I actually like the SFC versions more myself, but wouldn't recommend because of the translation quality. 5 has a decent fan translation, but 6 in particular is very rough and technically isn't complete.

>> No.8257537

>just because they dislike the localizations so much

I'm one of them. I don't remember 7 remake that well, so *maybe* it's not that bad, but 6 DS and 9's localizations are god awful, putrid filth.

>> No.8257550

Whenever i see a typed out french or scottish accent i mash through the text.

>> No.8257582

I was buying these games on NES a couple years ago. I got 3 and NEARLY bought 4, but it was a bit more than I was willing to pay at the time. Now it's shot up to like 180 dollars.

>> No.8257603

6 DS has the least accents and puns of any of the zenithian trilogy games. Actually, only 4 is really oversaturated with it, because the first four chapters take place in foreign countries. 5 and 6 are basically on the same level where most of the party members speak pretty standard English, the only foreign accents are from a handful of NPCs. Ashlynn and Carver are the most unique, but their accents aren't strong enough to spell words entirely differently, they just use slang and contractions. I guess 5 and 6 have their share of puns for locations names, but fuck it, the frog hating "Frank O'Phobe" makes me laugh.

>> No.8257612
File: 403 KB, 1280x866, dq2 coffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah accents are obnoxious. They were fine in Dragon Quest 8 originally because they were mostly voiced, not written. I don't know who the bumbling retard was that thought making every character read like a drunken idiot was a good idea, but it's not funny and it's not cute.
I say it every time, Dragon Quest had enough charm without shoehorning in this nonsense we get with the modern localizations.

>> No.8257629

Keep in mind as well that the fan translation you support over the localization is not only incomplete but is also in broken English and is less faithful to the tone of the original than even the localization, which, we always have to remind people, is stamp approved by the dragon quest Japanese team and is worked on through consultation with the original script writers. And keep in mind also that the DS version contains party chat, which adds extreme amount of depth to the characters that is missing even in the SFC original. Most of the party members barely have any dialogue in the original, they have even less in the fan translation since even some of their few lines of dialogue are bugged.

I still prefer the SFC version myself because it has monster recruitment, but the story is so much more enjoyable with the DS version.

>> No.8257660

dq2 is underrated af. nice thread

>> No.8257683

>which, we always have to remind people, is stamp approved by the dragon quest Japanese team and is worked on through consultation with the original script writers

I don't care. The end products are still greatly different. It makes no difference if the original team gives a pile of shit their stamp of approval, I still hate it.

>> No.8257701

I truly wish you could enjoy it. For me, I discovered the series at a time when I was in college studying linguistics, and so it was fascinating to encounter dialects that I had been studying being represented in a game fairly faithfully. And of course, I appreciate a good pun. I wish everybody could enjoy it the way I do.

>> No.8257713
File: 71 KB, 384x287, typed out accents suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a massive difference between hearing Yangus say something and then trying to go through the word obstacle course that is picrelated

>> No.8257715

Sorry, but faithfulness to the source matters to me too much to enjoy it. If Dragon Quest was a western game and the localization was its original incarnation, it would be fine and charming. As it the mass, rampant changes just feel like grafitti. I enjoy DQ8 and DQ11's localizations just fine if that's any consolation.

>> No.8257724

Chiming in to agree. There are a lot of reasons a team might approve something vastly different than an original version, including profit sake. Either way it doesn't matter. When you experience death of the author, the work stands within the larger body and should be compared to that. If we can treat two releases as different for being on different systems, we can also compare them as different games for translation sake. And comparing scripts, I don't think the wacky localizations have the same grade of artistic merit. Basically they are extra as fuck and dumbed down for a US child demographic that is treated even more patronizingly than Japan's shounen demographic. It severely compromises the ability to tell an engaging story when the primary medium is mocking stereotypes of unrelated cultures just because they all speak a dialect of English.

>> No.8257759

But they don't just "approve" the localization, they give the instructions for how it is to be localized. They hand pick the accents themselves and choose which scenes are to have which tones. The process is far more top down than people realize. I'll go get interviews later if you don't believe me.

> It severely compromises the ability to tell an engaging story when the primary medium is mocking stereotypes of unrelated cultures just because they all speak a dialect of English
I disagree, don't think any of the plot scenarios or events themselves are compromised if one character or even a party member has an accent. Seeing Pankraz murdered isn't any less emotional just because the enemy speaks with "monster-like" speech. Watching the children return to the families in IV isn't less touching because they have Scottish accents.

Regarding "mocking stereotypes', some people might see them as caricatures, but they are fairly faithful to the phonology of those dialects and they accurately mimic real idioms and grammatical structures, including common mistakes from ESL speakers like in Alena's arc. If you disagree with the approach altogether, I guess it'll always be offensive, but a lot more care is put into their dialog than merely mocking foreign people, especially since they consult with ESL speakers of every dialect represented in the games.

>> No.8257767

>I'll go get interviews later if you don't believe me.

I believe you, but the only thing that changes is who I blame for the changes. I was made aware of this years ago and was just disappointed that the original team is largely responsible for the dramatic, sweeping changes rather than Alpha-Team or whatever their name is.

>I disagree, don't think any of the plot scenarios or events themselves are compromised if one character or even a party member has an accent. Seeing Pankraz murdered isn't any less emotional just because the enemy speaks with "monster-like" speech. Watching the children return to the families in IV isn't less touching because they have Scottish accents.

The changes to the dialogue goes well beyond the accents. We have such different perspectives on this that there's probably not much point in talking; just be happy that you're in the majority while while people like me are treated as grumpy old codgers yelling at clouds.

>> No.8257786

>just be happy that you're in the majority while while people like me are treated as grumpy old codgers yelling at clouds.
Well, on this site I'm not. But I guess it's fine, I've tried my best to make my case, if you don't like the localizations I can't change that.

>> No.8257805

I understand where you're coming from. Nothing can really change the faithfulness to the original source (which is pretty much just a binary yes/no fact), but you explained well why you like the localizations yourself and were definitely more pleasant to talk to than many of the people on here. The fact that the games faithfully represent the dialects being depicted is an interesting thing of note.

>> No.8258119

Played the series in order, 1 through 11, and had no issue whatsoever. Literally just play the SNES versions of 1 & 2, it's not hard.

>> No.8258190


If you've ever read Irvine Welsh it isnae problem. Hoal books toes ta tits written fae thon Scots. Yis jist goat ta reed it 'loud ya ken?

Though Irvine Welsh is a complete degenerate and his books should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.8258217

I only read the second half of your post, that's how much i hate typed out accents. It's the equivalent of trying to make out some old woman's handwriting when she's also suffering from Parkinson's.

>> No.8258241
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Oh well, i was not expecting people to go a bit nuts on my thread but i suppose it is what it is.
My opinion over the localization is that it is over all great, i like the fun identity of the series with the accents and all, but yes i would def want the game to be more serious and tone down the ammount of puns, the original Japanese script is over all better but if there is one thing i love is the Spell names, i really like the onomatopoeia it goes for, very unique way for naming the spells and not be just another Blizard, Thunder etc.

>> No.8258250

Scots is a language. That's how it's written.
Based, I've read Irvine and have similar mixed feelings. Hate his subject matter but his writings were good resources for Scots.
I'm sorry my man

>> No.8258262

I got nothing against puns and for some stuff to be a bit jokey. It's the accents i despise.

>> No.8258271
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Don't be, people argue over things they like, and all i want is people to enjoy the series more and more, just remember to keep the quest going.

>> No.8258280
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I have to say, the DQ4 accents from mister moustache over there is quite difficult to read, it does help to make a mental image of sorts of how it would sound, but it still doesn't help that it is hard to read, and that is just unacceptable.

>> No.8258284

To me it comes off like i'm trying to talk to someone that's barely conscious because they just drank an entire keggar of ale.

