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File: 377 KB, 1600x800, H2x1_NSwitchDS_DOOM1993_image1600w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8248729 No.8248729 [Reply] [Original]

i love doom and doom 2

>> No.8248742

I think doom sucks.

>> No.8248839

I think you are a faggot.

>> No.8249154

i love doom and doom 3

>> No.8249163

Me too. Do you have a favorite port of it?

>> No.8249174

I like Doom, Doom 3, and Doom.

>> No.8249176

I love all Dooms except Eternal which I only tolerate.

>> No.8249178
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>> No.8249179

Doom feels boring after Doom 2. Yea, the levels in 2 are worse, but the additional enemies make all the difference.

>> No.8249192

3 and nu doom but not eternal? 3 is a bigger departure from what made the series good/ popular

>> No.8249195

Quake way better

>> No.8249218

A bunch of brilliant motherfuckers just redid the port of Doom for the 32X, and it's infinitely improved, better framerate, visuals, even lets you go full screen, plus the FM Synth is actually legit now, and if you've got a CD add-on, you can just straight up play a music CD for your background tracks.


>> No.8249235

That is sick, thanks for sharing. I'd already listened to the remixes in this hack a couple of years ago; pretty cool to see them in an actual romhack now

>> No.8249239

that's really cool

>> No.8249305

I think the question is now: What CD would be the best for playing Doom to?

>> No.8249393

South of Heaven

>> No.8249420

While these are great (okay more like superlative) games in their own right, their *real* success is owed to the community who has built material that far surpasses the scope of the original games. Brutal Doom, Smooth Doom, and countess weapon mods/sprites/ and wads just to name a few.

Developers need to realize that releasing their source code will only benefit them in the long run when gamers realize how much additional content is available to them. It gives them that much more incentive to buy the games and the belief it's worth their time.

>> No.8249425


>> No.8249437

I love and adore Doom. Doom 2 is ok I guess. I personally feel like the magic and excitement from Doom is lost when it comes to Doom 2. 3 is fun for what it is, it's fun as well in both single and multiplayer. RoE is so-so. 2016 felt more like Quake than Doom, but was not necessarily a bad game mechanically, if a bit easy.. Refuse to play Eternal because a friend spoiled me on the plot and it sounds horrible, and I've not played enough of 64 to be able to give it a proper decision yet.

>> No.8249449
File: 848 KB, 800x600, midway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /vr/ have any love for the Midway Dooms?

>> No.8249458

I love doom 1 and doom 2 as well.

>> No.8249503 [DELETED] 

It's overrated by /vr/edditors.

>> No.8249519

Doom > 2016 > 64 > 2 > Final > Eternal > 3

>> No.8249534

DOOM 64 sure, but only because I can play it properly on PC.

>> No.8249541


I haven't played eternal yet, but I imagine it's the same thing as 2016.

>> No.8249569

>same thing as 2016

Nah it plays considerably different than 2016. Whether it plays better or worse is really up to the player. Personally I like it more than 2016, the combat system is much more unified, refined, and forces you to use all your tools to your disposal. Not everyone likes that playstyle though (understandably.)

>> No.8249576

Doom 1/2 > Doom Eternal > Doom 64 > Doom 3 > Doom 2016 > Resurrection of Evil > Final Doom > Doom RPG

>> No.8249598


>> No.8249618

SNES Doom was my first Doom and I still love it.

>> No.8249645

That Super FX port is impressive. I'd say it was better than the Jaguar and 32x versions, and even the Saturn version. PlayStation beat it though, and this new 32x versions also is superior.

But with a FXPak Pro, and setting the Super FX chip to Fast, the SNES versions is still highly playable today even on real hardware.

>> No.8249745

I'd love to play a Doom 1 that randomly upgrades or populates with Doom 2 enemies at an appropriate rate.

>> No.8249746

The first time I ever completed Doom start to finish on Nightmare was the GBA port funnily enough. That was a really solid rendition and even ran well.

>> No.8249751

Is this contrarianism, fanboy or nostalgia?

>> No.8249759

Sounds like you don't know GBA port was good. Your loss.

>> No.8249928

Is it just me, or is most of Doom 2 way too dark? My brightness is set high, but I'm still squinting and fumbling through barely lit rooms, and taking damage from enemies I can't even see. Gamma doesn't help either, it just washes out the stuff I can already see nearby.

>> No.8250049

Not the other poster, but this was the case for me too. I'm a z00mer though so I got into the Doom scene later in the mid 00's where the GBA port was popular.

>> No.8250305

The GBA port is generally considered to be extremely impressive and well done, and plays well, so it’s really not any

>> No.8250368

Judging from your post, you probably gonna like Doom 64

>> No.8250772

This is what 32X Doom should have been from the beginning.

A mixed CD with various metal and rock songs which the original songs which Doom's music is based on. Or just a CD with the 3DO version's redbook soundtrack, which is surprisingly good.

