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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8248041 No.8248041 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most edgy game ever?

>> No.8248061 [DELETED] 
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No this.

>> No.8248074

nah, bmxxx.

>> No.8248113

Madworld is knowingly camp.

>> No.8248329
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God that game sucked balls, damn my former coomer teen self.

>> No.8248350

all the enemies were male, so no.

>> No.8248378

Thrill Kill

>> No.8248461 [DELETED] 
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Does this count?

>> No.8248548

is this game actually worth a try? I do like twin stick shooters.

>> No.8248557

This is self-aware of how edgy it is.

>> No.8248561
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this is

>> No.8248570

Only the executions are edgy and just barely. So, no.

>> No.8248606

Baring Hatred, how is anything posted in this thread edgy?

>> No.8248613

I'm not so sure, it was made by slavs. The least self aware people on earth.

>> No.8248623

Yes and I love it for that. What you call "Edgy" I call fucking radical and badass. Everything has to be a big fucking joke these days, it's so gay.

>> No.8248650

I want to say that it's not.

To a point, but I think in terms of self-aware edge, Twisted Metal Black did it a lot better, it never breaks the fourth wall (directly, anyway), and keeps it up the entire time, while Hatred has some nods here and there.

On the subject of games which are NOT RETRO, there's also Demonophobia. Shame it's not actually a good game.

>> No.8248664

So what are the edgiest games?

all I can think of are:
Twisted Metal Black
Dead To Rights Retribution

>> No.8248701

It's not even good. People just like it because muh edge. Rockstar games in general are just dookie.

>> No.8248707

>get to the end of the game
>have to enter a code to blow up the reactor
>type 666

>it works
the game gets pretty tedious in the last couple of levels but the lol i got from that was worth it

>> No.8248753

>Dead To Rights Retribution
Jesus, what a pull. It's not even that "edgy" really. You're right on the money with Postal though, that game is wicked sick.

>> No.8248763
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this one is worse

>> No.8248771

It's decent, challenging. atmospheric, unique setting/theme and plot, great soundtrack

>> No.8248808

It’s pretty redundant and samey but I’d say it’s worth it for the hilarious ending

>> No.8248829
File: 305 KB, 1280x1920, 6E3221A9-CF36-4249-AC6A-AC16CCC191B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it isn’t as absurd as Hatred or as over the top as Manhunt, STH is probably the edgiest game ever made because it’s a sonic the hedgehog game full of mall metal, guns and mild profanity. Hatred may be the edgiest game ever but you can look at that and at least consider that there’s some irony in it. Shadow the Hedgehog is a genuine attempt to be hardcore and mature, with a brooding anti hero who swears, packs heat and hates this fucking world and the slime that i habits it.

and that’s why it’s the edgiest

>> No.8248889

That would be Hatred, but it's not retro.

>> No.8248914

Not even remotely edgy. Welcome to 4chan new friend from reddit. Are you underage?

>> No.8249047

Not really. It tries to nail the serial killer vibe through stealth-action gameplay in a horror atmosphere, but fails MISERABLY due to repetition. And that's BEFORE it switches into a third-person shooter halfway through. Pity, too, the final level is 10/10.

>> No.8249063

no, that's a fun and cartoony riot sim

>> No.8249068

It's actually not a bad game at all and is the best that the Dave Mirra BMX engine ever got, inarguably.

>> No.8249075

my favorite thing about manhunt is how in the last like 1/3 of the game. they just give up on stealth lmao.
heres a m16.
but stealth can be abused so bad in this game.
like in the final mission in the mansion before the pig chainsaw.
with all the other guys with guns.
just lure them all to the basement. hide in a corner wait till they leave cap one guy.
when the whole mansion comes piling back down. just fuckin wreck like 6 or 7 guys at once.
i remember i think i did just that to get through the mansion.
kept getting them in the basement

>> No.8249509 [DELETED] 

not retro so no

>> No.8251236
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thats why thrill kill is better: there are female characters too.

>> No.8251249

What about Harvester?

>> No.8251259

It's too satirical to be truly edgy.

