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File: 71 KB, 1125x545, 54D7EAC9-D5EE-4A48-8B0D-AB0E3A203A89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8194846 No.8194846 [Reply] [Original]

It’s finally done

>> No.8194849

soulless, soul

>> No.8194850

nah nerrel's shit is one of the few texture packs out there that actually retain the soul of the original games

>> No.8194858

I don't know who the fuck "nerrel" is but the right eye looks nothing like the one on the left.

>> No.8194862


>> No.8194867

go outside more loser.

>> No.8194874

reminder that all mods are soulless because they are made by people with the time to "improve" an existing work who simultaneously lack the creative ability to make anything original.

>> No.8194880

No longer shall it remain not done

>> No.8194883

How do you know that? Have you met them?

>> No.8194907

what even is this? the only thing that looks like shit in mm3d is the moon, but even if that looked good, almost everything else in the game is shit except for the bomber's notebook being more useful and the song of double time letting you skip to whatever time you want. and oot3d is just solid altogether, nothin real shitty there looks wise or gameplay wise. take this shit thread back to /v/

>> No.8194917

It's part of a texture pack for the original MM

>> No.8194920

right looks looks like default sims 2 sim eyes

>> No.8194930


>> No.8194937 [DELETED] 

k keep me posted

>> No.8194990

As always the original looks better.

>> No.8195014


>> No.8195038

Looks terrible and didn't even retain the original shapes in the original, the width of things, the length, balance, corners of the eye being done properly, colors, etc... Pretty much everything is fucked up and I'm guessin the people who made this abomination are in the thread and will flame+report anyone who criticizes it.

>> No.8195049


>> No.8195050

Why did they give him faggot eyebrows? The game is gay enough as it is

>> No.8195054


>> No.8195059

Trim and shape your fucking eyebrows.
>b-bwut it lwooks gwaaaay
You fucking troglodyte.

>> No.8195083

I plan on blowing my Zelda nut on the OOT decomp when it comes out pretty soon.
Maybe I'll come back to MM in a few years. They might do a decomp of that but probably not in a hurry.

>> No.8195094

Same, can't wait. Thanks for beta testing hardwarecucks

>> No.8195107

Hi gayfag boy

>> No.8195112

Post your fucking goblin nails.

>> No.8195121

No thanks homo I'm not giving you fap material

>> No.8195165
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks alright in areas like Snowhead and Great Bay Temples in some cases, other times not so much, though I'm biased and think MM's vanilla textures look mostly fine already.

I have more of an issue with this film/dirt, grain-like effect he's added to what looks to be most of the textures that don't need it.
It's probably to give that effect of how they'd look irl, but it's on nearly everything and it doesn't look good. I also think having such sharp/detailed, high resolution textures in a low poly game just comes off fuckin' jarring. Maybe if they had more of a softness to them it'd be fine. Watching his vids. in 720p makes the sharpness not as harsh and looks perfect.
Also his textures for Link SUCK. The colors of his hair and sword strap are all wrong, shield is overly busy with detail and his original eyes are fine, dammit!

TL;DR Decent enough effort than most HD texture packs.

>> No.8195195

hes turning into tingle

>> No.8195234

>Also his textures for Link SUCK. The colors of his hair and sword strap are all wrong, shield is overly busy with detail and his original eyes are fine, dammit!
If you fuck up the one character you spend 75% of the game seeing front and center you just fucked up

>> No.8195253
File: 481 KB, 797x966, brehs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're THIS close.
The amount of effort people have already put into making mods for these games despite that being notoriously difficult, combined with what people have already done post Mario 64's release has me very excited. Both for improvements to the game/engine as well as whatever new content people decide to make with it.
It's gonna be a 60fps Christmas this year.

People lament about how hard it is to make custom bosses and other things so I hope this will enable creators to just go as buck wild as they actually want to without being limited by the constraints of binary patching.

I wonder how long it will take for the other variants to follow after mq oot gets to 100%.

>> No.8195257

What would this even do? Would this make it as easy to develop a zelda game as if it were the unity engine ?
I'm not very good at coding but making a zelda romhack has been a dream of mine for a long time

>> No.8195263

>Would this make it as easy to develop a zelda game as if it were the unity engine ?
Not as easy as unity. Maybe in the future we will get something like Toad's Tool 64, or whatever Mario 64 has.

>> No.8195298
File: 22 KB, 161x188, mips the rabbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When complete, people will have a version of the source code that produces an exact matching copy of the rom. While it doesn't have the original documentation and may not match the original implementation exactly in the source, the machine code produced will be 1:1.
Effectively giving people the same capabilities as the original developers had to change the game to any degree they can / want to.

