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8185696 No.8185696 [Reply] [Original]

Why did people prefer Goldeneye 007 over it?

>> No.8185704
File: 6 KB, 225x225, twine64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TWINE > either of Rare's N64 FPSs

>> No.8185707

dunno, I didn't.
Mark my words, they'll have Joanna be gay in the new one.

>> No.8185713

Recognizable IP. I'm pretty sure every boomer dad was stoked as shit to buy their kid a James Bond game. They also grew up with Bond.

>> No.8185717

Ssshhh, let's not think about that. Let's think happy thoughts.

>> No.8185720

post favourite two weapon loadouts

>double cyclone automatic discharge
>callisto ntg heavy shot

>> No.8185730

always double klobbs and was so happy I could do it in Perfect Dark too.

The rapidfire pelletguns causing constant stunlock of hurt animations never stopped being funny.

>> No.8185761

i got the game in 2001, after having goldeneye for 3 years. as a 10 year old, i was drawn by the flashy graphics and the voices and music. felt like bond but upgraded. i still played goldeneye plenty, and >>8185704 too but TWINE just wasnt as fun

>> No.8185820

Played much more PD multiplayer with my friends than goldeneye.
We loved to do all the challenges in 1, 2, 3 and 4 player modes

>> No.8185832

I recently replayed this after years. I remember liking PD better then i played it and it constantly dips below 10fps. It got pretty nauseating.

>> No.8185913

If you can, I recommend the remaster on the 360. It gives the game a steady frame rate, along with some updated textures and aiming.

>> No.8186289

Know any good places to download it? I found an emulator that can play it with mouse and keyboard

>> No.8186296


>> No.8186319

Pretty sure GE is the more popular one but PE is the one people like more that played both

I certainly prefer PD to GE, but I never got the chance to replay GE since the 64 days. Replayed PE in full on 360 and 100%'d it(not including challenges lmao). Was a blast.

>> No.8186338

Perfect Dark was released in 2000 against Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament which exposed how shit Perfect Dark truly was.

>> No.8186382

>Perfect Dark was released in 2000 against Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament which exposed how shit Perfect Dark truly was
It's only selling point continues to be "but it's slightly better in some areas than Goldeneye!"
Nobody cared what it improved upon, we'd already grown to love Goldeneye, imperfections included. PD came out too late and offered nothing that the market wasn't already over.

>> No.8186427


As far as MP content goes, PD has nothing on those two, but the SP stuff blows them both away. Playing the 360 version is some of the most fun I've had with an FPS campaign in awhile.

>> No.8186442

I mean, considering there really is no single player in Quake 3 or UT99, it's not exactly a major argument. I've always hated Q3 for that though

>> No.8186552

>it's only
How can you be so illiterate?

>> No.8186561

Oh fuck off. It’s vs its is one of the most retarded parts of english

>> No.8186564

>PC games are more advanced and better looking than an N64 shooter
Well color me fucking shocked

>> No.8186568

No Bond, the twin stick controls changing console FPS forever, PS2 inbound.

>> No.8186594
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The complexity of the Combat Simulator.

>> No.8186615

They didn't. 007 was a great game, but perfect dark was a true masterpiece

>> No.8186617

double falcon, the magdumping in the game was so satisfying compared to the slow rate of fire in GE
also used to like the K7 on alt fire because when I was younger I always thought it made the gun more accurate because tracers were more visible due to the concealed muzzle flash, plus it was powerful as fuck

>> No.8186620

Goldeneye had a greater impact for console FPS. Perfect Dark was better, but merely seen as an upgrade.

>> No.8186660

>It's only selling point continues to be "but it's slightly better in some areas than Goldeneye!"
That's a great selling point, though.

>> No.8186668

I think its less that Goldeneye is preferred, and more that Goldeneye was played by more people.

>> No.8186809

low iq

>> No.8186818

I like James Bond and the music in this game is better than it has any right to be.
This was fun and had a surprisingly good soundtrack without the licensed music.

>> No.8186834
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1009, pdl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's an improvement over Goldeneye in nearly every way.
It compared somewhat favorably to Deus Ex and System Shock 2, not so much with the faces but for sure with animations, weapons, and environments.

>> No.8186845

>I mean, considering there really is no single player in Quake 3 or UT99, it's not exactly a major argument.
It seems like it's a pretty significant argument if you care about single player campaigns.

In fact I would say games like Quake 3 and UT99, as food as they are, were the beginning of the downfall of FPS campaigns, just as they were evolving to be more than just corridors of monster closets

>> No.8186903

goldeneye has better levels, objectives, and performance

>> No.8187102
File: 134 KB, 1024x768, 37106-the-operative-no-one-lives-forever-windows-screenshot-sniping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now do a screenshot on real hardware, not on an emulator with 5x upscale

>> No.8187168
File: 2.84 MB, 448x334, goldeneyee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone's forgot how poorly these games ran on "real hardware", anon, and thankfully you don't have to anymore. They transfer to the PC very nicely.

>> No.8187238

Name recognition and GE was an earlier title so more people played it.
>comparing console and PC FPS
Kill yourselves for being such niggers.

>> No.8187326
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its way more advanced, the framerate is abysmal, too ahead of it's time

>> No.8187332
File: 3.98 MB, 3804x2988, 20190227_044051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> now do a screenshot
took me a whole summer

>> No.8187363

because of the built-in effect of the brand. bond was around forever and the game had a unique appeal at the time for being the definitive james bond sim

Perfect Dark is a better game but it doesn't have that inherent appeal of the James Bond brand.

