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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8193754 No.8193754[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think about Sonic? I'm an OG Sonic fan myself. I only play the old 2D games. The later 3D games aren't canon as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.8193814

me too but I also include mania (not retro) as an honourary classic sonic game

>> No.8193860
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> I only play the old 2D games
> The later 3D games aren't canon

Crashing into this thread to call Robotnik Eggman and thus annoy OP.

>> No.8193972
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Classic Sonic is charming and wholesome and looks much more like a little animal that can roll into a ball. NuSonic looks like a lanky smarmy tryhard that listens to Limp Bizkit and never shuts up with corny lingo that was outdated 20 years before he first spoke. Shadow is a cringey gun carrying edgelord who swears for no reason, has a human girlfriend who is murdered by the government, and only appeals to the cringiest sperglords alive. Metal meanwhile is just a cool robot. I miss the simple times when tiny animal mascots didn't talk and engage in retarded emo soap operas.

>> No.8193975
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The classics have distinct surrealist fantasy environments that are beautiful and iconic. This is lost in NuSonic’s mess of cityscapes, realistic textures, and environments devoid of style. Green Hill would not look better if you replaced the checkered ground with an HD dirt texture.


Boost is all style and no substance, as made evident by: constant (and long) autopilot segments, hallway levels with zero freedom, speed that isn't earned, a low skill ceiling, minimal physics, and minimal points of interaction besides dodge left and right then occasionally mash homing attack. It's a shallow gotta-go-fast simulator while 2D sonic is a momentum-based platformer with pinball physics.

>> No.8193989
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Sonic was always about pinball PHYSICS, NOT brainless speed. The marketing focused on speed but the games did not.

Boost and Adventure are therefore not classic Sonic logically translated into 3D, they're shitty hallway runners. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack. Instead of earning speed through maintaining momentum as you run and bounce through an obstacle course, you just push up and hit max speed in 1 second, then proceed to watch some auti-pilot bullshit until it's time to mash homing attack again.

>> No.8193996
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I miss when games were just games, and they weren't ashamed of it. Why does Mario collect coins? BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING VIDEO GAME. If board games all tried to become movie simulators, people would be "nostalgic" for scrabble and monopoly.

Go watch a fucking movie, faggot.


Idiot don't understand that classics like Megaman, Castlevania, Sonic, Metroid, Zelda, and so on, are not "inferior relics of their time" but fun games with their own unique rules and mechanics that their modern "updates" completely LACK. They're a completely different experience from modern games just like how listening to two different genres of music are different experiences.

Is obvious that people who think games need to "evolve" aren't real gamers, just losers that couldn't make it in the film industry. This is obvious by the fact that their definition of evolution just amounts to homogeneity and fads.

>> No.8194075

despite being a classicfag 'Eggman' doesn't bother me, sure Robotnik is cooler sounding but he was always goofy, man built a space station with giant glasses and moustache for fuck's sake

>> No.8194791

Come say that eggman shit to my face fag
I will push your shit in big time homo

>> No.8194805
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Egg. Man. BITCH!

>> No.8194829

Robrotniks it's fucking over

>> No.8194870

I played SRB2 earlier in the year and it's now one of my favourite Sonic games, if not my actual favourite Sonic game. Goes to show the feel and tone of classic Sonic can absolutely be translated into 3D. They just never really tried.

>> No.8194876
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i like the 2d games more than most of the mario 2d games desu. although 3d wise, it's kinda a different story but pic related is pretty solid. also, the music has always been good. so at least they got that front covered.

>> No.8194879

No need to try when SA2 went above and beyond the Sonic concept

>> No.8194886

>dude, let's pad the Sonic gameplay that you're here for with collectahon levels that fail to understand the appeal of the genre, and shooting levels with auto targetting. Also the Sonic gameplay is barely good.
Yes, truly a masterpiece of a game.

>> No.8194892

Yes, you do agree with me.

>> No.8194941

You're fucking idiot.

Even 2D games are constantly evolving and improving their formula by fixing old stuff and adding new details for sequels.
Would you enjoy to play seven identical Mega Man games in row, beating Cutman and Yellow Devil in each of them?

Games need to reinvent themselves all the time while staying true to their original idea. That's evolving, you numbnuts.

>> No.8194943

Watching the Game Grumps series of Sonic Colors right now.
Pretty neat game ngl

>> No.8194949

Dumb e-celeb loving faggot.

>> No.8194964

There Are No Good Sonic Games Fuck Off

>> No.8195023

>they give someone AIDS in SA2
>people think this belongs in sonic

>> No.8195024

I liked the original and sometimes when chilling with friends will play 2 or 3&K with them. I also liked Adventure 1 and 2 when I was younger, but not so much now. I wasn't a huge Sonic fan but definitely liked the games more than Mario.

