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File: 1.32 MB, 2176x1296, Ultima-Underworld-The-Stygian-Abyss-Free-Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8236664 No.8236664 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to play Ultima Underworld for the first time
>will probably need a manual
>autism kicks in
>autism demands a printed bound manual
>default windows print prompt doesn't format it well
>spend ages figuring out how to fix it
>adobe acrobat saves me, has an option specifically for booklets
>more trial and error until I figure out how to get my one sided printer to correctly print both sides (in my defense I don't do a lot of printing)
>time to bind it
>realise I don't have a stapler
>time to bust out the sewing kit
>learn to bind it with a thread
>goes perfectly on trial attempt, fuck it up twice on the actual main article
>manual now finally finished, is getting pressed together more under an upside down stool with some heavy shit I scrounged up on top of it
So any non-spoilery tips for the game?

>> No.8236674

Yeah, see a doctor

>> No.8236754

Use the generic interaction mode for 99% of the game, don't sleep with a lit torch/lamp, realize the rune system correlates to 24 letters of the alphabet, swords are way better than the other weapon types in the first game because of a special item, and play the sequel afterwards which is arguably better. Also there's some sort of item you can smoke that will give you hints on where to go when stuck.

>> No.8236762

I understand OP tho. RPGs are more fun when you have a physical booklet or manual with you. That's something inherited from tabletops.

>> No.8236773

As someone who has played the game, you have to refer to the manual a lot for spell lists and tabbing out can be annoying.

>> No.8237287

post pic of the manual

>> No.8237392

This. Pics or OP os a lying fag.

>> No.8237486

if only there existed some sort of separate ubiquitous portable device we could use to read pdf files...

>> No.8237557

with a bookmarking and search functionality? Are you crazy?

>> No.8237635

Meh in the case of Ultima Underworld you really need the last 2 or 3 pages beside you. The spell list has small fonts and reading it on a phone would probably be a bit shit.

Now no one tell OP about the lore book that also came with the game.

>> No.8237647

Druid is best class since you want a fighter/magic build. Reroll your character until you get 29-30 strength. You can upgrade practically all your individual skills in the game but your inventory limit - which is also affected by how heavy your armor is - cannot be upgraded after character creation. So with low strength UU becomes a game of backtracking to where you dropped a quest critical item because you were over encumbered at the time.

Get Roland MT 32 set up for the music (use MUNT or something) because DOSbox by default has only Soundblaster support which works but sounds shitty. Here's what MT 32 sounds like:

From memory the gog version is set up shitily so the sound affects and mouse is fucked. Look up how to fix it online.

Don't drop anything in the water, if you do it's gone forever and that includes quest critical shit. From memory they fixed it in the sequel and quest items floated.

Leeches cure poison.

Write on your map, it essentially functions as an automap and your quest journal that you have to keep your own notes on.

You level up at shrines with mantras. The first 3 mantras will level up random skills which you might not want. You'll find mantras for individual skills later on so maybe hold off on leveling up your character. Or just save-scum until the randomized mantras upgrade a bunch of skills you actually want. Also while there is a level cap (it's either 15 or 16 - can't remember off the top of my head) you continue to get xp and you'll still be able to level up some skills even when you're levelled up - you just won't know when you can or not.

Also everything this guy said: >>8236754
Although I kinda disagree about the sequel, it's good but its got issues and the first games better in my book.

>> No.8237689
File: 1.92 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20211015_075311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The string I used is white so it might be a bit hard to see, but here's the cover

>> No.8237695
File: 2.97 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20211015_075331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the internal pages look like

>> No.8237698
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20211015_075342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally here's the center where the line is the most visible. I would trim that bit of string sticking out but I'm afraid of fucking up the knot somehow.
Not sure why you considered this story so implausible you needed proof but here you go

>> No.8237706

it's not implausible i just wanted to see it
u did a pretty good job

>> No.8237707

Cool. Not gonna lie though the only pages you really need beside you are the spells + runes list. You're also going to discover a couple of spells that aren't listed in the game that you might want to write down on those pages too. Or you can just try to figure them out for yourself using the rune list. From memory the 'walk on water' spell saves you a lot of frustration.

>> No.8237716

I'm modestly impressed by the quality of your autism

>> No.8237720

The binding itself is easier than you might think, the reason I fucked up was just because I pierced the center string with the needle and pulled it through the hole twice. If you wanna try it here's a video

>> No.8237732

Cool. Are you ever going to get around to playing Ultima Underworld though anon? Or are you going to realize that the game came with a lore-book as well and your OCD is going to kick in again?

>> No.8237736

I'm fine missing the lore book. I haven't played it yet because manual shenanigans wasted most of the free time I had yesterday and I just woke up and have to go to uni now. Will start once I get back, I already configured various shit with dosbox so it's ready to go.