>> No.8187483

Maian SOS on Perfect Agent is absolute bullshit. I think it took me years to finally do it.

>> No.8187572

>Perfect Dark is a better game
It isn't. The objectives are boring and the game wants to be Deus Ex but straightjackets you in how they can be completed. The guns sound like peashooters, the levels are microscopic, and the story sucks.

>> No.8187578
File: 439 KB, 1000x1000, bomber_man_64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes that and the one in the fucking submarine. WAR! was nothing.

>> No.8187580
File: 63 KB, 263x238, elite_net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have no fucking taste. go play whatever COD is popular fuckwad.

>> No.8187808

opinion noted, I guess. what do you want me to say to you exactly...?

>> No.8187864

perfect dark is not as fun as Goldeneye single or multiplayer.
that's just the way it is.

>> No.8188050

Perfect Dank has a cool alien friend named Elvis, therefore it wins.

>> No.8188101

One has the Bond brand and the other doesn't. Also nostalgia play a part with being a favorite for many childhoods.

>An better Goldeneye
You said that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.8188598

>The objectives are boring
Cause the golden eye objectives are sooo interesting right? At least perfect dark has cooler gadgets

>> No.8188612

They didn't. People are aware how famous and influential GoldenEye was, but me and all my friends moved onto Perfect Dark and never looked back.

>> No.8188629

Breathes in

>> No.8188814

>thinking all inferior specced machines are incapable of good games
Do you anons even understand retro gaming? Do you consider all Mega drive games as inferior looking to SNES due to its limited colour palette also?

>> No.8188826

>Cause the golden eye objectives are sooo interesting right?
Yes they are very interesting you mentally disabled spastic.

>> No.8189229

>no reply to the truth
Perfect Dark was dated and trash on arrival. Unless it was the first game you owned you're not going to defend it.

>> No.8189354

i dont really care either way, but posting like this just immediately outs you as a retard. if you want people to talk to you, maybe try not behaving like an antisocial autist

>> No.8189378
File: 48 KB, 500x353, 500px-MagSec_4_Load.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have respect for the MagSec, and the n-bomb.

>> No.8189380
File: 16 KB, 360x450, I'M GONNA USE THE N-BOMB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you put a comma after the spoiler tag I guess it nullifies it.

>> No.8189459

Can't shoot rockets through walls in goldeneye

>> No.8189508

Goldeneye campaign was good from start to finish. PD is good for the first third then spirals progressively downhill. Elvis is the faggiest shit ever.

>> No.8189545

>Elvis is the faggiest shit ever.
Imagine having taste this bad. Couldn't be me.

>> No.8189554
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>> No.8189556 [DELETED] 

it gets worse once you realize the entire game is a feminist power fantasy and the president is a nigger

>> No.8189827

>Goldeneye campaign was good from start to finish
Imagine thinking any missions involving Natalya was better than Elvis.

>> No.8189932

Bunker 2 is great and jungle is pretty good.

>> No.8190140

Did playing a taller character actually make you move faster or was I just a dipshit kid
Either way, Mr. Blonde gang

>> No.8190328

perfect dark multiplayer is fun because is imbalanced as fuck, someone should notice this some day

>> No.8190330

I prefer the game where you can throw n-bombs without repercusions

>> No.8190332

Last I played with this emulator if I used the night vision googles or the mini spycam for the radiation part the game drops to unplayable frame rates. I’m talking 2fps

>> No.8190348


>> No.8190352

Works on my machine.

>> No.8190357

I do not know actually

>> No.8190364

Same reason people go back to play SMB despite SMB3 being superior in many ways.

>> No.8192214

james bond is a way bigger ip than perfect dark,just look at that harry potter game on the ps1 with 8 million sales

>> No.8192343

The actual plot of this game is just shlocky fun but the way it's told actually ingame and in cutscenes makes it fucking incomprehensible

>> No.8192350

The game expects you to read the briefings.

>> No.8192407

great minds think alike

>> No.8192415

I had to use speedrun strats for WAR! Perfect Agent.

>> No.8192572

>It's like a sci-fi Goldeneye that runs even slower and darker.

I was disappointed with it and my crew went back to GoldenEye.

>> No.8192607

pd removed the bathroom stall doors in facility

>> No.8192628

>preferring one shitty, bad controls, pain in the ass, 10FPS mess of a console FPS over another
The PS1 and N64 were the beginning of the end of gaming and never should have been allowed on /vr/.

>> No.8192878

>Last I played
and that was when...?
anon, I have an i7 920, it works

>> No.8192886

Every legendary fps has auto aim.

Really makes you think

>> No.8192967

Any fun custom games to share?

>Flu Season / Nut House
Grid level, players vs. sims, ff on. Only weapon was the tranquilizer. Players were all the surgeon character, sims were random civvies. Goal was to give everyone their flu shots (I guess covid shots now). Only the melee range lethal injection could be used. Games always turned into a total clusterfuck, and everyone was blind as hell from the sedation.

Free for all, literally nothing but n-bombs.

>El Presidente
2v5. One player played as Obama and COULD NOT use weapons, only run. Allies were 1 player character and 2 Meat sims. Enemies were terrorists with the job of killing Obama. Pretty fun.

>Villa Assault
Capture the case on Villa, players vs. sims. Sim team was mostly dark sims so 3-4 players could just barely eke out wins against the NPC team. Good fun challenge.

>> No.8193128

maybe you just dont like scifi, that sucks