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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 525 KB, 923x900, delajsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8196452 No.8196452 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss the art, music, and games here.

>> No.8196567

I just remember how sony used the edgy indie aesthetic to market playstation to normalfags.

it kind of worked, too. psx and ps2 both became the mainstream consoles for non-weeaboo young adults

>> No.8196576
File: 37 KB, 739x415, 853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's based blue and green.

>> No.8196873

How would you define the Y2K aesthetic? I think you have a mixture of futurism which was popular because of the impending millennium, and some throwback 60's and 70's aesthetics which were also "in" in the 90's. Sometimes you have the graffiti or pop-art aesthetic in there too, but sometimes you don't. Maybe New Age influences here and there with all of the dolphin and pyramid imagery.

>> No.8196976

Not that anon, but I always saw it as a bunch of aesthetics that just so happened to intersect sometimes during the era. Starsky and Hutch, Jet Set Radio, FFX, Rez, and Mr Driller each fit the era, but have totally different ways to handle the whole y2k aspect.
For example, FFX taking more of the color and beach aspect mixed with urahara fashion, meanwhile something like P.N.03 is riding the futurism super fucking hard.

>> No.8197007

I was roughly 10 at the turn of the millennium, but for some reason PSO (and Dreamcast in general) resonates with that era so fucking hard for me. Being that young, I wasn't actively gaming/collecting shit outside of birthday and Christmas. But, my friend across the street I grew up with had his brothers hand-me-down console and the music, A E S T H E T IC, and concept of online gaming was so foreign to me it came off as this whole new era of gaming I didn't get with N64 or my dad's Master System.

>> No.8197039
File: 63 KB, 800x1134, 134517-cosmic-smash-dreamcast-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you have a mixture of futurism which was popular because of the impending millennium, and some throwback 60's and 70's aesthetics which were also "in" in the 90's.
Yep. Kind of "Jetsons" in a way. In hindsight, the future aspect is kind of corny, but the games were peak soul during this era.

>> No.8197064

I remember 60's stuff being really big for a few years around the time Austin Powers was happening. Oasis very consciously trying to be the Beetles of the 90's. I feel like there was quite a big Hana Barbera resurgence at the time too, with Cartoon Network bringing a lot of those shows and characters back into circulation.

>> No.8197083

Japan too. A lot of the cartoony aspects and big eyed designs come from that Showa era style (Cool Cool Toon and Mr Driller take a lot from the 70s), and there were tons of remakes of old shows like Getter Robo and Astro Boy.

>> No.8197104
File: 112 KB, 650x428, Anachronox-Review-e1550427708467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a singular Y2K aesthetic? Because I also often think of the dark brown/grey yet also with high-contrast colors, often with embossing and detail maps for sci-fi/cyberpunk games like Deus Ex, Neocron, Omikron, Anachronox, etc, and a sort of general overlap with some contemporary anime like Lain and .hack//SIGN, and the sort of mainstream peak of industrial/rock music.

>> No.8197146

I'd just call that cyberpunk (which is arguably more of an early 90's or late 80's thing in origin). "Y2K aesthetic" is things like Space Channel Five, and I guess the general look and feel of the Dreamcast.

>> No.8197151

>"Y2K aesthetic" is things like Space Channel Five, and I guess the general look and feel of the Dreamcast.
According to whom?

>> No.8197153

That's what people have come to call that aesthetic.

>> No.8197197

That's the big problem. It's the perfect cross between the late 90s and early 00s, and fits only within its own chunk and barely into either side of either.
Maybe the distinction is moreso between y2k era and y2k aesthetic, but who knows, since even the aesthetic is debated cuz of the Matrix etc. At the end of the day, the title doesn't matter, but the era is full of fun concepts

>> No.8197223
File: 366 KB, 1009x1024, W_WIPEOUT_01-1009x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While much Dreamcast content features the style, Wipeout is probably the earliest and most prominent example I can think of regarding games. I'd be interested in seeing other non-Sega games that rocked it.

>> No.8197253

I feel more that its an era than any aesthetic. There was just more interesting things creatively coming out at that time, to try to make it all embodied into one thing isn't really possible. The truth is countless genres were being expressed in uniques ways and new ones were being created. That as a whole should define it.