>> No.8258297
File: 225 KB, 470x600, Moonbrooke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw help me out here boys, does anyone know why the hell did they made it so that the princess of Moonbrooke's hair change to blonde and purple? I tried to look up a reason but found nothing, just curious why would they do that.

>> No.8258359

She's an unstable BPD cunt that dyes her hair to different colors all the time.

>> No.8258390

Toriyama always drew her with purple hair in the Famicom era, but whoever drew her on the back of the box went with blonde for some reason. Then the international version canonized the blonde version, so Toriyama started drawing her that way for the Super Famicom remakes. Since then, it's mainly just come down to which version the developers prefer.

>> No.8258421
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It feels a lot like the chibi is always with purple hair and the more "Realistic" one is blonde, really sad because i think the purple hair is much better but oh well.

>> No.8258446

who is the guy in green? Doesn't DQ2's team consist of a boy, girl, and coffin?

>> No.8258481
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>> No.8258485
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what a cheerful looking coffin stuffer

>> No.8258505

How old were you when each DQ was released?

>DQ1: Unborn
>DQ2: Unborn
>DQ3: 6 months old
>DQ4: Year and a half
>DQ5: 5
>DQ6: 8
>DQ7: 12
>DQ8: 17
>DQ9: 21
>DQ10: 25
>DQ11: 29

>> No.8258524
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>>DQ1: Unborn
>>DQ2: Unborn
>>DQ3: Unborn
>>DQ4: Unborn
>>DQ5: Unborn
>>DQ6: Unborn
>>DQ7: 2
>>DQ8: 6
>>DQ9: 11
>>DQ10: 14
>>DQ11: 19
My first DQ was 9 back in the DS era, but i only got hooked in the franchise by playing 5 in 2015, good memories.

>> No.8258719

lol carrying the coffin

>> No.8258745

is that from a real anime?

>> No.8258763


>> No.8258776

>DQ1-7: Unborn
>DQ8: 3
>DQ9: 8
>DQ10: 11
>DQ11: 16
If it means anything, I played the DS games in my formative years

>> No.8258809

I looked at all the games in the series. And I noticed how much brand recognition is more important than content. out of 10 games I found about 4 with decent graphics and actual gameplay mechanics that aren't just grind. Has anyone seen that wii dragon quest? That thing could only be acceptable on ps1. i also noticed that party positioning is ugly...geographic space is not taken into account and that's because the game i am referring to is a ps2 game

>> No.8258823

The only games that require grinding are I and II.

>> No.8258831

DQ IX (English) is easily playable on DS or DS emulator.

>> No.8258839

All four NES games require grinding, III and IV just require it in more moderate amounts.

>> No.8258846
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Then you probbaly just looked at things and didn't play the actual games, there is so much more to the games other than graphics, the stories, characters, monsters, there is much more, only the NES games needed grind and from those only I and II were quite a lot of it, III onwards you could beat without basically any grinding what so ever, ofc it would be a bit more challenging but still doable.
There is a lot to this series other than just brand recognition.

>> No.8258857

based, gonna forward it to my 3DS :)

>> No.8258858

Wii game? You talking about Swords, the spin off? Or is it X the, to this day, Japan exclusive MMO?

>> No.8258859

>ofc it would be a bit more challenging but still doable.

Or more than a bit... I could see this holding true for the mid to late game but not the early game.

>> No.8258869

I did finish III NES no grinding as a challenge run, took some time and quite a few deaths but i managed to do it, wouldn't recommend, just grind a lil bit and should be fine, game really doesn't need lots of grind, especially compared to I and II

>> No.8258879

Ah. I think challenge-doers can accomplish almost anything, but the average run by the average player definitely includes a fair bit of grinding. For the average gamer doing their first run it's not really until DQ5 that grinding becomes minimal (which then becomes briefly revived during 6-7 due to occasional class grinding, before being retired for good from 8 on).

>> No.8258880
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IX is great, the thing is that the game was designed to play with friends, still fun with just NPC party members but it's def not gonna be like the old days with the DS and having 3 other friends to party up.

>> No.8258883

This was my second NES III run, before that i have only played the SNES version of III, but to be fair i did finish that version like 4 times before going to try the NES one.

>> No.8258897
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Get ready for those Inn visits, a pot will be waiting for you.

>> No.8258938
File: 346 KB, 800x601, ddd01tn-a51f3717-0ab0-4caf-9afd-2fc2a9e7ae4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like DQ threads have a lot less fanboy arguments than Final Fantasy threads...or is that just me ?

>> No.8258950

maybe because the mainline DQ games are consistently good, whereas some mainline FF games are hit or miss, and players fight about them (like FF8)

>> No.8258959

The this is that Dragon Quest is all about tradition, why make drastic changes when we already made something really good that the fanbase loves.
Final Fantasy changes every time is very drastic ways, be it with story and the tone of it, like how 6 is quite serious but 5 is mostly very comedic, and ofc gameplay, anything after 9 has been mediocre at absolute best, but then again, leave this to the FF fans to discuss.

>> No.8258963

My god i had a stroke writing this, but you get the point.

>> No.8258972

DQ just gets better over time by virtue of the industry getting worse.

>> No.8258982
File: 593 KB, 1221x933, DQX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, the gaming industry has become much much worse over the years to the point that now days it's rare to have more than 1 good game released a year, making old school games look like a better option, Dragon Quest being one of those of course, the thing is that even the more recent DQ games have been fantastic, with the gameplay funny enough getting quite a few new shiny things add to it in XI, all i wish was that X was finally translated, but this will never happen by the looks of it.

>> No.8258985

Yeah they add a lot of twee stuff that isn’t really in the fucking games.

>> No.8258987

>it's rare to have more than 1 good game released a year

I... don't think the situation is anywhere NEAR that dire. There's some bad trends, but there's hundreds of games released every year; maybe more than 1000 between consoles and Steam titles. Not every game, or anywhere close to it, follows ultra mainstream AAA trends. There's still many games from many genres designed with older sensibilities in mind. The Kiseki series (Trails in the Sky, Crossbell, Cold Steel) is an example for RPGs. There's also plenty of perfectly fun games on a more indie level like the Alex Kidd and Wonderboy remakes.

>> No.8258993

Oh sorry i ment to say AAA or the high budget ones, if we count Indies and stuff yeah the situation looks a lot better.

>> No.8258994
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Ah, I see

>> No.8259009

I played DQ 1 (Dragon Warrior, NES) when I was 6 or 7.

>> No.8259029

I really wish X was available too, I want to play as a bunch of non human races

>> No.8259180

That is so much worse. At least if it was a rogue localization team, I could just ignore how awful it is. But that is actively hostile to anyone wanting a Japan-like experience outside of Japan. They have one standard for their own countrymen and a totally different one for everyone else. This reminds me of how unbearable yokai watch 3's localization was.

>> No.8259189

I'm Deaf so I don't even get the appeal of this. I'd rather just be able to read it and understand the text. If Hearing people want accents from text they should add sound (like they usually do) or read it mentally/aloud in the accent from clean source text.

>> No.8259202

Needed a new emulator game, thanks mate

>> No.8259250

Are the new DQ localizations really that bad...?

>> No.8259270

nope, not at all

>> No.8259274

Oh... :)

>> No.8259347


DQ literally copied AAA trends because they didn't want to lose the market

>pokemon clone
>minecraft clone
>mobile clone game
>mmo clone

all kinds of trends they copied, and those were the only times they put effort into the games. Pokemon clone has better graphics than pokemon for example

>> No.8259365

>But that is actively hostile to anyone wanting a Japan-like experience outside of Japan
don't wanna sound like a bitch but literally, unironically, learn japanese if you want the "japan-like" experience

>> No.8259367

sure, those are side-games not mainline DQ, it's smart to capitalize on those trends while maintaining traditional systems in the mainline games

>> No.8259375

>But that is actively hostile to anyone wanting a Japan-like experience outside of Japan.
Don't really know how to address that. We're not talking Goemon here, this is Dragon Quest. The series happens to be in Japanese, but is based mostly on European fantasy tropes and SE wants it to have international appeal. I don't know what this "Japan-like experience" is. Just a more straight translation? Odd way to call it.

