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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 51 KB, 620x428, Quake_n64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8183509 No.8183509 [Reply] [Original]

I've played almoat every version of every Quake game ever released, and barring Quake 3 on PC, this is my favorite.

>> No.8183516

I love the 64 version of Quake. Quake 2 is is most enjoyable on the 64 as well, but it's really a totally different game then Q2 on PC

>> No.8183521


I have my original PC disk, the Saturn version, and the N64 version, and I always go back to the 64 the most. There's just something so beautiful about its lights and colors, and the controller scheme feels so perfect with the n64 controller.

>> No.8183528

Agree with the controller thing. Makes for fun speedruns as well. Although grenade jumping is way harder. But it's really satisfying when you pull it off.

>> No.8183532

absolutely a great version

>> No.8183543

Is Nintendo a cult?

>> No.8183545

Quake 2 on N64 is awesome, great graphics, lots of featurea and a ton of fun. Never had a chance to play much multiplayer outside of a few times for like 5 min, but if you have some autists to play with on a regular basis then I bet this becomes the best shooter on the platform. Singleplayer wise though, I still give Q64 a slight edge thanks to the levels being so non-linear and replayable.

>> No.8183546

>nintendo is a cult because people like a game
you should probably just kill yourself honestly

>> No.8183548

>cult-like hostility

>> No.8183551

Are people who click on threads they don't like just to shitpost a cult?

>> No.8183559

you never played n64 version

>> No.8183581

What does Quake have to do with nintendo? It's not a nintendo game, just like a PS1 game isn't a "Sony" game.

>> No.8183586

are you referring to when you entered the thread to be an aggressive homosexual?

>> No.8183608

You know that you can enable auto-aim on the PC version too?

>> No.8183614

oh look, a bandwagon fan who doesn't play both.

>> No.8183620

>play both
Why bother? They just released it's butchered maps as part of the new quake re-release on every modern platform.

>> No.8183629

The simple answer is you play one when you're on your PC and one when you're sitting in front of your CRT with a 64.

also lol "butchered levels", are you the Saturn anon?

>> No.8183630

>are you the Saturn anon
he definitely is. this guy is a fucking freak.

>> No.8183634

I have a CRT screen for one of PCs, don't feel the need to play Q1 in 15fps with auto-aim even more so in 10fps on the saturn.

>> No.8183637

>shitting on his favorite version so nobody will call him out as saturn anon
your posting style is too recognizable try again. also, there's a lot to like about the N64 version or they wouldn't have included an N64 mode in the remaster. you are in the minority and your opinion is gay.

>> No.8183639

Take your meds schizo. Not everyone has to love trash ports.

>> No.8183642

yeah it's definitely saturn anon lol

>> No.8183829

Besides the colored lighting, what's different?

>> No.8183878

everything different in Quake 64, off the top of my head:
>colored lighting effects
>changed a few textures
>water has different texture, added underwater caustic effects
>new skies with smooth scrolling effects, larger variety of colors
>added bilinear filtering -- strangely, one of the few games that lets you turn it on or off
>minor changes to level geometry on some levels
>various secrets removed, added or changed
>HUD simplified
>different music
>some sound effects have been changed, e.g. the thunderbolt or armor pickups
>starting hub and episodic format removed, difficulty is selected at start of a new game and levels are played in a linear order
>a few levels removed, one additional deathmatch map not present in PC version. deathmatch limited to 2 players
overall, it's basically WinQuake with a few GL features, a few missing levels, new graphical effects and some level design changes. very good port of the game by console standards. doesn't bring too much new to the table but it refines the experience here and there and adapts it suitably to a console environment.

>> No.8184136

>playing first person shooters without a mouse
Kill urself, casual faggot.

>> No.8184294

>being too much of a scrub to handke changing control schemes
I play both PC and console shooters, and I guarantee I would rape you in Quake 3.

>> No.8184361

If that were really true, you would be disgusted at the very notion of using a pad to play FPS due to how vastly inferior they are compared to mouse.

>> No.8184385

both are fun. you are a faggot. end of story.

>> No.8184398

Pit a good pad player against a good mouse player and the former will lose every time.


