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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8238262 No.8238262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8238265


>> No.8238281
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Great marketing and Nintendo/Sega stupidity.

>> No.8238282

One of the first on the market to regularly do quality 3D graphics.
Price point compared to the competition.
CD based and therefore cheaper to print copies of games.
Solid hardware for the time.
Big name devs jumping ship from Nintendo to Sony. (Square)
Sony’s good reputation for producing quality electronics.
PlayStation engineers previously worked with Nintendo on a cd based console.

>> No.8238284

having more than 7 good games

>> No.8238290

Crash, FF7, the list goes on...

>> No.8238301

this, nintendo blew it big time and sega were always short sighted. playstation took sega's place as the cooler more mature alternative to nintendo and sega's numerous blunders up to that point made it easy for sony to do so. it was honestly just a really good understanding of the market in addition to smart decisions and perfect timing overall. they really just did everything right.

>> No.8238420

Nintendo taking the decision that the N64 shouldn't have many games because "quality over quantity"

That helped the competition a lot.

>> No.8238428

Piracy and exclusives

>> No.8238468

The Saturn being complete dogshit when came to games, Atari and 3DO being non-factors, and the fact that Sony used discs and were cool with developers back then as opposed to Nintendo driving everyone away with cartridges. Sony knows how to make consumer electronics that people enjoy unless it's a cell phone

>> No.8238484

square, namco, konami, capcom and a bunch of other third parties jumped ship IMMEDIATELY because of nintendo's hawkish third party policies and spent years trying to make it fail as much as possible
sega self destructed

>> No.8238489

3D, 'mature branding', third party devs, CDs, the list goes on
The real question is how Sega fucked it up so bad when they had the established branding, Tomb Raider, Resident Evil etc and still failed catastrophically.

>> No.8238521

Just checked there wuz no Diablo port on saturn

>> No.8238528

marketing and cheap games. N64 was more powerful and had higher quality games, but that never mattered to the dumb masses

>> No.8238534

>higher quality games
Um sweaty no lol

>> No.8238541

zelda, the list goes on..

>> No.8238545

nothing comes close to n64 AAA titels and you know it. Fucking shitposters

>> No.8238546 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8238547

anon you mistakenly used the s at the end, in english that is used for plurals, what you really meant is n64 AAA title

>> No.8238580

Lots of good games, and chipping your console was easy/inexpensive.
We probably bought at least half as many games as we burned - and we had surely over a hundred in our collection. People bought the system with this in mind. Word of mouth coupled with efficient marketing made it enticing.
Buying the console and a few licensed games, then proceeding to pirate everything thereafter was probably already a profit for Sony.
N64 was great, but the value you got out of the PlayStation was second to none among consoles.

>> No.8238606

I like both consoles, but what AAA titles are you talking about? Besides Mario, Zelda, Golden Eye, Star Fox 64, Perfect Dark and maybe a couple of other games, what else is there that makes N65 AAA titles way better than PS1 and other consoles?
PS1 also had a pretty good list of AAA games, obviously with a different style than N64 games, and you can prefer one, but it is retarded to say that nothing comes close to one of them.

>> No.8238612

FF7 in Japan, easy piracy in 3-rd world. Dunno about US, n64 was strong there.

>> No.8238715


>> No.8238747

Developer friendly publishing policies.
Developer friendly hardware.
Powerful and efficient hardware.
Optimal price point, manufacturing made affordable by Sony's vertical integration.
They did Sega's edgy newcomer marketing better than Sega.
Name recognition.

>> No.8238756

AAA titles such as Mario, Zelda... uhhh.... Banjo, the list goes on...

>> No.8238782

>was marketed as a cool new high tech system
>advertisements aimed at people who didn’t play games at the time to entice them in
>relatively cheap for a console
>massive third party support due to Sony being much friendlier and easy to deal with than Nintendo and Sony
>system was significantly easier to develop for than the Saturn or N64
>cheaper production costs for devs (Saturn had this too but the system had other issues that made developers more likely to go for the PlayStation)
>most powerful machine available at the time meaning customers could expect bigger and better games than those found on competitors
>Sega shooting themselves in the foot with the 32x and the launch of the Saturn
>Nintendo stumbling out the door a few years later with a non dev friendly piece of hardware

All that and just good luck I’d say

>> No.8238784

this. ignore sony marketers.

>> No.8238790

Oh and piracy too.

>> No.8238794

$100 cheaper than the Saturn. First to market. Better launch games.

>> No.8238814

I have to admit, as much as I prefer the PlayStation, the Japanese launch games were a real mess

>two mahjong games
>a port of two Parodius games
>ridge racer
>a train simulator
>weird anime beat em up
>weird anime dungeon crawler
>virtual ball in a maze game

>> No.8238867

Fuck I hate /VR now. Why did the playstation succeed? Piracy!
Why did the Dreamcast fail? Piracy!

