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File: 102 KB, 1049x590, Doom 64 Levels plasma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8223879 No.8223879 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your thoughts on this game and how it compares to the other Doom games in the series or retro FPS as a whole...

>> No.8223885

only became good after the sourceports

>> No.8223895


I enjoyed it as it was, but still paled in comparison to Doom I and II. Better than the games that followed. Plus, I enjoyed the Lost Levels. Solid addition that didn't feel too out of place to me.

About the worst part of the game is the 'music, but I actually like it more than Doom II's OST.

>> No.8224029

Not bad, but I feel like it spams the Knights and Barons too much due to not having Chaingunners or Revenants as a middle ground between them and the zombie mooks.

>> No.8224061

level design is the best of the classic doom maps
sucks that you don't get the full unmaker if you pistol start though. makes me not enjoy it as much

>> No.8224583

I think it's really good, has some things which are better than Doom and Doom 2, but also some things which are worse.
For anyone who's a big fan of Classic Doom, I think that giving Doom 64 a play is a must, because it has some great level design. I feel that it's best played on Watch Me Die difficulty, as it's otherwise too barren with monsters.

It's a real shame they miss some of the best enemies, yeah. I think that the heavy use of Knights & Barons is excusable because the game gives you quite a lot of rockets to take them on with (and that was my perception even on my first run, when I didn't find most secrets).

You can generate passwords for that, it'll still work even with the new ports.

>> No.8224589

better then the original

>> No.8225034

Fun, enjoyable. Colored lighting is nice. Needed more of DOOM II's bestiary. The weapon animations are terrible, worse than Quake's. Better played on PCs and modern consoles than the N64.

>> No.8225048

There's an interview somewhere floating around with Aubrey Hodges and how he made some of the "songs" in it. Iirc it was mostly just him yelling into a taco bell cup, and various computer bleeps slowed down by 800%.

>> No.8225058

It's good, I like it. I like the sector over sector stuff in some of the level design but I don't like how pistol start is basically not supported. Yes I know about passwords but if you try pistol starting a lot of levels it doesn't feel supported at all.

>> No.8225078

It’s still ‘Doom’ so it’s still fun and the levels are good, but recreate the levels 1:1 in Doom 2 and there’s not as much going for it. Its style, tone, and assets, these carry the game.
I can’t point to Doom 64 for Doom 2 and say “see what I mean” because I think it takes liberties in using the missing monsters.

>> No.8225192

My absolute favorite Doom.

i think it crafts one of the best horror atmosphere's of all time due to how well the desolate level design mixes with Aubrey's OST.

I love the monster redesigns as well, and its a shame we never got to see how they would have redesigned the missing 4 monsters.

It's marred a bit by no multiplayer, too many hell knights, etc., but it's a solid game regardless

>> No.8225826

What's wrong with the N64 version?

>> No.8226093

Pretty impressive that he got paid to make shitpost music.

>> No.8226113

Also something to substitute the Archie (whether it be direct replacement or some fun compliment monsters) would be fitting
It's a good side game anyway

>> No.8226168
File: 121 KB, 1600x1443, nintendo-64-controller-picture-id512035978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me.

>> No.8226232

That's a good controller for even console FPS.

>> No.8226732

Pretty good, i hate the fact the cartridge's completely limited and crunched down space removed the best and most interesting to kill monsters
Cmon anon that controller is dogshit

>> No.8226770

It's not. You're falling for retroactive memes mocking the controller.

>> No.8227037

It's a jack-of-all-trades at best. Decent for everything, not particularly great for anything.

>> No.8228108

The only real flaw with the N64 controller is the analog stick being flimsy and wearing itself out

>> No.8228119

I love Doom 64 :)
If PSX Doom doesn't count, 64 is my favorite Doom game

>> No.8228124

~ /vr/'s official retro Doom tierlist ~

God Tier:
Plutonia Experiment

High Tier:
Doom II

Mid Tier:
Ultimate Doom

Low Tier:

Plebshit for Nintendorks Tier:
Doom 64

>> No.8228142

it's good
better than part two but not part one

>> No.8228175

It's the best one

>> No.8228214

pretty colors
better chaingun
lost souls die in an intuitive amount of time
arachnotrons aren't pushovers
plasma gun is worse and has no reason to exist when the unmaker does
no shotgun animations
movement is slower and heavier
how the fuck do i bob and weave through cyberdemon rockets

>> No.8228560

You're losing some controller functionality no matter where you put your hands. It's not good design, like a prototype that needed more development time.