>> No.8184437

what does that have to do with having fun? if you're too insecure to play a console game just because kb+m is a superior input method, then you're being a faggot. it's like saying you'll never go get a greasy fast food burger because you need an organic home-cooked meal every night. not everything needs to be a benchmark.

>> No.8184452

why does the saturn version live rent free in the heads of quake64 fans?
it's so oddly specific isn't it?

>> No.8184458

I'm never one to complain about controls but I just couldn't play this because of the controls. I even liked star fox zeros controls that everyone fucking complained about but I can't get used to these. The game is just to intense to be able to play effectively with these controls.

>> No.8184460

Hi zoomer

>> No.8184472

I find it very comfortable. All of the inputs can be remapped as well, there has to be an input method you're comfortable with. One of the instances where the ability to hold the controller any way you want is actually utilized well.

>> No.8184474


>> No.8184506

I've never looked into it previously but I'm liking how much it reminds me of Doom 64. I'm pretty impressed with how good Midway and Aubrey were with the tone and atmosphere they maintained in these ports.

>> No.8184532

Yeah this is literally the perfect port. You can play it with one hand. It's super quick too. I had tons of good times with that specific version of Q1.

>> No.8184538

Idk but the Saturn port of Quake is extremely overrated and barely even feels like Quake.

>> No.8184559

I agree and that's why it's worth playing

>> No.8184564

i like 64 purely because i dont like NIN

>> No.8184578

Once you customize the controls its nice but my memory cards have flat batteries so I have to do it every time I play. The new lighting effects look pretty good and the performance is consistent unlike golden eye. The saturn version is a bit choppy. The other way I like quake is software mode on a p4 with the resolution cranked up.

>> No.8184602
File: 1.67 MB, 1383x829, qsq64game2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open up the q64 pak from the recent rerelease
>all 16 tracks are right there for easy switching between the original Trent tracks and Aubrey's stuff
Nice. The mod looks pretty gross without filtering, though.

>> No.8184603

Extremely based. I was super happy to see Quake 64 return with the remake.

>> No.8184607
File: 71 KB, 500x710, duke-nukem-64-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorta related but I love Duke64, grenade launcher, dual smgs and the other weapons are cool, the rescue babes mechanic is a nice feature and while it lacks music, it gives it an atmospheric touch to the levels (specially the E2 stages).
Also best rendition of Grabbag imo

>> No.8184724

>different music
You mean better music.

>> No.8184734


>> No.8184743

the grenade launcher is fucking awesome

the level design changes are hit&miss however, some good stuff but a lot of trash as well. Their addition to Hollywood Holocaust is pure trash for instance

>> No.8184846

>when the anon who was originally in the right goes full schizo for some boogeyman

>> No.8184848

>Another faggot filtered by NiN's OST
Get better taste, nigger. Quake 1's OST is unmatched

>> No.8184850

Proof that very very few of you ever played online quake, during the multiplayer glory days of each iteration. Real virgin shit

>> No.8184856

>I LIKE eating shit! Therefore shit is good and you should find it good too!

>> No.8184881


>> No.8184902

>no argument
64's soundtrack is trash

>> No.8184919

Based and Quake64pilled. The only way I'm different is I actually prefer Quake Live and I haven't played every version of every Quake game.

>> No.8184945

Aside from the sheer absurdity of your claim, online deathmatch is a flawed experience in most circumstances. It's like arguing on the internet - you can get sucked into it, but usually it's all a bit retarded (especially back then).

>> No.8184961

>t. too young to have expierenced it

>> No.8184974

That's ok man. I'm a serious professional and have been for many years, I don't play circle jerk games with using baby talk online. Thanks for ending the conversation.

>> No.8184978

Sure bro, i bet your mom is very proud of your basement life

>> No.8185092

It's flawed because you were crap at it. Enjoy and fetishise single player. You've barely experienced the franchise, and never will now

>> No.8185221

You're the one who were crap and didn't experience shit. Sit down there kiddo and I'll tell you about the old days - I played both games exensively in the late 90s/early 2000s online and then later had over two months my Quake live account. These games online were kind of shit in the late 90s/early 2000s partly because I only had 56k at home and so did a huge fraction of people at the time. Q3A viscerally felt fun at the time, but everyone had a different framerate, everyone had different lag, it was all pub FFA or CA and similar. It was very much headless chicken stuff. Objectively speaking it was embarrassing, even old quake 3 arena grand finals show duelers like fatality doing things that would be laughed at today.