>> No.8237751

Again - Druid class is best. Reroll until you get either 29-30 strength just because of the carrying weight limit. Other than that have fun.

>> No.8237770

There's a chance Soundblaster2 (not DOSbox's built in shit) sounds better than the MT-32. I know System Shock was designed around that so it's likely UU was too since it was the same studio, engine and maybe even composer. SS1 had a lot of audio errors even on a MT32 (some sound effects being drilling noises, etc) but when I started listening to the soundblaster2 version it sounded way better.

>> No.8237836
File: 117 KB, 432x768, 1608707021734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, OP was not a fag.

>> No.8238319
File: 1.05 MB, 640x480, 1671913461394.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you properly organize your inventory and write down every NPC dialogues or else it would be a complete chore to play.
I learned that in a hard way.

>> No.8238326

Never played this but i also just downloaded arx fatalis for the first time which was inspired by it.

>> No.8238331

Similar situation here. I played the shit out of Arx but never could get into Ultima Underworld. It's not even the archaic controls because I was able to play System Shock 1 fine.

>> No.8238337

You try reading the manual? It's honestly really fucking good once you get over the controls/UI. It's honestly better than Arx, although it needs a modern source port badly.

>> No.8238342
File: 29 KB, 288x356, Realms_of_Arkania_Shadows_over_Riva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play this

>> No.8238349

The controls in Ultima Underworld are extremely modern.

>> No.8238380

>1, 2 and 3 to look up and down is modern
Other than that I kinda agree. Although you can't deny the jumping can be awful at times.

>> No.8238812

Any tips on inventory organisation? For now I've been tossing food in one bag, equipment in another and both bags into a backpack.

>> No.8238819

Keep the bags in the main inventory, there's not much reason to stack containers. That way you can also sort stuff you pick up.
Use one container for apparently important items and the like and another one for loot and items to barter (e.g. gems).
Having all keys in one place can also be useful.
Drop items off in strategic locations so you can get them back without having to search the entire abyss.

>> No.8238823

So everything is persistent and I can drop shit wherever I want (except water) without having to worry about it disappearing?

>> No.8238830

Worry about having more than 255 items on one floor.
If you use flame spells you can turn items into debris and burn up debris.
Also don't drop items in lava unless you have a good reason to do so.
Otherwise items are persistent.

>> No.8238841

Good to know. I've been enjoying what little I've played so far a lot, the music is especially better than I expected, although I might get tired of it after enough hours. I just wish I didn't keep getting stuck on wall corners when turning around, the physics are a bit janky.

>> No.8238998

looks cool!

>> No.8239007

Looks like shit

>> No.8239868

Hey OP what class and stats did you end up picking?

>> No.8240195

Well done Avatar.

>> No.8240402

>It's honestly really fucking good once you get over the controls/UI
>It's not even the archaic controls because I was able to play System Shock 1 fine.
I couldn't get into UU because it just didn't seem interesting. To be fair though System Shock 1 didn't get interesting until you get deeper into the game so maybe I just didn't play it far enough. I was able to get into Arx because the sound design and atmosphere carried the game.

>> No.8240483

I know why this number is so prevelant in videogame bugs, but Jesus chrit, I have this primal Instinct to be creeper the fuck our by it for a split second every time I see it.

>> No.8240492

1 byte = smallest unit of memory
Max value of 1 byte is 255.

>> No.8240779

You'll see it a lot in 8 bit games (NES etc ) because 8 bits is 8 binary digits (either 0 or 1) and the highest number you can represent using one of those is 255

Often it's because after going past 255 the number overflows and goes back down to 0

This is also why you'll see the number 65535 a lot in bugs for 16 bit games

>> No.8241039


What the fuck this actually looks good

The gap between the top an the string and one between the bottom and the string are even, and each "link" of string are the same size.

Nice job OP

>> No.8241052

Yeah I measured it out and a sheet of A4 paper is exactly 21cm wide. I could have split that into 7 sections each 3cm long with 6 holes total, but I wanted the top and bottom sections to be a bit smaller than the rest. So I made the top and bottom sections 1.5cm each, leaving me with 18cm in the middle that I could neatly split into 6 sections 3cm long for a total of 8 sections and 7 holes.

>> No.8241072

Damn anon, your autism is awesome.
You should buy a cheap moleskin journal and use it as your quest log.
That's what I used to do with old rpgs. It was immersive as fuck.

>> No.8241078
File: 1.35 MB, 1597x1195, StarTrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great taste, but Star Trail is the peak of the trilogy.

>> No.8241098
File: 3.02 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20211016_164038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a little hard cover notebook lying around so I'm using that. Part of me does wish I was using something digital so I could format it more nicely (have separate categories for spells, characters, recipes, etc.) but physically writing stuff down is fun.

>> No.8241156

That euro pixel style was sharp af in the mid/late 90's, some of the most eye-pleasing stuff around.