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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 128 KB, 800x554, 55444-kirby-64-the-crystal-shards-nintendo-64-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8187115 No.8187115 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Kirby 64?

>> No.8187136

Gay game for babies

>> No.8187193

Neat game. There's new mechanics and the small plot to me is the best in the entire series.

>> No.8187206

One of my all-time favorite games that defined my childhood

>> No.8187216

Sex with Adeleine

>> No.8187217

I was 11 or 12 when this game came out so I was way too old for it.

>> No.8187225

Peak charm and aesthetics for the Kirby series. Wish it was just a little bit harder.

>> No.8187235

>Wish it was just a little bit harder.
It's a childrens game though. It's nice to give them an easy game to play.

>> No.8187249
File: 75 KB, 630x630, 676005_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much a walk in the park but it was fun to find new power combinations. Was this the only Kirby game where you could do that?

>> No.8187251

I liked it as a kid, but I don't think I finished it because of the difficulty.

>> No.8187269
File: 65 KB, 763x719, kirbys_adv_puresabe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very creative

>> No.8187272

May be the easiest game I've ever played. Feels like a discount klonoa.

>> No.8187274

The last time Kirby was good.

>> No.8187278

I don't think that argument really makes sense. I've never met a child who will play Kirby but wont play Mario.

>> No.8187329


>> No.8187475

Are you gay?

>> No.8187781

It's the only Kirby game normalfags like and I don't know why.

>> No.8187782

No I just never played a platformer

>> No.8187787

I thought about learning to play the boss theme on guitar once. Jesus that's a fast song.

>> No.8187846

Fun, and one of the few Kirbys that had something new (combining) instead of a small gimmick with 99% old gameplay.

>> No.8187893

i am being gangstalked by kirby

>> No.8187895

Ability combining is just a shittier version of the animal buddy system in Dream Land 2&3.

>> No.8187942

Like Dreamland 3, the visuals and the music are fantastic, but the Dark Matter Trilogy has the worst gameplay in the entire (action platformer) series, though I haven't played Amazing Mirror and Squeak Squad, so I don't know if those are worse.

>> No.8187968

But you're not a child.

>> No.8187993

It goes:

>Kirby Super Star
>Kirby's Dream Land 3
>Kirby's Adventure
>Kirby's Dream Land 2
>Kirby's Dream Land
>Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
>Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land
>Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
>Kirby: Squeak Squad
>Kirby Star Allies
>Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
>Kirby's Return to Dream Land
>Kirby: Triple Deluxe
>Kirby Mass Attack
>Kirby's Epic Yarn

>> No.8188029

Kirby's Epic Yarn isn't as good as Dream Land, Adventure, Super Star, RtDL, Triple D, Robobot, and Star Allies, but it's definitely still better than the Dark Matter games.

>> No.8188123

Great game with even better music.

>> No.8188134

Decent. Too slow and forgettable but ability mixing is neat.

>> No.8188136

don't overspend on it
hell, dont even buy it unless you are a kirby fan

never played it until recently,
if you MUST purchase it- get the japanese CiB for $20-30 delivered.

combining powers was neat but it seems drab in comparison to other titles in the series especially kdl2

>> No.8188541

Soundtrack was baller, gameplay with good, loved the combos you got to figure out to get hidden shards for 100%

This was also the first game I 100%, cards and all. Not difficult but still has a lot of replayability. If it had some sort of challenge mode where the game got significantly harder would be perfect

>> No.8188547

never spent a huge amount of time with it, but it didn't really incite the desire to. it seems like a solid 7/10 game , it's clearly "well made", but I couldn't find any real fun in it, and I found the graphics extremely plain. there are much better platformers on the N64.

>> No.8188602
File: 61 KB, 215x230, smug_ninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~ /vr/'s official N64 sidescrollers tierlist ~

God Tier:
Goemon's Great Adventure

High Tier:
Yoshi's Story

Mid Tier:
Mischief Makers

Low Tier:
Kirby 64

Shit Tier:
Mortal Kombat Mythologies

>> No.8188664
File: 56 KB, 720x576, 172620-kirby-64-the-crystal-shards-nintendo-64-screenshot-combining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was good although some of the kirby forms were strange and frightening.

>> No.8188668


It's a good conclusion to Dark Matter saga. Also the only game where Kirby almost got a legit girlfriend.

