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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 785 KB, 720x848, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8185758 No.8185758 [Reply] [Original]

>no master system controller
shit list

>> No.8185762

14. Greatest console of all time. Snoys can cope.

>> No.8185763


>> No.8185764


>> No.8185769


>> No.8185771

I meant 6, oops

>> No.8185778

Based reddit thread
Also 20

>> No.8185809

1 I guess?
I had the OG MSX

>> No.8185825

Bro, no one knows what the fuck that is.

>> No.8185831

No you didn't.

>> No.8185837

You're not me fuck off jew

But actually I meant 3

>> No.8185842
File: 19 KB, 330x315, 330px-Intellivision-Controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellivison controller. And yes, I survived and even thrived in gaming.

>> No.8185853
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>> No.8185856 [DELETED] 
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the what system?

>> No.8185860

You fucking faggots. Stop pretending to be me.

>> No.8185875

Breaks easily or misses the contact, but it was easy to fix as well.

>> No.8186038
File: 218 KB, 1280x960, Joystick_Competition_PRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8186039

>No Saturn controller.
Fuck this chart.

>> No.8186040

Jesus fuck, I don't know too much about that particular era of computers, but our family computer had that EXACT keyboard. I used it to learn how to type the DOS commands to play Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion.

>> No.8186046

I assume 5 was supposed to be the Saturn controller, but whoever did it fucked up

>> No.8186049
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>> No.8186050
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>> No.8186054

Really 6, but I used a 4 first, it belonged to my rich cousins.

>> No.8186074

Oldest controller I remember playing with was 3

>> No.8186076

Atari is upside down, jej.
We had one of those because it was cheaper than a mouse and you could use it in DeskMate. Absolutely ghastly.

>> No.8186081
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I wanted a sega, they've bought a nintendo.

>> No.8186169

I don't remember because I was a toddler. Whichever is the NES one. I only remember carrying cartridges.
But realistically I started with the analog version of PS1 controller which isn't even on the list.

>> No.8186170

Because it was so easy to accidentally move the centering dials, for games that only required movement in one axis, I learned how to play using the appropriate dial instead of the stick.

>> No.8186180

Still have my family's original console too

>> No.8186340
File: 1.65 MB, 1936x2592, htCtmepw223iFnHyUcTAi4KgwCENZrZU4wMqPxPqRok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 covers a lot of things

>> No.8186360

2, didn't get a Genesis until 1993
MSX was kind of popular in some European countries

>> No.8186380

This but my cousin ended up with the console. I ended up replacing it was a Nt mini Noire.

>> No.8186829

7. Tony hawk's Pro skater. Simpler times.

>> No.8186852


>> No.8186982
File: 880 KB, 807x951, Microsoft SideWinder Joystick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8187013


>> No.8187017


I started with 1. But I also had 2, 3 , 4 5, 6 7, 8, 9 , 11, 12, 14 and 18.

>> No.8187018
File: 65 KB, 768x576, IMG_0671-768x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you throw the TAC-2 at a wall, the wall will break" - quote from an old games magazine

>> No.8187019

i started with the dualshock one
i have never actually seen irl the non-analog version

>> No.8187020

Started with 1 actually. Played Atari 2600 from the time I was born. Dad had at least 50 games for it.

After that it's been 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19.

>> No.8187049

I started with the Nintendo 64 controller. I also agree that the list should not be like this: how young would you have to be for your very first game controller to be a Playstation 5 or Nintendo Switch controller? For this reason, I think that the list is just advertising. The cut-off should be the Seventh Generation tops, then the rest should be filled in with more older game consoles. (the Sega Master System, the Sega Saturn, the first Playstation analog controller, etc.)

No one asked for this, but I'm going to rank the controllers from best to worst. (on the basis of versatility, then quality.)

>1. Playstation 2 (9)
>2. Playstation 4 (16)
>3. Playstation 5 (20)
>4. Playstation 3 (13)
>5. Xbox Series (19)
>6. Xbox One (17)
>7. Xbox 360 (12)
>8. Xbox (11)
>9. Wii U (15)
>10. Switch (18)
>11. Gamecube (10)
>12. Dreamcast (8)
>13. Nintendo 64 (6)
>14. Genesis 6-Button (5)
>15. Playstation (7)
>16. Super Nintendo (4)
>17. Genesis 3-Button (3)
>18. Wii (14)
>19. Nintendo (2)
>20. Atari 2600 (1)

>> No.8187812

you may notice that #11 is the hyperkin duke controller for xbox one, not an OG xbox controller

>> No.8187871

Yes, but that's just the image that was used. It's clearly meant to be the original Xbox controller since it's right beside the PS2 and Gamecube controllers and just before the three Seventh-Generation controllers.

As I said about the inclusion of the most recent controllers as potential "controllers you started with," it's possible that an image of the Hyperkin Xbox One Duke controller in place of the original Xbox Duke controller was used deliberately to tacitly advertise for it. (but I could only even notice the difference because of the menu buttons in the center replacing the original "BACK" and "START" buttons.

