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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8230370 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best beat 'em up? Don't care if it's console or arcade, just want to play something good.

>> No.8230372

play and decide for yourself you npc zoomie

>> No.8230382

alien vs predator

>> No.8230398

play denjin makai 2 aka guardians.

>> No.8230402
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>> No.8230406

Dungeons & Dragons
Guardian Heroes

>> No.8230440

Double Dragon II on NES

>> No.8230443

usually all repetitive trash with like two moves not sure how people can like them without nostalgia

>> No.8230450

Mighty Final Fight

>> No.8230454

A partial list:

Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Sengoku 3
Final Fight
Final Fight 2
Final Fight 3
Guardian Heroes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
Double Dragon Advance
River City Ransom
Ninja Baseball Batman
Knights of the Round
Alien Storm
Batman Returns
The Simpsons

>> No.8230468

Technically the best bmup isn't even retro, that would be SoR4. And that's how it will stay until the new TMNT bmup gets released probably.

As for retro bmups? One could argue Ninja Warriors on the snes or SoR2 on the Sega system. Don't bother with cade shite btw

>> No.8230474

I'd say best beat em up now is the Ninja Warriors remaster desu

>> No.8230480
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That's one of my favorites too.

You should try out Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, OP.

>> No.8230492

>Streets of Rage 2 and 3
>TMNT Turtles in Time SNES
>Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
>Alien vs Predator

This is a good start.

>> No.8230498

Sure but:
Replace AvP with Ninja Warriors on the snes and Crapillacs & Dinogays replace with Final Fight 3 also in snes

>> No.8230509

>australia falseflagging as snesfag
this is sad af

>> No.8230523

Those are the most generic low IQ recs, might as well to suggest FF7 in a rpg thread

No idea Wtf that is, but maybe you need a break if you're naming random anons trying to figure out when they post

>> No.8230543

I'm so sorry I failed you, my liege. I will never to suggest a game ever again.

>> No.8230546

Relax I'm saying if you suggest a game make it a hidden jewel type of suggestion not something everyone knows and already suggested in the thread

>> No.8230556

it's the retard that inspired low effort troll shitters like you in the first place.

>> No.8230562

The arcade version of Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon.

>> No.8230569


>> No.8230574
File: 77 KB, 640x480, Captain America and the Avengers (Arcade).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Simpsons

Same company ALSO made an Avengers Beat 'Em Up. Console version is also less quality but I never see it mentioned when it was on par with the others.

>> No.8230579

lol beat me to it while i was looking for a decent .jpg


>> No.8230612

Bucky o hare arcade is probably my favorite but its more like a run n gun with beat em up gameplay. Would like more games like that

>> No.8230621
File: 59 KB, 907x1360, 51tpU3VngGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fight 3 over Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

Read this.

>> No.8230643

Didn't click don't care

It's ok looks good but timer gay

>> No.8230689
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Avengers, TMNT and X-men arcade bmups fucking suck, same with Simpsons. Get some better taste, holy fuck anons.

Some of these are series:
>Streets of Rage
>Armored Warriors
>Battle Circuit
>Knights of the Round
>Alien vs Predator
>Dungeons and Dragons
>Knights of Valour
>Ninja Baseball Batman
>Warriors of Fate
>Guardian Heroes
>Battletoads (Arcade one)
>Knights of Valour
>Final Fight
>Punisher (arcade)
>Gaia Crusaders
>Denjin Makai
Anyone who recommends you Double Dragon should be ignored, same with X-men and Avengers arcades. TMNT has a good game on SNES.
Even Final Fight is not that good, let alone fucking Double dragon.

>> No.8230695

The Simpsons is pretty good.

>> No.8230697

oh and Flash game on GBA
It's not that great, but god damn Zip-zapping and pushing FASTEST MAN ALIVE is pretty fun

>> No.8230764

it's just shittier captain commando

>> No.8230778


>> No.8231069

>Those are the most generic low IQ recs, might as well to suggest FF7 in a rpg thread
stupid as fuck
both games are less talked about and awesome
the ff7 of beat em ups is streets of rage 2

>> No.8231131
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Same. Alien Vs Predator is close to a perfect game in my eyes.