Also I'm getting a contradiction in viewpoints here where faithfulness to source material matters, but not when the Japanese team itself is making executive decisions in how it's localized.

>> No.8259376

I don't have a problem with tradition. but I don't like bad game design, and they don't even take advantage of the strengths of these ''quirks'' DQ5 has a much stronger artistic direction than other games, but the gameplay is still mediocre

>> No.8259383

I did learn Japanese. How does that change what those who haven't get to experience? Not everyone has the kind of time I do to learn a language but maybe doesn't want cultural brain rot.

>> No.8259394

>Also I'm getting a contradiction in viewpoints here where faithfulness to source material matters, but not when the Japanese team itself is making executive decisions in how it's localized.
Yes this is an actualized contradiction though, not a logical one. It resolves itself through the opposition of production and consumption. I am not arguing any ideology that the brains behind the games are somehow superior, therefore everything they want is right. In fact, these people have created an actual contradiction between cultures leading to this very fight. Those who control production have that much control over your life and emotions. And that is why it's not trivial that the international version has a different standard than the local one.

>> No.8259398

People here are saying accents but what they're usually referring to is Scots, the most blatant, which isn't an "accent", it's a closely related language (or dialect, I'm not going to open that can of worms) with a literary tradition of its own and how it is written in the game is also how it is written on the page. The other accents aren't so difficult to read. Torneko is a character that speaks Standard English but with an Irish accent, it's nothing like the Scots.

>> No.8259465

>but is based mostly on European fantasy tropes
It's European fantasy from the perspective of the Japanese, though. It's inherently more steeped in their mythology, I mean half the monsters are just yokai.

How would you localise something like a Far East of Eden game? They're set in the land of Jipang, and based on in-universe tales by a foreigner. It's a Japanese made game with a western approach to Japanese mythology.

Having a fantasy setting makes localisation more convenient, but DQ is extremely Japanese.

>but not when the Japanese team itself is making executive decisions in how it's localized.
I think appeals to the "word of god" always fall flat when they don't know what they're doing. It's like if I went up to a Japanese person and asked them to sign my petition, but it was actually a marriage contract written in English. Are we married now? I mean, they signed it, they should know what it means, right? Japanese devs don't actually know what works in English. They're led by the nose by localisers.

The onomatopoeic approach to spell names works great in Japanese. It's extremely poorly done in English, and turns the whole thing into baby speech, which clearly isn't the intent.

>> No.8259475

i don't agree anon. i agree with >>8258987
even if you only count high profile AAA games there are still really great releases these days.
just this year alone
tales of arise
no more heroes 3
resident evil 8
those games are all really great and i'm sure i've missed some.
tho i do agree with the spirit of your OP that retro games are looking better and better all the time.

>> No.8259540

If you can't learn the language then you shouldn't play the games.

>> No.8259570

NMH3 is not an AAA game

>> No.8259797

Anti-localization people have convinced themselves for so long that whatever the original company/team creates is the ONLY valid interpretation of the game that it never occurs to them that they might make retarded decisions. Never mind the fact that there are just linguistic improbabilities between languages that would make the game too unweildy to outside audiences. I don't ever see people being mad that the first DQ games didn't get their "the password is a big magic spell" directly transitioned over. Even with the spell naming convention, that's a riff on how Wizardy did spell names as well as regular Japanese onomonapea sound effects, but I highly doubt you were ever suppose to say the former aloud, because it's suppose to still be gibberish.

>> No.8259956

If you think a foreigner can't figure out き と うし means 祈祷師 then you are wrong.

>> No.8259971

>Anti-localization people have convinced themselves for so long that whatever the original company/team creates is the ONLY valid interpretation of the game that it never occurs to them that they might make retarded decisions
Are anti-localization people against all translations, or fan-translations? Not familiar with this issue

>> No.8259994

be a hero and burn them down , also 3 has the best waifu

>> No.8259997

well is a sex demon after all, degeneracy made flesh

>> No.8260002

the image is hilarious, seeing rpg mechanics like that puts a grin on me

>> No.8260008

Paradoxically, fan-translations are considered "superior" because they have a history of being just straight-up direct translations. I also doesn't help that a lot of JRPGs (SMT, Final Fantasy, and most of Square & Enix's 90s output to name a few) depended on fan translations to build a western audience in the late 90s to late 2000s, so they're entrenched as being the "better" version by default. Especially in more modern times, where fan-translations "fix" the localized versions.

>> No.8260041

>so they're entrenched as being the "better" version by default.
oh that's funny to me, I avoid them and have been satisfied with official translations even if they are kinda janky (like BoF2)

>> No.8260103
File: 190 KB, 392x224, Carpet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok then, good day people I'm back to check how the thread is going, so let's see here.
No problem mate, check the fan translation that changes the game to have the same script as the mobile/Switch release, makes the game quite nice for me at least, hope you have fun just remember that II NES is quite grindy and has some strange difficulty spikes.
Like another anon has already answered it's all spin off games, MMO clone though what? This is a genre my guy.

And in regards to everyone going nuts about the localizations, i have already said my peace but yeah, i don't think it's bad, with a few exception where it's difficult to read i like the accents they go for, but ofc i would preffer the scrip to be unchanged and faithful to the Japanese original, esxept the spell names, i love the onomatopoeia names.

>> No.8260119
File: 919 KB, 800x558, Cascade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Key word here, "Rare", and in my eyes from the ones you have mentioned here, Tales is alright, would say it's def a good game, NMH3 i don't think this is AAA, SMTV is great as always good stuff, RE8 didn't like it at all, i think that this game is very over rated but regardless, this is going way too off the thread and even /vr/

>> No.8260132

I really hope we can get some group playthroughs going once the DS falls into /vr/ territory.

>> No.8260414

Always remember the struggle of Elani.

>> No.8260471

Absolutely retarded takes. DQ1 is the best game in the series and is the only one that gives half a shit about mechanics. It's a tightly woven piece where no elements are wasted, and is closer to a large holistic puzzle. Every day we take a step away from DQ1 is a day we step away from good game design.

Also the game is 8 hours. There's literally no use.

>> No.8260473

Kill yourself, boring game enjoying faggot

>> No.8260483

The problem is people don't play the original version. They play it with shiny graphics and new features like savegames or automatically taking stairs that detract from the true experience.

>> No.8260493

the true experience of boredom

>> No.8260510
File: 3 KB, 108x108, 1594426698443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, nigga

>> No.8260536

>Never mind the fact that there are just linguistic improbabilities between languages that would make the game too unweildy to outside audiences.

Yes, there's definitely times where things need to be changed for the English release because it would just seem weird or unappealing to a Western audience. An easy example of that would be changing "Refill" in Tales of Symphonia to "Raine." The changes made to Dragon Quest do not fall under that category. A much more straight translation would have worked just fine, as evidenced by Dragon Quest 11 (which is nowhere NEAR as aggressively, flamboyantly obnoxious as the other post-8 translations and is actually capable of being serious and sincere for three seconds).

>> No.8260545

>Also the game is 8 hours. There's literally no use.
The original version took me about 15 hours to beat. I still don't understand why people are saying that it's 5-8 hours long, it's absolutely not fucking true. It takes forever to get to lvl 20+

>> No.8260546

why are you, the paragon of proper localization and 1:1 translation? if people want an experience like the original script they should go read it in the language it was written in. that or shut the fuck up if they don't wanna put in the effort, there's no such thing as a "faithful" localization without a million TL Note everywhere

>> No.8260559

>if they don't wanna put in the effort,

>> No.8260569

You can adjust things as necessary to make things more palatable to different audiences. Dramatically changing the tone of the game and making it so that everyone goes from speaking like regular characters in a regular JRPG to speaking exclusively in jokes is not a necessary change.