True final boss is some Evangelion shit

>> No.8188747

A genuinely good Kirby game, probably the last one with any soul. I replayed it recently and what struck me was how diverse the graphical assets were. It felt like every subsection of each level had completely unique models and textures. Also multiplayer was super fun with friends

>> No.8188748
File: 22 KB, 300x257, kirby-cry-72067279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8188752

Neat combo system, but compared to Superstar and Dream Land 3, a bit disappointing.

>> No.8188753

A bit too slow but charming. It's nothing like the slog that is DL3, though.

>> No.8189004

Great mechanical base, plenty of interesting and cool things you could do moreso than nearly any other Kirby... but with levels that fail to make a proper game out of it at all.

>> No.8189046

I love playing this game during the winter, it just gives such a strong feeling going through both the cheery locations and the strangely saddening areas during the harsh cold. Stuff like shiver star and 02 sticks out years after modern kirby lore and settings. Looks like the upcoming kirby game will return to this type of feel at least.

>> No.8189145

Found this game a little underwhelming even as a kid after playing superstar. Combining abilities was neat I guess.

>> No.8189168

wait, there is a group decompiling Kirby 64? Just how many decomp projects for the n64 are going on?

>> No.8190108 [DELETED] 

Nah, it's too modern and woke.

>> No.8190242 [DELETED] 

Theres nothing woke about Kirby.

>> No.8190292


>Didn't play Triple Deluxe nor Planet Robobot

It must be sad to be a faggot like you.

>> No.8190349 [DELETED] 

I thought it was developed by Americans, but I just looked it up and it was clearly developed by Japanese people. The studio Good-Feel, (which was started by former Konami employees) in conjuction with HAL Labratory. So I stand corrected. But I associate it with a certain kind of American, maybe just based on the advertising and the American title. (Kirby's *Epic* Yarn.) The Japanese title is simply 毛糸のカービィ "Keito (Yarn) no Kābī."

With such a shitty American title I don't think you can blame me for assuming the game to be made by Americans. (I have played it but a while go.) I was the guy who made the list and would put it higher if I could do it again, now that I know this.

>> No.8190362 [DELETED] 

This guy sounds like every tranny before starting hormones.

>> No.8190405

"Kirby your enthusiasm"
You know what? I laughed, and it's a good joke.
A pretty pretty pretty good joke.

>> No.8190424

Pretty boring. Even for Kirby. He feels to heavy in this game, and the level designs are soulless. Kirby’s Adventure destroys this game

>> No.8190425

I played this in grade 2 or 3 and it was too easy.

>> No.8190548

Only morons who demand difficulty over quality hate this game

>> No.8190567

challenge is quality. lack of challenge is lack of quality

>> No.8190573

Lol that's sad

>> No.8190575

A game doesn't have to kick your ass and make you cry for your mom and beg for an extra continue to be a good game. People look like tryhard faggots complaining about games not being difficult enough for them. I'm not impressed that you play "hard games".

>> No.8190603

there's a sweet spot for difficulty and kirby 64 falls below it by about a million miles
you can have "difficulty" like some shit indie platformer where every other pixel is instant death and they have to checkpoint you after 10 seconds of play so you can get through by pure luck. that's also a low quality design
but kirby 64 wouldn't even be challenging played with your feet.
that is low quality

>> No.8190604

children can handle some challenge though, even as a kid i knew this was easy

>> No.8190613

Difficulty is independent from quality and I really pity you that you're so far up your own ass you can't give good games a chance because it's easy.
There's nothing wrong with easy games. I'm sorry you're so insecure.

>> No.8190631 [DELETED] 

just how many manbabies are there, who don't know video games other than nintendo games? there's your answer.

>> No.8190681

>you can't give good games a chance because it's easy.
i finished this including beating zero two. having completed all the content in the game, i can say most of it was bad. the levels are straight lines that you slowly walk through, the bosses are almost all jokes and the "puzzles" for crystal shards are just lol you don't have X power, redo the level
things like putting enough enemies in a stage to threaten an inattentive player, or good reason to pick X attack over Y attack, are game design. if you don't have that, the game is designed poorly

>> No.8190807

This is actually quite accurate, but I think it's subjective that Yoshi's Story is better than Mischief Makers. They're both good games. I do think Goemon's Great Adventure is the best side-scroller on the N64, though. Kirby 64 is obviously the worst of the games listed here worth playing, and Mortal Kombat Mythologies is a joke.