>> No.8250780

>Developers need to realize that releasing their source code will only benefit them in the long run when gamers realize how much additional content is available to them
Software patent law makes this a legally and financially dangerous approach in this day and age. Suits in boardrooms who don't think like humans are one measure of the equation, but patent trolls are another.

Ask Carmack himself even, he understands full and well that it's not easy to release the source code to your commercial game in the 2010s and onwards, and he'll tell you as such.

>> No.8250789

Playstation Doom is interesting for some of its aesthetic changes and some of its changes in sound and atmosphere. I particularly like the use of audio reverb, and the new sounds for the zombiemen.
Don't love the music, but I also don't hate it, I wish it would have more variety to it, maybe just do spooky reinterpretations of the original tracks, to have some melody to it, rather than just droning and ambient noise.

Doom 64 I love, I think it's a great game.

>> No.8250831

PSX audio mods are available on PC if you want to play OG Doom with Aubrey Hodges's music.

>> No.8251076

Doom for SNES was a miracle, made by one man alone with the less proper hardware, it oozes soul like a horny James Brown.

>> No.8251129

God, no. It's just sort of ok for some of the maps as altered for the Playstation, but I think they're really not that great overall. It's better suited for Doom 64, because that game really has its own identity that separates it from the previous games, and it goes for a much darker atmosphere and aesthetic which better suits it.

Still I wish that it had more variety. Compare to the original Doom and Doom 2, where there's a varied mix of tracks, some based on rock & roll and metal, and some slower ones which build atmosphere and tension.

Tracks like these I think are much more oppressive than Aubrey's noise, they build better atmosphere and makes me much more tense.

>> No.8251131

I think there's a mod for that for GzDoom. Not everyone likes GzDoom, and there's some valid reasons, though with a mod like Vanilla Essence, and using the low spec backend added to the latest versions of GzDoom, it's pretty good I think.

>> No.8251328

Not him, but I think the GBA port of Doom 1 is just kind of ok, the port of Doom 2 is much better.

>> No.8251360

for me its the super shotgun

>> No.8251504

Sandy's maps are creative and fun.

>> No.8251989

I agree, and they compliment Romero's maps well.

>> No.8252149

Lmao why the fuck would you want to play on that piece of shit just use a PC lmao

>> No.8252240
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Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8252453

It's the best, aside from SNES despite being impressive. PSX Doom is ultra kino.

>> No.8252583
File: 156 KB, 800x600, 1585866723425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 is the same as Classic but with narrow shitty level design and reloading and a shitty shotgun, otherwise it's the same, if you don't believe me play the Doom 3 classic mod which fixes the latter two and puts you in KDITD. Eternal on the other hand is, gameplaywise, almost unrecognizable, as keycard hunting is nonexistent since the level funnels you into the place you get it from, and the key is usually literally sitting right in front of the door you use it for, essentially just being a glorified regular door but there's a key in front of it for that dopamine of "oh look a ke- and the door's already open," Eternal feels like Overwatch with like four ults that you have to micromanage and it's cumbersome. Not to mention the story and aesthetics are godawful especially compared to 2016 which was more consistent and was a nice middle ground between Doom 3 and Classic (or at least 64 since it's not terribly saturated). Eternal is decent but I would rank it the lowest out of all official Doom games except for maybe Doom RPG, Doom 2 RPG and TNT. People give Doom 3 the "It's a good game but not a good Doom game" argument when ironically I think that fits Eternal far more than 3.

>inb4 filtered
nope, beat the tags on ultra nightmare and the campaign on regular nightmare, multiple times. I just don't like it as much, simple as.

>> No.8252587


>> No.8252593

The GBA port is badass. Missing a ton of features, but it's really fun and runs well, very rarely lags, and actually runs on the Doom engine unlike Doom 2 on GBA which had to be redone on some shitty duke 3D GBA engine that can't remember your armor between stages (or rather it remembers the number value, but not the percent your armor actually withstands damage). My favorite part about GBA doom is its exclusive deathmatch maps, one of which being a crude recreation of dm4 from Quake. Link cable DM in GBA Doom with your bro during a car ride was fuckin great as a kid.

>> No.8252597

should mention for Doom 3 I just look up a list of the locker codes, before anyone brings up audio logs, to keep the game more expedient.

>> No.8252789
File: 33 KB, 500x189, JaguarvsSNES DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As maybe the only kid in my state that had a jaguar, I can tell you jags Doom was 100% better than snes Doom. The only thing that it had going for it was L and R strafing

>> No.8253139

No one disputes the snes port's inferiority to basically any other port, the consensus is it's impressive for what it is, and for some (not me) it was a first exposure to Doom. I beat it on real hardware and I can say it's 100% playable, just a bit choppy.
What's even more impressive? It supports fucking Xband deathmatch.

>> No.8253153

>Williams makes doom snes port
>No cheat code to turn Cacos into Sinistar
Missed opportunity