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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 402x106, UGlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
820001 No.820001 [Reply] [Original]


Boycott the industry. I don't give a fuck anymore.

My highest purchasing priority just went from several modern titles I was interested in... over to the largest external hard drives I can find, that I can fill them with the eXoDOS torrent collections from whomever's seeding them.

A vast portion of the early PC era which you've never heard of? Gone now. They could only be discovered on UG.

>> No.820003

Underground Gamer was the single greatest videogame-devoted website on the Internet.

Nothing else compares. There is nothing else to replace it.

>> No.820009

So they aren't gonna try to screw the system?

>> No.820016
File: 10 KB, 126x111, 1370307036567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


News like this make me glad I found a new hobby.

Any chance of at least even a fraction of the torrents spilling onto sites such as TPB?

>> No.820032

We can only hope, for now.
So, what was that about surviving torrents? Did those get wiped as well, or what?

>> No.820034

BCG probably

>> No.820031

>Implying all of those games don't still exist online and aren't being archived in various places both physcially and digitally

Seriously, it's not the end of the world. Chill bro.

>> No.820035

ripip in peace in peace vidya

>> No.820036

There's a backup forums as well as backup torrents you can use to find a lot of the information.

There's also a DC++ hub I heard about too.

Actually...there's quite a few games that really could only be found on UG, like some old DOS games where people only thought shareware versions existed of them and nothing else.

>> No.820038

who cares I bet they all sucked

>> No.820039


Shit. all those great classics.. lost in the wind.

Jagged Alliance 2 (SirTech version).. nowhere else to be found.

X-Com (Euro CD version)- buh-bye

StarControl I & II collection CD (official Accolade release, not the dumb UK bargain bin shit)- no mo no mo

Heroes of Might & Magic I and II compendium.. sigh..

Those were some of the gems that I got from UG, that literally cannot be found anywhere else on the net.

Goodbye UG. you shall be missed.

>> No.820043

>Implying all of those games don't still exist online

Whether they "exist" is irrelevant if they cannot be distributed or discovered. I wouldn't download any random obscure relic if I didn't have compelling information on it, and that's exactly what Underground Gamer was about. The torrent descriptions there contain a depth of information, appeal, and passion that you won't find on any other site. Now that those descriptions are gone, and the localized distribution has effectively ceased, those games will no longer be known as well.

They may individually exist, but there is no standard for them, and they're scattered everywhere. You'll be forced to scavenge, and nobody ever scavenges for the unknown. Those games were in a museum with Underground Gamer, and now they're in random rubbish bins, likely compressed and ripped in horrible manners I've seen countless times before I found UG.

>> No.820042

All a matter of opinion really.

I liked a lot of them, as well as liked being able to archive copies of them.

>> No.820046

it's got sirtech in the title, duh

>> No.820047

>likely compressed and ripped in horrible manners I've seen countless times before I found UG.
I know what you mean, it's terrible finding a game in ISO or ripped format when it uses CD Audio.

That's one thing I really loved about UG, finding all those CloneCD (and similar formats) rips of games.

>> No.820045

Which DOS games were they? I'd like to learn about those.
>Jagged Alliance 2 (SirTech version)
How is that different from any of the others?

>> No.820049

Let's just hope that uploader will upload it on BCG.

>> No.820050
File: 787 KB, 1440x900, exodos1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is that different from any of the others?

This poster is mostly correct >>820046
and I don't particularly have a fetish for ultra-rare versions of common games (the games he listed are quite common to be found in comparable versions), but to answer your question: the original SirTech version was rated Mature, as it allowed your mercs to hire prostitutes at the flophouse in San Mona. This was removed from the Teen-rated "Gold Edition" of the game, which is the more common version you'll find today.


The most comprehensive collection of DOS games on the Internet was the eXoDOS collection, which came in multiple genre-related packs, and the interface looked like this. It was, as far as I know, exclusive to UG, and the creator collaborated with many people on there.

It's fucking awesome and everyone should get it while they still can.

>> No.820051

Well here's one
Least well, I was never able to find the full copy of this game until someone uploaded it (and some other rarities) to UG.

>> No.820052

>I wouldn't download any random obscure relic if I didn't have compelling information on it
Ummm...o.k. so learn to research shit. I'm sorry that the website that had the information collected and collated in a manner that was to your liking got taken down but that doesn't mean you can't still find cool old stuff, it just requires a bit more legwork. It isn't that hard, and it's rewarding.

>nobody ever scavenges for the unknown.
lol Really? How do you think all those games got dug up in the first place? Plenty of people scavenge for the unknown, and they're the guys that keep retro gaming awesome. Be one of them.

>> No.820056

No shit, Dumbass.

