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File: 3.84 MB, 444x250, Morrowind's Fantastic Combat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8239304 No.8239304 [Reply] [Original]

Morrowind's combat is awful.

>> No.8239317

if you say so

>> No.8239421

I now hate this game's combat

>> No.8239471

>zero stamina
Every time

>> No.8239480

>zero stamina
>zero training in the weapon you're using
a classic
i have a friend who bounced off of morrowind and called it shit.
he made a custom character that was all focused on noncombat skills and then only had some magic in his minor skills as the only thing he could possible use to fight
and then he ran around with a mace and died to the first enemy he found and quit

>> No.8239652

Two tips for you,
1: Use a weapon you are proficient with. If you're not proficient with anything start over.
2: Attack when stamina is high.

The earlygame of Morrowind is swingy as fuck but it quickly gets better once you get some levels.

>> No.8240379

This, that's why I do two handed blunt Weapons

>> No.8240426
File: 221 KB, 1600x1143, 1_NvBtw3pEdmenVrZGhm-2ZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it is awful because it is too easy to break. However, you are still a fag, OP.

>> No.8240608

Good lord has he ever played a video game before?

>> No.8240640

This anon is right. The combat is awful because nothing is challenging unless you restrict yourself. It’s so easy to become absurdly strong in morrowind. Had the same issue with daggerfall.

>> No.8240727

perhaps combat accuracy shouldn't be tied to how long you can stand to walk at a snail's pace

>> No.8240746

Make potions.

>> No.8240758

I haven't played Morrowind but if the player character in the GIF were skilled with the weapon or whatever then wouldn't the battle look mostly the same, except with the monster dying at the end? I mean it's still simplistic and stupid-looking and boring, isn't it? Or is there some fun technique to carrying it out?

I understand the game is about much more than hand-to-hand combat, but... for what it's worth, swinging a weapon THROUGH a monster in realistic-looking 3D and then having an invisible die roll decide whether you hit is still completely retarded, is it not? People are talking about waiting for stamina or whatever... what is this, a Secret of Mana spinoff?

>> No.8240761
File: 118 KB, 606x502, DB77E548-61F5-44C2-BF52-74386D85CAB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you give off the same vibe this guy does from the way you type

>> No.8240935

it's an rpg, combat is about testing the effectiveness of your build and skill choices, not to see if you have the skill/reflexes for your underleveled character with no combat history can slaughter every guard in vivec

>> No.8241284

Why make it real time then?

>> No.8241312

>combat is about testing the effectiveness of your build and skill choices
Sounds like a spreadsheet simulator, not an RPG.

>> No.8241314

For a more seamless and immersive experience, obviously.

>> No.8241323

It's not seamless at all though. There's a huge disconnect between the visuals and what's actually happening.

>> No.8241329

The guy in the picture must have given off an intelligent vibe then.

>> No.8241335

Morrowind combat is utter trash. It's not even about the dice roll, it's the fact that the melee is dull and lifeless even for ARPG standards.

>> No.8241340

Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle, will arrive exhausted.

>> No.8241360

Yeah well, if I have to use my imagination a little for it not to just be like hitting a stick with another stick, with a health bar then so be it.

>> No.8241382
File: 2.71 MB, 854x480, 1628673000986.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8241419

>There's a huge disconnect between the visuals and what's actually happening.
That's really it. Controlling how strong you want your swing to be how much stamina it'll use, these are good choices to have in a game like this. There's just really bad visual feedback when your attack isn't working, and this is on top of the game already having questionable animation quality for when it does work.
Bioware RPGs were pretty good about this regarding Neverwinter Nights and KOTOR, their style allowed for a lot of variety in communicating a failure to hit.

>> No.8243014

is that a joke?