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/vr/ - Retro Games

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824074 No.824074 [Reply] [Original]

>that game your parents wouldn't let you play

Tell us, anon.

>> No.824078

There was no game I couldn't play.

tfw your parents gave you any game you asked for.

>> No.824081

>tfw have Sega Channel
>tfw parental lock on all games rated more than K-A
>tfw older brother breaks the parental lock
>tfw playing Mortal Kombat with bro at 3AM to avoid detection

>> No.824082

They were hesitant to let me play Turok: Dinosaur Hunter because it was rated M, but I said it was fine because all you do is hunt dinosaurs.

Boy was I wrong haha. They didn't seem to notice or care about the human enemies though. Beyond that, I can't think of anything else, so it doesn't really count since I got to rent it anyway.

>> No.824087

Wasn't allowed to play FPS games after Columbine. At some point when I was like 13 or so my dad started buying me FPS and other mature games. Mostly cause he wanted to play, too. My mom would flip a shit when she saw me playing them but my dad told her to chill out.

My dad was bro.

>> No.824091

My mom rented my brother and I conkers bad fur day. My parents were cool.

>> No.824098

i played doom on the snes up until the columbine massacre, after which my parents hid it from me. i didn't get it back until i wrote a paper on how i'm allowed to play mortal kombat which is equally as violent.

>> No.824101

>My older cousin once brought in Duke Nukem 3D and my mom freaked out.
>My mom also spazzed when she heard Wolf from Star Fox 64 shout "What the heck?"
>Couldnt play OoT until I was like 10 because of the stupid redeads
>Also, my mom spazzed when she saw Pikachu shooting a gun from his mouth in smash bros.

>> No.824105
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>Mom renting us Vigilante 8 because she drove a school bus

>> No.824108
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>My mom also spazzed when she heard Wolf from Star Fox 64 shout "What the heck?"

>> No.824113

Did she kill herself when she heard this?


>> No.824117

Man, I dont know either. It was my mom every time though. My dad could have cared less.

>> No.824118

Unrelated but my parents gave my sister Mario Paint when we were kids and she would never let me play it, saying that it was a gift only for her to use.

Total bullshit although I still played it all the time.

>> No.824121

I wasn't allowed to play Jet Force Gemini when I was little, my parents insisted it was a 'grown-up game' and I wasn't even allowed to watch them play it for a while.

>> No.824123

They were fucking

>> No.824124


>tfw Turok and Turok 2

I played the first one all the damn time before they went full zealot and took almost all of my games away because of violence or satanism.

Never got a chance to play the second one until a couple of years ago.

I will never do this kind of shit to the children I probably won't have.

>> No.824129
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Magic Carpet. I was eventually allowed to play it, but it caused a lot of trouble.

You can't have magic because magic is evil satanic stuff that goes against the bible. Other games were apparently fine because they didn't have the word "magic" in the title.

>> No.824130

Not retro but that's my only one. Fucking media hype and their prostitute fixation.

>> No.824132

Mortal Kombat II, of course I did as every kid back then, rent it and change labels with one of my crappy games...

>> No.824136
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That would be a very elaborate way to get time alone.

>> No.824138
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Donkey Kong country said Hell in the main sequence, they were cool with that.
Played Mortal Kombat, they were kool with that.
Oh but for the love of god if I even looked twice at Grand Theft Auto I would be strung about like the lights on a Christmas tree.
>Tfw My mom was a cop
>Tfw I snuck out to my friends house and played it anyways

>> No.824142
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>> No.824146
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My parents cared about the ESRB ratings and were always careful about what games they let me play, but I never wanted to play any of the mature games when I was really young. I originally got introduced to the Zelda and Dragon Warrior series because my Mom and Dad are fans of those games, respectfully. The first game I wanted that was M rated was Metal Gear Solid. I was 14 at the time and I asked them while we were in the store if they would let me buy it with my own money.

>MFW my parents decided that I was mature enough to play the game

>> No.824151


>dat gta bullshit

Happened to me too.
What the fuck, I was even allowed watch movies and shows that were FAR worse than playing a little bit of gta, yet playing it was still the greatest sin on Earth.

>> No.824156


Can't fault your parents on that one.

>> No.824179

>oh my god, you can pick up whores and kill them!
Funny thing is I didn't even bother trying it until I heard about it on the news. I just liked the fire fighting missions.

>> No.824186

My mom tried to tell me that I shouldn't play as many violent videogames. Then I pointed out that I still got good grades and received virtually no complaints of rudeness or violence from school.

>> No.824189


I know.
Killing whores wasn't even that much fun, and there wasn't any real incentive to do so other than for a minor amount of cash.

>> No.824190

The only game my parents didn't want me anywhere near as a kid was Leisure Suit Larry

everything else was okay though

>> No.824193
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That game gave me nightmares as a kid.

I wish my parents stopped me from playing it.

>> No.824195

As far as mom knew, videogames were only things like Mario and Kirby. To be honest I actually didn't care that much about violent video games, what pissed me off is that she wouldn't let me watch Robocop.

>> No.824223

>Killing whores wasn't even that much fun, and there wasn't any real incentive to do so other than for a minor amount of cash.

Just like real life.

>> No.824241

Anything rated T or M.
I had to visit a friend's house to gain access to those games.

Didn't help that I had a little brother.

>> No.824256

My parents never barred games from me, but I am 29 and NES, SNES, Genesis and N64 were pretty defined as video games. Only a fucking tard parent would get upset about some pixeled as fuck violence.

I have no idea with todays games. It may be more suitable to stop your very young kids from playing some of them since they are way more hyper realistic, for lack of a better word.

>> No.824280

Only game I have ever been forbade to play was GTA, and so I never ever did and never have. Never developed the taste for it. Meh, nothingofvaluewaslost.jpg

>> No.824364

I've never had limitations

>> No.824368

You missed a lot, especially SA.
Sage for not retro.

>> No.824384

Conker's Bad Fur Day.


I turned out just fine!

>> No.824385

My parents were pretty cool about letting me play any games. I remember I convinced them to get RE2 for me when I was a young lad. Game scared me shitless. Never finished it until years later.

>> No.824389

But you turned out fine because you didn't play Conker?

