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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.52 MB, 1200x800, FPGA_THREAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8198556 No.8198556 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about anything /FPGA/ related for retro gaming. Do you own a computer or console with a FGPA? I like the DE10 myself.

Mister Project:


>> No.8198570
File: 999 KB, 1734x2122, Mister3.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this on the other thread: I'm not sure which DOS games I should play tonight. I might play some of the original WORMS.

>> No.8198663

I decided to install Lenny's Music Toons. It seems to run fine, minus audio. I'll probably have to install sound drivers in win 3.1

>> No.8198669
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>> No.8200445
File: 295 KB, 598x590, jotego on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stars in stage 1 of Strider are finally in proper positions. This game is now officially playable.

>> No.8200560

Just buy repros you pathetic nerds

>> No.8200571

>paying for pirated content in 2021 AD

>> No.8200572

there's a lot to take in. Would anyone be able to direct me in what I should get if my plan is to hook it up to a PVM via scart/BNC connectors?

>> No.8200578

>having giant lists of games you'll never play because you lack investment

>> No.8200592

Get a MiSTer, analog board, and a VGA to BNC cable. Then you just leave one of the sync cables unplugged because the MiSTer itself combines the sync.

>> No.8200615

The update to the double dragon arcade core is pretty sweet. Jotego added a turbo function to the core that eliminates 90% of the slowdown the the original arcade board had.

>> No.8200816

If you want to use Mister, get a DE10 Nano computer, a analog board, ram if you plan on playing everything that is available for Mister like Neogeo and 486, and everything else >>8200592 posted. There is also a USB port board you can get, but I recommend you just buy a micro USB to female USB splitter. It works and is way less expensive

>> No.8201538
File: 201 KB, 320x240, catype.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got sega CD working?
also pc engine CD addon?

i knew it was going to be a bit to setup but this is ridic

>> No.8201569


>> No.8202235

are these things worth the money? Can I hook this up to a CRT using S-Video or composite? Can I make my own case from something better looking or do I have to use that mister case? I'm interested in playing everything from PS1 and below.

>> No.8202380

I convert the vga to svideo using "RGB VGA to NTSC S-video" by linuxbot3000 on ebay

>> No.8202412
File: 91 KB, 1380x1080, 9-system-hyperdub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Mega SG good? Let's say I get one with a flash cart or whatever they are called that has a ton of games on it. I'm feeling intense nostalgia to get a familiar experience but getting the most authentic experience seems much harder than just going with these clone consoles and a flash cart.

>> No.8202559

thanks for that tip, but is that any different than something like https://www.ebay.com/itm/274659375160dgadm
I have one of those lying around but I haven't tried to use it for gaming

>> No.8202561

I don't think you need a flash cart with that, there's a way to jailbreak it so you can just load games on to it

>> No.8202579

Dude, you just plug in a USB wifi dongle and update-all. Then load up your games in their folders. I've had more trouble setting up GBA flashcarts.

>but I recommend you just buy a micro USB to female USB splitter. It works and is way less expensive
Depends on where you're buying it from. Mine came with my RAM and IO board for like 50 bucks from China.


>> No.8202879

This is painfully accurate.

>> No.8203021

What does FGPA mean?

>> No.8203749

The one you linked outputs vga, and it does so by scaling

The one I'm talking about just transcodes vga to svideo, no scaling

>> No.8204009

thanks, I didn't see that it only output to vga, the one I has outputs in composite and svideo but I think it still scales. I'll check out the transcoder you linked

>> No.8204014 [DELETED] 

Faggot Gaping from Penetrated Asshole

>> No.8204434


Why though? What is bad about it?

>> No.8204801

So anything good coming down the pipeline? It seemed like for awhile there was an explosion of new stuff but it's slowed down lately. The only thing I know about that I'm looking forward to is X68000 emulation.

>> No.8206614

PS1 and Saturn

>> No.8206662

>What is bad about it?
You're paying 200 bucks for one system when you could pay that for a DE-10 and get a few dozen systems.