>> No.8195162
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>Would you enjoy to play seven identical Mega Man games in row
haha yes just imagine if mega man games were lazy and repetitive copy paste jobs

>> No.8195196

I love the classic games, but it's VERY hard to go back to them after playing Mania. Having 60fps and widescreen really makes the difference. I wish the old games had a special restored version.

>> No.8195203

I mean, even more copypaste than they are now.
Like, in every game you have only buster and magnet beam, no sliding, no charging, no Rush, no Beat, nothing new. Just run and shoot shit.

>> No.8195229

>Sonic 1
An interesting concept for a game with some really bad level design but with outstanding marketing behind it. You can see they have a good idea here but no idea of how to execute it.
>Sonic 2
Literally just Sonic 1 if it was a well designed game. Excellent level design that plays into the style of game that it wants to be. One of the best games ever made
>Sonic 3&K
Sonic 2 polished up and looking as good as it can with some added gimmicks. Level design go backwards a little bit and Knuckles isn't really utilized that well, but still a great game.
An amazing looking game for its time, solid gameplay on most of the characters though some are absolute dogshit. Probably the last game to ever make anyone go "holy shit the new generation of video games is fucking amazing." Good but not great game as long as you ignore all the retarded animu bullshit
>Adventure 2
Just a shitter version of Adventure in every way with even more retarded animu bullshit. Sucks
>All the other 3D games
Complete dogshit, no one but autistic furries gives a shit about. Series has been dead for 20 years.
Mania is apparently good but I've never played it

>> No.8195251

1. Sonic 1 has far above-average level design for a platformer by 1991 standards. It only looks bad if you're comparing it to Mario.
2. The PS2 and PS3 generations felt like real next gen to me at the time.

>> No.8195259

That's coming soon.

>> No.8195262

Sonic 1's level design is ass by any standards. Even if you ignore that the marketing of the game was "go fast be awesome" and treat it strictly as a platformer, it a badly designed platformer filled with cheap bullshit deaths, copy paste levels, and boring waiting around.
And I don't know how you can say PS2 games wowed you compared to the Dreamcast. Soul Calibur and SA looked better than every PS2 game for at least the first year, it wasn't until GTA3 where I think people really were like "holy fuck" and that was less based on graphics and more game design and scope.

>> No.8195264

>1. Sonic 1 has far above-average level design for a platformer by 1991 standards.
This. Sonic 2 is significantly better but "no idea how to execute" it is a massive stretch, it was an excellent platformer. When a zone like Marble Zone is considered the "bad" levels of a game you know it's a pretty neat game. It's much better than Metropolis zone.

>It only looks bad if you're comparing it to Mario.

>> No.8195291
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Classic western canon fans love calling Eggman "Dr. Robotnik", but when are they going start calling Amy "Princess Sally"?

>> No.8195332

>Mania is apparently good but I've never played it

Yeah, it's really good if you're retarded nostalgiafag who doesn't accept anything beyond Green Hill Zone and Chemical Plant.

>> No.8195341

"Classic" Sonic always seemed the same as "Modern" Sonic, but maybe that's because of the cartoons' and SA1's depictions of him.

>> No.8195347


>> No.8195364

Yeah, or all of the other levels in the game, half of which are new, but let's not let reality get in the way of seething.

>> No.8195507
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>> No.8195537
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Sonic was always about pinball PHYSICS, NOT brainless speed. The marketing focused on speed but the games did not.

Boost and Adventure are therefore not classic Sonic logically translated into 3D, they're shitty hallway runners. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack. Instead of earning speed through maintaining momentum as you run and bounce through an obstacle course, you just push up and hit max speed in 1 second, then proceed to watch some auti-pilot bullshit until it's time to mash homing attack again.


You know how Yuji Naka is credited with creating Sonic even though Naoto Ohshima won the contest to design the new SEGA mascot? It's because Naka had already made an awesome prototype with just a sphere (marble) as a protagonist and management demanded it be turned into a franchise character like Mickey Mouse or Mario.

Sonic is pinball man. Replace him with a a circle with legs and the games will still be fun because Physics are fun. Pinball is fun. Spamming boost, homing attack, and ring dash is not fun. It's brainless.

>> No.8195538
File: 2.86 MB, 424x240, Sonic ~02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idiot don't understand that classics like Megaman, Castlevania, Sonic, Metroid, Zelda, and so on, are not "inferior relics of their time" but fun games with their own unique rules and mechanics that their modern "updates" completely LACK. They're a completely different experience from modern games just like how listening to two different genres of music are different experiences.

Is obvious that people who think games need to "evolve" aren't real gamers, just losers that couldn't make it in the film industry. This is obvious by the fact that their definition of evolution just amounts to homogeneity and fads.