>> No.8238893

Only retards think it was piracy. The Dreamcast failed because of the titanic hype for the PS2 completely overshadowing any chance it had, as well as general distrust of Sega following the triple whammy disaster of the Sega CD-Saturn. Keep in mind, the Saturn was being supported in 1998 and the console sold wel enough in Japan meaning that an upgrade wasn’t really needed for them, compared to the west. Piracy surely can’t have helped things but to blame it solely for the Dreamcast’s failure is stupid

>> No.8238895

Cheap+powerful hardware
Tons of 3rd parties that were absolutely sick of Nintendo's treatment that they were willing so support any potential major competitor
The Sony name when it was still associated with high quality for everything they touched
Fantastic marketing

>> No.8238896

>>weird anime dungeon crawler
You're really going to call King's Field an "anime dungeon crawler"?

>> No.8238907
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Not King’s Field. That wasn’t a launch title, it came out extremely close after the launch of the system (by like a week and a half). I’m talking about Crime Crackers

>> No.8238910

Ah. I always forget that Crime Crackers even exists

>> No.8238912

I’m sure it can be technically classed as a launch title given how it was in stores basically immediately after the console hit shelves but I’m talking day 1, this is all you’ve got to choose from at the moment, stuff

>> No.8238916

Is that a light gun game ?

>> No.8238923

Sega releasing the Saturn too soon and Nintendo releasing the N64 too late.

>> No.8238924

Do you need more? If you're tired of racing the same track for 100th time you can relax with a ball.

>> No.8238927

Despite being a gun game, no. Better get used to moving those crosshairs

>> No.8238930

Touché. I can’t lie, A-Train looks very comfy and the ball game has that early 3D charm

>> No.8238972

I'm not sure on the rationale behind this. I guess at the end of the day it made Nintendo games sell more thanks to their quarterly hit strategy. I think I find the strategy of get as many good games and promote the shit out of them as possible to be more desirable.

>> No.8238991
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This a cool game, level design is repetitive but the sequel fixes that up. It's got fun bosses, satisfying exploration and great characters. Kokomahi's artwork is beautiful too

>> No.8238996

It’s honestly kind of a miracle for Sony in all honesty. Even if they did basically nothing, they still would’ve held their own in the market because Sega and Nintendo tripped over their own shoelaces so badly it basically gave them a running headstart in America

>> No.8239019

But sony hadls always been top dog, PS1, ps2, PS3, pS4, PS5, all a success. Seems more like they know what they're doing rather than just getting lucky

>> No.8239023


the failures of all other systems

>> No.8239104

I know, I’m saying they could have literally not even tried and still have won. Sega and Nintendo fucked up that bad

>> No.8239115
File: 395 KB, 704x1187, EGM Issue 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Differs wherever you ask. In the UK, it was just a very cool console with fun games. The demos really helped.
Also there was a general acceptance that you could play copies via swap trick (pic attached: the top-selling American gaming magazine literally told you how to do this) or getting it chipped. Did anyone have a PS1 which wasn't chipped? I certainly didn't know anyone who didn't. I think this aspect is severely underplayed in any retrospective about the PS1.

>> No.8239329

more like they just bullied everyone out of the market through bottomless pockets.
sony never cared about video games

>> No.8239345

The GPU was much more powerful than anything else at the time (until the Nintendo 64 came out). It was easy to program for. CDs were cheaper than cartridges. And Sony was much nicer to third-party developers than Nintendo or Sega ever were.

>> No.8239412

>1. Good games.
>2. Good prices.
>3. Nintendo underperforming.
>4. Sega slipping in the shower.
>5. Spite.
It was a good competitor with options in a time where the two brands who had ruled 4th gen got too cocky. It helps that Sony was in a good position to undercut their competition, and that the leads at Sony had a grudge against Nintendo for betraying them.

>N64 was more powerful
In some ways, yes, and there were some very impressive games for it like Super Mario 64 (which Sony and Sega didn't have good counterparts to, and is arguably the best 3D platformer still in 2021), but the N64 was also awkward to develop for, and had a bunch of bottlenecks limiting its practical power.
It wasn't Atari Jaguar bad or anything, but the technical constraints, particularly cartridge space and texture memory, along with cost, made it a less appealing machine to develop for.

Love the N64, but saying the Playstation was all just marketing is some sort of embarrassing fanboy/console warrior cope.

>> No.8239419

your inability to let small comments go and tendency to raise your voice for every slight thing you may disagree with and being unable to just go with the bigger picture is going to make this thread turn into console war bullshit now