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8243198 No.8243198 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just for children or am I missing something?

>> No.8243208

If you don't like it then dont play them. Simple as

>> No.8243216

op is just a "mature gamer" that got filtered by a game for children.

>> No.8243267
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If you didn't go up with it, it's hard to see the appeal; a lot of Nintendo's success is based on consumers pining for Nintendo's golden years.

>> No.8243289
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not really, first Zelda I beat was Oracle of Seasons/Ages on the GBC, when I was 24 or 25? No nostalgia or anything, just fun puzzles, clever level design & gimmicks, and a couple memorable boss fights.

I want to try OoT and BotW next, but I have too many games on my plate already

>> No.8243298

Out of interest which ones do you like? I'm not huge into Zelda but I really liked the original nes game when I tried it out

>> No.8243310

I like Zelda I on the NES. I think 2 could be good but I need to get good at it to be sure. I like BOTW too.

>> No.8243325

zelda games tend to be sort of a jack of all trades master of none. it's not like the combat or the story or the puzzles are amazing.
try oracle of ages. that's one of the better ones at capturing the fun of just having a big area to wander around and slowly unravel, like the first game. at some point they forgot how to design overworld maps.

>> No.8243326

I recommend those too, and don't feel too proud (or mature) to look up a map or guide if you're stuck, they might be made for kids but there are some tricky parts

>> No.8243337 [DELETED] 

>zelda is jack of all trades
sounds like you just dont understand adventure then
zelda is the best game at doing what it does
zelda is also the only game that does what it does
i wish we could get games like zelda

>> No.8243343

okami is the best zelda game

>> No.8243345

>i wish we could get games like zelda
You don't
You just want more games that say "Zelda" on the box.

>> No.8243349

Okami is also the only good Zelda game

>> No.8243389

They're just not for you anon. We all have a genre or popular series not for us.

>> No.8243393 [DELETED] 

uh no. im looking for anything that plays like it
too much of a mush

>> No.8243461

All of the pre-2000s Zeldas are good. It's when you get to games like Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Swords that you realize the games got really stagnant and aren't interesting. Majora's Mask was Zelda's swan song.

>> No.8243524

LoZ, LoZ 2, and LTTP are some of my favorite games.

OoT and MM filtered me hard. WW was ok, never played TP, and BOTW pisses me off with weapon durability.

>> No.8243530

Zelda died when it went 3D
Change my mind
You can't

>> No.8243531

>LoZ 2
It’s actually Z2. I’m curious though, do people actually like Zelda 2 or is it just contrarianism to say their favorite is one of the least enjoyed.

>> No.8243541
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No, I got it when it came out back in the day and had LoZ. I didn't like it as much, but still really like playing it.

Simon's Quest.... now that was a huge piece of shit coming from Castlevania.

I agree Anon

>> No.8243578

The "adventure" part of Zelda has always been overworld exploration.
Dungeons are the anti-thesis to those in that they're linear, predictable and boring. Dungeons are literally the "filler" part of most Zeldas, even though they make up most of a player's experience.
All you do is slog through same-ish rooms with a different challenge in each room.

BotW I think was the first Zelda that broke out to finally actualize that exploration itch that the very first game tried to reach.

>> No.8243582

...and yet the game world feels so empty

>> No.8243591

I agree. I don't like any of the 3D Zeldas. And this is not nostalgiafaggotry, since I do enjoy the post-OoT 2D games.

>> No.8243598

Not true for me neither.
I immensely enjoyed ALTTP when it was released. I had a blast with Link's Awakening. Then OoT came out and I hated it: the 3D, the cringe characters, the annoying cringe jingle they always make when you talk to them, etc... it looks like they pretty much only did games like that afterwards. It's not even me growing up, I was still in middle school when OoT was released.

I don't get the appeal.

>> No.8243604

>cringe cringe cringe
What? what jingle? what is possible different about the oot characters compared to lttp?
sounds more like you went through an edgy phase and never grew up

>> No.8243606

botw is garbage. dungeons are the best part of zelda.

>> No.8243613

>What? what jingle?
The dumb as fuck voice or sfx they make when you talk to them. It's honestly embarassing.

