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[ERROR] No.8229687 [Reply] [Original]

32x, Sega CD, 64dd, why are all console add ons that have exclusive games failures? Were they trying to copy the FDS?

>> No.8229694

what the fuck is the FDS

>> No.8229703

Famicon Disk System

>> No.8229706

believe it or not, companies didn't have a mentality of playing it safe like today and liked to innovate

>> No.8229737
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>> No.8229749

zoom zoom

>> No.8229771


>> No.8229796

The disk system had Zeldas, Mario, Metroid and many other great exclusives, all using advantage of the extra memory.

The best thing the Sega cd had was a Sonic with an anime cutscene

>> No.8230131

PC-Engine CD is the only truly successful addon in history

>> No.8230291
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>> No.8230521

The idea of console add-ons only really makes sense if you're assuming a high rate of adoption. Otherwise you're just fracturing your user base. And they did kinda assume that but they were wrong.

And as it turns out, people weren't willing to spend money on add-ons with no good games. And since nobody bought them nobody made games for them. And since nobody made games for them nobody bought them....

>> No.8230786


>> No.8230802

I was waiting for Nintendo to make a Sega CD.

>> No.8230805

Don't reply to oomerposters.

>> No.8230807

>you're just fracturing your user base

Ultimately this is biggest reason why. some others:

>unit cost
>increased development cost
>smaller circulation
>speed of chips improving

a 386 pc in 90 was $5000. by 93 it was $1000. and 486s including hdd were under $5000.

the add-ons basically were nowhere near powerful enough a boost to spark interest, and by the time it was, why bother making it an addon? You might as well remake the genesis with the same archetecture but imrpoved speeds only, it would be cheaper but nowhere near as forward looking.

>> No.8230808

There is no Nintendo CD!

>> No.8231940

This wasn't an add-on, this was just a gameboy using the GC as a video output.

The Super CD is the only real add-on that saw any decent marketshare, ending up with something like 1-2 million sold vs 8 million base systems. Also the only way to play stuff like the Far East of Eden series that shit all over lesser 8 bit JRPGs like DQ and FF.

>> No.8231962

CD: it was expensive and didn’t have many groundbreaking games that weren’t just gimmicks a la Night Trap

32x: released at an awkward time and didn’t showcase the supposed power of the add on. Most people decided to simply wait for the Saturn instead of dishing out for both

DD: heavily delayed and came out when the system was close to death anyway, also lacked any must by games as they were mainly art programs or add on packs for other games

The Turbo CD was probably the best add on but it was doomed to obscurity in the west and had to compete with the Famicom and SNES in Japan

>> No.8232002

> that was only available in japan
you pedophiles on this board are so tech illiterate and know nothing about everything that it's just amazing to watch.

>> No.8232010

> Turbo CD
yet another console add-on that was unknown and completely irrelevant outside of japan, much like the turbografix itself. only time people ever heard about it was in gaming magazines because the console wasn't sold in great numbers outside of japan, and when it was it was more expensive than the megadrive and snes, and the games for turbografx were complete trash in comparison to both systems.

>The disk system had Zeldas, Mario, Metroid and many other great exclusives, all using advantage of the extra memory.
and only available in japan. are you more retarded than op?

>> No.8232035

>, why bother making it an addon?
to extend the life of a platform or functionality of it, things we didn't get to take much advantage of outside of japan.
> You might as well remake the genesis with the same archetecture but imrpoved speeds only
the architecture of the megadrive was based on an aging arcade board. why the fuck would they remake it? 32x was sega's last effort to expand the system but sega of america dropped the fucking ball and couldn't get people to produce software for it that wasn't shit. the japs eventually saw that they lost more money and cut their losses to focus on the saturn. retards like bernie stolar completely gimped the saturn outside of japan by having the worst advertising imaginable (or very little advertising in territories that were formerly sega strongholds), and he refused to bundle RAM expansion carts with machines, and that led to completely crippled games being released with horrendous loading times. sega should not only have fired him earlier, they should have shot this fucking retard.

>> No.8232042
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The difference is the FDS was created out of necessity because early in the Famicom's life, storage on chips was much more expensive and harder to produce. Cartridges that could hold bigger games eventually got much cheaper to make a couple of years later and companies started re-releasing their FDS games on cartridges because there was no point anymore. Pic related was fist released for the FDS example.

>> No.8232209

The TG did poorly purely because of awful timing. In Japan, it dropped in 87, a full year before the Mega Drive, and carved out a decent marketshare on the back of popular arcade ports that weren't as shit as the ones for the Master System.

