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File: 2.36 MB, 3917x2108, N64-Console-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8201348 No.8201348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you think N64 would have won the console war if they didn't get backstabbed by a bunch of third party devs?

>> No.8201365

>if they didn't get backstabbed by a bunch of third party devs?
It was the other way, nintendo backstabbed them.

>> No.8201367

nintendo fucked up their own platform, not the 3rd parties.

>> No.8201369

This. They were tired of their bullshit.

>> No.8201372

No, it was already finished at the point of the Sony deal getting fucked up, years prior to this and before even the Playstation launched. Because the moment that deal fucked up, these things were now true:

a) a wealthy competitor who owns the hardware manufacturing process to their own consoles had a product ready to put into production immediately
b) Nintendo would NOT have hardware ready and would HAVE to be behind by 2 years developing and putting it into production
c) Nintendo couldn't put an inbuilt disc system in or any similar hardware, having already seen Sony's designs in their pitch. Patent law would have annihilated them. So they had to fuck themselves even MORE, and then also pretend that this was equal to what was lost.

So YOU try winning this game, if this is your current hand. What would you do to somehow pull a win out of your ass?

>> No.8201380

>if they didn't get backstabbed by a bunch of third party devs?
Nintendo wanted to wage enslave and censor every third party developer
10/10 would backstab those greedy and narcissists bastards from nintendo

>> No.8201385
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Mario Tennis as far as I know is the only game on the N64 with addictive blending and it came out in 2000, it would have won the console wars if it did it from the get go.

>> No.8201398


What's with all the console war threads? I know it's not going to stop, but I just don't understand it. Why do people care who won a business war with a product? I care about the games the consoles had and how I enjoyed them and continue to enjoy them today. Don't see the point of the obsession with console wars to be frank.

>> No.8201402

Nigga... what da fuk u talking bout

>> No.8201406 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8201410

would likely have done better if the 64DD had been successful

>> No.8201417

/v/ immigrants flooded the board when the rules were expanded to include 6th gen. That board is full of broke zoomers who can't afford anything so they resort to endless console war shitposts to make themselves feel better about it.

>> No.8201431

I don't even think it's about "console" wars during 5th gen.
Sony is a big guy, they had money to burn on hardware loss and marketing.
Nintendo and Sega are video game companies, not juggernauts.
N64 still did fine. Didn't sold as many systems as Sony, but then again they didn't sell the N64 at a loss and their marketing wasn't as monstrous, so they still did some profit from the N64 (unlike Sony with the PS1 - but that's fine because profit wasn't their goal with the PS1, their goal was to penetrate the market, and they did)

>> No.8201438

No they all stopped working with nintendo cause they wanted more space the CD's of the PS1 had to offer.
They didn't "backstab" nintendo. They were just like hey man we don't wanna work with carts anymore. This other console gives us 700 megabytes of space. This is like 10 or 15 at best.
Like super mario 64 is seriously like 7 mbs

>> No.8201497

Nintendo was absolutely a juggernaut though. Even Sega dared to burn money, although in a truly inefficient way.

It's not just about the storage space. With the PS1, they didn't have to pay for cartridge manufacturing, which on top of the vastly higher cost, was centralised by Nintendo. Moreover the PS1 had much better development tools and a simpler hardware architecture. Sony's aim was simply to bring low cost 3D graphics to home consoles and let as many devs as possible make games for them, unlike Nintendo that wanted to flex their muscles and impress.

>> No.8201504
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Hz8mW7DrOxY-00-32-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transparencies like color addition and color averaging that the N64 couldn't do until Mario Tennis 64

>> No.8201524

PS1 dev kits, i saw the modern vintage gamer. PS1 even had a
>poor mans dev kit
with that black PS1 he featured on his show.

>> No.8201528

The net yaroze?

>> No.8201536

yeah thats what i was talking about. i know it wasn't cheap back then but it was still a cheaper dev kit for the ps1

>> No.8201618

>Nintendo was absolutely a juggernaut though
Not to the same extent as Sony who own factories that press media formats like CDs, own TV channels, own film studios, own music studios, own radios.... etc.
Sega and Nintendo were video game companies, Sony is a multicorp.

>> No.8201628

It could have ruled the world if Nintendo would lost their hard on for cartridge licensing fees.
A cd based 64 would have kicked ass.

>> No.8201632

Your not making sense. If tennis 64 did it then clearly n64 can do it.
I'm so sick of you console warring retards

>> No.8201645

It would literally need so many changes that it wouldn't be recognizable as an n64 at that point in order to make it work as something cd based. You don't just pop a cd drive into the n64 and call it a day.

