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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[ERROR] No.8226508 [Reply] [Original]

When I was a li'l shit my mom surprised me with a copy of Sonic Adventure 2 on Dreamcast after my demo-disc with SA1's Emerald Coast stopped working, as I played the fuck out of that shit

When I reached the final boss with Biolizard in space, both my mom and my older brother, who was in his 20s at the time, stopped what they were doing just to watch me tackle this fucking boss fight in silence, captivated by how utterly batshit crazy it was for a game back in early 2002

This is the only reason Sonic as a series persists to this day. The presentation was off the fucking charts

>> No.8226515

Sounds like you're having a little tickle with Satan.

>> No.8226527

Based. Sega poured so much soul into SA2 it retroactively sucked the soul out all the following games

>> No.8226535

This game is a spazzy fucking mess. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.8226545
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I apologize for not being aware of the complexity and various nuances of game design as an 8-year-old child.

>> No.8226549

Well, at least you're sorry.

>> No.8226550

Is this the autist from the other SA2 thread that couldn't even jump on a few cubes or control Shadow on the anti-gravity cylinders? Fucking kek

>> No.8226553

There's a reason that there's an emerging meme of hailing it as "the Deus Ex of platformers".

>> No.8226554

>playing SA2, Timesplitters, Melee, Crystal Chronicles, Ragnarok Online, Diablo 2 and Command and Conquer Renegade with my fat friend Joey and masturbating into a sock to Pamela Anderson
where did the time go?

>> No.8226562

People who like it desperately trying to associate it with better games, so people stop bullying them?

>> No.8226572

>the Deus Ex of platformers
it literally is

>> No.8226574

Hello anti-adventurefag! Migrated to this thread before the other got archived? Quite brave of you.

>> No.8226580

Yeah it's him. I swear to god, what is it about /vr/ that attracts rampant shitposters with no life? I hope he's not in every Sonic thread from now on and gets bored of it.

>> No.8226582

Joey ate it

>> No.8226601

iirc he's been in pretty much every Sonic thread since Mania was announced, like since 2018

>> No.8226603

wouldn't surprise me since that obese retard ate everything else at my house anyway

>> No.8226604

Looked it up and Mania was actually announced in '16, sorry

>> No.8226625

That's two different people, but keep trying.

>> No.8226635
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>That's two different people, I-I-I swear!

>> No.8226636

A lot of people think Sonic Adventure is bad. You're literally schizophrenic.

>> No.8226654

>A lot of people think Sonic Adventure is bad
I know this. All I'm saying is that I still like it. I don't flip the fuck out and go on some retarded rage spree.

>> No.8226685

don't poke the sperg, next thing you know the thread is going to have 350 posts omitted and 20 IPs

>> No.8226753

I literally just made that other thread. Delusional. Lmao

The game is horribly flawed and you need to grow up.

Funny because it actually is

>> No.8226764

Deus Ex has more actual platforming than SA2.

>> No.8226767

As long as you're okay with me thinking Lost World is better.

>> No.8226775

I still say Shadow is a better game. Fucking deal with it.

>> No.8226779

It IS a better game. it doesn't have treasure hunting.

>> No.8226785


>> No.8226787

Biolizard was awesome.
Just regular old other items hunting.

>> No.8226794

It wasn't. Kek. People hate this game

>> No.8226886

I prefer SA2 but yeah Shadow had the better game objectively speaking, it's major downfall was the Outrun-esque stage progression

>> No.8226895

I had a dark nights chao named edward.
loved this shit

>> No.8226898

Is this a new trend? Mocking the shadow shizo?

>> No.8226906

That's actually me. Suck my dick.

>> No.8226937

It's either the same guy (which is sad and pathetic) or its a copycat trying to gather (You)s (which is even sadder and more pathetic)

>> No.8226953
File: 447 KB, 666x961, PAYBACKS A BITCH MOTHERFU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dark-speed type Chao which I named "Nny"(pronounced like "Knee")

I miss that lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.8226968

And the fucker was entirely transparent, like a fucking ghost. I had no idea that was a thing that could happen.

>> No.8227032

>Acting like it took much time and effort to criticize a shitty fucking piece of fucking shit game
Ok buddy


>> No.8227042
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Exactly. Apparently it's a thing that just happens sometimes

>> No.8227385

Game was cool back then but it's aged like absolute garbage
Near unplayable now

>> No.8227397

These people genuinely think there's Discord cabal that's out to ruin the reputation of Sonic Adventure, and Egorapter is at the center of it, because they can't face up to the fact that it's actually just kind of bad. I don't know what you can say to that.