>> No.8243616

still have zero clue what you're referring to

>> No.8243618

what? that's Lttp where they do that weird talking sfx anon

>> No.8243620

damn son, chill out.

For me, it was an awkward transition with OOT into 3D world. Mario 64 seemed natural to play but OoT was funky. Not saying it's a bad game, but I get where this guy is coming from.

Back then, I was moving to PS1 which didn't really help matters.

>> No.8243621

? OoT was flawless transition to 3d. I have zero interest in mario 64. oot is literally perfect
nothing on that system reached the heights the zelda games did

>> No.8243624

You zoomies are a special bunch.

>> No.8243626

How can I possibly be a zoomer if I'm talking about how I like OoT.
I literally popped in my copy of OoT from back in the day to check and I can't find any jingle. I think he's talking about the link to the past sound effects when people talk.

>> No.8243628

the PS1/N64/Saturn was all awkward as fuck.

>Remembering seeing MK3 on PS1 on display setup at Blockbuster
>Literally could not understand slight boost in graphics for this "loading" bullshit
>Fucking discussed this with fucking lots of other kids at lunch and at recess.
>Go on a Moroccan Leathermaking Guild and get told by a zoomer or autismo it wasn't like that.

It was clunky in general. It's far from perfect, and that okay faggot.

>> No.8243632

There's no sound effect when people talk in ALTTP.

>> No.8243634

Not liking ocarina of time is like not liking cowboy bebop desu. you're literally just trying too hard

>> No.8243636

There is. You're confusing LTTP and OOT

>> No.8243638

How are ootfags always this blatant about their textbook fanboyism?
You are literally telling people that they have to like your game, it's unbelievable how much self-awareness you're lacking.

>> No.8243639

Nah man I think you're just trying to hate on your own childhood so nobody can accuse you of nostalgiafagging or being a boomer. You're insecure.
5th gen genuinely just had really great games that were not replicated since. Like any other generation. You gotta stop the self hate
Some games really did just transition to 3d flawlessly. Ocarina of time is 100% one of them.

>> No.8243641

because its a fantastic game. Do you also hate cowboy bebop and evangelion because they're popular?

>> No.8243642

Why are you trying to bamboozle me?

>> No.8243645

because there literally isn't a jingle in ocarina of time, while in lttp they make noise as they talk. Why are you trying to gaslight me?

>> No.8243646

I've never watched Cowboy Bebop, but I thought the Neon Genesis anime wasn't nearly as good as most people claimed it to be. It was okay, but it didn't blow me away or anything.

>> No.8243649
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ESL or AI?

OOT was not a flawless transition. You have three other (yous) telling you that you are wrong. It was enough to kill off our interest in the series, when LE PEAK ZELDA.

>> No.8243650

>noise when people talk, confirmation noises when you press A and when the dialogue is over
>no talking noise, confirmation noises when you press A and the dialogue is over

Neither of these games have jingles.

>> No.8243652

Listen man, it's okay to like thinks from when you were a kid. I'm not sure why you're so determined to hate on this game. You raise no points. You have no argument. You have nothing. All you do is talk about how you hate a jingle that doesn't exist.
Why can't you just understand that I think OoT is an amazing game? I'm sure you like some game that I think is dogshit. Quit attacking me over this dumbshit

>> No.8243735

>Is it just for children
Probably. I never played them as a kid and I didn't like any of them when I finally tried them as an adult.

>> No.8243739

I also feel the same way. Everything after NES and gameboy Zeldas can suck a fat one.

>> No.8244190

I loved it as a kid, but as a 30+ Boomer, I really don’t care about it anymore. Though, that applies to basically all video games for me now.

>> No.8244212

playing the earlier 2D zeldas like Links Awakening and then Ocarina it becomes really noticeable how Nintendo approached 3D. They wanted to show the player everything and anything they could, so that really obvious puzzle where you shoot the eye switch that you've done a dozen times already? They're always going to have that second cut camera shot zooming in to show you that you definitely hit the eye - as if the door, clunk noise and visual from your original perspective wasn't enough.

