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File: 19 KB, 480x360, CA854260-E3D7-4019-AB5C-495D2DEED73D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8258498 No.8258498 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this game so fucking creepy
Also post other unsuspecting spooky games

>> No.8258525

Game was made by aliens.

>> No.8258527


>> No.8258561

>deep water scary!
go take a swimming lesson and stop being such a chickenshit.

>> No.8258648

the entire game takes place underwater and you play as an animal that needs to breath air for most of it
also most of the sprites are unsettling large and a lot of the music is ominous

>> No.8258656

Porky Pigs Haunted Holiday the original rejected version

>> No.8258673

when i was a kid the game over used to scare me on sonic cd

>> No.8258679
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good luck out swimming alien parasites coward.

>> No.8258697

The music really adds to the unsettling vibe.

>> No.8258714

This game was truly terrifying as a kid.

>> No.8258717
File: 34 KB, 220x306, 220px-Kolibri_for_Sega_32X,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ecco of the 32X

>> No.8258750

>he doesn't know

>> No.8258780

Kolibri is great! Some of the underground exploration levels were as brutal as Ecco though.

>> No.8258792

this song btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ANXbxKSKi4

>> No.8259002

>the original rejected version
Redpill me on this

>> No.8259016
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>> No.8260317

spooky af

>> No.8260334

Sega Genesis games are just creepy in general. Hell, even the console creeps me out. It looks like that weird kid in the class that dressed in black and tortured chipmunks in his spare time.

>> No.8260359

That's fucked up Sega

>> No.8260383

Why post in threads for games you haven’t played lol

>> No.8260390
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exploring the deep caves and barely remembering how to escape and not wanting to lose all the loot you found

>> No.8261060
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"Also post other unsuspecting spooky games"

Shadow gate for nes: some deaths were like jumpscares because you did not expected them.

>> No.8261479

Ecco is the first survival horror game when you think about it

>> No.8261498

Watch out everyone, we’ve got a cool guy over here

>> No.8261938

I remember being freaked out by the forest and brutal enemies. It doesnt help that the game is empty and lures you into a false sense of security like zelda.

>> No.8262023

>go take a swimming lesson
Lol @ any adult taking swimming lessons. I was able to swim for as long as I could remember. Even now as a 300lbs neck beard I can jump into a lake fully clothed and swim around.

>> No.8262280


>> No.8262715

>Why is this game so fucking creepy
Different times, different kind of devs. Play the version with checkpoints if you don't want to ragequit.

>> No.8262728


>> No.8262737

No its not

>> No.8262738

>use password to try the last level
>eventually memorize the maze
>this shit fucks me up instantly
>keep trying
>completely sick of having to repeat this maze
>use an infinite health cheat
>getting eaten makes the whole screen go completely red
I think this is the only time a game ever got to me.

>> No.8262751
File: 25 KB, 367x266, PorkypigSNES_boxart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game feels like a creepypasta, it just has such a bizarre feel to it.

>> No.8262757

Survival horror games involve open play areas and resource management. It is also predated by Sweet Home and Alone in the Dark which ARE survival horror games.

>> No.8263926

good game, great atmosphere, certain levels are incredibly frustrating. I love Ecco and ToT but I wish there was a modern remake with higher quality of life.

>> No.8264084

That poster is kinda dumb but Ecco does kinda have both of those things

Just play the Japanese version or the Sega CD version. They have checkpoints for pussies and the CD version also has a different soundtrack and extra levels. Worth playing even if you aren't a complete wuss

>> No.8264107

>That poster is kinda dumb but Ecco does kinda have both of those things
And so do most RPGs, Dragon Quest is now a survival horror.

>> No.8264164

Dragon Quest isn't scary though

>> No.8265695

I always feel like I SHOULD like this game but its too goddamn plodding. I got to Atlantis on the Sega CD version but that's as much as I could stand.

>> No.8267534

This game's music is pretty fucking odd

>> No.8267792

The soundtrack in the Mega Drive version was pretty bad, the Sega CD version's was much better

>> No.8267908
File: 192 KB, 480x297, 16261926113620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this game so fucking creepy

It was based on marine biologist's theory. His name was John Lily. I strongly recommend to read his wiki article. Tl dr he used ketamine and got to see some shit in his trips.

>> No.8268267


>> No.8268306 [DELETED] 

The original Pokemon Red and Blue Super Mario are very creppy for me for some reason

>> No.8268317

The original Pokemon Red and Blue and Super Mario 64 are very creppy for me for some reason

>> No.8268319

I can admit that zoomers are desperate to create their next creepypasta all the time, but Ecco is legitimately unsettling. In fact, I think that's a huge part of its charm. It feels extremely alien, spiritual, and ominous. CD version is the best.

>> No.8268328 [DELETED] 

dont be such a pussy

>> No.8268332 [DELETED] 

dont be such a pussy

>> No.8268337

dont be such a pussy

>> No.8269116
File: 184 KB, 800x988, 673514-ecco-the-dolphin-windows-back-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CD version is the best

>> No.8269152

Lol fuck off
They were both good

>> No.8271139

Swimming is actually easier as a fatty, because fat floats, whereas muscle and bone don't.