>> No.8251264
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im going with pic related or JFK Reloaded

>> No.8251269
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>JFK Reloaded
dat Jacki twist tho

>> No.8251276
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>tfw the "big" guy on the cover is a chubby midge

>> No.8251295

I think Edge and Satire tend to overlap.

>> No.8251318

I don't think so, real edge is embarrassing angst, self-delusion and try-hard cool. It's basically the equivalent of Korn's first album, if you recorded a song like "Daddy" ironically and sang it while wearing a trenchcoat and $5 shades it'd just register as a parody of teenage dorks.

>> No.8251321

This one I haven't played, but I think this claim makes all the right points. The surface idea of a gun-toting Sonic character is so ridiculous and inconsistent that edginess is the only explanation for its existence. It's edginess for its own sake, unlike something along the lines of Manhunt, Hatred, or arguably even Postal, which have edgy elements but employed in the pursuit of something else.
TL;DR this.

Likewise, this is edgy for sure, but it also has heart. It's more provocative than reveling in its own sense of pushing the boundaries.

>> No.8251327

It can, but I agree that Harvester is just WAY too on the nose and goofy, it's an edgy game, it sought to shock and push boundaries, but it's also a rather comedic and silly game with lots of goofy gags.


>> No.8251331

>real edge is embarrassing angst, self-delusion and try-hard cool
I think that it can be self-aware yet deliberate, without being a parody. There's suitable times and places for dark and disturbing works, and they can be well done.

>> No.8251408

Yes, you're right of course, Peter Hammill made a career of doing that, almost nothing but dark, introspective and confessional stuff for decades, but done in an interesting way and without sacrificing dignity. That's the important thing, I guess. You really need a combination of unwarranted self-importance, delusion and yolo oversharing to cross the threshold and join Shadow & co in the high-school losers club. If you can distance yourself from your emotional hang-ups or whatever message you're trying to convey to others, then you can be cringy, but not truly edgy.

>> No.8251470

my dad was pissed when he found this on the home computer

>> No.8251642

Is the Level design good? The biggest problem I had with those games was the level design. it was so bad

>> No.8251650

I've never understood the point of making games like that. I mean obviously the idea is that sex sells, but who the fuck is going to go into a game store and walk up to another human being to buy a copy of BMX XXX? It wasn't like today where you can just download it, or get it posted it to you.

>> No.8251860

it was like the most rented game at my local blockbuster lol, they had tons of copies and it was always nearly all rented out, this went on for months

>> No.8251927
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The asylum in shadowman is pretty edgy. It's a massive structure in the afterlife built to partly be a set of playrooms for the worst people life has to offer.

>> No.8252138

The gameplay in Manhunt is actually terrible idk why anyone pretends to like it.

>> No.8252145

this, i have no nostalgia for it since i didn't play it at the time it came out, tried it this year and it's pretty awful, binary stealth where the entire game seems to be just sneaking up on people and waiting for the lock-on icon to turn red
the music is fantastic though, and i'm not as into the atmosphere as others seem to be but it still has a very strong visual identity and i can see why people love that aspect

>> No.8252374

Manhunt 1 isn't even that edgy, all things considered. Sure it was meant to titillate Christian parents associations to generate outrage and headlines as that was Rockstar's whole marketing strategy at the time, but just like GTA it wasn't fair representation and the violence was for a mature audience that understood its genre tropes. There's still an element of thoughtfulness and stylization to it. The executions were meant to be brutal, but the game doesn't force you to escalate, gameplay wise violent kills require more time to load while the nature of stealth means you want to kill quick and efficiently, and the narrative is about your character being given these orders but revolting against them. It's the atmosphere that's deliciously creepy, that's far more memorable than the cheap gore.

It's the sequel that's a tasteless and cheap edgefest.

>> No.8252791

I still wonder where Rockstar went wrong with the sequel, I guess it must've been terrible if it resulted in them never wanting to make another Manhunt game again. But I guess that's getting technically crossing the boarder in non-/vr/ territory since Manhunt 2 was released for the PS2 and Wii/PSP.

