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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 16 KB, 1064x800, dosbox 2013-06-13 02-31-00-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
822974 No.822974 [Reply] [Original]

So remind me again, what exactly is wrong with pure, upscaled pixels?

>> No.822983


That's the DOS version, so it's meant to be unfiltered.

The SNES version's art was made with CRT artifacts in mind, like all SNES pixel art.

>> No.822985


Pick one.

>> No.822990

When you spend all day on 4chan, you begin to form elitist opinions.
That's how I usually play, although if I want to use all my vertical pixels I'll stretch it and put on an ntsc filter.

>> No.822992
File: 754 KB, 800x600, princecrt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, then again...

>> No.822996


Nothing at all.

sometimes i play stuff unfiltered, sometimes i play it on the actual system.. i couldn't give two shits about what some autist thinks

Do what you want OP. as long as it isn't that 2xSai/Super Eagle junk.

>> No.822997


He looks like the guy from Kung Fu (NES).

>> No.823003

If you're not playing with 500% scanlines and your dick shoved in a cathode ray tube, you're not playing the game the way the devs designed it.

>> No.823008

he must be itchy

>> No.823009

If you don't listen to your music with tape saturation and vinyl emulation or without expensive tube amplifiers you aren't enjoying it the way it was intended to be.

>> No.823025
File: 196 KB, 1064x800, retroarch 2013-04-29 15-34-13-74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't accurate

>> No.823069


It is significantly less grating on the eyes, if anything

>> No.823091
File: 184 KB, 640x640, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.823197
File: 2.87 MB, 300x200, 1360055556927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking get some real filters

>> No.823204
File: 43 KB, 327x327, mickey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.823216

that's cool, what is it

>> No.823235


If this filter is real, I want it.

>> No.823240

Play the game however you think looks best, OP.

>> No.823253

I prefer them.

Fuck scanlines.

>> No.823258


Mario: Glaucoma edition.

>> No.823267
File: 744 KB, 1240x1662, muhfilters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play however it looks best. I use hqx for GBA because it makes games look more like a smoothed out SNES game. I like no filters for the NES, because I like the pixelated style as long as the sprites aren't huge. I just like 25% scanlines on the Genesis; it smooths out the sprites a tad and makes the lighting look a bit better.

>> No.823270

Nothing, some people are just fags.

>> No.823290

that screenshot of Echo just gave me eye cancer. whatever floats your boat though

>> No.823292 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 898x714, FFIII-filter-comparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For retro console games filters are much better.

>> No.823305

those scanlines on ecco, pls that is almost as bad as Welcome to the machine

>> No.823310

depends on the filter dude

>> No.823315
File: 14 KB, 172x143, Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 4.00.36 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, /VR/ was fucking ELECTRIC after its creation. Those filter threads got hundreds of replies.

Now look at this shit hole. Slower than ever.

>> No.823319

i was just thinking the same thing, anon...

>> No.823324
File: 120 KB, 446x355, 6546212515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn nigga
>dat mask
there isnt a mask filter that good yet is there?

pic related

>> No.823323


its the middle of the night, it was always slow this time

>> No.823328

Filter threads are banned here. A nazi janitor deletes them on sight.

>> No.823342

It's like playing a kindergartener's art project

>> No.823343

Eww, loss of detail

>> No.823359
File: 1.28 MB, 400x306, 1370972299400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



This looks like a goddamn Youtube Poop.

>> No.823379 [DELETED] 

shut up faggo. it looks fine

>> No.823392

Well, there really cannot be at sub-4k resolutions. There aren't enough pixels to create a more convincing effect than, say, cgwg's CRT-Geom. If you want a more authentic CRT shader, you NEED insane resolutions. Hell, maybe even 4k might not be enough.

>> No.823410
File: 984 KB, 2180x1508, 1371136825539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.823415

Whoa, really the first time I saw this!

>> No.823420

Just stop it already.

>> No.823425 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 897x1122, 1345963990273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.823428
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x956, pcsxr 2013-06-21 03-01-53-37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a CRT shader does justice to games with prerendered backgrounds IMO.

>> No.823549

Pixels are supposed to be dots, not squares

>> No.823564


This is true. There is nothing more "pure" about nearest neighbor upscaling than, say, bilinear.

If you look closely at OP pic you can see it has uneven pixels. This is a big weakness of nearest neighbor filtering: it only works at integer scales.

>> No.823618
File: 570 KB, 1600x1400, dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the way you want.
Personally I like dot-matrix, but the SNES9x default one is a bit too heavy. Still lookes the best imo.

CRT is the way to go, but remember:

The experienece is different on every screen, so there is no "right" or "wrong"

>> No.823626
File: 371 KB, 512x448, i hacked snes9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.823628
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1371448095494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.823634

Now my wallpaper.

>> No.823639

Fuck scanlines and fuck filters. Purest image quality possible, period.

>> No.823642


isn't "pure" how it is supposed to look? as in "like a crt"?

>> No.823653

Nearest and bilinear are for people whose system can't run proper shaders

>> No.823661

Why the fuck even do a comparison if you can't keep the screenshots at their native ratio? You reisized the Ecco shit.