Quake Live came along with high speed internet and much better lag/netcode and you with better computers you were guaranteed perfect framerate and optical mice and made things actually good again, still is. I said Quake Live is my favourite. The original quake deathmatch was ok but not on 56k back in the day, I'd rather play on the N64 two player mode lagless any day.

>> No.8185257

Not him, but I experienced Quake back at 90s and now I have job and wife (also not living on basement with her :D). Still I do play retro shooters and still post on this horrible place (since 2005). This is why you have make some kids. Adult life without kids is quite retarded. It's like being a child, but instead of school you go to job, and instead of mom you have a wife. At least you can fuck your wife, while you never were able to fuck your mom.

>> No.8185326

It's such a shame we can't have a good discussion about this game without autistic spazzoid larpers pretending to be adults, screeching about how the PC is better etc. etc.

Such a shame....

>> No.8185387

all I wanted to do was jizz about the N64 port a bit and maybe engender extra discussion about the series in general but the saturn autist always shows uo and shits the bed.

anyway, Quake II on N64 is also amazing if you haven't played it. some very interesting features too -- I heard it might be the only 5th gen console game with 24 bit lighting

>> No.8185401

Shame the Quake 2 port on N64 is so dumbed down compared to PC and even PSX version.

>> No.8185467

Quake 2 on the n64 is the best Quake 2. The PC one just feels souless.

>> No.8185491

What an adult post. That’s exactly what an adult would write in a electronic vintage amusement devices’ image board

>> No.8185534

Online deathmatch was terrible back then. Aiming or predicting the opponent’s behavior was literally impossible on dial up connections.
I was there, on UOL GAMES’ servers

>> No.8185552

>Quake 2 on the n64 is the best Quake 2.
I've always wondered why Quake 2 N64 never got a PC port by fans. Similarly, we never got a Duke Nukem: Zero Hour PC fan recreation.

>> No.8185567

the problem with Quake 2 on PC is the level design. Quake 1 had awesome levels with a lot of opportunity to be replayed in different ways, then Q2 just made the game a giant interconnected hub with a bunch of fairly similar areas. Q2 on N64 takes the Q1 approach and brings back a series of unique levels with clearly defined start and end points ala DOOM versus the interconnected hub structure of the PC release, and I think it's a better game for it.

>> No.8185580

I fucking hate how you can't discuss anything related to the nintendo 64 in this entire board no matter how tangential and nothing is ever done about it
Not only that but nonstop n64 console at bait falseflags get spammed constantly

>> No.8185669

t. whale that Trent raped in 95

>> No.8186102

The music i remember for Q2 on PC was awful too and the music on the 64 version really matched with the atmosphere.

>> No.8186149

Stop taking HRT.

>> No.8186683

Nice LARP, now back to your SP maps

>> No.8187035

I think it's interesting how PC Quake 1 and 2 were very different from one another, but the N64 releases brought the two closer together. IIRC they both run on the same modified Quake 1 engine that was ported to the 64 -- that is, Quake 2 on N64 is actually a modified Quake 1, like Quake 64, and doesn't use id Tech 2. They further improved the engine with Q2 64 (added dynamic lighting, etc.), but the code base is the same. They also did away with the episodic and hub structures of Q1 and Q2 respectively, and changed both games to follow a linear structure with individual levels. Ironically Quake 2 on N64 is a more fitting sequel to Quake 64 than Q2 on PC is to Q1.

>> No.8188272

i think thats ridiculous because quake 2 is only a year apart from quake 1 and is also just using a modified quake 1 engine that they decided to call id tech 2. there aren't so many differences between the two even on pc, you could even enable quake 1 bunnyhopping they just made it a command

>> No.8188428

>aren't many differences
you know literally nothing. the leap from idtech to idtech 2 was huge.

>> No.8188567

So huge it made practically no difference?