>> No.8228594

>You're losing some controller functionality no matter where you put your hands

>> No.8228612

Really? Okay, I'll spell it out for you.

Place hands on left/middle = can't access right face buttons & bumper
Place hands left/right = can't access middle thumbstick & underside trigger
Place hands middle/right = can't access left d-pad & bumper

I'm fairly confident you don't have three hands anon.

>> No.8228673
File: 185 KB, 1136x1136, three hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, motherfucker.

>> No.8228716

I was bothered at the lack of an autorun option if you moved via the d-pad or C buttons, you’d have to dedicate a finger to always holding L, Z or R.
This might’ve have been an issue with Hexen 64 too, but not with Goldeneye, Turok or Perfect Dark.

>> No.8228804

In all honestly Doom 64's gameplay is inferior to 1 and 2. It feels like it's the same thing but it's not, everything is slower, enemies are less responsive, and weapons aren't as fun to use due to sound and poor feedback.

>> No.8228808

what a load of shit. literally everything is better about doom 64.

>> No.8228809

It’s a better Doom 3 than the actual Doom 3.

>> No.8228815

I think the best example of this is probably the fist and how unfun it is use with the power up in 64 compared to 1-2. The attack animation is slow and clunky, the death animations of enemies are also slow, the hit detection is worse, and the art for the fist with the gloves look lame.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I didn't play the original N64 version and only a port. Considering the quality of some of the "ports" and "remasters" out there, even official ones, maybe I just played a shitty version. I'd like to be pointed out to a proper version if possible and don't say the kex one

>> No.8228816

The gameplay is mostly the same, it’s just lacking the rest of 2’s fun monsters and the shotguns are missing animations. The new enemy features are an attempt at making up for this.

>> No.8228819

but it's spooky tho

>> No.8228831

Anon you can use N64 controllers all you want but why would you go on the internet and deliberately ask retarded questions?

>> No.8228839

how old are you

>> No.8228858

>enemies are less responsive
It's the same behavior for most of them. There's no -fast option (available to the player anyway), but YOU definitely were not playing with fast monsters.

>and weapons aren't as fun to use due to sound and poor feedback
That's subjective, but I mostly disagree with it. Chaingun and Chainsaw are more satisfying weapons, the only thing I consider a minus for the weapons is the lack of pumping/loading animations for the shotguns, but that doesn't kill the game for me, it just makes it feel more like Quake.

>> No.8228902
File: 8 KB, 256x172, Arachnotron64_sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which monster do you guys think got the best rework/redesign?

For me it's the Arachnotron, sounds cool as fuck, stronger as well with the dual plasma cannons. It's a shame we'll never know what a redesigned Spider Mastermind will look like,

>> No.8229012

Pain Elemental, he's meaner than ever, and his appearance and sound is suitably nightmarish for that.

>> No.8229024

this also is my first doom game i've played back in 2001.

>> No.8229265

Pain Elemental has a slight edge over Arachnotron, but both are still cool as fuck.

>> No.8229306
File: 5 KB, 250x239, 1611862623289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i think it crafts one of the best horror atmosphere's of all time

>> No.8229336

I like Doom 64. Just not playing it on a Nintendo 64. It's too dark poo poo on the eyes, and the controls suck balls.

>> No.8229337


Maybe not of all time, but the best I've personally played and seen, I know things like Dead Space, Silent Hill are more critically acclaimed.

I guess it's the the droning, lonely feeling compiled with Hodges OST that really gets me. Breakdown and Pitfalls are some disturbing shit

>> No.8229386

>sucks that you don't get the full unmaker if you pistol start though
I feel you. Still doesn't ruin it for me though, It's my favorite Doom.

>> No.8229521
File: 32 KB, 640x480, DUGSzihVwAAZaNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8229891

I like how he's waiting patiently, like he knows he really should have been in DOOM 64, and that his time will eventually come.

>> No.8231589

When i was a kid i wasnt able to save the game so i had to start at lvl one every time i died. Very challenging.

>> No.8231714

>It's the same behavior for most of them

It's the same "general behaviour" for all things yes but it doesn't mean it's the exact same code being used for all weapons and the exact same AI being ran by monsters.

A lot of things are slower in Doom 64, like the fists or the plasma gun. Also everyone praises the game for its graphics and re-made enemy arts but the worst offender is actually how slow some of the enemies animations are, especially their death animations which are slow to the detriment of the enjoyment killing things should procure