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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8191102 No.8191102 [Reply] [Original]

What’s your most prized game? Value wise

>> No.8191108

I emulate and don't care about worthless plastic. I'm a real gamer. I care about games
Not plastic

>> No.8191117

Im poor but I wish I still had my ps1 to pirate shit

>> No.8191124

I only buy what I like. It’s nice to be able to afford the real deal in some cases.

>> No.8191127

Stadium Events

>> No.8191137

Post pic

>> No.8191151

You described yourself as a gamer, which automatically makes you a poser.
People who actually like video games don't fucking call themselves gamers.

>> No.8191154

Not this one, though I do own it, and it's a fucking great game. Probably SoulSilver and the Pokewalker, since that's for some reason worth $1,000 or whatever, apparently.

>> No.8191157

it's literally just a term for playing video games you autist
The poser is the guy who gets up in arms as if it matters

>> No.8191161
File: 1.52 MB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20210930-173510_GAMEYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont consider any of my games "prized" because that's stupid.

>> No.8191169

Ok drug addict- I mean "gamer"

>> No.8191178

>he didn't hold on to his beloved games from childhood

>> No.8191179

lol you got so radicalized by spending too much time up your own ass none of what you say even makes sense

>> No.8191195

A red label Silent Hill 2. Got it for like, 20 bucks in 2018 but I checked the prices on ebay again and now it's 100 dollars. Still even have the receipt in the case when I got it. Artsy fartsy hipsters and the coronavirus have been a disaster for the video game collecting hobby.

>> No.8191204

I have a nice Gamecube collection rotting away in some drawer somewhere, and I don't care since I played them all already.

>> No.8191210

My first gaming thing was a wii u and I still have the handful of games I had for it

>> No.8191216

Can I have them?

>> No.8191220

Lol you're wearing my hobby like a fashion statment because you don't have a personality.

>> No.8191224

>hah, old games are stupid and worthless!
>finds old game for cheap somewhere
>Why hello there reddit! Here is my first big score!

>> No.8191229

what are you even trying to say

>> No.8191248

I can't use this app because it doesn't track the value of Japanese games

>> No.8191261

Yeah, I've got some l msx games that it doesn't recognize. It's also bad about special editions.

>> No.8191280

Never bet against Capcom games, Many of their less successful games will become desire and people will want them in the future. They have uncommon games in gens 1-5 and highly wanted now. There is like a dozen in the 6 and also they released a lot of one offs in the 7 which will become scarce in the future. Always support their less acclaim franchises like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, DMC or any popular franchise they currently have those would be common because of normie support always go for the less popular and you will save money in the future. The rest of their popular games will be common and cheap like other popular. General advice always support good or interesting tittles that aren't generally what its been supported by the masses.

>> No.8191281

I guess it would be sealed OG Zelda: Link's Awakening

>> No.8191284
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I have Panic Restaurant and a CIB Alfred Chicken but thats a who cares game.

>> No.8191359

Magical Chase.

>> No.8191469


>> No.8191474

Value wise? Probably one of my sealed games. Don't really care to check what they are going for nowadays because it's probably absurd and i don't plan to sell.

>> No.8191491


I have the following SNES games: Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man 7, Wild Guns, Metal Warriors, Final Fight Guy.

Whichever is the most valuable.

>> No.8191504

Dunno. I have thousands of them. They exist as bits of data, so it's hard to ascribe monetary value to them.

Yes, I am laughing at you.

>> No.8191520

>poor guy laughs at rich guy

>> No.8191539

>fiscally conservative guy laughs at fucking idiot who wastes his money on something he can get for free in under ten minutes

>> No.8191579

>retard guy who hoards money but doesn't actually do anything with it
May as well be a bum. Neither stimulate the economy.

>> No.8191592

More like
>peasant copes about missing out on a 300% financial gain in just 12 months (1000% in 5 years) despite having all the esoteric knowledge needed right in front of him

>> No.8191605

It's weird to think about that way. I used to buy arcade games in the early 2010s for (relatively) dirt cheap, which even then was late in the hobby, before the normalfags got led to the watering hold and drove prices to astronomical levels. That said, I don't plan to sell, so I'm a poorfag sitting on a mountain of rare and expensive games. People would look at me and think I'm rich, but no, I'm currently a NEET.

