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8208794 No.8208794 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you locked in the bathroom?

>> No.8208904


I aint going back to jail

>> No.8209112

>Finally pick up deus ex
>Interesting narrative and atmosphere
>have to savescum through every single human enemy encounter 10 times
>cant even bother with guns even though I have put so many points in them them due to how weird they feel and darts still dont take out enemies
am I playing the game wrong help I dont wanna get filtered I actually like this

>> No.8209202

how are you needing to savescum when the enemies are deaf, blind and retarded? literally just wait, headshot, or use GEP gun against armor.

>> No.8209221
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isnt actually murdering them have bad consequences or something? I've been either running past them or knocking them down with a baton

>> No.8209232

AFAIK it doesn't change anything, some people just like to do pacifist runs

>> No.8209236

>darts still dont take out enemies
Headshots dude. Also add a laser sight to your pistol and it's aim will be a lot better. Really useful in the early game before you start getting enough points to actually master a weapons skill

>> No.8209281
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headshots still make them run jump around like chickens. take a long time for them to finally go to sleep
that aside what is a good skill to get, work towards

>> No.8209352

>darts still dont take out enemies
why do idiots always expect the tranquilizer darts to be instant?

>> No.8209354

lethal vs non-lethal only changes some npc responses.

>> No.8209362

Invest in swimming

>> No.8209645

Because babbyrealism games have spoiled them.
For example, Orange Ex - Human Revolution

>> No.8209648

Mainly on Liberty Island and then later at couple different places with named characters.

You can definitely play through the game and get good endings by being a total sociopath.

>> No.8209670

don't listen to this troll

If you're playing regular without any mods or fan patches, you can skip lockpicking and electronics by starting to picking/multitooling and going into inventory or other similar menu for a while. When you close the menu, the picking/tooling should be done.

Computer skill will be useful in many spots, and rifle-type weapons give you the most bang and options after the beginning.

If you want to be more durable, environmental training will help with armors and stuff, but if you play stealth, it's almost as useless as swimming.

There are a couple secret places in HK where swimming will make things easier, but you can find rebreathers in many places and IIRC if you're careful, you can get to any place without drowning with zero swimming skill.

>> No.8209681

Paul will be upset but he's just a whiny bitch butthurt about his brother doing the actual work

>> No.8209685

Dude sex

>> No.8209771

That's the Adam Jensen games. You can beat the crap out of everyone just don't kill them or you'll get a firm talking to.

>> No.8209975

The guy in charge of the armory may give you less ammo 1 time or so. You're fine if you need to kill. The nonlethal methods of this game are fun as fuck to me but ultimately aren't that productive uses of time and are admittedly filled with jank if you consider them
>the low-spinal baton KO sweetspot makes little sense, is carried by word of mouth since the game barely mentions it, and the target spot doesn't move no matter what anim they're in (including sitting down)
>gas grenades/pepperspray/fire extinguishers fully disable people for enormous lengths of time for some reason
>the riot prod
>distracting guards by throwing stuff or shooting darts near them can keep them facing a certain way of your choosing as much as you want, despite the clear sign they are being attacked
>shooting people with tranq darts causes them to be noisy and run toward you, so you do it to people you know you can just ignore or won't make it to an alarm, basically the only benefit over a bullet is your nonlethal cred that only you, the player, care about

>> No.8210197

A bomb's a poor choice for close range combat

>> No.8210257

>If you're playing regular without any mods or fan patches, you can skip lockpicking and electronics by starting to picking/multitooling and going into inventory or other similar menu for a while. When you close the menu, the picking/tooling should be done.
That's basically cheating. Why would you tell anyone to do this?

>> No.8210413

>Electronics opens doors
>Lockpicking opens doors that can be blasted open
What the hell is this, Deus Ex chads? Explain yourselves.

>> No.8210589

Because it's just hacking the system at a higher level.

>> No.8210620

My love!
Could it be that you've returned to me?

>> No.8210624

Hey, if it works. . .

>> No.8210720

>electronics opens some doors, but also disables cameras, turrets and power boxes
not every door can be destroyed.
>explosives are less common than lockpicks
>breaking doors with the dragon's tooth requires a massive investment in low tech and the combat strength augmentation.

