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File: 101 KB, 391x640, cotton-guardian-force-saturn-tribute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8246454 No.8246454 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know about PS4, but a few weeks back, the Saturn Tribute version of switch was discovered to use one of the more compatible emulators yet, it has a high level of compatibility and through the use of homebrew you can replace the ISOs used by the developers for other Saturn games.

So far, it seems all the popular games like Panzer Dragon Zwei, Magic Knight Rayearth, Tomb Raider and Mega Man 8 seem to work.

What does this mean for Saturn emulation going on forward. Will emulator developers decompile it or reverse engineer it and figure out how it works?

Captcha: PRAYY

>> No.8246474

It's probably a modified version of some existing emulator, right? No sane company would build a completely new emulator just to re-release games.
Where can I read more on this?

>> No.8246479

Do game companies ever reach out to emulator developers to make a profit out of their emulators or do they just steal them and hope no one finds out?

>> No.8246483

I have no idea but I've not read that it seems to be a fork of any existing emulator.
More info here: http://segabits.com/blog/2021/10/09/cotton-guardian-force-saturn-tribute-on-nintendo-switch-features-fully-working-sega-saturn-emulator/

Usually they hire studios to make them or make their own in-house, even if sometimes they can be crappy (see: the input delay in Capcom's SNES emulator used for MMX Legacy Collection)

>> No.8246492

>It's probably a modified version of some existing emulator, right?
It doesn't sound like it, currently the only accurate Saturn emulator is Mednafen, and it's way too resource intensive for the Switch to run reliably.

>> No.8246504

Have you played the cotton games in that collection? ~11 frames of input lag (and that's going into the TV). Even if it's more compatible (which it's just a fork of a current emulator), it's practically unplayable. Haven't tried a Saturn emu on my hacked switch to compare though.

>> No.8246519

It has to be a fork of something. Making an emulator is pretty hard, making an emulator of something like the Saturn is insane. Doing it purely for a low budget port of some obscure shooters is unfeasible. They might have made changes to make it more fast than accurate, but there's no way they made a Saturn emulator from scratch.

>> No.8246530
File: 26 KB, 306x305, 1625328064450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds interesting, I tried playing the Saturn port of Grandia recently and all of the emus I've tried have insane slowdown during FMVs. If the internal emulator in this can get a Saturn game to run on the Switch, then maybe there's hope for all of us budget CPU gamers.

>> No.8246532

This is the only saturn emulator on a switch, and it doesn't seem to be a fork of an existing emulator thus far.
Keyword: thus far. It still needs further research. I don't have my switch yet, I'll get it on november (a launch version I'm getting off a friend) but I will hack that sucker and try Mega Man 8 on it.

Honestly, to me, this should be the endgame: A Saturn emulator that doesn't demand the user to have a $50,000 USD PC, especially with the prices of PC parts currently.

>> No.8246567

>A Saturn emulator that doesn't demand the user to have a $50,000 USD PC
Kronos seemed like it was going this direction since it offloaded some of the performance hit via hardware acceleration, but currently it only supports OpenGL.

>> No.8246698

Worked 100% fine for me in whatever retroarch uses for saturn, about a year or two ago.

>> No.8246714

>performant Saturn emulation on the absolute potato that is the stock clocked Switch
[monkey paw rattle]
>11 frames of input lag
Neat to know it's possible, anyway.

>> No.8246715

Core? CPU? RA has multiple cores for Saturn.

>> No.8246717

It's running SSF, Shima licensed it to City Connection.

>> No.8246721

Really? I guess that makes sense. SSF isn't very accurate and is mostly focused on performance.

>> No.8246730
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8246738

It's an issue specific to Cotton, although it seems to be not 11 but rather 7 frames.
Hope it gets patched tho.

>> No.8246739

>It's an issue specific to Cotton
original game only has about 4 frames of latency, guardian force is 6.

>> No.8246740

Damn, that's whack and really interesting to know.

>> No.8246742
File: 489 KB, 496x609, dumb fuck juice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could tell you specifically, but I have both the Yabause and Beetle cores installed and don't remember which one of the two it was, exactly.

My CPU is oldass toaster tier, i5 760 @280

>> No.8246747

please buy an old dell optiplex they're $200 for a 7th gen i5.

>> No.8246750

I'm going to be honest dude, I don't really believe you, or you're just misremembering. There's no way that CPU doesn't experience slowdowns on Beetle. Were you using Threaded Video perhaps?

>> No.8246754

>$50,000 PC
Nigger a hundred dollar Optiplex with a 2013 Haswell i5 can emulate the Saturn. I played Burning Rangers in Retroarch/Beetle just fine on my 4670k. This isn't even considering SSF.

>> No.8246756
File: 7 KB, 118x123, nac smoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably have to get a new motherboard to upgrade my CPU, and I just can't be bothered until shit breaks because there hasn't been anything I've wanted to play that required the upgrade.
I could have been, I'm not sure. All I remember is whatever settings I had, the game ran perfectly fine. I remember because my cat died around that time and I got to a significant story beat before losing interest in the game.

>> No.8246758

>I would probably have to get a new motherboard to upgrade my CPU
its all done for you with the magic of retired office equipment as found in cheap as dirt ebay dell optiplexes

>> No.8246760


>> No.8246762

>I'm using shit that was shit a decade ago
Maybe don't, stupid?

>> No.8246765

It depends on the game. Like I said, I only experienced slowdowns during the FMVs. Some games have FMVs with no slowdown, some don't. I didn't really notice any pattern.

>> No.8246768

Burning Rangers is about is system pushing as it gets. Fine on my 2013 CPU. Upgrade.