>> No.8191620

Truth is, most people who have a ton of expensive games never paid much for them. They're almost always thrift store or yardsale finds, or were purchased at release. This idea that a game currently going to $300 means you need to have spent $300 is fucking retarded.

>> No.8191626

You're a little too young to be here, champ.

>> No.8191658

earthbound loose is valued at $350ish on pricecharting, so that i guess. unless i have something more valuable in my handheld, wii/wiiu collection that i haven't logged on pricecharting yet

>> No.8191682
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Everything on this list has doubled or tripled in value since COVID. Its pretty ridiculous.

>> No.8191719
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I found this at a garage sale for $1, sold it on eBay for $350 to a Swedish collector. I regret it even though that was a shit ton of money to me at the time. Who fuckin knows how valuable it would be in today's market.
Now the most valuable game I own is probably the MGS3 Subsistence limited edition.

>> No.8191723

Based wiioomer

>> No.8191749

How is House of the Dead on Saturn worth $500? I only knew like 2 people with a Saturn but they both had it.

>> No.8191752

released at the end of the lifespan and nearly all Saturn games other than Virtua Cop/Virtua Fighter sold like shit
Doesn't help that it's kind of a shitty port

>> No.8191753

Because today's coomlectors have no shame. You could nearly buy a cab for that money

>> No.8191775

Prices jumped once the fact that the source code went missing became common knowledge.

Also, people are fucking starving for light gun shooting games.

>> No.8191820
File: 1011 KB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20210930-184523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started a new job and I'm making twice as much money as before going back to school.

The time has come for me to secure the games I want before they increase any further. I still try to find relative deals, but I'm considering pretty high ticket collectibles at this point. I haven't crossed four figures yet, but thankfully there are very few of those that I want.

Big buys this year:
>Tron Bonne
>El Viento(CIB)
>DuckTales 2
>Mighty Final Fight
>Metal Storm
>S.C.A.T. boxed
>Thousand Arms
>Kirby Tilt N' Tumble (CIB)

Ordered Lunar Eternal Blue on Sega CD this week.

>> No.8191850

Lawl I bought Suikoden 2 for $99 last year

>> No.8191856

Nah, just means you didnt exist yet when us real gamers were able to buy our games when they came out.

>> No.8191873 [DELETED] 

The Saturn port is practically as good as not having it. I have the US Saturn version which I've had for going on 20 years, and a pedestal cab which I've had since the mid-00s (I even have a prototype of the Saturn version which was dumped a few years back). No comparison, the Saturn version is just a hollow imitation. Save your money and buy a cab. If somebody is willing to chunk down $500 for a crappy port, surely they can save up another couple hundred or whatever, clear some space, and get the definitive version. Oh wait, I forgot, full set collectors need that precious Saturn disc regardless, and I guess the cheap Japanese version just isn't good enough.

>> No.8191880

Super metroid at the moment.

>> No.8191889

Have the money launderers traded a copy Startropics 2 yet? Because I have a complete copy of that in really good condition.

>> No.8191927

Yeah this guy has it right. We're GAMERS

>> No.8191930
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>> No.8191956

Not retro, but this literal piece of shit.

>> No.8191968
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>> No.8191975

is that CDN? If so, how did you change the it from USD?

>> No.8191997
File: 1.14 MB, 1080x2244, Screenshot_20210930-201352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the front page of the app when you open it, in the top left of the screen there is a drop down menu. In the settings menu, located on that drop down menu, is currency controls.

Changed my collection to JPY with this method just now.

>> No.8192051

Thanks. Just got the app a few hours ago

>> No.8192067

Panzer Dragoon Saga. (US version)

>> No.8192093

same just bought this

>> No.8192187

I recently got Sparkster on the mega drive in it's case for $10.
Sells on ebay for around $250.
Also got Fire emblem radiant dawn for $8, sells for around the same.