>> No.8210849
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>> No.8210864

Why is it a problem? Deus Ex was made around problems having multiple solutions. There are reasons why electronics and lockpicking are both sometimes used interchangibly, yet are two of the most expensive skills in the game. There are reasons Rifles and Pistols cost far more skill points than Low-Tech, Heavy Weapons and Explosives.
Deus Ex is one of the best balanced FPSRPGs in existence.

If anything, the big issues are the players who insist on playing the game exactly the same way every time and advocating that every other player out there plays the same way instead of experimenting on their skills and methods for the solving the game's puzzles.

>> No.8211131

>fuck it, going to make a playthrough out of taking the Assault Rifle as far as it can go! Max rifles, every weapon mod!
>it still fails to kill grunts in one burst to the head

>> No.8211316

Have you tried using the sniper rifle?

>> No.8212010

Sniper rifles are for faggots.

>> No.8212980

The assault rifle is the worst gun in the game. Even after the bugged plasma rifle.
If you want a lead spewing death gun, just pick up the assault shotgun. Pretend it's a minigun

>> No.8213169

Is GMDX worth it?

>> No.8213386

Worth what? What's the investment it's supposed to be worth? Try it and see if you like it if you're interested, if not, uninstall it.

>> No.8213596

the gunplay in deus ex is unironically great because nothing else really plays like it.
get filtered zoombot
hold the reticle over an enemy and it will close in, that's when you take your shot, not a hard concept.

>> No.8213606

Well, it is realistic that they would not, which is why nobody actually uses them in real life.

>> No.8213704

Yeah, but even beside that people never really seem to grasp the concept of using the mini-crossbow as a "fire and forget" weapon. You only need to hit someone once, at even the starting skill level, to knock them out. It's the perfect weapon for shooting someone or a group of people and running off. You need less precision than either of the other two pistols and you can immediately dash away to cover or some unreachable area where you can wait out the tranquilizer effect.
Conversely, mastering pistols and netting headshots or utilizing the Targeting Augmentation makes knock-out nearly instant.

>> No.8213715

Tranq darts are instant knockout if you headshot an enemy that hasn't been activated IIRC.

>> No.8213931

Nope, never the case. What happens is they drop from the first tick (2 seconds after impact) at the highest damage level possible.

>> No.8214827

>Pistol has higher damage than assault rifle, making all the enemies weaker as they switch to what is supposed to be military grade weapon.
>The narrow band between "You alerted the enemy by swinging melee weapon through the air" and "You alerted the enemy by bumping into them" is imperceptible
>AI is dumb as fuck making stealth pointless anyway
If you think Deus Ex has good gameplay you are completely delusional.

>> No.8215023

Vanilla or kill yourself

>> No.8215034

>>Pistol has higher damage than assault rifle, making all the enemies weaker as they switch to what is supposed to be military grade weapon.
Pistol ammo gets much rarer after the first couple missions, whereas AR ammo is everywhere. And groups of AR soldiers can drain you pretty fast on realistic; pistol-wielders can occasionally headshot you but the NSF guys are otherwise weaker and easy to figure out.
>>The narrow band between "You alerted the enemy by swinging melee weapon through the air" and "You alerted the enemy by bumping into them" is imperceptible
Literally no idea what you're trying to say. Swinging a melee weapon doesn't alert enemies, and you can basically ride up on enemies as long as you're crouched and silent.
>>AI is dumb as fuck making stealth pointless anyway
AI being dumb as fuck makes stealth overpowered, not pointless.

>> No.8215254

Best game ever. So much fun. And a lot of fun mods. I don't playing video games anymore because I don't have the time and it will neglect the few friends I have. I miss my teenage years. Enjoy it, brother.

>> No.8215520

>"You alerted the enemy by swinging melee weapon through the air" and "You alerted the enemy by bumping into them"
neither of these happen. Melee weapons are all silent and won't alert enemies by swinging them. and colliding with enemies will not alert them, either.

>> No.8215935
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>> No.8217343

Everything else you say is accurate, especially about stealth, but pistol ammo running out doesn't happen and AR running out does, all due of their vastly different expenditures per use and enemy drops. Enemies with ARs will drop 1-5 bullets. The AR at max upgrade will still not kill in one burst on average, and every burst is 3 bullets wasted - its efficacy is completely hamstrung even in a case where every single enemy you shoot has AR ammo, and this isn't the case. Meanwhile a pistol from high skill kills in 1 headshot. Fewer pistol ammo drops by endgame will still never run out because of the amount amassed and how little you spend even when cleaning out entire bases.