Imagine if they stopped making ovens, toaster ovens, and grills the second the microwave came out. That's how fucking stupid you and mainstream video game publishers are.

>> No.8195539

>cry baby faggot bitching about the blocks in Marbel zone

>> No.8195553

no they aren't
Modern games are not fun

>> No.8195591

> they're shitty hallway runners. Instead of physics-based platforming you just spam homing attack

Lol imagine attacking enemies in 3D Sonic game without aim assist.
Already happened in 3D blast, was it good? No.

That is just further proves you're fucking dumb. Or maybe underage, judging by immaturity of your posts. Either way, you have no idea about what you're speaking and therefore, your opinion doesn't count.

>> No.8195594

He knows more than you. Why can't you admit that modern games are worse?

>> No.8195606

Sonic could do a game like mario 3D world and that would work great.
Also sonic utopia and sonic RB2 shit on adventure fags

>> No.8195614

If there's a point is where Sonic started going downhill for me, it's Heroes and then 2006/Unleashed. Heroes was a good game ruined by shitty physics, and Unleashed is where they completely lost the idea of what Sonic should be and just started copying popular games in attempt to replicate their success. And it started being "shitty halfway runner" only since Colors when Iizuka and his shitlords started to appeal to classicfags and re-use old zones and concepts every game, reducing Sonic to how do you do fellow kids idiot he never was during Classic/Adventure era.

You may not like Adventure 1 and 2, but these are solid games in their own right, with lots of challenge and content, which can get you occupied for months. They aren't nearly as bad as classicfags trying to make it sound.

>> No.8195620

>Sonic could do a game like mario 3D world and that would work great.

It did. It's called Sonic Lost World and it's goddamn awful.

> Utopia
Cool concept, seems like Sega is aware of it and is preparing something similar next year. That's gonna be shit as well, probably

>> No.8195646

Lost world's isn't really like 3d worlds, stupid cone planet shit was more like galaxy. But it was bad because it was bad, not the concept

>> No.8195659

3D Sonic gameplay is arcade-style kino, you absolute knuckle-dragging buffoons. Just as much skill involved.
You never see anyone other than these insufferable Classic Sonic purists complaining about the 3D games of their preferred series being different from the 2D games.

>> No.8195681
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The Mega Drive games basically defined my early childhood. I know them like the back of my hand.
I can't even fathom how many times I've played Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

>> No.8195716

>3D Sonic gameplay is arcade-style kino
yeah, the 2 or 3 Sonic stages per game, sure.
This makes me wonder, was there ever ANY 3D platformer on arcades?

>> No.8195781

You know you can play Christian Whiteheads ports on pc now right? Sonic 3 AIR is out too

>> No.8195786

stop being a zoomer, these games were made with 4:3 in mind and they're already in 60fps.

>> No.8195906

based and redpilled

>> No.8195932
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Agreed. Classic Sonic is a pure soul. Modern Sonic is a perverted sicko.

>> No.8196159

Adventure 1 and 2 really are the best of the 3D titles. The boost games are 'fine', but only Generations warrants repeat plays. It does spectacle best and all the gameplay has to offer is spectacle. While I miss the old Adventure gameplay, I think I miss the shonen anime tone it used to have more. Current Sonic doesn't feel like Sonic at all. It feels like a super shitty western cartoon. I don't think highly of Heroes / Shadow / 06, but at least it still felt like the same franchise. I think it becomes easier by the year to think this franchise ended with SA2, with both Mania and Generations being throw back games.

>> No.8196238

Spindash-jumping is so fun in SA1.

>> No.8196286

4:3 is inferior.
Sonic is not in 60fps.
Fuck off boomy.

>> No.8196292

SA1 is still my favorite 3D Sonic game. I honestly felt they nailed the way Sonic controlled the very first time.
The kind of control that makes me okay with trying crazy spindash jumps and such to cheat bits of levels.

>> No.8196328

I heard the guy that was the main driving force of Sonic's current English writing since Colors isn't working on the coming new game.

>> No.8196370

>Isometric platforming is awkward, therefore the homing attack is necessary
Imagine if Nintendo had made that decision after Mario RPG, and Mario 64 had a homing attack. Would it be as fun a game? Probably not. Actually having to master jumping mechanics is kind of the point of a platformer.
Play SRB2, by the way. It's good, and it feels amazing to master the controls to the point that you can reliably land jumps, which is an experience maintstream 3D Sonic has done it's best to take away from players.

>> No.8196382

There are indie games that have tried to get back to the basic idea of platforming as a ball, and they tend to look a lot closer to what Sonic should actually be in 3D

>> No.8196391

Colors has more original zones than Heroes. If Seaside Hill was in a modern game, people like you would bitch about them "doing Green Hill Zone again".
For that matter Emerald Coast in Adventure is still a variation on Green Hill Zone.