>> No.8206676

mister emulation goes the retroarch route of trying to improve the original hardware

analogue/kevtris emulation tries to 1:1 the original hardware

its about what you prefer

>> No.8206695


You can have a 1:1 experience with MiSTer very easily, without having to pay out the ass for individual NES, SNES, Genesis and Turbo Duo consoles etc. The analogue systems are not more accurate than MiSTer for anything, and MiSTer obviously supports far more systems, controllers, cloud save syncing so you can pick up a game on your handheld, everything. I cannot fathom why someone would get an Analogue device over a MiSTer, outside of aesthetics.

>> No.8206701

Do any of these FPGA systems play games for console which can't be emulated well like the Saturn or N64?

>> No.8206707

n64 probably wont be possible on de10 nano but the guy doing saturn has videos of games booting on it already

>> No.8206714
File: 129 KB, 999x831, AY-3-8500_DIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, the first gen Pong clone consoles. MiSTer has an AY-3-8500 core which covers dozens of models like Coleco Telstar and Magnavox Odyssey 300.

>> No.8206716

the mister snes core for example fixes "bugs" with the original hardware with no way to undo it, after the forum drama even discussing it can get you banned.

>> No.8206719

>the mister snes core for example fixes "bugs" with the original hardware with no way to undo it
such as..?

>> No.8206721


Oh. I gotta be honest, I didn't know anything about that. SNES has always played + felt like the real thing to me on my MiSTer CRT setup. What "bugs" does it fix? What can get you banned?

>> No.8206731

>forcing yourself to play shit games because of sunk costs
>your money won't even go to the original developers or any other worthy person

>> No.8206734

a bunch of timing, audio and visual things that got people worried incase devs utilized them somehow. Caused a bunch of drama on the mister forums and now leads to you getting banned if its brought up.

>> No.8206738

>buying shit games when you have the internet to review them or roms to test them.

your money goes to your puchase and commitment to playing the game

>> No.8206739

>MiSTer is literally less accurate than bsnes and you get banned if you want to fix that

>> No.8206742


I think I can live with that.

>> No.8206751

maybe so, but dont kid yourself into believing its as close to 1:1 as the super nt fuelled by kevtris' autism

>> No.8206757


Yeah, but I don't want to pay a major premium for "timing, audio and visual things" on the SuperNT that I will never notice when the MiSTer has so much else going for it.

>> No.8206762

>giving money to gain commitment
Do americans really?

>> No.8206768

As long as you now understand others want a super nt because its superior in terms of snes accuracy fpga console

>> No.8206769

im not american, i dont call cola champagne yet

>> No.8206779


The MiSTer is open source. Cores are still being updated. Why doesn't somebody just release a "high accuracy SNES" core or whatever that doesn't fix those bugs, if this is such a problem for enthusiasts?

>> No.8206787

because https://github.com/sorgelig this autist controls mister and will never allow someone to compete with his shitty snes core

>> No.8206791

People at the top of MiSTer project have some sociability issues and unfortunately tend to have unfriendly attitude. Those who had misfortune to encounter it love to blow their demeanor out of proportion and scream how they are draconian tyrants who make everyone bend to their will. In reality they are just tired of people demanding features, they just can't express it in polite manner. If a programmer were to approach the project with their own ready code they would gladly merge it.

>> No.8206795

mister is far from open sauce, it has its own forum clique and bans people coming into their turf

>> No.8206801

HAHAHAHAHA grow up dude all the main devs are friends and have patreons nobody can just join the club they don't accept

>> No.8206825


Why does one need the main devs approval to make and distribute a core? Just change the code if you don't like some bug fixes. As I understand it, the main devs also don't like people doing stuff like putting ScummVM or PrBoom+ on their MiSTers but those projects exist on github and people can optionally use them without any issues, they are a quick google away and they are openly discussed on various forums. So what if your perfect SNES core is distributed on its own github instead of the main updater script? Is Sorgelig going to send goons to your house? Is the only solution in your minds "we won't be satisfied until the literal SNES core distributed with the updater script is the one we want"? How helpless are you?

>> No.8206832


What are you talking about? What do forum bans have to do with being open source? What is https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/SNES_MiSTer ? You're going to pay a premium to analogue because you can't fathom a world where anyone capable can modify the open source SNES core to your liking? If it is such a problem surely there is a turbo autist who knows verilog who can just fix it for you, no? Or is it one of those insurmountable problems that only throwing money at a corporation can solve?