The most common thing you can imagine is porting it from MIPS/N64 to x86/Win32, then most likely changing how the engine deals with framerate so that you can have variable framerates without breaking the game (unlocking it from 24fps to whatever your machine can handle).

As well as anything else. If you can read the code and extend it, you can just add whatever you want. Depending on how well the decomp team has documented things and how people will refine that going forward as well as making 3rd party tools will determine how easy this is. As well as the quality of the original code / architecture of the project.

Like understanding what the map format looks like, making programs to edit them, and patching them into the game somehow. Etc.

Look at what people are doing with Mario 64
These are still technically derived from the original version. And there's plenty more because it's as easy as extending any open source project without requiring arcane knowledge of many extra layers of reverse engineering and unique hardware just to get started. Or unique variants causing all kinds of incompatible patch combinations.

You can imagine something similar will happen for the Zelda games.

>> No.8195305
File: 230 KB, 500x476, 1630779802975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3% up in September
god damn it
>It's gonna be a 60fps Christmas this year.
Not only that, SM64 got draw distance mod as well. Maybe they will even fix FP aiming by that time.

>> No.8195410

He's right though, tranny.

>> No.8195484


>> No.8195635

sure, if you don't want to play at native resolution

>> No.8195639

e-celeb cancer

>> No.8195941

>Link from Majora's Mask
>an e-celeb
It's Link from the N64 game Majora's Mask.

>> No.8195947

Nobody gives a fuck about your soulless texture pack. Nerrel.

>> No.8195952

I'm guessing this is some kind of stealth self promotion spam considering you're bringing up some literally who just to "complain" about them by name. Can you at least try talking about the game if you're going to do that.

>> No.8196312

Reminder that you're a no fun allowed faggot, and people can make whatever they like and they don't have to justify it to a turd like you. I'll be playing Smash Remix, FFVII New Threat, OOT Randomizer and enjoying them far more than the vanilla game, while you can play the same game over and over.

>> No.8196320

It can be quite easily verified that a lot of people care.

>> No.8196326

you're welcome to be a fat virgin faggot dude, no skin off my back. i'm just calling a spade a spade.

>> No.8196342

LMAO, I regularly squat 3 plate and run 15k a week. You literally have no argument. The only people that insist on playing a game vanilla are literally seething autists like yourself. If I have played a game to death, mods are the best way to freshen the experience. Cope and live in your little autist box.

>> No.8196353

The people who made Nightmare House 2, a Half Life 2 mod, just released their own original game a few days ago and it's apparently good. You seem envious of other's talent.

>> No.8196360

Well, it takes not only talent, but money as well to make something groundbreaking and original.

>> No.8196364

You do realize that most developers start by modding games right? At least, any developer worth their salt. Not everyone can invest the time (and money) into making a fully original game. That's why small projects based on existing games are common place. You seem pretty fucking ignorant, lol.

>> No.8197109
File: 67 KB, 700x915, 1590508328409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't just hit the nail on the head.
You completely vaporized it.

>> No.8197115

>accurate to source material
>Adds a second bottom eyelid cats eye flick that's clearly not apparent in the original

Oh no no no noooooo

>> No.8197125

Wherefore weareth Link eyeliner?

>> No.8197176

looks all around bad and totally deformed from the original. 3DS version even looks better. The pupil is too big, it's not completely outlines (even the 3DS version kept that aspect instead of the complete anime style). The eyebrow shape is totally gay.

>> No.8197205

>LMAO, I regularly squat 3 plate and run 15k a week
and yet here you are, validating yourself on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.8197210

mod fags absolutely BTFO. the asspain is evident.

>> No.8197269

Squats are for homos and women. Beach something or do some some pullups.

>> No.8197276

He's trying to strengthen his pelvic floor so he can shoot more semen to OoT randomizer streams.

>> No.8197284 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mod fags absolutely BTFO. the asspain is evident

>> No.8197298

thanks for playing

>> No.8197312

>who simultaneously lack the creative ability to make anything original.

Non-talent jealousy detected. That's like saying the same thing about an artist who specializes in tattoo cover-ups or reconstructive surgery. Not sure if you could possibly sound more unqualified.

>> No.8197324

you seem very sensitive.

>> No.8197349

Worst post on the board at the moment

>> No.8197361

Damn, sad this bowser simulator thing is just a minigame, I'd love to go through the original maps with him.

>> No.8197384


I guess I have a hair trigger for glaring artlet cope since I know how little talent there is here outside of drawfag threads.

>> No.8197394


>> No.8197426

this, how these people be this blind? they arent even trying, 10 seconds of comparison you can see the obvious differences.