>> No.8192195

All Silent Hill games CIB, maybe? I also have the Zelda CDi games. I have rare stuff on the hardware side, like a net yaroze and a pippin

>> No.8192229

>just bought it
Oof... How much did you pay? I lucked out and got it in 2009 for $200. (>>8192067 here)

>> No.8192234
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, IMG_6325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea about my games' value but I won this one on auction by overbidding some really stubborn guy and it means a lot to me.

>> No.8192756

Where? A garage sale?

>> No.8192760

nobody cares and nobody is goin to reply you big faggot.

captcha PXXXX

>> No.8192765

Facebook marketplace for sparkster and a pawn shop for fire emblem.

>> No.8192829
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I knew that wouldn't work, and I'm a dumbass for giving you the benefit of the doubt. I should have known when I saw NTSC games in your picture

>> No.8192862

He isn't.

>> No.8193114
File: 19 KB, 342x291, D2_Video_Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D2 For the Dreamcast CIB, Bought it in 2016 for like 65 Bucks, was surprised last week when I found out its worth 200 Dollars now.

>> No.8193116

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue collectors edition

>> No.8193559
File: 535 KB, 2048x1536, 6C1F84DF-0743-4D6C-95DF-F35A2801552E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the English Garou or MSX? Jap Slug 2, Pulstar, and Shock Troopers 2 might also be a bit pricey now

>> No.8193707

Probably that one. I recently sold my ~15 SNES games and Megaman X3 went for about $130.

>> No.8194002

Sentimentally, mine is Mario Sunshine/Luigis Mansion. Mario Sunshine's my favorite game and Luigi's Mansion is one of the first games I played as a baby and both are very important to me. Monetarily, my most valuable game is Cubivore.

>> No.8194043

Not that retard but personally I do think the term gamer is a bit flawed. Gamer is sort of a catch all term for people who play video games but it really doesn't work out like that. To use film terms, Joe Blow who buys tickets to every new marvel film and a person with a genuine passion for film and the techniques that go into making one aren't in the same catchall category of "movie-watchers." There are general audiences and film buffs and it's understood that a film buff has more of an interest in movies and how they're made as opposed to a regular person who enjoys movies simply for the entertainment. I think games are broken up in the same way because I wouldn't consider someone who enjoys games as a distraction on the same level of game-appreciation as someone like myself who owns most mainstream consoles and a large collection to play them on, or someone with a large, curated rom folder on their computer and enjoys dissecting games and discussing how they're made and how they stack up against each other like you and I do. It's just two different types of people. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

>> No.8194064
File: 1.15 MB, 1536x2048, 040D3DDB-31E2-4D4B-A3C9-5CEAC8C65704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Cop

>> No.8194254

how did you guys get your saturn games so cheap

>> No.8194303

Thousand year door means a lot to me

>> No.8194307

Super Mario 64.

>> No.8194310

>how did you guys get your saturn games so cheap
I bought my all my back in the early mid 00's solely because they were mostly dirt cheap. Only Saturn game I ever spent more than a hundred on was PDS. Sadly I sold everything once my kid was born. Wish I hung onto the system and a few of those games.

>> No.8194436

Still got Action 52 kicking around.

>> No.8194440

Bought them 7 years ago when it was obvious their value was taking off, and never coming back down

>> No.8194618

are you talking financial or personal value?

>> No.8195078

I have a collection of 20 CIB Saturn games and most of them I bought years ago.

You need to have a solid income to collect Saturn nowadays. I'm going to try and finish in the next year or two, but the last 10 or so games will probably be between 3.5-5k.

>> No.8195082

I google saturn iso and get one trillion result

>> No.8195085

God Hand.
Streets of Rage 3

I also value Ecco CD and Ecco 2 CD, but I don’t think they are rare.

I’ve owned lots of weird / rare games that aren’t valuable at all too.