>> No.824396

>parents don't want me to play some violent game
>just say "oh but it's aliens or zombies"
>even if it isn't they understand I know the difference between real life and pretend

>> No.824406
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None, really. The closest was probably Turok 2, which belonged to my older brother
>Kill one of the dino dudes with the shotgun
>Mom says she doesn't want me to play violent video games
>Go into options and turn off the blood
>She tells me it isn't about the blood, it's the use of guns in the game
>Switch to the tech bow and arrow.
>Sighs and leaves
>my face the entire time

>> No.824430

My friend's dad had Wolfenstein 3D on his computer, but wouldn't let us play it. I only had a NES, and there were no adult games on that thing, but I remember that my parents wouldn't let me watch the movie Gremlins. Good times.

>> No.824447

When I was young I had a Sega CD and my Mom would not let me rent Night Trap because she heard so much bad stuff about it (but games like Mortal Kombat were fine, wtf). So in my mind I ended up believing this game was sort of like pornography or something and this just made me want to play it even more. Eventually my friend's mom rented it for us one night when I spent the night at his house, needless to say we were both extremely disappointed.

>> No.824448

My parents didn't let me play Final Fantasys because they said it had excessive use of witchcraft and magic.

They were okay with me playing games like 007 or Halo, though, go figure.
>Fundamentalist parents

>> No.824496

Never had any restrictions.

>> No.824508

I was such a pusssy that I auto-banned myself from playing some games. For instance, Mortal Kombat fatalities scared the shit out of me and I never ever played that thing. Even to this day I don't feel comfortable playing it.

I don't think my parents care a shit about what I play. Not like games are gonna turn me into a psycho or anything... or maybe it was because they didn't know there were videogame with adult themes. Maybe not, I remember one time I was playing GTA SA with a friend and when my mom came to see what we were doing I showed her how to hook up with whores and then kill them.

>> No.824507
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Leisure Suit Larry. I loved all the Sierra games as a kid and I had played through King's Quest 1-3, Police Quest, Space Quest etc etc etc and saw the box of Leisure Suit Larry by the family computer (At this point in time they gave me the old Tandy HX-1000 for my personal use) and asked if I could borrow it to play on mine. Mom flipped her shit and started screaming. Had no idea why and looking back she did overreact.

>> No.824509
File: 62 KB, 524x1165, Doom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 10
>mom buys doom because "it looks fun"
>I install it on our win95 computer
>se watches me play for five minutes
>I fiddle around trying to figure out what to do
>mom starts playing
>hogs the game
>becomes a pro at it

Even now when I think of Doom I think of my mom's playthrough. I never did learn to play it because she'd always hog the game. THANKS MOM.

Anyway they'd let me play anything I could get my hands on. Other than Mortal Kombat (which I played with my dad) I was never really interested in ultraviolent stuff, so I guess they simply didn't care.

>> No.824510 [SPOILER] 
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>that game your parents shouldn't have let you play

Tell us, anon.

wow this diablo 2 isn't so sca-

>> No.824517
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>Want MK2
>can't buy it
>ask mom
>does it have sex in it
>goes out and buys it

I'm not even americlap

>> No.824520


Mom buys NES with Metroid. Plays the game all day while I'm at school. Beats the game before I do. Rubs it in my face to this day.

>> No.824539

>wrote a paper on how Mortal Kombat was equally as violent
That sounds like a really dangerous thing to bring up.

>> No.824543

Oh wow I thought I was the only one
I have an older brother who played it when I was a kid and I'd peek in the door to watch him then run off screaming. I did the same when he played RE:DIrectors Cut

>> No.824559
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Well my parents were too busy drinking their asses off so i had freedom in that aspect ..

>> No.824570

Never had this issue. I was 6 when my uncle bought a PS1 with RE3. He was normally ahead of me, but I followed.
One year later, he gets Silent Hill. To this day, it's the only game that managed to get me so unsettled. SH2 and the rest are a cakewalk in comparison... it's all because of that fucking school.

Before PS1 I had a wide array of Genesis games. MK1, 2 and U3 were classics... and my uncle would always beat the crap out of anyone. He still remembers all the cheat codes, too.
That Genesis is still alive and working, along with a Megadrive.

>> No.824595

Wasn't forbidden to play any games I got, but that said they weren't keen on me gaming as a hobby, and as such didn't give me much allowance, didn't get me games as gifts, and told other parents not to get me game as gifts. They also thought Legend of Zelda games were either too childish, too violent, or too graphically poor for me to play (depending on the game, and this lasted clean until Twilight Princess on the Gamecube), though they never outright forbade it. Would hate to see what they'd have thought of Majora's Mask.

>> No.824627
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No, my parents gave me no restrictions. They were just happy that I was doing something that other kids seemed to do.

Probably the worst thing was that I grew up in front of early 90's internet.

>> No.824635

>They were just happy that I was doing something that other kids seemed to do.

My parents hated that I played video games, but they didn't restrict the games I had.

>> No.824639

I wasn't restricted at all. Played the shit out of DOOM when I was a kid, had Mortal Kombat everywhere, played CBFD all the time.

It was mostly due to them liking games as well.

>> No.824657

There was a game that was on my father's computer, and I could only play it when he didn't use it.
I can't remember the name, but you were a red pacman guy inside a computer eating green circuitboards and had to avoid falling rocks and electrical currents and scissors flying around.
It was a puzzle game.

>> No.824661
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Yea, they first bought me a Game boy when I asked for one.

Later they bought me a PS1 with resident evil 2. I never even asked for it. It was just there one day.

>> No.824731
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Cool! There was this one time some classmates came to my house and put this exhibition mode in which you see every single fatality. I literally just run to the stairs after seeing this witch-alike character kill another one by screaming at him.

I used to get scared by the most stupid shit when I was a kid/teen. Like, there was this Mushroom boss level on Pandemonium and I think that I actually cried when I first saw it.
Also I had this CD of Spiderman for the PS which had this paradox-type intro with a Superman logo. That thing used to freak me out. I'm not sure if it was the thing itself or the fact that once that screen was finished the game started and therefore the intro of the game being displayed, which showed Venom and all the villains of the game. I love that game and I played it a lot, but I had to skip the intro everytime otherwise I would freak out.

Not /vr/ related, but there was this boss on Ragnarok Online that had the ability to be invisible and oh god it was so fucking creepy and weird hnggg (I'm not that much of a kid in case you are wondering. I played RO like during 2005-2008. I'm 18).