It's not just for eye switches and doors however. It's everything. It always needs to cut away to confirm to you that something happened. The 2D games play a jingle and the puzzle is solved. That's all they need. The 3D games constantly double take and it slows the games down significantly. This is for puzzles that are ridiculously easy too. Everything in the game takes so fucking long to do when you already know what the results are going to be. Nintendo never stopped doing this shit either, the closest they got is in wind waker hd where they made it so playing the same song in a session doesn't give you the repeat. To this day Nintendo games are filled with tedious time wasting shit and this is why I do not find them enjoyable.

>> No.8244275

Zelda 2 has an amazing fluidity to its controls that none of the top down ones ever had. I don’t understand why people think it’s contrarian when they hear “Zelda 2 is good”. Side scrollers are just an objectively better genre that whatever the other Zeldas are.

>> No.8244282

Thats your subjective opinion about an objective fact. It only says that you have a bad taste, and not that these pieces of media are bad.

>> No.8244847

zelda 1 had huge optional areas in dungeons. a lot of the dungeon items were optional too, they just help in combat. if you were lucky or insanely dedicated to bombing walls you could skip huge chunks of them
they cut the bombing walls and the optional combat upgrades pretty quick but they still had choice in how to proceed until around wind waker.

>> No.8244856
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ive never been able to finish a zelda game besides a link between worlds on 3ds, but ive tried almost all of them. i want to like this series more than i do.

>> No.8244865

eh i think windwaker is simple and fun like the 2d ones but its the only 3d one i like so im biased i guess.

>> No.8244934

There are no bad games in this series except BOTW due to the fact that its a generic openworld with a Zelda Skin and a bunch of Ubisoft towers.

>> No.8244940

skyward sword is a lot worse given the main game mechanic doesn't fucking work and the level design handholds you through unengaging non-puzzles and waggle gimmicks

>> No.8244975

Dungeons are the best part, the overworld has always been boring especially in Zelda 1 and BOTW. This open world meme has to stop, they just jumped on the fad cause retards love it so much despite most open world games being "wide as a ocean, deep as a puddle". The series I'll admit became more handholdy and linear but BOTW took it to the opposite extreme as well.

Filling the world with 900 billion shitty collectibles is more filler than dungeons ever were. BOTW is an empty map with Ubisoft Towers. Usually stories, or characters should compliment the world but Zelda isn't know for its strong story or interesting NPCs, especially BOTW.

BOTW is just not a good open world game nor a good Zelda game. "Z-ZELDA WAS ALWAYS NON-LINEAR UNTIL THAT DARN OOT"

Zelda 1 and 2 were linear as well. Linear isn't always a bad thing, it lets progression actually mean something in some cases. But a bunch of redditors and zoomers watching Youtube Essay Videos and E-celebs have turned it into a taboo word

>> No.8244984

Ubisoft didn't invent towers.

>> No.8244996

Yeah I'll admit Skyward Sword was pretty bad too but for different reasons. Nintendo just had a hard-on for motion controls at the time and Zelda was their guinea pig. SS Zelda is still cuter than BOTW "look at my ass" Zelda though.

>> No.8245005

it's not the literal fucking archetectural concept of a tower
it's the modern open world gameplay loop centering around the shitty towers
>enter new area
>tallest building naturally draws your attention
>climb to top
>unlock area map, fast travel, bunch of side quest icons
>go systematically complete all side quests in the area like it's your job
ass creed popularized this and it's popped up in tons of other games too. botw being the laziest and sloppiest implementation.
it's worth criticizing too because if you always know where to go and what you'll get there, the whole open world concept is completely pointless and you might as well just have isolated levels

>> No.8245013

I am not making a claim on which aspect is better, just that, in terms of exploration, BotW fulfills that niche, while the other games don't do so at the same magnitude..
Looking back, Majora's Mask's overworld was very fleshed out, as well. There was so much stuff to do, people to talk to and to investigate new areas.

>> No.8245017

When I was a child I didn't enjoy the thought of getting buttfucked, but ever since I've come around to the idea of getting pegged or even fucked by a good-looking shemale or femboy. Just give the series a try, you might learn to enjoy them.

>> No.8245021

But the towers in Zelda don't unlock any side quest icons.

>> No.8245025

Y'all niggas is postin in a troll thread

>> No.8245031

LOZ2 in Japan.