>> No.8187882

>5 is meant to be Saturn controller
>it’s a 6 button genesis controller
Kind of sad to be honest...

>> No.8187907

3, then 8, then 9. 10, 13, 14 and 16.

>> No.8187946

3 technically, but 7 is the first i owned.

>> No.8188038

>1. PS2
>4. PS3
PS2 and PS3 controllers were basically identical from what I remember.

>> No.8188053

do 17 and 19 really need separate entries? if so, they shouldve put the s controller after the duke, and the original ps dual analog after number 7

>> No.8188056

2. My dad was 18 when I was born. Always had an nes in the house.

>> No.8188060

>how young would you have to be for your very first game controller to be a Playstation 5 or Nintendo Switch controller?
i could see a ps5 controller being a boomer's first controller if they got it as a netflix box and were never into gaming

>> No.8188068

>PS2 and PS3 controllers were basically identical from what I remember.
im pretty sure ps3 added analog triggers

>> No.8188069


>> No.8188163

Yes and they were angled down. We should have got the boomerang.

>> No.8188210


>> No.8188214

Had one of those with our Atari 800
Different colors though

>> No.8188223
File: 138 KB, 474x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and my dad's old intelevision

>> No.8188320

2,4,6 and 7

>> No.8188359
File: 121 KB, 600x608, coleco-vision-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8188426

>no master system controller
And that’s a good thing, I can tell you now, no one wants to use a master system controller anymore

>> No.8188479


>> No.8188974

2,4, and 5. Though all my uncle had on the Saturn was those bootleg demos.

>> No.8189012


>> No.8189084

14. idk why the switch's joycons are really small relative to that.

>> No.8189153

Let's not pretend whatever retard made this ever even saw a controller made before the gamecube

>> No.8189395

11. If the dukes "too big" for you you're a twink basedlet

>> No.8189413

4chan censors certain buzzwords? Wtf is this ifunny?

>> No.8189418 [DELETED] 

jannies are trannies.

>> No.8189436

I had that too, blackjack and some maze game

>> No.8189519

Way to show how much of a newfag you are.

>> No.8189559

>TWO megadrive controllers
>no saturn controller

>> No.8190042

How dare they make this oversight
In all seriousness PS1. The power of only playing older generations because it's all you had access too.

>> No.8190054

They're not, PS2 controllers are sturdier, especially the analog sticks and the D-Pad, compared to the PS3 controller. I also prefer the L2 and R2 buttons on the PS2 controller to the L2 and R2 triggers on the PS3 controller. I don't have a problem if someone feels differently but I prefer the Dualshock 2 for this reason.

>> No.8190203
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 67BF9A41-5357-47B1-9180-D72B2FF4216A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8190258

wtf kind of zoomers are you?
b. 2000

>> No.8190304

The triggers on the PS3 controller are pure "what the fuck were they thinking". If you set it down on any surface they'll click every single time

>> No.8190325

It was also incredibly easy for your fingers to slide off them when pressing. God I don't miss them.

>> No.8190403

2 from the US NES which was a horrible version because fuck those 72-pins. Also, I still think the Duke is underrated and only hated by kids and guys with tiny hands.

>> No.8190547
File: 950 KB, 1200x1314, 1200px-Atari-5200-Controller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8190556

K nigga? Way to show what a virgin you are lmao

>> No.8191129

a zoomer who happens to like retro games but doesn't mind newer ones either. also, i thought being born in the early 2000s was considered a millennial. and i'm sure a lotta gen xers get called boomers these days. the -oomer meme and its consequences has been a disaster for vidya related boards.

>> No.8191143

No you just have been too lazy to look up what they objectively mean and dismissed them as arbitrary memes

>> No.8191167 [DELETED] 
File: 501 KB, 998x1298, 6747AE26-7CD8-45F5-9532-657C9F57513C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8191186

ik what a baby boomer is and why they're called that, and i've heard of gen z desu. but considering how most people use boomer as old and zoomer as young, with nothing in-between, it's just retarded.
fuck you, i hate that haircut. loved long, straight hair since watchin some 70s-80s rock as a kid and i only really cut it during summer when it's too hot.

>> No.8191193 [DELETED] 

I can't believe morons on 4chan think zoomers get perms rather than the fact that we're all genuinely just that mixed racially

>> No.8191217

>boomer as old and zoomer as young, with nothing in-between
did you forget millennial?

>> No.8191230

no, i meant that's how people seem to talk on here.

>> No.8191242

Why is PS1 after if it released before N64?

My first game was on PS1, some snowboarding game or a demo disc, I don't remember.

It's actually weird, I don't even have any memory or any conceptualization of the SNES or Genesis or Dreamcast or any other prior system even existing when I think back. It's as if I went my entire childhood without even knowing they existed.

>> No.8191279


>> No.8191384


>> No.8191390
File: 2.46 MB, 2880x1980, 1623655804437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention they completely left out the saturn controller, or think that the genesis 6-button pad is a saturn controller.

>> No.8191415

I think it's the latter. There aren't multiple versions for other controllers.