It has corpses and crows feeding upon dead bodies and can run version 1.07. JA2 Gold is version 1.1X by default and is not backwards compatible with version 1.07 which is the best official version of the game.

The 1.13 mod is nothing but a MOD that made dozens of unnecessary and excessive changes. 1.07 is the best version of the game.

>> No.820057
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1200, 1366963297446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the original SirTech version was rated Mature, as it allowed your mercs to hire prostitutes at the flophouse in San Mona. This was removed from the Teen-rated "Gold Edition" of the game, which is the more common version you'll find today.

Wow, what a shocking loss. This is a total travesty.

>> No.820059

>Ummm...o.k. so learn to research shit
For some games, that's near impossible to do. Especially if the game had a very very limited release or was a foreign-only game.

>> No.820061

I hope BCG doesn't close soon, everyone else is dying like flies.

Meh, at least no one cares about chinese cartoons.

>> No.820062

I don't appreciate your sarcasm you fat fuck.

JA2 introduced many bugs, and broke certain game mechanics such as throwing grenades.

>> No.820060

Hey guys can you tell me any sites to go to now that this is gone?

>> No.820065


Yes, because we're so awesome and cool that we should hoard shit and feel good about distribution and discovery being kept to the bare minimum, which is really just among ourselves, and "ourselves" being even scarcer than the population of UG.

That's a rather selfish perspective to take regarding the preservation of the medium.


If you read my post you'd see that I didn't agree with that particular example as something of irreplaceable value. I think the Gold Version is the definitive version of the game, because I'd rather have vital bugfixes than slight objectionable content.

>> No.820064

by "JA2" I meant "JA2 Gold"

>> No.820069


Tell me more.

The main problem I had with JA2 in general is that rooftops completely break the game once you know how to use them, because the AI don't. You can just switch stance on the rooftops and annihilate all the enemies in any sector. 1.13 purportedly fixes this, but as you mention it adds tons of ludicrous and unnecessary shit, not least of which being the "Drassen Counterattack" which is enabled by default and guaranteed to cheaply annihilate any new player for no good reason. It takes too many drastic liberties with the game in general.

>> No.820068


JA2 GOLD introduced more bugs. JA2 1.07 had LESS bugs.

Throwing Grenades didn't work properly in GOLD. using crowbars as melee weapons in GOLD didn't work properly

>> No.820072

1.13's difficulty is so overrated. It's like playing HoW on Icewind Dale. Difficult for the first few sections, but w/ the massive xp boost (or dropped items in the case of 1.13) your characters will be overpowered munchkins in no time

>> No.820073


I'm looking up "jagged alliance 2 gold grenade bug" or anything related to grenades as particular to JA2 Gold, and I'm not seeing anything.

Can you find sources? I'm not doubting you for the sake of doubting you; it's just that there has to be somewhere that documents the differences between versions in detail.

I bet Underground Gamer did, since they had them all.

Me, I never used grenades during the game, and can't fathom why you'd use any melee weapon let alone crowbars.

>> No.820078


1.13's main attraction seems to be adding shitloads of extra weapons, when the game was already teetering on landfill territory in the default Tons O' Guns mode. Heck, I stopped playing the game (latest Gold patch) about halfway through just because I was so overwhelmed by the amount of shit dropped on the floor of every sector with or without my squads. Before too long, enemy invasions are just regular presents and XP-fodder for your militia.

It's the best tactics game ever, by far, but it needs some serious rebalancing.

>> No.820081

check out bear's pit. the biggest ja2 forum

secondly, you never used melee weapons in JA2? You're missing out. crowbars do massive damage and only require 4 ap. if you have a hand2hand expert you can 2 hit ko most any enemy. well, yeah, why use a crowbar in a gunfight. but why not, huh? HUH?

>> No.820085
File: 16 KB, 267x274, man-drinking-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you read my post
Completely unrelated to anything, I never understood this turn of phrase. Of course people read each others' posts.

A: This is a message board, which requires people to read responses to topics. This is naturally understood in order to be online in a message board.
2: In order to reply to it, they need to click on the number of the post, which indicates they saw it was there and read it.
III: Half the time, the responding post is legible and coherent, which means that they can write as well.
*: The responding post is also frequently a direct response to a point brought up, which means they not only read it but wanted to address a specific facet. Which is a step up from reading.

I like to think everyone that uses this phrase is under the impression everyone online but them are primates flinging grandmas across the room at their keyboard, without any care as to what they're replying to.

>> No.820090

if you read my post, it's primates throwing keyboards at grandmothers, not vice versa

god, do you even pleb

>> No.820091


I'm Googling by "site:www.ja-galaxy-forum.com/" to be as specific as possible, and I'm telling you, I can't find jack about version differences.