>> No.8260584

>if people want an experience like the original script they should go read it in the language it was written in.
the english version is the original english version, as the devs and director intended for english speakers.

>> No.8260625
File: 1.82 MB, 1660x1160, CbBBzraUkAALfTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially in more modern times, where fan-translations "fix" the localized versions.
i've played a lot of "fan translations" that feel like they either used google translate or someone who doesn't speak either language fluently
but the few high profile fan translations give the impression that they're better than the official release

>> No.8260663

>he doesn't play the japanese version that doesn't even use battery saves and you have to choose which direction you want to talk towards
god, cant even imagine taste this shitty

>> No.8260670

anon being a contrarian just for the sake of (You)'s isn't cool.

>> No.8260684

It's a single line out of context. You people are too ignorant to have an opinion on something as complex as translation of fiction.

>> No.8260691

You need two >s to link a post, Anon!

>> No.8260709

>speaking exclusively in jokes is not a necessary change.
You can keep saying this all you want but it doesn't make it true. People who have actually played the DS remakes recently know that they are serious games and have serious touching moments, the dialogue is more often straight than it is humorous, and the humor is more often confined to the party chat where it is optional and more personable dialogue (and where most of the humor is in the japanese releases as well) or to names of enemies/towns. Even characters that speak with accents, they're not necessarily joking just because they have an accent, they are often delivering serious straight lines, even emotionally powerful lines.

Also, from what I understand from reading Japanese opinions on Dragon Quest, a lot of the straight generic sounding names that you would prefer are actually quirky and comedic to their ears. So the town "Cobblestone" in DQ 11 is just called "Stone Town". From what I have read, town names like that are considered funny to the Japanese audience, because no real town would be called something as simple and generic as "stone town", it gives it a light-hearted fantastical feel. What you interpret as straight forward serious names may actually have a different feeling to native Japanese speakers who aren't merely converting the words literally to the English dictionary equivalents.

>> No.8260720
File: 111 KB, 600x827, c12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a single line out of context.
are you really defending FE Fates of all things

>> No.8260741

You're absolutely exhausting to talk to. Stop being a fanboy whose ass gets chapped every time someone says something bad about the localizations, I'm getting tired of your shitty arguments and shitty points.

>a lot of the straight generic sounding names that you would prefer are actually quirky and comedic to their ears. So the town "Cobblestone" in DQ 11 is just called "Stone Town". From what I have read, town names like that are considered funny to the Japanese audience, because no real town would be called something as simple and generic as "stone town"

I already said that humor like this is used sometimes in the original versions as well. Sometimes. Occasionally. Sparingly. Not every fucking town name, every fucking NPC name, every fucking monster name, and every fucking dungeon name in the entire god damn game.

And the humor aside (which yes is a whole lot more ubiquitous than you pretend it to be), I also dislike how folksy and saccharine much of the dialogue is. Almost everyone has an "Aw shucks" demeanor to them that would make fans of Leave it to Beaver think it needs to tone down the sap a bit.

>> No.8260781

That's the version I played.

>> No.8260785

>What you interpret as straight forward serious names may actually have a different feeling to native Japanese speakers who aren't merely converting the words literally to the English dictionary equivalents.
You don't have to be native speaker in a language to comprehend text without translating it word by word.

>> No.8260819

Look, you said the characters speak exclusively in jokes and are incapable of being sincere or serious, and that's just not true, don't care if you're tired of it. The dialogue for 4 out of 5 characters is straight and the fantasy elements are just as straight, mages speak like mages (Milly, Borya) and priests speak like priests (Nevan, Kiryl). The humor is in the background, in town names, enemy names, the overall atmosphere, or the situations the characters are dealing with. Yes, there are puns, some NPCs tell jokes. But you're way overexaggerating how humorous the mainline dialogue is. Even the quirkiest characters are played straight. There's nothing really humorous about Ragnar besides his accent, he speaks like a noble warrior. Sancho's accent is perhaps the most egregious to me, but even he delivers some of the most emotional lines in the game.

>I already said that humor like this is used sometimes in the original versions as well
That wasn't the point. The point was that there's nothing immediately comical to me and most people about "stone town". The point here is that an English speaker would see that and say "the village names aren't silly in the Japanese, why do they have to be silly in English?" without realizing that "stone town" and "fish town" actually are intended to be silly. It very well could be the case that names you think shouldn't be silly actually are to the Japanese audience. If you speak Japanese as a second language, that's not obvious though.

>Almost everyone has an "Aw shucks" demeanor to them that would make fans of Leave it to Beaver think it needs to tone down the sap a bit.
I don't think so.

>> No.8260825

No shit. The point is that the joke goes beyond the text. If you just read "Ishi no mura" and translate it as "stone town", there's no obvious joke.

>> No.8260850

Yeah, I don't mean to be a dickhead or anything... anon's posts just kind of boil down to "You're wrong because you're wrong, and you also shouldn't care about anything that I don't care about." I understand getting defensive of something you love, but ease up, mate.

To summarize my issues with the newer localizations (8 and 11 aside)

>Puns make up almost every single name in the entire game, as compared to maybe 10 percent (at most) in the original Japanese versions
>The ridiculous accents and over-the-top style of writing makes it impossible for me to be moved by most serious scenes, regardless of whether outright 'jokes' are present. I remember being surprised in DQ9 when this one scene was actually played entirely straight, towards the very very end of the game.
>The "Aw shucks, I sure do love apple pie, just like Grandma used to make" folksy style of dialogue which is so prevalent among many town NPCs; the originals were warm and pleasant without being cloying and hokey
>Yes, humor is present in many many 'serious' scenes, I don't care if hyperdefensive Dub-kun claims that they aren't

And while I was writing this...

... I'm sorry, but do you have no idea how utterly obnoxious you are?

>It very well could be the case that names you think shouldn't be silly actually are to the Japanese audience. If you speak Japanese as a second language, that's not obvious though.

You're just making shit up. Like the pun names all you want, that's fine, but most towns and kingdoms in the originals have normal names. I've looked over them. Period, end of, fuck off and stop riding my ass and being an irritating fanboy.

>I don't think so.
I've played the fucking games. Almost all of them. 500+ hours and this style of writing was incredibly, incredibly, incredibly fucking prevalent and inescapable.

Thanks in advance for your riveting argument against this of "You shouldn't care about anything that I don't and also you're wrong on everything lmfao."

>> No.8260857

>"You're wrong because you're wrong, and you also shouldn't care about anything that I don't care about."
>You're just making shit up. Like the pun names all you want, that's fine, but most towns and kingdoms in the originals have normal names. I've looked over them. Period, end of, fuck off and stop riding my ass and being an irritating fanboy.
Third party here, you look like a retarded asshole.

>> No.8260864

You don't translate it, you read it as it is.
Have you never learned another language?

>> No.8260867

Thanks for the input! I don't really care, though, peckerhead. He's an annoying fanboy who makes shitty, irrational arguments that are in no way supported by the text, go against the blatantly obvious, and I was nicer before the 10th time he made obnoxious, dismissive arguments.

>> No.8260875

Yes, I have. I said translate because I'm speaking English right now and explaining that and Ishi no mura means "stone town"

If you read ishi no mura as ishi no mura and understand it as ishi no mura, it's still not obvious it's meant to be a joke. It sounds like a straightforward name.

>> No.8260878

>I don't really care, though
Then I don't really care to read past this sentence. Why do you think you are so important?

>> No.8260885

But when you play the game you don't actually translate. You read and think in Japanese so you naturally understand it as it is supposed to be even if Japanese is a secondary language.
There isn't some genetic requirement that prevents foreigners from comprehending Japanese.