>> No.8246778

Coincidentally, my CPU is from 2013 as well. Anyways, there's really no reason to upgrade, especially with the current financial crisis and inflation risk. It's better to just wait for Saturn emulation to improve.

>> No.8246780

>some day even the dummies will realize this and they'll go away
Will be a sad day. Always nice to know a half-decent $100-200 PC is around the corner if my shit ever blows up and I find myself in a real financial bind.

>> No.8246786

Inferior, butchered and lagged out version of Cottons. Why would anyone want to play this, nevermind pay for it.Just play the originals.

>> No.8246789

Oh fuck off and die. These PCs are ultra cheap and would fix the problem, SSF already exists for poorfags, and you're just being dismissive of any sort of help. This is low key, insidious trolling.

>> No.8246792

My computer can't really run Saturn emulation well but I can pirate these.

>> No.8246794

Why are you so invested in making me upgrade my PC? Not all of us have cash to burn, especially with how terrible chip prices are right now. It's not like I'm dying to play Grandia or anything. I'm just noting the difference between how much Saturn emulation is lagging behind something like PSX emulation.

>> No.8246806

Zoomie consoomies can't understand not wanting everything right away. It's quite sad, honestly. They can't have any other hobbies.

>> No.8246815

Get a Saturn and some blank cds

>> No.8246816

>Third world prices
I'm dying, anon.

>> No.8246839

If you can't afford a CPU capable of Saturn emulation you're either too young to post here or a failed adult that should promptly do a flip.
>implying a half-decent CPU would only improve Saturn emulation
Don't even lie and claim computers aren't a significant part of your life if you're talking about fucking Saturn emulation and posting on 4chan about it. Invest the tiniest amount or fix your fucking life if it's in such shambles that a $100 Optiplex is an issue.

Saturn emulation may get better but it's not going to get faster. Use dated ass SSF if you can't fix your life and/or invest toward 2014 standards for something you obviously enjoy and use often. Or fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.8246854

This. No sympathy for poorfags

>> No.8246865

In korea in late 90s/early 2000s, there were a bunch of official release pc releases on disc of arcade games that boots up MAME to run them.

>> No.8246879

Having i5-760 is an insult to poorfags. Even they usually have at least a second gen Intel. Its just typical niggard behaviour.

>> No.8247012

>It's probably a modified version of some existing emulator, right?

It's the Android version of SSF. The configuration files are a 100% match.

>> No.8247024

>Saturn emulator that doesn't demand the user to have a $50,000 USD PC

What are you smoking? SSF runs fine on a fucking phenom II from 2010. In fact it ran fine back in 2010 on the phenom II build I used.

>> No.8247035

>Burning Rangers is about is system pushing as it gets.

Nah, all it does is clever usage of the twin vdps.
FMVs are more system pushing since they can use both SH2s and the DSP to crunch numbers. The videos in Grandia are considered to push all those cpus to maximum, plus they scale the video by 4x and run in interlaced mode.

>> No.8247042

>In korea in late 90s/early 2000s, there were a bunch of official release pc releases on disc of arcade games that boots up MAME to run them.

I remember those. The Metal Slug Collection one even had the mame.dk info files in the rom zips (it was the largest direct download ROM site at the time).

>> No.8247116

Cotton 2 worked fine for me.

>> No.8247119

Maybe they've been working on one to do ports of a bunch of saturn games, and just released cotton first because it runs well.

>> No.8247524

maybe you are just not very sensitive to thst type of things

>> No.8247532

Ps4 versions are better by a few frames

>> No.8247536

MVG said there's 8 frames of input lag, WTF?

>> No.8247578

Probably depends on the game. This based autist tested it with a wired fight stick through a CRT and found 11 on the cotton games included in the original package:
https://youtu.be/cAFFzsIBsYY (~2:30 in)

>> No.8247585

Everything ive read has pointed at varying lag, to the point where any intrest i had is effectively dead. Fucking sucks, i cant just burn money on a bad compilation no matter how much i enjoy the series.

>> No.8247712

Maybe they're just good and thats why they have actually paying jobs instead of living off donations, huh?

>> No.8247994

Funnily enough, according to the author of this very emulator, the switch somehow has more input lag when using wired controllers. Don't ask how that is possible.

>> No.8248028

Your controller is going into a USB hub that's attached via a USB dock. At least two layers before you get to the kernel. Try plugging a USB hub into your laptop usb-c dock and see if you get more input lag (spoiler: you will) Whereas the wireless controllers are communicating directly with something onboard.

>> No.8248143

its running SSF

>> No.8248249

I don't use ssf since years.
How does it compare to mednafen?

>> No.8248490

Are you the idiot who keeps saying that Saturn emulation on the Switch is bad, and cites a false post from a known liar on twitter as your proof?

>> No.8250693

is the input lag because of the emulator?

>> No.8250753

The emulator adds 2-3 frames, but the game already has 5-6 frames even on Saturn, plus you have the lag added by the shitty switch controller.

>> No.8250771

No Ody has attempted to turn vsync off which would lower the latency.

The SSF vsync commands dont work in this Zebra Engine

>> No.8250779

1. How do you hook a switch to a CRT
2. Wired controllers on switch have more latency than wireless. No, really. Seriously.

>> No.8251001

How many frames of lag are we talking about with USB controllers?

>> No.8252510

Lol okay retard. The kind of programmers skilled enough to make a commercial Sega Saturn emulator work on switch from scratch are too expensive and overqualified to justify working in video games unless you're a real megacorp. And it's certainly not economically feasible for ports of fucking Cotton.