And that's really weird because there are some obvious drastic ones between OG and Gold, and I'm not doubting you. The most immediate one that springs to mind is that the original came on 2 CDs, and the Gold version comes on one.

>Completely unrelated to anything, I never understood this turn of phrase. Of course people read each others' posts.

You responded to one specific portion of my post in sarcastic disregard of the rest, so it's apropos to criticize you for not reading my post.

Likewise, if you had read the post you quoted, you'd understand why I used that bothersome phrase. Because that phrase didn't just occur there by itself.

>> No.820092

It's mostly a way for neckbeards to feel superior by >implying

>> No.820094
File: 58 KB, 807x606, jagfolder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I have every version of the game downloaded thanks to UG, but is it worth it just to know? When it surely could be answered in a three-line forum post?

>> No.820095


Again, if you read my post, you will understand why I used that phrase.

An awful lot of bad reading comprehension is going around.

>> No.820097
File: 29 KB, 600x400, 343784205-sep-20-2012-1-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You responded to one specific portion of my post in sarcastic disregard of the rest
I never responded to you at all. You must have be confused with another anon.

>> No.820101

bro, i've been playing ja2 since it came out...

JA2 is an old game. and that forum is very old too- as a matter of fact I haven't posted there in about 5 years. The last time I did, it was to share some information on character traits that I discovered while scouring the open-source CODE for the game.

try going into the actual forum. make sure that you search "from the beginning" and if you can't find anything then you can't. you can either:

play through both games to the point where you can differentiate between the subtle differences in game mechanics.. or you can just take my word for it.

at the end of the day, JA2 is an old game and no one really cares about it anymore. which is sad...

>> No.820102


this is one of the things I hate about anons

I assumed >>820085 was the same poster as >>820057, which would make logical sense in narrative context.

The point, need I restate it, is that that poster quoted a specific part of my post in disregard of the rest. This occurs when one has not read a post sufficiently, or carefully, which I refer to in somewhat glib shorthand as "you didn't read my post".

Anyway this is a dumb derail and let's get back to the murder of videogames

>> No.820103

the original ja2 had 1 install CD and 1 play CD. 1.07 removed the cd check so the play CD became unnecessary

>> No.820107

where can i download no-intro versions of roms now that UG is dead?

theoldcomputer is one. but that site sucks. i want easy to use torrents.

>> No.820108

>try going into the actual forum. make sure that you search "from the beginning" and if you can't find anything then you can't. you can either:

That's ridiculous, dude.

Look, all the threads I've found suggest that the differences are trivial at best. They obviously don't know jack shit, but you haven't put any evidence on the table either.


That's the typical thread quality there. Google isn't bringing up anything better, or any posters more literate or informed, and no I am not going to sift through hundreds of threads of illiterate garbage just to get some empirical information regarding version differences. I am also not going to play through the entirety of two versions of the same game exhaustively just to fact-check nebulous claims a 4chan poster made about "grenades not thrown correctly" and "can't use crowbar as melee weapon". And, really, is that all?

You're just not making a very good case, and you're the only one claiming 1.07 is the definitive version. The only one! That makes your position somewhat valuable, in a sense, because any information you'd have is RARE, should you actually choose to provide it.

>> No.820109


It seems archive.org has some few tosect files for old pc game I did find a pc-98 torrent on archive.org if anyone wants it but i can't seem to find one for pc-88 games

>> No.820113

Fuck... this is so depressing, all those old obscure games, lost. The thing was that they had full versions of their games, no shitty RIPs which can be found everywhere.

>> No.820114


"can't use crowbar as melee weapon"

are you a fucking dumbass? i'm done with you. You have serious reading comprehension issues.

I'll give you 1 final advice.

Go to rpgcodex.net and create a thread there. Those nigger-lovers will school you raw.

Now fuck off you obsessive-compulsive piece of shit.

>> No.820117


Why wouldn't it just do what every other game did and have the install and play CD be the same thing? I don't get it. If they removed the CD check, and thus the second disc had no essential data, why couldn't they have it run off of one disc?

>> No.820120

Geezus fuck. i try to help you out and you put words into my mouth. i'm done.

rpgcodex . gothere

>> No.820123

>are you a fucking dumbass? i'm done with you. You have serious reading comprehension issues.

oh whoops let me scroll halfway up the page and quote you EXACTLY, so that now

"can't use crowbar as melee weapon"


"melee weapons in GOLD didn't work properly"

which means FUCK-ALL, and which you haven't elaborated upon in the slightest, and hardly means anything separate from what I misquoted you as saying, since quoting you exactly was irrelevant to most of what I wrote.

now that the quote is fixed, notice that none of what I wrote changes.

notice also that your petulant hissy-fit over the alteration of that one line does not help you in any case.