>> No.8260886

The fuck are you talking about? I never claimed to be of any importance. I'm just some random guy that, unlike the fanboy over there, has the completely accurate take that the Japanese versions and modern localizations are very different. If you like the localizations, that's fine - they're good pieces of writing in and of themselves, I just wish that writing was applied to its own original material rather than basically erasing Dragon Quest's original script - but saying they aren't written very differently is just factually wrong, and many of his posts throughout the thread have boiled down to "Ur wrong" (with no elaboration) or "Stop being so srs lol, I don't care about these changes so you shouldn't either." Eventually people get tired of dealing with intellectually dishonest, dismissive control freaks, who knew.

>> No.8260890
File: 802 KB, 1019x1455, Bad Non-Translation Yahari Ore no Seishun Chapter 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, and I've only roughly skimmed the last few posts of the conversation, but isn't cultural reaction important as well? I know that the Japanese word for "Wrong" is actually their word for "Different," which culturally implies that different things are wrong in nature. Then wouldn't you account for that in translation to help carry as much cultural significance as is reasonably possible?

For example, this picture, complete with that TLN, where Bitch has the same meaning as "Slut" in Japan. Meaning the line should have been translated at "Slut" at one point.

>> No.8260892
File: 116 KB, 287x228, Recruiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooooo... Pizza?

>> No.8260893

I honestly was just trying to bring to your attention the fact that you're a retarded asshole. Calm down.

>> No.8260905

Right. I've never claimed that some amount of localization and regional tweaking isn't necessary. It absolutely is. But I think translations should always maintain the overall tone of the originals (both on a scene-by-scene basis and as an overall piece of work) and that characters should always maintain their personalities instead of being spruced up to be more "fun" and "wacky" and "zany." Dragon Quest localizations do neither.

I think my annoyance is excessive but also understandable, Fanboy Anon has been about as irritating as nails on a chalkboard throughout the entire thread. He's also oscillated between aggressive and passive-aggressive himself starting from his first post ( >>8257065 ) so don't nag me for doing the same thing in return.

>> No.8260913

>But I think translations should always maintain the overall tone of the originals
I dunno. Tone of Dragon Quests have never at all felt "fun", "wacky", and "zany" to me at all. All the accents do for me is let me know if a person belongs to a town or an outsider by speech alone, providing a depth of the world, which I think was the original intention.

>so don't nag me for doing the same thing in return.
Looking like an asshole is fine, even on 4chan, as long as you're a correct asshole. I'm literally just saying, reading those bits of the conversation, you looked like a retarded asshole.

>> No.8260920

It goes well beyond accents. The puns and silly dialogue is completely pervasive and inescapable throughout most localizations made between 8 and 11, whereas in the originals most characters just speak like normal people akin to any other JRPGs like Lufia, Final Fantasy, Vay, whatever. I am a correct asshole, looks like you're the retarded one here. It's blatantly, blatantly, abundantly fucking obvious that these games got a Working Designs-style treatment.

>> No.8260929
File: 43 KB, 512x384, announce-ds-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk whats going on here, but every single official dragon quest translation 100% needs a retranslation
I love the series but its blatant you're not getting the original dialog or intention otherwise
simmer doon noo

>> No.8260931

>GR: In the US localization for the most recent Dragon Quest games, I noticed there have been a lot of puns about Slimes and other jokey elements. Is that from a desire to add a more lighthearted feel to the series?

>Yuu Miyake: The original Japanese versions have jokes that come mostly from Mr. Horii, but when localizing for overseas players, many of those jokes get lost in translation. Back in the Enix days the translation team wasn’t the best at maintaining that humor, but once Square-Enix’s localizersgot the series, they realized that DQ’s humor was a core element of the games. Starting with Dragon Quest VIII they did a really good job at getting that humor across in English.
Simple research would make you a correct asshole. You're just a retarded WEEABOO asshole, which is worse.

>> No.8260934

You're not getting my point. I'm saying the joke goes beyond the text, it's cultural. I'm not saying you would translate word by word, you would read "ishi no mura" as "ishi no mura", internally you would understand what that means in both English and Japanese without needing to translate, but the joke isn't in the words "ishi no mura", it's in the fact that ishi no mura is an "unreal" sounding name to the Japanese, it's light-hearted and fantastical. If you spoke Japanese as a second language, you probably wouldn't think it's an unreal sounding name, you would just accept it as a straightforward description, and then, you might think that the English translation should also be equally straightforward. "Stone Town" is a literal translation and doesn't really work in English, while "Cobblestone" captures the feeling better, it's an unreal sounding village name but is plausible in a folksy fairy tale setting and immediately gives the image of cobblestone roads.

I'm sorry, but a lot of this is projection. I've tried to engage with you on a more personal level than an anonymous imageboard requires. I've given you examples from the games of serious dialogue and serious characters, I haven't dismissed anything you've said unless you just stopped reading after I said something you didn't like, but everything I said I was willing to engage further on, never once have I just straight up told you to stop responding or that you will always be wrong.

>but saying they aren't written very differently is just factually wrong
Where did I say this? I've conceded multiple times that there's differences between the localizations. The argument I gave was that the localizations aim to make the humor more thematically consistent, and it's usually in the background, so in the names of towns and enemies. I'm acknowledging a difference there. What I contested just now wasn't that the localization "isn't different", I contested that the localization "isn't serious".

>> No.8260941

Bonus article:
>The U.S.' geography makes it difficult, too. Have you thought generally about the fact that, as of 2011, every single game in the series will have come out in America, finally, and you can get data on how players react to them?
>YH: In addition to that, we feel that there are localization issues too. In Japanese, in a short sentence, we can actually express a certain sense of humor, and have a very good personality of the characters, which makes the game really more fun -- but localizing that into different languages has been hard. It's been a challenge, but we also heard that since Dragon Quest IX's localization really improved, the quality got better, and the humor is actually really communicating well to the American market too.

>> No.8260950

Omg ur wrong anon they're faithful translations all the way and even when they aren't (which is never) they're great and if you disagree you're wrong and dumb!!!!!!!!

You retarded, imbecilic, moronic, braindead son of a bitch. Yes, the original versions of Dragon Quest had a healthy sense of humor. That doesn't mean they engaged in obnoxious cornball humor 24/7. I know a whole fucking lot more about the originals than you do. I've read about comparisons between the two, and I have some bilingual friends that have played all the games in both languages and have the exact same stance I do. The series in its native tongue was never as deathly serious as Dragon "Warrior" 1 through 4, but it was a far God damn cry from AlphaTeam's bullshit.

>> No.8260961

>Goes nuclear when presented with hard evidence
lol. I think the argument is over.

>> No.8260972

That's not "hard evidence" you fucking god damn moron. "Hard evidence" is the website that compares the original dialogue to the translated version, on a line-by-line basis, and shows how fucking off the mark it is almost unfailingly. "Hard evidence" is me sharing the bullshit arguments with people on your side of the fence that make up horse shit about how the originals and translations are way more similar than they actually are, and them confirming that no, that is completely wrong and the game is much closer to just being a standard RPG in writing and tone (if an obviously light and upbeat one).

>I'm sorry, but a lot of this is projection.

Uh, no? Are you capable of having a single opinion that isn't completely idiotic? Go away, tired of arguing with an autist that can't stand the fact that people have differing opinions from him.

>> No.8260974

*sharing the bullshit arguments from people on your side of the fence with my bilingual friends

>> No.8260983

also I have to reiterate this person is the wrongest and dumbest anon ever
if you don't lick the translation's ass, fanboy anon and his white knight will come for you (and rightfully so, imagine not loving nu dragon quest in current year, what a crime)

>> No.8261017

I'm gonna leave so that I can stop ruining this thread (and my day because this conversation is making me too angry) and you can all return to comfy Dragon Quest discussion. Tired of arguing with an autistic fanboy and a dickhead white knight that don't have any intention of listening to a single god damned thing I say.