Now that I think about it, I'm really weird when it comes to my fears. To this day It's umcomfortable/fascinating for me to watch old VHS-quality videos from the 90s. Or Disney movies. Oddly enough, I don't get scared at all by videogames today (the only one which could provoke something similar to fear would be Clock Tower, but that's it).

>> No.824795

My mother thought Conker Bad Fur Day was cute.

I'm not kidding.

>> No.824821

My mom gave zero fucks. I was like 9 or 10 when Mortal Kombat came out in the arcades and I would go all the time and play it. She bought me Duke Nukem 3D for me when I came out and I was like 13.

>> No.824830

The character was indeed very cute. In fact it was supossed to be a featured on a highly kawaii platformer game that ended up being transformed into CBFD (which I think was the reason of why Nintendo got mad at them).
If you are on a country that doesn't speak english then I think most of the parents saw CBFD as a cute game since they didn't understand what was going on. I mean, I played it when I was a kid a I don't remember noticing any of the adult themes/jokes.

>> No.824831

My mother actually cared about the age ratings, so I never played any violent games until I was a teenager.
The PS2 era GTA games were massive disappointments for me when I eventually played them on the PC, after all the media hype/outrage surrounding them I was expecting some ridiculously edgy games, but they didn't deliver.

>> No.825137

None. I was allowed to play whatever. My dad rented me Conker's Bad Fur day when I was 8. I didn't get any of the humor until I was older, but still.

>> No.825146

I had to buy Perfect Dark as a Junior in High School and sneak it out of Wal-Mart in my cargo shorts. My father was very against my purchase of this game specifically for some reason.

>> No.825150

They pretty much wouldn't let me play violent video games until I was a teenager. But WW2 games were fine.

>> No.825179

My parents didn't want me playing wrestling games. They got me a N64 for X-Mas knowing damn well I wanted it because of the AKI/THQ wrestling games, but they didn't want me playing wrestling games. They eventually caved when they realised that I was renting Revenge and World Tour myself from the mom & pop shop for months, and gave me Wrestlemania 2000 the following X-Mas.

In the mean time, they had no problem whatsoever with buying me Super Smash Bros. when that came out.

>> No.825202
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My uptight hyper christian mom caught me playing redneck rampage and demanded I took it off the computer. I then lied to her and told her I did, then kept playing it 5 minutes later. Stupid cunt. She tried to pull that same thing when I was 18 and modding GTA3 and a I pretty much told her to stick it. Now she's actively trying to fuck up my marriage so I haven't been on speaking terms with her in over a year. Didn't mean to blog this out so long.

>> No.825209

>hyper-christian trying to fuck up our country's most sacred of institutions
You gay, or married to a nigger? Also let me congratulate you on getting out of the park, m8; I know that feel.

>> No.825221

Glorious times with Wolfenstein 3D, my dad played the game.
Secretly killing nazi's at night time, I will never forget that feel.

>> No.825223
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Monty Python & the Quest for the Holy Grail

Somehow the "Spank the virgins" minigame wasn't considered appropriate for a 6 year old.

>> No.825224
File: 83 KB, 900x756, Photo Apr 21, 5 17 50 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.
Played OG doom for years because it was the only shooter game I had, couldn't get half life, couldn't get quake arena, couldn't get counterstrike. mfw I was allowed to get metroid prime when it came out, only because it was nintendo, and you had a "space gun" as I put it at age 12.

I blame the mass hysteria that followed columbine, not the actual shootings, just the fucking media.

>> No.825226

My mom was a hippie when she was young, so she hated anything even remotely violent, afraid I was going to join the military and be a sadistic fuck when I was older. My dad, who fought in Vietnam, knew this was bullshit, and as long as he didn't think it was too violent, I was good. I remember one day my mom was at work and my dad and I were playing Resident Evil 3. We finished right before she got home, and I started watching DBZ. She walks in and flips out when she sees Yamcha get speared by Android 20. I wasn't allowed to watch DBZ anymore, but I could keep playing RE3 as much as I liked.

>> No.825232

Nope, just a regular girl. My mom is a massive fucking hypocrite and always has been (I bet you know that feel too). It's kind of funny thinking back how stupid she really was. She thought she was so smart when she would ground me, she'd take away the power cables for my Genesis and hide them behind the couch.
dat bring out your dead tetris

>> No.825239

>I don't remember noticing any of the adult themes/jokes
Really? But there was a load of graphic ones!


>> No.825249

my thinking was that if they were going to allow me to play a game just as bad (if not worse, considering some of the fatalities) on the violence spectrum, what was wrong with letting me play doom?

they thought that since i was "mature" enough to make a case for myself, then i should probably be allowed to play it. it was less about the contents of the paper, and more about me actually having the ability to form a compelling argument.

>> No.825253

My parents evidently didn't give a shit. I played Doom when I was like 4 years old. We used to make personal pages on Microsoft Frontpage, and my brother wouldn't let me put "I like demons" on it even though I only meant the enemies in Doom.

Also not /vr/, but I remember hiding under the coffee table watching Heavy Metal thinking my parents somehow wouldn't notice. That actually did piss them off, and they "threw away" the VHS shortly afterwards (although I'm pretty sure my dad just hid it somewhere).

>> No.825258

>sneaking Heavy Metal
Oh shit, now that brings back memories..

>> No.825270

From what I've heard the gameboy color Conker game is pretty much in line with and a good insight into what Conker was supposed to be like originally.

>> No.825315

I only played it on a classmate's house. I don't recall playing more than 3 hours or so of singleplayer (there is a slight possibility that I saw the sunflower with huge tits, but I'm not sure). Multiplayer was were the fun was at.
I didn't even remember that game existed. Now that I see it on YouTube, yeah, It's pretty happy. Not like you could use adult themes on a GBC game anyway. Maybe with dialogues, but that would be way too forced.

>> No.825324

>Multiplayer was were the fun was at.

wow, someone that had friends like me!

>> No.825345

I had friends.
None of them like video games or wanted to play them with me.

>> No.825375

Terror from the deep.

I got addict to it so much that my grade was plummated

>> No.825473

My parents didn't care what I played, and my grandma bought me Diablo 2 for Christmas 2000 (I was 11).
I'm surprised that nobody has said pokemon yet. I can remember quite a lot of stink around the games as a child, and had a few friends whose parents wouldn't let them watch the show, play the games, or own any of the toys. I grew up in the American deep south though, so the high concentration of christian fundamentalists might be the problem.