>> No.8206838

see how far your 100% gatekeepered community 'open sauce' gets you

>> No.8206843


Again, what are you talking about? Just fork the project and change shit lol

>> No.8206847

Fuck me kek! This is why I'm sticking to real hardware. You're all a bunch of fart sniffers.

>> No.8207418

Most of the productive devs are off doing gen 5 or esoteric arcade cores.

The real interesting stuff rn is mostly being done by folks that only update a couple times a year or never finish anything.

>> No.8207558


>> No.8207670

Got a Super Nt and SNES2SD Pro. Fucking fantastic. How long until a similar FGPA console could be available for PS1 and/or N64?

>> No.8207692



FPGAzumSpass is aiming to have at least 1 retail PS1 game playable (give or take audio) by the end of the year. Hopefully the core will be ready in Q2 2022. He's making great progress here: https://twitter.com/AzumFpg.. It will probably be another year or two beyond that for Analogue to rip it off and repackage it for idiots to buy for the price of an entire MiSTer, so you'll have to wait.


Most likely a long ways away, apparently this thing won't fit onto the MiSTer so it will likely be within the "next gen" of FPGA consoles. Probably something like 5 years out from being available on an affordable FPGA.

>> No.8207726

>affordable FPGA
This is the crux of the issue. MiSTer exists only because Intel sells the board for absurdly reduced price. Analogue has to pay proper costs for their components. The ongoing chip shortage does not make the situation better. We might see someone create a working FPGA N64 but it will be unaffordable for years.

>> No.8207742

>bought a super nt and flashcart instead of just adding roms to the super nt
peak retardation

>> No.8207763

Hey, maybe they love Kirby Super Star.

>> No.8207849
File: 298 KB, 1150x623, chinkbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i said i would report back to you faggots and here i am.

240p test suite on:
SNES, PC engine, genesis

1 frame of lag or less!
snes is the shittiest core for this converter although with some fuckery im sure i could dial it in (3-4 frames max)

for $20 you get vga to AV-composite and can hook the mister up to any piece of shit tv you want.

even has a little menu to adjust for overscan etc

A+ aka godtier.
fuck you that is all

>> No.8207852
File: 841 KB, 768x768, 777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on bro obv i did that over ethernet already.
i followed the wiki to the T and even a few youtube guys

still says it cant find the bios despite me naming and placing correctly

i dont expect you fucks to hold my hand, but if you have it CONFIRMED working just reply

>> No.8207860

i am serious by the way
just blasted through some gunhed testing the converterbox and didnt want to stop

raspberrypi and pc fags on suicide watch

>> No.8207984

run the script it will take care of all bios files and put them in the right folders

>> No.8208007


Confirmed working on a brand new MiSTer, literally ran the initial install script, scp'd update_all.sh, ran that, and SegaCD games are playing perfectly. I don't know how someone can fuck this up

>> No.8208014


>admits 3-4 frames input lag on snes core
>A+ aka godtier


I use this for s-video on my CRT https://www.antoniovillena.es/store/product/vga-composite-s-video-adapter/, it's not an active adapter like the lagfest you have going on over there. Combined with a SNAC snes adapter and OEM controller and the MiSTer is literally, for all intents and purposes, a 1:1 SNES. I don't think anyone in a blind play test could honestly tell the difference. There simply is no lag. It's worth spending a little more to not have to deal with *multiple frames of input lag on a CRT* c'mon guy have some self respect.

>> No.8208136

>buy an FPGA console, could just emulate but want peak SFC accuracy and performance
>having to fuck around to see if special chip games work only to not have them work, try to figure out what's causing the glitches and/or errors, is it the jailbreak or the SD read or the ROM?
I'm not fucking around and compromising, retard. You're like a guy calling someone a retard for buying good performance tires for their car because you got dirt cheap shitty tires for your car. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8208162


How is

>is it the jailbreak or the SD read or the ROM

worse than what you are doing, where the question would have more complexity, i.e.

>is it the flashcart firmware or the flashcart SD read or the superNT firmware or the ROM

>> No.8208174

BS-X memory map / Satellaview base unit registers (clock)
GSU (Super FX)

>> No.8208470

>I'm not fucking around and compromising, retard.
You compromised when you bought a shitty emulator instead of a real SNES with decent RGB output, though.

Seems like you're in a lot of self-denial to justify your meaningless purchase.