>> No.8271152

You can't compare them since they're both widely different.
but as far as moving the story along I'd say the cart music was better. the CD music is just typical new age music that doesn't tell a story.

Ecco ends up in the Jurassic period?
Cart music be like "ooooooooooh you're out of your comfort zone Ecco! best beware!"
CD music be like "and then stretch your left leg.. and breathe ouuuuuuuut."

Ending theme?
CD: *soft music without any emotion*

Its night and day stuff, the CD stuff sounds nice but it fails to be part of the game.

>> No.8271195

Also Deja Vu and Uninvited, from the same series of quest games. All three have shpooky unsettling vibes and some unexpectedly disturbing moments

I played Deja Vu as a kid and was scared shitless when I reached a room with a corpse at desk and psychotic music started playing, i thought corpse will arise if I won't be fast enough to find the exit.

In Uninvited you can pick up a cursed item which will slowly turn you into a zombie. Each two minutes or so you'll get a creepy reminder of it.

>> No.8271203

> Also post other unsuspecting spooky games

For me, it was Tomb Raider.

Laser shooting centurion heads are still one of the scariest fuckers I've encountered in video games.

>> No.8271264

As a kid, the music in MK Mythologies Sub Zero (which is great BTW) made me feel uneasy. Particularly the water level, that one is a spiritual experience.

>> No.8271273

My friend got so scared of Ganondorf when he first saw him he left his N64 on and ran out of his house. Makes me laugh every time I think about it.

>> No.8271292
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Yes, deep water scary.

>> No.8271568

Because it's inspired by the life of the scientist who was payed by NASA to study dolphins in an attempt to teach them how to communicate with aliens. He went schizophrenic and thought a alien group called the Earth Control Coincidence Office was controlling his life, or ECCO

>> No.8273437

Who was it?

>> No.8273462
File: 209 KB, 306x343, tumblr_inline_o5q4v2xIVB1soqk68_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learned how to swim as a kid because my new apartment complex had one
>loved swimming for years
>in high school go whitewater rafting in some artificial thing multiple times and have fun, they claim nobody has ever once drowned there and I believe them
>fall out of the raft right near the beginning of one of the harder 'routes' and unironically have a near death experience
>fully convinced for a moment I was about to drown
>used what they told me to do and ended up fine but shaken, always knew logically it would be fine
>there was just that one moment where it felt like maybe I would be the first
>don't get in the water again even though I'm there for another four or five hours before my school trip leaves
>don't sign up for another one
>haven't swam since

>> No.8273469

Maybe because I'm not a zoomer who mostly knows them through memes and playing their sequels first but never found either creepy. They're both charming as fuck even when they can have moments that feel empty/lonely

>> No.8273526

to wind you up

>> No.8273691
File: 242 KB, 763x1046, alien vs dolphins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait till you see the comic book of it.

>> No.8273792

Neither are particularly spooky I don’t think, but I think both can feel unsettling at times. With Mario 64, I think it’s because you’re the only human in the entire game. With Pokémon, there is clearly something more “adult” happening in this world compared to the later games. I’m not even sure what I mean by that, but I’m sure you know what I mean.

>> No.8273818

I guess this is one of those horrible Archie comic issues? Like one they did with NightS.

>> No.8275058
File: 86 KB, 715x1118, Missingno_drawing_by_aerostat-d4krmly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ḫ̴̥̎Ę̶̛̩͉̗̇́͛̊͒̀̈̓͐̒͘L̵̡̛̜̭͉̖̭̜̖̣̹̾͌͛̂̉̋̂̉̾̄̐̕̕P̷͈̱̜̱͉̦̣̟̃̀͋̚ ̶̢̛̞͔̤͙̞̱̰̥̳̤̳̪̻̟̺̀̑̀̽͛̓͘ͅM̷̡͖̝͙̋̓̌Ȩ̸̢͍̼̠̭̬̗̝͈͓̭̤̗̹̝͔͂͊͒͗̀̏̔̋̒̓̾͝͝͝ ̶̛̛͓̃͊̆̏̿͜͠N̸̛͚̎̓̈̾͐͌̔͌͆͊ͅỈ̶͚͎̰͕̹̜̥͓̀̊̊̈́͛͂̒͛̐G̶̹͙̪̀̑͆̄̇́̃̌̈̌͋̆̚͜͝G̵̛̻͌̎̀̄̐̈́́͒̽̉͊̀͝͠͠Ę̴̭̫̹͉͉̺̼̳̩̖̫̮̦̐̆̽̎̇̾̒͗͋̑͘͠ͅR̸̯̦͓̳̘̰̥͇͖̔̉̋̔̀̾̚͝M̶̧̢̖͕̝̗͉̘̋̐̽̈̋͋̍̓̕A̵̢̡̛͉̪̳͓̠̟̼̪̥̫̱̒̊̀̒͗̐̊̐͌ͅŅ̵̹̟̘̝̔̊̓ ̷̡͎̘̞̿̍̈́̓͒̈́̆́̓͘͝͠Ĭ̴͖̈́̎͑̔͋̽̍̍̈́̃͒͗'̶̧̧̛̗̤̫̹̜̼͈̫̣̖̊̓̋̓̈͌̃̓͆̔̕̕̕M̴̢̛͔̱̤͈͐̂͆͛́̈́̌̒̓̓̓̆̈́̓̕͘ ̶̜͑̾͂G̴̢̨̛̹͍̤̜̦̘̫̱̈́́͛̉̆͌̀̄̈́͑́̓͠͠Ǫ̴̧͎̙̞̠͇̖̪̔̑̄͒̃͒̈̄̑̈́́̋̀̈́̓͝Í̵͙̬̳͉̰̮̭̞̝̱̼̹͒̿̒͑̃͌͌̽̂̓̕͘͜͠N̴̹̯͔̮̺̞͚͖̖̫͎̤͙̯̘̐̑G̵̡̰͚̝̝̱͚̩͐͛̆̀̿̎̈́̔͒͂̒͠͠ ̵̡͚̩͔̔́́̉̇̌̆̌̄̍̈̎͘Ị̶̼̻͕̜̈́̏͂̒͆̄͛̎̉͑́͛̀̇̕͝N̶̨̙̰̟̘̋͒̏͐̈́́̃̕Ş̸̢͇̗͕̮͚̣̘͎̟̺̫̹̘͊̿̿͑̀́̿̑̑͒̀̓̚͜͠Ạ̶̢̨̛̼͙̗͚͕̹̰̺̱̮͎̣̝͛́̑̏̊͌̓̈́̉͌̄̓̚͝͝N̵͚̗̖̩̂̇̒̓͆̉Ë̴̱͚̙̞͔́͑͝ͅ