>> No.8191049

>A genuinely good Kirby game, probably the last one with any soul.

Don't let the zoomers find out you said that.

>> No.8191107

>things like putting enough enemies in a stage to threaten an inattentive player or good reason to pick X attack over Y attack, are game design. If you don't have that, the game is designed poorly.
You do have that though. Not only are there surprise enemies that jump from out of the ground/fall from the sky without much warning, but you often have straight lines of incoming enemies that need a specific ability to take them all out otherwise requiring individual attacks or careful maneuvering to avoid. And all of the abilities have good reasons to use or not use them, they are situational beyond just the crystal puzzles, there's so many different options of attacks from close range to long range, attacks that stampede entire groups versus individual monsters, attacks that leave kirbys body and attacks that stay close to him, there's all kinds of different attacks that wil appeal to the player at different points of the game.

The game isn't hard but it also is nowhere near as basic as are you implying, nor is it "bad game design", you've left out all the details of what actually make the game fun.

>> No.8191257

Let's be honest, every retro Kirby game is piss-easy. The only part of Kirby Super Star that you could say poses a challenge is the boss rush mode. Even there, I'm sure as a kid when I first played it I just wasn't thinking hard of work-arounds to clear it effectively. The rest of Kirby Super Star is utterly easy. I also never beat the final boss of Kirby's Dreamland 2, but it's being pedantic to even hone in on Kirby 64 being easy after a certain point.

Kirby's Dreamland trilogy, Kirby's Adventure and Kirby Super Star are just easy games. It's that simple. Including the hard mode of the first Kirby's Dreamland and the 1-life mode of Kirby's Adventure.

>> No.8191586

I never said it wasn't easy, said right there it's not hard. The discussion we're having is whether easy games are bad. There's nothing inherently bad about a game that's easy. Only tryhards think so. What about all the other things that people find appealing about the game?

>> No.8192564

There's a few Evangelion references in the game, and even more that were cut before release. I wouldn't be surprised if Zero Two was inspired by it too.

>> No.8192636

not the mention the star wars references: double sided lightsaber, 02 is like the death star, awards ceremony at the end (just like star fox 64)

>> No.8193024 [DELETED] 

You sound genuinely retarded if that's your reasoning

>> No.8193073

One of the best looking N64 games

>> No.8193076

>It's the only Kirby game normalfags like and I don't know why.
thats Super Star

>> No.8193120

Top tier atmosphere. One of my very favorite Kirby games.

>> No.8193323 [DELETED] 

How? Woke Stephen Universe shit is an American and British thing, Japanese people make their own kind of retarded media but they don't push this shit in children's media in the same way. A woke/progressive marketer decided to call it "Kirby's Epic Yarn," the Japanese title is far more sober.

>> No.8193327

My point is if we're talking about whether or not Kirby 64 is good or bad on the basis of it being easy, we might as well include every game in the Kirby series in that category because Kirby 64 is not an anomaly. Every Kirby game is designed to be easy. I agree with you more since the guy saying it's bad because it's easy is missing this.

>> No.8193336 [DELETED] 

how fucking sheltered do you have to be to think that the word "epic" is woke by any stretch of the word. are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.8193348 [DELETED] 

How can you not associate it with the trends in zoomer culture?

Japanese media, as kid-friendly as it often is in the case of Kirby, still presents itself as cool and accessible to adults. American media on the other hand, (easy to compare when it's the same product marketed distinctly) has to go out of its way to isolate a demographic of children and/or losers. This is because of the cultural distinctions between the United States and Japan. Japanese people take things as it comes, but Americans are cunty and insist on contextualizing things.

I'm not noticing something that's not there: just compare the commercials for the game if you don't believe me. The Japanese title is "Yarn Kirby" and the burger title is "Kirby's EPIC Yarn, teehee!" Either come up with a constructive argument about why I'm wrong that challenges this reasoning, or just stop replying. Calling me retarded does zero to advance the conversation.

>> No.8193359 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 468x287, kirbycomparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kirby effect is not a refutation of my argument, but further proof of it.

It's a seeming contradiction, but then think about it: the point is that in Japan they aren't worried about alienating audiences on the basis of Kirby being cute. He's just cute and it's not a problem. It's only a big deal to Americunts because they'd whine "it's just a little girl's game!" and think too much about the game. Japanese people in contrast aren't culturally judgmental in this respect. (they're judgmental and culturally conservative in other respects, but it doesn't bleed out in the same obnoxious retarded way that it does for Americans who make a problem out of everything and can't let people enjoy things.)