Wait, scratch that, I actually looked it up. The Super NT's jailbreak can't play SA-1, S-DD1, or Super FX GSU1/2. And some other shit too.

Analogue retards are paying 200 bucks for a system that can't even run some classic games like Kirby Super Star? They have to pay another 200 bucks for an FXPAK too? Holy fucking shit, man. I guess it makes sense, the Analogue is underpowered while MiSTer requires most of its logic gates to handle all the different enhancement chips, but man. I didn't think it was this bad.

Why would you not just spend 50 bucks on a real SNES at this point? Do you not own a CRT? Or a OSSC or something, I don't know what people use for hooking up old systems to LCDs these days. You would've SAVED money, and had something more accurate. Unless you got a 1chip.

>> No.8208596


There is no helping him, anon. He's got consoom brain. After wasting that much money on an Analogue product he will move heaven and earth to defend his shitty purchase, pulling out all the buzzwords from the Kevtris My Life in Gaming episode to defend spending $200 for one imperfect system when he could have just gotten a MiSTer.

>> No.8208605

lol @ your shitty cope. You're an absolute retard to spend your money in the way you have. You should consider doing your parents a favor and killing yourself for being so fucking stupid

>> No.8208647
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It showed up as recommended on yt few days ago. I own mister but holy fucking shit, this shilling is off the charts

>> No.8208650

>and had something more accurate
It would be more accurate to having a noisier video signal with worse audio. Literally the only way a 1chip is better as a snes than a super nt is if you use it with a CRT to avoid LCD latency. If you go to the lengths of getting the dejitter and supercic mods and recapping then you are getting close to the cost and effort of getting an FGPA. I get that there are a lot of salty poorfags and idiots in /vr/ but jesus christ do some research.

>> No.8208654

>let's compare mister to original hardware and not emulation like every motherfucker in the world has access to for free

what a retard take

>> No.8208657

You think MiSTer will be able to do CPS3?

>> No.8208707

>If you go to the lengths of getting the dejitter and supercic mods and recapping then you are getting close to the cost and effort of getting an FGPA.
I had to look up half of this bullshit.

First up, the "dejitter" mod is to fix the OSSC being garbage. I don't use shitty LCD solutions so I don't care about this, and neither does anyone who wants anything even vaguely accurate. I would go as far as to say I see VERY LITTLE point buying any system with an LCD given you can just use runahead in retroarch and get essentially the same quality for free.

SuperCIC? If you have a flashcart, you don't need this to begin with. Maybe it's important if you buy PALshit? I wouldn't know.

Recap? Why? Not only is it literally a 5 dollar mod, but it's almost always pointless. Barely even worth mentioning, stop buying dogshit consoles that have been kept in a lake for 20 years.

>> No.8208741

>Literally the only way a 1chip is better as a snes than a super nt is if you use it with a CRT to avoid LCD latency
This is still true though, Super Nt gives better and cleaner quality audio and video signal output than the best quality 1CHIP-02 SNES or SNES Mini Jr. With the exception of CRT RGB connectivity, on a technical level it is literally a better SNES/SFC than any model of SNES or SFC, that's not hyperbole or cope.

>> No.8208756

Sounds like it's not accurate, then.

>> No.8208819

Ah Mister, the device for sour poor trailer trash. Analogues cores are superior and no amount of screeching will change that fact.

>> No.8208853

jokes on you I use a raspberry pi kek

>> No.8208885

>fpga thread
>"I use a raspberry pi kek"
wrong thread emu fag

>> No.8208897

>Analogues cores are superior
But the Super NT can't play half the enhancement chip games. MiSTer can.

>> No.8208917

fxpakpro+super nt has higher accuracy and if you dont care about accuracy then fpga is worthless

>> No.8208920

>fxpakpro+super nt has higher accuracy
How? Can you point me to any examples of this supposed difference in accuracy? I'd be very interested to see all those frame by frame analysis you must have viewed to make such a claim.

>> No.8208982

>being this retarded about your emubox

>> No.8208985
File: 238 KB, 1500x1500, 81liCFLNHsL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fxpak pro/sd2snes pro runs the chipsets listed by >>8208174. thanks to component on the actual board. it is not just a simple SD card reader.
mister doesn't have a cartridge slot, super nt does.
if you want to find bugs then search for mister bug reports then compare to super nt playing the game, eg first result on google is this sound glitch in SMW on mister, doesn't happen on super nt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CcgWb4GhEA&t=650s
as >>8208917 says, if something like that sound glitch seems irrelevant to you, you're in the wrong thread, you probbaly want to get retropi or jailbreak a snes mini or just go play snes9x.