>> No.8195087

Every kid in the USA played this lol. It’s always been selling for $20+

>> No.8195092

>she doesn't know

>> No.8195097

*Slaps hard drive like 1980s car salesman*
This baby can hold so many Saturn games.

>> No.8195120

What app is that?

>> No.8195124

Get off ebay you fag

>> No.8195175
File: 182 KB, 1024x768, labyrinthe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I collect undiscovered japanese pc games. Most people don't care about any of them other than a few rare cases but I enjoy exploring "forgotten" works of art so they're invaluable to me..

>> No.8195576

>Facebook marketplace
Wow. Most people on there either know what they got, or overvalue it

>> No.8195579

Either works. I just posted financially with MMX3

>> No.8195585

Based passion collector.

>> No.8195589

Hasn't been my experience. But I live in a country town so it might be different for cities.

>> No.8195601


>> No.8195608

Based and Republican pilled. Games have gameplay value not plastic shelf value.

Trash collector?

>> No.8195616

cringe as fuck

>> No.8195627

Trash collector bros...should we post on /toy/ since that's were ppl discuss their plastic products and post pics of plastic?

>> No.8195629


>> No.8195686

I remember buying this and Earthbound from a Hollywood Video for a dollar each when they were getting rid of their SNES games.

>> No.8195692

definitely happened

>> No.8195754

I'll look for them and post a picture, keep this thread alive for a day.

>> No.8195832

in terms of money:
>zelda cib collection
>pokemon cib collection

in terms of nostalgia:
shitty n64 games no one else liked
virtual boy, burned sega cd titles, nes controllers, pokemon snap, burned ps1/2 dvds, tamagotchi, road rash 3do

>> No.8195894 [DELETED] 

Bangai o for N64 is the rarest I own, but most valuable on the market, probably PD Saga

>> No.8196213

Factory sealed minish cap is probably my most valuable game.
Boxed childhood copy of majora's mask is my most sentimental game, absolutely priceless.

>> No.8196239

EarthBound, Shining the Holy Ark, Persona 2 or Fire Emblem on Gamecube.

Sentimental, probably Doshin the Giant or Suikoden.

>> No.8196259

no clue, every time i turn around with covid pricing i have to ask myself "when the hell did that get expensive?"

if anyone wants to figure it out for me, this is a somewhat incomplete list of what i got: https://cloud.collectorz.com/Howema/games/view

>> No.8196267


this is the way to live boys

>> No.8196273

Earthbound or Waku Waku 7 (MVS) probably.

>> No.8196296

Based! Fuck this scalpie thread. OP just looking for shill bidding ideas

>> No.8196553 [DELETED] 


>> No.8196726

Nah. Was just curious if any anons had a game worth $7000 or something

>> No.8196787

japan is also ntsc

>> No.8197564
File: 3.62 MB, 3958x3388, 1 dollar each.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for the Earthbound cart still. But I did find Mega Man X3 and these other games I got from the Hollywood Video when they are selling them for a dollar each.
I also bought Link to the Past and Super Mario Kart, but those only have a sticker on the back so no point in showing those..

>> No.8197774

Found the Eartbound cart, but it only has the back sticker. Not the silver ones on the side.

>> No.8197921

Based nigga. I also collect pc shit cause its what i grew up on and im always finding new stuff. The east Asian pc stuff is something im always into. Lots of ports most dont even know of. Whats some neat titles you have dug up?

>> No.8197931

Japan is NTSC-J
But you already knew that

>> No.8197936

Imagine being this fucking upset that people play video games on real hardware.

>> No.8198091

All your carts are trashed anon...

>> No.8198204

But he can play them

>> No.8198213
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>playing on real hardware
>getting into ''trash collecting''
big difference

>> No.8198218

Probably my steelbook Metroid Prime Trilogy and the Castlevania Double Pack on GBA. I didn't buy these to collect them though, so they're not sealed or anything.

>> No.8198230
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Most valuable and sentimental would just be my GC collection I suppose. Got a few decently rare ones in there like Chibi Robo, PAL Four Swords Adventures and Paper Mario. All bought back in the day.