>> No.8193373 [DELETED] 

>Japanese people make their own kind of retarded media but they don't push this shit in children's media in the same way
Push what? The word "epic"? What is even being pushed here?

>> No.8193428 [DELETED] 

I feel like it has to be either weak bait or someone terminally online. It sounds like they know they have a bad excuse but have to use the 4chan boogeymen in order to not seem dumb. That, or they have brainworms and can't help blame everything on cultural boogeymen. Really hope it's the former.

>> No.8193430 [DELETED] 

>Push what? The word "epic"? What is even being pushed here?
Yes, in a sense. The implications of adding the word "Epic." American marketers decided calling the game Kirby's Yarn was not enough. Yet calling the game "Yarn Kirby" was enough in Japan? Why? The cultural differences.

>> No.8193436

"Epic Yarn" is a play on words. It's like calling it "Kirby's Exciting Story".
>no, you aren't allowed to use perfectly valid words from the English language, because my brain is scarred by memes.

>> No.8193439

I literally just want Kirby to be as hard as Mario or Donkey Kong. Those are also games for children.

>> No.8193443 [DELETED] 

There are tons of localization differences in franchise titles between America and Japan. Different audiences react to different titles. American movies often have nonsensical titles when brought to Japan.

However, you have for multiple posts now dismissed this title as "woke/progressive" and claimed that it is being pushed on young children. Please answer us once and for all what in the everything FUCK is woke or progressive about calling a game epic

>> No.8193449 [DELETED] 

>>8193430 #
There are tons of localization differences in franchise titles between America and Japan. Different audiences react to different titles. American movies often have nonsensical titles when brought to Japan.

However, you have for multiple posts now dismissed this title as "woke/progressive" and claimed that it is being pushed on young children. Please answer us once and for all what in the ever living FUCK is woke or progressive about calling a game epic

>> No.8193452

Not every franchise has to play the same. Let Kirby be its own thing. He has his niche and does it well. It's a great game to put on to relax and chill, if you want to be stressed out while playing Kirby replaying the levels until you get it right then it's the wrong series for you.

>> No.8193453 [DELETED] 

>Please answer us once and for all what in the ever living FUCK is woke or progressive about calling a game epic
You just answered your own question.

>> No.8193457 [DELETED] 

No I didn't. Just answer the question. If your point is "its progressive to have any localization title change at all" then you are every bit as retarded as the other anon said

>> No.8193460

I never got this as an argument. Games that are too easy are less relaxing, because they don't properly engage your brain, so you're just sitting there thinking about your stressful life, as the game streams by in the background. On the other hand, if I play a Mario game, it has just the right amount of difficulty that it demands my attention, i get little hits of dopamine every time I beat a small challenge, and I generally have a good time.

>> No.8193463 [DELETED] 

I see where he's coming from, but he's incredibly confused and is basically conflating late 00's memes (epic for the win), with "zoomer culture", which he conflates with "woke culture" by way of Stephen Universe.
In short, brain fried by internet. Best to just disengage at this point.

>> No.8193468

except the game isn't as easy as youre pretending it is. Sure, it's not hard, but it's not just a hold right to win game. You have all the vertical scrolling sections with flying obstacles, you have surprise enemies and even hordes of enemies, you have level hazards, you have hundreds of abilities to hunt after, you have puzzles to solve, it's a relaxing game in comparison to say Megaman but it's not a game you just shut your mind off at the title screen, you do have to be attentive otherwise you very easily could die. The funny thing is I bet a lot of people saying it's easy probably would die at least once trying to time the jumps in the vertical scrolling sections of the rock world where you have flying enemies and fireballs all around you.

>> No.8193471

You have to realize not everyone thinks like you. For some people, they get lost in the aesthetic and powers and everything, and don't need their minds always distracted by the constant doom and gloom. If you're in a good place mentally, you can slow things down. Maybe life has been extra stressful for you, and you need the extra push away from it to have fun. Not judging if that's so, just guessing

>> No.8193481

I'm not sure what's going on in your head if you think Mario is "doom and gloom".
If Mario is like playing a balanced game of football against a friend, Kirby is like kicking a football into a child's face repeatedly.

>> No.8193484

Sorry, I meant "from", not "by". Got distracted by some work. Hope that makes it easier to understand.