>> No.8227517

I for one don't care about whether someone agrees with me about the quality of the Adventure games, and there are aspects of them I even like. But a lot of
>people genuinely think there's a Discord cabal
is a reflection of just being too young or, as is often the case, that they were just too disconnected from the discourse of the time to know the Adventure games always had their haters and that "3D Sonic games suck" was a widespread attitude by the early 2000s. You can even see it in how reviews of Heroes refer to the Adventure games.

>> No.8227523

>and Egorapter is at the center of it
There it is. Hello anti-adventurefag.

>> No.8227534

You've cracked the da Vinci code.

>> No.8227537

Was this the peak of quintessential scotformers?

>> No.8227543

Anon, the person you replied to is a known shitposter who lurks Sonic threads on /v/ and /vr/, he's like the Barry or ACfag of Sonic discussion. Or that one guy from rpgcodex who makes anti Half-Life threads under different proxies. No one genuinely believes that there's a discord cabal ran by some eceleb, it's just his running narrative.

>> No.8227553

maybe peak in story and presentation, sa2 really encapsulates the early 2000s aesthetic

>> No.8227558

I don't come into these threads often enough to know, so I wasn't taking him literally. The general sentiment is something I've seen people express, though. They almost always point to magazine/website critic review scores.

>> No.8227562

I'm not a fucking "known shitposter". You're delusional.

>> No.8227593

>I don't come into these threads often enough to know, so I wasn't taking him literally.
Yeah I know, I was just pointing it out in case you were expecting a genuine reply from him.
>They almost always point to magazine/website critic review scores.
I feel like this only really started after SA2 got ported to the GCN. It also coincides with the lowered scores of the game.

>> No.8227595

You're just desperate to turn people into ridiculous pantomime figures so you don't have to face this game not being very good, aren't you?

>> No.8227680

iirc it happens when you breed a colored chao with a shiny chao or something like that
if you're not in a discord cabal then you're just schizophrenically larping as different people which is even more pathetic. the fact that you're acting like its even conspiratorial that you are in a discord is suspicious if anything. literally everyone uses it nowadays unfortunately

>> No.8227683

>literally everyone uses Discords dedicated to disparaging the good name of Sonic Adventure

>> No.8227686

There are different anons that hate this horrible aids infested game. Btw the artstyle of the game is as ugly as your mother.

>> No.8227687

i guess i was giving you too much credit merely implying that you have friends, clearly

>> No.8227705

I bet I've got two more friends than you have.

>> No.8227721

nuh-uh i have n+1 friends where n=your friend count=0

>> No.8227732

>iirc it happens when you breed a colored chao with a shiny chao or something like that
Seriously? Is there a way to force a Chao to mate with another specifically chosen Chao? I want to try this

>> No.8227738

meant for

>> No.8227742


Sonic was doing the whole Kingdom Hearts thing before Kingdom Hearts even existed

>> No.8227751

sa2b has a heart fruit you can buy in the black market to induce mating season faster. i'm not sure if it makes other chaos more likely to mate with the one though

>> No.8227761

god i miss this. its so unabashedly confident and stylized, like sonic himself. nu-sonic seems more content self-flagellating to appease people like the guy crying in this thread

>> No.8227770

Sonic Adventure in general seems like a hazy dream. Every time I

>> No.8227778
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every time you what?

>> No.8227783

Yeah, except it isn't. Forces was completely earnest.

>> No.8227787
File: 485 KB, 760x570, 1634005280874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP anon, he never woke up.

>> No.8227789

One of those dreams where you fall through the floor?

>> No.8227808

but it has no sense of drama or tension. plus all the self-referential quips the characters always make comes off like a kind of insecurity. adventure-era sonic carried enough confidence that the characters could shut up for a bit and let the gameplay speak for itself.

>> No.8227817

Forces was almost a return to form. But they kinda gave up on it 75% through. Where the fuck did Infinite go, exactly?

>> No.8227819

not retro

>> No.8227873

Not only is this a larp, no fucking mother would take anything in a blue felix the cat game seriously nor would a 20 year old actual boomer at the timecare about this game since my 28 year older brother called me out for playing with the Chao at the time

The fact you think something like this is "epic" when fucking Metal Gear Solid was literally months apart from SA1 launching proves why Sonic is autistic trash that I'm glad got shafted 20 years ago quality wise. At least when it was S3K as a platformer it was simple, sweet and did what it needed to do right, without acting superior of itself.