>> No.8198246
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>> No.8198254

you have to be 18 to post on 4chan, zoomer.

>> No.8198257

meant as a reply to >>8191210

>> No.8198327

sure buddy, do you even collect plastic?

>> No.8198335


no cap

>> No.8198340
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Recently got this HyperCard floppy disk Mac game “Natsuyasumi”. It’s kino but unfortunately I’m having trouble transferring the dump of it from my PowerBook so I put it away for now.

>> No.8198373
File: 346 KB, 1200x1600, Starter kit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked this up sealed. It's cool.

>> No.8198386

I bought a good condition Chronotrigger cart for $99.
I found a copy of Secret of Mana abandoned in apartment. That was going for $50 last I checked.

>> No.8198517

This is actually really cool. I wish I had a Win98SE build to play it

>> No.8198708

Clayfighter: Sculptor's Cut (the Blockbuster exclusive one)
Final Fantasy VII unopened (non-typo)
Team Buddies

And then some mid-level game like Shatterhand on NES and the yellow box Metroid (w/ some wear on the box).

Probably going to sell everything I have now, and just emulate anything I actually want to play.

>> No.8198917

They are a total eyesore though.

>> No.8198939

Nobody cares. They're meant to be played.

>> No.8198957
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>> No.8198970

This, games are meant to be played.

>> No.8198983

And? They came from a rental store and were a dollar each.

>> No.8198992
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>> No.8198996

I own the entire .hack quadrilogy

>> No.8199281
File: 393 KB, 2048x924, Star Fox Super Weekend Competition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wata fags BTFO

Legit champions of old, do not endorse over priced paper weights. Games are interactive works of art. Not art to be had alone. Interacting by way of the intended use, is the only way to fully appreciate some of these titles. The mere aesthetic alone, or some portfolio consideration when it comes to certain titles, is cancer. Encasing prototypes without dumping the contents first should be illegal. Parasites the whole bloody lot of them.

>> No.8199309
File: 1.00 MB, 1300x1120, degenerate cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look is that scammer.

>> No.8199316

you are just jealous he has panic restaurant.

>> No.8199473


>> No.8199498

>secret of evermore

Really great game

>> No.8200016

NTSC-J is not a real thing, both the US and Japan have the same NTSC television standard.

>> No.8200045

There's no fucking way a CIB SMW is $800

>> No.8200365

PAL labels are such clusterfucks

>> No.8200917
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This motherfucker

>> No.8201225

I just checked my rom collection and have that! Love space shooters so thanks for posting it.

>> No.8202269

Yea it's a very cool game but I barely managed to beat stage 7 twice. Then I got rekt. I love the soundtracks, especially the mid boss soundtrack with maximum bass is dope

>> No.8202352

I guess my unopened copy of Rule of Rose, but that price going around has always felt like BS to me. I doubt anyone would ever pay that much.

>> No.8202391
File: 55 KB, 353x400, Stoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this sealed also, and a cluebook. Have it opened as well. It's a cool thing.

>> No.8202414

supposedly a modern port is happening/hinted at by rights holder, so if you plan on selling, might as well not wait too long

>> No.8202428

Plastophobia is the fear of plastic. It can involve not wanting to eat food that has made contact with plastic, feeling that it is unhygienic to touch plastic or inability to use plastics such as straws and plastic spoons.

>> No.8202457

Nice one!

>> No.8202504

>eliminate downs

>> No.8202528

We call people who dissect movies and marvel at the cinematography and techniques fags. They must be to get so invested in something they will never have a part in creating, but that mostly just applies to /here/. People going to actual film school and getting into it to make it their career who have talent, they're okay. They still sniff their own farts, but at least they make money doing it.

>> No.8202530
File: 135 KB, 640x480, Gameboy_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea the actual value, but I have this complete in box

>> No.8202554

He looks to young to have played those back in the day

>> No.8202557
File: 513 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20190512_232938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related box stored in mind cond. somewhere in my closet.