>> No.8197271

The Dreamcast was the very definition of style over substance.
>retard controller
>pointless gimmicks like VMU that added production cost with very little impact on sales appeal
>loudest mainstream CD-based console ever made, almost intolerably
>biggest game was a 3D platformer that barely cracked 2m sales
>a sea of bizarre shovelware, experimental non-games ala Sea Man, arcade ports during the decline of arcade culture, and 10 or 15 legitimately good games that ended up getting ports or sequels on competing consoles 2 years later
>worst graphics hardware of 6th gen, only about twice as powerful as an N64
>fledgling online features that paled in comparison to PC offerings of the era
>sold fewer units than the fucking Saturn
The aesthetic was cool, the advertisements were cool, but that's all the console gets on by. The actual experience is very shallow.

>> No.8197280
File: 538 KB, 1280x984, tumblr_0e3bb5c106a33981bbf91f9ffe812e66_9ad9bc24_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen two different commercial art movements specifically labeled as "Y2K"

>translucency, biomorphism, utopianism, Japan fetishism, silver, purple, plastic, glass, a revival of minimalist 70s sci-fi, sportswear, rounded vector shapes, CGI. Hype Williams, Bjork, Designer's Republic, Apple

>bedazzling, cheap luxury, gothic lettering, faux fur, maximalist vector graphics, 70s imagery and fonts, grungy effects, tribal tattoos, wings and flame graphics (if directed at guys), and a deliberate sense of excess. Bratz, Juicy Couture, Ed Hardy, Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B line

The first was seen in Wipeout, Wetrix, Internal Section, Dreamcast-era Sega games and to an extent Mirror's Edge. The second was less common video games, but it was in Guitar Hero, 2000s G4 promos and The Urbz: Sims in the City

>> No.8197292

Timesplitters 1 and 2 embody this era

>> No.8197331


>> No.8197374
File: 122 KB, 1014x676, guy-fieiri-flame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the second category

>> No.8197403
File: 28 KB, 1198x618, y2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I see, it's some new tumblr tranny term

>> No.8197405

It really depends on the demographics. That's why for women's fashion, they see a lot of a mix of both, but remember more the second one you mentioned, along with stuff like hot pink translucent everything etc from their childhood. Meanwhile, urban kids remember how stuff like Third Strike etc really tried to capture that street feeling along with hints of d&b and house. There was an entire aliens boom still left over that went real hard in giving the new millenium a space trend. That's not even getting into how the goth scene and rave culture was going, shit was crazy fun and diverse stylistically.

>> No.8197410

Nah, it's moreso that we get a cultural revival/throwback every 20 years or so, and people can't figure out what the fuck to call that inbetween period from late 90s to early 00s.

>> No.8197412
File: 35 KB, 480x360, gaming-wipeout-ps1-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just the box art, what are you smoking?

>> No.8197415

>Posts UI
>Thinks it doesn't count

>> No.8197430

Do you have more like this picture?

>> No.8197447
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It's also in the in-game ads, to be fair

>> No.8197472

truth is the best bait of all

>> No.8197475

Go suck on a lemon

>> No.8199214
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x887, tumblr_pjubpagz5u1v0jfsto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantavision for the PS2 has elements of it

>> No.8199294

Thick ass lines on cartoons and tribal tattoos

>> No.8199315

Yeah cause the sky isn't blue and grass isn't green anymore because that's out of style

>> No.8199332

The most retarded post I have read on this board after many many years

>> No.8199532

Damn I always wrote that game off as shovelware but that looks awesome

>> No.8200260
File: 711 KB, 496x384, tumblr_peqi22N8dz1xq94wqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever play Top Skater. It was a Model 2 game and the art was done by the Crazy Taxi team

>> No.8201303

Is this Ollie King?

>> No.8201323

Top Skater. From what I've gathered it's like a precursor to Ollie King. Ran on Sega Model 2 hardware with a board you ride like Ollie King. My local pizza joint where everyone had birthday parties had it in the late 90s, and we still have one at our mall arcade. Never saw Ollie King in person.