>> No.8252890

>Ethnic Cleansing
>0 results
>The game's soundtrack consists of white power rock music. The game's art assets and sound effects feature racial stereotypes: when shot, black enemies make monkey noises and Jewish enemies are dressed as Haredim rabbis and shout "oy vey!".[1] Mexican characters shout "I need to take a siesta now". In addition, black enemies are drawn to resemble apes[5] and some wear T-shirts with the lettering "NIGZ",[2] while Mexican enemies wear sombreros.[5]
Y'all zoomers talking about a joke game like Hatred and haven't even played a videogame made by the National Alliance?

>> No.8252926

That just sounds like shitty ham-fisted political propaganda, so I'd say that's a whole different beast altogether.

>> No.8253387

gameplay wise probably not, but the setting, the plot and the executions are pretty edgy

>> No.8253413

No, actually, but it is better than Dave Mirra 2's structure by virtue of the fact that it works like THPS4 instead, where you're given a large open level and different goals to accomplish based on different characters you speak to, or just what happens to be in the level. Time limits only activate when you activate a goal.

>> No.8253430

It really is a garbage sequel. Manhunt was certainly an edgy game, that was part of its appeal, it was genuinely how it was marketed. but like the other anon stated it wasn't tasteless or cheap. It was sincere in what it was doing. The sequel felt a lot more tryhard, and fell back on bland tropes found in countless other media sources instead of crafting itself as its own unique thing. People can say what they will about the first game but there's really not much else like it in terms of tone. The fact that a commercial, AAA title with that type of grimey atmosphere and a level of violence that uncomfortable got released at all is kind of incredible.
Mortal Kombat violence is one thing, the hilarity of beating hookers to death in GTA is another, but Manhunt went for something really out there, and succeeded. Even if it had released completely uncensored, which fan patches have successfully achieved since its release, Manhunt 2 felt a lot more tame because it didn't commit to the uncomfortable tone established by the first. It was a lot more B-movie in nature.

>> No.8253581

The sequel was done by their b team that was only doing ports and such whereas 1 was GTA devs.

>> No.8253626

Condemned happened.

>> No.8253631

>black enemies are drawn to resemble apes
I never noticed

>> No.8253880

Completely different team, completely different goals. 1 is a slasher, 2 is a psychological thriller. I think the second one is better tbqh. Far better pacing.

>> No.8253905

>That just sounds like shitty ham-fisted political propaganda
I mean it is, but I think it still falls under the definition of edgy, if only because they believe in that shit whole heartedly.

>> No.8253920

>tfw this game is classified as film in Canada

>> No.8253991
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Another anon a while back mentioned that some early copies of Manhunt 2 on PS2 released without the filters and camera sway during executions. Any truth to this? I can't find anything else about it.

>> No.8254006

What happened was a Sony employee leaked an uncut version of the game online after the game was effectively banned in America because of the rating. I’m not sure if it’s the absolutely finished product or not but it has the death scenes in full

>> No.8254263

As others have said it was a totally seperate team. 1 was by Rockstar North who also did the GTA games (and prior to their Rocktar takeover shit like Lemmings and Body Harvest). 2 was by Rockstar Leeds who did PS2 ports of the PSP games and not much else.

>> No.8255223

it was a beta

>> No.8255469
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>> No.8255997

my mom never let me get games like these where you could just kill people or have sex with hookers. she must have been afraid i would evolve too fast

>> No.8256030

That sounds like a /pol/ shitpost, except /pol/ don't know how to make games.

>> No.8256034

>Mortal Kombat violence is one thing
Mortal Kombat violence was fucking Looney Tunes tier, it had gore, but the gore was extremely goofy.

>> No.8256059

Sawing some guy's head off with a bit of barb wire, and then throwing the head into the sight of his friends from out of the shadows is so fucking cool.

>> No.8256079

By the definition of the word "edgy", it doesn't matter whether the edge was intended to be taken in the first or second degree.

Either way it's still attempting to be cool by being dark/tough/badass/violent.

The real question is, should Shadow The Hedgehog be considered more edgy because it uses a non-edgy franchise as a base; vs something like Manhunt which was edgy to begin with?

>> No.8256092

Yes, that's why I brought it up, it's completely different from Manhunt. Context, anon.