>> No.8203141

my most valuable game isn't my most prized game.

i have a new open box chrono trigger for snes. cart never been inserted into a snes before. box and all inserts mint. got it on a trade when i worked at funcoland 17 years ago. i would love to sell it for a loose cart and cash someday.

my most prized game is my lunar sssc for ps1. it's my original copy. always loved the sega cd version and remember preordering it and the day i picked it up. i was 18 at the time and going through lots of changes like all 18 year olds with school, new job, thoughts of the future etc. but i remember being to ecstatic that i was going to play a new version of my favorite sega cd game.

anyways value in terms of money is boring as shit. when i make small talk i never ask what people do for a living. i always ask when they do in their free time for fun. it's way more interesting with more meaningful value.

>> No.8203231

Because he didn't. He doesn't even give a shit about vidya. He's an (((investor)))

>> No.8205170
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>> No.8205391

Either Persona 2 Innocent Sin NTSC-NA PS1 or YS III sealed for snes.

>> No.8205571

You sir are based

>> No.8206730

I'd say based

>> No.8206760
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>> No.8206780
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>empty neo geo shelf

>> No.8206887

I would not bother buying a single piece of software if I could get away with downloading and running it for free. Even with lots of disposable income. Even if I were a millionaire.
Unemulated consoles or unique peripherals, however

>> No.8206919
File: 3.88 MB, 5312x2988, 20210125_135758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lent this to my friend. all i have left is a manual. ffffuuuuuuu

>> No.8206976

it's not the neo geo shelf you retard it's the ps3 shelf

>> No.8207020

Imagine using this faggy shit to track your collection.

>> No.8207126

friendship over

>> No.8207213
File: 3 KB, 102x95, megaman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twas a long while back, way before it was worth bucks, anyway, being angry ain't my thing

>> No.8207223

My Alien Hominid GBA game. Not sure how much it's worth, it only came out in Europe.

The reason I treasure it so much is because I grew up a poorfag, and it was flash and emulation that was one of the big ways I got into games. The first time I played Metal Slug, it wasn't on a NeoGeo, it was shitty flash games built from sprite rips to try and emulate it, for example.

Alien Hominid is a great game in its own right, built by the guys who made the Newgrounds flash portal. Its such a lovely combination of things I love, action platforming, flash, pixel animation, and the GBA.

That combination of rarity and personal value is what makes it my most prized game.

>> No.8207998

As a kid I was only able to rent X2, never able to buy it. Got X3 as a birthday present, was kinda upset, but still played it all the same...

now X3 is like $400 loose, and considering selling it..

>> No.8208079
File: 77 KB, 454x380, Squirtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majora Not for Resale Grey

>> No.8208642

Mega Man 8 on the Saturn is probably the most valuable game I own. I'm looking to resurface the disc and sell it off as well as almost all my physical games.
emulatorfags can't help inserting themselves into topics that don't concern them. Of course emulation exists, you fucking homo.

>> No.8208645

>Based and Republican pilled
cringed hard

>> No.8208652

>Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
Go back to your twitter/Instagram/reddit or whatever shithole your underaged ass crawled out of and off yourself.

>> No.8208708

leftist falseflag

>> No.8208810

>I'm looking to resurface the disc and sell it off as well as almost all my physical games.
I'd suggest you don't resurface it unless it actually doesn't play properly

>> No.8208830

the cutscenes skip, but gameplay-wise it works fine. Actually, last time I tried my MM8 disc it was with my Saturn's failing CD drive. I installed a MODE in it and stashed away the drive, but I'll test it in retroarch on my PC.

>> No.8208970

Probably Hagane (SNES) and Wild Arms (SNES)

>> No.8209128

Got shit loads of snes games and the boxes are still like new in the original plastic wrap, my dad would carefully open them for me hand me the cart and store away the box and all its contents inside.
Need to sell them because we really need the money but all of them are like time capsules just looking at them helps me remember better days.

My most prized is Earthbound but the one that I'm amazed by is super metroid it's literally mint condition with how careful my dad was with it.