>> No.8191639

They tried but it didn't hold together long enough to get a photo

>> No.8191652 [DELETED] 

I'm from a mostly white part of UK and many kids here are getting their hair done like that so they can look like they have negroid hair. Most immigrants are slavs.

>rather than the fact that we're all genuinely just that mixed racially
Kill yourself.

>> No.8191657 [DELETED] 

Triggered wignat

>> No.8191661 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is a wignat?

>> No.8191675


>> No.8192451 [DELETED] 

I'm not a wignat I'm a nativist
Don't give a fuck that Huns are white, my country is racially British

>> No.8192472

atari but with big ass red controler, shit looked like a kettle

>> No.8193003

1, Atari 800 XL which my father supposedly had for work, but really was for me to play games on.

I wasn't very kind to it; we went through a half-dozen joysticks before I was in 3rd grade.

Also, happy birthday 4chan. I can't believe I've been on this site since 2004.. and yeah, I do remember the first time it was shutting down. :p

>> No.8193052

Number 1 for me but I was really young. Barely remeber playing it with my grandfather when he had to come live with us because he was dying of cancer. This was in the late 80s, he bought me a nes like right before he died. Wish I had more memories of him

>> No.8193070

First one I played was 6, first one I owned was 12 because my parents hated me.

>> No.8193078
File: 42 KB, 495x371, nimrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft, children.

>> No.8193083 [DELETED] 

You're not me.

British isn't a race. There is a siginificant Irish population where I am, including myself. Are we British? Are we white? Or are we equivilent to negroes as it was claimed two hundred hears ago?

There is no real genetic difference between Irish or Scots, Welsh. But there is for English and everything else.

>> No.8193137 [DELETED] 

You sure showed them.

>> No.8193223

2, was born in 92 but we were poor so we had the nes for a little bit until muh dad brought home the sega genesis and then I didn't have another system until PS1. Thanks for reading my blog you guys you can buy my autobiography and learn more

>> No.8193235 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 319x480, 9781526123626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ireland is always has been always will be British. Dublin provided more volunteers for WW1 than Belfast

>> No.8193241 [DELETED] 

What you gotta understand is that here in Australia we got heaps of Irish niggas, and they moulded the country, basically an Irish colony. Actors, singers, poets, politicians, etc, all the big nigga were Irish. Bro we even converted a bunch of Anglos to Catholicism. Australia is a British country and it's Irishness proves Ireland's Britishness

and also there is more genetic distance within England than there is between the average Englishman and the average Irishman

>> No.8193250 [DELETED] 

>it's Irishness proves Ireland's Britishness

I’m I seeing the same fuckers say this every everywhere or is “Anglo-Celtic” really this deep in Australian society 1. Australia treated the Irish like shit until the 1960’s.

“ From the First Fleet to the 1960s, Irish Catholics were a discriminated-against underclass, openly barred from employment in much of the private sector and accused of disloyalty for putting Australia before the British Empire. In what we now cosily term "Anglo-Celtic" Australia, a virtual social apartheid existed at times between Catholics and Protestants. But the divisions were not about religion. They derived from England's colonial oppression of Ireland, grievances transplanted to Australia and nurtured with bitterness by both sides.”

2. Australia not being racist towards the Irish since the 1960’s does not somehow prove that Ireland is British somehow. It proves that Australia is a fundamental different society than the UK where you will still find open discrimination and racism towards the Irish.

But I digress we are bringing /pol shit into retro and up the video games thread.

>> No.8193269 [DELETED] 

>Australia treated the Irish like shit until the 1960’s.
fake news we elected the world's first labour government because of Irish cunts
>From the First Fleet to the 1960s, Irish Catholics were a peepeepoopoo
Irish Catholics fought alongside Anglo Protestants to federate a White Australia, nobody gave a fuck about that religious shit they cared about deporting Kanakas and Chinamen
>It proves that Australia is a fundamentally different society than the UK
Not gonna say fundamentally because Australia is more British than Britain, and that's because we never had Norman bourgeoisie fucks to stir up shit. It was a British country founded by Britons (including Irishmen) for Britons (including Irishmen). Cope and seethe IRA faggot, the Connaught Rangers didn't fight the Huns so you could spit this rubbish
but yes back to /vr/, my order was 6>7>11>12>1=2=3=4=5=10>14>13>16

>> No.8193286 [DELETED] 

> fake news we elected the world's first labour government because of Irish cunts

Ya poor fucking Irish people and homeless people out voted middle class protestants a few times to put in a left wing government that would take shit from rich protestants and give to poor catholics. Amazing.

> nobody gave a fuck about that religious shit they cared about deporting Kanakas and Chinamen

They cared a lot amazingly you can be racist to Chinese and Irish at the same time see below.

> Australia is more British than Britain

No it’s not, it’s clearly different in culture, geography, and demographics. Aussies are new world people that have a much be rough and tumble and upwardly mobile culture than England.

“ Sectarianism and anti-Irish discrimination

Sectarian tensions were heightened in 1868 when a mentally ill Irishman and former seminarian, Henry O’Farrell, shot and wounded the visiting Prince Alfred, and again in World War I because of suspicions of disloyalty by Catholics.