>> No.8217675
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Godly tips for DXing like a l33t b0ss!
1. Hit enemies with the baton on the back just above the waist for max damage
2. Enemies don’t have seperate healthbars for stun or lethal damage. Its just one shared pool of health, all that matters is what does the killing blow.
3. You can use this to your advantage by blasting an enemy until they start fleeing or have low health, then baton or tranq dart them until they’re “asleep”.
4.Both Tranq and Lethal darts increase damage with range, so for example if you headshot a guy with a tranq dart from far he’ll wind up asleep immediately without running around. Very hard to hit, but practice makes perfect.
5. Swimming is useless
6. This game has an addiction to vents, there is ALWAYS one on each map.
7. ILLEGAL: Drop as many stackable items like candy bars or LAMs, and have at least 1 in your inventory. Then you bind picking up to your scroll wheel. Scroll really fast for infinite lolz

>> No.8217790

>Swimming is useless
Not true.
>getting swimming to trained significantly speeds it up from untrained
>can use swimming for the second entrance to the NSF warehouse
>can use swimming below lebedev's airfield
>Hong Kong canals
>swimming route behind enemy lines at least once in both the catacombs and cathedral
>tunnels below vandenberg
>large portions of the ocean lab can be bypassed or explored with swimming
>even a couple areas in area 51 have swimming routes.
Swimming doesn't need to he maxed out, but having it trained is pretty reasonable

>> No.8217798

Is it possible to make up the same difference with the dedicated medpack skill though, since swimming too long is still just something you health-tank?

>> No.8217889

Health aside, untrained swimming speed is still really slow and I would sooner sink the 675 or so skill points

>> No.8218074

Before you start a new game, change your Trained pistol skill to Untrained. When you start the game you have your pistol skill Trained but still have the experience points after having downgraded it at char gen.

>> No.8218112

>Enemies with ARs will drop 1-5 bullets
It's funny. It works like this with every weapon, but the Assault Rifle is the only gun that actually needs more than one or two units of ammo to kill.
Deus Ex's ammo looting system outright kills the viability of using the AR most of the time.

>> No.8218121

3 damage per bullet x 100% damage bonus with master training x 3 bullets per burst = 18 damage. That's enough to kill all standard humans with headshots.

>> No.8218229

Provided all 3 rounds hit the head, even though the enemy has started moving immediately on the 1st hitting. And up until Master, both Trained and Advanced didn't function correctly, rounding Trained to no damage boost at all benefit and losing the kill on Advanced that it should have had due to the rounding. But yeah, this gun should absolutely win an award for, with totally average or better luck and in perfect circumstances with 100% perfect headshotting of all 3 shots 100% of the time on your end, possibly managing to break even for ammo on solely kills against AR wielding enemies and falling behind because not all of them are. Makes it really competitive with the PS20 imo.

>> No.8218232

Why are there people who MUST jump through hoops to defend the virtue of the Deus Ex assault rifle for some reason? What's the kick you get out of it?

>> No.8218240

The AR is one of the most-used weapons in DXMP. Git gud.

>> No.8219090


Don't care

>> No.8219091

>3 bullets per burst = 18 damage.
That's still less than every other gun in the game.

>> No.8219272

>Don't care

>> No.8219285

If you don't level up swimming you will miss out on 2 aug upgrade canisters and also some alternate paths
Just don't install aqualung aug because rebreathers exist

>> No.8219286

It’s crazy to think that life these days isn’t too far off from the cyberpunk media of the late 90’s and early 2000’s, isn’t it?

>> No.8219287

Why do you think cyberpunk is a dead genre brainiac

>> No.8219314

I spent ten years not knowing Deus Ex had multiplayer. This is actually the first time I have ever seen anyone post about playing it.