>> No.8197460

There's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUP_FEQeqPY
but for the abilities you could probably see if something else exists or try asking the mod author for the source code. Or just remake it, doesn't seem like it'd be too much trouble since it's all already in the game.

>> No.8197461

keep huffing your own farts my man

>> No.8197850

My farts are great. I have a wasserschlauch just to suck em out.

>> No.8201004

Yes it is

>> No.8201041

Many of the modded parts aren't good in vanilla to begin with, hence the desire to mod them. A lot of the lower levels of game dev are just doing what you're told in a tedious and menial fashion, making sure the requirement is done, and moving on with development.

This is why it's easy for passionate modders to singlehandedly improve games, especially technically outdated ones, that didn't have the will or time to implement some feature. It doesn't usually require a team or a budget and is often full of the same menial work.

It's silly to compare modding to full-scale development, but nobody was doing that. It's more like a small free upgrade to your games.

As far as "soul", maybe you're baiting or just retarded, but mods will often try to do things that are lore-consistent or relevant to the game, and were left out due to previously mentioned reasons or even a deliberate, market-driven decision that goes against the spirit of the game.

>> No.8201059


>> No.8201062


>> No.8201358

It looks horrible

>> No.8202042

It looks decent in screenshots I guess, but I'll never enjoy playing it. Unless it's stylized like MML or something, super hd textures on extremely low polygon models always look terrible. You need to alter both, unless the mod does this and I'm just uninformed.

>> No.8202362

Is it getting ported to 3DS?
3DS with fan fixes is my preferred way to play MM these days. 20FPS is fucking ass no matter how you cut it.

>> No.8202605

As someone who made a Zelda themed weapons mod for Doom. I don't appreciate that.

>> No.8204848

What's the OOT equivalent?

>> No.8204885

What's the point? Just play the game as is, it looks fine.

>> No.8204889

You don't have to eat a turd to know it'll taste like shit

>> No.8205262

One will probably get going just after the source code is finished decompiling, I've little doubt it'll shit all over this as the SM64 port has shown us PC versions attracts vastly different communities.

>> No.8205274


>> No.8205737
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, kotor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that some mods are created with help from the people who actually made the original existing work and were pissed Big Mega Corp. didn't allow them to finish it.

>> No.8205760

Boy it would would be nice to have a version of OoT that didn't shit itself whenever a bomb goes off and hits too many things.

>> No.8205763

sure would*

>> No.8205764

but now having an n64 and cartridge is pointless...
What do i do now? get rid of them? this feels bad.

>> No.8205767

Sentimental value? I don't know. Outside of shit like Arkham City games have always had improved performance when ported to PC just because there's a more powerful machine for it.

>> No.8205805 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 553 KB, 1512x2016, 1633429594226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I found your nails!

>> No.8205935

/v/ tier post.

>> No.8205948

replies like this are how you know the post was accurate

>> No.8206018

>doesn't even mention the fucking game
lmfao I'm sure it's a great game fellow mod bro!
look at the spergs frothing at the mouth because someone said they're untalented hacks which is exactly what they are.

>> No.8206237
File: 90 KB, 1235x1011, lttp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8206248


>> No.8206781

I can see what youre saying, and its a good point, but its just video games mane. Lighten up.

>> No.8206814

plutonia is the best iwad suck my cock

>> No.8208656
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1620509036278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does that gets counted? What does
>you have X heart pieces
>you have 4 of 100 rupees
What is Matching and why the percents are lower?

>> No.8208998
File: 14 KB, 262x193, zelda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's gonna be a 60fps Christmas this year.
cannot wait, love OoT and i hope we get some solid level editing programs and the like, i know what i would like to do with the game
combine all the dungeons into a giant singular labyrinth and change the locations of the original temples into something else, add short cuts between all the major villages, and place npcs and their homes into various grottos like the original zelda game had

>> No.8210839

>two eyelashes
Literally ruined.

>> No.8210854


>> No.8210863

5 years and it looks awful. A job well done, gamers

>> No.8210874

t. buttmad

>> No.8211061

>It's gonna be a 60fps Christmas this year.
As long as things like the day/night cycle isn't tied to framerate as it currently is, because it makes it way too fast at 60
60 looks TOO smooth for what the models are, I feel like it should stick to 30

>> No.8211086
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>> No.8211896

Kotor 2 is the most well known example, but do you have others ? honest question

>> No.8211935

Thanks for the explanation anon I'm all of a sudden very excite for this!

>> No.8211972

uncoupling the day/night cycle is probably the easiest thing to fix. The real problem is that EVERYTHING is tied to the frame, that means that every action in the game needs the to be reviewed, the fix itself is simple but if it's everywhere it's going to be long and tedious work.