>> No.8188709

would be very interested to learn more anon.
>inb4 colored lights, strafejumping, inventory and different armor values
only because thats everything i can think of and those are essentially value changes in the big picture. the level design, enemies and more were all feasible in the original idtech, and i can prove that because all quake 2 maps were made with quake 1 level editors

>> No.8191312

ladies and gentlemen. The cult of nintendo

>> No.8192427

>minor changes to level geometry on some levels

kek, more like major changes that butchered every level to the point where everything is just a hallway

N64 fags are retards

>> No.8192668

So are underage zoomies that have no idea what they are talking about. Clearly you never played it so get lost.

>> No.8193472

Nigger I was playing Quake while you were still swimming around in the ballsack of the sweaty, obese trucker who paid five dollars and accidentally impregnated your mom in the cab of his truck in the parking lot behind a Flying J on the I5 just outside of San Jose at 11:37pm on the night of June 3rd, 1997

So shut your fucking mouth

>> No.8193495

Nobody gives a shit that an arch in a ceiling is missing, saturnfag. The experience of playing is what matters, and it's the closest console experience of Quake from that era.

>> No.8193503

Typical N64 buttbaby cope. Cry more, fag. Imagine simping for a console so shitty they had to cut so much geometry from the levels that they are literally just a bunch of squares. N64 Quake levels have simpler geometry and less texture variation than fucking Doom.

>> No.8193519

I probably own more Saturn games than you. My N64 isn't even hooked up at the moment. I have no attachment to N64 quake because of the console it's on, it's just the better port of the game. You've got nothing, you can't comment on how the game controls or plays, you can't comment on any of its other visual effects, you can't comment on the enemies actually attacking the player, you've just got hallway geometry, the least important thing.

>> No.8193557

> The fundamental design of every level in the game being cut down to the point where it is less complex than Doom is the "least important thing"

Nintenyearolds, everybody.

Also, I can guarantee that you own more Saturn games than I do because anyone who spends money on grossly overpriced physical Saturn games in an era where PSK carts and ODEs exist is an honest to goodness retard.

>> No.8193585

>thinks walls are more important and fundamental than the game itself
I have an ODE as well, my man. How many times are you going to appeal to Nintendo fanboyism when I've already said I play my Saturn more? My N64 is in storage right now.

>> No.8193617

Imagine simping for a shitty port of a game on a shitty console that you """supposedly""" don't even play.

How sad your life is.

>> No.8193627

Bro it's just a good game. Why are you so dedicated to hating it.

>> No.8193632

>simping for a shitty port of a game on a shitty console
Like you do constantly for the Saturn port of Quake?

>> No.8193649

> rent free lol

I literally haven't mentioned the Saturn port at all. You're obsessed. Get help, fag.

>> No.8193651

You're scared to defend it at this point.

>> No.8193653

I don't play Quake on the Saturn because playing Quake on a console is retarded. And you're not only playing Quake on a console, you're playing the N64 version, which is the worst version. This makes you a double retard.

>> No.8193657
File: 2.84 MB, 640x480, Quake Saturn nice enemies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is the worst version

>> No.8193663

That's not the Saturn port you retard.

> Having to resort to faking Saturn gameplay to try and make the N64 version look less shitty
Absolutely pathetic

>> No.8193668

saturn version runs on the slavedriver engine which gives the player momentum, hard to describe but its super easy to see in videos. That's probably a homebrew port on a different console, but its not the saturn port

>> No.8193671
File: 2.92 MB, 640x480, Quake Saturn level 2 intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Saturn port is so bad it isn't even recognizable to people

>> No.8193679

>the nintendo64 fag is so desperate to win a console port argument he lost 25 years ago that he's willing to lie on an anonymous image forum

LMAOing at your life

>> No.8193681

The people who defend the Saturn port apparently have never even seen gameplay of it. That explains a lot. The N64 derangement syndrome just kicks in and they assume the Saturn port is better out of autistic rage.

>> No.8193686

More like you've never played the Saturn port, so you saw some video of what is probably a homebrew port on a different console that someone had mistakenly labeled as Saturn footage, and smugly posted it on /vr/ before being btfo and furiously backpedaling :^)

>> No.8193690

I recorded those webms myself. You can just look up gameplay to find all the proof you need. Or play the game yourself.

>> No.8193698
File: 1.30 MB, 1700x645, e1m1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the N64 devs even trying to make a good looking version of Quake?