>> No.825526

The worst that happened to me is that they saw the boot-up test sequence for one of the Namco Museum arcade games (where the flashes a bunch of garbled data to test the RAM or whatever) and got mad with me since they thought I'd broken the game already.

>> No.825539

Console video games matured at almost the exact same rate I did, minor exceptions like Technocop or Battleclash aside. Even at 10 I correctly realized gore was a gimmick for mediocre games to get more attention.

By the time I was a young adult the Playstation was delivering games like Blood Omen and Resident Evil. I thought GTA was a gimmick game until 3 came out and I was so ready for a game like that.

These days there are lots more good, available indie games coming out that give me very specialized, complex experiences

This is all a result of never having been able to afford a PC that played new games until now that Moore's law is cooling it.

>> No.825563

I was allowed to play anything
>tfw your dad's friend lets you play blake stone on his computer at 4
>tfw handing strippers wads of cash in DN3d and getting a raging child boner
my parents didnt really care because they never paid attention I got good grades and never got in trouble so they didnt think anything of it. The only game my mom didnt really like me playing was TMNT tournament fighters for NES which was the first game she bought me with SMB3. She thought it was too violent when I was that young and I was going to beat my brother up. I never did so she stop caring. I dont think my mom would have liked duke nukem had she seen the strippers. They didnt mind me blowing the shit out of aliens and my babysitter (friends mom) let me and my friend play it but she didnt know about the strippers either.

>> No.825589
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My parents never really gave that much of a shit about what I played, but holy shit my friends had some crazy parents.

Next door neighbor was a coddled and immature dumbass with stereotypical overbearing Jewish grandparents that he lived with. He "had" ADHD, which is what doctors back then to diagnose weird kids with so the parents wouldn't feel bad for raising an undisciplined spoiled spaz. He was pretty fucking slow though and dumb as fuck, but that was nurture, not nature. Anyways, they used to poke their head in the room and just go ballistic over the most trivial shit.

>Bikini-clad girls on a billboard
>riding Yoshi in SMW ("looked suggestive"/"looked like sex")
>characters getting stabbed (but no fucks about them getting shot, curiously).
>characters smoking (they assumed every cigarette was a "marijuana cigarette" to them)
>anything with rap or black people

They always figured somehow it was always my fault he was playing those games, as if I bought the games for him or peer-pressured him in to wanting them. In reality, him and I had wildly different tastes. They always bought him GTA 3 and shit like that, then get pissed about it and blame me for "making him want it" when the realized what they'd gotten for him. Nothing was ever their fault or, god forbid, HIS fault.

>> No.825606

Ended up getting a really weird impression of Christianity when I was little thanks to one of my distant cousins living in a superficially strict Christian household.

I didn't know what it meant to "have faith in the Lord" except that you can't do anything cool like play video games or watch awesome cartoons. It was so depressing going over there because his house was just empty and quiet. No TV, no vidya, no cool toys (had just generic toys and not the awesome Beast Wars, X-Men or Batman: TAS stuff everyone else had) because it was all "too violent." It was just a series of "can't do that because I'm Christian."

>> No.825626
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>mfw couldn't use black mages in FFI because evil magic

>> No.825628

That's amazing.

>> No.825640

I played whatever I wanted because I didn't show signs of being a retard. That aside my parent's were kinda iffy on Grand Theft Auto at first but they bought it anyway.

>> No.825645

My father's side of the family was super religious and when that preacher talked shit about Pokemon they banned their kids from playing it.

>> No.825646

All sorts of shit. I recall Baldur's Gate in particular, I was devastated when I couldn't play that.

See, my dad's an OG computer nerd, and consequently he was (And remains, to this day) extremely knowledgable about what was going on in the video game world and what I had installed on my computer (Didn't get a console until the Gamecube, of all things). To say ESRB ratings were stringently enforced would be an understatement. The only T-rated games I got to play before I was 13 was Star Wars ones, and I had no M-rated titles until I was old enough to go out and buy them myself.

The worst part of this was that I was the oldest sibling, and consequently the rules got laxer as far as my brother went. Shit sucked, but the 'rents raised me well so I can't complain too much.

>> No.825656

That's because they bought it for themselves using you as an excuse

>> No.825657

Mortal Kombat. Probably because I jumped on to my little brother after he killed me in game.

>> No.825665
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I was allowed to play whatever the hell I wanted. Feels good having parents who knew their kid was smart enough to differentiate fantasy from reality. Same applies to movies and television.

>> No.825678
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>mfw I basically made more friends because of this rule because I was the kid that had all of the mature games

>> No.825710
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I could play any M-rated game I wanted, but my parents couldn't trust that I wouldn't become a rollerskating graffiti artist.

>> No.825987

Pao Yin Chop for the PS1

>> No.826039

>Parents let me play DOOM when I was 6
>Let me watch violent R rated movies at the same age
>"They're just video games, he knows that, no need to worry, right?"
>Media pitches a fit about Grand Theft Auto
>Parents let me play Vice City at a friend's house but absolutely will not let me play it at home because the news said it was bad
>Buy games like Resident Evil for me but suddenly they care about the guns and violence (they still let me play them anyway but they bitch about it like I somehow coerced them into it.)

>> No.826054

Strip Poker for Commodore, when I was 7.

That's all.

>> No.826087
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>tfw my dad would let me and bros play Mortal Kombat all the time
>won't let us play games like Doom, Wolfenstein and GTA

Still confuses the fuck out of me for that

>> No.826105

My parents would give me strange looks because I'd play shit like Harvest Moon for the SNES. I think they thought it was gay or sissy like or something. They were perfectly ok with me playing Mortal Kombat and Quake though.

>> No.826109


If I've learned one thing, it's that when you become a parent your reasoning skills become shit.

>> No.826115
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>years ago
>friends' mom catches my oldest sister getting fucked
>mom decides our family needs religion
>we turn Christian in the shallowest way possible
>mostly consists of my mom arbitrarily deciding certain games are evil
>if she heard about it on the news, it's evil and I can't touch it
>Columbine had recently happened, so she only really focuses on me and what games I play, not what music and shit my sister likes
>pretty much only effects me and not my slutty sister at all
>sis graduates to sucking black dick to piss off my folks
>we drop the Christian shit in less than a year because it was too much work and not working
>I go back to being able to play what I want

>> No.826117

DOOM for the SNES. I wasn't allowed to play it until I was 14, in 2008.

Still, love the PC version.