>> No.820121

and sorry for the outburst. that was rude and unnecessary of me.

>> No.820125


Last line of my post was written before I saw yours. I'm glad to see we're more self-aware on this board than others.

This isn't really an argument worth having, since there's no empirical support on either side, and you don't even feel interested enough to cite more than 2 examples of the Gold edition being somehow inferior. Whatever, then. Consider it dropped.

>> No.820128

>A vast portion of the early PC era which you've never heard of? Gone now. They could only be discovered on UG.
Well that's dumb. Why didn't they have a backup site, or something to that effect? Did they think they were invulnerable? Because that's just stupid.

>> No.820131


A backup site wouldn't be any harder to take down or threaten (or discover, in general) than their main site. Last I checked, there are 290 people idling in the #ug IRC room, and any one of them could be the mole responsible for the whole mess.

>> No.820145

Still, the utter lack of a plan in case of takedown shows naivety and foolishness on the staff's part. You just don't run a massive torrent site like UG and not expect to get taken down at some point.

>> No.820149

And what would you propose they do exactly?

>> No.820156


They did have a plan. It's called "not getting sued or arrested". They executed it well in advance. It's going quite well.

I have no idea what would be feasible beyond that.

>> No.820159

I'm not entirely sure of how these things work, but they could at least have kept offline backups, or had somewhere for the members to go.

>inb4 IRC channel
It wasn't set up by the staff. I know, because I'm buddies with the guy that did set it up.

>> No.820184

I'm so completely underwhelmed by humanity right now.

Rest in peace.

>> No.820213

good thing i have a copy of ja2 which came with a magazine, and an original ja2 ub
and a few years ago bought a bundle in a shitty mall

>> No.820317
File: 1.88 MB, 400x225, fuck this gay earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



..Didn't they make backups of everything? Maybe someone can re-upload it all to BlackCats?

>> No.820367
File: 959 KB, 152x144, tumblr_mhvhfsanq31rc7xwxo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my 15.0 ratio means nothing now and I couldnt download everything I wanted

>> No.820413

All the more reason to stop using private trackers

>> No.820419

Because the site went down?

Every public tracker will go down as well in time. I'm glad I was able to download what I could while I had the chance, especially stuff that I could only get on UG.

>> No.820427

Now you're just being silly.

>> No.820426

Correction: All the more reason to stop using bit torrent entirely

>> No.820432

Am I?

>> No.820452

I remember that I bookmarked Dominion: Storm Over Gift 3 on UG and never snatched it - fuck me

and I'm probably the only one here who played that shit

>> No.820460


If those games were any good, they would have been mirrored on other sites. If nobody wanted to play them, then otherwise.

>> No.820467


The one on GOG is rated M. Is that it?

>> No.820470

obscurity != quality

>> No.820479 [DELETED] 

Just out of curiosity, if I wanted to share something with you guys you only need a magnet link right?


>> No.820481

torrents are peer to peer there is no server

>> No.820483

they have backups, from what I heard, that's all

>> No.820487
File: 18 KB, 627x448, torrent thingy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that's all.

>> No.820490


So you're basically agreeing with me.

>> No.820493

But will it share without a tracker?

Also, aren't they private?

>> No.820495

Okay cool, I saw the peers pop up so it seems to work entirely without a tracker thanks to DHT.

>> No.820496

Nope. I'm just saying they aren't correlative.
Not if the torrent has DHT enabled. I'm downloading his link at a breezy 10kb/s.

>> No.820498

I thought DHT had to be off?

Anyhow, here's the 4 things I'd DLed from there. Not all retro, mind you. Tell me if they work.

Fire Emblem ROMS:

Video Game Sheets Collection

Chrono Trigger Resurrection OST

Alpha Storm Clone

>> No.820502

I'm trying to figure out why that might be happening, on my end it isn't showing it uploading at all and it should be going at least 100kb/s.

>> No.820510

DHT has to be *on* for it to work without a tracker. DHT basically connects everybody who uses bittorrent together in a gigantic mesh network. When you ask for a file, it sends the hash of the torrent around the network, and when it finds a response, it connects you to that peer.
Not sure how it builds/connects to the network initially, mind. Voodoo, I'm guessing.
Hrm, it just died on my end.

>> No.820517

I found the problem, some how while creating the torrent it had overwritten the file.

>> No.820519

no but the torrents themselves still exist

the UG website just hosted magnet links which are basically little bits of text that tell your torrent client how to connect to the torrent

as long as one person has the torrent file and the actual file on their computer the torrent still exists

>> No.820525

But I'm pretty sure most of the torrents are DHT disabled, so they aren't sharable in their current state.