>> No.8201549
File: 359 KB, 2048x1365, 1505067038217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green/blue and translucency are the kinoest aesthetic.
I dont care if its tacky, I want it back alongside any sense of freedom we had pre 911

>> No.8201597

i'd say the y2k aesthetic is the first one while the 2nd is more of a post 9/11 2000s aesthetic
there's some crossover obviously but the y2k aesthetic i would say starts around 97/98 while the latter was almost exclusively in the 2000s and really took off post-9/11 with the 'urban' boom, def jam ffny is a peak example of that and probably the best game to carry that aesthetic

>> No.8201623
File: 298 KB, 1444x1484, 94a6e134eb8d11c6ab1d5cba2764b629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8201731

I never played an Ace Combat game but that looks damn good

>> No.8201753
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>> No.8201759


>> No.8201762
File: 405 KB, 2048x1648, Internet_20211004_003045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love Digimon vpets to this day because of translucent nostslgia. I wish I had a translucent N64. My clear orange wonderswan broke in a move recently too and Im so fucking mad.

>> No.8201772
File: 268 KB, 1275x1500, kingdom-hearts-xemnas-leather-coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Tetsuya Nomura designs and games belong in the second category somehow even if KH2 was 2004 or so.

>> No.8201813
File: 608 KB, 2048x1502, Internet_20211004_004056_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this its so fucking good

>> No.8201815

Do you expected that people on 2004 say "oh, I miss the 2000s let me Google it"

>> No.8201825

That's like the separation of y2k to genuine 00s artstyle. Same with the artstyle of flash games or the early deviantart logo. There is a subset of y2k though that's a mix of both, since girls fashion trends were like this even back in '99. It's just not something most people here are familiar with for sort of obvious reasons. Paris Hilton and limited too were crazy big

>> No.8201854

>just ignore 2005-2018

>> No.8201861

Who decides things are "tacky" anyway? Transparent coloured plastic bubble designs are stylish and playful, and not the same boring greyscale oblongs we've been stuck with for I don't know how long now.

>> No.8201875

>at one point there was a serious push for an "urbanification" the Nintendo brand, but Reggie put a stop to it

>> No.8201881

The last gasp of design creativity in consumer electronics, before this current era of thin black squares. Basically the last evolution of 80s-90s before 2010s-present minimalist convergence

Also, EDTVs. Nothing says 6th gen like playing console games on a TV with razor-sharp scanlines

>> No.8201898
File: 41 KB, 550x305, splodinator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipeout was too dark and industrial for Y2K, which I associate with white/silver, especially with the launch of the iPod and its huge influence on commercial design

>> No.8201909

Top Skater plays almost exactly the same as Ollie King, they may as well be considered part on the same series. The former has Crazy Taxi-like art/music, the latter Jet Set Radio-like art/music

>> No.8201919

It's a different feeling. Way more 60s-70s colorful than the way the 80s handled things. Although part of me is just upset that the instant 9/11 happened, people tried to switch over to throwback 80s and tossed the whole aesthetic in the trash for it.

>> No.8201923
File: 480 KB, 1600x2246, WipEout 3 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wipeout was too dark and industrial for Y2K
Y2K had three sides: The hopeful futurism, the positive blue skies and the underlying grunge industrialism. That's why it was so effective

>> No.8201928
File: 21 KB, 158x315, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like iPod design is where we started to move away from this, and more toward minimalism. These kinds of bubble designs, is more what I think of.

>> No.8201935

Minidiscs too

>> No.8202038
File: 91 KB, 600x741, DuPFDl2UUAA98gM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The term was coined by two graphic designers, Froyo Tam and Evan Collins, who started a Facebook group about it in the mid 2010s. They expanded it into a site called the CARI Institute to identify more consumer aesthetics across the decades.

I'm not sure about this approach. You can define the design tropes of a single person or company easily enough, but when it's across every country and form of media, the lines are much fuzzier. The collection of tropes known as "Y2K" appeared and disappeared and changed at different times, and art hybridizes with other art without caring whether the result is Gen X Soft Club or Frutiger Aero. Jet Set Radio doesn't look like a Missy Elliot video.