>> No.8208986

>he doesnt know the snes mister core is based on software emulators

>> No.8208990

You mean the console with perfect software emulation?

>> No.8208997


>> No.8209016

>fxpak pro/sd2snes pro runs the chipsets listed by >>8208174. thanks to component on the actual board. it is not just a simple SD card reader.
Oh no, you're mentally ill. It's an SD reader attached to an FPGA which simulates those chips, you dumb cunt. All you've done is moved the FPGA outside of the Super NT, because it doesn't actually have enough logic gates to handle both the chip and the system.

>eg first result on google is this sound glitch in SMW on mister,
I looked up the claim, and sure enough, here it is.
User error due to a missing stereo channel. So it's not even a bug, it didn't even need to be fixed.

If you're not only incapable of even checking if those issues exist, you really shouldn't be posting about accuracy. You don't know the first fucking thing about it, LCD peasant.

>> No.8209025

>All you've done is moved the FPGA outside of the Super NT, because it doesn't actually have enough logic gates to handle both the chip and the system.
seriously, you're in the wrong thread you fucking retard, you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding about what enthusiasts want from fpga consoles, and/or you seem salty as fuck because you cannot afford analogue consoles?

>> No.8209028
File: 2.32 MB, 1860x1512, Is_it_field_programmable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this Chinese bootleg cartridge called "Super 138 in 1" which has this strange board that uses an Altera Max chip. I select the games on that cart with some dip switches, so I have no idea what I would use this strange board for. Is it an FPGA which could be repurposed into something in its current form?

>> No.8209029

hes pure salt, probably a lardo and/or a tranny

>> No.8209031

>sealed nt

kys scalper

>> No.8209045

Why are you posting about the FXPAK, then? Literally all it's doing is making your Analogue look WORSE, because MiSTer handles all of those enhancement chips on-board without having to spend another 200 bucks on a secondary FPGA.

How is that evidence of an increase in accuracy?

>> No.8209070

Why are you continually obsessing over monetary cost valuations? If you think running special chips through mister fpga is good enough for you then that's fine, stop bitching.

>> No.8209082

hes obsessing beacause hes poor, and his sunk cost fallacy is driving him to believe his less accurate mister system is good enough, when the whole point of fpga is accuracy

>> No.8209085

>marble bench anon

>> No.8209130

thats not marble thats vinyl

>> No.8209134

true, doesn't really matter though

>> No.8209138

it shows hes poor, and the sealed nt means he plans to sell it

>> No.8209190

stay around for a while, you'll see a lot of posts from his collection

>> No.8209209

Lurk more

>> No.8209213

>If you think running special chips through mister fpga is good enough for you
What is this logic? "Sure, my system can't run special chips, but that's a FEATURE"? The obvious implication here is that running special chips off-board is somehow advantageous in some way.

Look, I'll throw you a bone. MiSTer's SNES core fails a few tests that BSNES and original hardware pass.
Why don't you run them on your Super NT and let us know the results? You could have actual proof that your Analogue system is superior to a MiSTer in 5 minutes.

>> No.8209276

a poor scalper owning expensive things to resell doesnt mean they arent poor

>> No.8209349

>my system can't run special chips
But it can, either a special chip on an original cart or an off board fgpa chip like in the SD2SNES Pro, the only thing it can't do is run a special chip game from it's SD slot. mister doesn't have a cartridge slot at all. You seem desperate to validate mister as an all-in-one SD card reading system?

>> No.8209376

Still not buying your dysfunctional shit

>> No.8209378

I just can't comprehend what point you're trying to make. Is being unable to run special chips somehow more "accurate" because real hardware obviously needs the chip in the cart? Is that the point you're making? Because it's fucking stupid.