>> No.8256103

Sonic Adventure starts in the real world and deals a bit with the repercussions of sonic's actions. Sonic Adventure 2 literally has a man being killed by a firing squad and the humans chasing sonic. The franchise was heading to a different place, too bad they dropped those plans

>> No.8256115

The perception was different in the early 90s. MK became a boogieman to European parents after rumors spread that Germany banned a realistic murder simulator. Of course this only made 7 year olds skip classes to play it in secret, and I assure you they took the game very seriously. They acted like they discovered a snuff tape in game form. Imagine a crowd of kids thinking they're cool for having their caps on backwards and cussing in front of adults, this shit went on in arcades at least until the MK movie dropped.

>> No.8256157

I think what makes it so jarring is that it came out after Heroes which is full on Saturday morning neon colored cartoon about stopping a robot bad guy with the power of friendship. And then Shadow happens and it’s full of DAMN and HELL and guns

>> No.8256269 [DELETED] 

BLM simulator

>> No.8256301


>> No.8256450

Hopkins FBI is at least a contender.
A gore fetishist simulator disguised as an adventure game.

>> No.8256452 [SPOILER] 
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Forgot pic (NSFW)

>> No.8256517

Shut up, sissy.

>> No.8256526


>> No.8256714

I can't think of another point and click that was memed as hard as this, immediately from day one.

>> No.8256964
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I remember this and its sequel being pretty edgy. Idk about "the edgiest" but it does feature familicide, prison abuse and torture, Dead children, fucked up demons representing trauma and sadism that have blades for limbs, plenty of gore of course. Your character also has an edgy frenzy mode a la Jak 3

>> No.8257018
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>stealth kills with a chainsaw

>> No.8257161

>his favorite game doesn't have stealth kills with vuvuzelas

>> No.8257761

And it should be, because it's a HIGHLY weird game, the plot is like a fucking fever dream.

>> No.8258630

manhunt is technically less edgy than most rockstar games considering the big bad is forcing you to kill people instead of the game just encouraging it for fun. the setting makes you actually think about what you're doing instead of just running over spawned-in randos

>> No.8258645

Oh yeah, that, one of my favorite 00s gamerdude talking points. Jack Thompson is wrong because the game where I ambush and beat people to death with a baseball bat has a moral AND an M for Mature tag.

>> No.8258660

i don't understand how bonking a murderous gangster with a bat is worse than mowing over innocent bystanders even if the guy watching wasn't making you do it

>> No.8258893

It's not and I wasn't trying to argue with you, it just brought me back to how Penny Arcade fans and the chiptunes indie crew used to back down when confronted about tolerating fictional violence. I mean, it's just fiction, right? You'd only try to excuse it if you couldn't tell it apart from reality or if you were browbeat into feeling guilty. And those guys took that stuff really personally and argued like they were trying to convince their moms not to ground them for watching a slasher movie. The whole "are games art?" mentality came from the same place and people, btw.

>> No.8258915

with how popular shit like squid game is i think manhunt 1 might age like a fine wine

>> No.8260140

Where the hell can I download the uncensored rom?? Does that even exist?

>> No.8260169

Squid game was fun. Let people enjoy things.

>> No.8260183

Hoo boy, anon you need to check out the sonic.exe fangames, they're so fucking edgy it's hilarious.

If you're impatient skip to the 1:55:30 mark, that part was actually pretty disturbing

>> No.8260193

I'm not clicking that shit man, Sonic.exe used to scare the fuck out of me.

>> No.8260196

You know, I can understand people not getting behind a Korean TV series with a premise based on the Blue Whale Challenge, it just screams bullshit drama.