>> No.8209156

well, I just tested it and there's no skipping. So that's pretty cool.

>> No.8209321

Is your dad a cool guy?
I think I might do the same in the future.

>> No.8209335
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I am not proud of it, but it was not many gems.

>> No.8209537

Yeah he's great and I dread the day I will lose him. He's getting up there in age but still kicking, I do my best to enjoy everyday I still have with him.

>> No.8209576

> Paprium 1485 dollaridoos
Thanks for the laugh

>> No.8209815

Nice street cred bro.

>> No.8210403

I don't concern myself with such things since I'm not looking to sell my old games.

>> No.8210580

It's pretty surreal seeing a game I bought for $30 2 years ago now trending at $215

Really makes you wonder what kind of people are paying these prices right now

>> No.8210597

People who think it will sell for $500 in two years, that's who, as well as retrogame collector ecelebs who view lining their background shelves with shelf candy as a business expense. Devoted collectors are quickly getting priced out of the hobby, not just in a "can I afford it or not: sense, but in a "who wants to line some reseller's pockets with a few hundred dollars for something that was worth $30 just some months ago?" sense.

>> No.8210694 [DELETED] 

redump them

>> No.8210703

Sounds like classic bubble behaviour when people are confident whatever they buy will be worth more in the future

>> No.8210706

everyone who has rare games here, please dump them and submit them to ROM groups

>> No.8210792

My mom payed $70 for X3 at Circuit City / Good Guys when it was new in 1995. I wish I kept the box god dammit that would have been a good investment.

>> No.8210914

There are lots of new collectors joining the scene all the time - if they want to have a serious collection with rare games, they're stuck in a tough spot where they either pay or are extremely lucky with a few finds but the harsh reality is that if you want games, you need to pay.

>> No.8210930
File: 258 KB, 1440x1642, Screenshot_20211003-194358_GAMEYE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sucks that new people in the hobby are pretty much already priced out right from the start, especially since yard sales and thrift store finds are long deat. However, they have so many options for playing in real hardware now. We didn't have ODE's for disc based consoles when I started. You needed to buy mod chips, and burn all the games to CDs

>> No.8211035

As a collector, if I were getting into the retro scene now i'd see these laughable prices and just decide to buy a console and flashcart for everything.

>> No.8211147

Blessed. Have a good one, anon.

>> No.8211170

Only worth $ with the North America box or sealed.

>> No.8211712

everyone who has rare games here, please don't dump them and hoard them forever

>> No.8211783

Theyre all dumped, though

>> No.8211795

And what? You fucking dinosaur

>> No.8211801


>> No.8211806

Bet you wish you could buy CIB games (in English) when they were dirt cheap.

>> No.8211820

I dont know what CIB is. If I knew what it was and I really wanted to play it i'd download a rom and play it. If I were really into the game and was afraid of rom sites getting pruned, id make a repro cart of it but NEVER BUY IT FROM NON-GAMERS WHO HAVE MADE IT A FUCKING BUSINESS.

>> No.8212312

Lol retard

>> No.8212352
File: 450 KB, 751x585, SMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never bought any old games at collector prices. Mine were all either decent deals or games I've had since I was a kid. I don't make a habit of checking prices but I've seen these ones sell for too much money before, especially Masters of Combat.
I wouldn't start collecting old games at the moment, as the prices are bullshit. Just play on emulators or whatever if you're a zoomer.

>> No.8212363

Master System games weren't too bad to collect until about 6 months ago

>> No.8213380
File: 487 KB, 220x220, WTF I don't even.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont know what CIB is. If I knew what it was and I really wanted to play it i'd download a rom and play it.
Unironically the dumbest thing I've ever read on /vr/, and thats after the guy who broke a composhit-connector when unplugging it from the tv and tried to suck it out

>> No.8213797
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>dat space worm

>> No.8213859
File: 2.37 MB, 4032x3024, batman forever snes bigbox woolies exclusive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i win the thread, what's my prize?

It's all in there, pen, diary, vhs, competition mail-in etc.