Turning art movements into a checklist robs them of their spontaneity and soul, it's why "the 80s" has been slowly whittled down to "an '86 Testarossa racing down a purple neon highway". It's boring.

It also makes people look at the past through the eyes of fashion magazines and advertising, like people in the 90s were wearing iridescent silver jeans and clear jackets instead of cargo pants and a tshirt of Tweety Bird with a durag.

>> No.8202153

>not sure about this approach

Well thanks for this site at least I love going through the examples here

>> No.8202282
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There's also the possibility of grouping unrelated aesthetic scenes together because they happened to look similar and exist at the same time, even if neither knew about the other's existence.

>> No.8202302
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>> No.8202550
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, sisqo-thong-song.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you are right, but I still just enjoy looking at late 90s early 00s stuff since im nostalgic for that time period

>> No.8202553
File: 2.99 MB, 630x458, iS - internal section (PS1, 1999) stage 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were a few games in the late 90s that are almost beta versions of Rez, attempts to combine psychedelic visuals, club beats and rhythmic gameplay, and most of them went for a y2k art style because that was what was big in clubs at the time. Internal Section is one, N2O is another.

>> No.8202589
File: 1.33 MB, 772x960, 5707fc5eb7bb61b2b34fd00e044b9fdbbd12447384ae53a74950a81ff49b1a4c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing about the definition
Post more games fags

>> No.8202628
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it Retro-Futurism. Almost like a blend of the current day stuff we use but only made to be more futuristic by putting Form above function.

>> No.8202636

Do not forget Super Milk Chan. That show had a lot of that style as well. Sadly it's obscure.

>> No.8202642

Just letting you know Y2K was mentioned a lot in the late 90's and Google does not account for TV shows and pop culture back in those times. It would only make sense to label it that due to what it was representing.

>> No.8202651

Wasn't Y2K just referring to the software bug back then?

>> No.8202703
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>> No.8202710

imagine being 6 years old and posting on /vr/

>> No.8202714

>Winamp skin
We have to go back

>> No.8202742

Both anime of Super Milk Chan were fuckin great, yeah.

>> No.8202746

>retarded animu brain sludge with doo wop diddly hoo whacky art style
yeah big fucking loss

>> No.8202749

Is that serious? I honestly can’t tell

>> No.8202751

You just described the site you're on. You played yourself.

>> No.8202806
File: 1.67 MB, 1200x1482, DuPFDl2UUAA98gM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Photoshoot by EGM for their Nov/Dec. 1999 issues (but were never used). "The Future of Gaming"

>> No.8202807
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>> No.8202810
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>> No.8202818
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Strike that, they were used for the Jan 2000 issue, literal y2k

>> No.8202823
File: 305 KB, 1280x1920, Shadow the Hedgehog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the right period, but I couldn't not think of this game while reading the second kind's description. Every menu has these fonts with grungy effects that scream early 2000s fashionable edge.

>> No.8202828
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on an unrelated note, this would have been prime b8 on /v/ if it existed in 2000

>> No.8202857
File: 2.49 MB, 1446x984, 3Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Magnetic Neo dabbles in it, though nobody told the ad artist that.

>> No.8202882
File: 260 KB, 1577x1242, Screenshot_20211004-085238_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gotta be that 2000s font with unessesary contrasted font color.

>> No.8202891

So you admit you're gay?

>> No.8202916
File: 82 KB, 1170x878, 1502071290794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all in the taste I guess. To me sleek glossy plastic is an abomination but some people love it, probably the same people who decided translucent shit was not cool anymore.

>> No.8202929

Horrible. Glad that's over.

>> No.8204027

Had no idea this was a Showa-era parody. The constantly reused scenes and characters make a lot of sense, now.

>> No.8204061
File: 65 KB, 336x386, 2021-10-04_15-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use qmmp. It's like a modern winamp and supports all old skins.

>> No.8204068


>> No.8204672
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>> No.8204715

Futurism was a huge aspect, it was the last time the world was optimistic for technology

>> No.8204732


>> No.8204737


>> No.8204738
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>> No.8204762

Same with Mr Driller and cartoons like Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go, Showa but futuristic and saturated like crazy was huuuuge.