>> No.823662

If you're going to compare shit, get the fucking resolution right. And don't save it as a dithered-ass jpg.

>> No.823664

So my choices are:
>Shitty crapfest
>Blurry garbage

>> No.823669

Nearest is for people who like sharp pixels. Don't irrationally generalize.

>> No.823673


Nearest is shit because it can't do non-square pixels right.

And since retro games very rarely had square pixels...

>> No.823675

I have never, ever, had a problem with this. And I almost exclusively play 2D games.

>> No.823681


Then you never paid any attention.

You can really see the rounding errors in games that have scrolling, you'll see the edges of pixels jiggle around

>> No.823717


There is nothing more disgusting than non-integer scaled nearest neighbor.
I'd rather have 4:3 stretched to 16:9.
I'd rather have HQ*x shit.
I'd rather have the image flipped upside down with the colors inverted.

>> No.823718

It's ugly. Games are not supposed to look blocky. Thank god for filters and shaders, we don't have to be forced to do it the pixel purists' way

>> No.823719


some people are happy with shitty graphics. like "hurr durr halo 4 such good graphics"

>> No.823741

>isn't "pure" how it is supposed to look? as in "like a crt"?
No filter is going to make it look like a CRT. Just do 2x or 3x nearest neighbor and enjoy.

>> No.823745

Yes, this is the best way to view pixel art. Obvious scanlines are an artifact of the technique used to display 240p on an interlaced CRT. They are not an intentional part of the art.

4x nearest followed by bilinear, makes the rounding errors unnoticeable and still sharp enough. Probably you can get shaders that do this more efficiently.

>> No.823747


You should at least use a pixellate shader instead of just nearest

>> No.823751


Scanlines occur on VGA monitors at 640x480. They are smaller than those on 15khz screens

>> No.823765

is there any manufacturer left that makes decent crts? whenever i see some offered as "new" their image quality is so terrible they either have no idea how to calibrate it or purposely set it like that to promote the more expensive screens.

>> No.823795


Why are you running VBA at 300% speed?

>> No.823832

That was not intentional. Somehow I messed that up and resized it.

ALSO: VBA is running at 300% speed because the sound was off when i took the screenshot.

>> No.823842

It's just like the developers intended. Though, it's lacking noodle-thick scanlines.

>> No.823845

Im fucking glad he does, they always turn to shit.

>> No.823850


my noodle is pretty thin and so are my scanlines

>> No.823972

Scanlines are barely visible on the small (approx 14") monitors most people used when those games were new.

>> No.824353

My problem with smoothing filters is that it never totally smooths the image and ends up looking like garbage in motion.
In that screenshot you can see the awkward parts on the Megaman characters where it didn't work, and it turns the entire style into a mess. Even in games like Yoshi's Island, while the backgrounds were great, Yoshi himself has issues.

If they ever perfected the filter I'd be down with using it, but I don't see the appeal of a filter that causes distortion.

>> No.824369

I want to play all of my NES and SNES games over again with this filter

>> No.824404
File: 45 KB, 631x476, impression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824481

It's not what the developers intended whilst designing the game.

>> No.824534

The only unevenness in OP is due to aspect ratio correction applied horizontally. Vertically, it's a straight 4x nearest neighbor scale.

>> No.824541

B-but developers intended SNES games to look like that. They didnt do it because of technical limitations, obviously.

>> No.824556
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, MameUI64 2013-03-22 23-38-01-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824562
File: 1.81 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch 2013-03-22 23-19-36-95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824560
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, retroarch 2013-03-22 23-18-54-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824564
File: 41 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch 2013-03-22 23-20-36-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824567
File: 820 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch 2013-03-22 23-21-27-91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.824607

>almost as bad as Welcome to the machine
As in the Pink Floyd song?

>> No.824648

I never understood the hate for filters. Games weren't meant to be scaled to such high resolutions, so if you want authenticity go play in 320X224 or something, but if you're gonna upscale it makes sense to do so using proper algorithms. I'll stick with my HQx2, 2xSAI, Super Eagle or whatever looks best in any given game.

>> No.824740


>I never understood the hate for filters. [...] if you want authenticity go play in 320X224 or something

i play in the original resolution x2 or x3 by means of doubling/tripling the pixels without filters. it depends on the game. some look a lot better with certain filters, but in general i want it pixelated. the hate for filters in /vr/ comes from "muh authenticity". some/many? people believe that adding scanlines or shitty dotmatrix filters adds to authenticity. others think they actually improve the quality by making it look like a monet. some are trolls, sure, but i with people would stfu arguing about filters and just use whater they like and post something more interesting to this board.

>> No.824743


wow, my typing was terrible. sorry for the mistakes.

>> No.824965

>i play in the original resolution
>x2 or x3 by means of doubling/tripling the pixels

So you don't pay in the original resolution.

>> No.824982


what? it only makes the pixels larger. it's not the original resolution counting the monitor pixels, but it is by looking at how many squares there are and the aspect ratio is ok as well. it's like saying it's not 1024x768 anymore because you moved the beamer further away to make the image bigger. it's just bigger pixels.