>> No.8219330

multiplayer is the reason plasma rifle is such dogshit in the latest official patch, that's all you need to know

>> No.8219338

DXMP was pretty fun, though even at its peak on release it probably only had about 100 players at a given time. You had the option between really batshit deathmatch where you had to constantly switch between weapons and augs and upgrade your skills as quickly as possible once you got a kill, and casual hub maps where people mostly just chatted/roleplayed and camped certain critical weapon spawn areas, like Funline Unlimited Party V3

>> No.8219898


>> No.8220029
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Great as it is, Deus Ex unfortunately started my journey down the shitter. I spent long hours searching for conspiracy stuff online after playing it. I searched local libraries for books on elites, secret organizations and conspiracies.
By 2012 I was a staunch anti-semite and a national socialist. I wish I had never known the things I know now.

>> No.8220068

GEP gun

>> No.8220071

Deus Ex is genuinely fun. I wish all RPGs had the same balance of ACTUAL GAMEPLAY and story as Deus Ex.
Earthbound inspired RPGs can suck a fat one.

>> No.8220092

crossbow, baton and prod are the only choice. If you can't beat the game this way you're a certified pleb.

>> No.8220141

and the ps20, actually. It was supposed to do 40 damage

>> No.8220146

crossbow makes non-lethal too easy

>> No.8221029

I was hooked the moment I went from guiding a missile (with the GEP) at a bot in one moment to Unreal Tournament style jump-shooting somebody the next. The second one was an accident but that's the sort of "emergent gameplay" that is absurd and just fucking, great.

>> No.8221059

what are you now?

>> No.8221110

>gep guns has far more rockets available than you'll reasonably be able to use
seriously. I just started a replay. I just got into Hell's Kitchen and I already have 16 rockets.

>> No.8221127

GEP guns are rare, but the rockets aren't, especially in hidden caches. You now have a lockpick that takes up a lot of your inventory and can take out heavy armor in a few hits.

>> No.8221142

I'm gonna see how much I can reasonably use it this playthrough.
It's been a while since I have used the gep gun for an entire run, let alone levelled the heavy weapon skill.
Unfortunately, I'm going to miss out on the flamethrower, since I'm planning on carrying ballistic armor and weapon mods until I can get the assault shotgun.
I want to be a heavy weapons type guy and the assault shotgun is the closest thing in deus ex to a minigun.

>> No.8221157

You can just use the GEP as a lockpick and then blow open every door you find and then never level up heavy weapons.

>> No.8221165

I already have it on advanced. I want to turn NSF and MJ12 into chunky salsa. Especially those damn Commandos.

>> No.8221172
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these are my stats so far

>> No.8221175

god damn you're playing as some retard boom boom guy or something. Just fucking shoot everyone, everything, and blow up doors. No finese, no nothing.

>> No.8221217
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My last playthrough was more of a non-lethal police RP. My default weapons were the pepper spray, baton and prod, with occasional use of the pistol, sawed-off and sniper for self-defense, transgenics and other snipers respectively.
During the parts of the game where JC still works with UNATCO, I would move the unconscious bodies around so that other UNATCO troops could theoretically make easy arrests if necessary.
I didn't even have the GEP gun on that run, I levelled lockpick early on.

>> No.8222668

The GEP gun answers more questions than one would think.

>> No.8224303

I love Deus Ex: Revision!
I hope they integrate the Lady D too!

>> No.8224757

You can't fight ideas with bullets

>> No.8225427

hard to have ideas when your brain has been scrambled by buckshot

>> No.8226170

Damn, I finally got the apartment raid and snagged an assault shotgun off of an MIB I filled with tranq darts.
The assault shotgun eats ammo like crazy. I was down to 40 or so shells from 96 by the time I got out of the 'Ton.

>> No.8226181

Does using heavy on enemies (instead of lockpicking) make the first half of the game feel weird with its lack of any significant enemies? I imagine it's difficult to think of the times where you should actually employ it - there isn't the ammo to use it on everyone, but the enemies are all just grunts on patrols, there's no boss to take out with it or anything.

>> No.8226231

kind of. There's plenty of Flamethrower ammo (see: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2560507930 ) to kill every NSF in the beginning part of the game, but the Flamethrower in general feels out of place if you're trying to engage with Deus Ex's morality system (for lack of a better term).
It's a pretty damn brutal weapon, in-game and in real life.
Same with the GEP, too honestly. But whatever. It's a video game.