>> No.8193728
File: 127 KB, 1243x512, kirbysadventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was just on romhacking to look up something else and saw there was a new Kirby's Adventure romhack in a showing of new romhacks on the side of the page. I clicked it, wondering if it was a one-life hack as this thread was on my mind.


As it turns out, it literally is. This felt eerie but awesome.

I also wanted to point out that I was wrong when I said here >>8191257 that the original Kirby's Adventure has a "1-life mode." It had a "three life mode" that made your hit points bar have three maximum bars instead of six. This hack makes the max one.

>> No.8193732

>mischief makers
>mid tier
fuck right off with that bullshit

>> No.8193741

I always thought a good difficulty balancer would be if you had to swallow copy abilities to gain back health.

>> No.8193767

Eh, the game is so easy either way that I think a 1-life romhack is the only way to give it a chance of being challenging. I actually might just try it out and report back. (by the time I do I'd make a new thread for it and other added difficulty patches.)

>> No.8193798 [DELETED] 

I think Story's scoring system gives it the edge over Mischief Makers, which just emphasizes speedtranning as the only replay value.

>> No.8193834

i think it's a beautiful game visually, but the gameplay is pretty boring and slow. super star is much better.

>> No.8194825

Combining copy moves was neat

But even as a kid I always felt it was slow and kind of boring.

>> No.8195178

would be a decent claim, but Epic Yarn released around the time when the word epic was a big meme everywhere. I wouldn't put it past the developers if they did think including that word as part of the game's title and marketing was a good idea at the time. If Kirby's Epic Yarn released now, I'm betting it might have been called something else.

>> No.8195183

Enemy HP bars > 1hit kills
Superstar is easy, but it's more satisfying to defeat enemies.

>> No.8195584

Why do people pretend kirby is some autoplay easy shit, it has a modicum of challenge, besides star allies

>> No.8195648
File: 707 KB, 1155x639, Kirby_With_Medal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this precious pink star boi. No other game will make me feel such joy again.

>> No.8195653

Well deserved

>> No.8195663

no it doesn't, its for toddlers.

>> No.8195907

That fairy queen is a cute

>> No.8195934 [DELETED] 

Too ugly, needed addictive blending and better light to make it look.

>> No.8195937

Too ugly, needed addictive blending and better light to make it work.

>> No.8195942

Literally the best Kirby game, wish they did combo powers more often

>> No.8195943
File: 446 KB, 1181x1200, 1528952007548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can turn into a fridge.
Fun game. Cute girls.

Adeleine is not for sexual.

>> No.8195945
File: 62 KB, 717x637, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... did Shinichi Shimomura die? He dropped off the face of the earth nearly 20 years ago.

>> No.8195949 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.42 MB, 300x225, 1633175376086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphic video of the tragedy. Truly an ED-209 moment at HAL HQ.

>> No.8196042
File: 517 KB, 680x680, 1632579159006-v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait..since when did we have a photo of him?!
>April 20, 2021
>From a 1994 Japanese Kirby Bowl guide
...Are you fucking kidding me? You're telling me that Kirbyellow can give us trivial shit like the official name of the final boss, but couldn't be assed to share a piece of the puzzle to one of the biggest mysteries of Kirby from tge same source!? Damn Wikiafags, I can't believe the Jap one is no better.

>> No.8196529
File: 747 KB, 1774x1848, 1617563126705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, so we've got two images of him then?

>> No.8197168
File: 1.39 MB, 550x2040, familyfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well now that we know what he LOOKS like, what are the chances that his name's a pseudonym?

>> No.8197175

I would love this .gif without the text.

>> No.8198483
File: 205 KB, 717x410, Sack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby's sex-indeterminate.

>> No.8198740

Sakurai is clearly joking there. Kirby has been defined as male since inception, and Kirby is a male name.

>> No.8199458
File: 393 KB, 1029x744, 20thAnnBio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke or not, they're rolling with it and it's definitely HAL-official now. Kirby's also a unisex name, and in Japanese language, they rarely use third-person gender pronouns as it's sometimes viewed as rude, so they often write around it. Kirby DOES, use "boku," a masculine-leaning first-person pronoun, in the few speaking occasions in early manuals and such, but that may be part of the reason they stopped Kirby from speaking sentenxes later on, and first-person pronouns like boku are increasingly used by both sexes in modern Japanese society, so ir's not unheard of for a tomboy for instance to use boku. HAL's been giving Kirby some pretty feminine alternate costumes as of late too. The only source that called Kirby a boy is the same one with weird one-off English localization choices like "Bag of Magic Food."