>High emphasis on mobility mechanics with a lot of depth that you can turn into straight up acrobatic bullshit once you master
>Well designed movesets where you have several or more options in any situation and all have multiple uses.
>AI is unpredictable and smart
>Tons of variety. Almost Treasure-esque in how it throws some new fun gimmick at you every stage, but never in a way that detracts from the core appeal

The only flaw in my eyes is that it does that thing that later Capcom brawlers did where it has such a fucking great fighting system for beating up dudes and same sized targets, but they insist on having a giant monster with hyper-armor as the final boss. I wish there was a Cave-esque TLB fight for 1cc'ing or 1-life-clearing where you fight a suped up version of the Razor Claws after the Queen.


>> No.8231136

>do the running kick
>win the game


>> No.8231149

I really recommend Super Metroid. It's my favourite obscure beat 'em up.

>> No.8231168

there are 4 characters u know

>> No.8231173

AVP, Battle Circuit or the Capcom DnD beat em ups.

>> No.8231445

We’re talking about beat em ups, not jrpgs.

>> No.8231447


>> No.8231860

tell me how i know you havent 1cced a single one and have no clue whatsoever how to play? fucking jarpig

>> No.8231862

lmfao your taste is fucking retarded and shite, another low i.q shit player.

>> No.8231865

That was Data East, not Konami

>> No.8231870

It wasn't the same company, it was Data East, not Konami.

>> No.8231878

Too much gunplay for my liking, and I don't rate the jumping.

Tekken 3

>> No.8231915

try SOR remake.

>> No.8232017

>I'd say best beat em up now is the Ninja Warriors remaster desu
It's my favorite although I never got into the SNES one as much. I should get back to that, I need more NW and the arcade original is less good.

>> No.8232376

Streets of rage 4, not even debatable.

>> No.8232384

New turtles won't touch sor4, no way.

>> No.8232395

Streets of Rage Remake.

>> No.8232484

streets of rage 1, dynamite cop, fighting force, the punisher, alien v predator, golden axe, zombie revenge are my favorites

>> No.8232507

looking forward to /v/ trash blowing in and arguing over whether SoR4 or NuTurtles is OBJECTIVELY the best belt scroller ever

>> No.8233048
File: 193 KB, 800x800, sor shiva scroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streets of Rage 4

>> No.8233736 [DELETED] 

I am the weapon

You seen what this nigga's speedrun is looking like rn? It's pretty nuts.


(no youtube link because some slope has the best time and he doesn't upload to yt)

>> No.8233770

I am the weapon

>> No.8233781

Shiva is like the Boba Fett of SOR. Just looks cool but gets his ass kicked easily in the original content. He was one of the easiest bosses in SOR2.

>> No.8233782

What are /v/'s consensus on River City Girls? I get the impression everyone just dismissed it as a coomer game.

>> No.8233789

I am the weapon

>> No.8233819

adding more rpg time wasting bullshit to RCR was not a good idea
good game once you get past that

>> No.8233827

Yep. My favourite

>> No.8233885
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>> No.8234710

What's up with this game? Why does moving up automatically make your character face right?

>> No.8234727
File: 115 KB, 960x540, 1633035843438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe we still haven't gotten an official port of this game over 20 years later. I have it on my emulator box, but I would kill for a psychical edition. It's my favorite arcade game of all time

>> No.8234735

Extremely good Dutch player:


I learned a lot from watching this vid, enough to be able to 1cc the game with Dutch on default settings. I used to think that Dutch is a shit tier character, a waste of space on the cast, but he's very strong. Not as good as Warrior, but who is? Not as good as Hunter either, but he's as good as Lynn, except against the last boss. That's his only weakness in the game, the last boss.

>> No.8235052

>Too much gunplay
Don't be a fag, bro and do melee only runs.

>> No.8235354

Cadillac and dinosaurs
The punisher
Streets of rage 2
Final fight 1
Nb batman
Batman returns

>> No.8235369
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Play Star Wars Episode III on the GBA.

>> No.8235408

is crap

>> No.8235567

Unfair comparison, it's only because he didn't have hyper armor like the other bosses. You know that thing we just happened to complain about ITT.

>> No.8235989

>it's only because

So you're agreeing with me.

>> No.8236557
File: 820 KB, 640x1178, Ghost Chaser Densei (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my favorite.

>> No.8236569

I wish they had hired an actual Jap writer instead of a commiefornian cuck.