>> No.8261023

>that make up horse shit about how the originals and translations are way more similar than they actually are
Never once said this, you're arguing against an imaginary position. I've stated multiple times that the localizations are different. The only thing I've argued in the past few posts are that a) the localizations are not cornball 24/7 and are capable of being serious, and that b) there are elements of the japanese that seem serious but whose levity could go over people's heads. That's not an argument that the localizations are a 100% accurate representation of the humor, the localization takes its own liberties because it is by nature a localization. The defense of the seriousness is not saying that the Japanese original is perfectly translated in the exact same tone, it's definitely the case that some changes were made, it's just an argument against the notion that the localizations are puns and jokes 24/7, they aren't, I've been arguing the exact same position I've argued this entire time that there is a balance between the two. I'm not even asking you to like them, I'm just asking you not to characterize the localization as 24/7 pun cornballery.

>many of his posts throughout the thread have boiled down to "Ur wrong" (with no elaboration) or "Stop being so srs lol, I don't care about these changes so you shouldn't either."
Everybody else will see I've given examples of everything I'm talking about and have never told you to stop caring about these changes. We conceded earlier that you like the original and I like the localization and I couldn't change that, I didn't engage with you any further except to say that the localization had serious moments, but you've been arguing with several others between our posts.

But alright. I guess we're done here. Something tells me you'll respond though.

>> No.8261591

>That's not "hard evidence" you fucking god damn moron.
It's a direct claim from the creator of the series and his coworkers about the humor and puns in the translation that they approve of. All of your arguments are really meaningless theory crafting.

>> No.8261765

based DQ scottish/british type accents.

>you're not getting the original dialog or intention otherwise
that's the original english dialog as intended by the devs though, anyone who changes even 1 (one) dot or letter of the official english version has besmirched the game and subverted the artistic integrity, and I will never stand for fan-fiction translations, personally imo

>> No.8261786

Not going to respond because I didn't bother reading aside from glancing over and seeing that last sentence. I genuinely have no interest in continuing this.

You could have just said "I'm an asshole (a retarded asshole, you might say) with no interest in having an honest conversation" and saved me a lot of time.

>> No.8261839


>> No.8261858

This but unironically.

I did have an honest conversation. I backed it up with hard facts. You went ballistic and then tried to eject out of the conversation after flailing about like a retarded asshole lol.

>> No.8261889

You did not. You were clearly out to be a vindictive prick from the start with zero intention of listening to anything I say. I am not the only person in this thread who dislikes the localizations and finds them inaccurate (which is, by the way, backed up by hundreds/thousands of people with experience with both versions; the dev team cannot change what's there in the text of the games themselves), so maybe they will argue the point in my stead and you'll be less of a cocksucker to them because you don't dislike them. You clearly entered this conversation with one goal and one goal only: to lash out, over and over, no matter what I said, because for some reason you have some emotional baggage that caused you to be asspained by my conversation with the other guy. Congrats, you abusive psychopath, you do a great job making punching bags out of people. Hope you'll have just as much fun beating the shit out of your wife and kids one day.

>> No.8261893

Gosh, you sound really mad. Did I do something?

>> No.8261895

They also intend you not to have the ability to talk to party members.

>> No.8261910

You should really reread the thread and do some self reflection.

>> No.8261912

Actually we got that back because of localizers.
The Dragon Quest portion starts in at around 1h28m and goes to 1h55m, but somewhere towards the end of that we get:
>Despite popular rumor, DQ4's Party Chat was cut because Squenix didn't have faith in the product selling well, and didn't want to spend more money translating the content they felt didn't change the game enough. Honeywood actually fought for this vocally, and it's only because he kept fighting that we got the party chat in V

>> No.8262164
File: 796 KB, 867x766, 1618098812754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play the DS games in spanish
>enjoy the official translation without retarded written out accents
>it's written by spaniards so you get that charmingly retarded speech anyways

>> No.8262179

They aren't retarded the translations are perfect they're dev team approved get out get out get out!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8262216

you're still here? How many times did you say you were going to leave?

>> No.8262297

any translation the devs and director sign off on is official and a proper experience of the game as was intended

>> No.8262298

Isn't the Spanish version translated from the English one?

>> No.8262303

>Pokemon clone
In Dragon Quest V you could recruit monsters already, a whole 4 years before Pokemon Red and Blue.
>MMO clone
Besides being a genre, Yuji Horii had an idea for a multiplayer game where each player would take a role be it weapon dealer or inn keeper, this idea was discussed with the Dragon Slayer crator around the late 80s on a interview.
But yes the rest are literally clones.

>> No.8262321
File: 250 KB, 640x648, 15145_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a pain in the ass to read, in a genre where reading is the most important ability.
It sucks, to the anon who likes it that's cool but don't act like it is a good thing because they now they fuck it up and toned down the accents in the future instalments.
About DQIV remakes, it seems that some fellows in Romhacking.net are translating the PS version, wish them the best of luck.

>> No.8262793
File: 30 KB, 400x222, dragon-quest-viii-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell people...

>> No.8262808

It's okay, anon. It's over. Peace has returned to the land.

>> No.8262854

>Seems like DQ threads have a lot less fanboy arguments than Final Fantasy threads...or is that just me ?
think you spoke too soon ^

>> No.8262881

I know what you mean anon. I really can't believe people have opinions on video games...what did we even make 4chan for if it's come to this? I've really lost all faith in humanity.

Edit: Thanks for the gifted gold, stranger! I can't believe this comment blew up like this!

>> No.8262905

>they now [sic] they fucked up and toned down the accents in the future instalments.
No they all still have them. They only seem toned down because DQ 4 in particular has a lot more accents than the other games for story reasons, the first four chapters take place in foreign countries so all the accents are exposed to you from the very beginning and for a long time while in 5 and 6 only some characters have accents and there's no thematic reason for as many as 4 had. But 7 brings back the thematic accents and basically every world has an accent just like 4 did, and that was a recent localization. DQ 11 also takes the accents to a whole other level since you now have voice acting that's even more fleshed out than 8, which, also had accents.

So I don't know what you mean that they toned it down. More like 4 and 7 have more of them than the others but they didn't "tone it down", they still consciously choose to use them, it's just the case that 4 and 7 have storyline reasons for incorporating them while the others don't as much.

>> No.8263097


>> No.8263285
File: 753 KB, 1125x750, Dragon.Quest.III.full.306438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>About DQIV remakes, it seems that some fellows in Romhacking.net are translating the PS version, wish them the best of luck.
man low key corona has blessed the translation scene
we got the japanese ds dq4 patched recently to have the english script and party chat recently too

its more along the lines that dq4 ds went overboard with regional dialects, which weren't even present in the japanese original
I hope one day the early games get more faithful translations at least.

>> No.8263315

What's so special about the PS1 version?
When I wanted to play DQ4 I compared the PS1 and DS versions and went with the DS because it felt a bit more polished.

>> No.8263395

Actually, funny enough, Richard Honeywood addresses that in the podcast here >>8261912
>DQ4's accents and 5's toned down accents were planned from the beginning, with 4 having more regional variations. 6's planned accents were toned down for story reasons, which localizers and Japs agreed on after reading through it together. Not due to any feedback.

>> No.8263480

Same game, but it has the party chat, wich was again introduced on the iPhone ports.

>> No.8263504

And some of us don't like the accents, and that's okay!



>> No.8263548

The DS version of 4 I played had party chat. They only cut that out of the international version.

>> No.8263558

Yup. I've seen that page. Doesn't really change anything, but thanks for bringing it up pointlessly!