>> No.8227874

>He's been assblasted Adventure era is long since dead and SEGA tried to revive classic era proper for over 5 years straight

>> No.8227878

do you ever consider the possibility of a person you live with being passively intrigued by something you enjoy? Remember; this is 2001, no one had ever really seen something like that before, especially in a video game. It held their interest to watch it because of how weird it was.

Sorry your family seems to avoid you.

>> No.8227884

>There are different anons that hate this horrible aids infested game
The irony is Maria Robotnik IS aids infested lol

>> No.8227886

Yeah it's pretty sad. I like all three types, Classic, Adventure and Boost, and he's right the fuck there every time IU make the mistake of espousing my opinion. He's like the Sega equivalent of that FFXV guy

>> No.8227896
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>do you ever consider the possibility of a person you live with being passively intrigued by something you enjoy
Yes, when you're not autistic.
> Remember; this is 2001, no one had ever really seen something like that before
If you actual palyed more games instead of Sonic you would have. Crash, Rayman 2, Spyro, Ratchet 1, fuck, there's non platformers that fit "epic" tones and did it better than anything done by Sonic Team like Defender: Saving The Human Race, Rainbow Six? FFS most of these games came out at the time of SA1 or before or at the same time of SA2.

Seriously, play non Sonic content. Every time someone praises Sonic for being "innovated" I just have an aneurysm.

>> No.8227897

normies generally like sonic or just don't care, it's only insecure dorks trying to look cool and aware who talk about how autistic furry cringe cringety cringe sonic is. normies pretty much always have either a passing interest in sonic as a fun game they remember from back in the day or just don't care. this cringe meme is all a larp so dorks don't feel like dorks for preferring x game for babies instead of y game for babies

>> No.8227901

You could have been feeling shit like Silent Hill, but we’re playing a glitchy mess instead. Holy fuck lol.

>> No.8227903

>Gerald contacts Satan himself to negotiate a cure for her condition
>US Government is pissed off that he did this without their permission
>Memoryholes the entire operation by slaughtering everyone involved, including women and children
>Satan just goes back on his promise anyway and tries to 9/11 earth because "LOL FUCK YOU"

This game is truly something else entirely

>> No.8227910
File: 62 KB, 454x611, 1612814496449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have been fucking your girlfriend, but she's fucking me instead. Holy fuck lol.

>> No.8227913

i can list off random games and pretend they are at all similar too. what at all is epic about the tone of crash or spyro, especially in comparison to sa2?

>> No.8227914

>Yes, when you're not autistic.
Every insult on this website is projection.

>> No.8227920

Then why does Sonic persist over the likes of Spyro, Crash, Rayman, and Ratchet & Clank? If you can, try to avoid lel cringe fanbase, because Sonic fans are weirdly anti-furry and anti-fanon, save for /sthg/ which is universally considered a shithole

>> No.8227921

>started after SA2 got ported to the GCN.
Which was 2002. Less than a year after it was on the Dreamcast. That's my point.

>> No.8227927

>Crash, Rayman 2, Spyro, Ratchet 1
Literally all dead franchises with very little fanfare compared to Sonic. You're retarded.

>> No.8227930

Jokes on you. My gf is your mom.

>> No.8227931

you tried

>> No.8227938
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>Then why does Sonic persist over the likes of Spyro, Crash, Rayman, and Ratchet & Clank?
How many times am I going to keep saying AUTISM until you get it through your thick skull?

Everyone hates how shit Sonic is, this is fact. He is not a flawless series. Most just want him to stop being shit since SEGA keeps shiting out more crap. Look at fucking Pokemon. Is that a series that's successful because of flawless entries?

Sonic isn't around because he's good, he's around because of the same autists that grew up on the 2000s games keep shilling Sonic everywhere they go in homes a real SA3 finally gets made. That's literally all there is to it. To compare Sonic like he's anywhere as good as Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros, Kirby, Yakuza, fucking Minecraft even, is just mindbroken into a hivemind bubble. The only reason all of those games san Ratchet and Clank (which btw has gotten continuous new entries which one of the latest ones being on the PS5) are dead is thanks to their companies fucking with them. Crash, Spyro and Rayman all share the same problem; high quality games, shitty ass company focusing on other shit instead because normies care more about shit games instead of good platformers. That's all there is to it.