>> No.820523

>Nope. I'm just saying they aren't correlative.

You're saying good games don't ride word-of-mouth among literally hundreds of thousands of enthusiasts who communicate with one another around the world at the speed of light in a free market?

Yeah, no.

If a game is obscure in the year 2013, it isn't good. There's a reason nobody talks about Spaceship Warlock and people do talk about The 7th Guest -- one is the dog's balls, the other is the bee's knees.

>> No.820542

>only the majority has the 'right' opinion
You're retarded.

>> No.820547

Connecting to peers forever...

Damn. I wanted the music sheets.

>> No.820557


Kid, I'm talking about games that not even the minority gives a shit about.

>> No.820567
File: 8 KB, 600x69, not happening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.820576 [DELETED] 


>> No.820601 [DELETED] 

Let's try this one more time.

No-Intro NES Collection (2013-01-17)

>> No.820615

Man, fuck everything. It feels weird to say this, but UG was a big part of my life. It had a great community really dedicated to preserving games, and one of the first and last PHPBB-style forums I was active on. Despite having rarely visited the site in recent years (I still have pakkiso sets instead of t7z ones), I'm STILL being entertained by all the ROMs and other collections I downloaded from there as a teenager. RIP nigga.

Hypothetically speaking, if one wanted to host a private tracker or file archive, is there anywhere in the world where you'd be totally safe from repercussion? I know there are countries that don't give a fuck unless pressured by the US, but is there anywhere that you could operate in the open from and be completely safe from harm?

True P2P is the most practical solution in this day and age, I'm just curious.

>> No.820625

Not working here, it can't even grab the metainfo.
Happy to report that Intelligent Cube is now downloading at a much more reasonable 80kb/s now.

>> No.820632

wtf is all this reliance on private trackers? are you all americans scared of being shipped to Guantanamo bay or is this like an exclusive hipster club thing? like what the hell?

>all those great classics.. lost in the wind.

just make a torrent and upload it on a public tracker you helpless retard. nothing disappears from the internet anyway.

>> No.820647

>Not downloading your things on USENET, FTP or even IRC
It was your own fault this happened.

>> No.820651


because not many people really cared about what was on UG outside of the people who specialized in it, If you tried to re-host what they had on any other type of public trackers you'd get at best 1 (maybe 2 seeders) and it would probably be dead within a month

>> No.820661

Just host it yourself, problem solved.

There's a bunch of stuff I have uploaded on public trackers and will keep hosting until the end of time.

>> No.820663

You know what I find funny about this whole situation?

The fact that random fucking people on the Internet are more reliable when it comes to providing things then businesses dedicated to making and providing games

I mean it'll probably take twenty years to even get 10% of what was hosted there to become digitally available to the public again

>> No.820907

There's a script/program you can get from their backup forums that runs through your UG torrents, removing the UG tracker and making them DHT ready.

>> No.820916

Suppose you could try using some form of obscure P2P software like KDX, or even go the more traditional route of say a DC++ hub or an IRC channel where people share things through DCC.

Which there's a DC++ hub that someone made to sorta replace UG (for now), it's not all too bad.

>> No.820937

Underground Gamer had a nice community and a lot of rare stuff, but it had a lot of dupes and crap uploaded by people trying to boost their ratio as well.

I'm patiently waiting for someone to make something like bakabt for old games, with rigid standards and an autistically curated collection.

>> No.820971

This could be a /vr/ project, like that console wiki. I'm not particularly good with webdev, but I could certainly assist with organizing collections and sorting out standards.

>> No.821083

I actually started http://orangestar.ajf.me/games/ recently because I was hoping to preserve old obscure games. I knew there was probably a site already, but I only just now learned about it.
If you've got a game you'd like me to preserve, I'll gladly put it up there. Email me it in .zip form or something.

(Inb4 you gon get in trouble b/c obscure links)

>> No.821089

Whoops, E-Mail.

>> No.821103

Your /games page gives me a 403, as does /drogz, whatever the hell that is

>> No.821114

Gotta get dat slash.

>> No.821115


>> No.821120
File: 31 KB, 500x461, 1343385063982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ratio was like 80 on BG, something like 1.5TB/20GB
>BG went down
>first private tracker I was on
>try to get into other ones
>no one trusts me, don't know anyone that's in them
>it would be easy as dicks if I could just show them my ratio on BG

I'm the kind of person that tracks down hard to find stuff and puts in in convenient, high quality packages too. All this opulent data, wasted.

>> No.821125

My first ever private tracker, it will be missed. I'd really like to know what kind of fucktard gets off working for these copyright watchdog companies, clearly they are leading rich and fulfilling lives.