Then, when the MD did actually launch in 88, PC Engine had the CD-ROM as an answer, which completely obliterated the slight graphical advantage Sega had with their 16 bit system. Who cares about a few more sprites when you can have voice acting in games and CD quality music?

In the west, however, it was a very different story. The TG dropped 2 years late vs the 1 year of the Genesis, so suddenly the base 8 bit unit was being compared directly to the Genesis. The TG-CD didn't drop in the west for ANOTHER year, where it was poorly marketed and left to die.

In Japan though, the add-on had almost 400 games released for it. It was the first games console with a disc drive, and one of the earliest examples of software even being distributed on CD.

>> No.8232221

>muh voices and music
Who gives a shit? Why are japs obsessed with dumb voice acting

>> No.8232324

I like the Sega CD. I can honestly say it's the only piece of electronics I've ever had to lube in order to get it to work correctly

>> No.8232480

Add-ons are uniformly failures, except for the anomaly of the successful PC-Engine CD in Japan, which misled console makers into thinking there was a market for add-ons

>> No.8232489

That's an adapter for another system on the market at the time, not a hardware upgrade for your existing system

>> No.8232563

floppy dick syndrome, its very common amongst gamers

>> No.8232638

HRT is making you worse, not better, Australia-kun.

>> No.8232650

TTi suffered from severe autism, as well.

>> No.8232816


Price is the real answer, everything else is delusion.

>> No.8232864

From now on I will refer to all games consoles as 'Sega machines'.

>> No.8232883

I refer to all game cartridges as 'Nintendo tapes'

>> No.8232959

Yep, they edge too much during the day, and by the time it comes to having sexual intercourse they're all out of Nitric Oxcide.

>> No.8232969

>Most people decided to simply wait for the Saturn instead of dishing out for both

No, most parents saw it as Sega fucking with them by releasing another new console and then abandoning it in 1-2 years, so they said fuck you and bought a Playstation.

>> No.8232986

What are you talking about. All the kids are playing The Nintendo.

>> No.8233043


bernie's failures notwithstanding, he was nowhere near as incharge when it came to anything to do with the saturn as your post is making it out to be.

>> No.8233054


perhaps you're being a bit reductionist because of the shitty western games by comparison? Maybe they were able to make games people wanted to play using muh voices and music?

I think it was more that executives saw any gaps in tech between generations as lost market, so much that they thought the same kind of upgradability we started seeing in PCs would appeal to consumers and would even put money into loss to try to keep their market share.

>> No.8233138

If you play game solely because of it's music or voice acting then it must be a bad game, those are not selling points, 8bit music was serviceable so was 16 bit, and VA is the biggest waste of resource and space
>wtf the 400 mbs pcecd game has less content than the snes 16 mbs game?
Sime voices don't justify the price, same goes to fmvs

>> No.8233151

My friend said his dad called his Super Nintendo and PS1 "the Sego".

>> No.8233385

>If you play game solely because of it's music or voice acting then it must be a bad game,
Ah yes, the perfect strawman.

Voice acting and decent music make good games BETTER.

>> No.8233390

>genesis shitposters are also Sony shitposters
It all makes sense now

>> No.8233425

>decent music
Perfectly achievable on the nes/snes/genesis, you don't need a fancy addon for that
Ruined modern games, an absolute waste of resources too
>want a lots of option in your rpg sorry we must please the VAnormietards that can't read

>> No.8233447


this... ugh

>If you play game solely because of it's music or voice acting then it must be a bad game

genetic fallacy. nobody said that it was the only reason a large number of japanese played games. But go on and tell the rest of us that even if they do and are satisfied with the experience that that automatically makes it a bad game cuz you know better, fer sure.

>8bit music was serviceable so was 16 bit, and VA is the biggest waste of resource and space

is this a troll? you made a contradiction in this single fragment.

and waste of resource? You do know that the bulk of a game's code generally speaking is actually graphic and sound data? Program data is a fraction of those. programmers weren't hurting for more space to write program data.

>> No.8233471

>Perfectly achievable on the nes/snes/genesis, you don't need a fancy addon for that
Whatever you say, buddy.

>want a lots of option in your rpg sorry we must please the VAnormietards that can't read
Might as well argue that having characters in games was a mistake and we should've just stuck with the timeless pong brick or something. Who gives a shit if retards misuse a tool? Would Day of the Tentacle be as fun without the voice work? Did you play Planescape with character voices muted? The existence of shitty games with voice acting isn't a reason to not use voice acting.