>> No.8245045

>The "adventure" part of Zelda has always been overworld exploration.
This is bullshit.
Originally, the overworld is like the training ground and becomes less relevant as the game progresses. The overworld has practice challenges for the real challenges in the dungeons. Odds are that you'll have the overworld close to fully-explored before you make it to level 7, and possibly much sooner.

LoZ1 is basically designed so that at any given point, you always have a handful of objectives to choose from. If the dungeon you're currently trying to beat is giving you trouble, you can take a break and go explore more of the overworld, maybe finding another dungeon that you might have better luck with. Early on, overworld exploration is very rewarding because there's always something new to find. Mid-game it becomes more of a way to gather resources and have some low-pressure downtime between challenges, though there are still rewards for exploration and some moderately challenging areas (eg any place with Lionels). By late-game, the overworld is just what connects the dungeons to each other and you're probably relying a lot on fast travel to get around.

>> No.8245051

yeah so?
people just use it as an excuse to talk about Zelda something they wanted to do anyway

>> No.8245060

I don't consider clearing challenge rooms to be adventerous.
Do you call The Binding of Isaac an adventure game?

>> No.8245065

Could have done without the /v/tier OP but maybe I should just chill on my 'tism

>> No.8245102

>the overworld has always been boring especially in Zelda 1
It's not though. It's fun for the early game, when all you're really trying to do is get a feel for the controls and combat and such. There's a good balance of challenge and exploration rewards that range from heart containers to finding entire new dungeons to explore. Remember, in LoZ1 finding a heart container earns you another heart immediately. None of this piece of heart reward inflation bullshit that they pull in later games.

>> No.8245121

The 2D games wasted what they had. LA with its bomb-arrows should have been a paradigm shift awakening devs to enable Link to use fusions of 2 gadgets from there on out, making games where usage of 2 items simultaneously for unique effects was the norm and used to solve problems in the world, but they never realized this potential.

>> No.8245143

It's not an element you can separate so cleanly.

>> No.8245879

I truly think this franchise is propped up by nostalgia. The combat isn't anything special. Visuals can be good but never amazing. Music is great. Puzzles are fine at best. I've always been shocked that these games are considered THE BEST EVER 10/10 GOTY. I'd rate the best Zelda at around 8.5/10. Jack of many trades but master of nothing.

>> No.8245886 [DELETED] 

because you're reviewing the game wrong. its in a genre of its own. no other game does zelda better than zelda.
every game trying to copy zelda makes the mistake of going too far in one direction rather than keeping a balance.
the people who talk about zeldas combat really just need to accept they dont understand these games. they're probably zoomers who want everything to be some character action game or souls

You really just don't get it. and should shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.8246196

>Puzzles are fine at best.
For what it's worth, the importance of "puzzle quality" is massively overrated by people looking for shit to criticize. Lots of internet nerds think that, if a game has puzzles, those puzzles must be the most challenging, frustrating brain teasers like the most hardcore dungeon crawlers or they're pointless. Originally, the point of puzzles in Zelda games was to make you pay attention and think about the environment. They couldn't achieve the feel of exploring a cave by using realistic graphics and physics. So to keep you engaged, the game has simple puzzles that you have to solve as you move along. They aren't hard puzzles, but you have to pay attention to the dungeon layout and what's in it. It gives you motivation to find the map and the compass.

The 3D Zeldas started to lose this effect somewhat beginning with Ocarina, where you'd just have rooms where the only point of the room was that it had a puzzle in it to solve in order to keep going. But still, very often the puzzles would serve a similar role, drawing a player's attention to the environment more than really trying to be a serious brain-teaser.

>> No.8246316

are bomb arrows even intentional?
link's awakening is kind of a mess of programming, i assumed they just fucked up the projectile coding and no one ever thought to use a bomb and arrow simultaneously in testing

>> No.8246341

"You HAVE to like this thing" is a very obnoxious mindset

>> No.8246345

nothing wrong with posting actual discussion or debate in a troll thread

>> No.8246350

I'm probably highly retarded but the fun of Zelda, for me, has always been about wandering the overworld and using items in interesting ways. OoT was the peak of this for me due to the many non-linear dungeon orders and many secrets. If you have an IQ over 80 and play these for the story or puzzles, you are gonna be disappointed.