“No Irish need apply” signs were occasionally found in job ads in the mid-nineteenth century and less overt discrimination occurred up to about 1960. Freemasons, though not explicitly anti-Catholic, favoured one another in employment so de facto disfavoured Catholics. But Orangeism, which is explicitly anti-Catholic, was never strong in Australia. Although Australia had the ethnic composition of Ulster, restraint on both sides avoided the troubles of that region.

Almost none of the Australian squattocracy were of Irish Catholic background. (Rare exceptions were former convicts John Grant in central western NSW and Ned Ryan, “King of Galong Castle.” Patrick Durack (b. Co. Clare, 1834) was a pioneer in western Queensland and the Kimberley, as described in his granddaughter Mary Durack’s Kings in Grass Castles.)

Up to 1960, few Irish names were to be found at the higher levels of banking, insurance, the armed forces, conservative political parties and academia.”

>> No.8193305 [DELETED] 

they banded together for australia you fucking spastic. Fuck cunt is it too hard to understand that they fostered some sort of togetherness, all their poets and newsletters and labour unions and politicians were talking about how WE'RE AUSTRALIAN AND WE WANT TO KEEP IT THAT WAY (NO FUCKING KANAKAS).
>australia is not more british than britain
go to fucking bradford and tell me with all the walking rubbish bags going about that it is more british than some fine lads down here in australia. fuck you retard. We still have the queen, we still have non-rhotic pronunciations, and we still say dance properly (faggot retards who grew up on American television because their parents didn't love them excepted). In primary school they dissect the Union Jack for us, growing up everybody thought that St Patrick's Saltire was the flag of Ireland instead of some gay wog tricolour that has no history within or without Ireland. Most Aussies don't even know Ireland is independent from the UK. Were your ancestors even diggers cunt? Are you some fucking Hun that migrated here in the 90's because of your asbestos house? I bet you're a republican faggot living in a Melbourne flat. Have you ever been more than 1km from the nearest bus stop you cock jockey?
>muh peepeepoopoo oppression
1 or 2 retards hated Irishmen and then their sons married an Irish Sheila (why do you think they are called Sheilas) and that was that.

>> No.8193313 [DELETED] 

/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.8194272 [DELETED] 

Kek zoomers bringing fuckin politics into retro games mzkma

>> No.8195129
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>> No.8195153 [DELETED] 

Define "British". People whom I know who are actually from Ireland would never ever refer to themselves as such. Nor Welsh or Scottish. The British identity is an English invention, it is regected by all Celtic peoples. You'll find more coloureds calling themselves "British" than Welsh, that is undeniable.

So Australia's British identity is in a way equivilent to America's white identity? Anyway how's the lockdown tyranny going?

No one gives a fuck faggot. And the OP is terrible anyway.
Hello zoomer pretending to not be a zoomer and complaining about zoomers to fit in.

>> No.8195214

9. Best console ever btw. Too bad it's a piece of shit to emulate.

>> No.8195218 [DELETED] 

God I hate the jewfro so much.

>> No.8195486 [DELETED] 


>> No.8195496 [DELETED] 

Britishness is about three things:
>1. British Isles blood
>2. British Isles culture
>3. being a sick cunt and a good lad.
In other words Huns, Chinamen, Seppos, etc can never be British. Cunts in ROI won't call themselves British because they think it means United Kingdomness or Englishness. What they will however do is share a pint with somebody from Leeds
>British identity is an English invention
It isn't an invention it is a real thing that was in fact pioneered by the Welsh, stfu
>Australia's British identity is like America's white identity
No because British is an actual thing culturally and genetically. "White" is broad as fuck biologically to the point Americans consider brown eyed people white, and there is also no such thing as white culture.
>How's lockdown tyranny going?
Fine cause I live in Queensland, rozzers don't give a fuck about masks

>> No.8195504

where do you insert the punched cards?

>> No.8195902
File: 130 KB, 1500x1004, 71-eDP6AwHL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go play with tour dildo somewhere else mane.

>> No.8195903


>> No.8195924

1. Atari 2600. Though a C64 predates it by a year or so.

>> No.8196010

On that pic I would say no. 1
But I played pong before that.
Also had a VIC-20.

>> No.8196357
File: 26 KB, 768x768, Atari-VCS-Wireless-Joystick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't belong on this board if you say 6 or greater.

>> No.8196907


>> No.8197265 [DELETED] 

A small minority of Jews have been living in England for about six centuries. They were here before the Edict of Expulsion was revoked, so perhaps this minority has had a continuous presence since before the original expulsion in 1290. Most people would consider Jews "white". So are the Jews British according to you? Do they have British blood? What is the difference of them to the Frisians who came only a few centuries before? Or the Anglo-Saxons who arived seven hundred years before?
>Huns can never be British
Why? What is the difference to a north German descended from the Saxons, to a southern Englishman descended from Saxons who immigrated? Unless you refer specifically to the Hun tribe.