>> No.8204774
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>> No.8205094

what game

>> No.8205157
File: 126 KB, 500x699, 0626BA45-4C60-4FAC-B079-7BD7AACE6B38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.8205159

It's real if that's what you mean

>> No.8205209

Y2K =/= "Y2K aesthetic"

>> No.8205212
File: 94 KB, 1216x742, 1970-Vauxhall-SRV-Concept-1-lg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine taking a singular marketing ploy involving having models carry video game console-related bags, and using that to try and define an entire era. It'd be like taking pic rel and saying it defines the 70s car aesthetic.

>> No.8205218

you are not going to heaven

>> No.8205220 [DELETED] 
File: 246 B, 255x153, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you define the Y2K aesthetic?

>> No.8205281
File: 1.22 MB, 720x952, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i wasn't trying to. "The Future of Gaming" was the literal name of the photoshoot

>> No.8205656

Ian Anderson is a fucking hack. Almost made WO3 a financial failure with his whole train station ad campaign, not to mention him basically taking all the credit from the actual talented designers there after they jumped ship.

>> No.8205706

Very based. If you hadn't had pointed this out then I'd probably have believed these trannies and thought that this is an actual thing that normal people say.

>> No.8205773

>muh 9/11
What the fuck is wrong with you guys? There's no signs of the aesthetic changing because of 9/11, and a lot of this content is from Japan, they couldn't care less about a bunch of people in New York dying.

>> No.8205780

I use Audacious, it also supports WinAmp skins out of the box. I use TopazAmp from 1999.

>> No.8205792

It means Year 2000, the alleged software bug is simply "The Year 2000 bug".
By the way, no one with any qualifications in computing whatsoever thought anything would happen, it was just some really retarded meme. Systems that store the value as two decimal numbers don't start from the year 1900, they start from when the systems were taken into use, so the year 2000 is not in any way signifcant. Classic MacOS and MS-DOS don't run into problems until the 2080s. Unix systems count the seconds since 1970 and in a 32-bit system runs into problems in 2038, but that has been mitigated already in several ways, such as switching to storing it in 64 bits which will keep it running for a couple hundred thousand years more.

>> No.8206258

Don't forget the gun sounds every time you pick an option.

>> No.8206264

[citation needed]

>> No.8206271

its just a date bro, don't know why you're associating it with anything

>> No.8206272

everything became cringe and ugly 3d in y2k. glad that is over.

>> No.8206280
File: 34 KB, 574x319, what artlets once considered modern and stylish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would you define the Y2K aesthetic
The point where Americans finally succumbed to "nigga" and ghetto "culture"
also post-modern minimalism which aged like ass. less isn't more, it's less...and fugly.


>> No.8206414

You weren't even there for it

>> No.8206423

nah that's the late 2000's aesthetic
culturally, the world ended in 2008

>> No.8206448

I'm Gen-X you little shit. Fuck off.

>> No.8206626

>“When I joined Nintendo, there was a sense of almost shame that Nintendo appealed to young consumers, and the marketing team at Nintendo of America started doing things with the logo – that classic Nintendo logo in an oval – they would put it into graffiti style, or they’d do different things to try and age up the logo,” he describes, “I put a stop to that because that is not our brand. And what we needed to do was yes, appeal to a broad swatch of consumers, but we needed to do it based on what the brand stood for, and not doing it in some false way.”

>> No.8206634

I think it was more the tangible sense that the future had arrived, and things hadn't really changed or gotten any better that people experienced after the millennium. 9/11 ties into that, but it wasn't the whole of it.

>> No.8207164

Wow you should make a longform yt vid about it
>and...that is why...its pronounced yiik

>> No.8207191

holy based

>> No.8207230

It was an issue for a fraction of government computers, there are testimonies from the people that worked on those computers fixing the problem.

>> No.8207303

>Top Skater

I haven't and I'm impressed with all the Crazy Taxi vibes this game have.

>> No.8207397

Also a good choice. I only suggest qmmp over it because it has better support for themes with transparent elements in my experiences. Plus built in visualizations. But if you don't care about that kinda stuff, audacious is pretty damn good.