>> No.8193705
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, Quake N64 same section.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were trying to make a playable game which puts it ahead of the Saturn port.

>> No.8193710

No you didn't, retard.

Somebody post the big comparison image that shows how the N64 levels are horrifically simplified and have reuse the same two blurry textures over and over due to the N64's pathetic amount of texture memory

>> No.8193717

>No you didn't, retard.
Did the recording just spontaneously come into existence?

>> No.8193737

Yep, it' you, you made that exact point last time you lost the argument and were forced to admit you don't even play the game that you're defending.

What's sad is all those console fanboy posts were just projection. Sometimes the Saturn ports are better, sometimes the N64 ports are better, I don't make that decision based on the console. So take Duke, that's easily better on the Saturn. Hexen as well, I'd say that it looks a lot nicer on the Saturn. Doom, nah, runs like shit on the Saturn and the N64 version is an entirely new game so that's automatically better. Quake? Yeah, the Saturn version feels like shit to play, the N64 version is much smoother. It would have been pretty sweet if the Saturn version were the best version, but nah, you take what you get and if you have both consoles you play the version that's better. Only one console warring in this thread has been you.

I'll fire up Saturn Quake in just a moment though to give it a fairer shot.

>> No.8194009

Quake on saturn is heralded as one of the best attempts of 3D on a system whos 3D capabilities were the worst out of the top three consoles.
Quake 64 is remembered for its blurry filter, god awful misaligned textures, underwhelming multiplayer, missing levels and no episode select.
sayurn quake is celebrated, quake64 is just a collection filler.

>> No.8194021

No it isn't. Until the digital foundry video it was regarded as one of the worst ports of the game.

>> No.8194031

is that why the N64 port got its own mode in the recent remaster and the saturn version didn't?

>> No.8194145

og saturn owner here. we didn't need DF to tell us it was a technical marvel. We already knew it was.

>> No.8194178

Thread is kill.

>> No.8194195


>> No.8194238

I just checked some reviews from 98 and they compare it negatively to the n64 version.

>> No.8194275

For Nintendo fanhood to be a cult, by definition it requires a leader, unusual beliefs, and consequences for attempting to leave.

I do not belong there is a leader of the Nintendo fanhood. There belief (that Nintendo games are really good) has merit, and there are no real consequences for leaving the Nintendo fandom. Therefore it cannot be a cult.

Islam however...

>> No.8194287


>> No.8194297

Just fired up the Saturn version. Man, I wish I could like it. It looks technically impressive. But eh, playing quake on a Saturn controller is terrible. It feels so much more natural on an N64 controller. The graphics are very pixelated, there's this obnoxious wobbling effect as you move, you see pixels within the textures on the walls flittering as you move and it kind of makes me nauseous. The enemy sprites are also hard to see from a distance because of how pixelated they become, probably a technique to extend draw distance but they just end up blending into the background which also flitter with movement. The stages also appear to be much smaller and narrower, hallways are especially annoying to turn in with the d pad, especially when enemies are around. For all the complaining about the N64 geometry, the more rectangular levels end up being more practical so you can move around easier. And the anon had the gaul to knock the N64 multiplayer when saturn is single player only.

Having the difficulty select screen and the episode select was pretty cool, though not cool enough to be the best port of the game, especially since there's no reason to dick around for more than 15 seconds in it.

>> No.8194305

the 64 has many masterpieces. Mario 64, OoT, MM, Golden eye, DK64, Banjo, Perfect Dark, Conker, etc
Saturn people are making the point that far more thought and consideration was put in to their port over the obviously lack-luster, get in and out port job midway did for the N64 port. Only thing going for N64 is soundtrack.

>> No.8194334

It doesn't feel accurate to playing quake at all though. Everything feels off from the controls, to the monster movement, to the overpixelated textures that flitter as you move, to the missing multiplayer mode, etc. There's nothing "get in and out" about the 64 version.

>> No.8194594
File: 18 KB, 720x405, q64e1m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing "get in and out" about the 64 version.
Are you taking the fucking piss?

>> No.8194597

>That's not the Saturn port you retard.
What is it then?