>> No.8263569

I just don't want people to be led astray by your heavily biased and hyperdefensive fanboy ramblings. It's pretty obvious that if the localizing team changes the style of the text to such a huge extent, it's not a very faithful translation and they'll likely take huge liberties elsewhere.

>> No.8263583

>Polygon: For the localization, were you very involved in that process, or did you primarily leave that up to the regional teams?

>YH: We were pretty involved with that process. When any of the terminology, like new character names, are presented and proposed, that’s something I like to review with the localization and the development teams.

>Hokuto Okamoto: In localizing the game from Japanese to other languages, oftentimes we receive questions with regards to things like the setting or characters, things we hadn’t necessarily thought of for the Japanese game. We discuss those aspects and provide a response to the localization team as well.

>Takeshi Uchikawa: We also take the opportunity to make any necessary adjustments or tweaks to the game if anything feels a bit off or awkward.

>YH: And also, as you know, the Western version adds voice-overs, so we worked with the localization team to determine what dialects and what accents we’d give to different characters.
>Polygon: And those localization differences have been around since the beginning of the series. The first Dragon Quest game in the U.S. was written in a very distinct, Old English style. Did you have a hand in that as well or did you defer more to the localization team back then.
>Yuu Miyake: [...] So thereafter, when we brought Dragon Quest VIII to the West, we reassessed the way we approach localization. It was important that the Japanese production and development teams took a larger part in the localization process to ensure that things were properly communicated.

>we reassessed the way we approach localization. It was important that the Japanese production and development teams took a larger part in the localization process to ensure that things were properly communicated.


>> No.8263593

Again: I know that the Western development team is not entirely responsible (and maybe not responsible at all) for the absolute cancer that is Nu Dragon Quest. The end product is still shit. It's just shit that came from the bowels of Japan, not Alpha-Team.

>> No.8263604
File: 253 KB, 1024x512, Fine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about the argument itself, just feels stupid idk, especially after >>8258938 coment.

>> No.8263621
File: 582 KB, 2048x1536, Dragon Quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not nearly as bad as FF arguments, so that's something i guess.

>> No.8263651

I've never seen a DQ localization debate drag out for THAT long

>> No.8263676

Are localization debates common? Huh, weird... I thought that the existence of """hard evidence""" means that I'm the only person in the world that feels the way I do. Maybe there's multiple valid ways to view things. Weird...

>> No.8264259

Yeah, most of the time the weeaboos stop when they get confronted with the reality that the localizations are like that on purpose and will stay like that on the word of Horii-san. Every once in awhile, someone denies reality, but that will happen. C'est la vie.

>> No.8264406

>with the reality that the localizations are like that on purpose

Please learn to read, you absolute retard. I can't argue with someone that has the reading comprehension skills of a dead gnat. See >>8263593

>and will stay like that on the word of Horii-san

Uhhh... except for the fact that they have already changed. Dramatically. 11's localization is EXTREMELY toned down from what came before and is a genuinely great translation. Do you have ever the tiniest, smallest, most microscopic idea of what you're talking about on anything? Or are you just a valiant knight in shining armor rushing in to defend your butt buddy?

>> No.8265028

>11's localization is EXTREMELY toned down from what came before and is a genuinely great translation

>> No.8265046

Jesus christ, why are you still here? Hide the thread, you've threatened to leave like 10 times now, this thread is only for real dragon quest fans.

>> No.8265094

>gibberish and seething
no one cares, didn't ask

>> No.8265101
File: 475 KB, 1024x478, jessica_albert_from_dq8_by_wadamen-d7e06lm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol don't take the bait
dq localizations are famously bad, like chrono trigger frog tier

I'd love to see how different dq8 reads with a proper translation

>> No.8265105

I'm currently balls deep in the 3ds version of dragon quest 7 and i've been absolutely loving it. it is so wholesome and full of soul.
the graphics on the 3ds version are so exceptionally well done, i reckon they may be some of the best graphics on the system.
i'm 70 hours in and still no real sign of ending.

>> No.8265156

that's next on my list, after DQ5 ;)

>> No.8265171

nice man. i wanna play 5 next.
right now though i'm trying to get this finished before SMTV comes out. i hope i can.
i've got a few days off now so i'm gonna try and finish it.
but you'll love it. it's so wholesome and enjoyable. but you gotta be ready for a huge game. like i said i'm at 70 hours now and no sign of stopping. i don't even have all the party members yet.

>> No.8265181
File: 128 KB, 242x290, bulma bounce.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think DQ will ever tone down or replace the Toriyama art style? or add action combat to the mainline series like FF7R?

>> No.8265185

I'm fearful that 12 will abandon turn based combat

>> No.8265186

i think it's likely that it will do all of that.

>> No.8265197

it's dq4 on dq7 engine. and the ds/mobile versions are based on it anyway. i prefer the ps1 version because i dont like the dual screen/tall screen format.

>> No.8265213

i love the dq7 engine for the ds games. i wish it was more convenient to emulate though. maybe one day they will release a PC version in widescreen without the tall screen stuff.
but in the meantime i like to play games on the DS, i think it's an awesome handheld and a great design.

>> No.8265223

Thanks anon. I wish he was a troll, but sadly he seems quite sincere to me. Glad to see someone tethered to reality after all of his and Dub-kun's gaslighting.

I'm a real fan, started with Dragon Warrior 1 as a 12 year old in 1999.

>> No.8265236

Hmm seems kind of humorless to me... also the original devs wanted it that way... also it's just taking occasional humor sprinkled throughout the original games and tying it all together and making stuff more consistent...

>> No.8265278
File: 407 KB, 1748x1181, Dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i hope not, and especially taking in consideration how Dragon Quest keeps it's tradition with game play and all that, it's very unlikely, FF is already mind numbingly boring after going action based, if DQ does that it will be a death sentence. Maybe as a spin off it could happen tho.

>> No.8265285

Dragon Quest action-based spin-offs already exist desu. Dragon Quest Heroes

>> No.8265293

They should have just kept the original names, since they're a tribute to the nonsense-word spells from Wizardry. They didn't need translating to begin with.

>> No.8265319

You're the one that defended 11's localization to begin with, you don't get to mock the localization defense now once the obvious examples of 11 not being faithful are brought up. Don't know why you claimed it was toned down earlier, it amplified everything from the previous localizations.

>> No.8265325

Wizardry spells have a clearly discernible pattern, they aren't pure nonsense.

>> No.8265345

Same with the DQ spells. You know what I mean; they didn't need to change Hoimi and Behoimi into Heal and Healmore; you could infer what they do when you use them and know related spells based on the names of spells you're already familiar with.

>> No.8265351

How so? To me it seems self-evidently more mild than titles like 9, or the 6 remake, or Nu Dragon Quest in general. Asking in good faith here, I'm curious why you feel the way you do.

>> No.8265446

>or Nu Dragon Quest
there's nothing nu about the new dragon quest though

>> No.8265485

ホイミ is named after the word 休み where the 木 and 人 radicals of the kanji 休 are interpreted as ホ and イ.

>> No.8265640
File: 419 KB, 1139x771, FCOF83GWQAE-pTp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you guys think DQ will ever tone down or replace the Toriyama art style?
I sure as hell hope not

>> No.8265645

4 on the NES actually has an amazing translation, you'd probably enjoy it if you don't mind some (minor for the time) crust.

>> No.8265649

>but every single official dragon quest translation 100% needs a retranslation
t. unemployed translator
lmao fuck off

>> No.8265706
File: 264 KB, 850x1322, __princess_of_moonbrook_dragon_quest_and_1_more_drawn_by_moon_setuna__sample-3bf31e7c89d5e31a5e76139cae2cdd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess of Moonbrook reporting for duty! <3

>> No.8265761

as I entered the third part of the Lava Cave in DQ5 I thought ''I don't think I wiped yet in this game..." about 5 minutes later my party wiped lol

>> No.8266425

5 has some balance issues for sure. There's a boss 3/4s into the game that hard walled me not because I was underleveled, but merely because I didn't just randomly happen to have a monster that had multiheal or omniheal.