>> No.8208928
File: 163 KB, 600x595, R-4051397-1389889855-6774.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roots of the gentleman style

>> No.8209953
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>> No.8210607
File: 20 KB, 500x500, EB432344-931E-44AE-B01A-8036A2EB5774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No sound track songs from Spawn

>> No.8210967

No you are Gen-Redneck. So fuck right on.

>> No.8210981
File: 38 KB, 388x352, 5AA9AE79-3C76-48D8-9BAF-B9C8B8189A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Gen-Rednex
Fun Fact: Annika Ljungberg from Rednex sings the Legend of Mana theme song

>> No.8211110

It was peak style, and I'm not going to pretend it wasn't

>> No.8211663

The remastered ost is fucking amazing.


>> No.8211673

I remember when I was 9 I had a friend who was fucking terrified on New Years because of the y2k bug.

>> No.8212098

>the perfect cross between the late 90s and early 00s

That's precisely why the Dreamcast encapsulates it well, it's heyday was from 98-01, it's a cross-gen console. More than that, I would say that Y2K aesthetic is really just the peak of late 90's culture. It was a concern with a brighter future at the turn of the century, which is why most DC games have this breezy and optimistic atmosphere to them. Even games that were supposed to be gritty like GTA III still have in their sense of humor and sense of innovation.

>> No.8212616
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I'm surprised no ones mentioned Ridge Racer Type 4 yet.
That game, more than anything else from the late 90's, exemplifies the Y2K aesthetic I associate with this era and it's also the one that's aged the best in its look. It nailed a really slick and neat look in its menus that doesn't feel corny for trying too hard to be futuristic, it just looks cool.

>> No.8212905
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I fuckin’ love this shit. As others have mentioned, I associate the Dreamcast as being the peak of this aesthetic. The blue water, clear skies, sunny beaches, all that jazz. I always had a thing for the menu screen too.
The early 00s were kinda like the 90s, but all supercharged and futuristic. This was the future, we had arrived. For some reason I have a really distinctive memory that around ‘03 or ‘04, things shifted really suddenly to being “the 00s aesthetic” that people associate with the majority of that decade.

>> No.8212937

Fuck off, I was alive at the time (unlike you) and even while it was happening I was conscious that there was such a thing as the Y2K aesthetic, even if no one called it that at the time.

>> No.8212942

"Depression" got very big in the 00's. I guess it was almost a second phase of grunge, only there was an infusion of "urban" culture this time around.
You had the outbreak of war, and even though the future had arrived, things didn't seem to be getting any better. Everything got very brown, dusty, and angsty for a while there.
I feel like we've broken into more of a manic cultural phase at this point. Everyone is so fed up with the endless depression and anxiety that people now express themselves by acting out in ridiculous ways, acting under so many layers of irony they probably can't even remember if they're being ironic or not. Rick and Morty culture, to put it simply.

>> No.8212953

This to me is 00s, not Y2K (yes technically 2000-2003 is part of the 00s but aesthetically I think they’re clearly distinct periods)

>> No.8213009

I think you mean post9/11, things definitely got edgy,

>> No.8213149

There's always bleedover, because things that start production in 2000, might not come out until three/four years later. Timesplitters 2 has very strong Y2K energies, to me.

>> No.8213225

>muh 9/11
Sonic Team was and is not based in the US.

>> No.8213345
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I have this one, but it's back in my home country, along with tons of other stuff. Part of me wants to move them where I'm living, but at the same time my room back there is like a time capsule that I don't want to touch.

>> No.8213358

Unfortunately 9/11 drama was forced on the rest of the world and did influence the vogue.

>> No.8213434
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>> No.8214890
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Techno Drive

>> No.8215252

That looks so good

>> No.8216274

...so you weren't around in any meaningful way back then. Got it.

>> No.8216332
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none of you niggas even mentioned battle network. baka!

>> No.8216336

you think 9/11 was only a thing in america??
are you autistic?

>> No.8216346

so you dont think for yourself and just do what everyone else says

>> No.8216410

played this at an arcade in Myrtle Beach in 2000, what a time

>> No.8216431

>tomb rider

>> No.8216586
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>> No.8216621

hell yeah but what about motherfucking ace combat 3 electrosphere

>> No.8216724

This game is the tits

>> No.8217479

Fucking Swedes.