>> No.8275081

The lore aroung Missingno, Kadabra and the dead pokemon is pretty much forgotten about in newer versions. It does inspre the occasional creepy though.

>> No.8275089

The rumours of pokerus and death would worry the young. Pigeot used to eat magikarp didn't they? Imagine that in the anime.

>> No.8275138
File: 6 KB, 187x187, BlackMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. Fuck you mayne.

>> No.8275145


>> No.8276331

Yes. I love the CD version, but it's very new age and kind of garish while the original is more in your face and catchy, while somehow conveying a much much bleaker mood (which fits the game)

>> No.8276345

This one is so simplistic but has an amazing vibe. It's weird, calming, happy and sad at the same time.
The original OST always has an eerie synth going on in the background that makes you feel alone

>> No.8276406

So that's the proper procedure to clean guns.

>> No.8278670 [DELETED] 

I love every ecco game and have since I was a kid. They're endearingly depressing.

>> No.8278686
File: 11 KB, 960x672, 68A44516-F6BB-4D91-B426-952FA6BD811D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to describe to someone who hasn't played it, but it really is almost esoteric/spiritual. Loneliness as a game.

>> No.8278693
File: 30 KB, 600x400, CBB2C3DC-BFA0-4E1B-90D2-FE77D7C74362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're baiting but

>> No.8278703

Play some subnautica faggot.

>> No.8278721

Lmao, "colibri" is hummingbird in Portuguese

>> No.8278724

So... basically Minecraft

>> No.8278728

The dark colors of the games and accompanying fart music really added to this. Genesis rentals were so depressing I stopped doing them.

>> No.8278765

Fleetaway comic?

>> No.8278978

Dolphins creep me out too because of that simpsons episode

>> No.8281234
File: 84 KB, 320x320, 428-4283059_wario-related-image-small-wario-clipart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8281236

it is in many european languages, that's why they chose that name

>> No.8281296

From the looney tunes wiki as I'm lazy
>The beta version game was originally developed by Sunsoft, complete with different background music and more hyperactive Porky sound bytes. However, the game was re-worked by Acclaim Entertainment and sold that way.

>> No.8281305

No fucking shit, Sherlock.

>> No.8281318

>portuguese intellectuals

>> No.8281335

anyone want to give a counteropinion to this vid? guy is pretty negative, says the game devolves into mindless trial and error that's boring/frustrating.

>> No.8281449
File: 36 KB, 534x534, 1607765802575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overly-animated sprites really contrast with the dead, static backgrounds, creating an uncanny feeling like you get from Cboyardee's animations (e.g. Dilbert 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TVmtli2iYQ))

The music is very similar to the BEN DROWNED creepypasta:


>> No.8281453

John C lilly I just found his schizo webpage but it might be a fansite


>> No.8281471

I agree. I couldn't play Tomb Raider as a kid. The whole silence and creepy deaths spook the hell out of 9-year-old me.

>> No.8283062

A lot of old games are, It never stopped any of you.

>> No.8283126
File: 21 KB, 220x216, Bugs_Bunny_-_Lost_in_Time_(game_box_art).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is so empty and the sound design is so weird.

>> No.8283614

Rygar on NES. The sfx scared me so much. The monster aruga that you face in the forest was my nightmare.

>> No.8284029
File: 9 KB, 256x224, 33574-Drakkhen_(USA)-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drakkhen (SNES).

Such an odd game, full of very weird things through out the map. Feels empty, dangerous and creepy even when you're walking around in broad daylight, but there's night too.