>> No.8246428

There's no way that a function like a bomb arrow could occur by accident.

>> No.8247303
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My opinion of Zelda fags is the same as people who like capeshit. They are boring consoomers without any real personality.

>> No.8247305

the irony of your post

>> No.8247307

You gauged my personality and consumption habits from that one post?

>> No.8247314

you define people's personalities and your own by the nonsense media you consume and then posture yourself as a superior being for consuming correctly and mocking people for being nothing more than consumers

>> No.8247328

90% of the games in this series are Aonuma tier of nonsense. You can see the games losing more openess with each iteration until they completely lock you into devs forcing you play the games the way they want you to, with more and more nonsense contents replacing what was so good about it the franchise in the first place.

>> No.8247385

OOT was pretty much one of the best transition to 3D around to the level where it's still playable today compared to a shitload of other action games of the era
What is this contrarian bullshit?

>> No.8247419

>OOT was pretty much one of the best transition to 3D around
OoT was basically admitting that moving to 3D was retarded since the game ended up more limitations than the opposite in order to keep things at a functional level.

>> No.8247539

It was already not going in the right direction before the jump to 3D, but it's only after that things went full nonsense.

>> No.8247552

You know that people have a thing called differing tastes and it's O K to not like everything that someone else likes and it doesn't make either of you objectively wrong, right?
Fucking autism man

>> No.8247553

>do you hate "blank" because they're popular
I thought the world got over hipsters like 10 years ago and people were allowed to dislike popular things on their own merit again.

>> No.8247830

>do people actually like Zelda 2
It's far one of my favorites. Controls great. Combat is fluid when you understand the enemies. Large (for the time) game world. I never understood why people have a disdain for it other then getting hard filterd by the later parts of the game when shit does get fairly difficult.

>> No.8247872

>or is it just contrarianism to say their favorite is one of the least enjoyed.
Nailed it. You can tell because they're always going and whining about people being
non-stop as if it's not a huge warning flag that most people didn't find it fun enough to bother getting past certain sections

>> No.8248003

My dad fucking loves Zelda games and he's a literal boomer, his first Zelda game was OOT and he has played every single mainline game after that.

>> No.8249159

the irony of your post

>> No.8249361

It ain't nostalgia for me. In fact for a lot of my childhood I was turned off by the series to play it (didn't care for the different art styles, heard about too many secret areas you must know about, wasn't really into Nintendo at the time as much as Sony). When I got older, I got into the idea of it being a nice fantasy adventure where you play as a literally who that becomes a knight by himself to save the princess and the world. It's a nice adventure to play in the evenings after going to high school or college as a kind of escape. I am still not the biggest fan of it but it does appeal to me.

>> No.8249368

>children's game
You are not wrong. I can replay titles I enjoyed as a kid. New releases though like botw? Nope

>> No.8249467

I'm glad

>> No.8249545

Unfortunately this is me right now. Trying to play through A Link to the Past and it's kind of boring. I feel the same way about a lot of super nintendo exclusives (chrono trigger, smw, donkey kong country).
I can't get into nintendo games as an adult. If I didn't play it before I turned 13 then forget about it.

>> No.8249594

I grew up with WW and some others but the older i get, the more I realize that zelda is just this awkward middle-ground between metroidvania and open-world rpg. In theory this should be a good idea, anchoring the roots of a metroidvania map in a big wide open space would probably help the whole thing feel more accessible in the sense of making backtracking less of a slog. If you know where you're going, you can figure out your own route there in the overworld and mix it up or wander off if you get bored, instead of going back and forth through the same corridors with the same enemies like in a classic metroidvania. But since a link to the past, more and more linear and story segments kept finding their way into the mix and it always sucks.
There's some masterfully designed characters in zelda games but at the end of the day, they aren't actual characters because link and ganon are the only people allowed to influence the plot. The peak of this was skyward sword which was 100% linear from beginning to end, with barely any appreciable gains. I like ghirahim but his actual plot role is completely identical to zant and every other secondary villain in the franchise. It was absolutely right to go back to basics.
BOTW's problem, that nintendo do not seem to have identified, is that the world has no depth. There are no complicated segments like metroid prime's Glacier One base (or any old zelda dungeon).