>It isn't an invention it is a real thing that was in fact pioneered by the Welsh, stfu
Really? It is only used by invention though. The only people who call themselves that are reddit English Civic nationalist patriot types and coloureds. Ask Welsh or Scottish and they will say no. Perhaps there is a shared culture, but not a shared identity.

>No because British is an actual thing culturally and genetically.
It can't be because English are mainly Germanic and the rest are Celts.

>If you have brown eyes then you can't be white.
Go back to adding more Abrahamic influence to your Norse religion interpretations, Varg.

This is astupid argument anyway as you're Australian and not living in UK, so what happens here is different to Australia. I compared it to America's white identity because in Europe this isn't really a thing other than perhaps some racists will prefer slavs to negroes, and in UK Welsh people wouldn't call themselves that when in Australia they do. A comparrison between an all-encompassing white identity and an all encompassing British one.

>> No.8197286 [DELETED] 
File: 628 KB, 847x729, 1DB1D11B-7903-42DD-AAE0-8C23F1163F50.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people would consider Jews "white"

>> No.8198594 [DELETED] 

You fucking retarded wog, go read this
You can see how Australia was united under Britishness, embracing the Irish in fact, to prevent Italians from coming in. The immigration documents asked you if you were of pure Aryan descent and if you were Jewish too, so stfu
>Are Jews British
No middle eastern genes are not British
>What's the difference between a Hun and an Englishman
Many things, amongst them being that Saxons are very much a minority in North Germany (NOOOOOOOORTH, most Huns do not live along the coast). Let's also not forget that genetic mutation exists and these cunts have been separated for a very long time
>Ask a Welshman or Scot and they will say no
Maybe on Reddit
I mean fuck me man have you ever met an actual Scotsman or Welshman? I've met several who've migrated to Australia and they've said they feel at home here because Australia is British (their words). The only cunts who feel disconnect with Australia are posh Londoners and inbred Brummie fucks.
>Abrahamic influence
Yes I am Catholic, and also not a brown eyed wog. In this country people like you weren't considered white well into the 90's.
>It can't be because the English are mainly peepeepoopoo
Nigger there has been communion of niggaz amongst the British Isles for centuries, and they all had sexy times with each other. Most Englishmen are ethnically Celtic lol
>Britishness as a cultural/genetic/civilisational umbrella does not exist because America is cringe
Retard. Do you live in a Melbourne flat?

>> No.8199838

2. Took turns with siblings beating each other's scores on Donkey Kong. Also played a lot of Probotector and Solstice

>> No.8200630 [DELETED] 

Normalfags AKA most people think that, retard.

>embracing the Irish in fact, to prevent Italians from coming in.
And America accepts Italians and Germans under one all encompassing white identity to prevent whatever else from entering.
>No middle eastern genes are not British
And Anglo-Saxons from Northern Germania are because...? Can you give an actual reason for why Jews aren't British?

I know plenty of Welsh and they are all very very serious about how they are not English, and wouldnt call themselves British either, just Welsh. Likely say something different in Austraia because they know there aren't areas of certain ethnic majority.

>amongst them being that Saxons are very much a minority in North Germany
What difference does that make?
>Let's also not forget that genetic mutation exists and these cunts have been separated for a very long time
That did not happen, and if it did then it would make them more different from Celts, not less so.

>Yes I am Catholic, and also not a brown eyed wog. In this country people like you weren't considered white well into the 90's.
Eye colour was never an indicator of whiteness, and I highly doubt that this was ever a thing in Australia. Moreover are you seriously autistic enough to not realize that 22% of white British people have brown eyes? And if you're going to bring up the fringe Nazi idea that became infamous in propaganda then I point you towards the rat-faced Goebbels who is about as Aryan looking as a Samaritan Jew. I don't know why you're lying like this.

>Retard. Do you live in a Melbourne flat?
In America there is one white identity while in Europe they are seperate. In Australia there is one British identity when in Britain they are seperate.

This is a stupid argument anyway as you're Australian and not living in UK, so what happens here is different to Australia.

>> No.8200637 [DELETED] 

/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.8200787 [DELETED] 

>Normalfags AKA most people think that
And QUI? told them that?

>> No.8200809 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1000x600, Han-Solo-Leia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of people would look at Jews and think they're white. Stop being so insufferably autistic.

>> No.8200821 [DELETED] 

He did

>> No.8200836

2, as I'm not an immense faggot

>> No.8201128 [DELETED] 

America is the great satan, there is no "white culture" but we know Britishness exists.
>Welsh people are very serious about how they're not English
>fringe nazi idea
Literally the mainstream ideology of the masses before ww2, and even post-ww2 everybody understands that brown eyes are less beautiful because the recessive genes of blue eyes imply that somebody has an unbroken, pure bloodline with a genetic predisposition towards loyalty. The only certainty about brown eyed people is that their ancestors had an out-group preference. As I said before, Australian immigration documents into like the 60's asked you if you were of pure Aryan descent. I mean dude think about why wogs are called wogs in the first place, it originally meant NOT WHITE. Thank you for outing yourself as a brown eyed wog
>Goebbels the Samaritan Jew
Why would I care about some retarded hun whom we defeated in combat
>This is a stupid argument because we don't live in the UK
I see, you are confirmed as a brown eyed wog republican living in a Melbourne flat. I can't call you a traitor to this country because you were never loyal to begin with. Kill yourself Americanised faggot, God Queen and Country

>> No.8201161 [DELETED] 

The Irish aren’t white you Catholic. You aren’t white.