>> No.8260294

>talking about korean memeshit show
pls fuck off

koreans can only make the same kind of films and series

>> No.8261167
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Demonophobia, it's an amateur game from Korea, from I think maybe 2006, maybe later though. It looks kind of like it could be done in flash, but it's not. It's about a little teenage girl who gets captured in hell, and she has to avoid being brutally murderalized by demons and deathtraps. Once saw someone describe it as a little girl being caught in "the guro dimension"

It's actually a really bad game, the controls are dogshit, the gameplay and level design is not fun and basically leans entirely on the fact that it's a guro fetish game (in spite of the author's denial), so the entire point is to watch her die horribly over and over, slowly trial and erroring your way through that shit.
It has some appeal in that the story is sad, and a grim horror angle, you also want to help her escape because she doesn't really deserve to be in hell. It's also crushingly sad (no pun intended) because aside from the plot reveal that every time she died and you started a level over actually happened, and she was just restored, she will also never ever get to be free from hell, also she's responsible for the death of her family as well. The unsatisfying ending for playing a game that's flat out just not fun to play at all.

Do you like guro porn? Maybe then it would appeal to you, but it's not high quality, and the game is objectively really bad in design, it's a genuine kusoge, though one which tickle's people's morbid curiosity in an odd way, as it's still remembered, and occasionally gets recalled and discussed on 4chan once a year or so, on no particular board in question.

>> No.8261190
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I've heard about that game and felt the way it looked was intriguing but that's it.

On the topic of the author denying that he's into it,when do you think it starts to feel that a creator is actually into the gore and violence displayed in their work?

Harvester is clearly meant to be campy for example,then you have something like the Citadel which doesn't feel like it's meant to be horrifying by the artist.

Pic kinda related

>> No.8261207

Is this that comic where a guy (might be the bald guy on the pike) slaps someone saying HORSECOCK?

>> No.8261218
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x1024, Postal_shovel_1280x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Postal 1 was extremely edgy.
The soundtrack in the loading screens is haunting. The quotes are what the protagonist think and he's possessed by a demon.

It even has a school shooting section,or at least an attempt to it because the Dude can't kill them.
This predates the Columbine by 2 years.

On top of all this there was Postal Redux a remake but the ending level was changed with a funeral instead because the devs felt that school shootings lost their shock value.
A kinda funny but creepy statement

>> No.8261224
File: 2.32 MB, 2500x1933, 433332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a nameless guy.
The one you're talking about is in the original miniseries.

This one is BadLands with different writers and artists stories.

>> No.8261416

>not called Personhunt
Misogynisticly edgey. Like a fine cheese.

>> No.8261672 [SPOILER] 
File: 69 KB, 799x621, 1634957026146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when do you think it starts to feel that a creator is actually into the gore and violence displayed in their work?

To others reading, I'll spoiler this out of courtesy, because it's obscene and grotesque as fuck. I think I'd say:
>the part where she fights some kind of ovary demon and cant stop fingering herself and can even die from the pleasure or something
>the part where the ripoff pyramid head guy 'teases' her groin and makes her wet herself with his sword, before splitting her
>the part where she's raped by that centipede monster thing
>the part where some crawling monster captures her and eats her out, but then actually starts literally eating her pussy from the inside and she cums as she bleeds out
>the part where she gets naked for the rest of the game
>the part about her warped mom, or the apparition taking on the distorted appearance of her mom, which I vaguely recall had something sexual to it as well
>apparently those little shark creatures can rape her to death too
>also the overall focus on her horrible death and suffering, the frequent nudity, and the frequent urinating

You could file this under just horror, if you were unbelievably charitable (and I'll note that a surprising number of people are willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt), and I can certainly imagine using sexual themes for horror, because there's a lot of really fucked things you could write for that and possibly have something good, even if we assume it's not a fetish work.
There's no way I'm buying that it's not a fetish game though, those first couple of things in particular were clearly conceived of while he was jerking off. I ain't gonna judge him for being a freak, I just think he shouldn't fucking lie.

>then you have something like the Citadel which doesn't feel like it's meant to be horrifying by the artist
That guy has a Pixiv page full of ryona and guro stuff. It's even weirder that he doesn't own up to it, it's his fucking shtick

>> No.8261934

For Manhunt 1 I think everything the devs wanted to put in was put in. It's just Manhunt 2 that I think you'll want to find an uncensor patch or something on the PC.

I don't remember much about Postal dude in the first game being possessed by a demon, but it definitely was creepy how the level interludes read like the manifesto from the mind of a madman. Even the manual notes for the levels read like the thoughts of a schizo who thinks the entire town has been infected by some strange disease.