I don't think it is really over yet, the site has been rebuilt before after losing absolutely everything.

>> No.821216

All this bullshit over Fifa '98 and other games that nobody's selling anymore. Games that would have fallen into complete oblivion if it wasn't for people sharing them. Those "copyright watchdogs" can go die in a fire for all I care.

>> No.821225
File: 6 KB, 520x41, ratioking12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my 15.0 ratio means nothing now and I couldnt download everything I wanted

yeah, imagine how I felt then.

I was about to break 100tb.

>> No.821242
File: 49 KB, 390x310, 1342375001562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>33billion ratio

>> No.821249

>33bil ratio
>2.51kb downloaded
>80tb uploaded
>84k spirit
>69 mails
holy shit

>> No.821251


Get out.

>> No.821253

It was around 44 billion when they closed.

>> No.821256

also, I ran a script every night on their peasent adoption crap, so I actually had donated terabytes away to some 3-4000 people.

>> No.821257

That's not a bad idea, even if I would likely be useless for it.

>> No.821285

>>821257 (Guy you're responding to)
I've actually wanted to do something like this for a long time. Make a really good archive of forgotten games, chronicle the uncharted frontiers. It's a dumb wet dream, but it's mine, damnit.
Shame I lack the knowledge to make such a site. I should probably learn PHP.

>> No.821304


Not that guy, but this is the most pleasant response I've seen to a negative post in a while.

>> No.821452

That's you king of comso ! thanks man for helping me out that one time :)

>> No.821504

what the hell were you uploading??

>> No.821507 [DELETED] 


Your Google-fu is weak, grasshopper.


>> No.821525

Your Google-fu is weak, grasshopper.


>> No.821546

Just add it to https://www.google.com/#q=

So https://www.google.com/#q=jagged+alliance+2+iso+-torrent

Anyway, that's not the sirtech version, you retard.

>> No.821553

Teach a man to fish, and he gets pissy when the fist thing he catches is a minnow instead of a tuna.

>> No.821558

What are you trying to say? You haven't taught anyone here anything they don't already know.

>> No.821564

Fuck, UG had so many things that I legitimately could not find anywhere else. So many shitty obscure games from my childhood are pretty much gone forever now. Good thing I never deleted anything I got there

>> No.821619

You're a moron. You proved nothing. actually you proved that you couldn't find the sir-tech version of Jagged Alliance 2.

>> No.821643
File: 40 KB, 370x587, 1364274326740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.821646

If *YOU* have them, then they haven't been lost. Put them back up.

>> No.821692
File: 48 KB, 150x200, _smile2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome! Anything for Our fans.

>> No.821710

>I'm glad I was able to download what I could while I had the chance, especially stuff that I could only get on UG.

Same. It was also easy to trust that anything posted on UG wouldn't contain a virus of some sort

>> No.821813

>There's a reason nobody talks about Spaceship Warlock and people do talk about The 7th Guest -- one is the dog's balls, the other is the bee's knees.

I can name at least twenty games that most people haven't heard of which are better than The 7th Guest.

>> No.821818


Make that fifty, and make them all from the same era or earlier.

>> No.821908
File: 672 KB, 683x935, 1354240362000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not even mad. Just incredibly sad that all those games that were neatly archived on the site are now gone. There were so many hard to find games on there that I still had not got around to playing yet and probably never will.

>> No.821913

fucking nigger shit cock bitch
I am not happy about this at all.
Someone here should reupload many of the torrents from UG to BCG or a public tracker.
Whatfuckingever who gives a shit about copyright.

>> No.821946

Do you even know what Jagged Alliance 2 is?

>> No.821952


>Unofficial UG's Refugee Board

>> No.821961

>>Unofficial UG's Refugee Board
Or just use the IRC.


>> No.822848


Wait, you were KingofCosmos on UG? Holy shit, you're like a celebrity.

>> No.823020

Isn't the tracker still up?
I swear I downloaded some n64 games just the other day from a torrent I had going.

>> No.823030

Silly Goyim, downloading abandonware is illegal, you should have gone to GoG.

>> No.823047



>> No.823048


besides, GoG doesn't have FIFA '98.


nope! dead is dead!

>> No.823224
File: 101 KB, 600x450, 1351757339667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some seeders left for the GoG collections. Been downloading all the games I want before it dies for good. One of them only has like 4 seeders left.

>> No.823363

So theres some site backup with torrent links around?
sauce plz

>> No.823528


>> No.823706

>As of now, consider it gone forever.

Kill. Me.

>> No.823757

Although technically not video-game related the last thing I downloaded was a pallidium tabletop rpg pack from there, I could reup that somewhere else if I must.