>> No.8196492


Funny how I only see people try and salvage these incredibly mediocre games when it comes to beloved characters. Take sonic away and replace him with a stick figure and the classics are still awesome. Adventure on the other hand would be forgotten shovelware. It is sad to see someone write 6 paragraphs about how a 5/10 games was not really that bad.


If your character is an annoying meme lord, most the games are bad, and the fanbase is very loud and has pockets of gay weirdos (you), the result is Modern Sonic being one giant joke.

This isn't a controversial opinion. NuSonic is hated. Yet when Mania dropped it was nothing but love among mainstream audiences. It's socially acceptable to like the classics but liking NuSonic will label you a weirdo. Don't shoot the Messenger furfaggot

>> No.8196495
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Nah. 1-3, advance 1, mania.

Those games are Canon

>> No.8196501

>The later 3D games aren't canon as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't like them.
>Good but not great game as long as you ignore all the retarded animu bullshit
it was difficult to. but that was the last one i played that i liked.

>> No.8196536

>4:3 is inferior.
cope however you want to cope, but the games were developed with that in mind.
>Sonic is not in 60fps.
play on real hardware
>Fuck off boomy.

>> No.8196801

They were designed to use as much space as they were given. Next are you gonna say that the screen crunch on the fucking game gear makes the game better? Kys retard

>> No.8196830

I see it's mindbroken schizo hours again.

>> No.8196906
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>> No.8197506

I wonder why AIR isn't open source. I've had an irrational fear of Sonic fan games/content since Gather Battle.

>> No.8197625

>Next are you gonna say that the screen crunch on the fucking game gear makes the game better? Kys retard
Well, ACTUALLY, yes, if the game was designer around it, see: Sonic 1 on Game Gear, it's better than on Master System. Not only does it have more assets, but the game actually works as intended because it was designed with the tiny GG resolution in mind. The SMS version of Sonic 1 has some vertical scrolling problems and some other issues because it was likely a sort of rushed job and they didn't adjust everything to fit the SMS resolution. On the contrary, Sonic 2 for SMS is a better game than Sonic 2 on GG because on that game they did have the SMS resolution into account.

>> No.8198268

Speaking of which
Classicsbros RISE UP

>> No.8198272

As a millenial fag that didn't think 06 matched it's reputation, I'm glad to see zoomies like J's Reviews actually talk about what 06 did right, namely Shadow.

>> No.8198291

>I wish the old games had a special restored version.
It's called S3K A.I.R and S3 Complete
And Sonic AGES will have the taxman versions of Sonic 1/2 as well

>> No.8198301
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>Probably the last game to ever make anyone go "holy shit the new generation of video games is fucking amazing."
Can you faggot retards stop doing this shit? By N64/PS1 standards, Rayman 2 shits all over SA1 visually, and so does Mega Man Legends, which is how Sonic should have always looked since it's a cartoon series, not some live action movie: the game. Except if the live action movie used a blue felix teh cat model instead of a alien creature that actually fits in with the humans.

SA1 is one of the worse looking cartoonish looking games at its time because it tried to be realistic instead of timeless.

>> No.8198317
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Based and chadpilled, physicsenjoyer.

>> No.8198348
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, Sonic Robo Blast 2 But I Badnik Bounce Really High.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol imagine attacking enemies in 3D Sonic game without aim assist.
Works on my machine

>> No.8198352

>I only played Adventure DX

>> No.8198354

>It did. It's called Sonic Lost World and it's goddamn awful.
Kind of. It was more like a ripoff of Mario, DK and any other platformer, but with a gimped playstyle/controls and tube level design (which isn't in SM3DW) If it was actually 1 to 1 Sonic in SM3DW it would have been good.

>> No.8198363

Another anon here. this was really fun from what I played of the demo. It's likes a good template to build off from for Sonic, like a starting framework before you add it more of the nuieces that classic era Sonic had.

>> No.8198369

Actually didn't. The only level in SA1 that belongs in Sonic is Beta Windy Valley Zone. Literally just that level, everything else is like Tomb Raider tier unfitting.

>> No.8198384

The 3D models and addition of shadows really changed this game for the better. I couldn't land on a single enemy before those changes.

>> No.8198394
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oh sonic totem, I ask to you one question, is free will possible in humans?

>> No.8198428

the sonic 1 decompilation makes it really easy to softlock yourself in SYZ.

>> No.8198920

I don't acknowledge her.

>> No.8198994

thanks for the knowledge fren

>> No.8199097

>I only play the old 2D games

>> No.8199213

Based Sonic stroking his dick to Amy's cunny

>> No.8199221

Sonic Gather Battle was based. I still have it installed, just don't be a cheating fuck and it's all right.