>> No.8209389

geez, trying to merge mister and analogue to a single thread worked out great

>> No.8209550

fpga trash should be sent to /g/

>> No.8209556

This. Fuck off and leave /vr/ forever fpga trannies

>> No.8209589


This thread is an absolute warzone. The console wars are alive and well, but the battlefield has changed. It *is* ridiculous that anyone would buy an analogue product for any other reason than it looking pretty though. Just get a fucking MiSTer jesus christ

>> No.8209598

misters are inferior poor fag trash

>> No.8209642
File: 889 KB, 4032x3024, 20211006_110547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry dipshit, as someone who literally owns a SuperNT, a MegaSG and a MiSTer, I can say with 100% confidence that the MiSTer blows them out of the water. See how the analogue consoles are unplugged? Its because I had to pull them out of a box in my closet, because they are literally, objectively inferior to the MiSTer in every way. So it's not even a matter of money. I was dumb once. I fell for the analogue meme. Now I've got this consoles looking pretty in a box somewhere, never to be used. Perhaps a present for my 6 year old niece one day. But for ACTUAL gameplay, the MiSTer is by far the better choice. I am literally telling you, because I have the data to back it up while you are just flailing to justify your big expense, that MiSTer is better. I'm sorry you spent all that money on a pretty FPGA console that only plays games from 1 system. I really am. But it's not to late for you to see the light. I did. And now I get to look forward to the upcoming PS1 and Saturn cores, I get to sync my save files with my Vita to pick up and play games on the go, I get to play SegaCD games which the MegaSG can't even fucking do with its jailbreak (LOL). I hope you can find peace with that fact that you fell for slick marketing. Join us, and let us laugh the analogue idiots together.

>> No.8209650 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself trannie

>> No.8209652 [DELETED] 


Guy can't even admit when he is wrong / ill informed. Really shows poor character. I'm trying to help you!

>> No.8209696 [DELETED] 

I'm not even him, Jessica. I didn't even read your post, I just hate everybody in this thread.

>> No.8209697
File: 49 KB, 720x720, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else notice that all of the anti-MiSTer shilling has been replaced, practically overnight, with pro-Analogue shilling?

>> No.8209707 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, both of you are retards. FPGA trannies don't belong here.

>> No.8209728 [DELETED] 


Why does one of the most exciting mechanisms for retro game preservation not belong on /vr/? MiSTer and Analogue are literally modern day retro gaming machines that aim for accuracy for playing retro games. There's room for an FPGA thread. Why don't you just shit up another thread if you don't like it?

>> No.8209731 [DELETED] 


How'd you know my name?

>> No.8209736 [DELETED] 

persecution complex

>> No.8209745 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 712x713, boss skele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these are the fastest two replies I've ever gotten to a post. How much are they paying you to helicopter parent this thread?

>> No.8209751


Yes. And the usual refrain of "stop shilling your expensive MiSTer product, just use a raspberry pi" has been replaced with "actually MiSTer is for poor people, true enthusiasts use Analogue". Note the subtle shift in "paying more == bad" to "paying more == good, actually". Analogue shills are real and they are among us

>> No.8209757 [DELETED] 

7 minutes is the fastest reply you've ever gotten?

>> No.8209759 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I was mostly a lurker for a long time.

>> No.8209787

MiSTerfags are the ones who started by claiming everyone who doesn't like it is a poorfag who settles for less. It's not hypocrisy when someone points out that MiSTerfags don't have something which is more expensive and better.

>> No.8209804


But I have a MiSTer and analogue products and the MiSTer is better and cheaper. More expensive != better, I think analogue friends are confused.

>> No.8209825

>More expensive != better
the previous mister thread was nothing but misterfags making that claim

>> No.8209840


I think if you're comparing the MiSTer to something like a pi, then yeah, it is safe to say more expensive == better. I think MiSTer folks just want a topic to safely discuss their enthusiast gizmo. They might shit on anyone who comes into the thread asking them why they don't just use a pi, but I think that is warranted. The pi people can go to another thread.

>> No.8209853

I think it's half actual mentally ill Analogue owners, half just the same retards as always crying about a thread about an emulator.

Pablo, I'm very sorry you can't afford 200 bucks in your favela. Feel free to emulate on your 20 year old windows XP netbook instead, just stop crying about a thread where people buy something you can't afford. You don't need a MiSTer to play video games, we just like it and the useful features you don't care about are worth the cost for us.

>> No.8209863

See what I mean?

>> No.8210178


Poor guy can't handle a little banter. Who are you whining to?