>inb4 wtf is this shit, if ykyk if you don't, not my problem.

>> No.8213967
File: 16 KB, 254x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably my copy of Condor Attack with the manual

mine is in storage somewhere so can't get an OC pic

>> No.8213985
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, 23D5CF68-8673-4061-BF43-B5C0F36E78F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s PAL.

>> No.8214220
File: 53 KB, 253x320, 4120B392-960E-41F5-8C70-EAB280F5900C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the attachment size limit

>> No.8214715 [DELETED] 

You win this >(You)

>> No.8214763

Holy shit I fucking remember that

>> No.8214847
File: 529 KB, 1282x713, poopslinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call bullshit. That pic's from an ebay listing.

>> No.8214853

Clayfighter Sculptor's Cut

>> No.8214868

What's so hard to read about them?

>> No.8214873

Ahh one of those common permanent listings

>> No.8214941

Yea lol, and it's not even in the game afaik. Good game tho

>> No.8214947

Nice, too bad the game is shit. Can you show the big box pls?

>> No.8215138

You too and thank you.

>> No.8215682

>Batman Forever: the making of the video game
Holy shit

>> No.8215849

The frequency rate of SNES games is determined by the console, not the software, so an unoptimized PAL game will run normally in an NTSC machine.

>> No.8216705

Nintoddlerism is a disease, there is no way a Nintendo published game is more valuable than a niche late release Sega CD game

>> No.8216737

Damn you could've put your kid through college if you waited

>> No.8217000
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>> No.8217065
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>> No.8217097
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>> No.8218103
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>> No.8218227

That's cool as fuck, thanks for sharing

>> No.8218287
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top three according to pricecharting

>> No.8218592
File: 3.26 MB, 4160x3120, 20200814_132748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha Force, which is my favorite gamecube game, is my most valuable. Skies of Arcadia is also pretty pricey

>> No.8218593

am i the only one who has never checked the value of the things i own?

>> No.8218594

Earthbound. My dumb ass threw out the guide in a move too, but it was in rough shape

>> No.8218601

damn, now i'm wondering how the master system micro machines compares to the nes

>> No.8219894

Significantly better graphics.
Different music arrangements.
Gameplay is about the same. Both play nice and smooth.
No helicopter levels.

>> No.8219967

Haven't checked in years. Probably M.U.S.H.A Complete, Rondo or Silent Hill 2.

>> No.8219998

>Not a single fps or sports game
>Not a single western game period
Nobody wants to pay top dollar for western trash.

>> No.8220004

That's pretty cool, especially for something that hasn't been forced down everybody's throats as must-have collector's pieces.

>> No.8220317
File: 137 KB, 909x681, pegasus-retro-gry-wideo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitter went for over 200 usd at one time, that's the most expensive game I still own. Other than that I preserve nature and went full eco-gaming mode like this cuptured anon >>8191108

>> No.8220380

You would be preserving nature more by giving these games a home.

>> No.8220390

I took the pic from ebay for quickness, but i do own it.

>> No.8220393

Is Majoras Mask valuable? I definitely have that in a storage bin in my garage somewhere, and OoT. There’s no way those are valuable beyond like 40 dollars used.

>> No.8220401
File: 37 KB, 220x310, 220px-Bayou_Billy_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CIB of my favorite game of all time wouldn't trade it for anything

>> No.8220404

Can you shut the fuck up?

>> No.8220409

>based clearance chad.
Most of these zoomers who cry about buyfags wasting money don't realize that old fags were collecting this stuff back when no one wanted it and got most of it for chump change.

>> No.8220424

Even in the early ebay days you could get cool stuff for cheap. I have random crap like CIB HitBit MSX2 and TurboDuo R, mostly because having it complete vs loose wasn't a huge investment. I have many complete games from the 90s just because I held onto stuff.

>> No.8220443

Dude, stop
This is not okay, leave her alone

>> No.8220485

The gray not for re-sale is. The gold, I don't think some crazy amount.

>> No.8220487

Just recycle them already or send to Africa so they can build a house out of it.