>> No.8217905

your doing what?

>> No.8218035

You should take care of it. They're worth a lot of money nowadays. Especially some of the rare 02 ones.

>> No.8218212

I had no idea. I never trashed my stuff around as a kid, so it's as new. Even my GBC still has the battery cover, unlike most.
Whenever I go on holidays I might just pack it all in a box and use a service to send it on a truck.

>> No.8218215

Holy shit, I just checked and, without the box, it's worth between 170$ and 190$! I won't sell anything, but now I'm curious to see how much my 1st gen beyblades are worth.

>> No.8219385

This released on the Switch the other day. Might download.

>> No.8219404

>Mario's tribal tattoo is canon

>> No.8219875
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Y2K Aesthetic is starting to make a comeback and I welcome it. I'm tired of soulless flat design, ultra minimalist boring crap and other straight up uninspired garbage the industry has been doing the last 10 years.

>> No.8219917

I could make some jokes about Americans and POC in that context, but that's low hanging fruit by now.

>> No.8219926

trainee's first 15 minutes with PS

>> No.8219989
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Cosmic Smash?

I remember Puzzle Bobble games also adopted an artstyle like this >>8202636 at in the early 2000s

>> No.8220041

That style is fugly as sin.

>> No.8220064
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Minimalism can be cool, but only when done correctly, like retro minimalism.

>> No.8220405

Nobody cares.

>> No.8220412
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>> No.8220413

I wouldn't have thought to check the search results. This isn't really a topic I care about so I'd have just gone along with it. Retard.

>> No.8220683
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F-Zero GX is a great for the Y2K look

>> No.8220685
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>> No.8220692
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>> No.8220698
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>> No.8221945

*tomb ride her

>> No.8223271


>> No.8223792
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The electronics were kino during this time

>> No.8223852

Electrosphere was mentioned earlier in the thread. IMO it's one of the best and probably the most unique of the Ace Combat games.

>dem aesthetics
>dat bangin electronic ost
>branching storyline with animu cutscenes
>sci fi planes with lasers and shit
>a fucking space mission

Makes me wish the series had taken a more scifi direction with the newer games.

>> No.8224065

Super sleek and super smooth lines with emphasis on the fitness aesthetic.

>> No.8224438
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I think in Japan it didn't die out so much as get more colorful, maximalist and influenced by street art and showa anime until it basically became Superflat.

>> No.8224452
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I think in Japan it didn't die out so much as get more colorful, maximalist and influenced by street art and showa anime until it basically became Superflat.

>> No.8224478
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This aesthetic was also tied up pretty heavily with trance and dream house music, whose peak in relevance was roughly 1997-2003. Dance music got harder, grimier and darker as the decade went on, which was partially 9/11-related but partially just backlash towards Better Off Alone and Castles in the Sky and other cheesy shit people wouldn't admit they liked.

>> No.8225167

The issue wasn't MS-DOS or MacOS, it was with older purpose-built systems. Most of the panic was unfounded. However, the panic did create awareness, businesses checked their systems because people were freaking out, and invested large amounts of manpower into correcting them.

>> No.8225181

>it was with older purpose-built systems
What systems treat the year 2000 as some kind of special year? Classic Unix doesn't run into problems until 2038. The only systems I'm aware of that would have run into trouble by that point would be really old systems from the 60s that only stored a single number, but those would have run into trouble in the 80s rather than in the year 2000. And it's not like a date being wrong would make much of a difference either way.

>> No.8225226

Modded or real? I've never seen this before.

>> No.8225305

Its less about people NY dying and more about governments all around the world using it as an excuse to tighten economic freedom.
Things definitely changed for the worse in basically everything, from the graynbrown covershooters to music and culture in general.

>> No.8225395

is this supposed to disprove what i said???

>> No.8225401

The issue was that the year 2000 wasn't treated as a special case. Anything storing the year as two digits/ASCII would break.

This would have mostly just impacted businesses and government agencies that were early adopters of mainframes. Cases where year being wrong would break things: banking, logistics, any billing systems.