>> No.8210772

cool can how do I play my original snes/sfc carts on a mister?

>> No.8210807


Here's the beautiful thing- you don't have to! You can sell them, put that money toward something useful. Their save battery is going to die anyway. Just get a romset on archive.org and free up some shelf space. Hell, you can play romhacks and translations and everything. And you don't need to blow into the cart or even get off the couch to change games. Sounds awesome, right? Am I missing anything? Why would anyone want to play with a physical cart? If you're using the SuperNT, are you not already playing things through the jailbreak?

>> No.8210813

but I replaced the batteries and have sufficient shelf space anon

>> No.8210851
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Hey, if it makes you happy, keep 'em on the shelf- that's what I do with mine. I've still got all my SNES carts and my old SNES, I just never use them since I have the MiSTer. I don't see any reason to keep them around except for the pull of "hey these are my childhood games". I guess I just like having them around. Here's a pic of my old SNES carts, my childhood SNES (which was only ever used with the SD2SNES before I got the MiSTer) and my second MiSTer (for CRT s-video output). There are like 5 things in this image capable of playing SNES games, including a literal SNES and carts, and I choose the MiSTer every time. It is seriously that good. My progression was something like this:

1. I will play on my old SNES the real carts that I own
2. Hm- I should look into repro carts and multi carts for rare games I don't own
3. Oh, I will get an everdrive for all the games.
4. I will get a SuperNT to play on my HDTV, it can also play all the games with a jailbreak. I wish I could sync saves to my Vita and 3ds though. (Note: you are here)
5. I will try this MiSTer thing to play on my hdtv
6. Holy shit, I need a second MiSTer for my CRT
7. I haven't touched my SNES since getting the CRT MiSTer except to autistically flip between s-video inputs to try and spot a difference and press buttons to watch mario jump to see if I can perceive any lag on the MiSTer compared to the real thing. There is no lag

>> No.8210859

how is your mister hooked up to your crt?

>> No.8210868

Dust your shit anon.

>> No.8210870
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I got a VGA->s-video adapter. My CRT only has s-video input, I wish I had one with component input, but I like s-video well enough. The adapter was this one https://www.antoniovillena.es/store/product/vga-composite-s-video-adapter/ but I've heard other people use hdmi direct video with s video converters just fine. It's still a hell of a lot cheaper than the Analogue DAC which uses proprietary software to output svideo and costs like $90 (plus $25 shipping or whatever, ridiculous). Looking at the DAC is what made me wake up and decide to get a MiSTer ultimately, I had it in my cart and had a "what the fuck am I doing there's got to be another way moment" then went down the MiSTer path

Yeah, I am lazy. Wire management is a mess too. I'll get around to it some day

>> No.8210998

thanks for the info senpai

>> No.8213025

Arguing on the internet, smile

>> No.8215458
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No, that is for me. I just don't have the room or equipment to stream and capture the gameplay at this time, so I haven't gotten around to opening it.

>> No.8216081
File: 401 KB, 598x585, Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Azum's WIP PS1 core already kinda runs commercial 3D games.

>> No.8216996

thats because he stole most of the code from a japdev called nyurugi

>> No.8217009

>RNSK case
waste of money

>> No.8217327

When Saturn core comes out and PS1 core, how much space would i need to have pretty much everything up to saturn core and say top 50 ps1 games?

>> No.8217473

No he didn't. He does everything himself from scratch.

>> No.8217476

Just have it on a network share. Mister can mount those locally.>>8217473

>> No.8217478


>> No.8217673

I have the full saturn set and the JP+US playstation set compressed to CHDs. The Saturn collection is 603 GBs the Playstation collection is 1.43 TBs.

>> No.8219301


>> No.8219389


>> No.8220156

What's the status on PC-88 and 98?

>> No.8220227


Playing devils advocate here but his entire wall of gimmicks is not worth it either.

>> No.8220263

come on everyone, buy a de10 nano before they are completely sold out and miss out yet again on another opportunity to experience greatness or just make some money. words out now, you'll have normies and neets lining up for it. i can just see it now, de10 selling for $500 alone lol. look at whats happening with the jetson nvidia series boards..

>> No.8220376

Yeah. For once in my life I got into something early.