>> No.8199526
File: 116 KB, 700x440, Empress_Kirby_-_Hinamatsuri_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's most likely intentional. Keep in mind that Kirby is supposed to be marketed to girls just as much as boys, and consciously keeping the player character gender-vague is believed to help appeal to both. Whenever they eventually localize one of these profiles stating unknown sex, Treehouse'll probably write something like "Gender: Male (we think?)" because NoA's been using 'he' and 'him' too long to sudddenly stop now. Or they might do it once and then afterwards write around 'he' and 'him' for Kirby, like how they used 'Peach' and 'Toadstool' one last time together before switching entirely to the Japanese version. Mark my words, Kirby's the next Nintendo character to get the reestablished Mario princess treatment, except it'll be gender instead of name. In fact, I'd bet money on it.

>> No.8199629

I could never get that last crystal shard that requires the green and black power (turn into a stone statue with animal abilities). I tried so fucking hard but could never get up high enough.

>> No.8199637

It's one of 64's few flaws in my eyes, since that shard requires you to have knowledge of earlier Kirby games so if 64 was your first good fucking luck.

Get the Rick statue and wall climb

>> No.8199647
File: 699 KB, 1080x1129, Rickmelee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of bs because you HAD to have played KDL3 enough to know that Rick had a wall-jump ability, you hardly need it except for one Heart Star and it wasn't part of his moveset in KDL2.

>> No.8199648
File: 86 KB, 284x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the shit I prob miss the most from older Kirby, when alot of the powers would come from him shapeshifting his body instead of it just coming from the hat. Really pushed the cute but still weird and cartoony angle.

>> No.8199652

and KDL3 came out two years after the N64 so who was gonna buy it for their kid

>> No.8199659

Yeah, I have would have guessed. Tried the bird and *almost* made it enough times that I thought it wad the solution, but I just wasn't getting the timing right.

A lot of cool and interesting powers. I liked the fireworks (fire+bomb). Can't really remember many more.

>> No.8199662

*never would have guessed

>> No.8199689
File: 111 KB, 1200x800, goldeneye_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> how many decomp projects for the n64?
more hopefully

>> No.8199698
File: 1.72 MB, 650x335, jack-the-reaper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a Kirby-esque game with some harder challenge to it. I recommend the Jack the Reaper demo. Despite being a demo its like a few hours long cause its about 70% of the game so far. Its got 64 ability mixing and some Megaman and Treasure influence to go along with the Kirby. It's not really retro but I thought it would be decently relevant considering all the difficulty discussion this thread.

>> No.8199745
File: 257 KB, 500x785, LazyCopyClone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little under but yeah (weirdly it's one of the few Kirby games where the Japanese version was released LATER but the Super Famicom wasn't discontinued until AFTER the Nitendo 64 in Japan so it was technically still going strong somewhat).
You and I are kindred spirits, anon. I died a little inside seeing that Kirby's "classic KA" skin in Star Allies (which had the stupid pointed grin he only really had on the Japanese box artwork) still used modern ability caps. It's like HAL forgot their own franchise history right there. A half-assed way to cap off a half-assed game.
If the Discovery/Forgotten Land trailer is any indication, HAL at least seems to be remembering that Kirby's supposed to be super-short, so they'll probably make another full profile with these deets sooner than later.

>> No.8199786

Ability caps provide the important function of knowing what your ability is without either pressing the button or looking elsewhere
on the screen, especially in Multiplayer.

>> No.8199793

Played it a lot at my cousin's place. Good times because even then she had fat tits and was also weeb in the year of our christ 2000

>> No.8199798
File: 246 KB, 1280x720, TooFar,TooBusy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that was the whole point of the icons - I get it being confusing in games with multiple playable Kirbys, but is there any reason SA's color-coded HELPERS ("friends") wore them?

>> No.8199806

>the bird's flight height is just barely out of reach
Shimomura was a real troll.

>> No.8199807

to further distinguish your helper from the identical enemy

>> No.8199819
File: 53 KB, 607x456, INSERTHATHERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However can people tell boss King Dedede/Meta Knight apart from playable King Dedede/Meta Knight? HAL fix it plz.

>> No.8199850
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>> No.8199876

some of these are wtf
explain the spider then.