>> No.8263165

Postal was really unsettling for what it was, especially in the second half where it takes this hallucinatory tone.

>> No.8263901
File: 77 KB, 576x576, Cannibal-Corpse-Torture_72dpi-576x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Shit,how can he deny in any way that he was not into it?
I know that these days people tend to assume someone's made a fetish product but when they put some much emphasis on it,I can't really blame them.

>That guy has a Pixiv page full of ryona and guro stuff. It's even weirder that he doesn't own up to it, it's his fucking shtick
Really? Makes the whole thing even more hilarious considering there were accuses about the artist being a guro fetishist.
They tried to deny it so hard but when you have that as a proof,how can you do it?

I always considered gore to be the worst kind of fetish and people going in denial they're into it make it even worse

It's not said in either the manual or game but in the game files where the voice lines are labelled as "Demon" so the one talking isn't Postal Dude.

>level interludes read like the manifesto from the mind of a madman
RWS seriously managed to create a really creepy atmosphere with those. The imagery being a distorted version of the Dude sold it even more.
Too bad they never really tried to replicate something like it outside of Postal.

>> No.8263920
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Not the edgiest but Twisted Metal 2 was pretty edgy. It follows the same premise as 1 but the imagery with the gritty comic book style was pretty creepy.

>> No.8263924

Manhunt 2 was going to have a female hunter.It was in the Beta but was cut.

Can't blame them because they already got tons of controversies,let alone if they had women getting viciously murdered even if they were awful people

>> No.8263929

TM2 was edgy in the highschool sense of the word, while TM Black was edgy in the over-the-top horror/gore department.

>> No.8263951
File: 315 KB, 610x800, SweetTooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was so jarring to see Twisted Metal go from semi-serious to goofy and cartoony and then back to a darker take but this time going all out.

See Mr Grimm
>discount Ghost Rider
>Cartoon Pirate
>Vietnam War veteran wearing his companion's skull

>> No.8263972

>Is this the most edgy game ever?
Custer’s revenge
Commando Libya
KZ Manager
Hitler Diktator

>> No.8263976

>No Hong Kong 97

>> No.8263986

>>No Hong Kong 97
too zoomer for me

>> No.8264014

Not retro, but have any of y’all played House of Velez? I haven’t played it, but the CG videos that get posted on /v/ every once in a while are reminiscent of PS1 CGI videos, except that they are viscerally graphic.


Gotta hand it to the dev, he certainly does have an eye for detail.

>> No.8264048

it's so edgy, even the disc has edges

>> No.8264059

That looks pretty scary,it looks like something from 1999 or 2000.

>> No.8264085

do you think the people buying pseudo-pornographic playstation games 20+yrs ago were normal well adjusted people or something?
fuck no, it was the fat kid from highschool who always smelled like dried jizz that was goin out irl and buying BMXXX
i guarantee he gave no fucks what the gamestore employee thought

normalfags buying vidya is a relatively recent phenomena

>> No.8264112

spotted the murrican

>> No.8264145

Also add it was a different time.Back then Steam didn't even exist and more devs were more open on making these games with tons of sex appeal.
See BloodRayne when there were posters of the protagonist naked.

>pseudo-pornographic playstation games 20+yrs ago
Oh man,I remember those. There were point they ended up putting ads for erotic magazines or erotic wallpapers for your phone back then.

>> No.8264173

Maybe in America

>> No.8264196

Even in Europe it was a thing,then with time they toned it down

>> No.8264205

We don't hold anything regarding sex as bad as you do, just something you don't show the kids but thats about it

>> No.8264216

The problem was that plenty of kids read those magazines too. It wasn't an issue,just when they started to put unrelated ads that it started to become a problem

>> No.8264232

I dont know, I remember seeing a penis in a game they showed very clearly on a show about upcoming games (can't remember the game but it was a sims like) and there was no uproar, same show also was talking about BMXXX

>> No.8264237

I really wonder how the devs for games like Manhunt and Postal 1 feel knowing that their games are cult classics now. I guess it must be flattering that instead of getting torn apart at launch they now have a small fan base of people that are into games with dark concepts or something.

