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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8252204 No.8252204 [Reply] [Original]

Retro Culture General

Seeing if there is any interest for a 'your personal blog' general where we discuss your currently played games, backlog management, suggestions, and stories that don't deserve their own thread.

Tell how much you earmark for Retro, what games you think are overpriced, what website you use to track your collection, and what trends you appreciate or disagree with. In particular today, I'm interested in whether you buy vintage gaming magazines or guides.

>> No.8252206 [DELETED] 

Fuck all of the try-hard redditors on this board who keep accusing everyone of being a zoomer and crying about trolls and /v/.

>> No.8252219 [DELETED] 

Way to out yourself, zoomer.

>> No.8252227 [DELETED] 

Zoomers are a real problem. It's not their fault and it's not like they don't deserve to be here as long as they PLAY video games, but it's perfectly fine to call out someone for a Zoomer-opinion and Zoomer-opinions aren't needed in our discourse. There is not a single reason that an argument that is pro-DLC needs to exist on this board.

>> No.8252252 [DELETED] 

It's so fucking obvious that you're a child desperately trying to fit in that it isn't even cringeworthy, it's just sad.

Almost every single time I read the word zoomer it's some faggot mad that he didn't share his opinion. It needs to be spam filtered.

>Using "exist" instead of "be"
I'm not going to go on some autistic rant about this right now. But you're a faggot.

>> No.8252254 [DELETED] 

Filter it yourself, faggot. With every post you prove you’re the tourist.

>> No.8252261 [DELETED] 

Based. Those are the same kind of people who go into a nuclear meltdown when someone posts Pepe or Wojak yet they willingly adopt the very same wojakfag twitter lingo.

>> No.8252262 [DELETED] 

I don't use 4chanX, and anyway personally filtering text doesn't change the quality of the board, there would just be less. A spam filter actually increases the quality.

>y- you're a tourist because... you... just... are!
Excellent argument.

>> No.8252270 [DELETED] 

I'm glad that I'm not the only one getting mad about this.

>they willingly adopt the very same wojakfag twitter lingo.
My theory is that they see edgelords on other fake oldfag boards like /a/ complaing about pepe so they immitate it. They're too fucking stupid to realize that wojack oomer is much more cancerous than a fucking frog image.

>> No.8252281
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I buy magazines that have covers I remember or interest me. I would buy a guide if they displayed the same level of artistry and style as the game's manual. I'm pretty sure there are some out there that are art focused I have just not found them yet.

I also buy paraphernalia (other gaming magazines, games, decorative pieces) that were released on my birth year.

>> No.8252284 [DELETED] 

sorry you got called out for being a /v/ shitposter, maybe attempt to go more than 3 whole messages without vomiting out copy paste 0 effort /v/ shitposts like you did and you could actually be a productive user.

>> No.8252287 [DELETED] 

I have never posted on /v/ in the past five years. Believe it or not: /vr/ is not a secret club nor your safe space, this board can have shitposters too. If you are complaining about shitposting then maybe 4channel isn't the website for you.

>> No.8252291 [DELETED] 
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>productive user
>on 4channel

>> No.8252294 [DELETED] 

And just to say, no I don't post copypastas and I don't funpost on this board. Mainly because it's too slow and janny will just delete it.

>> No.8252298 [DELETED] 

>no i don't post on /v/ I just spam /v/ shitpost templet phrases and cry about getting called out. also the forum i used before this one told me this is where i go to shitpost so im actually the one fitting it
literally kill yourself

>> No.8252306 [DELETED] 

I haven't been called out though, I just occasionally get called zoomie or /v/ for having the wrong opinion. You're using a strawman argument.

>> No.8252320 [DELETED] 


>> No.8252332
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>currently played games
Wave Race
>backlog management
Final Fantasy X (never finished)
Doom 64
Replay of MGS 1, MGS 2, SH1, SH2, SH3
KH1 and 2 remixes
Replay of TTYD
Couple other
>recently completed
Super Mario RPG
Star Fox 64
Metal Gear Solid
Jak and the Precursor Legacy
Bunch of other shiz
>what games you think are overpriced
Honestly none
>what website you use to track your collection
None, although I need to because I have way too much shit
>vintage gaming magazines
Can't really find them when I go thrifting or hunting but I would buy some and Nintendo Power issues if I came across them.
>trends you agree with
Get a CRT. Get two CRTs. In particular I enjoy the smaller models. I have one 13 inch Sony and the quality is insane. The other is a 800TVL monitor that's 15 inches. Same tube as the JVC pro models.

>> No.8252537

>None, although I need to because I have way too much shit

I'll shill for Grouvee, it's small but more efficient than Backloggery or timetobeat.

>> No.8252545

Il probably buy any mag i find with a cool poster in it. Finnaly found the issue of Nintendo power with the mario rpg poster in it.

>> No.8252563

Got an everdrive for N64 in the spring and I know a lot of people will disagree but the N64 library is honestly pretty solid. I'm currently playing the N64 port of 40 Winks. Solid so far but has some minor issues (slipping off platforms)

Just finished Conker (meh)
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes (pretty good)
Donkey Kong 64 (great game)

I agree with the other anon here that CRT is great. Bought a 12 inch at a thrift store and have had a good time with it.

I'm hoping for a bigger N64 mod scene.

>> No.8252594
File: 1011 KB, 2880x2025, RE1 Official Sega Saturn Magazine - september UK #23 (1997) - Page 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently Playing: Resident Evil series. I recently got the MODE for Saturn and it piqued my interest to play the original on Saturn. So now I've beaten RE1, 2, 3, CV and currently playing REMake for the first time. I love all of them, I'd never actually played and beaten 1, 3 and REmake before now.

Backlog Management: I don't really have anything sophisticated, I play what I feel like, and if I find myself unsure I keep an excel sheet with titles if I think 'I must play that one day'. It works for me.

In general I've moved to flash-carts and ODEs for my old hardware, and for anything I don't own I'll just go emulation. I would love to own all the original hardware, but I can't justify buying more, not that my collection is huge. I love the convenience of Flash/ODE, it's so great just being able to pop in any game I fancy and either try it or hammer it out to finish it. Also great for things like mods/patches. I played all of Shining Force III translated somewhat recently.

I don't go and buy vintage magazines, but I do love them and will often go back and read contemporary articles/reviews of old games I'm interested in or playing currently. I loved CVG an Sega Saturn Magazine, but also Australia's MegaZone mag as well. I have a decent collection of those, but don't often see them for sale. I'm maybe soulless, but anything I don't already own I'm happy to get PDFs of.

I also want to shout out Retro Gamer mag, it's surprisingly good and has some really nice articles with interviews and obscure backstories. Also contributes to my backlog with tons of games I didn't know much about before reading in their pages.

>> No.8253556
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I collect magazines in my mother tongue (spanish). Got #1 to #100 Club Nintendo which was a Latam classic during the early 90s.

Right now I'm always looking for late 90s GamePro (Chile) and Next Level (Argentina), which I consider the best videogame journalism the region ever had. Next Level reviewed imports and eventually added a reviewer who read moon runes. Their scoring was always very on point also, those guys really loved vidya.