>> No.8194725

whats bad about that screenshot? Looks great. The Saturn version of the opening E1M2 is super narrow, puke green, and has less impressive sky and water effects. I'll go take a picture in a second hold on

>> No.8194741
File: 52 KB, 739x415, images (92).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those are masterpieces. Conkers, dk64 and PD are horrible Rare games.

>> No.8194769
File: 1.92 MB, 4096x3072, 20211001_204851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only real advantage I see here is the arch in the door and the slightly brighter lights. The water texture to me looks worse here, the gun is a 2D sprite, and everything is narrower. The N64 version looks a lot smoother in comparison to the sharpness here, and the colors are more neutral compared to the dark greens and browns. They also changed the location of the secret under the bridge but I guess that doesn't matter.

>> No.8194773

Saturn Quake looks like shit but thats just plain out of focus

>> No.8194774

Sorry man I'll try and get a better shot

>> No.8194787
File: 3.45 MB, 4096x2720, 20211001_211315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually looks kinda good here but seeing the game in motion is a whole other story. I think it might look better in this picture than on my TV.

>> No.8194857

ofcourse it looks great here its on a crt
It's the complexity of the rooms on saturn. Beginning of e1m2 on n64 puts you in a box with a bridge. at least saturn has the stairs, the crates, the windows.

>> No.8195412

> This retard doesn't know that its possible for multiple people on a worldwide internet forum to have the same opinions

Get checked for autism. Today.

>> No.8195416

Porting the Saturn version wouldn't make any sense, because outside of the replaced secret levels (which the N64 version just lacks entirely) its essentially the same game. They added a wall here and there to keep the vis down, but that's it. Saturn Quake is Quake, whereas N64 Quake is an extremely cut down version of Quake that was only included as a novelty.

>> No.8195425

>The enemy sprites

lol you didn't actually play it and are just lying on 4chan, nice job outing yourself retard

>> No.8195439

My pictures of the game on original hardware are right above you, retard. The enemy models are 3D, sorry I used the wrong word, my point was that they appear heavily pixelated from a distance.

>> No.8195451

> Can't tell the difference between sprites and 3D models
Looks like you're the retard here, big guy.

>> No.8195459

just as good as any 90s pc shooter thqh desusempai

>> No.8195475

Or you're just being an annoying baiting pedant.

>> No.8195478

Or you're just a retard who lied on 4chan and is currently loudly pooping his pampers after getting called out on it

>> No.8195483


>> No.8195904

lets be honest mate, it isn't quake. It's a flavour of Quake, which makes it actually interesting to play. If you'd played the pc game and then played the the 64 port you'd just call it a watered down port. At least saturn quake brings something different to the table however gimped it might be.

>> No.8195918

what I meant to say was with the 64 having so many acclaimed games, schiztyfour-ers shit themselves if saturn chads say that the saturn port was a technical achievement on the saturn and just a copy paste job on the 64 and even then they removed a ton of detail and fidelity.

>> No.8196078

I'm starting to wonder if the debate around the console Quakes is being stoked from both sides by one person. I almost have a hard time believing there's anybody mentally ill enough to play Saturn Quake and Quake 64 and come away with anything approaching positive feelings about the Saturn version. If you were a 13 year old kid in the 90s and you got either port for your birthday, you'd probably happy -- let's be realistic though, side by side, the Saturn version pales in comparison to Quake 64. The N64 release runs at nearly 3 times the framerate of the Saturn version, has larger environments, has fully customizable controls, rumble, multiplayer, and it runs on the actual Quake 1 engine. By comparison, Saturn Quake is a literal approximation of Quake which shoves Quake assets into a Build-style engine and uses visual trickery to provide a vaguely Quake-like experience, e.g. the weapons in the Saturn version are 2D sprites as opposed to 3D models. The only legitimate argument to be made in favor of the Saturn version comes in the form of better textures and real dynamic lighting from weapon fire. Yet, those two advantages exist in stark contrast to a sea of downsides ranging from warping textures, downscaled enemy models, a framerate averaging about 8 frames per second, inadequate controls, no multiplayer, different physics, smaller levels with shorter view distances, and most of all, it doean't even run on the Quake engine. The fact is, Saturn Quake is a cool curiosity, but it isn't a good game, and to call it better than Quake 64 is laughable. The recent remaster includes an N64 mode, but the Saturn version is a simple fart in the wind because, outside of a few devoted autists, nobody cares to remember it.

