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8194294 No.8194294 [Reply] [Original]

It was actually really easy.
There was a spot where when you walked there, lightning struck and then immediately struck again when you dodged.
So all you had to do was walk to the spot, hit 'a', hit 'a'. And then walk back to the spot. Repeat x 100.
Literally got it my first time and every replay.

>> No.8194304

oh yeah? Which spot is that, show me please.

>> No.8194308

I don't have an emulator or anything hooked up. Hopefully someone else knows the spot and can show. If not I'll see about recording from the TV.

>> No.8194356

It has nothing to do with difficulty. It has everything to do with not being even remotely enjoyable. I mean I know it's a video game which are wastes of time in general, but you literally just sat there and hit a single button to a flashing queue 100 times in a row

>> No.8194379

So you're either unbelievably lucky to have discovered an exploit on your first attempt, or you knew about it going in.
Either way you can't comment on difficulty doing it like that.

>> No.8194391


Actually I didn't know they were supposed to be random. I thought they were at fixed points. Which apparently some are random and some have trigger points.

>> No.8194406

>hit 'a'
disgusting behaviour

>> No.8194483 [DELETED] 

There may be more than one spot, but I know the one I use. It's been years, but if I fired up the game I could run straight to it. It's marked by a particular terrain detail, a misshapen oblong shape on the ground, slightly larger than the other...misshapen oblong blobs, in a slight depression.

>> No.8194495

There may be more than one spot, but I know the one I use. It's been years, but if I fired up the game I could run straight to it. It's marked by a particular terrain detail, a misshapen oblong shape on the ground, maybe slightly larger than the other...misshapen oblong blobs, in a slight depression.

>> No.8194509

That was before the remaster tho. fuckin HD terrain

>> No.8194824

Because it's asinine.

>> No.8194828

thunder plains is really the distillation of final fantasy
keep pressing A to make a number go up. when it goes up enough, other numbers will go up too.

>> No.8195031

I never found any exploit spot, but the whole thing becomes much easier when you take breaks every 25 by pausing. The Chocobo race on the plains is also easier than people let on, but I've also done it multiple times. For a first time player, the butterfly catching is probably going to be the worst.

>> No.8195047

Yeah, I'm sure you just got it your first time.

>> No.8195145

On a crt I can do this easily, on flat-screens esp with the HD Remasters the input lag makes it almost impossible

>> No.8195185
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>on flat-screens esp with the HD Remasters the input lag makes it almost impossible
Thank god I'm not the only one that noticed.

>> No.8195237

It's that little bit more of input lag, them old games are not made to compensate for that. So when they get HD ports they don't change the timing or whatever so it becomes an impossible task. First time I really noticed this was playing legend of the dragoon via the ps3s backwards compatibility back when the ps3 was new. Struggled hitting the timing stuff during combat, went back to my ps1 still plugged into my crt and hit it every time. Now for legend of the dragoon you can adjust but for the lighting in ff10, it's all reaction time.

>> No.8195243

It's fucking boring and stupid, FFX has the worst minigames, if this counts as one.

>> No.8195562

Hell I did it my first time too, with save states. Feel like the Chocobo one would be even harder beating legit though. But I always prefer really hard and short over hard and long so no homo.

>> No.8195575


>> No.8195623
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Based humble vocaroonon.
Same could be said for the majority of the side quests in 10 inparticular with Blitzball being the worst offender.

>> No.8195626

it's a lot easier if you use the dpad to turn instead of the analog stick; binary input works better for fast turns
agree with this, much of the butterfly catching is learning the more awkward positions which are visually deceptive
not to mention it's for a useless character

>> No.8195647


yeah i didn't do that fuckin' blitzball shit. thrice. and i like wakka.

>> No.8195671

Okay blitzball was actually easy though. Once you play it a couple times you literally never lose again.

If you've played sports games through the eras blitzball is like a really basic tech demo version of one. Which is why I think it's funny it's always been so beloved. I bet it's the same people who always trashed sports games.

>> No.8195721

Maybe I'm special ed, but I did not understand blitzball. The tutorial was pretty shit.