>> No.8226409

Sounds like a fun killing people style playthrough at least. I honestly think it can work to drive home the points about JC's manipulated life and loyalty and about who he works for: he has been, effectively, a weapon of mass murder wielded by his superiors and the game's corporate overlords, which makes him a bit of a bigger deal in the setting in that context than nonlethal JC because he's a terrifying element of their power now. They're ordering him to kill these people, especially Anna and Gunther but Manderly as well, so it's not inconsistent messaging.

>> No.8226819

The messaging isn't inconsistent, but it's kind of funny when you get lines complaining about JC not killing enough NSF in the Hell's Kitchen Park, even though you were there lighting them all on fire with the flamethrower while the UNATCO troops just happened to land the finishing damage.

Still, though. I don't think it's a huge deal or a detriment to the game, but I feel like all the dialogue in Deus Ex supports the idea that JC isn't totally genocidal through every level.

>> No.8226825

>because he's a terrifying element of their power now.
JC is always a terrifying element whether or not he actually kills anyone. He always has the ability to do so, no matter if he goes through with it or not. If a person can get the jump on you the way JC can, it doesn't matter what he does, because the potential is always there.

>> No.8226941

>Still, though. I don't think it's a huge deal or a detriment to the game, but I feel like all the dialogue in Deus Ex supports the idea that JC isn't totally genocidal through every level.
Never really thought this, JC makes too many tough-guy remarks to think he's not capable of being the Terminator. But that is the exact issue I had with HR, where after killing 100s civilians and soldiers alike, the ending had a monologue of Adam Jensen talking about how he always tried to be a good person.

>> No.8226986
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I think the entire Helios ending would realistically be botched if JC was a total maniac the entire way through the game. And the story in general doesn't feel as strong, since the whole idea is that JC and friends are stopping the people who are trying to kill large swathes of the population in the effort of seeking power.
Conversely, after my recent pacifist playthough, however, I can also say that the dialogue definitely does not support JC keeping everyone alive. Redirecting that missile to Area 51 alone ruins that.

I think the gameplay encourages the player to use all their tools -- lethal and non-lethal -- to play the game and engage with the setting. I think the devs wanted players to interact with all the little parts of the levels. Lockpick doors, turn off security cameras, read emails, book clippings and newspaper articles, sneak around for knock-outs, whip out the pistol and blast someone if needed and so on.

>> No.8227065

>I think the entire Helios ending would realistically be botched if JC was a total maniac the entire way through the game. And the story in general doesn't feel as strong, since the whole idea is that JC and friends are stopping the people who are trying to kill large swathes of the population in the effort of seeking power.
The primary reason Helios prefers you is because you're fully-aug'd and Page isn't ready yet. Helios hardly cares aside from his programmed nature to make machines run efficiently. And remember the context for Page committing mass murder, conspiracies of the NWO wanting to maintain a reduced and stable human population in order to prevent Malthusian collapse.

>> No.8227072

I guess I was thinking of the conversation JC has with Paul/Savage at the end of Area 51.

>> No.8227080
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How the fuck did Ion Storm accidently patch the game so that weapons use their muliplayer damage values? How does that happen?

Anyone ever play with the fixed Plasma Rifle and Mini-Crossbow? How good are they without the error?

>> No.8227183

Sure, but with no prior evidence that JC could in fact tear everyone in the city limb from limb, it doesn't hit the same that NPCs actually understand the threat he presents since by the nature of him being the god of stealth in a nonlethal playthrough, they don't know shit about his true capabilities.

>> No.8227281

>Sure, but with no prior evidence that JC could in fact tear everyone in the city limb from limb

To be honest, All he would have to do to convince me is 1) jump incredibly high in the air 2) sneak up to me with his cloak on 3) Pick up and throw a dumpster

Do any of those things around me and I will not fuck with you.

>> No.8227654

Paul is just speculating, and gives both the positive and negative on all three possibilities. He's there mostly just to lend support. Can't remember if Savage had a different perspective though, the last time I didn't save Paul was probably in like 2002.

>> No.8227682
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>assault rifle is trash
>use the stealth pistol as what's essentially an SMG instead.
15 rounds of 16 damage at master skill with max clip mods is great for crowds.

>> No.8227685

Savage has essentially the same script, but he scrutinizes Tong a bit more in wanting to delete global communications.