>> No.8201185 [DELETED] 

I said it with the implication that they also regect the British label. They're Welsh.

>Literally the mainstream ideology of the masses before ww2, and even post-ww2 everybody understands that brown eyes are less beautiful because the recessive genes of blue eyes imply that somebody has an unbroken, pure bloodline with a genetic predisposition towards loyalty.
You originally said that people with brown eyes weren't considered white, you retard. That's quite different to them being considered less atractive. I would actually say that amber eyes might be a more desirable trait than blue eyes, as amber eyes which is a variation of brown eyes is less common.

>Why would I care about some retarded hun whom we defeated in combat
I was saying that for if you were going to repeat the myth of Nazis discriminating against people with brown eyes or something.

>God Queen and Country
The Queen supports unchecked immigration and your country is one of the most totalitarian western countries second to Israel and has now had two confirmed mass shootings done to take away your rights. It is also being taken over by chinks and has invented an entire minority of "aboriginal Tasmanians", fittingly with their own invented language.

I said that I live in England, and also I have grey eyes. I have never been anywhere near Australia in my entire life.

>> No.8201186 [DELETED] 

Against my better judgement I am taking the bait
I have blue eyes and thin blond hair. Wbu? Thick shagged black hair? Brown eyes? Invisible jawline? Nigger cheeks that droop down to lip level? Hispanic bug eyes that are about to burst out of your face? Grey skin? A fucking convex nose?

>> No.8201187 [DELETED] 

Not him, but I am Irish. If I am not white then what I am? Are Scottish white?

>> No.8201191 [DELETED] 

>You originally said that people with brown eyes weren't considered white, you retard. That's quite different to them being considered less atractive
No it isn't unless you're a yellow fever incel
Are you some Czech or Pole dole bludger

>> No.8201201 [DELETED] 

Are you serious?

>> No.8201203

None of the above. Neo-Geo pad or stick.

>> No.8201236 [DELETED] 
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>I have blue eyes and thin blond hair

Wow, you and all the other Albino niggers. Good for you nigger. Irish aren’t white.

>> No.8201237 [DELETED] 

>posts somebody with thick curly hair

>> No.8201238 [DELETED] 

Cn you answer my question? Are Scottish white?

>> No.8201243 [DELETED] 

Yes, they have inventions

>> No.8201261 [DELETED] 

John Joly invented a lot of thing, such as an early colour photography. It is hard to inventt thing when your country is being oppressed and enslaved.

Scottish and Irish are very similar genetically. What have you invented? Are you white?

>> No.8201265 [DELETED] 

The greatest writer of the English language Bram Stoker was an Irishman

>> No.8201270 [DELETED] 

Wrong that's Dickens.

>> No.8201295

I started gaming with a keyboard and mouse, not a controller.

>> No.8201309 [DELETED] 
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>I started gaming with a keyboard and mouse, not a controller.

>> No.8201315 [DELETED] 

I don’t look like that :^)

>> No.8201317 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself, are you some alpha gamer Chad? No you're a fat cunt mestizo sitting in front of a screen right now typing on a keyboard

>> No.8201321

>greatest console of all time
I think you meant 2?

>> No.8201325 [DELETED] 
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>Kill yourself, are you some alpha gamer Chad? No you're a fat cunt mestizo sitting in front of a screen right now typing on a keyboard

>> No.8201359 [DELETED] 

>John Joly

That’s a protestant with an Anglo surname retard. He wasn’t genetically Irish.

> Bram Stoker

Look at that, any other protestant with a Germanic surname. You guys are like niggers claiming Egyptians as Black.

>> No.8201364 [DELETED] 

>Scottish and Irish are very similar genetically

Wahhhh Niggers and North Africans are very genetically similar. Why are you racist against niggers. Wahhh.

>> No.8201376 [DELETED] 

Stoker is an occupational surname for a job that didn't exist until the industrial revolution. Ireland was well under the crown by this point

>> No.8201382 [DELETED] 

Also who (aside from IRA) gives a fuck what his religion was, he wasn't from Ulster so one can be certain he isn't an ethnic Scotsman

>> No.8201392 [DELETED] 

>> Bram Stoker

He was a member of the protestant church of Ireland and had an English surname. It’s not an occupational term it’s a old Anglo Saxon word. You guys are like niggers trying to claim white people as black.

“ Abraham and Charlotte were members of the Church of Ireland Parish of Clontarf and attended the parish church with their children, who were baptised there,[4] and Abraham was a senior civil servant.”

“ This is a variant of 'Stoke',stoke being a habitational name from a number of places within England named 'Stoke'. Seems to have originally meant 'place',used more for an 'outlying Hamlet' or 'settlement'. Anglo-Saxon origin.”