>> No.8236603
File: 19 KB, 320x240, ctribej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fondness for combatribes (arcade, the SNES wasn't as good due to censorship and moves Removed). It was like a spiritual successor to Renegade in terms of level design, and it had the largest move set for a beatemup in its era.

Each level has a new gang on a single battlefield, and the gangs are something like what we saw in "The warriors". A clown gang, a biker gang, baseball gang, female roller disco gang etc. Kill enough minions and the boss emerges.


>> No.8236779


The rpg elements in RCG are fairly light in comparison to other modern Kunio titles. 2 might swing in the opposite direction though.

>> No.8237038

What stuff for the Genesis? I see Streets of Rage, Golden Axe and Alien Storm. Hyperstone Heist was developed by Konami so it's probably good. Played Maximum Carnage as a kid and it was a great game. I've heard Power Rangers: The Movie is also somewhat decent. Everything else ported that I've looked up on youtube looks like ass.

>> No.8237325

Splatterhouse 3

Mystical Fighter is pretty good and very seldom mentioned for some reason.

>> No.8237334

At this point it has to be licensing issues, they didn't include it in the belt scrolling collection nor the mini astro arcade thingie you hook up to a tv.

>> No.8237416
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it's on this gross-looking thing

>> No.8237568

Because I have a life with worthwhile hobbies. That's exactly how I can tell.
These games, even morso than shmups, were designed to burn a few quarters/minutes while you waited for your order to be called. Not to be well rounded gaming experiences.
Any 1CC of these games is so full of exploits and other bullshit than calling them "skills" is an insult anyone who dedicated their time to learning literally anything else.

>> No.8237570

SoR2, no contest. Then SoR4, then SoR3, then Final Fight cps-2, followed by Battle Circuit if you have friends to play with.

>> No.8237574
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>"I have a life!!!"
>on 4chan

>> No.8237595

the cope is unreal
yeah they made 6 stages but it was supposed to be impossible to see them all
yeah they're meant to last 5 minutes while your pizza is cooking that's why they loop
yeah the combat is supposed to be impossible that's why you have moves with fucking invincibility that cause knockdown
stupid zoomer child. this is like seeing a 6 year old say the game boy sucks because it's not a touch screen

>> No.8237596

>when your favorite gaming platform is YouTube

>> No.8237628
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karate kid

>> No.8237631
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>> No.8237654
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It's not the best buy any means but Pu Li Ru La is a real trip and worth a quick playthrough.

>> No.8239220

This guy is going a bit too far but he has a point, let's take an example: anyone thinking Final Fight is a fair game is deluded. The game has plenty of "lol no fuck you" bullshit moments designed to eat your lives in an instant. Overall it's a tightly designed game and that's the smart thing about it, you want to keep playing for those good moments but the game makes sure to fuck you up in bullshit ways to make pay up once in a while; it only does it often enough so arcade owners are happy and the players not too unhappy.

If devs really thought these moments of bullshit were good game design, then console beat-em-ups would have them too. But they don't, not to the extent Final Fight does.

Just an example, Final Fight is far from the worst in the BS aspect, as I said the way it does it with parsimony is pretty smart as it makes the most dedicated believe there is nothing wrong there.

>> No.8239307

>If devs really thought these moments of bullshit were good game design, then console beat-em-ups would have them too. But they don't, not to the extent Final Fight does.
Play SOR2 mania and stfu newb

>> No.8239323

Ninja Baseball Batman

>> No.8239332

mah nigga

>> No.8239341

They all suck, it's the worst genre of video games. There's a reason they don't exist anymore.

>> No.8239357

why even comment on something you don't even like kek

>> No.8239470


SNES or Arcade?

>> No.8239759

SNES, it's ok that it's easy

>> No.8239771

>it's the worst genre of video games
>Not those horse racing simulators

>> No.8239895

>it's the worst genre of video games
Worse than Visual novels?

SNES. Gameplay way more satisfying and more levels. Hyperstone Heist is also better.

>> No.8241627

>There's a reason they don't exist anymore.
What year are you posting from we get them all the time now

SoR4 did well enough it got two different physical releases

>> No.8241637

Final Fight arcade is the best beat em' up ever made, of all time. It is not arguable.

>> No.8241674

Yeah but that was a real labour of love from talented devs. I'd be amazed if something like that happens again. I do hope though. Btw the upcoming Turtles game is not for the SOR4 devs, it's just the same publisher.