>> No.8228479

Reversing that is the only kind of unofficial patch/fan mod I would consider a must for at least a second playthrough for new players.

>> No.8228652

Games that allow for player expressions, """immersive sims""" really are the greatest. Morrowind does it well too. Games with open ended solutions to problems

>> No.8228657

After using the GMDX mod I can't go back. The improved AI and "realistic" difficulty makes everything so intense

>> No.8228680

You talking to me?

>> No.8229275

According to the wiki, the plasma rifle was supposed to do 40 damage per projectile with additional explosion damage.
That would make it pretty damn strong, especially so when wielded by NPCs. I imagine Walton Simons would be much harder to fight.

>> No.8229283

The worst part is, it's an experimental weapon that you find after you've about figured the game out. Yet the GEP is so drastically better, taking up the same inventory space; and you can get it before you even see your first enemy.

>> No.8229298

As is, the gep is better.
But it appears to me that a fixed plasma rifle would essentially one-shot every non-grey, non-robot enemy in the game -- and that's before leveling the heavy weapons skill at all. Master heavy weapons would see each individual projectile do 80 damage + explosion damage, and then each press of the trigger actually fires three projectiles at once. It would make it instantly kill every human and likely destroy even military bots in two or three shots.

>> No.8229964

>That would make it pretty damn strong, especially so when wielded by NPCs. I imagine Walton Simons would be much harder to fight.
And that would be great.

>> No.8230079

It would actually turn some of the npcs into decent mini-bosses.
Like the mib holding tiffany savage hostage, or Howard strong (but that's still assuming he doesn't kill himself with LAMs first)

>> No.8230337

Was having the same problem. It gets easier as you progress I promise.

>> No.8230342

I got stuck and upgrading the swimming saved my life.

>> No.8230356

It’s better than vanilla dont listen to these autists

>> No.8230371

GMDX fixes all that bullshit though. Especially the AI, it’s impressive.

>> No.8230383


>> No.8230386

Yeah it is kinda fuckin intense

>> No.8230416

I would never recommend it for a first playthrough though. It makes the game way too hard you have to really know exactly what you're doing.

>> No.8231579

Yeah definitely play on easy difficulty the first time. It’s not even very easy.

>> No.8231623

Exactly. Also I don't think that having overpowered weapons in multiplayer is a bad thing. Quake somehow survived for incredibly long with everyone jerking off their railgun skills. And even spawned a number of progeny with similar enough meta.

>> No.8233527

Favorite run was repairman jc.
No weapons besides the gep, grenades and crowbar. Never destroyed robots, always fixed any broken electrical boxes like on liberty island or the Wall Cloud. Maxed out electronics

>> No.8233531

This games keyboard set up filtered me and I couldnt be bothered to change it
>hold x and w to sneak
Fuck off.

>> No.8233661
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>can't change toggable keybinds

>> No.8233761

you're a retard. congrats. thanks for sharing.

>> No.8234558

Yeah it's a straight upgrade imo. Just make sure to never, ever, ever use that one mod that changes character graphics. Or Revision.

>> No.8236736

I'm playing an Environmental Training godmode soldier right now. The ballistic and stealth armors are actually batshit insane items and I didn't realize until running the math midway through my last playthrough.

>> No.8236906

Environmental Training is easily one of the most underrated skills. Stacking Ballistic Vests with Ballistic Protection make you immortal.

>> No.8237007

Holy shit you dumb

>> No.8239276

I'm not sure it's underrated, especially since it boosts Rebreathers and makes itself another reason not to take Swimming, but it's in the awkward place where it makes you very powerful, yet doesn't technically enable you to do anything/get anywhere that you couldn't otherwise or with a minimal level of it. The times when you'd say "I can't do this part without Camo" will never need more than the Untrained time amount which is plenty, hazardous alternate routes are either incredibly poor value (in a couple cases solely to avoid just a box-stack-and-jump route), electrical (Hazmat suit says it protects you from many things that it straight up doesn't, electrical being one) or just tankable with healing.

So the primary benefit is just absolutely shitting on combat encounters with Ballistic. But it really does do that, so you could never say it's actually bad.

>> No.8239469

I like hazmat suits for runs where I know I will be using gas grenades a lot.
The couple of radiation areas in the game are really where you're going to want hazmat suits, though. Either that or use the rare aug upgrades on environmental resistance.