>> No.8201394 [DELETED] 

Pentry of people from Ireland have Germanic surnames. You still haven't responded to my other points regarding genetics and your own inventions.

They aren't similar at all.

We are not discussing his religion, rather his ethnicity

>> No.8201403 [DELETED] 

Protestants in Ireland were almost all of English and Scottish decent. That’s why both those white men had Anglo-Saxon Germanic last names.

>> No.8201413 [DELETED] 

>Pentry of people from Ireland have Germanic surnames.

Native Irish aren’t protestants. Find me Catholic Irish that invented anything ever. Maybe you can find 2 in total, less than Niggers.

> They aren't similar at all.

Yes just like Scottish and Irish

> your own inventions.

I invented a dick in your mom

>> No.8201414 [DELETED] 

It's occupational and refers to someone who lives near tree stumps. It was first recorded in Somerset.
>You guys are like niggers trying to claim white people as black.
Not really since Irish are irrefuatebly white by genetics.

>> No.8201424 [DELETED] 

Let's not forget the amount of Germanic DNA present in Ireland. The whole British Isles have been having sexy times for a long time and Ireland was also subject to Viking invasions. These are presumably where the red hair comes from

>> No.8201427 [DELETED] 

4% of the Republic of Ireland are protestants. I'm sure many of them are ethnically Irish.
>Yes just like Scottish and Irish
They are both Celtic nations and have had considerable immigration between the two. Scottish Gaelic derives from old Irish, this language replaced the original Pictish language.

>> No.8201429 [DELETED] 

Irish are irrefutably nigger by behavior. Maybe 10,000 years ago Irish were white. But through inbreeding, fetal alcohol syndrome, and dysgenic breesing, as well as being ignored by chad conquerors, the Irish have become a separate race of their own. Incapable of innovation and fit only to be servants and slaves.

>> No.8201430 [DELETED] 

What about Irish Australians then faggot

>> No.8201439 [DELETED] 

There is significant Celtic DNA in Alpine Germany and south west England - not just Cornwall.
>These are presumably where the red hair comes from
Red hair is a native Celtic trait and is most common in Ireland. It is in other Germanic countries due to immigration and slavery. If you're one of those /pol/ retards who unironically claims that red hair was originally a Germanic feature then you should probably kill yoursaelf desu.

>> No.8201440 [DELETED] 

>4% of the Republic of Ireland are protestants. I'm sure many of them are ethnically Irish.

They are almost entirely Anglo, and the few Irish that converted like Guinness intermarried so much with anglos to not be noticeably genetically Irish in anyway. I’m still waiting for you to show me a single Irish Catholic invention.

>> No.8201446 [DELETED] 

Same same. What percent nigger are you? You will never be white or British or Anglo you fag.

>> No.8201449 [DELETED] 

>a single Irish Catholic invention
Australia cunt
Australia is repeatedly understood to be the crowning achievement of British civilisation

>> No.8201451


>> No.8201458 [DELETED] 

Not an argument. You can find lower class retard behaviour in every single country.
>Muh inbreeding
You can make a case of every single ethnicity being inbred retards.

Louis Brennan invented guided torpedos.

>> No.8201461 [DELETED] 

The submarine

>> No.8201464 [DELETED] 

>Australia cunt

Wahhh we wuz Kangz, we Irish niggers be inventing Australia.

That was the English you massive faggot. The English invented Australia and everything else you are claiming like a nigger.

> Australia is repeatedly understood to be the crowning achievement of British civilisation

Australia is a shithole full of convicts and Irish niggers who have deluded themselves into thinking they are white and Anglo.

>> No.8201469 [DELETED] 

>The English invented Australia
>Australia is a shithole
So now you're slandering England as well? Confirmed a wog

>> No.8201476 [DELETED] 

That dude was a tiny minor figure in the invention of the submarine and left for America when he was a kid so escaped the Irish nigger culture at least. But good for you, you found one sort of invention. Niggers have peanut butter and you have that.

>> No.8201479 [DELETED] 

America doesn't have culture. All the inventors and scientists and engineers in America are first or second generation immigrants because nothing is achievable once one is fully immersed into American mediocrity

>> No.8201481

I guess 2 if a mouse and keyboard as my start to gaming doesn't count

>> No.8201486 [DELETED] 

No the English are everything good and noble about Australia. Unfortunately Australia was filled up with convicts so the worst of the English. Not enough good English spirt and blood to drown out the Irish niggerishness of Australia. Go have a another pint Patrick O’Molly. You will never be Anglo.

>> No.8201490 [DELETED] 

You are English?

>> No.8201501 [DELETED] 

>Unfortunately Australia was filled up with convicts so the worst of the English
80% of arrivals to Australia were free settlers as of the final convict shipment, compared to only 10% in America. Also, there were over 220 capital offences during the period in which convicts were being shipped to Australia, so I struggle to believe that these people were the lowest scum of Britain if they weren't executed

>> No.8201502 [DELETED] 

Ireland is one of the most inbred nations in the world. Not many are educated enough to know this, but the Irish are actually the descendants of a Spanish tribe that came from Sub Saharan Africa. The Irish slaughtered the original inhabitants of Ireland who were white and genetically similar to British, and they took all those innocent and good white peoples land. The Irish stole every inch of land they sit on. I thank god every day white ulstermen came back to take some of that stolen land back for the white race and displaced those murderous Irish. I wish they finished the job and drove the Irish back to Spain and them Africa.