Also, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but that was less because of the violence (they had no qualms there, each of my parents being MK fans) and more because I once threw a bitchfit over losing all my credits against Sonya.

>> No.826123

I wouldn't call them stupid really. I guess because it was fantasy violence not real violence

>> No.826128
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>TFW I'm Catholic and my mum let me play Quake when I was younger, except for GTA, she thought I'd turn into a wigger or something.

Feels gut man.

>> No.826130

My parents let me play whatever I wanted. I was playing Quake when I was like 7 or so.

>> No.826132

>Q*bert (arcade)

No joke. I think i was in a Pizza Hut in the late 80's when i saw a Q*bert machine there. I asked if i could play it and mom said "No, that game is too hard."

To put this in perspective, she also believes Germany is still divided into East and West, that we are still at war with Russia to this very day, can't learn how to use a DVD player, and when i told her about Neil Armstrong passing away last year she looked at me for a minute and said "The bicycler?"

At least i got to play Doom on my SNES.

>> No.826136
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>your mom
Jesus christ, I know how you feel.

>> No.826147
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>The bicycler

>> No.826142

Holy shit, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.826143

My family's religious thing was just a phase, luckily. All it did was inspire my sister to grow a love for black cock. My dad is Southern as fuck and she started doing it solely to piss him off. Two mixed children (including one who came out straight-up black as fuck) later, she proves she's in it for the long haul.

>> No.826145

I don't even know how to react to that.

>> No.826157
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>cousin wasn't allowed to play Pokemon because of evolution
>we'd always play Pokemon stadium when he came over

>> No.826170

Anything with anamorphic animals.
Last year I discovered my parents wouldn't let me play games like that because they believed it would fuck up my sexuality.
This was the 80's/90's before the furry craze was born or took off

Both funny and sad.

>> No.826176

You have good parents. They raised you to not be a degenerate.

>> No.826180

That's.. actually either some fantastic foresight, or a really strange concern that just so happened to be legitimate.

>> No.826183

Whatever works for you man, At least you don't have to deal with a Bi-Polar woman as your mother.

>> No.826195

God I hate non-fictional old people in robes.

Non-fictional old people in robes NEVER produce anything worthwhile.

>> No.826206

My dad was a tour guide in a museum with an exhibit that showed that geeks would dress animals as humans and have sex with them. Apparently that trend came and went with cultures throughout time and my dad was a big believer in everything going in cycles. To make things crazier his biggest issue was with Sonic. That one had no context/reason he just really felt getting into Sonic would lead to weird debauchery.
I want to disagree but my cousin was a huge sonic fan in his youth and he now goes to furry conventions at age 35 so I guess I should begrudging than them.

>> No.826207
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My parents never mind, but once when I was ~14 and playing the Smash Bros 64 at my friend's house his ~8 year old brother played with us and kept yelling "DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!". Their mother yelling from her room "quick saying die", but this little kid kept doing it. Eventually, she stormed into the room, ripped the game from the console, and outright banned all current and future Nintendo 64 games from their household. She gave their system to their cousin.

>> No.826214
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>> No.826217

Yeah those kind of moms make me wonder what's going on in their head. Kids like killing things in their youth, give most 2 year olds a butterfly and they will crush it with a smile.

>> No.826229

>tfw my parents didn't care what i played

>> No.826231

The ones I notice that are like that tend to have dads missing in the picture, many a time jailed or just bailers.
Might have some deep fear there kids gonna break because they made a bad call on the now absent dad.

>> No.826241
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I was allowed to play any game. My parents were libertarian like that.

Although I'm sure games based on pornography like Custer's on Atari would've been implicitly out of line, but I was raised on the NES/SNES/Genesis so there wasn't a problem.

Mortal Kombat was the go to scapegoat of the day, but my parents rented it and bought it for me all the time.

>> No.826243

It's not even that kids are psychotic.

They just don't have CONTEXT.

It should be obvious but countless parents don't understand it. Just teach the context.

>> No.826256

Your friend's little bro is a damn weirdo, and taking the video games away isn't going to cure him.

That bomb made me lol so hard.

>> No.826272

Actually I was going closer to what your saying. They don't get context is important they are just terrified they are going to raise them to turn out like there never there dads so they freak out.

>> No.826286

My mom just bought me whatever game I wanted and if she had any objections to certain parts she would caution me about it but otherwise she trusted me to be able to handle it and let me just play whatever.

>> No.826293

My dad took my younger sister and I to go see Robocop at the cinema when it came out. I was six.

Then bought it on VHS, which we watched almost every day for an entire summer.

My dad = awesome.

>> No.826305

My dad is really old (78; for comparison, I'm only 25) and really out of touch. When I was a kid, he just figured all games were like Pac-Man and didn't have the capacity to be offensive.

Mom worried a lot and occasionally would go "Oh, I heard playing that game might make you violent" but I would just tell her that's fucking silly and she wouldn't bring it up again.

>> No.826313

My dad removed Doom from our computer after Columbine happened because he bought into the media hype that Doom caused Columbine to happen.

He also wouldn't let me play Duke Nukem because he heard about how "raunchy" it was.

That's about it. He once commented on how much blood there was in Tenchu while I was playing it, but he never stopped me from playing it.

>> No.826321


I hate to be all "ONLY 90S KIDS WILL REMEMBER, THUMBS UP IF YOU AGREE", but it weird me out that there are now people around 4chan too young to remember that shit or to have been affected in some manner by the intense shitstorm that followed it. I was one of the only kids at my school who played video games, so people who bought in to the "VIDEO GAMES MAKE YOU A KILLER" hysteria always joked (with varying degrees of seriousness) that I might be dangerous because I played games.

>> No.826324

I remember playing Mortal Kombat with my mother when I was around 8 or 9. She'd cheer when someone got fatality'd or taunt me when she'd win one time out of a hundred.

Looking back, I think she thought denying me games like that would just make me more interested in them, so she let me play anything. Funnily enough though, I was scared of Doom and early survival horrors for the PSX for a long time.

>> No.826327

I honestly can't remember the effects of Columbine and I was only 9 years old. I don't remember any assemblies at my school or teachers talking about it or my parents being concerned.

>> No.826330


What's silly about it was the fact that my dad was the one that introduced me to Doom in the first place...He brought home floppies for Doom and Heretic that he borrowed from a guy at work years before Columbine, and we would play them together (until he stopped playing because they gave him headaches)...He never personally deemed them too violent before the media told him that they were.