>> No.8239507

I've played vanilla multiple times but I can't play deus ex without GMDX no longer

>> No.8239710


(I play vanilla)

>> No.8239773

>opening menu takes a full 6 seconds
Is there a way to fix this shit?

>> No.8239924

Never had this issue. Is it when loading your inventory or pressing escape?

>> No.8239979

Why do 7.62mm cartridges do 3 damage?

>> No.8240000

JC's got an arm like a very specific type of gun ok

>> No.8240274

Yeah, it makes the experience smooth without any major graphical crap. The weapon mod graphics are purely cosmetic, they fix an oversight in an elegant way.

>> No.8240454

I've had this issue before while using kentie's launcher. Had to mess with the settings to fix it, I think capping the fps or something else.

>> No.8240615

It's definitely a second playthrough onwards thing though because the game was not designed with you being able to vault over ledges.

>> No.8241664

I don't know, I kind of miss the dumber AI behaviors like being able to just repeatedly chuck stuff at the wall in front of an enemy to keep him facing at it to set up a chain of baton takedowns. It's gamey and makes no sense at all, but it's fun. In GMDX they'll do it for 2sec and if you throw another while they're looking at it to attempt to "refresh" the script, they'll instead become alerted, which is sensible but simultaneously makes it so that there are fewer things you can do in the game.

>> No.8241670

+1 my man, wtf indeed wtf

>> No.8241673

It was designed for you to hugely leap over them starting pretty early on using the aug everyone takes anyway. I used to think vaulting changed the game significantly but all it does is avoid a box stack here and there, really. I don't take it. It does theoretically make the silent running aug (which you can no longer scam by speeding-up a crouch walk with the speed aug) more competitive, but mostly I don't care for the added skills.

>> No.8241695

When GMDX will be released?
I want to try Deus Ex, but I heard that GMDX is the true way to play the game, but it still in beta stage.

>> No.8241705

a mod being the "true" way to experience a game? I dont know about that senpai

>> No.8241706

GMDX 9.0.1 is a completed form of the mod so is the "v10" community update to it (which undoes some of the original author's work so you could have a preference for one or the other).

>> No.8241746

The true way to play the game is the original with maybe a bugfix for modern computers like Deus Exe.

>> No.8241748

The Shifter+Biomod compatibility patch is still what I liked most, although I wouldn't if that compatibility patch didn't exist. The Biomod changes are to get the game functioning in a convenient way (GMDX implements all of it too), while Shifter restores some cut content and additionally places rare weapon variations in places that reward things that are conspicuously unrewarded.

Like it restores Ford Schick showing up at Smuggler's after rescue who gives you the aug upgrade cannister, but the game is also littered with a small smattering of unique findable weapons that are new and not bugfixes. You get an upgraded baton at the apartment if you went nonlethal for the NSF-fighting part of the game. Taking out Jojo can get you a different stealth pistol with specialized stats. There's a magnum pistol with slower fire rate you can spot by Lebedev. Most of the new unique found weapons are one-of-a-kind sidegrades that come with downsides and upsides, except that baton and one overpowered shotgun. There's even 3 prototype nanoswords to find pre-Dragon Tooth so a melee character could have a smoother progression instead of lots of nothing followed by a god weapon.

GMDX is much more comprehensive and the perks system is neat, but IMO Deus Ex needed more help in rewarding jumping through the nonlethal hoops like a good guy and rewarding exploration because vanilla runs out of stuff you'll find worthwhile for checking a hidden passage or someplace you spent bombs/lockpicks/hazmats/multitools to get to. That kind of thing is outside of GMDX's scope.

>> No.8241795
File: 84 KB, 1000x577, DX_Weapon_Pistol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IMO maxing out combat skills is a great way to make deus ex boring.
All the fun of the game is being creative with encounters and situations and sneaking around and finding secret loot.
The second you hit max skills and just kill everything, that's effectively where the game starts to fall apart.
Enemies stop being a threat, so alternate routes no longer become useful and you inadvertently spend less lockpicks/explosives and multitools.