>> No.825264

Don't know of any sites but the torrents I have been seeding still have people seeding them allowing you to download them. The GoG ones were like 234 gigs and I only downloaded and seeded like 30 of them. Now I am getting the rest before people stop seeding.

>> No.825318
File: 110 KB, 1013x498, ratioking10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? I pretty much did it for laughs.

>> No.825327


How did you do that, exactly?

>> No.825384

Downloaded the smallest possible torrent on UG, then kept seeding stuff I got from PD (dreamcast gdi collections, etc). I did it just to see how much I could break the design with an impossibly long ratio.

I wish I took screenshots more frequently, when UG closed I had ~99tb uploaded and a 44 billion ratio.

>> No.825430
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1352539102431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you sneaky goose.

>> No.826696

Well shit.
Any other decent private trackers out there?

>> No.826735

Not really. Gazelle is gone, Bit Gamer is gone, and Black Cat is....mediocre at best

>> No.826772
File: 107 KB, 524x463, BarksInternally.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God I downloaded all the games I wanted in the last freeleech event.

After BG went down, I became paranoid about UG. Looks like that paranoia paid off.

>> No.826801

Just reading this thread makes me wish I was on UG. Sounded fun

>> No.826816

Is there still somewhere I can find this edition?

>> No.826826

Welp, time to try and make BCG better.

>> No.826832

I know this is a stupid idea, hence sage, but what if /vr/ made their own torrent site for archivist's sake? Or just went out to places like Blackcats and such and put together awesome torrents?

>> No.826902

I like it. No idea how I could help.

>> No.826916

>Sounded fun.
Well, the moderators and other bigwigs were the same self-righteous shitbags you encounter in any online community, but the actual tracker and its sheer amount of content really were fantastic.

>> No.826938

That's what I mean by "fun". Private trackers are something relatively new to me. I only have a BakaBT account, and UG sounded like a place I'd enjoy.

>> No.826945
File: 181 KB, 471x344, richtermeattransp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A new vidya tracker launched called BitGamer.ch, but it's the same in name only. Hopefully it ends up better than BCG in the future.

>> No.826947

It'll have blackjack, and hookers!
In fact forget the torrent site!

Seriously though, no chance in hell for our own because of cost. Making torrents to spice up mediocre sites though, that could be an idea. I would certainly help seed that.

>> No.826978


There was a /vr/ share site, but it failed...


>> No.827004

That site is a minefield right now, stay away from it.

It's just some guy setting up a default torrent tracker install with the bitgamer logo; anyone can do that, however re-using such a popular name without any ties to the original team may mean that the guy is counting on a lot of signups, and he may count on that for his own malicious reasons (password stealing, etc.

>> No.827245


You can do this?

After UG shut down, my torrent client just told me that it kept looking for peers and couldn't find any.

>> No.827250

Does anyone have any BCG invites?

I would love to get involved.

>> No.827370

Yes, if you keep your client open, it'll still be connected to any other people on the torrent. The tracker is only used to periodically update the list of people who are on the torrent, and keep track of ratios. You can even do things like connect once to get the list of seeders, then edit out the tracker link from the torrent, and then "ghost leech" - you won't report your ratio to the tracker (most trackers will ban you for this IF you are caught).

However once everyone disconnects, or you stop the torrent, that's it.

>> No.827525

I signed up for BCG when registration was open, but I never got my confirmation email, and now registration is closed.

How do I get my foot in the door?

>> No.827528

Check to see if the email ended up in your spam?

>> No.827529

wasn't it found that this is the same guy that did it with demonoid and other dead trackers as well?
there is no doubt that is what this guy is up to

>> No.827543

I did, of course, but to no avail

>> No.827598 [DELETED] 

Unless you registered with something other than Gmail, you're pretty much screwed bro. Sorry

>> No.827603

If you registered with something other than Gmail, you're screwed

>> No.827614

that is the most ugly front end I have ever seen

>> No.827628

I'd say a public tracker, let's not turn BCG into a tracker you have to be a part of if you want to be a "real" /vr/ poster the way /mu/ has with what.cd

>> No.827654

your mother has the ugliest front end i've ever seen

>> No.828061

yet it has tons of information and appears quite functional for archival purposes.

I kind of like it, but I understand how a simpleminded little snot like you wouldn't because it's not all pretty for you.

>> No.829206


TheFifthHorseman personally helped me find a game I wanted the other day on IRC. Those staff were in charge of and responsible for the greatest videogame site on the internet bar none, and no anonymous shitstain like you has any basis to criticize them, their behavior, or their policy.

>> No.829220

Not that guy, but it does look like shit. No need to be a prissy little faggot about it, he didn't comment on the functionality.