>> No.8195728

blitzball's never been 'beloved' lol, it's divisive at best and gets very boring very quickly. the whole scouting to build a broken team can be amusing, but once I completed Wakka's weapon I never wanted to play a match of that shit ever again.

>> No.8195962

I recall it being somewhere in the northern section in a small nook, perhaps with a crater, but every time you set foot there lightning strikes, meaning you can clear this in about five minutes. I do agree it's shit though, thankfully Lulu is completely useless in the postgame and you can craft weapons just as good as onion knight anyway.

>> No.8195963

Probably are. BB boils down to "This stat is tested against a roll that is 50-150% of that stat"

>> No.8195971

Imagine a world where Kimahri's blue magic cost MP and his OD was to cast all of the stat de/buff abilities he had at max potency.

>> No.8196936

This sort of stuff is why it took me so long to get more into Final Fantasy. Also, wasn't the fucking skipping role minigame in IX more of a hellish experience?

>> No.8197581

I guess the fact that I looked at which players to recruit helped a lot but otherwise, once you understand the game I never lost. And it was just a question of how much I would win by. It was almost always 5-0 every match. And yea, I stopped as soon as I got the weapon. I always always heard about blitzball being amazing from X fans since it came out. I didn't play it until a couple years ago.

It's a really jank, much easier soccer. Once you know what stat level you should be at(at the time of shot, not overall stats) and how close to the goal you get a guaranteed goal.

Helps a lot if you get Jecht's shot but it's not necessary. That helps more at the beginning when everyone's stats are low.

>> No.8197596

Basically run towards the goal while staying away from defenders as much as possible and when they start closing in pass to someone else and keep doing it till you get near the goal and then you can see if your stat level at that moment is high enough where you will get the goal. It's really that simple. Look up what characters to recruit. I didn't go for all the best, I just looked at the first guide and took the closest people that they said were good enough.

>> No.8198146

Bada da da, Bada da da, dadada, Bada da da, Dada Dada dada dada *orchestra hit*
Bada da da, Bada da da, dadada
dun dun dun dun
dun dun
dun dun

>> No.8198162

Nothing related to lightning within the context of Final Fantasy has ever been pleasant.

>> No.8198295

Except for XIII of course. Lightning Returns especially. I didn't finish it yet but she basically becomes Jesus in that game. She is known as the savior and on a mission from XIII's god to save as many souls before the end of the world. She doesn't care about it, she's just trying to save her sister. Wild shit b.

>> No.8199561

Save her sister again?
What is up with them?

>> No.8199843
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I fuckin heard it and saw it thanks to the gif. I need help.

>> No.8200230

>all you have to do is look up a spot that can force lightning to come down!
Do you know how retarded you sound?

>> No.8200238

It's not actually that bad if you have no-encounter equipped. The main thing that makes it frustrating is trying to do this shit while also doing battles.

>> No.8200726

Flat screens used to be this way, large ones especially. A modern one has unnoticable input lag. It's not a flat screen is automatically bad thing, it's the variance in flat screens that most consumers are completely unaware of.

>> No.8200775

There's actually multiple spots.

>> No.8200845

This is the game where I realized completionism is stupid. If it stops being fun just stop doing it.

I got this weapon and a couple others. But why?

>> No.8200923

Played the ffx HD port recently with a ps4 on a LG Cx, it had enough lag to make it hard

>> No.8200972

XIII-2 made the story retarded. It involved time travel which almost always is handled terribly and turns stories into gigantic messes. And Serah is the protag along with a new character named Noel. Lightning Returns is fucking cool though. I really dig that angle, and I do really like Lightning. Very much changed the combat system, which I also really liked but LR has a really cool one too.

>> No.8200984

Also with Lightning saving souls, all the side quests add to the amount of souls saved. So you do a side quest, but it's usually made out to be about helping someone, and then after you complete it you see their soul come out and go into the sky every time(they still live though, just shows their soul was saved). And you need to save a certain amount and finish the story missions before the end or you get a bad ending and have to start over. Lightning is only doing it to save her sister but she talks about the people she saves in an endearing way and all that. But she can still be sharp every now and then like she's known for in the original. She's mostly nice though by that point.