>> No.8225486

>The issue was that the year 2000 wasn't treated as a special case. Anything storing the year as two digits/ASCII would break.
If it breaks then it's a special case. But I'm not aware of any systems that started from 1900, that's like 40 years before there were any computers at all.

>> No.8225972

I can't fuck an android.

>> No.8226514

This music video pretty much sums u the Y2K Aesthetic.

>> No.8226670
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Anon, tons of creators mentioned how it changed perspective on certain things. Off the top of my head, Digimon Tamers and MGS2 had to change some things up.
Yes, this exactly! The style lived for a while even in the US and UK, but they all evolved into something else, with Japan going hard-in on superflat. There were still some neat aesthetics in the mid 00s, though, just rarer.

>> No.8226940

Wasn't Monkey Team made by non-Japanese animators? That would make the Showa cartoon influence especially huge for the time, if so.

>> No.8227009

Yes, I do not bother to check every single 4chan claim on search results. Are you deliberately pretending not to understand how this is different?

>> No.8227013

The aesthetic can be best described as heaven electric: chromatic, sleek, bright, airy, solid and fluid at the same time---mercury. The Y2K aesthetic was mercury.

>> No.8227026

Sonic Riders Zero Gravity also vibes this way.

>> No.8227561
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Definitely JSR, especially the original. That retro, pop-art vibe with all the bright colors and good vibes really makes me nostalgic. Katamari too, in a way.

Also, though not vidya, the movie Summer Time Machine Blues hits this aesthetic imo, even though it came out in like 2005.

>> No.8228561

Just because the name is new doesn't mean the idea of it is new.

>> No.8228671

What the fuck did I watch?

>> No.8228787

>tighten economic freedom
Yeah that was clearly the biggest issue
Not freedom of speech, not surveillance, not state terrorism, muh fucking capitalism

>> No.8228841

Yeah, basically.
Why do you think privacy has to end today if not for the bean counters wanting to know exactly how much you spent on that bubblegum the other week and have you report it to the IRS?
Everything else is an excuse, they dont fucking care about terrorism or free speech, they just want you to be a nice nigger cattle and pay all the bs taxes they put on you.

>> No.8228846
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>> No.8228934

There was some 60s throwback too, from the older crowd. Think Sabrina the Teenage Witch and stuff like that. It was an incredibly varied time period that passed too quickly once the boring 80s revival stuff exploded mid 00s or so.
Then 2008 killed it all with the financial crisis. Only way we'll get the bright futurism back is if the world bounces back really well from COVID, or some new industry as big as the internet opens up to create new company opportunities.

>> No.8228939

You could tell the developers were actually excited to make games when they put tons of effort into the menus alone

>> No.8229315

Usually, though you have examples like Doom and Quake where it's just some big block letters floating over the gameplay (and some shadow in the latter's case). Carmack's philosophy there was that as soon as you boot up the game, you should be able to just bang on the spacebar a few times and then be in the game right away, which is a different kind of care.

Of course, then you have stuff like Super Mario 64, where you have Mario's face on the screen before going into the file menu, and he's just there because, he fills no function there but letting you mess around with him for the hell of it, the philosophy of "We put it in because we could." It's completely unnecessary for playing the game, but it's a worthwhile addition nonetheless.

>> No.8230598

modded but it looks like something that would have have came out in that era

>> No.8230750

what are you even talking about

>> No.8232064
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>> No.8233747
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>> No.8233748
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>> No.8233754
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>> No.8233756
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>> No.8234862
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>> No.8236023

This don't look very /y2k/.

>> No.8238139
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>> No.8239725
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>> No.8240391
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>> No.8240398

they look like DBZ characters but man that Blue Monday cover is shit

>> No.8240449
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>> No.8240554

I'd say it's more like Jojo's.

>> No.8240572
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Anyone here played Phantom Crash?

>> No.8240663 [DELETED] 

I hate nigger graffiti

>> No.8240701
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When the GBA was first announced, that was one of the colour schemes. But they never actually released it like this, which is a shame.

>> No.8240723

Hell yeah anon, that was some good shit.
Sucks Genki's dead though, I miss the TXR games as well.