>> No.825036

There is no standard for number of subpixels per pixel, not on CRTs or LCDs or anything. You can have as many subpixels as you like. Integer ratio nearest neighbor scaling is literally making the pixels bigger by increasing the number of subpixels. The resolution remains the same.

>> No.825047

yeah I hate that faggot too. I made a /q/ thread daring him to come and put up his dukes, but he was too cowardly to go in there and fight me.

>> No.825050

they were both designed to be played on CRTs, you moron

>> No.825103

Well, there is a distinction to be made here, though. Very old DOS games from the CGA and EGA era were played on monitors that were basically glorified televisions, so they can be directly compared to old console games. VGA era DOS games, however, tended to use the line-doubled mode 13h, so they looked sharper and more pixelated than console games of the time. Not as much as on modern LCD monitors, mind you, but still.

>> No.825195

I kinda care less about all the filter arguments, people are gonna play how they chose to no matter what you say anyways.

I wanna talk about this game. I've gotten the SNES version, since I figure that would make for easier emulation and all. I went for the "Training" option, since I've never played before, and figured it would help me get used to the controls, and tell me what to do. I'm stuck at the end of training, no button or button combo seems to open the door, and I don't recall seeing a switch anywhere.

Also, are the controls supposed to be this loose? Moving left or right moves me about 4-5 feet for a single press, in order to move just a bit I need to press up for the jump animation, which will move me about half a foot. Not terrible, but it does make lining up jumps annoying as hell. Also, the controls don't seem to respond period in the middle of actions. I tried doing a run and jump over a gap, and it completely ignored the jump button, sending the poor bastard down a pit.

So is this game considered a classic because it's actually enjoyable to play, or because it was popular back then but it's objectively crap today like Punch-Out?

>> No.825262

>objectively crap
>crap at all


>> No.825296

How, by doing all of five punches, two dodges, and a single block?
Bring it.
Seriously though, even Arino(100% tenacity!) dropped that game the second he was given the choice. This is a man who spent 8 hours trying to beat a single level of Castlevania 3.

>> No.825312

Because Punch-Out is all about knowing the strategy to beat each fighter, and having the reflexes to pull the strategy off. And Arino has no reflexes.

Plus, isn't it even harder to beat using an LCD monitor due to input lag?

>> No.825313
File: 245 KB, 1158x892, 1370408880497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed man, look at my extremely refined taste.

>> No.825358

If you emulate Gameboy games or play them on the GBC/GBA instead of playing them on the original blur-o-vision screen like the developers intended it, you have shit taste and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.825368
File: 839 KB, 1120x1008, retroarch 2013-05-07 00-09-12-86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're damn right.

>> No.825373

It hurts the younger posters' CoD-accustomed eyes.

>> No.825381
File: 928 KB, 1200x1080, RetroArch-0424-154544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What if I emulate Game Boy with a shader that more or less accurately simulates the properties of the dot matrix LCD screen?

>> No.825397

Garbage, unless you can emulate the contrast knob that's never quite good enough too.

>> No.825398

Not even close to enough scanlines. Stop trying to pass off a farce.

>> No.825405

That shader can do that, too.

>> No.825406


You can, contrast is an adjustable variable.


Also, I helped harlequin fine tune this shader using photos of my own Game Boy Pocket so I can safely say it's very authentic.

>> No.825493

I know this is just a troll picture, but I actually do think the one on the right looks better.

>> No.825784

I do think the cranes in the background look better on the right.

>> No.826274

>filter thread
>the same and the same trolls pic ever, EVERY thread.

>> No.826692
File: 23 KB, 362x94, how the developers intended it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.826710

What this guy means is that CGA/EGA used 15Khz @ 60hz like a TV (except in EGA hi-res modes but games rarely used them). VGA is 31Khz @ 70hz.

>> No.826712

>Plus, isn't it even harder to beat using an LCD monitor due to input lag?
I think so. No idea how PO would work on plasma/OLED.

>> No.826717

In fact many CGA games don't run properly on VGA due to this frame rate difference. The animation ends up becoming choppy as a result.

>> No.826725

CGA games also required a type of monitor that's poorly compatible with later ones, resulting in cyan and magenta colors.

>> No.826736

Err, it was always cyan and magenta

>> No.826739

No. It yielded 16 colors on a RGBI monitor.

>> No.826804

Only on this mode, though:


Only other way to get more colors would have been using the NTSC composite mode.

>> No.826861

That's not a real mode, it's just a hack of text mode done by setting the character height to 4 pixels and using █ for a "pixel". It can work on VGA as well, you just have to set 8 pixels instead of 4.

>> No.826871

It depends on the game. Stuff that's programmed around the vertical retrace like Agent USA seems to not work very well while other games like Dig Dug that ignore it don't run any different on either CGA or VGA.

>> No.826875
File: 17 KB, 1024x768, pakuMenu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one thing I love about ancient technology, it's how resourceful devs would get to get as much out of it as possible. I often feel modern technology, although allowing far more possibilities, often also rewards mediocrity.

This is actually a fairly modern game, but it demonstrates what is possible on fucking CGA,