>> No.8199887

also how the hell would something like jet work in this system?

>> No.8200061

Don't the bosses have a purple aura on them?

>> No.8200131

Lightning + Rock is the best combo desu

>> No.8200136

The ninja one is actually the best. That attack was always extremely satisfying

>> No.8200206

You spend much of your time hanging around children and talking games, anon?

>> No.8200321

Even as a kid, I found the game to be a downgrade from Super Star and wished that I had a SNES at the time.
That being said, best power is rock + cutter so you can turn into the bird and get infinite flight.

>> No.8200523

Fire+cutter or lightning+cutter for me.
A flaming claymore and a double edged lightsaber? This came out right after Phantom Menace and I would do whole playthroughs with nothing but the light saber. Darth Maulby best sith.

>> No.8200671
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Isn't it in desperation mode?

>> No.8200687

Oh yeah, it's only in the 2nd phase of the fight. For Dedede is makes no difference since he gets HUGE, but for Meta Knight it helps distinguish him a bit.

>> No.8200738
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It’s very charming, but I’d say some questionable decisions. Some of the shard locations are absolute bullshit (the background wall of cubes, the dark room with painter girl, riding a fucking stone hamster up a wall WHEN THERES A FUCKING BIRD TRANSFORMATION), and the whole water world

>> No.8201049

I was one once, and I don't have amnesia.

>> No.8201886

Stfu idiot, he is right
A game needs to have a level if challenge to be considered good, subjective my ass

>> No.8201947

The game has just enough challenge to be good and doesn't need any more, kill yourself tryhard

>> No.8202062

Sex with Ribbon

>> No.8202102

I like the idea of mashing the combos together but felt the execution wasn't as good as it could have been. Felt like a tech demo. There being cute girls and big penguin being playable alleviated its rating for me. I also enjoyed the OST, Quiet Forest as a favorite.

>> No.8202671
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>I like the idea of mashing the combos together but felt the execution wasn't as good as it could have been. Felt like a tech demo.
It was a HELLUVA lot better than the combos in Squeak Squad. Remember that? 'course not.

>> No.8203557
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>> No.8204727
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>> No.8205550

Kirby is just Kirby.

>> No.8206360
File: 27 KB, 236x700, 1629671568070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this hot?

>> No.8206374

great game. I've heard it criticized for being slow and having imprecise controls compared to the 2D games, but I don't care. It's Kirby.

>> No.8206601

There's nothing hot about that, you're a fucking freak

>> No.8206618

people like this are why children need to be bullied.

>> No.8206635

> Kirby
> hasn't said anything but poyo, ever
> talks a lot in this weird fanfiction

I will never understand what's the point of writing fanfics if you're not going to keep character's personalities at least 1/3 canon. You can switch names from Kirby to Donald Duck and Ribbon to Hitler and it won't change shit because it's not them, it's just some two abstract people having sex.

>> No.8206648

Kirby is pretty chatty in other mediums, specifically the manga and Nintendo Power comics

>> No.8206650

Does he talk in the anime? I can't remember

>> No.8206670

No, he just poyos there.

>> No.8206771
File: 54 KB, 488x378, AvalancheIfYouCountItToo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirby's also a chatterbox in the earlier manuals, has dialog in the KA & KDL3 manuals, Japanese K64 websites, not-retro Epic Yarn, and probably others I'm forgetting, not to mention his original/Smash vocal catchphrase is "hi" not "poyo."

>> No.8208071 [DELETED] 
File: 441 KB, 850x1200, 84707334_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western nigger proportions trash

>> No.8208494

>Thoughts on Kirby 64?

Did you know if you start a thread on /tv/ with "Thoughts on X" it autosages?

>> No.8208503
File: 123 KB, 1200x1800, Chocolate-Eclairs-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Kirby bringing her a really big chocolate eclair... so they can enjoy it together. Right? Right?...

>> No.8208517

like the babies i put your moms pussy

>> No.8208518


>> No.8208851
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>> No.8209824

god damn not everygame needs to be some herculean task to complete, some games are just there for fun

>> No.8209832

would hug

>> No.8210996
File: 6 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's 3000 years old you sick fuck.

>> No.8211050

As a Kirby game, it's pretty much perfect (but almost every Kirby game is). As an action platformer? There's the obvious criticism that the game is way too easy.