But, even before Columbine, I wasn't allowed to play on the nightmare difficulty (because it was too hard) and I wasn't allowed to use cheat codes (because it was cheating).

>> No.826329

Oooh, I remember that too, there was like only four of us in the entire school of 600 kids that actually played video games before Halo. People thought we would go on a rampage or something.

Strangely enough, Columbine did have the nice effect of making every bully think twice before harassing anyone, so that was kind of nice.

>> No.826336

>Strangely enough, Columbine did have the nice effect of making every bully think twice before harassing anyone, so that was kind of nice.

I entered high school a few years after Columbine, and I never got shit from bullies aside from comments here and there and the bullies nicknaming me Columbine because I was quiet and dressed in black...Columbine basically gave me a free pass through high school from being bullied.

>> No.826339

Columbine was during my senior year and my dad is a bro who loved video games.

Gaming wise, it had pretty much zero effect on me.

>> No.826343

My parents let me play all the games. Hell, even my friend got to play all the games and his parents were super strict and religious. He was afraid to use "curse words," it was that bad.

When we were 10 years old, Conker's Bad Fur Day just came out and it was advertised as being an adult rated game. My parents knew and his parents knew it was adult rated and we both got to play it.

>> No.826348

I got to play, do and say just about anything I wanted when I was a kid. Only thing that ever got me in hot water with my folks was getting in trouble at school

Saying "fuck" was off limits for a long time, but even that got lifted when my dad got sent to prison because he was always the one who administered the ass-whoopins. I just started saying it and my mom was like "whatever."

>> No.826357

I don't want to sell drugs and beat women. I'd rather sneak around as Batman.

>> No.826686

post pix plz

>> No.826730
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I didn't even see the bomb I was laughing so hard at "muh shekels". All according to plan I guess.

>> No.827797
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>Clock Tower
nothing could ever have prepared me for it
that scene in the PSX version where the zombie comes alive and attacks you

>> No.827837

Grand Theft Auto 1.

>tfw I played it anyways

>> No.827856

None, thankfully. I was 9 when Doom was released and my parents bought it for me. Through the years I openly played Carmageddon, Fallout, Postal, Phantasmagoria, etc.

Strangely enough my parents restricted the music I could listen to and how I could dress. Couldn't even listen to Korn after my stepdad heard some rumor about how the band got their name.

>> No.827863

>Strangely enough, Columbine did have the nice effect of making every bully think twice before harassing anyone, so that was kind of nice.

Fuck, not at my school. I wore a rain coat one day and had a group of retards calling me "Trench coat mafia" at every opportunity. And again, it was a rain coat. It didn't even reach my knees.

>> No.827872


This. All it did was make the school suspicious of me, and people still gave me shit because I didn't actually look threatening. I was getting it from all sides because I was a faggy little Bieber-like kid.

I was in 5th grade when Columbine happened. I tried to make a "Pokemon Club". Harmless as fuck. Ended up getting suspended for two weeks and having to go to counseling for trying to make a "potentially violent gang." Shit like that happened to me all the time after Columbine.

>> No.827876
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I wanted to play FFVIII, but my mom wouldn't let me because at that time news travelled around the world about some faggot who killed someone with a sword and then cut his forehead to be like Squall.

I cirumvented this by playing VII and then IX, by that point my mom realized it was no big deal and I wasn't gonna turn into a murderer.

>> No.827885

Any GTA past 2, but I never really cared about them back then.

>> No.827889

Hah, man that sucks. I never went through anything that extreme, but got to experience the pleasure of being called into the office and questioned whenever they had bomb threats/rumors.

>> No.827937

>getting called trench coat mafia
so alpha ;__;

>> No.828090

Leisure Suit Larry 1

>> No.828124

I was allowed to play any game I pleased.

I did however go to the store with my friend once and, with my own money in hand, was not allowed to buy Diablo because his mom was a stuck-up cunt.

>> No.828145

My Mum and Dad stopped me playing Ecco the Dolphin for a while cause they thought it was too dark but eventually gave in and let me play.

I thought it was stupid at the time as you were a Dolphin so how could it be scary? But I can kinda see why now, now that I'm old enough to appreciate the Atmosphere it creates, I find it creepy as fuck.

>> No.828158

not really, but at the time I didnt find gta/fps interesting/fun so I never played them, even when my older brother had lots of them

>> No.828265

The only game they had an issue with at first was Mortal Kombat. After a while they just caved because the pool hall they would go drink at had the game and we always went with them because of the games, pinball, and pool. Prior to that we had also played Wolfenstein 3D and shit so they had no case against owning it.

>> No.830821

Any GTA game. Now they don't care really. There was one point where they were going to take away Dragonball Z, Mario, and Pokemon games away for there "satanic" references. I was like Awww hell naw.

>> No.830834
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Abe's Oddysee. I'm not even joking, my dad thought the authoritarian and discriminating scrolling messages in the factory were serious and assumed the game would try to teach its players nazi morals.

>> No.830840
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As an Oklahoman who grew up in a baptist household, mfw i know dat feel

>> No.830841

haha oh wow

this thread

the extent of your parental insanity was 'you cant do a certain thing'

I dont like you or dislike you

but we are not the same

>> No.830853
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>anon thinks having a worse childhood then the rest of us makes him cooler

>> No.830869

>"satanic" references.

What the fuck, man.

Also, never. My mom never bought into the media hype of how such games turn innocent little kids into gruesome killers which is rampant in my country. Worst thing were some remarks about the gore when I played stuff like Resident Evil.

>> No.830872


Im not cooler than you

Im BETTER than you

big difference

cooler is a matter of individual perception

better is something that can be measured

>> No.830875

Watch this:

My parents abandoned me when I was eleven, and I was abused and tortured by my foster parents after being homeless for too long as a kid made it too difficult to keep ducking the police. When the SNES came out, I was sleeping near the railroad tracks because the dogs were afraid of trains.

I am therefore cooler than you. In my coolness, I declare this thread to be righteous indignation against religious zealotry and ignorance; how we almost missed out on a culturally significant series of events and arts that shape modern culture to this day.

>> No.830879
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>> No.830901

>Im BETTER than you

That doesn't sound very convincing when your posts don't follow any grammar or spelling rules.

>> No.830905
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>mfw all homeless people and victims of abuse are cooler than m

>> No.831929

My parents didn't give a fuck.