>> No.8220463
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bought pic related , hope its okay with latency.


i watched the whole thing and he says its "next level" and that he doesnt think he will go back.

the price of mister is justified imo, unless you're a south american i guess, shits already subsidized.

>> No.8220532


Yeah, definitely agree. Wish I hadn't bought it. Thought it would be real metal feeling but it's just cheap feeling. I just got an acrylic enclosure which is much better.

>> No.8221757
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>hope its okay with latency.
Why would you buy wireless if you care about latency?

You could've got something decent for a quarter of the price.

>> No.8221816

latency will be non existent if you have no interfering signals

>> No.8221824

nigga what doesn't use 2.4GHz these days

>> No.8221828

are you serious?

>> No.8221850

wait, ignore that, I read that as what does use it
nvm, I should say most controllers use bluetooth these days

>> No.8221898

you are a fucking retard. Just thought I should point that out

>> No.8221905

well fuck you too, especially for being hostile for answering a question

>> No.8221913

>ESL can't comprehend what anon said about 2.4ghz wireless and is shocked someone called him a fucking retard
you're a faggot too

>> No.8221918

I hope you have a better day tomorrow

>> No.8222041
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Dude's making staggering process.
Reckon we'll get a SNAC adapter (for the current IO revision) that'll support PS1/2 controllers?

>> No.8222056


>> No.8222082

I use something like this on my retro pc, its not that bad to use to play old games on a tv screen but it is composite quality. It was designed for asians who couldn't even afford a cheap lcd and had a bunch of old crt pc monitors lying around to watch bootleg movies on their dirt floor.
Ms dos doom on an crt is pretty cool.

>> No.8222126

So Saturn or PS1 core first, it's hard to tell honestly.

>> No.8222192

SNAC might be possible? There's 6 data pins (pin 8 is often listed as unused, but I read somewhere the Konami lightguns need it). The issue is getting 3.3V again, now that most boards are setup for 7 data pin SNAC. It should be easy enough on 6.0+ IO boards, but on earlier revisions, you'll need to attach a switch somewhere so you can alternate between 7 pin and 3.3V. You'll also need to remember your setting, before this you could just use 7 pin SNAC on everything, now you have to switch to 6 pin+3.3V just for Playstation. Everything other than Mega Drive runs on 6 pin so far I believe, so I guess it isn't the end of the world.

Who knows, maybe they'll implement a new SNAC adapter that derives 3.3V from the 5V source rather than from the board? That'd save pin swapping, and most people would rather have 7 pin SNAC.

The big issue is running vibration on 5V instead of 7.6V, but I doubt it'll make much difference. Rumble is a little weaker over USB vs actual consoles, but it's never bothered me much.

>> No.8222693

A bit concerned about the need of a second sdram like some people are suggesting, don't see where it can fit and also concerned that's gonna cause issues with the case.

>> No.8222696


>> No.8222727
File: 587 KB, 735x488, DigitalIOboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second SDRAM fits where Analog I/O board currently sits. Some radical minds are willing to sacrifice that addon if it gives more resources, citing direct video as an alternative.
Picrelated is a Digital I/O board which has no analog output but opens both sides for SDRAM boards.

>> No.8222880

I see, looks like I would need to buy the digital board and the second sd ram stick, hope it will not be the case though.

>> No.8223137

I laugh at people who ended up going the vga io path, not that its expensive to buy a new one in the grand scheme of things, but digital is the way to go, you can still use vga with hdmi to vga adapter. so $50+$50 for another io board and additional memory lol.. by the time mister is completed it will cost a small fortune to put together.

>> No.8223148

>you can still use vga with hdmi to vga adapter.
do these properly handle fucked up modelines?

>> No.8223205

How much more lag is there using a mister on a crt with a raphnet adaptor for controllers over original hardware?

>> No.8223209

Raphnet adapters usually have around 1.5 ms of lag. A single frame is 16.66 ms.

>> No.8223213

I don't see the point in buying a digital IO board when my analog one was 20 bucks to begin with. The western resellers are all con artists, it doesn't cost 50 bucks to populate a board that basic, especially if you're doing it in bulk.

>> No.8223358

Do all cores even support direct video?

>> No.8225342

This bump has been brought to you by iNES Mapper 227, powering such classics as... some random Chinese unlicensed games. Coming soon to MiSTer device near you!