>> No.8201506 [DELETED] 

I’m an Anglo.

>> No.8201508 [DELETED] 

We should expect any linguistic evidence of this. What are the Spanish and Subsaharan influences on the Irish language, and on Irish English?

>> No.8201510 [DELETED] 

Ominous lol, which country? The great satan? If so I understand your hatred for Irishmen because Irish-Seppos are actual niggers (though the same can be said of most seppos)

>> No.8201514 [DELETED] 

> but the Irish are actually the descendants of a Spanish tribe that came from Sub Saharan Africa.
Prove it you faggot. Modern DNA tests have disproven these lies.

You're an American LARPer?

>> No.8201515 [DELETED] 

“ ANCESTRAL LINKS:WHAT DO pygmy shrews, badgers, mountain hares, pine martins and Irish people have in common? All probably originally came to Ireland on boats from northern Spain.

Our closest relatives are found in various parts of Galicia and the Basque country according to genetic studies led by Prof Dan Bradley of Trinity College Dublin’s Smurfit Institute of Genetics. He presented his research over the weekend at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Chicago.”

>> No.8201518 [DELETED] 

Is it peer reviewed

>> No.8201527 [DELETED] 

This might suggest that pre-Roman Celtiberians made their way to Hibernia, but calling them modern Spaniards and especially Subsaharans is disingenuous. Again, is there any linguistic evidence for your claim? The Celtiberian theory holds currency because of Celtic place names in northern Spain yet no Spanish nor African place names in Ireland

>> No.8201541 [DELETED] 

What a joke.

>> No.8201546 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8201550 [DELETED] 

>Celtic DNA
So Scots aren't white then? Pick one, faggot.

>> No.8201553 [DELETED] 

Scots are Germanic, Scots is a Germanic language

>> No.8201561 [DELETED] 

Scots is a dialect of English which is false classified as a seperate language by the Scottish government in a scheme for them to claim money from the EU for language preservance, this dialect came from middle English. As I already said, the true language of Scotland is Scottish Gaelic, which comes from Old Irish. Scots are Celtic.

>> No.8201563 [DELETED] 

A journalist without a peer reviewed source. The fuckin Irish Times no less.
Give me one piece of linguistic evidence. Words that Irish, or Scots Gaelic, or Hiberno-English has inherited from Spanish or some African language

>> No.8201570 [DELETED] 

Only 10% of Scots in the Highlands are Celtic and they were genocide by Gernamic chads in the highland clearances.

>> No.8201574 [DELETED] 

I highly doubt this claim. Do you accept the Welsh as Celtic then? What about the Cornish and the English identifying Celts in the West Country?

>> No.8201582 [DELETED] 

All raped and replaced by Anglos. The Celtic identity in the Britain is a LARP.

>> No.8201585 [DELETED] 

I must play devil's advocate and point out that Scotland is not a Celtic country. For more than a thousand years the predominant language of the Lowlands (the overwhelming majority of Scotland's population) was English. The Lowlands were being settled during the Anglo-Saxon period, and afterwards Norman lords were invited to Scotland and brought their English serfs with them. Scots is a very conservative dialect of English and has fewer Celticisms than England's English, as well as fewer French words. Scots are genetically more English than Englishmen, and there are more Flemings in Scotland than Celts.

>> No.8201590 [DELETED] 

Also most of the Scottish clans were founded by Vikings and Anglo-Saxons

>> No.8201592 [DELETED] 

This isn't true according to genetic testing. And historians now are saying that after initial conflicts they intergrated. This could even be the origin of the present continuous tense in English.

Also was it you who claimed to be "anglo"? Where are you from, exactly?

>> No.8201596 [DELETED] 

>It is hard to inventt thing when your country is being oppressed and enslaved

That’s funny you think Ireland was oppressed. In reality it was civilized out of the dark ages by England. Teaching Taigs how to read and use proper sanitation was England’s gift to Ireland.

>> No.8201601 [DELETED] 

Ancestors of Anglo-Saxons from Germany and Denmark, along with other pure Germanic Chads.

>> No.8201602 [DELETED] 

This probably explains the high frequency of red hair in Scotland (the highest in the world)

>> No.8201605

I had access to both 1 and 2 as a kid

>> No.8201619 [DELETED] 

And the north Scottish?
>Also most of the Scottish clans were founded by Vikings and Anglo-Saxons
Evidence? I'm not really doubting you desu.

That's a ridiculous claim, I believe Benjamin Disraeli said something similar. And also for much of the occupation before later periods much of Ireland was still controlled by Irish leaders in isolation.

Why are you so afraid to say where you're from?

Ireland has the most red hair.

>> No.8201872
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 for me. The CX40 and pic related on my dad's VCS 2600.