>> No.8264245

There were uproars even back then,less for being prudes and more for the violence. Bully for example caused parents associations to step in.

Manhunt still manages to have active forums to this very day and some mods recreating cut content. So it left its mark.

Same goes for Postal which was a complete mockery of society post 9/11 with 2 and it's massively popular. In fact it feels that the change of tone was mainly due the outrage the first game caused.

>> No.8264256
File: 131 KB, 1024x768, singles flirt up your life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the game, it was Singles Flirt Up Your Life, can't find the segment where they zoomed in on some characters penis but heres another pic

Barely in most of the world, thing is that most of these uproars and other such nonsense always happen in countries that takes everything in entertainment to seriously (Anglosphere and Germany)

>> No.8264257

>,less for being prudes and more for the violence
Now it's the opposite,funny isn't it?

You could show someone getting chocked with their own guts and get away with it but tits that go over an A cup,that's disgusting

>> No.8264284

Like Australia that bans anything that has tiny bit of violence in videogames.
There was even a point they decided to ban Manhunt because of an homicide,except it was the victim who had the game

Still remember the Half Life censorship which is still hilarious.

>> No.8264301

>Still remember the Half Life censorship which is still hilarious.
Or command & conquer

>> No.8264330
File: 19 KB, 297x362, Bloodrayne-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would also fall into the edgy category.

Not only it features some 2000s edge protagonst but this is also one of the bosses

>> No.8264348

my highschool did some kinda presentation on this fucking game. they told us this game was teaching us ways to kill eachother and we shouldn't play it and the ways they kill people are unrealistic. if the ways you can kill people in the game were unrealistic why did it bother them enough to tell us not to try them? i think it was the plastic bag suffocation move that really spooked them. either way it was some good advertising for this game, i wonder if it was just a marketing stunt or did anyone else have this happen at their school?

>> No.8264361

Did it happen around the time it came out?
God,I wish my highschool allowed some of this,it could've been a little less boring

>> No.8264375

yeah it was right in the launch window. i thought it was fucking hilarious
we all just left the auditorium wondering what kind of cool shit was in the game. most of us were familiar because of the commercials, but this presentation made us actually want to play it

>> No.8265072

Lol vidya is more like Nippon or Murican thing back then

>> No.8265734
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 5845cd230b2a3b54fdbaecf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For Manhunt 1 I think everything the devs wanted to put in was put in.
So there's no uncensored rom released to the public? That's a shame.

>> No.8266269

On the bright side,there are some mods you can find that bring back some of the cut content.
In the end that's how the game was intended.

For Manhunt 2 that's just how it is and you need a patch for the uncensored kills

>> No.8266294

Don’t let that dissuade you though, the end product is absolutely brutal even to this day. Manhunt 2 though like >>8266269 mentioned heavily censored the kills, to the point where you can’t even tell what you’re looking at sometimes. You can uncensor it on PC and PS2, but not on Wii.

>> No.8266318

It's still fucking weird that game came out on the Wii.
And that's not all,some hunters have different outfits depending on the version.

>> No.8266339

Maybe they wanted to see/test what Nintendo would allow knowing their kid/family friendly image

>> No.8267485

Nope, Hatred is easily far more edgy. At least Manhunt 1 is good

>> No.8267487

Manhunt 2 fucking sucks, Rockstar had this incredibly interesting premise in the first one, with enough loose ends to justify a sequel. Instead you get to wander around an asylum with some dickless fuck and a retard talking to him.

>> No.8267614

Nintendo tried to be edgy during GameCube era though, for whatever reason

>> No.8267772

Hatred was solely made to create a controversy. It's clearly based off Postal 1 but unlike the latter it has almost nothing memorable.

>> No.8267804
File: 224 KB, 1200x960, articolo-75045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manhunt 2 wasn't too bad, I liked it but aside some minor improvements, it was a step back in everything else.
The story was inspired by Fight Club and didn't understand if it wanted to be a drama or B-movie schlock.
Levels are way too linear, the soundtrack has only 2 good tracks and most gangs don't get enough screen time.

On top of all this, the lack of unlockables like extra missions, cheats and costumes did't give much reason to replay it