>> No.8241825

This was me maxing out stealth pistol with a laser and a scope plus damage mods, and the sniper rifle. I suddenly had two super accurate deadly sniper rifles, with one that had damn near infinite ammo. The AI in the game didn't seem designed to even remotely deal with long distance kills. It's also why since then I never use sniper rifles anymore. I instead reject the most efficient weapons, for more fun ones.

>> No.8241935

>Maybe you should try getting a job.

>> No.8243595

it got pretty popular at my school because of the multiplayer, had a huge advantage in having played it so much and would dominate (people didn't know about hacking, the cloak aug etc)

>> No.8243675

Are you Russian? It's difficult to imagine DXMP having enough appeal to any other group in order for it to actually be a school favorite.

>> No.8244670

Referring to PCGW should be the standard for anything pre last-gen

>> No.8244705

>play nonlethal
>careful perfect playthrough for a few moments
>Anna storms the base on map 2
kek good times

>> No.8246260

sawed-off or assault shotgun?

>> No.8246389

i have to. they are out there. today there is only a very small demographic of real gamers left. the rest are pansies that jump at lady dimitrescu's (or similar coomer bait) ass, boast about being the first to play crysis in 1080p, play retard-tier video games for the laughably pathetic "story" or "atmosphere", and demand that games be realistic just because that's all their npc brains can process.

i have to stay in the bathroom, to be safe. it's crazy out there denton. bat shit crazy.

>> No.8247198
File: 625 KB, 897x685, 1603052334416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noticed that there are these detailed maps in the wiki, are these fanmade or can be acquired in-game??? never gotten one of these ever

>> No.8247262

I don't remember that one specifically, but deus ex does have maps you can get.
I never check the images part of the pause menu.

>> No.8250125

Dude sex lmao

>> No.8250416
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, 20211019021133_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make things brighter? I'm trying to play for the first time but the first dock area is pitch black. No mods installed, just using kintie's deus exe so I can get it in 1920x1080. Ingame brightness slider is all the way up

>> No.8250419
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>> No.8250424

why are they black

>> No.8250425

i just wanted to play as a black guy

>> No.8250427

I see, but didn't expect it to turn paul black too lmao

>> No.8250435
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, 20211019024539_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean they are brothers. I booted up the game again and the lighting is a lot brighter all of a sudden. Not sure what happened, I didn't change anything

>> No.8251068

Yeah it's not supposed to be that dark right there. Be warned that the game IS dark and some places in a building where you'd normally be able to see, you need to turn on augmented vision for, even at normal settings. Get the dock clearly visible to you as an adjust point.

>> No.8251937

I am 100% black

>> No.8251953

me too

>> No.8252532

What can i do though? The ingame brightness is at max and i can't get my tv to go much brighter

>> No.8252559

Change renderer, see if you can fix it just by switching which 3d renderer the game is using to display. Otherwise, try out the Gamma Reset: https://www.moddb.com/games/deus-ex/downloads/gamma-reset

Failing both, you might be looking at tweaking a brightness or gamma Reshade.

>> No.8252829

i didn't realize there were other render modes! OpenGL is working perfect for me now. Thanks a bunch, anon

>> No.8252962

Glad something worked anon

>> No.8254525
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, french terror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Paris now
>Found out paul could've been saved
fuck I even helped him take out the men in black by booby trapping the entire apartment, then he fucking disappeared and I left for battery park. not sure what else I was supposed to do. genuinely seething right now

>> No.8254546

you have to leave from the front door of the ton instead of the window. yes, it's that stupid.
Anyway most of the fun of Deus Ex is replaying the game over and over to see how many different things can happen so don't sweat it.

>> No.8254572

This sort of thing is why Deus Ex is still leaps and bounds ahead of its successors despite it being the blueprint for so many AAA games the last decade.

>> No.8254603

DE: HR is so fucking dumb, and shallow, compared to DE1. "Those fucking amputees want prosthetics! REVOLUTION! Fuck the augs!" "Have you heard the news about augs? The augs championship and aug convetion and the augs aug augs." "HAVE YOU HEARD AND TAKEN A POSITION ABOUT AUGS!?" And nippon storytelling has reared its retarded head here and there as well. Two things from the top of my head is the SWAT team in the beginning who cuss you out for killing a hostage taker, and the other is the ex-SWAT guy in the police station who is ready to piss his pants and cry his eyes out at the drop of a hat.