Shit like this is exactly why no one on 4chan is worth their salt. They only shitpost because they can when the truth is just as simple as it is: People don't actually like games on this site and just want to wank off nostalgia. If you truly look at the history of these IPs, Sonic is laughably tarnished as a series, not just game wise, comics, tv shows, and even his movie wasn't without nearly catastrophic brand damnation. You don't get anything like this for Rayman; it's just "Ubisoft just hates him and his creator". You don't get this with Crash and Spyro, it's just "Activision keeps fucking themselves over because of x". Nothing to do with the games. Meanwhile Sonic keeps getting 06'd, Boom'd, Forces'd, and now Color'd. Good my ass

>> No.8227941

I was with you until this. Yakuza is one game they made a dozen times.

>> No.8227942

At least they don't rebrand the series 4 times and fail, they know how to keep a series image intact, even if it's just more of the same thing.

>> No.8227949

>At least they don't rebrand the series 4 times and fail, they know how to keep a series image intact
Depending on who you ask, Yakuza hasn't been good since Yakuza 2. So I very much doubt there's a consensus on Yakuza games being consistent.

>> No.8227956

>At least they don't rebrand the series 4 times and fail
Yeah they only tried to rebrand it twice and failed.

>> No.8227960

Yeah, and she was easy

>> No.8227974

Tired of people acting like this game was garbage. SA2 was solid despite it's flaws. Stellar, really.

>tfw you finally get that last emblem and unlock fucking Green Hill Zone in 3d

>> No.8227990

>Spending at least 20 hours to get a boring ass 1 minute stage

>> No.8228032

zoomzoom detected

>> No.8228035

i mean most games give you literally nothing for completing it 100% besides an achievement or something

>> No.8228047


>> No.8229198

It's true, a lot of the Sonic fandom is furry/autistic but that's just conveninetn for people who love to go out of their way to bash Sonic. Everyone knows the series had a decline, the only question is when. I'm somewhere in between thinking it was Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 that was the decline, or the games afterwards. I think Sonic Adventure 1 is a good game, I honestly never played 2, but the fact is it was unnecessary for Sonic to get as bad as it did. Anyone who thought that it would turn around about the time Sonic Generations came out had those false hopes dashed with Sonic Boom. It's one train-wreck after another. I can take Sonic-bashers seriously who acknowledge the original games (Sonic 1-3, Knuckles, and Sonic CD) were good, but I can't take the ones seriously that indiscriminately put the old side-scrollers and the shit new games into the same category.

>> No.8229490

the pokemon fanbase is autism incarnate even on normie sites like twitter and yet nobody ever correlates the two, not to mention furries would find it appealing for the same reason they'd find sonic appealing obviously with all the anthros. its just a double standard in lieu of an argument for people who see sonic as undeserved competition for other kids games as popular as him

>> No.8230063

The reason it's SA1/2 is because they are the RE4 of the Sonic series. In a vacuum, it's a passable platformer, but next to other examples at the time like Rayman 2 (story telling), Ratchet and Clank (fitting character designs for the tone), Banjo and Kazooie (Hunting levels done right) and of course, Mario (actively troubleshoots the gameplay to be as polished as possible), it just becomes "ok, but not great" as long as SA1/2 isn't your first nostalgia tinted game. Then if you compare it to S3K, that's when it's either make or break, most of the time for people, it's break. The standard of Sonic thanks to what S2 and S3K brought to the series just made it clear Sonic was too good to be "passable". Too bad all the 3D games fall into this category, he's just too good of an IP to just be "generic shonen shit". He's just too good of a brand to just be so normie pandering. He should be far more, like the Doom of cartoon mascots. Genre defining, but not a lot of normies can get into it, leaving only the hardcore gamers to enjoy him. And it's clear how true this is, considering how many fan games the classic era games got, even with the Doom engine itself.

>> No.8230095

I genuinely think the series is on something of an ascent, after the 00's dark ages, but the Adventure kids get really mad when you try to argue that Generations and Mania are in fact good games I haven't played Forces, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually fine.

>> No.8230152

Like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac?

>> No.8230169

that’s not Adventure 2

>> No.8230171

>Crash and Spyro
>quality games
yeah some of them
then there’s shit like Crash Boom Bang! or Spyro Enter the Dragonfly

>> No.8230218

i think anti-adventurefag is just bitter he had a ps2 instead of a gamecube growing up

>> No.8230227

AndSonic had ShTh, 0Shit, Secret Shit, Black Shit, Free Shitters... I could go on
Keep coping Nintentard, I got a Gamecube before I got the PS2. Still enjoyed Ratchet and Rayman 2 over shit like SA2

>> No.8230228

Didn't ask

>> No.8230262

Don't care, cope more

>> No.8230303

Didn't ask, don't care. Still enjoying SA2 and making you mad.

>> No.8230448

>constantly sperging about how superior mario is to sonic
you really are schizophrenic