>> No.8249705

Masterpiece Tier:
>Ocarina of Time
>Majora's Mask

Great tier:
>A Link to the Past
>Link's Awakening/DX
>Oracle of Seasons/Ages
>Wind Waker
>Twilight Princess

Good Tier:
>The Minish Cap
>A Link Between Worlds
>Skyward Sword
>Breath of the Wild

Decent Tier:
>The Legend of Zelda
>Zelda II
>Four Swords
>Phantom Hourglass
>Spirit Tracks

CD-I Tier:
>Link: The Faces of Evil
>Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon
>Zelda's Adventure

I'd say every game in the series besides A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker and Twilight Princess is passable.

>> No.8249712

You put the fourth cdi game in the wrong tier. Skyward Sword is matches the art style of Gamelon and Faces of Evil.

>> No.8249713

the following all need to go down a tier:
The following all need to go up a tier:

>> No.8249715

The main demographic is women. I've never known a woman who played games that didn't obsess over Zelda.

>> No.8249716

I hope you treat your dad well on his 70th birthday this year, man.

>> No.8249720

it's older brother syndrome, which explains every girl that likes "boy games". It's always shit from when they were little kids and once they get to high school and the other girls break the tomboy out of them they don't try any new games until they end up with a gamer bf.

>> No.8249917

95% of whatever you play was for children, yes.

>> No.8250262

Aonuma's bullshit completely rotted your brain.

>> No.8251448

They are weirdly attracted to Zelda. It doesn't help that most can't actually name any other games. They know Mario, Zelda, Minecraft, or whatever is most popular. There are exceptions. In fact, the most hardcore gamer I ever met was my bestfriend's mother. That woman had beat practically every NES game she could get her hands on. Castlevania, Solomon's Key, etc. I remember her shitting on Castlevania IV on SNES because she preferred Castlevania III.

>> No.8251468
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>The main demographic is women
Unfortunately, yes. Shit started to change on LoZTP. And that's the main reason why the dungeons ad battles got easier while Link got more effeminate

>> No.8251472

My friend's ex-gf was obsessed with TP. Had it on Gamecube I think, then drove all over the state looking for a Wii which at the time were incredibly hard to find, just to play TP again on it. Once she got it she didn't leave her room for 3 days he said.

>> No.8252923

this anon gets it
this anon does not get it, filtered

>> No.8253093

Zelda 2 isn't my top favorite but I like the elements it introduced to the franchise and the gameplay is pretty nice barring Link's short sword range
I would love for a modern LoZ to actually deliver a Hyrule that felt as big as Zelda 2's

>> No.8253161

if majora’s mask let you beat the dungeons in any order it would be 10/10 imo

>> No.8253162
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No, you are correct. I used to be a huge, huge fan of the series. but there are few actually good entries after Aonuma has taken charge of the series. Z1 to 6(MM) are good, Z2 is good but doesn't feel like Zelda. The other games are mediocre to bad, in general.

>> No.8253212

It's a really good game, it's just not Zelda.

>> No.8253228
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>But since a link to the past, more and more linear and story segments kept finding their way into the mix and it always sucks.
Yeah, I often reimagine stuff about OoT, and it's always about how much better the game would have been if it was completely open from the start. There a lot of artificial blockages. they should let you buy cheap versions of dungeons items for a high price. Like, you could buy a bad Bow and Arrows from shops, it would do a little damage, it wouldn't be able to to handle magical arrows. It would break after a few uses. BUT it would let you activate any switches by using it. The same would go for the Hammer and so on. The Biggoron's sword is the perfect example of that.

>> No.8253335

Zelda 2 is basically nes dark souls.

>> No.8253348

How is it not Zelda?

>> No.8253354

>in game models and sprites for the first two rows except Oracles
>Link's Awakening just has a Zelda 1 sprite but colored different
>couldn't even use adult Link for OoT so MM looks like a bad error on their part
Whoever made this did all this shit on purpose

>> No.8253381

Aonuma completely brainwashed slowpokes with his bullshit.

>> No.8253389

congrats OP! ur not on the spectrum

>> No.8253436

I don't enjoy 90% of these games either, not because of OPs retarded reason but because they are way too similar