When I was 3 or 4 (my elder brother was 9) he brought us Custer's Revenge for the 2600 from a business trip to the US.

Horrible game, but he loved how you had to fuck the indian. He called the game (in spanish) "India Tetona" (indian with big tits).

I remember getting terrible boners from Strip Poker on Atari 800XL

>> No.831974

>bragging about your personal lives on an anonymous message board

Go back to /v/ please

>> No.831975

None, though if anything had objectionable content I just hid it.

I mean, by the time I was 12 I was playing Diablo 1 over the net and had already seen plenty of shock sites, gore and porn. Not that my mom knew, but I was smart enough to hide that shit or downplay its role in games. Duke Nukem 3D? Just played it when she wasn't around... SHAKE IT BABY!

>> No.832690
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The best gif of all time.

Of all time.

All time.

>> No.832804

Leather Goddesses of Phobos.

>> No.832834

>tfw glorious parents, total bro dad and total "I trust you enough to let you use your own judgement on that stuff" mom
>Dad gave me his copy of Metal Gear Solid when I turned 14
>Dad and I used to take turns playing Duke Nukem
>Dad and I used to take turns playing Resident Evil
>Dad and I used to take turns playing Silent Hill
Any games I refused to play were based on my own 8 year old judgement. For example, I got scared by Parasite Eve so I didn't want to play it. How Parasite Eve scared me more than RE or SH is beyond me.
>be 2002
>I'm 8 and strolling through Blockbuster
>"Dad, Conker's Bad Fur Day looks fun!"
>Dad rents it for me
>Go home
>he TOP LEL'd when he saw what he just rented for me
>suggested I play something else
>Conker puked or something and I got grossed out so I agreed
>played Mario Party with him for the rest of the day
I miss you, Dad.

>> No.832836
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My parents were so selective when it came to "appropriate games". It was perfectly fine for me to play Doom and Doom 2 (mostly thanks to my grandpa), but after I saw the demo/trailer for it, my parents wouldn't let me play Resident Evil 2, to this day I still wonder why...

>> No.832850

Step dad wouldn't let me play Super Mario Kart

>"It's mine, fuck off"

Well fuck you. I'm glad you're dead

>> No.832881

Reading is hard, huh?

>> No.832886

my parents did literally the exact same thing and only last year did I get an explanation:

in Doom, it's clearly a fantasy setting. there's not really a single thing about it that could be confused with "real life"; the monsters are monsters with the exception of the zombies and the settings are, at their most "normal", science fiction, and at their most "weird" are in Hell

resident evil on the other hand takes place in a right here right now setting. my mom told me "anyone can handle fantasy scary, but when you were young we didn't know if we wanted to playing something that you might think could actually happen"

forgive my grammar if its poor, i've been drinking a little bit

>> No.832904

I wasn't even allowed to have a console until the PS2, so all of them. I relied solely on friends' houses for retro gaming as a kid.

>> No.832938

you little shit

>> No.832949

Wow big ups to your dad for that one.
Seriously I am so bizarrely impressed.

>> No.832951
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Cheers to that...I hope my Step Dad is dead as well!

>> No.832959

Go find your dad and tell him that he was right all along. Show him all the furry porn and Sonic autism. As well as the bronies. Also ask him why he didn't play the lottery.
>dat future sight

>> No.833062


I was around 8 and living in colorado when the whole columbine fiasco kicked off, before that i was able to play stuff like gta and mortal kombat without a second look, until our school had an assembly about "Violence in the Media" after that my mom took away my ps1 because she thought it would turn me into a psychopath, but my dad would let me play when she went to work.

>> No.833065

>To make things crazier his biggest issue was with Sonic. That one had no context/reason he just really felt getting into Sonic would lead to weird debauchery.

He wasn't wrong.

>> No.833067

My parents let me play pretty much anything, barring pornographic games. They were big on the difference between fantasy and reality, though.

One example that sticks out in my mind is how, when I was playing Final Fantasy VII, I told my mother how it's fake "because if you hit someone with a sword they'd be sliced in half and die". Only applied to enemies with high enough health to withstand a physical attack, but you get the gist.

>> No.833072

>Growing up mom only ever let me play my sister's old game boy
>Refuses to buy new games
>Desperate to try any new video games
>Meet a boy in my neighborhood
>We're the only 10 year olds around who speak English
>Introduces me to Pokémon
>Only lets me watch cause "You'd just ruin everything!"
>Swear I won't save the game, just want to try
No matter who I've slept with I still say this boy was the biggest tease I've ever met in my life.

>> No.833073

Let's be fair, countless Pokemon players have handed their cart over only for the next person to immediately start a new game and save.

>> No.833075

Yeah, at the time I got very upset about it but it's understandable

>> No.833079

You were the villain in this story.

>> No.833084

>implying I wasn't a huge wimp and just went with what he wanted
>implying he didn't spend hours and hours showing off the game and how I wasn't good enough to play it
Watched him finish both red and blue the whole way through before my mom caved in and bought me the game

>> No.833091

When I was little I had my game boy on the charger and on one afternoon cleaning my mom decidez to trip over it. I hadnt saved in a while but I had progressed a significant amount. My gameboy turns off and I turn a fiery red. What else could I do? I went, in my prepubescent squeak, 'God dammmit!'(a big deal in this christian household) and proceeded to yank the vacuum away from her. After she cowered and politely apologized something got into me. Guys, I beat the shit out of my mom. The everliving fuck. She never looked at me the same after that, until five years aho when I made it up to her with an extravagent dinner showing her that funding my culinery career was worth all of those years of hard work . I apologized to her and told her that I never played Pokemon out of shame.

>> No.833093

Is your sister cute

>> No.833130

It sounds like he was the villain in OP's story

funny how perspective works, huh?

>> No.833148

My father used to play lots of FPS games in the 90s. I never had any real limitations, he just told me to man the fuck up and play it. I was 6 when Doom came out and since I wanted to be exactly like my dad I played the shit out of it.

He eventually stopped playing vidya, he now only plays Flight Sims and fishing simulators.

>> No.833149

my parents never bought me games unless i begged for months and months until it was so old i didn't want it anymore. only games i got came from dollar store bins.

they'd get me a system but i'd have to buy my own games. which, for a 13 year old was kind of a challenge. skipped lots of school lunches.

i didn't eat lunch for two months to be able to buy san andreas on launch day.