>> No.8211054
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>hasn't said anything but poyo, ever

>> No.8211261
File: 293 KB, 746x666, c8253b1a4bd9327e976b421f5c6d1515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the regular/bad ending frightening me a lot as a kid.

Just the way the Queen looks at the camera along with the sound it plays triggered something in me. it made me not want to touch the game again for weeks.

>> No.8211568

The sound is so ingrained in my mind. Not Retro When it played for not 100%ing Heroes in Another Dimension in Star Allies I nearly yelled. Recognized it instantly.

>> No.8211574

I got scared a bit too, lol.
Well, it's supposed to be slightly spooky, I guess. That's how you'll know this isn't a "true" good ending. Every Dark Matter-related Kirby game has sorta ominous hint in normal endings indicating that bad guy is still around.

>> No.8211628

64 is great.
It is less like the Sakurai titles, and more like that other director who made 2 and 3.
Sadly, no pets like 2 and 3, but the power combining is incredible.
I prefer this style of Kirby, just being honest.

>> No.8211648
File: 257 KB, 760x874, 1632431823729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awesome. I have yet to play that one but I've heard it's chock-full of references and callbacks. All the new Kirbys are, really. The Robobot final boss... just damn...

Yeah but back then it was only my second Kirby game, and if my memory doesn't fail me there was nothing of that sort in Super Star, so it really took me aback.

On a side note, for being such a minor character they made the Queen really adorable. Kind of a shame we never saw her again.

>> No.8212063
File: 461 KB, 532x886, BokuWaKirby-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>8206771
It looks like Shimomura's Kirby was more talkative than Sakurai's, but "poyo" was still unheard of.

>> No.8212117

on korbo 64
>unique on the console
>interesting gimmick
>just too slow placed

>> No.8212128
File: 98 KB, 320x240, Kirby64_veryearlyart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animal friends were apparently planned to be in the game before being relegated to Stone+Cutter. They have unused color art with the main cast, and you can even hear a version of their KDL3 themes early on in the Sound Check. This, and the cut playable Adeleine and Waddle Dee from pre-release images, suggest the game was a lot more ambitious than the final product. It's gotta be the 64DD. Kirby 64 was one of the few N64 cartridge conversions to escape that developmental black hole, so they probably had to make a ton of concessions to get the game out on N64 after the 64DD failure. In retrospect, part of me wonders if it would've been better if it became a GameCube game like Air Ride, but it would've probably lost a bit of its identity and had anime influences like Kirby games had from NiDL to MA, and there's no telling if Shimomura would've stuck around long enough like how Sakurai left mid-GCN production. I'd love to see a 64DD proto build someday, I bet it differs considerably.

>> No.8212336
File: 122 KB, 998x624, Kirby64_Early_icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to https://tcrf.net/Prerelease:Kirby_64:_The_Crystal_Shards the Animal Friends were either removed early on or were always meant to be supplementary to the main cast. The only known concept art of them shows Adeleine drawing Coo into existence for Kirby (ironically Star Allies allowed Adeleine to ride her own creation), so the idea of animal rides probably got replaced with the areas where you ride King Dedede. And I think Waddle Dee's moveset got repurposed into Kirby's pickup and throw moves while the character got replaced with the cart/raft segments; solo King Dedede is presumably the same, Ribbon would've just joined your chosen playable, and no word on how Adeleine played.
Interestingly, the unused cast artwork lasted pretty late in development, where it was used to keep track of your playable characters. It had the name of your chosen character above it. Note "KIRBY" in the pic - assuming the font and size stayed the same, there was only space for six letters. The Animal Friends, if they were in, fit pretty easily, so that means King Dedede was probably "DEDEDE" and Waddle Dee was probably "WADDLE" or "DEE" (or "W.DEE"). Adeleine's name, which was still "Adeleine" on the Japanese site, is too long to fit in the name space - unless it was shortened to "ADO". This, and the fact that Adeleine knows to paint an Animal Friend (AND numerous other things like Adeleine's design coming from Ado's manga design), further implies that they're meant to be the same character.

>> No.8212856
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The whole Adoleine thing is the most retarded fake 'mystery' in all of the series, unless Kumazaki is planning to fuck with the canon by revisiting Ado as Adeleine's long-lost twin or self-portrait come to life or some shit then there's no reason for the artificial vagueness, literally the only people who thought/wanted them to be different characters were weird 2000's fanfic authors who believed Ado was a boy.