>> No.8266457
File: 800 KB, 722x934, Trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely blessed
Yeah the lava cave part can be a bit complicated if you are under leveled and or not with a good party, hope you can make past it.
Yeah the game does have a balance issue but usualy on the oposite, since you can have a group of monsters that have so many useful spells or just be very strong beat sticks it makes the game quite a bit easy, but maybe that's the remakes and not the SNES original, never played that version.

>> No.8267443

i'm glad this thread is comfy again :)

>> No.8267704

Neat; still doesn't mean that you have to translate Hoimi and Behoimi to Heal and Healmore.

>> No.8267759

i can't believe the localization autist is still rambling on jesus christ

>> No.8267793

I'm this person and now very sorry for even bringing this up. I didn't realize think this series' horrendous English localizations were such an endless shitstarter topic.

>> No.8267827

Eh, no? This is a new person who just joined the convo. Dub-kun is gone, Asshole Guy is gone, and I (the anti-localization guy) haven't posted much for a while.

Personally, I liked the old spell names from Dragon "Warrior." The new spell names might be more accurate I dunno (I'm well-aware that the original games had *some* sense of whimsy even if I don't enjoy the translations cranking that up to 11), but Blaze, Fireball, Inferno, Snowstorm, etc are all a lot cooler to me. Also Sword of Malice > Cautery Sword.

>> No.8267927

>I didn't realize think this series' horrendous English localizations
I like them. Adds character. And Dragon Quest is nothing if not character.

Though I dislike the DW character. "HURT" is a funny meme, but honestly nothing more and should be quickly forgotten about.

>> No.8268286 [DELETED] 

He means that neither the spell names from Wizardry nor Dragon Quest are real words, but you can figure out what they do and learn the naming scheme by just using them and applying the logic to other spells. And references to reading of kanji and allusions to don't make them "real words" on their own anymore than "Kafrizzle" is a real English word for a big fire.

>> No.8268297

>the new spell names might be more accurate
I guess the real litmus test is if Japanese people find spell names like "Dorumadon" are as contextually silly-sounding as "Kazammle" for a darkness spell as it is to an English speaker.

>> No.8268304
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He means that neither the spell names from Wizardry nor Dragon Quest are real words, but you can figure out what they do and learn the naming scheme by just using them and applying the logic to other spells. And references to reading of kanji and allusions to don't make them "real words" on their own anymore than "Kafrizzle" is a real English word for a big fire.

>> No.8268409
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Even with all the crazy discussions fucking still going on, this thread is going nicelly, enjoying to read all of this.

>> No.8268505
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>Yeah the lava cave part can be a bit complicated if you are under leveled and or not with a good party, hope you can make past it.
yep made it past, got the two rings and picked my bride

>> No.8268595

Oh god did you actually?... Oh boy

>> No.8268617

I'm going to tame the shrew

>> No.8268630

It just shows how retarded and inconsistent the English translations are.

>> No.8268649

Are you ACTUALLY trying to start a fight AGAIN?

>> No.8269864
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The game tries really hard to push Bianca as the correct bride but it does make sense, out of all the options she is the only one that show genuine affection towards the Hero, and even joins you in the water cave to retrieve the second ring, she is in the box, majority of official art, and over all she is way more flashed out then the other 2, but damn bro, Debora?! That is some based choice right there. Nothing would make me want to choose anyone other than Bianca tho, the trick worked on me.

>> No.8269881

Anybody who could say no to Bianca is a degenerate loser.

>> No.8269910
File: 237 KB, 345x800, Bianca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a fantastic character, i legit love her a lot, she is a great partner, a great mother, she is gorgeous, and ofc she loves the Hero quite a lot, the conversations she has with the Hero in the water cave are like a conffesion in a way, she is such a sweet woman, Nera is also a great choice but she doesn't come even close to the ammount of exposure Bianca had, maybe if the game took time to flash her out maybe just maybe she could have a better excuse to marry the Hero other than "Oh well i guess my father said so", also if you don't marry Nera she marries the other nice guy you find doing his best to get the rings in the lava cave, so it is almost confirmed that Bianca is the "Canon" choice, but ofc it's your game you should chose who to marry... Still tho fucking Debora god damn son!

>> No.8269953
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Damn this made me want to play DQV again, but i keep getting excuses to give up on DQII mid run every time, will rush II so that i can paly V again, can't get enought of that game.

>> No.8269965

I went with Flora just to spite the game that kept pushing for Bianca.
Played the PS2 version so Debora wasn't an option.

>> No.8269980

>I went with Flora just to spite the game that kept pushing for Bianca.
it's more that they wrote romantic scenes with bianca and didn't include any with flora
it seems dumb, but after playing a bunch of persona games, it's probably best to have right and wrong options for the romance

>> No.8270004


>> No.8270060
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Yes that's the thing, if they made it so Nera had more interactions with the Hero then it would make it so your choice was more meaningful, as it stands it feels like if you choose anyone other than Bianca you are following your sexual desire to be with someone you think is more fisically atractive, but with Bianca you have much more baggage thanks to all of those past interactions, if V ever gets a full on remake like in the same stile of the DQIII that is comming up, i hope they flash out Nera more, Debora though she is a little extra that came out of nowere, i don't think she needs anything, unless it's after you marry her with party talk.

>> No.8270068

They should add an option to marry the fairy.

>> No.8270124

It was like this last time, too. Only the argument was that about whether or not DQ II and III are connected to DQ I.

>> No.8270157
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I mean... it's extremely obvious that it is, in II you play as the descendants of the Hero from I and on III as the "First" Erdrick of it's line as far as I know, not only that but in both II and III you visit Alefgard, how did people end up discussing if 2 or the Erdrick trilogy games are connected? Now you got me curious.

>> No.8270179

The argument was actually whether or not you needed to play 1 and 2 in order before 3 in order to appreciate it.

I'm still on the "you can play in literally any order and the connections aren't too important" team. There's one guy who gets really mad if you suggest playing 3 first.

>> No.8270180

One of the guys' argument was that, because you could take the names away and you still have the same story (more or less), they don't count as being a sequel and prequel respectively. All because he played DQ I on the NES and fan-translation of SNES DQ II with the original Japanese names.

>> No.8270190
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Oh i see, well they did a smart thing about the Hero name, regardless of the name choice you end up with the name title Erdrick/Loto so this helps with the name aspect, but yeah you don't need to play them in any order, it's fine playing what ever and actually this is something that i like about DQ games, you can play any game in any order and it still makes sence even if there are "sequels" to the past story, but yeah thanks for clarifying the discussion mates.

>> No.8270214
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they're not exactly the original star wars trilogy but they still tell a complete story together

>> No.8271283

I went Bianca and I immediately regretted it. Her looks are in my zone, but she is such an uncontrolled bitch after you married her. Her Party Chat is easily the worst I've ever seen. Next time I play V, I'm going Flora.

>> No.8271323
File: 120 KB, 600x800, _dragon_quest_v__deborah_by_gengoro_akemori_da3uatv-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked Deborah to spice things up, and I heard she can become a good fighter post-game, her dialogue is entertaining and NPCs keep complimenting her beauty so it was the right choice ;)
and she probably fucks like a turbo-jet

>> No.8271326

unfortunately my sister is blonde, blue eyed, named Bianca and looks like her, so there was no way I was gonna pick her. And Deborah seemed more interesting then Nera

>> No.8271428
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If I'm not wrong she is the strongest out of all the wifes? Not 100% sure, and yeah she is wild and many ways I would assume.
Damn what are the chances.

>> No.8271441
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Basicaly Bianca is the tomboy childhood friend, Nera is the cinnamon roll howse wife and Debora is the dominatrix sugar mama.