>> No.8241737 [SPOILER] 
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>Final Fight arcade is the best beat em' up ever made, of all time. It is not arguable.
probably accurate, I mean /vr/ being this fucking mad about it all the time is a good sign

>Yeah but that was a real labour of love from talented devs.
So are Fight 'n' Rage and Ninja Saviors. Super Punch Patrol and Mayhem Brawler are not bad either. I don't have any big worries about the new Turtles, I expect it will be worthwhile. I'm pretty happy with the state of belt-them-ups, one or two more big releases and I'd have to go full NEET to keep up. Barely even touched the new dudes in SoR4 yet, still tryna get my Raiden clear in Ninja Saviors.

>> No.8241939
File: 535 KB, 487x498, sandwich-eating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final Fight arcade is the best beat em' up ever made
Literally every Capcom beat em up made in the 90's is better than FF.

>> No.8242226

someone plz make a list of /vr/ approved beat-em-ups in an info graphic with screenshots. thanks.

>> No.8242428

Your OP pic.

>> No.8244471

Shorted by system would be great also.

>> No.8244489

not at all, at worst ff is in their top 3.

>> No.8244491


>> No.8244524
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>blocks your path

>> No.8244576

Worse than Tower of Doom

Have you ever tried to play this game with a full team of wizards

>> No.8244590

learning that /vr/fags become unreasonably mad for being filtered by final fight makes me happy

>> No.8244617
File: 1008 KB, 1064x830, iconoclast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody will ever agree, SoR2 babbies especially get triggered when confronted with facts.

pic related is iconoclast's list, nobody else on planet earth shares his taste but hey he can clear the games, so he's right and you're wrong until you can 1cc all of them. that's Sailor Moon and Warriors of Fate on top btw.

>> No.8244630

>burning fight at the same level than avp and on top of mystara

kys faggot

>> No.8244637

>burning fight on A, knuckle bash on C
really makes you think.

>> No.8244671

paper armor warrior lol

>> No.8244743

not gonna shit on the dude for having an opinion but i genuinely don't get why people like the sailor moon one
it's jank as fuck and mostly consists of spamming jab jab throw or just jab jab infinite

>> No.8244758
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>> No.8244759

probably just contrarianism, it's just a worse and slightly harder captain commando.

>> No.8244769

Little Fighter 2

>> No.8245028

Tower of Doom is better.

>> No.8245029

That's the shittiest tier list in the history of mankind. Good job, idiot.

>> No.8245040

I lost brain cells from reading this tier list

>> No.8245061

>Guardian Force
Played this recently. Gee I sure love UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES in my beat em ups

>> No.8245069
File: 291 KB, 1600x1169, 2364624-snes_powerrangersthemovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is great in co-op.

>> No.8245072
File: 37 KB, 640x448, rf06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as a beat em up? I don't see why not. It's just vertical belt scrolling rather than horizontal

>> No.8245129

How can one man be so retarded and have such poor taste

>> No.8245190
File: 498 KB, 936x465, Fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect his opinion but I doubt Salior Moon bullshit is better than half of them. This list is much more accurate.

>> No.8245194

Mega Drive Sailor Moon > Arcade Sailor Moon

>> No.8245725

literally who

>> No.8245729

>SoR2 over SoR4
This is pure nostalgia goggles

>> No.8245756

this is the most normalfag list for sure

>> No.8246248

That's more of a side-scroller than a beat em up, in my opinion. Sega Genesis version would be more faithful to the genre.

>> No.8246431
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No where near the best but Panzer Bandit is a good time.

>> No.8247714

If you can't 1cc Burning Fight your opinion can't be taken seriously

>> No.8247743

if you can't 1cc with all characters your opinion is worthless

>> No.8247828
File: 120 KB, 1280x960, lost in thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If SoR and D&D are the plebeian choices and Infinite Combo Sailor Moon is the hipster choice, then what's the sort-of-acceptable choice that makes you look clueless, but benign enough to tolerate?

>> No.8247928
File: 16 KB, 256x240, 0005-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the best beat 'em up?
dunno about the best but pic related and Knuckle Bash are the most based ones

>> No.8247940


>> No.8248026

guardian heroes

>> No.8248156

>I don't know what vagina feels like and I never will

>> No.8248174

If you can't 1CC any of those games your opinion is worthless.