>> No.829224

>no anonymous shitstain like you has any basis to criticize them, their behavior, or their policy

Not the same guy here but jesus christ you need to calm the fuck down, take a breath, and get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.829242

While >>829224
got the gist of it, it's really cute that you implied that his anonymity has any bearing on the importance of his opinions. Doubly ironic since just about everyone on this site would argue your opinions are worthless by default for being a tripfag.

To reiterate, no one gives a shit about you or those other queers as individuals.

>> No.829286


I'm not upset. I'm just easily taken to righteous polemic, and I'm sick of seeing this general sentiment:

>the moderators and other bigwigs were the same self-righteous shitbags you encounter in any online community

Spouted by any worthless person as if they are entitled to criticize those who have to deal with their shit constantly in order to ensure a high standard of quality, which UG adamantly maintained.

Anyone with a problem with authority will never be an authority on anything. Anyone who is not an expert has no right to criticize experts in their field of expertise. In this case, they are moderators of the greatest videogame site, and he is a typical 4chan subhuman. Appreciate the difference.

>> No.829298

>worthless person as if they are entitled to criticize

Wow. Fuck you, buddy. How's that for criticism.

>Anyone with a problem with authority will never be an authority on anything.

You really, really don't belong on 4chan.

>> No.829305


An opinion without a source is inherently less valuable than an opinion with a source. Regardless, I assumed nothing outside of what he himself admitted.

Anyone who believes in this as a general sentiment, applied to "any online community",

>the moderators and other bigwigs were the same self-righteous shitbags you encounter in any online community

has basically condemned himself to 4chan forever, and as such is not worthy of anything besides 4chan. Obviously, I or any sensible person wouldn't place much stock in his opinions then.

>To reiterate, no one gives a shit about you or those other queers as individuals.

A person who is not an individual is not a person. I don't care for subhumans as much as you resent human beings. Likewise, I don't care whether or not they disregard my posts on the basis of me bearing an identity, because that indicates they were so fucking stunted they wouldn't have understood them if they read them. There is no conversation possible.

I like to believe that most anons here do not resent humanity. As such, they wouldn't resent me simply for trying to be distinct from a subhuman, collective entity.

>You really, really don't belong on 4chan.

That's true. Regardless, I like this board, and I don't like bringing up the tripfag/anon debate. This thread has gone fine until the shitstain, and I have moved beyond that now. It is done.

>> No.829312

>I don't care for subhumans as much

JUST* as much.

>> No.829316

To clarify: no, I do not think I am unduly important in any regard, but I am not the one criticizing the ones who are.

>> No.829319

>I have moved beyond that now. It is done.

Nope, it's not. You don't get to decide when a discussion ends, not just because you say so. Shit doesn't work that way on 4chan. Which is why I said you don't belong here.

If you're going to stay on 4chan after this, I would drop the trip, because no one is going to take you seriously when you're using it after what you've posted in this thread.

>> No.829325

Where is the archive?

>> No.829330

>You don't get to decide when a discussion ends

Actually, I do get to decide. And so do you. Once either party has stopped discussing it, then there is no more discussion. Anything proceeding from that point is a monologue. I am no longer discussing the shitstain, so there is no more discussion. Do you understand that?

If anyone else were discussing it, which is to say if anyone else *cared*, then I would only be able to decide for myself. Since it is only me and presumably you, the discussion ends when either of us say so.

>If you're going to stay on 4chan after this, I would drop the trip, because no one is going to take you seriously when you're using it after what you've posted in this thread.

I have over 6,000 posts on this tripcode alone.

There is no pride in this statement. It only renders yours as utter nonsense. Nothing is going to change just because you say it will, because you are not even a "you" and nothing you say matters.

I'm done.

>> No.829340


>> No.829342

Seriously, there's always an archive.

>> No.829341

stupid idiotic private tracker scum, upload your shit to every torrent site you can and stop hoarding it all.

>> No.829348

Seriously we need to archive this, this is gold. IT'S GOLD, JERRY

>> No.829350



welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay

>> No.829514

I've taken a class on it and web programming at the very least, if you need assistance.

>> No.831148

I've hoarded alot of obscure games and files that need a home myself. I have hope a new site will come, but the amount of work and energy put into UG cannot be easily replaced, if even possible

>> No.831176

90% of that effort came from the userbase, so as long as a decent new site comes in, people will move there and things will continue.

I'm just hoping that whatever comes next will have a proper sorting / categorization system. The one UG used was ancient.

>> No.833257

Wait, are you KingofCosmos? You helped me out once.

>> No.833332

They had a "peasant adoption" part which listed out people with low ratio every midnight, and I cycled through every user on that list almost every night before going to bed.

Last time I could check, I had donated to ~3000 people.