>> No.8196089

>debate around the console Quakes is being stoked from both sides by one person
well yeah that's obvious. This board has more than a few dedicated anti-saturn autists. It's so oddly specific but they also happen to be massive nintendo fanboys. Stolar poster? Nintendo fan. shitty webm poster? Don't get him started on his love for wave race 64 (he's also the saturn quake autist)

>> No.8196090

>If you'd played the pc game and then played the the 64 port you'd just call it a watered down port.
No, because Quake 64 has radically different atmosphere.

>> No.8196117
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Yeah, an atmosphere of shittyness. The levels are so gimped and have so many repeating and misaligned textures that the entire game looks like the first video in a youtube playlist titled "Babby's first Hammer levelbuilding tutorial". The controls are complete shit because the N64 controller was designed by retards for retards. It doesn't have the original Trent Reznor soundtrack. It is missing secret levels. It has ridiculous random colored lighting everywhere that makes every level look like a circus. It is constantly defended on /vr/ by retarded soiboys who simp for Nintendo because they never grew up.

Quake on the N64 was shit, just like every FPS on the N64 was shit, and this is a fact regardless of how stuck onto your head your nintenyearold nostalgia glasses are.

>> No.8196121

>being this mad
No matter how much vitriol you spew, nothing can change reality. Quake 64 is a better game, sorry.

>> No.8196140

>It doesn't have the original Trent Reznor soundtrack.
That's half the reason people like it, though. Aubrey Hodges was/is an atmospheric OST god.

>> No.8196145

Stating facts is not "being mad", sorry fren u lose

>> No.8196146

>still being this mad

>> No.8196156

>because Quake 64 has radically different atmosphere.
That's most likely due to the music. In terms of visuals, it's a massive downgrade in level geometry and intense static lighting. Saturn quake however does have a a far more dark and broody atmosphere.
>Quake assets into a Build-style engine
I get what you're saying but build was 2D whereas slavedriver was 3D
>The recent remaster includes an N64 mode
Well fucking DUH shit for brains, n64 is running quake engine so it would be easier putting that in the remaster than it would be sticking the saturn game on there. Why would anyone play through the n64 mod on quake remaster? People will boot it up, play through a couple levels, say to themselves it's cool that they included it but there's no point playing through it".
How can n64 owner look at quake64 and say "ah yes, the power of the n64"

>> No.8196158

Actually anon, you are the one who is mad. You will keep replying to try and deny it, but we both know its true.

>> No.8196175

>no u
t. butthurt mad boi

>> No.8196182

All this talk about environment and geometry and no talk about control or gameplay, because Saturn quake would obviously lose there.

>> No.8196202

>ITT: Egotistic, incorrigible, and vicious N64 fantards shitflinging at other version enjoyers.

>> No.8196206

Literally no excuse to play n64 quake as Quake runs on everything nowadays and remaster has n64 version included curiosities sake. Saturn quake is it's own thing that cannot be experienced anywhere else barring emulation.

BTW own both and keep going back to saturn port, n64 port just makes me want to boot up pc version.

>> No.8196220

I don't have a computer so of course I have a reason to play it, in addition to all of the atmosphere changes between the two. I also have both the Saturn and N64 port and I don't believe you'd rather spend time with that one because of how bad it controls.

>> No.8196226

...I've actually completed Quake for saturn....

>> No.8196228

Actually, its you.

>> No.8196231

Props, that's so masochism

>> No.8197058

Kys atheist loser

>> No.8199328

Multiplayer was horrible. Mario Kart had better Deathmatch.

>> No.8199374

kek. but yeah muh n64 doom/quake uliuliuli

>> No.8201363

this has a ton of input lag when using retroarch.

>> No.8201828

You forgot the most important feature
> vaseline

>> No.8201857

Not really, but it's a mental illness symptom.

>> No.8201889

The thing that really triggers me is that the N64 textures aren't even properly aligned

>> No.8203131

It gets even worse, in most areas the textures are not only not aligned, but the same texture is used in different sizes in the same room.