>> No.8248257

this list is fucking rertarded, castle crashers above knights of the round/? you are a fucking bellend, stupid ramnking.

weeb shut in list

> top 2 choices asian themed


>> No.8250128
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>> No.8251074 [DELETED] 

Great Sega-AM3 game before the company went to shit with the Sammy acquisition.

>> No.8251132


>> No.8251162

Found the arcade gatekeeper. Get a job quarter muncher.

>> No.8251364

Listen I don't agree with that guy but this insult is all over the place, man. He's talking about 1CCing stuff so he's not munching quarters, he is (in theory) spending 25 cents a play. And even if we just look at the second sentence of your post, it's inconsistent. Quarter muncher implies he's dumping money into the game, and if he's doing that, he probably has a job. You could totally have made this work by implying he needed to 1CC stuff because he's so poor or something but you've just gone and tangled it all up.

>> No.8251602

5+ credits: having fun
3-4 credits: trying to get good
2 credits: trying to beat the game
1 cc: autistic retard wasting time and energy

>> No.8251639

>5+ credits: having fun
maybe if you are low iq, playing arcades with unlimited credits is such a soulless experience

>> No.8251848

What's your challenging sweet spot?

>> No.8251871

i go for 1cc but anything with a reasonable losing condition is fine.

>> No.8251903 [DELETED] 

less shitposting, more showing us you can 1cc final fight on hardest dips. or does the p in clp stand for "poseur"?

>> No.8253151

To me it's Streets of Rage 2.

>> No.8253157

Scott Pilgrim is pure grind junk. Finally someone saw this game for what it is

>> No.8254110

Where's SOR1-3? Too console pleb tier for his arcade games?

>> No.8254127

I read that as 'aladdin vs predator'

>> No.8254132

that pic
>gets melted by acid
I hate how unthreatening xenomorphs became after the first Alien movie.

>> No.8254806
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>> No.8256280

>Altered Beast
>Beat 'em up

>> No.8256302

How it should be done:

>feed max credits
>take a screenshot of how many you used when you beat the game
>next time you play try to do better

>> No.8256767

Why are beat em up fans so defensive about their genre?

>> No.8256769

Why are ___ fans so defensive about their ___?

>> No.8256862

Any good beatemups that have better combat than one-button combat? Different moves that can be comboed, something like this.

>> No.8256875
File: 127 KB, 389x464, 1606676617845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropping the truth on those retards.

>> No.8256897


>> No.8256898

acceptable but you can start with limited credits too like console ports too.

>> No.8256906

I prefer a game like that with just one button than jab-cancel to death enemies in sengoku 3.

>> No.8256907

That guy looks cool as hell and I bet he smells nice

>> No.8256930

>*it's on this rad as tits looking thing
Too bad the hardware is disappointing.

>> No.8256935

Ideally you're going to want one button and only one attack, like King of Dragons. Anything more than that is basically just bloat.

>> No.8256967

>Altered Beast
>Not garbage

>> No.8256979

based, fuck juggletrannies

>> No.8256992

Thank you, but I have more than 30 IQ. So, no suggestions?

>> No.8257121

juggletranny games are low iq as fuck though

>> No.8257174

most double dragon games assume you're intelligent enough to handle doing something more than mashing one button
river city ransom/kunio games too but they're often bogged down with the RPG element shit
denjin makai gives you a decent movelist per character
a lot of the later capcom games like alien vs predator or final fight 3 technically have one attack button but you can do special moves with fighting game inputs

>> No.8257238
File: 41 KB, 500x371, 1634326031850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some of my favorites:
Retro - Streets of Rage 2
Final Fight CD
Alien Vs Predator
Guardian Heroes

Contemporary (including remakes)
Streets of Rage 4
River City Girls
River City Ransom: Underground
Shadows over Mystaria

>> No.8257253

>Final Fight CD
stop shilling this shit and just play the arcade

>> No.8257589

>you can't benefit from having a dedicated button for hitting backwards and for the escape attack
yes, fuck dedicated buttons, simultaneous presses are so reliable.

>> No.8259695



Always my fav

>> No.8260023

Agreed, The arcade version is the optimal way to experience the game.

>> No.8260516

why are you even wondering about how guys smell faggot