The cost of the console itself would also be insanely expensive. Nobody would have gotten it over a playstation
5th gen was literally a big outsider company undercutting everyone and manufacturing cheap hardware themselves and eating any losses with their deepnpockets from other industries. It was literally a bully from another school coming into the playground and massacring people
And sony hardware is dogshit too. The PlayStation and playstation 2 is insane cost cutting unreliable plastic.

>> No.8201671

Is there any good documentary on this gen that I can watch?

>> No.8201673

It's called learn for yourself. Why do zoomers love retarded youtube essayists.

>> No.8201680

Fallout the Iceburg Explaining
>3 hour watch time
>some how has 200,000 views
lmao what

>> No.8201729


>> No.8201848

>You don't just pop a cd drive into the n64 and call it a day.
Yes you do. It already has 4MB of RAM. Of course the games would change but only autists would mind. Maybe add another 3 or 4 megs of cheap slow RAM if you're so concerned about frequent loading screens and it's good to go.
>The cost of the console itself would also be insanely expensive
The N64 itself is full of inefficiency such as forced AA shit which requires tons of processing power. As I said, nintendo wanted to flex and impress rather than make a product that people would buy.
>Nobody would have gotten it over a playstation
No, the nintendo brand image was still huge. N64 didn't bankrupt nintendo, people were still fond of it, even though it's a piece of shit.
>It was literally a bully from another school coming into the playground and massacring people
Cope. It was nintendo that ruined its own deal with sony. It wasn't a bullying, it was nintendo getting what they deserved.
>And sony hardware is dogshit too. The PlayStation and playstation 2 is insane cost cutting unreliable plastic.
Lasted long enough until PC masterrace took over the gaming industry for once and for all. Cope tendie.
>superior nintendo hardware folded 1000 mirrion times
Filmsy as fuck analog stick that may even injure you, useless RAM expansion that increased the screen resolution and the frequency of slowdowns by 50%, useless cart format because games like quake still have to decompress its content into the RAM for like 14 seconds, the list goes on.

>> No.8201856

/v/-tier post.

>> No.8201858

jesus christ this entire post...

>> No.8201863

there is no until. If tennis 64 can do it then the n64 could always do it. What the hell are you trying to say

>> No.8201865

Either samefagging or a cult like hiveminded behaviour.

>> No.8201868

Console warring will not be tolerated. Go back.

>> No.8201876

Console "warring" is a buzzword.

>> No.8201893
File: 203 KB, 547x568, BjgPLV6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a literal crate of bricked or needing extensive repairs Playstations. Both one and two. Sony consoles are very flimsy in my experience. In comparisons a Gamecube or a Dreamcast is pretty trivial to open up and I've never run into one that was as fucked up as the Sony consoles. I don't need to do much to nintendo 64s either.

There's a reason people end up with pic related.
And not retro but the ps3 horrendous too. It's anti repair.

>> No.8201902

console warring is wasting time trying to convince people to not like this or that popular console and use memewords like "tendie" "snoy", etc.
It belongs on /v/

>> No.8201905

Just don't respond to him. He's not ignorant.

>> No.8201908

>trying to convince people to not like this or that
Whether you like it or not, the facts can't br changed.

>> No.8201948
File: 247 KB, 480x361, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compelled Treasure to develop games for that piece of shit instead of staying with SEGA?

>> No.8201958

Too obvious, Auster.

>> No.8201959

We were robbed, Segabro. Mischief Makers should've been a Saturn game and Sin & Punishment should've been for Naomi.

>> No.8201962

>still falseflagging as a Sega fan
Back to your speccy childhood games, sad man.

>> No.8201974

It did win. No one gives a shit about most ps1 titles anymore. People still buy n64 games for 60 dollars. They sold mario 64 for 60 dollars in 2021. Fuck ps1.

>> No.8202052

By that logic, Atari jaguar is the winner of that generation.

>> No.8202067

Because Sega were tremendous cunts to 3rd party devs in 5th gen. Yes, even moreso than Nintendo. They gave false and incomplete documentation to the console and didn't even have libraries to develop with it more easily, all while the hardware - which was not the same hardware planned - was a fucking maze to work with. Imagine having to solve a maze, the guy who put you there was supposed to give you the map and it was the wrong one, was supposed to give you a ladder and didn't, and knowing that other people don't have to do this at all. If there was an option not to develop for the Saturn, you fucking well took that option. There's a goodass reason the newbie competitor just ran away with this generation entirely.

>> No.8202072
File: 9 KB, 300x220, 1631126583865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop falseflagging a console war, mega faggot.