>> No.833397


>> No.833429

My dad fucking played siphon filter with me. We then used to play future cop LPD together.

My mom was grossed out by anything and wouldn't even let me play earthworm jim.

My dad was hardcore.

>> No.833436

Jagged Alliance 2

>implying I didn't play it any way

That being said, it's surprisingly violent...and for some reason didn't undergo major scrutiny by the germans who would turn everything into mechs including bleeding oil and shit.

>> No.833439

>be a youngin born in 93
>around 98 dad brings in new ps1 game
>armored core
>I fucking failed 5+ times and reset whenever I got human plus (didn't know what it did)
>see dad last year
>go to his computer, throw in flash drive, armored coeon ps1 emulator, throw him gamepad
>a big joke at it because we both always complained at how hard it was

>> No.833568 [SPOILER] 
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My parents we odd. They'd let me play LSL, DN3D, GTA, anything really but not this. Considering this is a text only game and others aren't makes me question their decision

Roberta Williams on the far right.

>> No.833792
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Hell yeah! Surprisingly the german dubbing was very well executed aswell. Loved most of the voices. Unfortunately I cant find a german version online anymore.

>> No.834019

>Couldnt play OoT until I was like 10 because of the stupid redeads

wut. Elaborate

>> No.834058


Telling your kid that you're doing something with your SO that's for 'grownups only' is a good way to give em the slip

>> No.837390

Eh, mom was moderately anti-violence so initially no games where you were murdering people outright (Contra, Mortal Kombat) Then she realized my bro and I probably wouldn't turn out to be serial killers and kind of gave up.
Old one here, I'd played the original Conker games and Bad Fur Day was so fucking weird at the time. I mean they took what was basically Jazz Jackrabbit and dumped shit monsters and swearing into it. Ended up being a pretty good game.

>> No.837410
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Never had an issue with my own parents.
>at friends house
>has Blood demo on his computer
>tells me he's not allowed to play that one
>"what? that's stupid"
>open it anyway
>he tells his mom

>> No.837426

Alone in the dark - Me being 8 years old was completly okay

>> No.837435

I was allowed to play anything, but they never bought me any games. On nintendo I had mario and duck hunt and that was it. Then on N64, I was only able to rent games, and I didn't have a memory card. It was pretty lame.

>> No.837496

>be 12
>playin Vice City on PS2
>given to me by cousin, who was ultimate bro-god
>dad sees me in my room
>sits next to me
>I'm killing random people
>''Wow, you suck at this, anon. Lemme try''
>Dad gets to 6 stars
>dies after killing hundreds of soldiers
>''Wow, this game is pretty fuckin' fun''
>VC bonded my dad and me
>we play videogames together to this day

I got his an Xbox for Christmas. He's currently playing Just Cause 2.

>> No.837556


>> No.841460

I...I don't even

>> No.841629

My parents tried to take away my GTA3 after they saw a news report that painted it in a very negative light

that lasted like 3 weeks

>> No.843643
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I grew up with Doom, Rome Total War and MK4.
I wasn't that young when I first got a PC, my parents got my everything I wanted under the impression that I won't turn up fucked in the head.
I'm fucked in the head but show it only when I get really pissed off or really depressed, and none of those happen in the last years.

>> No.843652

>being sheltered that hard

What are you guys, fucking mormons or something?

>> No.844176

>Grandmother called Mario 64 and Pokemon the devil's work and took away my Gameboy and N64
>Let me keep my Playstation with GTA and Doom
Good job fucking up grandma!

>> No.844221

Q*Bert was fucking hard though.

>> No.844430

Only game I was never really allowed to play was GTA. I later learned I wasn't missing much.
I was the same way. I self-censored stuff so much for myself when I was little my mom practically had to force me to play Perfect Dark 64 when she bought it for me.
My mom thought it was terrible that I would use a gameshark when I was little because she believed I'd never get any better at the games.

Interestingly enough, my mom is a very conservative Christian woman.

>> No.844690

Mortal Kombat

>> No.844694

Conker's Bad Fur Day, but that's probably a pretty obvious one.

>> No.844785

My dad bought me a strip poker game for the C64 when I was 6 years old. You fags had terrible parents.

>> No.844908
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Super smash bros melee

>> No.844937 [DELETED] 
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>Grandmother called Mario 64 and Pokemon the devil's work and took away my Gameboy and N64
>Let me keep my Playstation with GTA and Doom

>> No.844942 [DELETED] 
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>> No.844954
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>Grandmother called Mario 64 and Pokemon the devil's work and took away my Gameboy and N64
>Let me keep my Playstation with GTA and Doom

Holy Shit, I would so force grandma into playing Doom and see what is truly the Devil's work.

>> No.844959

I got my mom to buy me a copy when I was 12. I simply explained to her it's rated M because there's a lot of violence and adult themes.

She bought it for me because I was being honest.

She played it more than I did.

>> No.844969
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>> No.844971
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Nothing. They'd let me play anything.

Of course I had been watching horror movies since I was 5 so maybe they thought I could handle whatever.

Weird thing though, Resident Evil still scared the fuck out of me, even though I was completely desensitized to most horror movies.

>> No.844973
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Jesus used magic all the time, so doesn't that mean he's evil?

>come home from middle school
>shrink-wrapped Demon's Crest for Super NES sitting in back of car
>I light up with excitement
>"Oh, no, this is for your friend Bobby's birthday. It's tomorrow, remember?"
>"Oh... y-y-yeah. N-no problem."
>next day go to his birthday party
>he unwraps gifts
>gets to unwrapping Demon's Crest
>his family gasps and he sits with an uncomfortable posture
>we're asked to leave because we "don't walk the path of Christ"
>they kept the game and threw it in the garbage
>he avoids associating with me at school the rest of the year

>> No.844980

I know the feeling

Watch someone play the game (or a blind LP) and you'll see why games are so much more terrifying

>> No.844987


My girlfriend's dad is a cop.

All I ever do on GTA IV is shoot everything in sight. Cops, peds, everyone. He'd bee furious to see me play that game.

>> No.845004
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>> No.845025


god, christfags are a bucket of laughs.

I remember staying up playing megaman x with my friend. The next morning he protested going to church because he was too tired (and really because he wanted to keep playing with me). His mom lost her shit. Apparently it was easter.

>> No.845035

>Apparently it was easter

So just show her the eggs Megaman shoots out of his arm